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Last active October 22, 2016 04:48
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//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
typealias Properties = Dictionary<String,Any?>
struct TypeKey {
let type: Any.Type
extension TypeKey: Hashable {
var hashValue: Int {
return String(describing: type).hashValue
func == (lhs: TypeKey, rhs: TypeKey) -> Bool {
return lhs.type == rhs.type
typealias FunctionType = (Properties) -> Any
class TestFactory {
static let sharedInstance = TestFactory()
var registry = Dictionary<TypeKey,FunctionType>()
func register<T>(type: T.Type, factory: @escaping (Properties) -> T) {
let key = TypeKey(type: type)
registry[key] = factory
func create<T>(type: T.Type, properties: Properties = [:]) -> T? {
let key = TypeKey(type: type)
return registry[key]?(properties) as? T
func create<T>(type: T.Type, properties: Properties = [:]) -> T? {
return TestFactory.sharedInstance.create(type: type, properties: properties)
class Foo {
let x: Int
let y: Int
init(x: Int, y: Int) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
struct Bar {
let a: String
let b: Int
init(a: String, b: Int) {
self.a = a
self.b = b
TestFactory.sharedInstance.register(type: Foo.self) { _ in
return Foo(x: 1, y: 2)
TestFactory.sharedInstance.register(type: Bar.self) { properties in
let a = properties["a"] as? String ?? "Dude"
return Bar(a: a, b: 3)
let foo = create(type: Foo.self)
let bar = create(type: Bar.self, properties: ["a": "Michael"])
let bar2 = create(type: Bar.self)
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