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Hacker Methodologies & Tools


The Top Hacker Methodologies & Tools Notes

new one

Hackers Notes


Hackers -

1. Jason Haddix

Methodology 1

  1. Crunchbase - get acquisitions. 2- Get a ASN for thr company. He uses Hurricane Electric


Metabigor 2-

2. Nehamsec

He sets up his ubuntu box using his BBHT Repo

He runs Directory Brute forcing because everytime he finds a new host, automatically he runs directory brute forcing on it, just to make sure he finds all the juicy files and folders. He uses Dirsearch as shown here

  python3 -u -t 50 -e html
# /bin/crtsh
# Also found 30 seconds in

# Manual

# Automated
curl -s\?q\=%25.$1\&output=json | jq -r  '.[].name_value' | sed 's/\*\.//g' | sort -u

3. Tomnomnom

Tomnomnom Methodology

Live Recon and Automation on Shopify's Bug Bounty Program with @TomNomNom

Assetfinder & wildcards file

He gathers the wildcard from their scope into wildcards then runs assetfinder then he goes and finds subdomains. cat wildcards | assetfinnder --subs-only | anew domains

If your subdomains end up containing characters at the front of them like, a nice low tech way to clean them is to sort (:sort in Vim) and then pop to the end ( G in Vim) so any special characters will go down to the end (I suppose a reverse sort would make them at the beginning) making it easy to trim them out and get rid of any lines beginnig with a * and so on. He keeps the ones starting with _ like

Httprobe --prefer-https & hosts file

To find what's listening he uses httprobe with a concurrency of 80 'or something like that' Final command herecat domains | httprobe -c 80 --prefer-https | anew hosts he does that to see what respoods on port 443 or 80. He wrote into Httprobe the ability to prefer-https with the --prefer-https flasg.


Previously before anew he would use tee -a. A common use case him is he has a file of domains and he didn't want to have to de-duplicate them all the time, so he created anew. He uses a few different tools to look for domains e.g. assetfider, findomain. anew only adds nenw lines to the file, it works works similar to tee -a except if a line already exists in a file, it doesn't add it. It also outputws what the new lines were so you know what it is adding to the file if thats where stdout is putting the output.x

Starts here

findomain -f wildcards | tee -a findomain.out and then cat findomain.out | anew domains | httprobe -c 50 | anew hosts

If he was to Httprobe the output of findomain before ran anew on them against the domains file which ensures only non duplicate hosts will be displayed as output, then it would run httprobe for ALL of them raher on unique domains. A cool tip to keep the noise low. This highlights a problem with anew / this workflow in my opinion, if something happened (a typo in the command, commad recieved a error code response it can't handle, etc) then httprobe might not get ran and anew would cover up the problem on accident.

Another Tomnomnom video / tutorial: TODO

Move from one working thing to another working thing. Make small modification

2. InsiderPHD

Methodology Notes #1 - Katie Explains - My Methodlogy

She clicks all the buttons always. She prefers to understand every tool and have a precise reason and goal for usage. Did I mention Click ALL the buttons? Click all the buttons. Make sure you've tried good ol' press all the buttons.

API Enumeration / Burp Intruder

Copy & Paste into Burp Intruder

Identify Interesting Endpoints - Learning to recognize interesting endpoits takes lots of time as a developer or lots of time hackinng. Rely on your intuition

Things to look for - signs of interesting endpoints

  • ID = IDOR
  • Sequential? (ids?)
  • Reflected Input = XSS
  • Complex Processes = Busiess Logic
  • Lots of Data = Information Exposure

Wordlists Public / API / Custom wordlists

API Wordlists - A wordlist of API Names used for fuzzing web application APIs. When do we use wordlists? 2 main times in API recon specifically

When we want to enumerate resources to find new endpoints When we want to enumerate paramters to find additional functionarlity Often this require 2 different Wordlists!

  1. Public wordlists

  1. Seclists (API Specific)
  2. Fuzzdb (API Specific)
  3. Seclists raft words (list of words)
  1. Manual Wordlists
  • Similar services might have documented APIS - check for those

  • Or use the waybackmachine method on those API's (nehamsecs videos)

  • Make sure you've tried good old press all the buttons Then start writing sensible words

    • What does the app say?
    • What actions does it let you do?

DEMO: Enumeration API Endpoints using ffuf and Burp Intruder Scenario: Starting on a new webpage, we don't see much other than a login page. There is not much content to click on. Staring at you is a login. Finally, you check burp. You see /api/users/6 in a BURP web request. Let the fun begin!

  1. In burpsuite send an API request you want to fuzz to Intruder.
  2. Remove the existing API function call and replace it with the two SS Characters for each text file you want to use
  3. On the 'Positions' tab, set Attack type to 'Cluster Bomb'
  4. On the Payloads tab, select 1 for the first payload set drop-dow then select a payload type of "Runtime file" and navigate to the driectory you downloaded these text files to, select "Actions.txt"

3. Mayonnaise

4. Jason Haddix

(00) Project Tracking

Take notes with Xmind. He finds Acquisitionos with Crunchbase. The he finds ASN numbers for all acquisitions found manually with

(01) Finding Seeds/Roots

You can use [asnlookup] or [metabigor]

ASN - The Autonomous System Number is a reference to their entire IP Space. A 'Reference Identifier' for all of their Registered Ips/IP Space. Collecting ASNs maually can be important so you don't accidently enumerate over an asset that is NOT in scope, or more in particular of a wrong target altogether.

Take for instance he searched for "Office" and it came up with Office Depot Europe B.V and Office Depot (as it should.) It also came up with "The Office of fhe President". Which... you probably don't want to be enumerating willy Nilly!

Amass - Run amass on the found ASNs amass intel -asn 138603 -config $HOME/.config/amass/config.ini

Whoxy - While Amass is running he runs the company through whoxy. You can get a free api key through Whoxy. There are many Reverse "Who Is" databases find the one you like.

Domlink - give it your api key and your domain and it will find everything for the 'company' and 'email' and all the related domains

He uses the search engine tool Shodan to glean a valuable question: is (Found prevously using ______) relevant to our testing? Example: `

5. ZSeano

Zseano Methodology 1

Live Recon on Rockstar Games With @zseano​

He created Where he personally triages bugs you submit.

His Recon is "Figuring out how things work". He will be doing Recon on Rockstar Games. Before he does anythig he reads writeups. In the case of Rockstart Games he noticed a lot of XSS and Open basic vulnerabilities. That says to him that he should just go checkout the webapp and see how it works and log some requests.

Zseano Methodology 2

Zseanos Methodology Book

  • Don't learn to hack, hack to learn
  • Sharing is caring
  • Hackers question everything!

Inspirations: @Yaworsk, @rohk_infosec and @ZephrFish

Search, etc. for terms like “responsible disclosure program”, “vulnerability disclosure program”, “vulnerability program rewards”, reward program”, inurl: vulnerability disclosure, inurl: responsible disclosureounty Programs



Burp, Collaborator, bappstore

Amass, httprobe, aquatone, anew, dnsgen, ffuf

Seclists, Commonspeak, Inputscanner, Linkfinder, Parameth, Mhmdiaa, Anychange

Process for testing for XSS & filtering:

Step One: Testing different encoding and checking for any weird behaviour Test <h1><img><table> |-> If it is reflected as < or %3C then try for double encodings like %253C and %26lt; |( TIP ) => Some interesting encodings to try can be

This step is about finding out what's allowed and isn't & how they handle our payload. For example if <script> was reflected as <script>, but %26lt;script%26gt; was reflected as <script>, then I know I am onto a bypass and I can begin to understand how they are handling encodings (which will help me in later bugs maybe!). If not matter what you try you always see <script> or %3Cscript%3E then the paramerer in question may not be vulnerable.

Issues he finds

He first Starts with XSS to get a feel for the overall security of the app. By testing the filters, you can see what parameters are filtered and what is let through. The interestinng thing about his methodology is you know the site is vulnerable, but the filters were put into place by the developers to stop you from exploting it. The thinking behind that is it means even i f the

Wordlists – Every hacker needs a wordlist and luckily Daniel Miessler has provided us with “SecLists” ( which contains wordlists for every type of scanning you want to do. Grab a list and start scanning to see what you can find. As you continue your hunting you'll soon realize that building your own lists based on keywords found on the program can help aid you in your hunting. The team released “CommonSpeak” which is also extremely useful for generating new wordlists, found here: A detailed post on using this tool can be found at

RESOURCES --- Breaking into information security: Learning the ropes 101” by Andy Gill (@ZephrFish).

Noisy Hacker: Automated XSS Workflow


Summary: He uses a combination of Param Spider, GXSS, and Dalfox to enumerate the endpoints for params,

Goal: Find Xss automatically while doing Bounty Hunting. Video here testvuln.txt

python3 --domain -o /root/Desktop/testvuln.txt
cat testvuln.txt | Gxss -p chocobo
cat testvuln.txt | Gxss -hoco | dalfox pipe --mining-dict /root/Desktop/Useer/db/params.txt --skip-

Cyber UF

Live XSS Using dalfox - Paramspider | Automation Tools, Bugbounty |By-PJBorah #cyberuf


  python3 --domain -o myparam.txt


dalfox file myparam.txt -b --proxy

Check Amass Config File

  amass enum -list -config config.ini

Amass with Hacking Simplified

Download the resolvers as see here and here

He has passive and active commands for amass as seen here

# Passive Recon
amass enum -passive -d -src -dir h1_amass -o output_h1.txt -rf 50-resolvers.txt

# Active Recon
amass enum -active -d -src -dir h1_amass -o output_h1.txt -rf 50-resolvers.txt

# Track
amass enum -track -config ~/HOME/.config/amass/config.ini -d -dir h1_amass

# Viz
amass viz -d3 -dir h1_amass

# Run Python Server
cd h1_amass && python3 -m http server

If runing on a domain with a lot of hosts run using the screen command.

Bugbounty recon Automation using bash | Automate your complete recon | @CyberUF

He walks us through setting up a short script (3-4 lines) Here is the basic outline wd:



if [[ -z  $domain ]];

echo -e "Usage ./ <domain>"
exit 1

mkdir "$domain"

He then Enumereates over subdomains using Subfinder.

echo -e "Enumerating subdomains for "$1""
subfinder -d "$domain" -silent > "  $domain"/subs.txt

You can run it using chmod u+x /path/to/ and then calling it ./

Next he gets all the live subdomains using Httpx.

echo -e "Enumerating Live Subs for "$1""
cat "$domain"/subs.txt | https -title -tech-detect -status-code > "$domain"/live-subs.txt

Next he gets all Urls for the target.

echo -e "Enumerating All Urls for "$1""
cat "$domain"/live-subs.txt | waybackurls > "$domain/All-urls.txt"

To test his script at this point he comments out httpx because it takes the longest to run out of the all.

This is he end of his Part 1. He is going to release the next part to this in a week which I will post the notes on here. He Notes how you can easily add onto this any of the subdomain enumeration tools like Shodan etc.

[Xss Using Automation | s + grep | Bugbountytrick |By-PJBorah]](

Extract Parameters, Callbacks, Endpoint etc. Using echo . s and regex.

echo '' |   s | grep "redirect="
echo '' |   s | grep "url="

Enter Dalfox - as we know by now Dalfox is a great tool for hunting against XSS, and also SQLi, SSTI, and more.

echo '' |   s | tee outputurls.txts

He has the next video which goes over dalfox


Mass Hunt XSS with and without GF Patterns


From Here He has over 99 GF Patterns. List is there. Get a list of them when you need ideas.

He found 136 links. After GF Patterns, it was 36. The point is, GF patterns can greaty limit you when hunting for xss aka paramters. If you grep by "=" you will find way more.

The Mass Hunt XSS Technique Bug Bounty Hunters don't want you to know

[Video] by Hacktify Cyber Security

In a previous video he came up with the following payload / oneliner:

waybackurls | tee testphp1.txt | grep "=" | egrep -iv ".(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|tif|tiff|png|ttf|woff|woff2|ico|pdf|svg|txt|js)" | qsreplace '"><script>confirm(1)</script>' | tee combinedfuzz.json && cat combinedfuzz.json | while read host do ; do curl --silent --path-as-is --insecure "$host" | grep -qs "<script>confirm(1)" && echo "$host \033[0;e31mVulnerable\n" || echo "$host \033[0;32mNot Vulnerable\n";done

He broke this video down into two parts.

1st part - as experienced xss hunters know, in order to find XSS, we need to find parameters. We have all paramters from waybackurls with the help of gf xss patterns / grep "=" works as well to find them. Doing an egrep -iv clears the clutter. When we have the parameters, we just need to check if they reflect special characters.

  1. Need to check special chars

If special characters are not filtered, and they do reflect back into the response, we confirm the need to put an xss payload in it.

After we have done this step, we are going to narrow down the scope from say 500 to 50 so we send less requests. So now that we have identified special parameters and narrowed our scope down, it's time to come up with a valid xss payload.

  1. Valid xss Payload

It will put dynamic xss payloads to this narrowed down scope, and only send a valid xss payload to those that are not filtering special parameters.

Essentially, we are being nice to the server and not triggering the WAF.

cat testphpwayback.txt --> read the file
| kxss --> filter special chars
| sed 's/=.*/=/' --> remove everythig after =, add =
| sed 's /URL: //' --> remove URL: and white space
| dalfox pipe --> dalfox tool for xss payload
-b --> BXSS payload adder.

Read the output of s

After Dalfox pass all urlss to Dalfox usin pipeline mode

For submitting Markdown Reports, Use StackEdit

Blindxss payloads

Bug Bounty Webinar - Recon, Live Attacking, Tools | Live Bugbounty Hunting | #SECOCEANS

Dec 12, 2020

Bugbounty Webinar - Recon,Live attacking, Tools | Live Bugbounty hunting | #SECOCEA

You should know Operating Systems Html CSS Javascript PHP

But if you don't know how to code that's ok.

  1. Bash, Python ( A programming language) Follow Nehamsec, Pentesterland, Hackactivity, Integrity blbsposgedi q

Information Gathering

What is:- Reconnaissance (Recon) is an imporant tenchinque for penetration testing and the beginnning point of many data breaches. It involves gathering of information about the target which can be useful for finding flaws or vulnerabilities. Many people never do proper reconnaissance and start attacking the targest which is a wrong way.

Step 1: Choose a Target. He uses Google Dorking to find a program.

responsible disclosure powered by bugcrowd

Tools To Gather Information

Subfinder Syntax


Google Dorks

Google Dorking is justs an advanced technique that is used to search Google's index in a better way. Using this technique you can do a lot of things. You can search for a very specific query or find someone's email and even passwords.

Next he highlights some powerful dorks. Dork #1: intitle: "index of"

Dork #2: To find out Database Password filetype:env "DB_PASSWORD"

Dork #3: To find Registration Pages inurl:signup | inurl:register

Dork #4: Find exposed Configuration Files - find information exposure ext:xml | ext:conf | ext:cnf | ext:reg | ext:inf  | ext:rdp | ext:cfg | ext:txt | ext:ora | ext:ini | ext:env | ext:log

GitHub Dorking

Starts here there is a repo startinghere that has a list

Search here "Api_key"

end here

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