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Last active January 16, 2022 05:46
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gitea logs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 Completed GET /user/events 200 OK in 4.942283763s
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 Started POST /repo/migrate for [2601:484:c200:1127:caf7:50ff:fe52:6e0f]:0
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...s/context/context.go:755:1() [D] Session ID: {session-removed}
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...s/context/context.go:756:1() [D] CSRF Token: {csrf-removed}
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/user.go:1395:getUserByID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [1] - 1.147247ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...s/issue_stopwatch.go:93:hasUserStopwatch() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "issue_id", "user_id", "created_unix" FROM "stopwatch" WHERE (user_id = $1) LIMIT 1 [1] - 481.742µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/org.go:561:GetOrgsCanCreateRepoByUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE id IN (SELECT "user".id FROM "user" INNER JOIN "team_user" ON "team_user".org_id = "user".id INNER JOIN "team" ON "team".id = "team_user".team_id WHERE "team_user".uid=$1 AND ("team".authorize=$2 OR "team".can_create_org_repo=$3)) ORDER BY "user"."name" ASC [1 owner true] - 1.902881ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "owner_id", "owner_name", "lower_name", "name", "description", "website", "original_service_type", "original_url", "default_branch", "num_watches", "num_stars", "num_forks", "num_issues", "num_closed_issues", "num_pulls", "num_closed_pulls", "num_milestones", "num_closed_milestones", "num_projects", "num_closed_projects", "is_private", "is_empty", "is_archived", "is_mirror", "status", "is_fork", "fork_id", "is_template", "template_id", "size", "is_fsck_enabled", "close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch", "topics", "trust_model", "avatar", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "repository" WHERE "owner_id"=$1 AND "lower_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 [1 ficdown.js.deleteme] - 1.207959ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/task.go:227:createTask() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "task" ("doer_id","owner_id","repo_id","type","status","start_time","end_time","payload_content","message","created") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10) RETURNING "id" [1 1 0 0 0 0 0 {"clone_addr":"","clone_addr_encrypted":"26da90b7fdcade00bb1d303d878caa247923a70c0a6955b5dfa807f46456d139d1e69c08169299968c3d245273533dee425fa59c00a21f463cf5ac8485260b27a030a60a9a3171aa","auth_username":"","auth_password_encrypted":"14f63e35a03dafd562d2845e2036040f","auth_token_encrypted":"300aa481584634dc13ef3d2d798d21dab36391aae4d717aa8d0ec1e78584424a62c7473ff96cd09b60d7e0485876cc500777959195d68bc541935c2503108197e702b4e94d0ac5be","uid":0,"repo_name":"ficdown.js.deleteme","mirror":false,"lfs":false,"lfs_endpoint":"","private":false,"description":"","OriginalURL":"","GitServiceType":2,"Wiki":false,"Issues":true,"Milestones":false,"Labels":false,"Releases":false,"Comments":true,"PullRequests":false,"ReleaseAssets":false,"MigrateToRepoID":0,"mirror_interval":""} 1642311518] - 1.105698ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 modules/task/task.go:61:MigrateRepository() [I] [SQL] BEGIN TRANSACTION [] - 206.678µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/repo.go:894:isRepositoryExist() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "owner_id", "owner_name", "lower_name", "name", "description", "website", "original_service_type", "original_url", "default_branch", "num_watches", "num_stars", "num_forks", "num_issues", "num_closed_issues", "num_pulls", "num_closed_pulls", "num_milestones", "num_closed_milestones", "num_projects", "num_closed_projects", "is_private", "is_empty", "is_archived", "is_mirror", "status", "is_fork", "fork_id", "is_template", "template_id", "size", "is_fsck_enabled", "close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch", "topics", "trust_model", "avatar", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "repository" WHERE "owner_id"=$1 AND "lower_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 [1 ficdown.js.deleteme] - 681.804µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...repository/create.go:58:func1() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "repository" ("owner_id","owner_name","lower_name","name","description","website","original_service_type","original_url","default_branch","num_watches","num_stars","num_forks","num_issues","num_closed_issues","num_pulls","num_closed_pulls","num_milestones","num_closed_milestones","num_projects","num_closed_projects","is_private","is_empty","is_archived","is_mirror","status","is_fork","fork_id","is_template","template_id","size","is_fsck_enabled","close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch","topics","trust_model","avatar","created_unix","updated_unix") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37) RETURNING "id" [1 rudism ficdown.js.deleteme ficdown.js.deleteme 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 false true false false 1 false 0 false 0 0 true false null default 1642311518 1642311518] - 697.468µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...repository/create.go:58:func1() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "repo_redirect" WHERE "owner_id"=$1 AND "lower_name"=$2 [1 ficdown.js.deleteme] - 1.152546ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...repository/create.go:58:func1() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "repo_unit" ("repo_id","type","config","created_unix") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4),($5, $6, $7, $8),($9, $10, $11, $12),($13, $14, $15, $16),($17, $18, $19, $20),($21, $22, $23, $24) [24 UnitTypeCode <nil> 1642311518 24 UnitTypeIssues {"EnableTimetracker":false,"AllowOnlyContributorsToTrackTime":true,"EnableDependencies":true} 1642311518 24 UnitTypePullRequests {"IgnoreWhitespaceConflicts":false,"AllowMerge":true,"AllowRebase":true,"AllowRebaseMerge":true,"AllowSquash":true,"AllowManualMerge":false,"AutodetectManualMerge":false,"DefaultDeleteBranchAfterMerge":false,"DefaultMergeStyle":"merge"} 1642311518 24 UnitTypeReleases <nil> 1642311518 24 UnitTypeWiki <nil> 1642311518 24 UnitTypeProjects <nil> 1642311518] - 1.132204ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...repository/create.go:58:func1() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "user" SET "last_repo_visibility" = $1, "updated_unix" = $2 WHERE "id"=$3 [false 1642311518 1] - 727.544µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/context.go:53:WithTx() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "user" SET "updated_unix" = $1, "num_repos" = "num_repos" + $2 WHERE "id"=$3 [1642311518 1 1] - 520.863µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...epo_collaboration.go:66:getCollaborations() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "user_id", "mode", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "collaboration" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 576.884µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/repo.go:1150:CreateRepository() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "access" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 539.743µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/repo_watch.go:41:getWatch() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "user_id", "repo_id", "mode", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "watch" WHERE "user_id"=$1 AND "repo_id"=$2 LIMIT 1 [1 24] - 812.084µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/repo_watch.go:121:watchRepo() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "watch" ("user_id","repo_id","mode","created_unix","updated_unix") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5) RETURNING "id" [1 24 1 1642311518 1642311518] - 535.242µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/repo.go:1156:CreateRepository() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET num_watches = num_watches + $1 WHERE id = $2 [1 24] - 656.694µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/webhook.go:450:getDefaultWebhooks() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "org_id", "is_system_webhook", "url", "http_method", "content_type", "secret", "events", "is_active", "type", "meta", "last_status", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "webhook" WHERE (repo_id=$1 AND org_id=$2 AND is_system_webhook=$3) [0 0 false] - 634.563µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= init --bare
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/repo.go:1714:getRepositoryByID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "owner_id", "owner_name", "lower_name", "name", "description", "website", "original_service_type", "original_url", "default_branch", "num_watches", "num_stars", "num_forks", "num_issues", "num_closed_issues", "num_pulls", "num_closed_pulls", "num_milestones", "num_closed_milestones", "num_projects", "num_closed_projects", "is_private", "is_empty", "is_archived", "is_mirror", "status", "is_fork", "fork_id", "is_template", "template_id", "size", "is_fsck_enabled", "close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch", "topics", "trust_model", "avatar", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "repository" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [24] - 1.216291ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= rev-parse
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/main
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file --batch
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file --batch-check
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...s/repository/init.go:337:initRepository() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "owner_id" = $1, "owner_name" = $2, "lower_name" = $3, "name" = $4, "description" = $5, "website" = $6, "original_service_type" = $7, "original_url" = $8, "default_branch" = $9, "num_watches" = $10, "num_stars" = $11, "num_forks" = $12, "num_issues" = $13, "num_closed_issues" = $14, "num_pulls" = $15, "num_closed_pulls" = $16, "num_milestones" = $17, "num_closed_milestones" = $18, "num_projects" = $19, "num_closed_projects" = $20, "is_private" = $21, "is_empty" = $22, "is_archived" = $23, "is_mirror" = $24, "status" = $25, "is_fork" = $26, "fork_id" = $27, "is_template" = $28, "template_id" = $29, "size" = $30, "is_fsck_enabled" = $31, "close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch" = $32, "topics" = $33, "trust_model" = $34, "avatar" = $35, "updated_unix" = $36 WHERE "id"=$37 [1 rudism ficdown.js.deleteme ficdown.js.deleteme 2 main 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 false true false false 1 false 0 false 0 0 true false null default 1642311518 24] - 1.249017ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/repo.go:755:updateSize() [I] [SQL] SELECT COALESCE(sum("size"),0) FROM "lfs_meta_object" WHERE (repository_id = $1) [24] - 645.633µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/repo.go:1378:UpdateRepositoryCtx() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "size" = $1 WHERE "id"=$2 [20417 24] - 425.571µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= update-server-info
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 modules/task/task.go:61:MigrateRepository() [I] [SQL] COMMIT [] - 562.103µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 modules/task/task.go:61:MigrateRepository() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "task" SET "repo_id" = $1 WHERE "id"=$2 [24 14] - 906.043µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 Completed POST /repo/migrate 302 Found in 41.797661ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 Started GET /rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme for [2601:484:c200:1127:caf7:50ff:fe52:6e0f]:0
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...s/context/context.go:755:1() [D] Session ID: {session-removed}
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...s/context/context.go:756:1() [D] CSRF Token: {csrf-removed}
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/user.go:1395:getUserByID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [1] - 1.153675ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...s/issue_stopwatch.go:93:hasUserStopwatch() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "issue_id", "user_id", "created_unix" FROM "stopwatch" WHERE (user_id = $1) LIMIT 1 [1] - 607.743µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "owner_id", "owner_name", "lower_name", "name", "description", "website", "original_service_type", "original_url", "default_branch", "num_watches", "num_stars", "num_forks", "num_issues", "num_closed_issues", "num_pulls", "num_closed_pulls", "num_milestones", "num_closed_milestones", "num_projects", "num_closed_projects", "is_private", "is_empty", "is_archived", "is_mirror", "status", "is_fork", "fork_id", "is_template", "template_id", "size", "is_fsck_enabled", "close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch", "topics", "trust_model", "avatar", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "repository" WHERE "owner_id"=$1 AND "lower_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 [1 ficdown.js.deleteme] - 922.86µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "user_id", "mode", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "collaboration" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 AND "user_id"=$2 LIMIT 1 [24 1] - 820.905µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/repo_unit.go:210:getUnitsByRepoID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "type", "config", "created_unix" FROM "repo_unit" WHERE (repo_id = $1) [24] - 698.354µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...s/repo_pushmirror.go:97:GetPushMirrorsByRepoID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "remote_name", "interval", "created_unix", "last_update", "last_error" FROM "push_mirror" WHERE (repo_id=$1) [24] - 955.888µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...ules/context/repo.go:470:RepoAssignment() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM "release" WHERE repo_id=$1 AND is_draft=$2 [24 false] - 861.644µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...ules/context/repo.go:477:RepoAssignment() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM "release" WHERE repo_id=$1 AND is_draft=$2 AND is_tag=$3 [24 false false] - 394.912µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/task.go:55:loadRepo() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "owner_id", "owner_name", "lower_name", "name", "description", "website", "original_service_type", "original_url", "default_branch", "num_watches", "num_stars", "num_forks", "num_issues", "num_closed_issues", "num_pulls", "num_closed_pulls", "num_milestones", "num_closed_milestones", "num_projects", "num_closed_projects", "is_private", "is_empty", "is_archived", "is_mirror", "status", "is_fork", "fork_id", "is_template", "template_id", "size", "is_fsck_enabled", "close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch", "topics", "trust_model", "avatar", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "repository" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [24] - 1.238366ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/org.go:499:getOwnedOrgsByUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT * FROM "user" INNER JOIN "team_user" ON "team_user".org_id="user".id INNER JOIN "team" ON "team".id="team_user".team_id WHERE ("team_user".uid=$1) AND ("team".authorize=$2) ORDER BY "user"."name" ASC [1 owner] - 1.545839ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/task.go:74:LoadDoer() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [1] - 839.945µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "user_id", "repo_id", "mode", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "watch" WHERE "user_id"=$1 AND "repo_id"=$2 LIMIT 1 [1 24] - 387.953µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 models/task.go:94:LoadOwner() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [1] - 853.904µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "uid", "repo_id", "created_unix" FROM "star" WHERE "uid"=$1 AND "repo_id"=$2 LIMIT 1 [1 24] - 845.795µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "doer_id", "owner_id", "repo_id", "type", "status", "start_time", "end_time", "payload_content", "message", "created" FROM "task" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [24] - 765.884µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 modules/task/task.go:31:Run() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "task" SET "status" = $1, "start_time" = $2 WHERE "id"=$3 [1 1642311518 14] - 970.765µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...s/context/context.go:185:HTML() [D] Template: repo/migrate/migrating
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 ...dels/notification.go:716:GetNotificationCount() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM "notification" WHERE (user_id = $1) AND (status = $2) [1 1] - 709.483µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:38 Completed GET /rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme 200 OK in 19.67465ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...igrations/migrate.go:192:migrateRepository() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "task" SET "message" = $1 WHERE "id"=$2 [{"Format":"repo.migrate.migrating_git","omitempty":null} 14] - 1.042415ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "lower_name"=$1 LIMIT 1 [rudism] - 826.045µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 models/repo.go:1714:getRepositoryByID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "owner_id", "owner_name", "lower_name", "name", "description", "website", "original_service_type", "original_url", "default_branch", "num_watches", "num_stars", "num_forks", "num_issues", "num_closed_issues", "num_pulls", "num_closed_pulls", "num_milestones", "num_closed_milestones", "num_projects", "num_closed_projects", "is_private", "is_empty", "is_archived", "is_mirror", "status", "is_fork", "fork_id", "is_template", "template_id", "size", "is_fsck_enabled", "close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch", "topics", "trust_model", "avatar", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "repository" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [24] - 772.994µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:118:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= clone --mirror --quiet -- https://oauth2:{token-removed} /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 Started GET /user/task/14?_csrf={csrf-removed} for [2601:484:c200:1127:caf7:50ff:fe52:6e0f]:0
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...s/context/context.go:755:1() [D] Session ID: {session-removed}
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...s/context/context.go:756:1() [D] CSRF Token: {csrf-removed}
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 models/user.go:1395:getUserByID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [1] - 1.144127ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...s/issue_stopwatch.go:93:hasUserStopwatch() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "issue_id", "user_id", "created_unix" FROM "stopwatch" WHERE (user_id = $1) LIMIT 1 [1] - 890.274µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "doer_id", "owner_id", "repo_id", "type", "status", "start_time", "end_time", "payload_content", "message", "created" FROM "task" WHERE "id"=$1 AND "doer_id"=$2 LIMIT 1 [14 1] - 773.784µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 Completed GET /user/task/14?_csrf={csrf-removed} 200 OK in 4.727274ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 Started GET /user/events for [2601:484:c200:1127:caf7:50ff:fe52:6e0f]:0
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...s/context/context.go:755:1() [D] Session ID: {session-removed}
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...s/context/context.go:756:1() [D] CSRF Token: {csrf-removed}
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 models/user.go:1395:getUserByID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [1] - 1.766608ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...s/issue_stopwatch.go:93:hasUserStopwatch() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "issue_id", "user_id", "created_unix" FROM "stopwatch" WHERE (user_id = $1) LIMIT 1 [1] - 1.145667ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= update-server-info
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= rev-parse
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= log -1
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file --batch
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file --batch-check
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 models/release.go:215:GetReleasesByRepoID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "publisher_id", "tag_name", "original_author", "original_author_id", "lower_tag_name", "target", "title", "sha1", "num_commits", "note", "is_draft", "is_prerelease", "is_tag", "created_unix" FROM "release" WHERE repo_id=$1 ORDER BY "created_unix" DESC, "id" DESC LIMIT 50 [24] - 987.276µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= show-ref --tags
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= show-ref --tags -- v0.9.0
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file -t ee795798bc307032e8031223ff943cf827cdd621
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "email"=$1 LIMIT 1 [] - 1.088084ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= rev-list --count ee795798bc307032e8031223ff943cf827cdd621
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "publisher_id", "tag_name", "original_author", "original_author_id", "lower_tag_name", "target", "title", "sha1", "num_commits", "note", "is_draft", "is_prerelease", "is_tag", "created_unix" FROM "release" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 AND "lower_tag_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 [24 v0.9.0] - 841.614µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 models/update.go:80:SaveOrUpdateTag() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "release" ("repo_id","publisher_id","tag_name","original_author","original_author_id","lower_tag_name","target","title","sha1","num_commits","note","is_draft","is_prerelease","is_tag","created_unix") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15) RETURNING "id" [24 1 v0.9.0 0 v0.9.0 ee795798bc307032e8031223ff943cf827cdd621 11 false false true 1437937699] - 1.001825ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= show-ref --tags -- v0.9.1
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file -t a765535636744e1256659531d565fdb2b9679165
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "email"=$1 LIMIT 1 [] - 1.015025ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "uid", "email", "lower_email", "is_activated", "is_primary" FROM "email_address" WHERE "email"=$1 LIMIT 1 [] - 1.052005ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= rev-list --count a765535636744e1256659531d565fdb2b9679165
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "publisher_id", "tag_name", "original_author", "original_author_id", "lower_tag_name", "target", "title", "sha1", "num_commits", "note", "is_draft", "is_prerelease", "is_tag", "created_unix" FROM "release" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 AND "lower_tag_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 [24 v0.9.1] - 662.914µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 models/update.go:80:SaveOrUpdateTag() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "release" ("repo_id","publisher_id","tag_name","original_author","original_author_id","lower_tag_name","target","title","sha1","num_commits","note","is_draft","is_prerelease","is_tag","created_unix") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15) RETURNING "id" [24 0 v0.9.1 0 v0.9.1 a765535636744e1256659531d565fdb2b9679165 14 false false true 1514501304] - 1.206052ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= show-ref --tags -- v2.0.0
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file -t 017a0a8ff2b5b1fc73620ec69097a0569d4eb7a5
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file -p 017a0a8ff2b5b1fc73620ec69097a0569d4eb7a5
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "email"=$1 LIMIT 1 [] - 848.674µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "uid", "email", "lower_email", "is_activated", "is_primary" FROM "email_address" WHERE "email"=$1 LIMIT 1 [] - 796.854µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= rev-list --count 79b5a7d4eec96de8bedbe473b68e14ced8546ad3
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "publisher_id", "tag_name", "original_author", "original_author_id", "lower_tag_name", "target", "title", "sha1", "num_commits", "note", "is_draft", "is_prerelease", "is_tag", "created_unix" FROM "release" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 AND "lower_tag_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 [24 v2.0.0] - 1.015745ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 models/update.go:80:SaveOrUpdateTag() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "release" ("repo_id","publisher_id","tag_name","original_author","original_author_id","lower_tag_name","target","title","sha1","num_commits","note","is_draft","is_prerelease","is_tag","created_unix") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15) RETURNING "id" [24 0 v2.0.0 0 v2.0.0 79b5a7d4eec96de8bedbe473b68e14ced8546ad3 19 false false true 1556492327] - 1.615698ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= show-ref --tags -- v2.0.1
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file -t eb05934f03d192d4e481c912283404b012e1d203
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file -p eb05934f03d192d4e481c912283404b012e1d203
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "email"=$1 LIMIT 1 [] - 1.030155ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= rev-list --count c0d6c6798c5a5074b758dbf3a42fe4f7170483cd
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "publisher_id", "tag_name", "original_author", "original_author_id", "lower_tag_name", "target", "title", "sha1", "num_commits", "note", "is_draft", "is_prerelease", "is_tag", "created_unix" FROM "release" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 AND "lower_tag_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 [24 v2.0.1] - 820.404µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 models/update.go:80:SaveOrUpdateTag() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "release" ("repo_id","publisher_id","tag_name","original_author","original_author_id","lower_tag_name","target","title","sha1","num_commits","note","is_draft","is_prerelease","is_tag","created_unix") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15) RETURNING "id" [24 1 v2.0.1 0 v2.0.1 c0d6c6798c5a5074b758dbf3a42fe4f7170483cd 22 false false true 1558065819] - 1.115097ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= show-ref --tags -- v2.0.2
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file -t f8876c7175b7772075753725ed70a6689074b739
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "email"=$1 LIMIT 1 [] - 840.554µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= rev-list --count f8876c7175b7772075753725ed70a6689074b739
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "publisher_id", "tag_name", "original_author", "original_author_id", "lower_tag_name", "target", "title", "sha1", "num_commits", "note", "is_draft", "is_prerelease", "is_tag", "created_unix" FROM "release" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 AND "lower_tag_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 [24 v2.0.2] - 751.613µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 models/update.go:80:SaveOrUpdateTag() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "release" ("repo_id","publisher_id","tag_name","original_author","original_author_id","lower_tag_name","target","title","sha1","num_commits","note","is_draft","is_prerelease","is_tag","created_unix") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15) RETURNING "id" [24 1 v2.0.2 0 v2.0.2 f8876c7175b7772075753725ed70a6689074b739 24 false false true 1588986110] - 949.805µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= show-ref --tags -- v2.0.3
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file -t 826b0abe049d65554f63d57102702f4b521c1010
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "email"=$1 LIMIT 1 [] - 1.063915ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= rev-list --count 826b0abe049d65554f63d57102702f4b521c1010
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "publisher_id", "tag_name", "original_author", "original_author_id", "lower_tag_name", "target", "title", "sha1", "num_commits", "note", "is_draft", "is_prerelease", "is_tag", "created_unix" FROM "release" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 AND "lower_tag_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 [24 v2.0.3] - 1.360777ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 models/update.go:80:SaveOrUpdateTag() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "release" ("repo_id","publisher_id","tag_name","original_author","original_author_id","lower_tag_name","target","title","sha1","num_commits","note","is_draft","is_prerelease","is_tag","created_unix") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15) RETURNING "id" [24 1 v2.0.3 0 v2.0.3 826b0abe049d65554f63d57102702f4b521c1010 25 false false true 1589055909] - 1.343833ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= show-ref --tags -- v2.0.4
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file -t 5e1b125f80afe20a68b3101d8f9c611802fb0897
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "email"=$1 LIMIT 1 [] - 977.262µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= rev-list --count 5e1b125f80afe20a68b3101d8f9c611802fb0897
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "publisher_id", "tag_name", "original_author", "original_author_id", "lower_tag_name", "target", "title", "sha1", "num_commits", "note", "is_draft", "is_prerelease", "is_tag", "created_unix" FROM "release" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 AND "lower_tag_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 [24 v2.0.4] - 663.323µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 models/update.go:80:SaveOrUpdateTag() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "release" ("repo_id","publisher_id","tag_name","original_author","original_author_id","lower_tag_name","target","title","sha1","num_commits","note","is_draft","is_prerelease","is_tag","created_unix") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15) RETURNING "id" [24 1 v2.0.4 0 v2.0.4 5e1b125f80afe20a68b3101d8f9c611802fb0897 26 false false true 1589130137] - 865.314µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 models/repo.go:755:updateSize() [I] [SQL] SELECT COALESCE(sum("size"),0) FROM "lfs_meta_object" WHERE (repository_id = $1) [24] - 528.043µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...s/repository/repo.go:150:MigrateRepositoryGitData() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "size" = $1 WHERE "id"=$2 [263392 24] - 1.119266ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= remote rm origin
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:114:CreateRepo() [I] [SQL] BEGIN TRANSACTION [] - 219.801µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...s/repository/repo.go:235:CleanUpMigrateInfo() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "owner_id" = $1, "owner_name" = $2, "lower_name" = $3, "name" = $4, "description" = $5, "website" = $6, "original_service_type" = $7, "original_url" = $8, "default_branch" = $9, "num_watches" = $10, "num_stars" = $11, "num_forks" = $12, "num_issues" = $13, "num_closed_issues" = $14, "num_pulls" = $15, "num_closed_pulls" = $16, "num_milestones" = $17, "num_closed_milestones" = $18, "num_projects" = $19, "num_closed_projects" = $20, "is_private" = $21, "is_empty" = $22, "is_archived" = $23, "is_mirror" = $24, "status" = $25, "is_fork" = $26, "fork_id" = $27, "is_template" = $28, "template_id" = $29, "size" = $30, "is_fsck_enabled" = $31, "close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch" = $32, "topics" = $33, "trust_model" = $34, "avatar" = $35, "updated_unix" = $36 WHERE "id"=$37 [1 rudism ficdown.js.deleteme ficdown.js.deleteme Ficdown parser and runner in Javascript 2 master 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 false false false false 1 false 0 false 0 263392 true false null default 1642311519 24] - 835.364µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 models/repo.go:755:updateSize() [I] [SQL] SELECT COALESCE(sum("size"),0) FROM "lfs_meta_object" WHERE (repository_id = $1) [24] - 716.284µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 models/repo.go:1389:UpdateRepository() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "size" = $1 WHERE "id"=$2 [264469 24] - 606.461µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:114:CreateRepo() [I] [SQL] COMMIT [] - 597.053µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= rev-parse
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file --batch-check
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...dules/git/command.go:120:RunInDirTimeoutEnvFullPipelineFunc() [D] /data/git/repositories/rudism/ficdown.js.deleteme.git: /usr/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 -c filter.lfs.required= -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.clean= cat-file --batch
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...igrations/migrate.go:199:migrateRepository() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "task" SET "message" = $1 WHERE "id"=$2 [{"Format":"repo.migrate.migrating_topics","omitempty":null} 14] - 997.965µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:39 ...igrations/migrate.go:299:migrateRepository() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "task" SET "message" = $1 WHERE "id"=$2 [{"Format":"repo.migrate.migrating_issues","omitempty":null} 14] - 1.316516ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:40 Started GET /assets/serviceworker.js for [2601:484:c200:1127:caf7:50ff:fe52:6e0f]:0
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:40 Completed GET /assets/serviceworker.js 304 Not Modified in 183.591µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 Started GET /user/task/14?_csrf={csrf-removed} for [2601:484:c200:1127:caf7:50ff:fe52:6e0f]:0
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...s/context/context.go:755:1() [D] Session ID: {session-removed}
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...s/context/context.go:756:1() [D] CSRF Token: {csrf-removed}
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 models/user.go:1395:getUserByID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [1] - 1.292796ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...s/issue_stopwatch.go:93:hasUserStopwatch() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "issue_id", "user_id", "created_unix" FROM "stopwatch" WHERE (user_id = $1) LIMIT 1 [1] - 1.247828ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "doer_id", "owner_id", "repo_id", "type", "status", "start_time", "end_time", "payload_content", "message", "created" FROM "task" WHERE "id"=$1 AND "doer_id"=$2 LIMIT 1 [14 1] - 940.584µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 Completed GET /user/task/14?_csrf={csrf-removed} 200 OK in 6.433233ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 4787751] - 922.975µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 4787751] - 713.623µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 4787751] - 455.163µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 121143] - 687.543µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 4787751] - 609.643µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 13190145] - 603.514µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 13190145] - 458.643µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 41711982] - 449.712µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 4787751] - 616.554µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 63131] - 588.774µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...igrations/migrate.go:121:MigrateRepository() [I] [SQL] BEGIN TRANSACTION [] - 336.531µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 models/migrate.go:48:InsertIssues() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "issue" ("repo_id","index","poster_id","original_author","original_author_id","name","content","milestone_id","priority","is_closed","is_pull","num_comments","ref","deadline_unix","created_unix","updated_unix","closed_unix","is_locked") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18) RETURNING "id" [24 1 1 rudism 4787751 Removing empty list items doesn't work if it's the first list item Something screwy with the regex.
gitea | 0 0 true false 0 0 1404279978 1404334285 1404334285 false] - 958.544µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1, "num_closed_issues" = "num_closed_issues" + $2 WHERE "id"=$3 [1 1 24] - 1.013485ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "label" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1, "num_closed_issues" = "num_closed_issues" + $2 WHERE 0=1 [1 1] - 675.113µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 models/migrate.go:48:InsertIssues() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "issue" ("repo_id","index","poster_id","original_author","original_author_id","name","content","milestone_id","priority","is_closed","is_pull","num_comments","ref","deadline_unix","created_unix","updated_unix","closed_unix","is_locked") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18) RETURNING "id" [24 2 1 rudism 4787751 First-seen messages should be tied to conditional scenes If you go to a conditional scene for which you've already visited a different conditional scene, you should still see that new conditional scene's first-seen text. Currently that state is tied to the key but it needs to be truly scene specific.
gitea | 0 0 true false 0 0 1404280085 1404334285 1404334285 false] - 662.313µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1, "num_closed_issues" = "num_closed_issues" + $2 WHERE "id"=$3 [1 1 24] - 524.262µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "label" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1, "num_closed_issues" = "num_closed_issues" + $2 WHERE 0=1 [1 1] - 1.224237ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 models/migrate.go:48:InsertIssues() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "issue" ("repo_id","index","poster_id","original_author","original_author_id","name","content","milestone_id","priority","is_closed","is_pull","num_comments","ref","deadline_unix","created_unix","updated_unix","closed_unix","is_locked") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18) RETURNING "id" [24 3 1 rudism 4787751 Add some configurable options Needs ability to define certain behaviors of the game engine, for example:
gitea | - Paged mode versus continuous scroll
gitea | - Customize begin and start over text
gitea | 0 0 true false 0 0 1438453611 1556492027 1556492027 false] - 616.433µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1, "num_closed_issues" = "num_closed_issues" + $2 WHERE "id"=$3 [1 1 24] - 549.212µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "label" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1, "num_closed_issues" = "num_closed_issues" + $2 WHERE 0=1 [1 1] - 511.313µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 models/migrate.go:48:InsertIssues() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "issue" ("repo_id","index","poster_id","original_author","original_author_id","name","content","milestone_id","priority","is_closed","is_pull","num_comments","ref","deadline_unix","created_unix","updated_unix","closed_unix","is_locked") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18) RETURNING "id" [24 4 1 janbru 121143 Persist player state longer It would be nice if the player state would be remembered longer. Maybe it can be stored in the session storage of local storage. This way you can leave your story progress and come back later without having to leave your browser tab open.
gitea | 0 0 false false 0 0 1455216217 1556477935 0 false] - 699.544µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1 WHERE "id"=$2 [1 24] - 850.031µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "label" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1 WHERE 0=1 [1] - 558.02µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 models/migrate.go:48:InsertIssues() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "issue" ("repo_id","index","poster_id","original_author","original_author_id","name","content","milestone_id","priority","is_closed","is_pull","num_comments","ref","deadline_unix","created_unix","updated_unix","closed_unix","is_locked") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18) RETURNING "id" [24 5 1 rudism 4787751 Support scenes with no title Specifying a scene as `## [scene name]("")` should simply hide the scene's title. 0 0 true false 0 0 1513374208 1514501337 1514501337 false] - 636.393µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1, "num_closed_issues" = "num_closed_issues" + $2 WHERE "id"=$3 [1 1 24] - 542.023µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "label" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1, "num_closed_issues" = "num_closed_issues" + $2 WHERE 0=1 [1 1] - 570.752µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 models/migrate.go:48:InsertIssues() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "issue" ("repo_id","index","poster_id","original_author","original_author_id","name","content","milestone_id","priority","is_closed","is_pull","num_comments","ref","deadline_unix","created_unix","updated_unix","closed_unix","is_locked") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18) RETURNING "id" [24 6 1 starvingindie 13190145 Parse Markdown inside of Divs The ability to wrap sections of the Markdown in Divs would go a long way in allowing unique visual layouts. This is especially handy for stories with lots of graphics. 0 0 true false 0 0 1536858572 1556492027 1556492027 false] - 688.054µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1, "num_closed_issues" = "num_closed_issues" + $2 WHERE "id"=$3 [1 1 24] - 492.213µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "label" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1, "num_closed_issues" = "num_closed_issues" + $2 WHERE 0=1 [1 1] - 411.942µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 models/migrate.go:48:InsertIssues() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "issue" ("repo_id","index","poster_id","original_author","original_author_id","name","content","milestone_id","priority","is_closed","is_pull","num_comments","ref","deadline_unix","created_unix","updated_unix","closed_unix","is_locked") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18) RETURNING "id" [24 7 1 starvingindie 13190145 Feature Request: Single HTML File It would be awesome to have a tool that reads in a markdown file and then exports out a single HTML Ficdown file.\015
gitea | \015
gitea | Currently, because the HTML file reads in an external MD file, it requires you to host the game on a server in order to play. If all the dependencies of Ficdown were baked into a single HTML file, including the MD text - authors can distribute their games without having players needing to know how to host/serve the game. Essentially, It would allow players to play games offline, kind of like Twine a game. 0 0 true false 0 0 1536859280 1556492165 1556492165 false] - 696.144µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1, "num_closed_issues" = "num_closed_issues" + $2 WHERE "id"=$3 [1 1 24] - 656.334µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "label" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1, "num_closed_issues" = "num_closed_issues" + $2 WHERE 0=1 [1 1] - 636.353µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 models/migrate.go:48:InsertIssues() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "issue" ("repo_id","index","poster_id","original_author","original_author_id","name","content","milestone_id","priority","is_closed","is_pull","num_comments","ref","deadline_unix","created_unix","updated_unix","closed_unix","is_locked") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18) RETURNING "id" [24 10 1 ByFernanz 41711982 changes added to ficdown.js cordial greeting. For the Hispanic community I have prepared a repository to easily use the Ficdown player in Javascript, some slight modifications were also made, such as allowing the insertion of javascript code in the scenes and the possibility of choosing between a vertical reading such as Ink or One reading scene by scene Twine style.\015
gitea | \015
gitea | []( 0 0 true false 0 0 1567385899 1589242796 1589242796 false] - 430.321µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1, "num_closed_issues" = "num_closed_issues" + $2 WHERE "id"=$3 [1 1 24] - 462.712µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "label" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1, "num_closed_issues" = "num_closed_issues" + $2 WHERE 0=1 [1 1] - 514.243µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 models/migrate.go:48:InsertIssues() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "issue" ("repo_id","index","poster_id","original_author","original_author_id","name","content","milestone_id","priority","is_closed","is_pull","num_comments","ref","deadline_unix","created_unix","updated_unix","closed_unix","is_locked") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18) RETURNING "id" [24 11 1 rudism 4787751 Link callback function Would be nice to support a callback that is called every time the player clicks a link that provides the name of the scene or action along with the playerstate. 0 0 false false 0 0 1589633852 1589633852 0 false] - 412.072µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1 WHERE "id"=$2 [1 24] - 678.303µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "label" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1 WHERE 0=1 [1] - 377.753µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 models/migrate.go:48:InsertIssues() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "issue" ("repo_id","index","poster_id","original_author","original_author_id","name","content","milestone_id","priority","is_closed","is_pull","num_comments","ref","deadline_unix","created_unix","updated_unix","closed_unix","is_locked") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18) RETURNING "id" [24 14 1 kikito 63131 Feature Request: Graphical representation of the nodes/graph I think it would be very cool if, the player could export a graphical representation of the parsed story, for rapid review/analysis.\015
gitea | \015
gitea | Here's an example of what such a graph could look like :\015
gitea | \015
gitea |\015
gitea | \015
gitea | Although D3 is a huge dependency. flowchart.js seems like a smaller candidate:\015
gitea | \015
gitea | 0 0 false false 0 0 1623581247 1625667869 0 false] - 562.653µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1 WHERE "id"=$2 [1 24] - 591.723µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:405:CreateIssues() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "label" SET "num_issues" = "num_issues" + $1 WHERE 0=1 [1] - 411.472µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:41 ...igrations/migrate.go:121:MigrateRepository() [I] [SQL] COMMIT [] - 569.683µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:42 Started GET / for [2605:2700:0:3:a800:ff:fe81:6127]:0
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:42 ...s/context/context.go:755:1() [D] Session ID: cbe48d3ce189b371
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:42 ...s/context/context.go:756:1() [D] CSRF Token: DPZO8edIZ7KywABYX6VbvFQ8olY6MTY0MjMxMTUyMjY4NDU0OTc4Nw
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:42 Completed GET / 302 Found in 277.571µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 Started GET /user/task/14?_csrf={csrf-removed} for [2601:484:c200:1127:caf7:50ff:fe52:6e0f]:0
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...s/context/context.go:755:1() [D] Session ID: {session-removed}
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...s/context/context.go:756:1() [D] CSRF Token: {csrf-removed}
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 models/user.go:1395:getUserByID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [1] - 1.249779ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...s/issue_stopwatch.go:93:hasUserStopwatch() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "issue_id", "user_id", "created_unix" FROM "stopwatch" WHERE (user_id = $1) LIMIT 1 [1] - 1.29797ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "doer_id", "owner_id", "repo_id", "type", "status", "start_time", "end_time", "payload_content", "message", "created" FROM "task" WHERE "id"=$1 AND "doer_id"=$2 LIMIT 1 [14 1] - 773.8µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 Completed GET /user/task/14?_csrf={csrf-removed} 200 OK in 4.831628ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 4787751] - 761.764µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 13190145] - 541.555µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 4787751] - 582.743µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 4787751] - 402.862µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ternal_login_user.go:95:GetUserIDByExternalUserID() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id FROM "external_login_user" WHERE (provider=$1) AND (external_id=$2) LIMIT 1 [github 4787751] - 424.091µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "index", "poster_id", "original_author", "original_author_id", "name", "content", "milestone_id", "priority", "is_closed", "is_pull", "num_comments", "ref", "deadline_unix", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "closed_unix", "is_locked" FROM "issue" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 AND "index"=$2 LIMIT 1 [24 12] - 540.253µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ules/task/migrate.go:112:runMigrateTask() [I] [SQL] BEGIN TRANSACTION [] - 388.521µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 models/user.go:1395:getUserByID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [1] - 850.406µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 models/repo.go:1469:DeleteRepository() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "owner_id", "owner_name", "lower_name", "name", "description", "website", "original_service_type", "original_url", "default_branch", "num_watches", "num_stars", "num_forks", "num_issues", "num_closed_issues", "num_pulls", "num_closed_pulls", "num_milestones", "num_closed_milestones", "num_projects", "num_closed_projects", "is_private", "is_empty", "is_archived", "is_mirror", "status", "is_fork", "fork_id", "is_template", "template_id", "size", "is_fsck_enabled", "close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch", "topics", "trust_model", "avatar", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "repository" WHERE "owner_id"=$1 AND "id"=$2 LIMIT 1 [1 24] - 795.034µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 models/ssh_key.go:1154:listDeployKeys() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "key_id", "repo_id", "name", "fingerprint", "mode", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "deploy_key" WHERE (repo_id = $1) [24] - 434.975µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...igrations/migrate.go:122:MigrateRepository() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "repository" WHERE "id"=$1 [24] - 452.092µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 models/repo.go:1506:DeleteRepository() [I] [SQL] SELECT * FROM "attachment" INNER JOIN "release" ON "release".id = "attachment".release_id WHERE ("release".repo_id = $1) [24] - 686.994µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...igrations/migrate.go:122:MigrateRepository() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "attachment" WHERE "release_id" IN (SELECT id FROM "release" WHERE "release".repo_id=$1) [24] - 788.766µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...igrations/migrate.go:122:MigrateRepository() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "user" SET num_stars=num_stars-1 WHERE id IN (SELECT "uid" FROM "star" WHERE repo_id = $1) [24] - 1.187934ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "access" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 936.721µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "action" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 985.849µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "collaboration" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 728.285µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "comment" WHERE "ref_repo_id"=$1 [24] - 732.523µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "commit_status" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 613.334µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "deleted_branch" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 610.553µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "hook_task" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 751.864µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "lfs_lock" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 599.684µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "language_stat" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 634.492µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "milestone" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 519.612µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "mirror" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 626.264µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "notification" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 512.244µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "protected_branch" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 888.135µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "protected_tag" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 477.192µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "pull_request" WHERE "base_repo_id"=$1 [24] - 622.908µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "push_mirror" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 540.226µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "release" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 546.744µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "repo_indexer_status" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 503.482µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "repo_redirect" WHERE "redirect_repo_id"=$1 [24] - 439.703µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "repo_unit" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 455.842µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "star" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 581.719µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "task" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 477.857µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "watch" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 649.533µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "webhook" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 724.361µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "issue_label" WHERE "label_id" IN (SELECT id FROM label WHERE label.repo_id=$1) [24] - 689.772µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "label" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 1.011944ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "comment" WHERE "issue_id" IN (SELECT id FROM issue WHERE issue.repo_id=$1) [24] - 1.034505ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "issue_dependency" WHERE "issue_id" IN (SELECT id FROM issue WHERE issue.repo_id=$1) [24] - 810.044µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "issue_dependency" WHERE "dependency_id" IN (SELECT id FROM issue WHERE issue.repo_id=$1) [24] - 823.205µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "issue_user" WHERE "issue_id" IN (SELECT id FROM issue WHERE issue.repo_id=$1) [24] - 902.817µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "reaction" WHERE "issue_id" IN (SELECT id FROM issue WHERE issue.repo_id=$1) [24] - 936.045µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "issue_watch" WHERE "issue_id" IN (SELECT id FROM issue WHERE issue.repo_id=$1) [24] - 755.161µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "stopwatch" WHERE "issue_id" IN (SELECT id FROM issue WHERE issue.repo_id=$1) [24] - 1.256736ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "tracked_time" WHERE "issue_id" IN (SELECT id FROM issue WHERE issue.repo_id=$1) [24] - 845.144µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "project_issue" WHERE "issue_id" IN (SELECT id FROM issue WHERE issue.repo_id=$1) [24] - 626.903µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "comment" WHERE "dependent_issue_id" IN (SELECT id FROM issue WHERE issue.repo_id=$1) [24] - 1.482989ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 models/issue.go:2199:deleteIssuesByRepoID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "uuid", "issue_id", "release_id", "uploader_id", "comment_id", "name", "download_count", "size", "created_unix" FROM "attachment" WHERE "issue_id" IN (SELECT id FROM issue WHERE issue.repo_id=$1) [24] - 1.286958ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "attachment" WHERE "issue_id" IN (SELECT id FROM issue WHERE issue.repo_id=$1) [24] - 1.154185ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "issue" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 466.962µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM issue_index WHERE group_id=$1 [24] - 384.577µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...igrations/migrate.go:122:MigrateRepository() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "user" SET num_repos=num_repos-1 WHERE id=$1 [1] - 415.442µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 models/repo.go:1584:DeleteRepository() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM "project" WHERE repo_id=$1 [24] - 525.403µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 models/project.go:128:getProjects() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "title", "description", "repo_id", "creator_id", "is_closed", "board_type", "type", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "closed_date_unix" FROM "project" WHERE repo_id=$1 ORDER BY "created_unix" ASC [24] - 466.702µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ns/gitea_uploader.go:866:Rollback() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "repo_unit" WHERE (repo_id = $1) AND (type = $2) [24 UnitTypeWiki] - 344.011µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 models/repo.go:1607:DeleteRepository() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "oid", "size", "repository_id", "created_unix" FROM "lfs_meta_object" WHERE (repository_id=$1) [24] - 614.694µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...igrations/migrate.go:122:MigrateRepository() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "lfs_meta_object" WHERE "repository_id"=$1 [24] - 548.873µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 models/repo.go:1629:DeleteRepository() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "type", "status", "commit_id", "created_unix" FROM "repo_archiver" WHERE (repo_id=$1) [24] - 666.224µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...igrations/migrate.go:122:MigrateRepository() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "repo_archiver" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 [24] - 852.434µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ules/task/migrate.go:112:runMigrateTask() [I] [SQL] COMMIT [] - 996.765µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 models/admin.go:53:createNotice() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "notice" ("type","description","created_unix") VALUES ($1,$2,$3) RETURNING "id" [1 Migrate repository from failed: issue does not exist [id: 0, repo_id: 24, index: 12] 1642311523] - 1.082816ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 models/task.go:55:loadRepo() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "owner_id", "owner_name", "lower_name", "name", "description", "website", "original_service_type", "original_url", "default_branch", "num_watches", "num_stars", "num_forks", "num_issues", "num_closed_issues", "num_pulls", "num_closed_pulls", "num_milestones", "num_closed_milestones", "num_projects", "num_closed_projects", "is_private", "is_empty", "is_archived", "is_mirror", "status", "is_fork", "fork_id", "is_template", "template_id", "size", "is_fsck_enabled", "close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch", "topics", "trust_model", "avatar", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "repository" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [24] - 830.744µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 ...ules/task/migrate.go:143:runMigrateTask() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "task" SET "repo_id" = $1, "status" = $2, "end_time" = $3 WHERE "id"=$4 [0 3 1642311523 14] - 607.413µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:43 modules/task/task.go:54:handle() [E] Run task failed: issue does not exist [id: 0, repo_id: 24, index: 12]
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:44 ...dels/notification.go:739:GetUIDsAndNotificationCounts() [I] [SQL] SELECT user_id, count(*) AS count FROM notification WHERE user_id IN (SELECT user_id FROM notification WHERE updated_unix >= $1 AND updated_unix < $2) AND status = $3 GROUP BY user_id [1642311512 1642311522 1] - 1.634503ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:45 Started GET /user/task/14?_csrf={csrf-removed} for [2601:484:c200:1127:caf7:50ff:fe52:6e0f]:0
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:45 ...s/context/context.go:755:1() [D] Session ID: {session-removed}
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:45 ...s/context/context.go:756:1() [D] CSRF Token: {csrf-removed}
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:45 models/user.go:1395:getUserByID() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "email_notifications_preference", "passwd", "passwd_hash_algo", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "is_restricted", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "repo_admin_change_team_access", "diff_view_style", "theme", "keep_activity_private" FROM "user" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 [1] - 1.950764ms
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:45 ...s/issue_stopwatch.go:93:hasUserStopwatch() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "issue_id", "user_id", "created_unix" FROM "stopwatch" WHERE (user_id = $1) LIMIT 1 [1] - 996.445µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:45 [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "doer_id", "owner_id", "repo_id", "type", "status", "start_time", "end_time", "payload_content", "message", "created" FROM "task" WHERE "id"=$1 AND "doer_id"=$2 LIMIT 1 [14 1] - 910.544µs
gitea | 2022/01/16 05:38:45 Completed GET /user/task/14?_csrf={csrf-removed} 404 Not Found in 5.391301ms
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:30 Started GET /assets/serviceworker.js for [removed]:0
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:30 Completed GET /assets/serviceworker.js 304 Not Modified in 164.311µs
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:31 Started GET /user/task/11?_csrf=removed for [removed]:0
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:31 Completed GET /user/task/11?_csrf=removed 200 OK in 3.781279ms
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:34 Started GET /user/task/11?_csrf=removed for [removed]:0
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:34 Completed GET /user/task/11?_csrf=removed 200 OK in 4.362512ms
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:36 Started GET /user/task/11?_csrf=removed for [removed]:0
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:36 Completed GET /user/task/11?_csrf=removed 200 OK in 4.435222ms
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:38 Started GET /user/task/11?_csrf=removed for [removed]:0
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:38 Completed GET /user/task/11?_csrf=removed 200 OK in 4.673272ms
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:40 Started GET /user/task/11?_csrf=removed for [removed]:0
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:40 Completed GET /user/task/11?_csrf=removed 200 OK in 3.646798ms
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:42 Started GET /user/task/11?_csrf=removed for [removed]:0
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:42 Completed GET /user/task/11?_csrf=removed 200 OK in 4.876868ms
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:42 modules/task/task.go:54:handle() [E] Run task failed: issue does not exist [id: 0, repo_id: 11, index: 12]
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:44 Started GET /user/task/11?_csrf=removed for [removed]:0
gitea | 2022/01/14 17:26:44 Completed GET /user/task/11?_csrf=removed 404 Not Found in 4.310199ms
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