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Last active February 28, 2019 15:55
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Rebuilding Metron is a very long process. If you have a tiny change in the config's UI code and you want to test in full dev, you should follow these steps.
  1. Go to the metron-config folder.

$ cd metron/metron-interface/metron-config

  1. Run the maven build taks

It creates a new build from the metron config UI with Maven and compresses it in a tar file. Once it's finished, you can find this file in the metron/metron-interface/metron-config/target folder. Suppose it's metron-config-0.7.1-archive.tar.gz.

$ mvn clean package -DskipTests

  1. Go to the folder above to be able to run vagrant commands.

$ cd metron/metron-deployment/development/centos6

  1. Copy the tar file from the host computer to full dev.

$ vagrant scp ../../../metron-interface/metron-config/target/metron-config-0.7.1-archive.tar.gz /tmp

  1. SSH into full dev.

$ vagrant ssh

  1. Go to god mode

$ su root (the password is vagrant)

  1. Go to the /tmp folder

  2. Unpack the tar file

$ tar xvf metron-config-0.7.1-archive.tar.gz (it creates a web folder in /tmp)

  1. Clear out the existing build (take care of the version number!)

$ rm -rf /usr/metron/0.7.1/web/management-ui/*

  1. Copy the new assets over

$ cp -R web/management-ui/* /usr/metron/0.7.1/web/management-ui/

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