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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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  • Save rudymccomb/dff260bc6ed17512d25c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rudymccomb/dff260bc6ed17512d25c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
input {
redis {
host => 'redis1.hgv.iss.local'
data_type => list
key => logpassing
redis {
host => 'redis2.hgv.iss.local'
data_type => list
key => logpassing
redis {
host => 'redis3.hgv.iss.local'
data_type => list
key => logpassing
filter {
grok {
patterns_dir => "/opt/logstash/patterns/"
break_on_match => false
keep_empty_captures => true
match => ["message", "(%{SYSLOGBASE} )(%{EXIM_MULTILINE} )(%{GREEDYDATA})"]
add_field => { "multiline_message" => true }
if [multiline_message] {
drop { }
# Multiple IF are needed to keep the exclude readable
# I have devided them in sections on where the are used.
# System
if [message] =~ /Bad HELO|no (host|IP) (name|address) found for (host|IP address)|SMTP (command timeout|protocol synchronization error)|too many syntax or protocol errors|unexpected disconnection|TLS error on connection|rejected connection|whitelist=mx-trusted.white.dnsbl.ziggo.local|refused: too many connections|Warning: Delaying blacklisted|daemon started|Spool file is locked|message abandoned|rejected HELO from|uitlees|adreskwaliteit|totaal|too many nonmail commands|lost while reading message data/ {
drop { }
if [message] =~ /prefork: child states|spamd: (result|clean message|checking message|setuid|connection from localhost|identified spam)|R=feed_spamanalyser T=netcat|DecodeShortURLs|handled cleanup of child pid|rejected EHLO from|server successfully spawned child process|Unrouteable address|suspected mail loop|Unfrozen by forced delivery|Frozen|LMTP error after DATA|Use of uninitialized value|bayes db version 0 is not able to be used|autolearn=ham|spamd: server pid|killed successfully|cannot parse spamd output|server pid|removing stderr method|has dependency|restarting|sysread(16)|compiled rules|server started on port 783/ {
drop { }
# Client ERROR's
if [message] =~ /(Start|End) queue run|SIGHUP received|more than 100 messages|host lookup did not complete|Could not complete sender verify|server reached --max-children setting|all relevant MX records point to non-existent hosts|error in redirect data|an MX or SRV record indicated no SMTP service|unqualified recipient rejected|SMTP connection lost after final dot|discarded by RCPT ACL|error reading from spamd socket|port 783 failed|unqualified sender rejected|all spamd servers failed/ {
drop { }
# Custom ziggo log tags
if [message] =~ /RD001|RD004|RD005|RD007|DW001|MD004|DH003|DH007|EG010|EG0013|EG0014|RW002|DH005|B002|MD001|MD002|RD008|DH001|DH002|DH006/ {
drop { }
# Undefined stuff
if [message] =~ /je poort 587 gebruikt|AAA (2|6)s delay for auth|AAA warning AUTH used twice|message too big|rejected (VRFY|EXPN)/ {
drop { }
# LDAP stuff
if [message] =~ /LDAP search failed - error 50/ {
drop {}
# Really, really dirty hack to workaround bug in grok code
# which won't handle multiple matches on the same field
mutate {
add_field => {
"message_1" => "%{message}"
"message_2" => "%{message}"
"message_3" => "%{message}"
"message_4" => "%{message}"
"message_5" => "%{message}"
"message_6" => "%{message}"
"message_7" => "%{message}"
"message_8" => "%{message}"
"message_9" => "%{message}"
"message_10" => "%{message}"
"message_11" => "%{message}"
"message_12" => "%{message}"
"message_13" => "%{message}"
"message_14" => "%{message}"
"message_15" => "%{message}"
grok {
patterns_dir => "/etc/logstash/patterns/"
break_on_match => true
keep_empty_captures => true
match => [
match => [
"message_2", "(%{EXIM_LOG_BASE})(%{EXIM_REMOTE_HOST} )(%{EXIM_PROTOCOL} )(%{NOTSPACE:tls_info} )(%{EXIM_AUTH_LOGIN:login} )(%{EXIM_MSG_SIZE } )(for )(%{EMAILADDRESS:env_rcpt})"
match => [
"message_3", "(%{EXIM_LOG_BASE})(%{EXIM_REMOTE_HOST} )(%{EXIM_PROTOCOL} )(%{NOTSPACE:tls_info} )((%{EXIM_AUTH_LOGIN:login} )|(%{EXIM_AUTH_LOGIN:login} ))(%{EXIM_MSG_SIZE} )(%{EXIM_HEADER_ID} )(%{NOTSPACE:for} )(%{EMAILADDRESS:env_rcpt})"
match => [
"message_4", "(%{SYSLOGBASE} )(%{EXIM_DATE} )(%{EXIM_REMOTE_HOST} )(%{EXIM_FOR:env_sender} )(rejected RCPT <%{EMAILADDRESS}>: Auth-user )(%{EMAILADDRESS:login} )(%{GREEDYDATA:reason})"
match => [
"message_5", "(%{SYSLOGBASE} )(%{EXIM_DATE} )(%{EXIM_MSGID:exim_msg_id} )(%{EXIM_MSG_STATE:exim_msg_state})"
match => [
"message_6", "(%{SYSLOGBASE} )(%{EXIM_DATE} )(%{EXIM_MSGID:exim_msg_id} )(%{EXIM_REMOTE_HOST} )(Warning: DW001 Spam: host=%{IP:ip} )(login=%{EMAILADDRESS:login} )(%{GREEDYDATA})"
match => [
match => [
match => [
"message_9", "(%{SYSLOGBASE} )(%{EXIM_DATE} )(%{EXIM_MSGID:exim_msg_id} )(%{EXIM_REMOTE_HOST} )(%{GREEDYDATA})"
match => [
"message_10", "(%{SYSLOGBASE} )(%{EXIM_DATE} )(%{EXIM_AUTH_FAIL:auth_fail} )(%{NOTSPACE:remote_hostname} )(\(%{NOTSPACE:remote_heloname}\) )?(\[%{IP:remote_host}\]\: )(%{EXIM_ERR_NUM} )(%{EXIM_SET_ID})"
match => [
"message_11", "(%{EXIM_LOG_BASE})(%{EXIM_REMOTE_HOST} )(%{EXIM_PROTOCOL} )(%{EXIM_MSG_SIZE} )(%{NOTSPACE:for} )(%{EMAILADDRESS:env_rcpt})"
match => [
"message_12", "(%{SYSLOGBASE} )(%{EXIM_DATE} )(%{EXIM_MSGID:exim_msg_id} )(%{EXIM_REMOTE_HOST} )(%{EXIM_DEFERRED:reason})"
match => [
"message_13", "(%{SYSLOGBASE} )(%{EXIM_DATE} )(%{EXIM_AUTH_FAIL:auth_fail} )(%{NOTSPACE:remote_hostname} )(\(%{NOTSPACE:remote_heloname}\) )?(\[%{IP:remote_host}\]\: )(%{EXIM_ERR_NUM})"
match => [
match => [
"message_15", "(%{SYSLOGBASE} )(%{EXIM_DATE} )(%{EXIM_MSGID:exim_msg_id} )(%{EXIM_FLAGS:exim_flags} )(%{EXIM_BLACKHOLE:blackhole} )(%{GREEDYDATA:reason})"
########### End main grok match
date {
match => [ "timestamp", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss", "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "ISO8601" ]
if [program] == "spamd" {
drop { }
if ![exim_msg_state] {
mutate {
add_field => { "exim_msg_state" => "undefined" }
if [exim_msg_id] and ![exim_flags] and [remote_host] {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "connection" ]
if [exim_flags] == "<=" {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "received" ]
rename => [ "env_email", "env_sender" ]
if [exim_flags] == "=>" or [exim_flags] == "->" {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "delivered" ]
rename => [ "env_email", "env_rcpt" ]
if [exim_flags] == ">>" {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "cutthrough_delivery" ]
if [exim_flags] == "*>" {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "suppressed_delivery" ]
if [exim_flags] == "==" {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "deferred" ]
if [exim_flags] == "**" {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "failed" ]
if "Completed" in [message] {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "completed" ]
if [auth_fail] {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "failed_login" ]
if [reason] {
if [reason] =~ /wordt misbruikt vanuit/ {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "deferred" ]
} else if [reason] =~ "deferred" {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "deferred" ]
} else if [reason] =~ /blocked/ {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "blocked_account" ]
} else if [reason] =~ /zie spam vanaf ip adressen buiten ons netwerk/ {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "blocked_account" ]
if [exim_msg_state] == "delivered" and [exim_flags] == "<-" {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [ "loganalyse3.tb.mail.iss.local" ]
query => 'exim_msg_id:"%{exim_msg_id}"'
fields => [ "env_sender", "env_sender", "remote_host", "remote_host", "remote_hostname", "remote_hostname" ]
sort => "ignore_unmapped:true"
#fail_on_error => "false"
mutate {
remove_field => [ "query_failed" ]
if [logsource] =~ /smtp(1|2).(tb|gn).*/ {
mutate {
add_field => { "host_type" => "auth_smtp" }
if [logsource] =~ /^smtp[3..7].(tb|gn).*/ {
mutate {
add_field => { "host_type" => "smtp" }
if [logsource] =~ /^mx/ {
mutate {
add_field => { "host_type" => "mx" }
if [logsource] =~ /^smtpq*.(gn|tb).*/ {
mutate {
add_field => { "host_type" => "smtpq" }
# Remove the really, really dirty hack to workaround bug in grok code
# which won't handle multiple matches on the same field
mutate {
remove_field => [ "message_1","message_2","message_3","message_4","message_5","message_6","message_7", "message_8","message_9","message_10","message_11","message_12","message_13","message_14","message_15" ]
# GeoIP data to the ES so we can build a bettermap to see
# Where the connections are comming from
if [remote_host] {
if [remote_host] !~ "(^127\.0\.0\.1)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^192\.168\.)|(^212\.54\.42\.(10|13|17))" {
geoip {
source => "remote_host"
mutate {
add_field => [ "coords", "%{[geoip][longitude]}",
"tmplat", "%{[geoip][latitude]}" ]
mutate {
merge => [ "coords", "tmplat" ]
mutate {
convert => [ "coords", "float" ]
remove_field => [ "tmplat" ]
# # Temp stuff to filter out "good" event to develop on the undefined and bad events.
# if [exim_msg_state] == "completed" {
# drop {}
# } else if [exim_msg_state] == "received" {
# drop {}
# } else if [exim_msg_state] == "delivered" {
# drop {}
# } else if [exim_msg_state] == "connection" {
# drop {}
# }
# } else if [exim_msg_state] == "failed_login" {
# drop {}
# } else if [exim_msg_state] == "blocked_account" {
# drop {}
# } else if [exim_msg_state] == "deferred" {
# drop {}
# }
output {
elasticsearch {
cluster => mailtools
host => "elasticsearch1.hgv.iss.local"
index_type => "%{exim_msg_state}"
index => "exim-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
flush_size => 1
# stdout {
# codec => rubydebug
# }
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