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Created November 28, 2024 19:26
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using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
app.MapEndpoint<EndpointWithARequest, string>("/{req}");
public interface IEndpoint
Task<IResult> RunAsync() => Task.FromResult<IResult>(TypedResults.Ok());
public interface IEndpoint<TRequest> : IEndpoint
Task<IResult> RunAsync(TRequest request);
public static class Mapper
public static void MapEndpoint<TEndpoint>(this WebApplication app, string pattern, string? method = default)
where TEndpoint : IEndpoint =>
app.MapMethods(pattern, [ method ?? HttpMethods.Get ], async (TEndpoint ep) => await ep.RunAsync());
public static void MapEndpoint<TEndpoint, TRequest>(this WebApplication app, string pattern, string? method = default)
where TEndpoint : IEndpoint<TRequest> =>
app.MapMethods(pattern, [ method ?? HttpMethods.Get ], async (TRequest req, [FromServices]TEndpoint ep) => await ep.RunAsync(req));
public class Counter
private int Count { get; set; }
public string County() => $"Count: {++Count}";
public class EndpointAsAClass([FromKeyedServices("sng")]Counter sng, [FromKeyedServices("scp")]Counter scp) : IEndpoint
public async Task<IResult> RunAsync()
return TypedResults.Ok($"Hello. Singleton: {sng.County()}. Scoped: {scp.County()}");
public class EndpointWithARequest : IEndpoint<string>
public async Task<IResult> RunAsync(string req)
return TypedResults.Ok($"Hello, {req}");
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