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Last active October 19, 2018 17:10
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module Language.Dutch.Telwoorden where
telwoord :: Integer -> String
telwoord 0 = "nul"
telwoord 1 = "een"
telwoord 2 = "twee"
telwoord 3 = "drie"
telwoord 4 = "vier"
telwoord 5 = "vijf"
telwoord 6 = "zes"
telwoord 7 = "zeven"
telwoord 8 = "acht"
telwoord 9 = "negen"
telwoord 10 = "tien"
telwoord 11 = "elf"
telwoord 12 = "twaalf"
telwoord 13 = "dertien"
telwoord 14 = "veertien"
telwoord n | n < 20 = concat [ telwoord (n `mod` 10), "tien" ]
telwoord n | n < 100 = decade (n `div` 10) (n `mod` 10)
decade d 0 = concat [ prefix d, "tig" ]
prefix 2 = "twin"
prefix 3 = "der"
prefix 4 = "veer"
prefix 8 = "tach"
prefix n = telwoord n
decade d r = concat [ telwoord r, "en", decade d 0 ]
telwoord n | n < 1000 = hundred (n `div` 100) (n `mod` 100)
hundred 1 0 = "honderd"
hundred h 0 = concat [ telwoord h, "honderd" ]
hundred h r = concat [ hundred h 0, telwoord r ]
telwoord n | n < 10000 = thousand (n `div` 1000) (n `div` 100 `mod` 10) (n `mod` 100)
-- t h d r -- thousands, hundreds, rest
thousand 1 0 0 = "duizend"
thousand t 0 0 = concat [ telwoord t, "duizend" ]
-- 2500 -> "vijventwintighonderd"
thousand t h 0 | t < 10 = concat [ telwoord (h + t * 10), "honderd" ]
-- 3001 -> "drieduizend-een"
thousand t d r | r < 10 = concat [ thousand t 0 0, "-", telwoord r]
thousand t h r = concat [ thousand t h 0 , "-", telwoord r ]
telwoord n = show n
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