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Laust Rud Jacobsen rud

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rud /
Created May 19, 2010 12:43
chop - remove the current branch in git, switch to master
#!/bin/sh -x
set -o errexit
CURRENT_BRANCH=$(git branch | grep '\*')
git checkout ${1:-"master"} || exit 1
git branch -d ${CURRENT_BRANCH:2}
#!/bin/sh -x
# Exit if any error is encountered:
set -o errexit
# git name-rev is fail
CURRENT=`git branch | grep '\*' | awk '{print $2}'`
git checkout master
git merge ${CURRENT}
git push origin master
git checkout ${CURRENT}
rud /
Last active July 2, 2020 10:37

On steaming milk

If you go to Italy and order a coffee, they'll serve it with full fat milk that's been steamed to perfection. You'll love it and come back telling everyone how good the coffee is in Italy. But it's not just about the coffee - it's also about the milk. So if you want the velvety texture and natural sweetness that comes from slightly caramelised milk, it's essential to steam properly.

Milk steaming should happen in two distinct stages: stretching and spinning. Stretching means introducing air into the milk via the steam wand to increase its volume, while spinning is whipping the steamed milk into the desired velvety texture.

Start with a clean cold pitcher, a milk thermometer and cold fresh milk. Use only as much milk as you need for the drink.

To begin stretching, sink the tip of the steam wand deep into the milk and open it right up. Bring the tip up to just below the surface so you hear a ch-ch-ch sound. If there's no sound the steam wand is too far down, meaning you aren't introducing

rud / z_airbrake.rb
Created April 18, 2018 07:18 — forked from 2called-chaos/z_airbrake.rb
Airbrake 6.3 config
Airbrake.configure do |config|
# project specific
config.project_key = ''
# use git SHA & current commit as app version
config.app_version = "Ruby: #{RUBY_VERSION} » Rails: #{Rails::VERSION::STRING} » " << `cd #{Rails.root} && git log -1 --pretty="%h - %B" HEAD`
# can always be 1
config.project_id = 1
rud / openstruct_benchmark.rb
Created February 2, 2018 10:11
OpenStruct performance in ruby 2.4.
# Code from
# gem install benchmark-ips
require 'benchmark/ips'
require 'ostruct'
class GCSuite
def warming(*)
rud /
Created October 21, 2013 13:58
Simple script for deleting local already merged branches, and prune remote tracking branches where the report part no longer exists. As a practical convenience, it will not delete a few long-lived local branches such as "develop", "master", and "production". This is built on ideas from…
# Simple script for pruning local branches already merged,
# and remove remote tracking branches that have been deleted
# Default to "origin" if no remote is passed
# Branches to keep, regardless of their current merge state

Chunked event publishing - design overview

Class: EventCollector


  • #enqueue_event(payload, target queue name): stores messages to be sent in a simple array
  • #publish() send everything currently enqueued to external queue system (here: RabbitMQ); if the publish fails for any reason, messages are kept in memory for later retry (along with grumbling in logs, etc).
  • #clear_events_to_publish! is useful in rollback scenarios
  • .thread_singleton_instance accessor with lazy initialization, like ActiveRecord::Base.connection. This allows for easy setup, and persistent state across requests (should flushing fail we can retry on next request on the same thread). The thread_singleton_instance also easy replacement with a simple test implementation, think ActionMailer. Sending actual messages in test is best restricted to a few integration test scenarios.
rud / database.yml
Created January 24, 2016 21:31
ActiveRecord::Base - set short timeouts for production queries, nothing end-users do should be taking this long
# Do not suffer slow queries in production:
aggressive_timeout_settings: &aggressive_timeout_settings
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
connect_timeout: 1 # second - network handshake time
checkout_timeout: 1 # second - connection pool checkout wait time
statement_timeout: 2500 # ms - maximum time for a single SQL query
rud / vol
Created November 12, 2012 10:41 — forked from bjensen/vol
open the newest file of a directory in vim
# --------------------------------------------------------
# vol as a shell script
# --------------------------------------------------------
# You would put this code in a directory that's in your
# path, like ~/bin (PATH=~/bin:$PATH in your .bashrc to
# add a directory like that to your path.)
# The invokation syntax is the same as that of the
# function.
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Example usage: