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Created October 10, 2018 06:12
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Haskell Quicksort V2
import Control.Monad (forM, liftM)
import Data.Array.IO (IOUArray, getElems, newListArray)
import Data.Array.Base (unsafeRead, unsafeWrite)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime, diffUTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime, posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import System.Random.MWC (create, uniformR)
-- TODO: I should be able to do this with the ST monad, but I'm not
-- smart enough for that yet.
-- ArraySlice data type. I probably should be able to parameterize
-- over the kind of MArray. Indeed, ArraySlice probably can implement
-- MArray itself!
data ArraySlice = ArraySlice (IOUArray Int Int) Int Int
readArraySlice :: ArraySlice -> Int -> IO Int
readArraySlice as@(ArraySlice arr offset _) idx = do
unsafeRead arr (fromIntegral (offset + idx) :: Int)
writeArraySlice :: ArraySlice -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
writeArraySlice as@(ArraySlice arr offset _) idx val = do
unsafeWrite arr (fromIntegral (offset + idx) :: Int) val
resliceArraySlice :: ArraySlice -> Int -> Int -> ArraySlice
resliceArraySlice as@(ArraySlice arr offset _) newOffset newLen =
ArraySlice arr (offset + newOffset) newLen
asLength :: ArraySlice -> Int
asLength as@(ArraySlice _ _ len) = len
-- Moves all items smaller than the pivot to the left of the
-- pivot. Everything greater is to the right of the pivot.
partition :: ArraySlice -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
partition as pivotIdx idx
| idx == (asLength as) =
return pivotIdx
| otherwise = do
pivot <- readArraySlice as pivotIdx
el <- readArraySlice as idx
if el < pivot
then do
let nextIdx = pivotIdx + 1
nextEl <- readArraySlice as nextIdx
writeArraySlice as idx nextEl
writeArraySlice as nextIdx pivot
writeArraySlice as pivotIdx el
partition as (pivotIdx + 1) (idx + 1)
else do
partition as pivotIdx (idx + 1)
-- QuickSort runs the partition subroutine to place the pivot, and
-- then sorts the left and right halves recursively.
-- The whole point of this gist is to show how to do this *in
-- place*. The whole point of quick sort is to do it in place. But
-- most introductions to Haskell will show you how to do it in an
-- immutable (and extremely inefficient) way.
qsort :: ArraySlice -> IO ()
qsort as
| (asLength as) == 0 = do
return ()
| otherwise = do
pivotIdx <- partition as 0 0
let leftLen = pivotIdx
qsort (resliceArraySlice as 0 leftLen)
let rightLen = (asLength as) - (pivotIdx + 1)
qsort (resliceArraySlice as (pivotIdx + 1) rightLen)
-- A function to benchmark how long an operation takes.
benchmark :: IO a -> IO (NominalDiffTime, a)
benchmark f = do
t1 <- getPOSIXTime & liftM posixSecondsToUTCTime
result <- f
t2 <- getPOSIXTime & liftM posixSecondsToUTCTime
let timeDiff = diffUTCTime t2 t1
return (timeDiff, result)
-- Some constants!
numElems :: Int
numElems = 10 * 1000 * 1000
maxValue :: Int
maxValue = 10 * 1000 * 1000
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Generate random list of numbers. Apparently System.Random is very slow...
putStrLn "Generating random numbers!"
(timeDiff, elems) <- benchmark $ do
gen <- create
elems <- forM [1..numElems] $ \_ -> uniformR (0, maxValue) gen
return elems
putStrLn $ "Time: " ++ (show timeDiff)
-- About 1.2sec!!
-- Build the array for in place sorting.
putStrLn "Building array!"
(timeDiff, arr) <- benchmark $ do
arr <- (newListArray (0, numElems - 1) elems) :: IO (IOUArray Int Int)
return arr
putStrLn $ "Time: " ++ (show timeDiff)
-- About 0.05sec.
-- Sort them!
putStrLn "Sorting array!"
(timeDiff, _) <- benchmark $ do
qsort (ArraySlice arr 0 numElems)
putStrLn $ "Time: " ++ (show timeDiff)
-- About 1.25s. <<<
-- A C++ version takes ~0.77s. So this isn't so bad. 60% slower.
-- Extract list and print!
putStrLn "Extracting array!"
(timeDiff, elems) <- benchmark $ do
elems <- getElems arr
return elems
putStrLn $ "Time: " ++ (show timeDiff)
-- About 0.8s.
--forM_ elems $ \el -> do
-- putStrLn (show el)
putStrLn "DONE"
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