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Last active November 28, 2016 12:59
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HW-4 Discussion
# Get polygon data
counties_shp <- us_counties()
counties_polygon <- tidy(counties_shp, region="geoid")
counties_data <- counties_shp@data
counties <- left_join(counties_polygon, counties_data, by=c("id"="geoid"))
counties <- counties %>%
filter( !state_name %in% c("Alaska", "Hawaii", "Puerto Rico"))
# Get geographic centroid info
coord_info <- sp::coordinates(counties_shp)
coord_info <- coord_info %>%
names(coord_info) <- c("long_center", "lat_center")
# Get census population info. Replace file name with your Social Explorer CSV here
census_info <- readr::read_csv("R11271179_SL050.csv") %>%
select(Geo_FIPS, SE_T001_001) %>%
rename(population = SE_T001_001)
# Get data from shapefile
counties_info <- counties_shp@data %>%
tbl_df() %>%
select(state_name, geoid)
# Merge county-by-county into a single data frame
counties_data <- counties_info %>%
bind_cols(coord_info) %>%
left_join(census_info, by=c("geoid"="Geo_FIPS")) %>%
# Add Fairfax County VA which was missing
mutate(population = ifelse(geoid=="51600", 1081726, population)) %>%
filter(!state_name %in% c("Alaska", "Hawaii", "Puerto Rico"))
# 1. Get weighted centroid
hub <- counties_data %>%
Ex = long_center * population / sum(population),
Ey = lat_center * population / sum(population)
) %>%
x_coord = sum(Ex),
y_coord = sum(Ey)
counties_data <- counties_data %>%
mutate(dist= sqrt( (long_center + hub$x_coord)^2 + (lat_center - hub$y_coord)^2 ))
# Join for map
counties <- counties %>%
left_join(counties_data, by=c("id"="geoid"))
# Rescale distances to make plot look nicer
geo_data <- counties %>%
ggplot(data=geo_data, aes(x=long, y=lat)) +
# Plot choropleth polygons
geom_polygon(aes(group=group, fill=distance)) +
scale_fill_gradient(low="white", high="darkgreen") +
coord_map() +
# Trace outlines of counties
geom_path(aes(group=group), size=0.1) +
# Mark hub
geom_point(data=hub, aes(x=x_coord, y=y_coord), col="red", size=3)
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