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Created October 21, 2012 21:33
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Upload data wrangling handbook to wordpress
''' Upload datawrangling handbook to wordpress site.
Copy this file to same directory as your sphinx build directory and then do
python -h
NB: You need to enable XML-RPC access to the wordpress site (via Settings -> Writing)
NB: this requires pywordpress (pip install pywordpress) and associated config
file - see
import os
import optparse
import pywordpress
# TODO: deal with utf8 encoding
def prepare_html(fileobj):
data =
# just pull out the main content
start = data.index('<div class="content">')
end = data.index('<div class="well sidebar-nav">')
out = data[start:end]
# strip last 3 lines
out = '\n'.join(out.split('\n')[:-3])
# TODO: do we want to extract the title
# Do we want title at all?
# TODO: insert toc (??)
# insert after h1 on 4th ine
# lines = out.split('\n')
# out = '\n'.join(lines[:4] + [ '[toc]' ] + lines[4:])
# now various regex
import re
# replace .html with / and index.html with simple ./
pattern = '(href=".[^"]*)index\.html"'
out = re.sub(pattern, '\\1"', out)
pattern = 'href="index\.html"'
out = re.sub(pattern, 'href="./"', out)
pattern = '(href="[^"]*).html"'
out = re.sub(pattern, '\\1/"', out)
return out
def upload(wordpress_site_url='', handbook_path='/handbook/'):
'''Convert and upload built sphinx content to destination site
1. Clean up and extract html for uploading
2. Upload
NB: you'll need a config.ini to exist as per pywordpress requirements
pages = {}
for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk('build/html'):
if '_sources' in root:
for f in files:
path = os.path.join(root, f)
print path
subpath = os.path.join(
# index.html => /
f.replace('index.html', '')
urlpath = handbook_path + os.path.splitext(subpath)[0]
# everything has a trailing '/' e.g. /handbook/introduction/
if not urlpath.endswith('/'):
urlpath += '/'
out = prepare_html(open(path))
pages[urlpath] = {
'title': urlpath.split('/')[-1].capitalize(),
'description': out
# do the upload
wp = pywordpress.Wordpress.init_from_config('config.ini')
wp.verbose =True
print 'Creating pages in wordpress'
changes = wp.create_many_pages(pages)
print 'Summary of changes'
if __name__ == '__main__':
usage = '''%prog {action}
upload: upload handbook to website
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) < 1:
action = args[0]
if action == 'upload':
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