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Last active April 14, 2019 16:33
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# Lec14: 2019/03/25
# Pre-process iris dataset
iris <- iris %>%
# Convert to tibble data frame:
as_tibble() %>%
# Add identification variable to uniquely identify each row:
# Fit CART model, in this case for classification
model_formula <- as.formula(Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width)
tree_parameters <- rpart.control(maxdepth = 3)
model_CART <- rpart(model_formula, data = iris, control = tree_parameters)
# Plot CART model
plot(model_CART, margin=0.25)
text(model_CART, use.n = TRUE)
title("Predicting iris species using sepal length & width")
# Exercises with your partner:
# a) If the condition at a given node of the tree evaluates to true, do you go
# down the left branch or the right branch?
# b) Note the bottom-left most "leaf" 44/1/0, corresponds to 44 setosa, 1
# versicolor, 0 virginia, and thus the "majority" winner is setosa. Apply a
# sequence of dplyr commands to the iris data frame to end up with a data frame
# of 44 + 1 + 0 = 45 rows corresponding to these 45 flowers
# c) Read the help file for `rpart.control` and play around with different
# arguments that control the shape of the tree in the tree_parameters object
# above:
tree_parameters_2 <- rpart.control(CHANGE THIS)
# Create training (100 flowers) and test (50 flowers)
iris_train <- iris %>%
iris_test <- iris %>%
anti_join(iris_train, by = "ID")
# 1.a) Fit model to train
model_CART_2 <- rpart(model_formula, data = iris_train, control = tree_parameters)
# 1.b) Plot CART model
plot(model_CART_2, margin = 0.25)
text(model_CART_2, use.n = TRUE)
title("Predicting iris species using sepal length & width")
# 1.c) Get fitted probabilities for each class on train
p_hat_matrix_train <- model_CART_2 %>%
predict(type = "prob", newdata = iris_train) %>%
# Convert matrix object to data frame:
# 1.d) Look at distinct probabilities
p_hat_matrix_train %>%
# 2.a) Apply model to test to get fitted probabilities for each class
p_hat_matrix_test <- model_CART_2 %>%
predict(type = "prob", newdata = iris_test) %>%
# Convert matrix object to data frame:
# 2.b) Instead of fitted probabilities, return fitted y's, where highest
# probability wins and ties are broken at random
y_hat <- model_CART %>%
predict(type="class", newdata = iris_test) %>%
# Function to convert a vector to a data frame
# Look at help file for the (multi-class) logarithmic loss function, which is
# one possible "score" for categorical variables when you have more than 2
# categories.
# Create a new data frame:
# Observed y:
Species = iris_test$Species,
# Fitted probabilities for each class
) %>%
# Compute multi-class log-loss
mn_log_loss(truth = Species, c(setosa, versicolor, virginica))
# Exercises with your partner:
# d) In 1.d) you saw there are only 3 unique possible 3-tuples (i.e. triplets)
# of fitted probabilties. Which leaf in the tree does each of these 3 possible
# 3-tuples correspond to?
# e) Are larger (multi-class) logarithmic loss function indicative of better
# predictions or worse predictions?
# Solutions
# a) Looking at the top node of the plot of model_CART and going left, there are
# total of 44 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 5 + 1 = 52 flowers in all children leaves. Since
iris %>%
filter(Sepal.Length < 5.45) %>%
# yields a data frame with 52 rows, if the boolean evaluates to true, then you
# go left
# b) Note there are 0 virginica:
iris %>%
filter(Sepal.Length < 5.45) %>%
filter(Sepal.Width >= 2.8) %>%
# c) Let's set the minsplit to 50 for example
tree_parameters_2 <- rpart.control(minsplit = 100)
model_CART_3 <- rpart(model_formula, data = iris, control = tree_parameters_2)
# Plot CART model. Once there are less than 100 trees at a node, we stop
# splitting
plot(model_CART_3, margin=0.25)
text(model_CART_3, use.n = TRUE)
title("Predicting iris species using sepal length & width")
# d)
p_hat_matrix_train %>%
# First row above is the 32/4/0 leaf, since we have probabilities of
# 32/36 = 0.889, 4/36 = 0.111, 0/36. The winner is setosa
# Second row above is the 1/19/30 leaf, thus the winner is virginica
# Third row above is the 3/11/0 row, thus the winnder is versicolor
# e) Look at:*i2_eUc_t8A1EJObd.png if
# p_ij = 1, the log(p_ij) = 0, and thus sum = 0, and thus the whole thing is 0
# Thus low (multi-class) logarithmic loss function are indicative of good
# predictions
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