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Created January 8, 2024 10:03
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2D small-step XPBD strip implementation with bending constraint for Unity.
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Spring2D
/// <summary>
/// 2D small-step XPBD strip implementation.
/// </summary>
public class PbdStrip
/// <summary>
/// Points of this strip.
/// You can freely modify properties of the points to interact with external physics elements.
/// </summary>
public readonly PbdPoint[] points = default;
private int isInUpdate = 0;
public PbdStrip(int numPoints)
this.points = new PbdPoint[numPoints];
/// <summary>
/// Set current distances between points as default for stretch constraint.
/// </summary>
public void SetStretchDefault()
for (int i = 0; i < points.Length - 1; i++)
ref var p0 = ref points[i];
ref var p1 = ref points[i + 1];
p0.stretchRestLength = (float)math.distance(p0.position, p1.position);
/// <summary>
/// Set current angles between edges as default for bending constraint.
/// </summary>
public void SetBendingDefault()
for (int i = 1; i < points.Length - 1; i++)
ref var p0 = ref points[i - 1];
ref var p1 = ref points[i];
ref var p2 = ref points[i + 1];
var pdn0 = math.normalize(p0.position - p1.position);
var pdn1 = math.normalize(p2.position - p1.position);
var angle = math.acos(, pdn1));
var direction = (pdn0.x * pdn1.y - pdn0.y * pdn1.x) > 0;
if (direction) angle = math.PI * 2.0 - angle;
p1.bendingRestAngle = (float)angle;
/// <summary>
/// Update points.
/// This method is blocking and executed on current thread.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dt">delta time</param>
/// <param name="numSubsteps">number of substeps of small-step XPBD</param>
public void Update(float dt, int numSubsteps)
var points = this.points;
fixed (PbdPoint* ptrPoints = &points[0])
UpdatePbdBurst(ptrPoints, points.Length, dt, numSubsteps);
/// <summary>
/// Schedule update of points.
/// This method only shcedules jobs and they are executed on a worker thread.
/// Call UpdateJobHandle.Complete() of the returned handle to complete the job.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dt">delta time</param>
/// <param name="numSubsteps">number of substeps of small-step XPBD</param>
/// <param name="handle">a handle of the scheduled job</param>
/// <returns>returns false when the previous job is not completed.</returns>
public bool TryUpdateWithJob(float dt, int numSubsteps, out UpdateJobHandle handle)
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref isInUpdate, 1, 0) == 1)
// in used
Debug.LogWarning("Failed to update");
handle = default;
return false;
var points = this.points;
var ptrHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(points, GCHandleType.Pinned);
var jobHandle =
new PbdUpdateJob((PbdPoint*)ptrHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), points.Length, dt, numSubsteps)
handle = new UpdateJobHandle(this, ptrHandle, jobHandle);
return true;
public struct UpdateJobHandle
private readonly PbdStrip container;
private GCHandle ptrHandle;
private JobHandle jobHandle;
public UpdateJobHandle(PbdStrip container, GCHandle ptrHandle, JobHandle jobHandle)
this.container = container;
this.ptrHandle = ptrHandle;
this.jobHandle = jobHandle;
public void Complete()
if (container == null) return;
Interlocked.Decrement(ref container.isInUpdate);
private readonly unsafe struct PbdUpdateJob : IJob
private readonly bool isValid;
[NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction] private readonly PbdPoint* points;
private readonly int numPoints;
private readonly float globalDt;
private readonly int numSubsteps;
public PbdUpdateJob(PbdPoint* points, int numPoints, float globalDt, int numSubsteps)
this.isValid = true;
this.points = points;
this.numPoints = numPoints;
this.globalDt = globalDt;
this.numSubsteps = numSubsteps;
public void Execute()
if (!isValid) return;
UpdatePbdCore(this.points, this.numPoints, this.globalDt, this.numSubsteps);
private static unsafe void UpdatePbdBurst([NoAlias] PbdPoint* points, int numPoints, float globalDt,
int numSubsteps)
UpdatePbdCore(points, numPoints, globalDt, numSubsteps);
private static unsafe void UpdatePbdNonBurst(PbdPoint* points, int numPoints, float globalDt, int numSubsteps)
UpdatePbdCore(points, numPoints, globalDt, numSubsteps);
private static unsafe void UpdatePbdCore([NoAlias] PbdPoint* points, int numPoints, float globalDt,
int numSubsteps)
double stepDt = (double)globalDt / numSubsteps;
for (int step = 0; step < numSubsteps; step++)
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
ref var p = ref points[i];
p.velocity += (double2)p.force * (stepDt * p.MassInverse);
if (p.isFixed) p.velocity =;
p.prevPosition = p.position;
p.position += p.velocity * stepDt;
// apply constraint
StretchConstraint(points, numPoints, stepDt);
BendingConstraint(points, numPoints, stepDt);
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
ref var p = ref points[i];
p.velocity = (p.position - p.prevPosition) / stepDt;
// solve velocity
p.velocity -= p.velocity * math.min(1.0, p.generalDamp * stepDt * p.MassInverse);
StretchConstraintSolveVelocity(points, numPoints, stepDt);
private static unsafe void StretchConstraint(PbdPoint* points, int numPoints, double dt)
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints - 1; i++)
ref var p0 = ref points[i];
ref var p1 = ref points[i + 1];
if (math.isinf(p0.stretchCompliance)) continue;
var alpha = p0.stretchCompliance / (dt * dt);
var w = p0.MassInverse + p1.MassInverse;
var diff = p1.position - p0.position;
var length = math.length(diff);
var grad = diff / length;
var c = length - p0.stretchRestLength;
var dLambda = c / (w + alpha);
var v = grad * dLambda;
p0.position += v * p0.MassInverse;
p1.position -= v * p1.MassInverse;
private static unsafe void BendingConstraint(PbdPoint* points, int numPoints, double dt)
for (int i = 1; i < numPoints - 1; i++)
ref var p0 = ref points[i - 1];
ref var p1 = ref points[i];
ref var p2 = ref points[i + 1];
if (math.isinf(p1.bendingCompliance)) continue;
var pd0 = p0.position - p1.position;
var pd1 = p2.position - p1.position;
var l0 = math.length(pd0);
var l1 = math.length(pd1);
var pdn0 = pd0 / l0;
var pdn1 = pd1 / l1;
var d =, pdn1);
var acosd2 = 1 - d * d;
var acosd = math.sqrt(acosd2);
var actualAngle = math.acos(d);
// workaround for flipping problem of bending constraint
// see also:
var direction = (pdn0.x * pdn1.y - pdn0.y * pdn1.x) > 0;
var nd0 = math.double2(pd0.y, -pd0.x);
var nd1 = math.double2(pd1.y, -pd1.x);
var n0 = nd0 / l0;
var n1 = nd1 / l1;
p1.debugInfo.normal0 = n0;
p1.debugInfo.normal1 = n1;
p1.debugInfo.direction = direction;
if (direction) actualAngle = math.PI * 2.0 - actualAngle;
var constraint = actualAngle - p1.bendingRestAngle;
var grad0 = (pd1 -, pd1) * pd0 / (l0 * l0)) / (l0 * l1);
var grad2 = (pd0 -, pd1) * pd1 / (l1 * l1)) / (l0 * l1);
var grad1 = 0.0 - grad0 - grad2;
var alpha = p1.bendingCompliance / (dt * dt);
var s = constraint * acosd / (
math.lengthsq(grad0) * p0.MassInverse +
math.lengthsq(grad1) * p1.MassInverse +
math.lengthsq(grad2) * p2.MassInverse +
alpha * acosd2
if (direction) s = -s;
// TODO: grad will be zero and s will be NaN when actualAngle equals to PI
if (math.isnan(s)) return;
p0.position += s * p0.MassInverse * grad0;
p1.position += s * p1.MassInverse * grad1;
p2.position += s * p2.MassInverse * grad2;
private static unsafe void StretchConstraintSolveVelocity(PbdPoint* points, int numPoints, double dt)
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints - 1; i++)
ref var p0 = ref points[i];
ref var p1 = ref points[i + 1];
var distanceDamp = p0.stretchDamp;
var n = math.normalize(p1.position - p0.position);
var v0 =, p0.velocity);
var v1 =, p1.velocity);
var dv0 = (v1 - v0) * math.min(0.5, distanceDamp * dt * p0.MassInverse);
var dv1 = (v0 - v1) * math.min(0.5, distanceDamp * dt * p1.MassInverse);
p0.velocity += n * dv0;
p1.velocity += n * dv1;
public struct PbdPoint
public float MassInverse => isFixed ? 0f : 1f / mass;
private readonly float massInverse;
public float mass;
public double2 position;
internal double2 prevPosition;
public float2 force;
internal double2 velocity;
/// <summary>
/// is this point fixed.
/// </summary>
public bool isFixed;
/// <summary>
/// damping intensity.
/// set appropriate value to stabilize position calculation.
/// </summary>
public float generalDamp;
/// <summary>
/// damping intensity along stretch axis.
/// set appropriate value to stabilize position calculation.
/// </summary>
public float stretchDamp;
/// <summary>
/// softness of stretch constraint.
/// see:
/// </summary>
public double stretchCompliance;
/// <summary>
/// softness of bending constraint.
/// </summary>
public double bendingCompliance;
/// <summary>
/// default length of the edge between this point and next point.
/// </summary>
public float stretchRestLength;
/// <summary>
/// default angle (rad) between the edges around this point.
/// </summary>
public float bendingRestAngle;
public PbdPointDebugInfo debugInfo;
public PbdPoint(Vector2 position, float mass, float generalDamp, float stretchDamp, double stretchCompliance,
double bendingCompliance)
this = default;
this.position = new double2(position);
this.mass = mass;
this.generalDamp = generalDamp;
this.stretchDamp = stretchDamp;
this.stretchCompliance = stretchCompliance;
this.bendingCompliance = bendingCompliance;
public struct PbdPointDebugInfo
public double2 normal0;
public double2 normal1;
public bool direction;
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