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Scrape CKAN Extensions on Github
'''Run this script and it will export a list of all CKAN extensions on github
(guessed by repo name containing ckanext) to json and csv files in in this directory
import urllib
import json
import csv
jsonfp = 'extensions-gh.json'
csvfp = 'extensions-gh.csv'
def get_extensions_on_github():
'''Download list of CKAN extensions on Github.
We find the extensions by the heuristic of searching for repositories with
ckanext in their name.
We try to filter out some "trivial" extensions (experiments etc) by
ignorning extensions that end in ckanext or have deprecated in their name
base = ''
# get number of pages to go through in results on github
counturl = base + '&per_page=1'
fo = urllib.urlopen(counturl)
out = json.load(fo)
total = int(out['total_count'])
maxpage = int(total/100) + 2
login_to_author = {
'okfn': 'Open Knowledge',
'ckan': 'CKAN',
'datagovuk': 'Data.Gov.UK - Cabinet Office'
def _extract(repo_dict):
login = repo_dict['owner']['login']
if login in login_to_author:
author = login_to_author[login]
info = json.load(urllib.urlopen(repo_dict['owner']['url']))
author = info.get('name', login)
login_to_author[login] = author
return {
'name': repo_dict['name'],
'title': repo_dict['description'],
'author': author,
'url': repo_dict['html_url'],
'description': '',
'type': 'Extension',
'updated_at': repo_dict['updated_at'],
'status': '',
results = []
for idx in range(1, maxpage):
url = base + '&per_page=100&page=%s' % idx
print url
fo = urllib.urlopen(url)
indata = json.load(fo)
results += [
_extract(item) for item in indata['items']
# if just called ckanext probably just an experiment
if not (
'deprecated' in item['name'].lower()
'deprecated' in item['description'].lower()
def ourcmp(x,y):
return cmp(x['name'], y['name'])
results = sorted(results, ourcmp)
outfo = open(jsonfp, 'w')
json.dump(results, outfo, indent=2)
def json_to_csv():
fo = open(csvfp, 'w')
fields = ['name', 'title', 'url', 'description', 'author', 'type',
'status', 'updated_at']
writer = csv.DictWriter(fo, fieldnames=fields, lineterminator='\n')
data = json.load(open(jsonfp))
for row in data:
# get rid of utf8 errors by encoding in advance
for k,v in row.items():
if v != None:
row[k] = v.encode('utf8')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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