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Created January 14, 2015 06:18
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>> i = Instance.find_by_id 324769
Instance Load (3.0ms) SELECT `redis_instances`.* FROM `redis_instances` WHERE `redis_instances`.`id` = 324769 LIMIT 1
=> #<Instance id: 324769, user_id: 26524, server_id: 101, port: 9025, version: "2.8.17", encrypted_password: "Ffj8yl5NIadXGM6Z2fZdmLwdqokaLO2wf17sI/ytm9ufg/DZ9PS...", memory: 20971520, hash_max_zipmap_entries: 64, hash_max_zipmap_value: 512, activerehashing: true, appendfsync: "everysec", created_at: "2014-12-16 16:16:36", updated_at: "2015-01-14 02:32:06", status: "running", last_bgrewriteaof_at: nil, timeout: 150, plan: "mini", databases: 1, connections: 50, last_backup_at: "2015-01-14 02:32:05", slave: false, master_host: nil, master_port: nil, encrypted_master_password: nil, persistence: "aof", snapshots: ["900 1", "300 10", "60 10000"], label: "greeneye-9025", vm_enabled: false, vm_max_memory: 0, vm_page_size: 32, vm_max_threads: 4, vm_size: 0, config_command: "890df345366e5addcf11cac5f4861ae5", slave_serve_stale_data: true, maxmemory_policy: "volatile-lru", maxmemory_samples: 3, gc_serial_number: nil, log_level: "notice", no_appendfsync_on_rewrite: "no", auto_aof_rewrite_percentage: 100, auto_aof_rewrite_min_size: 67108864, list_max_ziplist_entries: 512, list_max_ziplist_value: 64, set_max_intset_entries: 512, zset_max_ziplist_entries: 128, zset_max_ziplist_value: 64, slowlog_enabled: false, slowlog_log_slower_than: 50000, slowlog_max_len: 102, partner_data: {}, info_cache: {}, info_cached_on: nil, trial_expires_at: nil, cloud_id: 1, following_id: nil, partner_id: nil, provisioned_at: "2014-12-16 16:16:38">
>> i.start!
Server Load (5.7ms) SELECT `servers`.* FROM `servers` WHERE `servers`.`id` = 101 LIMIT 1
[Instance#start!] Instance 324769 already running
=> true
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