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Created June 24, 2011 16:48
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A Mac OS application resizer script for different desktop resolutions.
require "rubygems"
require "appscript"
class AppResizer
include Appscript
# Full screen bounds for all modes.
HOME_FULL_SCREEN = [0, 0, 2560, 1440]
LAPTOP_FULL_SCREEN = [0, 0, 1440, 900]
# Configure required applications.
def initialize
@pathfinder = app "Path Finder"
@firefox = app "Firefox"
@chrome = app "Google Chrome"
@safari = app "Safari"
@textmate = app "TextMate"
@iterm = app "iTerm"
@omnifocus = app "OmniFocus"
@skype = app "Skype"
@snagit = app "Snagit"
# Resizes application for given window and bounds.
# ==== Parameters
# * +application+ - Required. The application to resize.
# * +window+ - Required. The application window to resize.
# * +bounds+ - Required. The screen bounds for which to resize. Format: [start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y]
def resize application, window, bounds
if application && window && bounds[window].bounds.set(bounds) if application.is_running?
# Resizes applications for home office screen.
def home
resize @pathfinder, 2, [1300, 0, 2560, 900]
resize @firefox, 1, [0, 0, 1342, 1068]
resize @chrome, 1, [0, 0, 1342, 1068]
resize @safari, 1, [0, 0, 1342, 1068]
resize @textmate, 1, [1342, 0, 2560, 1068]
resize @iterm, 1, [0, 1068, 2560, 1440]
resize @omnifocus, 1, [0, 600, 1150, 1440]
resize @skype, 1, [0, 0, 600, 800]
resize @snagit, 1, [0, 0, 1300, 1000]
# Resizes applications for laptop screen.
def laptop
resize @pathfinder, 2, LAPTOP_FULL_SCREEN
resize @firefox, 1, LAPTOP_FULL_SCREEN
resize @chrome, 1, LAPTOP_FULL_SCREEN
resize @safari, 1, LAPTOP_FULL_SCREEN
resize @textmate, 1, LAPTOP_FULL_SCREEN
resize @iterm, 1, [0, 300, 1440, 900]
resize @omnifocus, 1, [0, 0, 1174, 1440]
resize @skype, 1, [0, 0, 600, 900]
resize @snagit, 1, [0, 0, 1200, 900]
def mode = "home" mode
# Run ARGV[0]
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