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Created July 2, 2017 13:26
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Top 20 most planted crops in 2014 worldwide, per country
# list of most produced/cultivated crops/fruits in the world
# source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
# created/parsed by script:
# updated at: 2017-07-02
default: [Sugar cane, Potatoes, Sugar beet, Soybeans, Cassava, Tomatoes]
AE: [Dates, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Onions- shallots- green, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Carrots and turnips, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Potatoes, Chillies and peppers- green, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Cabbages and other brassicas, Watermelons, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Spinach, Eggplants (aubergines), Okra, Beans- green, Lemons and limes, Lettuce and chicory, Almonds- with shell]
AF: [Grapes, Rice- paddy, Potatoes, Watermelons, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Apricots, Apples, Sugar cane, Seed cotton, Cottonseed, Plums and sloes, Sesame seed, Almonds- with shell, Berries nes, Peaches and nectarines, Cotton lint, Anise- badian- fennel- coriander, Sugar beet, Walnuts- with shell, Olives]
AG: [Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Tomatoes, Lemons and limes, Eggplants (aubergines), Pineapples, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Onions- dry, Carrots and turnips, Sweet potatoes, Bananas, Cabbages and other brassicas, Yams, Cassava, Seed cotton, Beans- green, Chillies and peppers- green, Cottonseed, Cucumbers and gherkins, Taro (cocoyam)]
AL: [Potatoes, Tomatoes, Watermelons, Grapes, Olives, Onions- dry, Apples, Cucumbers and gherkins, Chillies and peppers- green, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Sugar beet, Cabbages and other brassicas, Plums and sloes, Beans- dry, Leeks- other alliaceous vegetables, Eggplants (aubergines), Onions- shallots- green, Figs, Spinach, Cherries]
AM: [Potatoes, Tomatoes, Grapes, Watermelons, Cabbages and other brassicas, Apples, Cucumbers and gherkins, Peaches and nectarines, Sugar beet, Onions- dry, Pears, Carrots and turnips, Plums and sloes, Garlic, Berries nes, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Cherries, Beans- dry, Walnuts- with shell, Apricots]
AO: [Cassava, Bananas, Sweet potatoes, Potatoes, Pineapples, Sugar cane, Beans- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Oil- palm fruit, Groundnuts- with shell, Rice- paddy, Oil- palm, Onions- shallots- green, Palm kernels, Tomatoes, Coffee- green, Soybeans, Sunflower seed, Seed cotton, Castor oil seed]
AR: [Soybeans, Sugar cane, Grapes, Sunflower seed, Rice- paddy, Lemons and limes, Potatoes, Groundnuts- with shell, Seed cotton, Apples, Oranges, Pears, Onions- dry, Tomatoes, Cottonseed, Beans- dry, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Sweet potatoes, Cotton lint, Peaches and nectarines]
AS: [Coconuts, Bananas, Taro (cocoyam), Coconuts, Pineapples, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Papayas, Yams, Avocados, Yams, Bananas, Pineapples, Cocoa- beans, Cassava, Cucumbers and gherkins, Cabbages and other brassicas, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Oilseeds nes, Eggplants (aubergines), Beans- green]
AS: [Taro (cocoyam), Coconuts, Yams, Bananas, Pineapples, Cucumbers and gherkins, Cabbages and other brassicas, Eggplants (aubergines), Beans- green, Tomatoes, Cassava, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Sugar cane, Onions- shallots- green, Cocoa- beans, Tobacco- unmanufactured]
AT: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Apples, Grapes, Onions- dry, Soybeans, Carrots and turnips, Cabbages and other brassicas, Plums and sloes, Sunflower seed, Tomatoes, Cherries, Pears, Cucumbers and gherkins, Lettuce and chicory, Apricots, Currants, Broad beans- horse beans- dry, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Chillies and peppers- green]
AU: [Sugar cane, Seed cotton, Grapes, Cottonseed, Potatoes, Cotton lint, Rice- paddy, Chick peas, Lupins, Oranges, Peas- dry, Broad beans- horse beans- dry, Carrots and turnips, Apples, Onions- dry, Bananas, Lentils, Tomatoes, Watermelons, Almonds- with shell]
AZ: [Potatoes, Tomatoes, Watermelons, Apples, Cucumbers and gherkins, Sugar beet, Onions- dry, Grapes, Persimmons, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Cabbages and other brassicas, Eggplants (aubergines), Chillies and peppers- green, Cottonseed, Seed cotton, Pears, Hazelnuts- with shell, Peaches and nectarines, Quinces, Pumpkins- squash and gourds]
BA: [Potatoes, Plums and sloes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Apples, Onions- dry, Tomatoes, Chillies and peppers- green, Chillies and peppers- dry, Grapes, Carrots and turnips, Cucumbers and gherkins, Watermelons, Pears, Raspberries, Beans- dry, Soybeans, Cherries, Peaches and nectarines, Strawberries, Lettuce and chicory]
BB: [Sugar cane, Coconuts, Sweet potatoes, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Cucumbers and gherkins, Bananas, String beans, Tomatoes, Avocados, Yams, Cassava, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Cabbages and other brassicas, Onions- dry, Lettuce and chicory, Carrots and turnips, Okra, Beans- dry, Taro (cocoyam), Chillies and peppers- green]
BD: [Rice- paddy, Potatoes, Sugar cane, Onions- dry, Jute & Jute-like Fibres, Jute, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Bananas, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Garlic, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Tomatoes, Sweet potatoes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Pineapples, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Lentils, Papayas, Soybeans, Beans- dry]
BE: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Pears, Carrots and turnips, Apples, Chicory roots, Tomatoes, Leeks- other alliaceous vegetables, Cabbages and other brassicas, Beans- green, Spinach, Onions- dry, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Peas- green, Flax fibre and tow, Lettuce and chicory, Mushrooms and truffles, Strawberries, Grain- mixed, Chillies and peppers- green]
BF: [Seed cotton, Cow peas- dry, Sugar cane, Cottonseed, Rice- paddy, Groundnuts- with shell, Sesame seed, Cotton lint, Cashew nuts- with shell, Bambara beans, Karite nuts (sheanuts), Yams, Sweet potatoes, Okra, Onions- shallots- green, Soybeans, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Tomatoes, Beans- green, Fonio]
BG: [Sunflower seed, Grapes, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Apples, Rice- paddy, Cucumbers and gherkins, Chillies and peppers- green, Cabbages and other brassicas, Watermelons, Anise- badian- fennel- coriander, Cherries, Peaches and nectarines, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Plums and sloes, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Onions- dry, Oilseeds nes, Apricots, Asparagus]
BH: [Dates, Tomatoes, Eggplants (aubergines), Lemons and limes, Bananas, Okra, Cabbages and other brassicas, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Lettuce and chicory, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Cucumbers and gherkins, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Onions- dry, Carrots and turnips, Chick peas, Watermelons, Grapes, Chillies and peppers- green, Potatoes, Sweet potatoes]
BI: [Cassava, Bananas, Sweet potatoes, Beans- dry, Sugar cane, Potatoes, Taro (cocoyam), Oil- palm fruit, Rice- paddy, Tea, Oil- palm, Peas- dry, Coffee- green, Yams, Groundnuts- with shell, Palm kernels, Pigeon peas, Soybeans, Seed cotton, Cottonseed]
BJ: [Cassava, Yams, Oil- palm fruit, Tomatoes, Seed cotton, Pineapples, Rice- paddy, Cashew nuts- with shell, Cottonseed, Groundnuts- with shell, Cotton lint, Soybeans, Beans- dry, Chillies and peppers- green, Chillies and peppers- dry, Sweet potatoes, Palm kernels, Oil- palm, Okra, Onions- dry]
BM: [Potatoes, Carrots and turnips, Bananas, Cabbages and other brassicas, Sweet potatoes, Tomatoes, Onions- dry, Beans- green]
BN: [Cassava, Cucumbers and gherkins, Rice- paddy, Pineapples, Bananas, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Spinach, Oranges, Okra, Coconuts, Chillies and peppers- green, Eggplants (aubergines), Sweet potatoes, Rubber- natural, Tomatoes, Watermelons, Onions- shallots- green, Lemons and limes, Pepper (piper spp.), Mushrooms and truffles]
BO: [Sugar cane, Soybeans, Potatoes, Rice- paddy, Plantains and others, Cassava, Oranges, Bananas, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Seed cotton, Sunflower seed, Onions- dry, Chestnut, Quinoa, Cottonseed, Beans- dry, Tomatoes, Pineapples, Brazil nuts- with shell, Peaches and nectarines]
BR: [Sugar cane, Soybeans, Cassava, Oranges, Rice- paddy, Bananas, Tomatoes, Seed cotton, Potatoes, Beans- dry, Coconuts, Coffee- green, Cottonseed, Pineapples, Watermelons, Cashewapple, Onions- dry, Papayas, Grapes, Cotton lint]
BS: [Sugar cane, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Bananas, Tomatoes, Oranges, Coconuts, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Lemons and limes, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Sweet potatoes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Avocados, Cassava, Onions- dry, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Onions- shallots- green, Papayas, Okra, Plantains and others, Pigeon peas]
BT: [Rice- paddy, Potatoes, Oranges, Sugar cane, Chillies and peppers- dry, Areca nuts, Apples, Chillies and peppers- green, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Ginger, Buckwheat, Beans- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Bananas, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Peas- dry, Pears, Nutmeg- mace and cardamoms, Mustard seed, Garlic]
BW: [Seed cotton, Oranges, Onions- dry, Groundnuts- with shell, Cottonseed, Sunflower seed, Cotton lint]
BY: [Potatoes, Sugar beet, Apples, Cabbages and other brassicas, Beans- dry, Carrots and turnips, Onions- dry, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Vetches, Strawberries, Peas- dry, Flax fibre and tow, Garlic, Lupins, Buckwheat, Pears, Walnuts- with shell, Cherries- sour, Grapes]
BZ: [Sugar cane, Oranges, Bananas, Papayas, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Rice- paddy, Beans- dry, Plantains and others, Soybeans, Peas- green, Peas- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Pineapples, Watermelons, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Chillies and peppers- green, Cassava, Coconuts, Onions- shallots- green]
CA: [Soybeans, Potatoes, Peas- dry, Lentils, Linseed, Sugar beet, Apples, Tomatoes, Carrots and turnips, Beans- dry, Cucumbers and gherkins, Onions- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Mustard seed, Blueberries, Cranberries, Grain- mixed, Canary seed, Chick peas, Pumpkins- squash and gourds]
CD: [Cassava, Sugar cane, Oil- palm fruit, Plantains and others, Groundnuts- with shell, Bananas, Rice- paddy, Oil- palm, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Beans- dry, Sweet potatoes, Papayas, Pineapples, Oranges, Yams, Potatoes, Palm kernels, Cow peas- dry, Taro (cocoyam), Avocados]
CF: [Cassava, Yams, Groundnuts- with shell, Bananas, Taro (cocoyam), Sugar cane, Plantains and others, Rice- paddy, Melonseed, Sesame seed, Oranges, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Seed cotton, Oilseeds nes, Pineapples, Cottonseed, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Cotton lint, Oil- palm fruit, Avocados]
CG: [Cassava, Sugar cane, Cassava, Oil- palm fruit, Plantains and others, Sugar cane, Groundnuts- with shell, Bananas, Rice- paddy, Oil- palm, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Beans- dry, Sweet potatoes, Papayas, Pineapples, Oranges, Oil- palm fruit, Yams, Potatoes, Plantains and others]
CH: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Apples, Grapes, Lettuce and chicory, Carrots and turnips, Pears, Tomatoes, Onions- shallots- green, Cabbages and other brassicas, Spinach, Leeks- other alliaceous vegetables, Peas- dry, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Cherries, Cucumbers and gherkins, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Strawberries, Beans- green, Apricots]
CI: [Yams, Cassava, Rice- paddy, Sugar cane, Oil- palm fruit, Plantains and others, Cocoa- beans, Cashew nuts- with shell, Seed cotton, Oil- palm, Bananas, Rubber- natural, Cottonseed, Coconuts, Okra, Cotton lint, Chillies and peppers- dry, Groundnuts- with shell, Coffee- green, Eggplants (aubergines)]
CK: [Coconuts, Cassava, Papayas, Sweet potatoes, Tomatoes, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Watermelons, Bananas, Avocados, Oranges, Pineapples, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Lemons and limes, Chillies and peppers- green, Vanilla, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Coffee- green]
CL: [Grapes, Apples, Sugar beet, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Peaches and nectarines, Onions- dry, Plums and sloes, Kiwi fruit, Pears, Carrots and turnips, Avocados, Oranges, Rice- paddy, Lemons and limes, Olives, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Lettuce and chicory, Cherries, Cranberries]
CM: [Cassava, Plantains and others, Oil- palm fruit, Bananas, Taro (cocoyam), Sugar cane, Tomatoes, Groundnuts- with shell, Yams, Sweet potatoes, Beans- dry, Cocoa- beans, Oil- palm, Seed cotton, Cucumbers and gherkins, Potatoes, Cottonseed, Onions- dry, Rice- paddy, Pineapples]
CN: [Rice- paddy, Sugar cane, Potatoes, Watermelons, Sweet potatoes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Tomatoes, Apples, Cabbages and other brassicas, Eggplants (aubergines), Onions- dry, Spinach, Garlic, Seed cotton, Pears, Carrots and turnips, Beans- green, Groundnuts- with shell, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Chillies and peppers- green]
CN: [Rice- paddy, Sugar cane, Potatoes, Watermelons, Sweet potatoes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Tomatoes, Apples, Cabbages and other brassicas, Eggplants (aubergines), Onions- dry, Spinach, Garlic, Seed cotton, Pears, Carrots and turnips, Beans- green, Groundnuts- with shell, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Chillies and peppers- green]
CO: [Sugar cane, Oil- palm fruit, Plantains and others, Rice- paddy, Cassava, Potatoes, Bananas, Oil- palm, Coffee- green, Pineapples, Tomatoes, Onions- dry, Yams, Avocados, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Palm kernels, Oranges, Carrots and turnips, Watermelons, Papayas]
CR: [Sugar cane, Pineapples, Bananas, Oil- palm fruit, Oil- palm, Rice- paddy, Oranges, Cassava, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Plantains and others, Coffee- green, Papayas, Potatoes, Palm kernels, Watermelons, Tomatoes, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Carrots and turnips, Onions- dry, Lemons and limes]
CU: [Sugar cane, Plantains and others, Rice- paddy, Sweet potatoes, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Tomatoes, Cassava, Yams, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Yautia (cocoyam), Bananas, Papayas, Beans- dry, Onions- dry, Cucumbers and gherkins, Cabbages and other brassicas, Watermelons, Coconuts, Chillies and peppers- green, Potatoes]
CV: [Sugar cane, Tomatoes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Bananas, Sweet potatoes, Potatoes, Carrots and turnips, Coconuts, Onions- dry, Cassava, Cucumbers and gherkins, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Lettuce and chicory, Watermelons, Chillies and peppers- dry, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Groundnuts- with shell, Beans- green, Garlic, Cauliflowers and broccoli]
CY: [Potatoes, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Oranges, Watermelons, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Grapes, Olives, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Lemons and limes, Carobs, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Onions- dry, Bananas, Apples, Cabbages and other brassicas, Peaches and nectarines, Figs, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Eggplants (aubergines)]
CZ: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Apples, Grapes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Peas- dry, Sunflower seed, Onions- dry, Carrots and turnips, Poppy seed, Mustard seed, Cucumbers and gherkins, Soybeans, Tomatoes, Chillies and peppers- green, Grain- mixed, Walnuts- with shell, Hops, Plums and sloes, Peas- green]
DE: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Grapes, Apples, Cabbages and other brassicas, Carrots and turnips, Onions- dry, Lettuce and chicory, Cucumbers and gherkins, Strawberries, Peas- dry, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Asparagus, Leeks- other alliaceous vegetables, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Onions- shallots- green, Gooseberries, Broad beans- horse beans- dry, Tomatoes, Grain- mixed]
DJ: [Lemons and limes, Beans- dry, Tomatoes, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Chillies and peppers- dry, Onions- shallots- green, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Dates, Watermelons, Sugar cane, Eggplants (aubergines), Okra, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Carrots and turnips, Chillies and peppers- green, Cabbages and other brassicas, Cucumbers and gherkins, Oranges, Pears, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas]
DK: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Carrots and turnips, Onions- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Apples, Grain- mixed, Cucumbers and gherkins, Peas- dry, Peas- green, Tomatoes, Lettuce and chicory, Mushrooms and truffles, Pears, Strawberries, Leeks- other alliaceous vegetables, Currants, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Cherries- sour, Cherries]
DM: [Bananas, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Yams, Taro (cocoyam), Coconuts, Oranges, Plantains and others, Yautia (cocoyam), Sugar cane, Sweet potatoes, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Cucumbers and gherkins, Cassava, Lemons and limes, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Cabbages and other brassicas, Carrots and turnips, Avocados, Tomatoes, Cocoa- beans]
DO: [Sugar cane, Bananas, Rice- paddy, Papayas, Plantains and others, Pineapples, Avocados, Coconuts, Oil- palm fruit, Cassava, Oranges, Tomatoes, Cocoa- beans, Potatoes, Onions- dry, Oil- palm, Sweet potatoes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Carrots and turnips, Chillies and peppers- green]
DZ: [Potatoes, Watermelons, Onions- dry, Tomatoes, Oranges, Dates, Chillies and peppers- green, Grapes, Olives, Apples, Carrots and turnips, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Pears, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Apricots, Cucumbers and gherkins, Peaches and nectarines, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Peas- green, Eggplants (aubergines)]
EC: [Sugar cane, Bananas, Oil- palm fruit, Rice- paddy, Plantains and others, Potatoes, Oil- palm, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Cocoa- beans, Pineapples, Oranges, Cassava, Palm kernels, Onions- shallots- green, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Tomatoes, Watermelons, Papayas, Carrots and turnips, Manila fibre (abaca)]
EE: [Potatoes, Peas- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Carrots and turnips, Cucumbers and gherkins, Grain- mixed, Beans- dry, Tomatoes, Apples, Strawberries, Onions- dry, Peas- green, Buckwheat, Currants, Berries nes, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Garlic, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Mushrooms and truffles]
EG: [Sugar cane, Sugar beet, Tomatoes, Rice- paddy, Potatoes, Oranges, Onions- dry, Watermelons, Grapes, Dates, Bananas, Eggplants (aubergines), Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Apples, Chillies and peppers- green, Olives, Seed cotton, Cabbages and other brassicas]
ER: [Oilseeds nes, Sesame seed, Chick peas, Groundnuts- with shell, Vetches, Peas- dry, Broad beans- horse beans- dry, Linseed, Beans- dry, Potatoes, Lentils]
ES: [Grapes, Tomatoes, Olives, Sugar beet, Oranges, Potatoes, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Peaches and nectarines, Onions- dry, Chillies and peppers- green, Lemons and limes, Sunflower seed, Lettuce and chicory, Rice- paddy, Watermelons, Cucumbers and gherkins, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Apples, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Pumpkins- squash and gourds]
ET: [Sugar cane, Sweet potatoes, Yams, Potatoes, Broad beans- horse beans- dry, Beans- dry, Bananas, Chick peas, Coffee- green, Cabbages and other brassicas, Peas- dry, Sesame seed, Vetches, Onions- dry, Oilseeds nes, Chillies and peppers- green, Chillies and peppers- dry, Lentils, Rice- paddy, Seed cotton]
FI: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Carrots and turnips, Grain- mixed, Cucumbers and gherkins, Tomatoes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Onions- dry, Lettuce and chicory, Peas- dry, Strawberries, Peas- green, Apples, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Currants, Mushrooms and truffles, Spinach, Raspberries, Chillies and peppers- green]
FJ: [Sugar cane, Coconuts, Cassava, Taro (cocoyam), Sweet potatoes, Pineapples, Rice- paddy, Papayas, Eggplants (aubergines), Bananas, Ginger, Tomatoes, Yams, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Watermelons, Cucumbers and gherkins, Okra, Cabbages and other brassicas, Chillies and peppers- green, Oranges]
FM: [Coconuts, Cassava, Sweet potatoes, Bananas, Plantains and others, Rice- paddy, Cocoa- beans]
FO: [Potatoes]
FR: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Grapes, Sunflower seed, Apples, Rice- paddy, Tomatoes, Carrots and turnips, Peas- dry, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Lettuce and chicory, String beans, Broad beans- horse beans- dry, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Peaches and nectarines, Soybeans, Grain- mixed, Onions- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Plums and sloes]
GA: [Sugar cane, Plantains and others, Cassava, Yams, Taro (cocoyam), Rubber- natural, Oil- palm fruit, Groundnuts- with shell, Bananas, Soybeans, Sweet potatoes, Oil- palm, Rice- paddy, Pineapples, Palm kernels, Tomatoes, Eggplants (aubergines), Cocoa- beans, Coffee- green]
GB: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Carrots and turnips, Apples, Onions- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Peas- green, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Lettuce and chicory, Peas- dry, Broad beans- horse beans- dry, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Mushrooms and truffles, Cucumbers and gherkins, Linseed, Leeks- other alliaceous vegetables, Grain- mixed, Pears, Chillies and peppers- green]
GD: [Sugar cane, Coconuts, Bananas, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Avocados, Cocoa- beans, Plums and sloes, Oranges, Pigeon peas, Yams, Apples, Nutmeg- mace and cardamoms, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Tomatoes, Lemons and limes, Plantains and others, Cassava, Watermelons, Cabbages and other brassicas]
GE: [Grapes, Potatoes, Apples, Watermelons, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Tomatoes, Hazelnuts- with shell, Cucumbers and gherkins, Peaches and nectarines, Cabbages and other brassicas, Onions- dry, Pears, Plums and sloes, Carrots and turnips, Eggplants (aubergines), Sunflower seed, Beans- dry, Chillies and peppers- green, Garlic, Walnuts- with shell]
GF: [Cassava, Pineapples, Bananas, Rice- paddy, Sugar cane, Tomatoes, Taro (cocoyam), Cabbages and other brassicas, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Avocados, Plantains and others, Oranges, Cucumbers and gherkins, Papayas, Beans- green, Lemons and limes, Coconuts, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Soybeans]
GH: [Cassava, Yams, Plantains and others, Oil- palm fruit, Taro (cocoyam), Cocoa- beans, Oranges, Pineapples, Rice- paddy, Groundnuts- with shell, Coconuts, Tomatoes, Beans- dry, Sugar cane, Onions- dry, Sweet potatoes, Chillies and peppers- green, Oil- palm, Palm kernels, Chillies and peppers- dry]
GM: [Groundnuts- with shell, Rice- paddy, Oil- palm fruit, Cassava, Oil- palm, Palm kernels, Cashew nuts- with shell, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Sesame seed, Seed cotton, Cottonseed, Cotton lint, Fonio, Almonds- with shell]
GP: [Sugar cane, Bananas, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Cucumbers and gherkins, Tomatoes, Plantains and others, Lettuce and chicory, Yams, Cabbages and other brassicas, Pineapples, Lemons and limes, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Sweet potatoes, Oranges, Cassava, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Watermelons, Beans- green, Carrots and turnips, Pumpkins- squash and gourds]
GQ: [Oil- palm fruit, Rice- paddy, Cassava, Coconuts, Bananas, Oil- palm fruit, Sweet potatoes, Oil- palm, Fonio, Plantains and others, Yams, Sugar cane, Groundnuts- with shell, Taro (cocoyam), Sugar cane, Bananas, Sweet potatoes, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Cassava, Palm kernels]
GQ: [Sweet potatoes, Cassava, Plantains and others, Oil- palm fruit, Bananas, Coconuts, Oil- palm, Coffee- green, Palm kernels, Cocoa- beans, Manila fibre (abaca)]
GR: [Olives, Grapes, Tomatoes, Peaches and nectarines, Oranges, Seed cotton, Potatoes, Watermelons, Sugar beet, Cottonseed, Cotton lint, Apples, Sunflower seed, Rice- paddy, Onions- dry, Cucumbers and gherkins, Kiwi fruit, Chillies and peppers- green, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Apricots]
GT: [Sugar cane, Bananas, Oil- palm fruit, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Potatoes, Oil- palm, Rubber- natural, Tomatoes, Pineapples, Plantains and others, Beans- dry, Coffee- green, Oranges, Onions- dry, Lemons and limes, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Avocados, Palm kernels, Carrots and turnips, Lettuce and chicory]
GU: [Coconuts, Watermelons, Cucumbers and gherkins, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Bananas, Tomatoes, Sweet potatoes, Cabbages and other brassicas, String beans, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Oranges, Eggplants (aubergines), Onions- dry, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Pineapples, Cherries, Avocados]
GW: [Cashew nuts- with shell, Rice- paddy, Oil- palm fruit, Plantains and others, Cassava, Coconuts, Groundnuts- with shell, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Palm kernels, Bananas, Oil- palm, Oranges, Sugar cane, Seed cotton, Lemons and limes, Cottonseed, Papayas, Cotton lint, Fonio, Cow peas- dry]
GY: [Sugar cane, Rice- paddy, Coconuts, Plantains and others, Tomatoes, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Beans- green, Cassava, Pineapples, Chillies and peppers- green, Bananas, Eggplants (aubergines), Oranges, Okra, Onions- dry, Cucumbers and gherkins, Taro (cocoyam), Ginger, Sweet potatoes, Watermelons]
HK: [Spinach, Onions- shallots- green, Lettuce and chicory, Cucumbers and gherkins, Cabbages and other brassicas, Peas- green, Beans- green, Eggplants (aubergines), Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Sweet potatoes, Tomatoes, Mushrooms and truffles, Rice- paddy]
HN: [Sugar cane, Oil- palm fruit, Bananas, Oil- palm, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Coffee- green, Oranges, Tomatoes, Pineapples, Palm kernels, Beans- dry, Watermelons, Plantains and others, Cabbages and other brassicas, Cucumbers and gherkins, Rice- paddy, Potatoes, Cassava, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos)]
HR: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Grapes, Soybeans, Apples, Sunflower seed, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Onions- dry, Watermelons, Cabbages and other brassicas, Tomatoes, Chillies and peppers- green, Cherries- sour, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Olives, Cucumbers and gherkins, Carrots and turnips, Plums and sloes, Peaches and nectarines, Chicory roots]
HT: [Sugar cane, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Cassava, Sweet potatoes, Bananas, Yams, Plantains and others, Rice- paddy, Beans- dry, Avocados, Pigeon peas, Oranges, Lemons and limes, Groundnuts- with shell, Coffee- green, Potatoes, Cow peas- dry, Coconuts, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas]
HU: [Sunflower seed, Sugar beet, Apples, Potatoes, Grapes, Watermelons, Tomatoes, Carrots and turnips, Soybeans, Cherries- sour, Peas- green, Chillies and peppers- green, Onions- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Peas- dry, Plums and sloes, Peaches and nectarines, Cucumbers and gherkins, Apricots, Mushrooms and truffles]
ID: [Oil- palm fruit, Rice- paddy, Oil- palm, Sugar cane, Cassava, Coconuts, Palm kernels, Bananas, Rubber- natural, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Sweet potatoes, Oranges, Chillies and peppers- green, Pineapples, Cabbages and other brassicas, Potatoes, Onions- dry, Soybeans, Tomatoes, Beans- green]
IE: [Potatoes, Mushrooms and truffles, Carrots and turnips, Apples, Cabbages and other brassicas, Beans- dry, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Lettuce and chicory, Strawberries, Onions- dry, Cucumbers and gherkins, Tomatoes, Peas- dry, Leeks- other alliaceous vegetables, Beans- green, Peas- green, Chillies and peppers- green, Berries nes, Currants, Hops]
IL: [Potatoes, Tomatoes, Carrots and turnips, Chillies and peppers- green, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Bananas, Grapes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Onions- dry, Avocados, Watermelons, Olives, Apples, Oranges, Lemons and limes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Peaches and nectarines, Eggplants (aubergines), Dates]
IO: [Sugar cane, Rice- paddy, Potatoes, Bananas, Seed cotton, Onions- dry, Tomatoes, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Eggplants (aubergines), Cottonseed, Coconuts, Soybeans, Chick peas, Cabbages and other brassicas, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Cassava, Oranges, Groundnuts- with shell, Okra, Cotton lint]
IQ: [Tomatoes, Dates, Eggplants (aubergines), Rice- paddy, Potatoes, Watermelons, Cucumbers and gherkins, Grapes, Onions- shallots- green, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Lettuce and chicory, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Okra, Oranges, Chillies and peppers- green, Onions- dry, String beans, Apples, Carrots and turnips, Seed cotton]
IR: [Sugar cane, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Sugar beet, Watermelons, Rice- paddy, Onions- dry, Grapes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Apples, Oranges, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Dates, Eggplants (aubergines), Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Peaches and nectarines, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Cabbages and other brassicas, Carrots and turnips, Walnuts- with shell]
IS: [Potatoes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Tomatoes, Mushrooms and truffles, Carrots and turnips, Cabbages and other brassicas, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Berries nes, Oil- palm]
IT: [Grapes, Tomatoes, Sugar beet, Apples, Olives, Oranges, Rice- paddy, Peaches and nectarines, Potatoes, Soybeans, Lettuce and chicory, Pears, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Mushrooms and truffles, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Carrots and turnips, Kiwi fruit, Watermelons, Artichokes]
JM: [Sugar cane, Coconuts, Yams, Oranges, Bananas, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Sweet potatoes, Plantains and others, Cabbages and other brassicas, Tomatoes, Lemons and limes, Carrots and turnips, Potatoes, Pineapples, Cassava, Cucumbers and gherkins, Spinach, Chillies and peppers- green, Watermelons]
JO: [Tomatoes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Potatoes, Olives, Watermelons, Eggplants (aubergines), Cauliflowers and broccoli, Chillies and peppers- green, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Lettuce and chicory, Peaches and nectarines, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Onions- dry, Grapes, Lemons and limes, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Carrots and turnips]
JP: [Rice- paddy, Sugar beet, Potatoes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Onions- dry, Sugar cane, Sweet potatoes, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Apples, Tomatoes, Carrots and turnips, Lettuce and chicory, Cucumbers and gherkins, Onions- shallots- green, Watermelons, Eggplants (aubergines), Pears, Spinach, Persimmons, Soybeans]
KE: [Sugar cane, Bananas, Potatoes, Cassava, Sweet potatoes, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Beans- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Tea, Tomatoes, Pigeon peas, Avocados, Pineapples, Carrots and turnips, Cow peas- dry, Oranges, Onions- dry, Papayas, Watermelons, Rice- paddy]
KG: [Potatoes, Tomatoes, Watermelons, Sugar beet, Carrots and turnips, Onions- dry, Apples, Cabbages and other brassicas, Cucumbers and gherkins, Beans- dry, Seed cotton, Cottonseed, Sunflower seed, Garlic, Rice- paddy, Apricots, Cotton lint, Plums and sloes, Pears, Peaches and nectarines]
KH: [Rice- paddy, Cassava, Sugar cane, Soybeans, Bananas, Beans- dry, Oranges, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Coconuts, Sweet potatoes, Oil- palm, Sesame seed, Groundnuts- with shell, Pineapples, Rubber- natural, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Chillies and peppers- dry, Palm kernels, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Lemons and limes]
KI: [Coconuts, Bananas, Taro (cocoyam)]
KM: [Coconuts, Cassava, Bananas, Rice- paddy, Taro (cocoyam), Sweet potatoes, Yams, Cloves, Groundnuts- with shell, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Pigeon peas, Onions- shallots- green, Coffee- green, Cocoa- beans, Vanilla, Cinnamon (canella), Sisal]
KN: [Coconuts, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Sweet potatoes, Pineapples, Cucumbers and gherkins, Onions- dry, Watermelons, Carrots and turnips, Yams, Chillies and peppers- green, Cabbages and other brassicas, Groundnuts- with shell, Seed cotton, Cottonseed, Cotton lint, Sugar cane]
KP: [Rice- paddy, Potatoes, Apples, Cabbages and other brassicas, Sweet potatoes, Soybeans, Beans- dry, Pears, Peaches and nectarines, Watermelons, Onions- shallots- green, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Onions- dry, Garlic, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Cucumbers and gherkins, Tomatoes, Chillies and peppers- green, Eggplants (aubergines)]
KR: [Rice- paddy, Cabbages and other brassicas, Rice- paddy, Potatoes, Onions- dry, Apples, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Cabbages and other brassicas, Watermelons, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Apples, Sweet potatoes, Onions- shallots- green, Persimmons, Garlic, Soybeans, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Sweet potatoes, Beans- dry]
KW: [Dates, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Potatoes, Eggplants (aubergines), Chillies and peppers- green, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Cabbages and other brassicas, Lettuce and chicory, Onions- dry, Okra, Beans- green, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Watermelons, Spinach, Carrots and turnips, Strawberries, Lemons and limes, Garlic]
KY: [Bananas, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Yams, Plantains and others, Avocados, Coconuts, Cassava, Tomatoes, Sweet potatoes]
KZ: [Potatoes, Watermelons, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Tomatoes, Onions- dry, Carrots and turnips, Sunflower seed, Cabbages and other brassicas, Linseed, Cucumbers and gherkins, Rice- paddy, Seed cotton, Soybeans, Cottonseed, Chillies and peppers- green, Apples, Safflower seed, Leeks- other alliaceous vegetables, Cotton lint, Eggplants (aubergines)]
LA: [Rice- paddy, Sugar cane, Cassava, Bananas, Watermelons, Coffee- green, Sweet potatoes, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Pineapples, Groundnuts- with shell, Oranges, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Potatoes, Chillies and peppers- green, Soybeans, Sesame seed, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Chillies and peppers- dry, Tea, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos)]
LB: [Potatoes, Tomatoes, Oranges, Cucumbers and gherkins, Apples, Olives, Lemons and limes, Bananas, Grapes, Onions- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Watermelons, Lettuce and chicory, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Sugar beet, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Almonds- with shell, Peaches and nectarines, Eggplants (aubergines), Plums and sloes]
LC: [Coconuts, Bananas, Plantains and others, Cassava, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Cucumbers and gherkins, Sweet potatoes, Yams, Oranges, Taro (cocoyam), Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Lemons and limes, Tomatoes, Watermelons, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Cabbages and other brassicas, Pepper (piper spp.), Lettuce and chicory, Avocados, Cocoa- beans]
LI: [Grapes]
LK: [Rice- paddy, Coconuts, Sugar cane, Plantains and others, Tea, Cassava, Onions- dry, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Eggplants (aubergines), Rubber- natural, Cabbages and other brassicas, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Beans- green, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Chillies and peppers- green, Carrots and turnips, Sweet potatoes, Pineapples, Areca nuts]
LR: [Cassava, Sugar cane, Rice- paddy, Oil- palm fruit, Bananas, Rubber- natural, Plantains and others, Oil- palm, Taro (cocoyam), Sweet potatoes, Yams, Palm kernels, Pineapples, Oranges, Cocoa- beans, Coconuts, Groundnuts- with shell, Soybeans, Tomatoes, Coffee- green]
LS: [Potatoes, Beans- dry, Peas- dry]
LT: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Peas- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Carrots and turnips, Beans- dry, Apples, Grain- mixed, Buckwheat, Onions- dry, Cucumbers and gherkins, Mushrooms and truffles, Tomatoes, Broad beans- horse beans- dry, Vetches, Strawberries, Oilseeds nes, Lupins, Raspberries, Eggplants (aubergines)]
LU: [Potatoes, Grapes, Apples, Grain- mixed, Carrots and turnips, Peas- dry, Lettuce and chicory, Beans- dry, Pears, Broad beans- horse beans- dry, Plums and sloes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Tomatoes, Onions- dry, Beans- green, Cucumbers and gherkins, Leeks- other alliaceous vegetables, Walnuts- with shell, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Strawberries]
LV: [Potatoes, Sugar beet, Cabbages and other brassicas, Carrots and turnips, Grain- mixed, Beans- dry, Onions- dry, Apples, Peas- dry, Buckwheat, Cucumbers and gherkins, Tomatoes, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Oilseeds nes, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Blueberries, Strawberries, Cranberries, Linseed, Mushrooms and truffles]
LY: [Potatoes, Watermelons, Tomatoes, Olives, Onions- dry, Dates, Plums and sloes, Onions- shallots- green, Oranges, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Grapes, Almonds- with shell, Carrots and turnips, Chillies and peppers- green, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Apricots, Apples, Lemons and limes, Groundnuts- with shell, Peaches and nectarines]
MA: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Olives, Tomatoes, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Oranges, Onions- dry, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Watermelons, Apples, Carrots and turnips, Grapes, Bananas, Sugar cane, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Beans- green, Broad beans- horse beans- dry, Chillies and peppers- green, String beans, Strawberries]
MD: [Sugar beet, Grapes, Sunflower seed, Apples, Potatoes, Soybeans, Plums and sloes, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Onions- dry, Tomatoes, Watermelons, Cabbages and other brassicas, Cucumbers and gherkins, Carrots and turnips, Beans- dry, Peas- dry, Walnuts- with shell, Chillies and peppers- green, Peaches and nectarines, Peas- green]
ME: [Potatoes, Grapes, Watermelons, Cabbages and other brassicas, Oranges, Apples, Plums and sloes, Figs, Chillies and peppers- green, Tomatoes, Olives, Cherries, Beans- dry, Peas- dry, Peaches and nectarines, Pears, Onions- dry, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Garlic, Beans- green]
MG: [Rice- paddy, Sugar cane, Cassava, Sweet potatoes, Bananas, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Taro (cocoyam), Potatoes, Oranges, Beans- dry, Pineapples, Coconuts, Cashewapple, Coffee- green, Tomatoes, Groundnuts- with shell, Avocados, Peas- dry, Oil- palm fruit, Sisal]
MH: [Coconuts]
MK: [Potatoes, Grapes, Chillies and peppers- green, Cabbages and other brassicas, Tomatoes, Watermelons, Apples, Onions- dry, Cucumbers and gherkins, Plums and sloes, Rice- paddy, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Beans- green, Olives, Peaches and nectarines, Sunflower seed, Cherries- sour, Cow peas- dry, Beans- dry, Cherries]
ML: [Rice- paddy, Seed cotton, Groundnuts- with shell, Watermelons, Sweet potatoes, Sugar cane, Cottonseed, Cotton lint, Potatoes, Cow peas- dry, Bananas, Tomatoes, Yams, Onions- dry, Cashew nuts- with shell, Cashewapple, Papayas, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Cassava, Karite nuts (sheanuts)]
MM: [Rice- paddy, Sugar cane, Beans- dry, Onions- dry, Groundnuts- with shell, Pigeon peas, Chick peas, Potatoes, Sesame seed, Coconuts, Seed cotton, Cassava, Sunflower seed, Cottonseed, Garlic, Plantains and others, Rubber- natural, Cotton lint, Soybeans, Chillies and peppers- dry]
MN: [Potatoes, Carrots and turnips, Cabbages and other brassicas, Onions- dry, Cucumbers and gherkins, Hazelnuts- with shell, Mushrooms and truffles]
MO: [Pepper (piper spp.)]
MQ: [Bananas, Sugar cane, Plantains and others, Cucumbers and gherkins, Lettuce and chicory, Tomatoes, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Lentils, Cabbages and other brassicas, Coconuts, Oranges, Avocados, Lemons and limes, Eggplants (aubergines), Pineapples, Yams, Chillies and peppers- dry, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Cassava, Sweet potatoes]
MR: [Rice- paddy, Dates, Beans- dry, Peas- dry, Cow peas- dry, Yams, Melonseed, Sweet potatoes, Potatoes, Groundnuts- with shell, Watermelons]
MS: [Tomatoes, Potatoes, Bananas, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Carrots and turnips, Onions- dry, Lemons and limes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Sweet potatoes, Chillies and peppers- green, Seed cotton, Cottonseed, Cotton lint]
MT: [Tomatoes, Potatoes, Onions- dry, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Grapes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Lettuce and chicory, Watermelons, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Mushrooms and truffles, Artichokes, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Carrots and turnips, Oranges, Strawberries, Cucumbers and gherkins, Eggplants (aubergines), Broad beans- horse beans- dry, Peaches and nectarines, Garlic]
MU: [Sugar cane, Potatoes, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Tomatoes, Pineapples, Cucumbers and gherkins, Bananas, Onions- dry, Carrots and turnips, Cabbages and other brassicas, Eggplants (aubergines), Cauliflowers and broccoli, Chillies and peppers- green, Tea, Coconuts, Beans- green, Lettuce and chicory, Okra, Rice- paddy, Sweet potatoes]
MV: [Bananas, Coconuts, Papayas, Tomatoes, Chillies and peppers- green, Taro (cocoyam), Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Lemons and limes, Onions- dry, Sweet potatoes, Chillies and peppers- dry, Cassava, Areca nuts]
MW: [Cassava, Sugar cane, Potatoes, Bananas, Plantains and others, Pigeon peas, Groundnuts- with shell, Beans- dry, Cottonseed, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Soybeans, Rice- paddy, Cabbages and other brassicas, Seed cotton, Chick peas, Cotton lint, Onions- dry, Tea, Tomatoes]
MX: [Sugar cane, Oranges, Tomatoes, Chillies and peppers- green, Lemons and limes, Bananas, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Potatoes, Avocados, Onions- dry, Beans- dry, Coconuts, Watermelons, Seed cotton, Papayas, Pineapples, Apples, Cucumbers and gherkins, Oil- palm fruit, Pumpkins- squash and gourds]
MY: [Oil- palm fruit, Oil- palm, Palm kernels, Rice- paddy, Rubber- natural, Coconuts, Pineapples, Bananas, Cabbages and other brassicas, Oilseeds nes, Watermelons, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Lettuce and chicory, Papayas, Cassava, Sweet potatoes, Spinach, Okra]
MZ: [Cassava, Sugar cane, Sweet potatoes, Bananas, Tomatoes, Coconuts, Potatoes, Beans- dry, Rice- paddy, Groundnuts- with shell, Cow peas- dry, Onions- dry, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Seed cotton, Castor oil seed, Cashew nuts- with shell, Sesame seed, Pineapples, Oranges, Cottonseed]
NA: [Onions- dry, Grapes, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Watermelons, Carrots and turnips, Oranges, Chillies and peppers- green, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Dates, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Groundnuts- with shell, Beans- dry, Sunflower seed, Seed cotton, Cottonseed, Cotton lint]
NC: [Coconuts, Yams, Sweet potatoes, Cassava, Potatoes, Oranges, Bananas, Taro (cocoyam), Watermelons, Lemons and limes, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Plantains and others, Coffee- green]
NE: [Cow peas- dry, Onions- dry, Groundnuts- with shell, Chillies and peppers- green, Tomatoes, Sugar cane, Cabbages and other brassicas, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Cassava, Rice- paddy, Lettuce and chicory, Sweet potatoes, Potatoes, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Watermelons, Sesame seed, Oilseeds nes, Bambara beans, Beans- green, Carrots and turnips]
NG: [Cassava, Yams, Oil- palm fruit, Rice- paddy, Sweet potatoes, Groundnuts- with shell, Taro (cocoyam), Plantains and others, Tomatoes, Cow peas- dry, Okra, Pineapples, Potatoes, Sugar cane, Onions- dry, Oil- palm, Cashew nuts- with shell, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Papayas, Chillies and peppers- green]
NI: [Sugar cane, Rice- paddy, Cassava, Groundnuts- with shell, Beans- dry, Oranges, Oil- palm fruit, Coffee- green, Taro (cocoyam), Yautia (cocoyam), Plantains and others, Pineapples, Bananas, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Oil- palm, Cabbages and other brassicas, Onions- dry, Soybeans, Sesame seed]
NL: [Potatoes, Sugar beet, Onions- dry, Tomatoes, Carrots and turnips, Cucumbers and gherkins, Apples, Pears, Chillies and peppers- green, Mushrooms and truffles, Cabbages and other brassicas, Leeks- other alliaceous vegetables, Lettuce and chicory, Strawberries, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Eggplants (aubergines), Chicory roots, Onions- shallots- green, Spinach, Beans- green]
NO: [Potatoes, Carrots and turnips, Onions- shallots- green, Cabbages and other brassicas, Cucumbers and gherkins, Tomatoes, Apples, Lettuce and chicory, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Strawberries, Peas- green, Leeks- other alliaceous vegetables, Raspberries, Peas- dry, Plums and sloes, Cherries, Beans- green, Currants, Pears, Berries nes]
NP: [Rice- paddy, Sugar cane, Potatoes, Ginger, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Lentils, Bananas, Oilseeds nes, Mustard seed, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Garlic, Apples, Chillies and peppers- green, Oranges, Pears, Lemons and limes, Soybeans, Chillies and peppers- dry, Papayas, Tea]
NR: [Coconuts]
NU: [Taro (cocoyam), Coconuts, Sweet potatoes, Yams, Lemons and limes, Bananas, Cassava]
NZ: [Potatoes, Grapes, Apples, Kiwi fruit, Onions- shallots- green, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Tomatoes, Carrots and turnips, Cabbages and other brassicas, Peas- green, Lettuce and chicory, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Pears, Avocados, Peas- dry, Sweet potatoes, Currants, Oranges, Beans- green, Lemons and limes]
OM: [Dates, Tomatoes, Bananas, Cucumbers and gherkins, Cabbages and other brassicas, Watermelons, Chillies and peppers- green, Eggplants (aubergines), Onions- dry, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Lemons and limes, Okra, Potatoes, Carrots and turnips, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Papayas, Garlic, Tobacco- unmanufactured]
PA: [Sugar cane, Bananas, Rice- paddy, Plantains and others, Pineapples, Oil- palm fruit, Oranges, Watermelons, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Yams, Cassava, Onions- dry, Coconuts, Avocados, Papayas, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Coffee- green, Oil- palm]
PE: [Sugar cane, Potatoes, Rice- paddy, Plantains and others, Cassava, Onions- dry, Oil- palm fruit, Grapes, Pineapples, Oranges, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Asparagus, Avocados, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Sweet potatoes, Lemons and limes, Tomatoes, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Bananas, Coffee- green]
PF: [Coconuts, Pineapples, Cassava, Sugar cane, Watermelons, Tomatoes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Cucumbers and gherkins, Potatoes, Oranges, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Lettuce and chicory, Bananas, Carrots and turnips, String beans, Chillies and peppers- green, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Avocados, Onions- shallots- green]
PG: [Oil- palm fruit, Coconuts, Bananas, Sweet potatoes, Oil- palm, Yams, Taro (cocoyam), Sugar cane, Cassava, Palm kernels, Berries nes, Coffee- green, Cocoa- beans, Pineapples, Rubber- natural, Tea, Groundnuts- with shell, Pyrethrum- dried, Potatoes, Rice- paddy]
PH: [Sugar cane, Rice- paddy, Coconuts, Bananas, Cassava, Pineapples, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Sweet potatoes, Rubber- natural, Oil- palm fruit, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Eggplants (aubergines), Tomatoes, Onions- dry, Papayas, Cashew nuts- with shell, Watermelons, Cabbages and other brassicas, Potatoes, String beans]
PK: [Sugar cane, Rice- paddy, Seed cotton, Cottonseed, Potatoes, Cotton lint, Onions- dry, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Oranges, Apples, Tomatoes, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Watermelons, Dates, Carrots and turnips, Oilseeds nes, Chick peas, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Cauliflowers and broccoli]
PL: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Apples, Grain- mixed, Cabbages and other brassicas, Carrots and turnips, Tomatoes, Onions- dry, Cucumbers and gherkins, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Mushrooms and truffles, Strawberries, Cherries- sour, Currants, Lupins, Raspberries, Leeks- other alliaceous vegetables, Plums and sloes, Buckwheat, Pears]
PM: [Tomatoes, Strawberries, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Potatoes, Carrots and turnips]
PR: [Plantains and others, Bananas, Pineapples, Tomatoes, Oranges, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Papayas, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Coffee- green, Chicory roots, Coconuts, Sweet potatoes, Onions- shallots- green, Chillies and peppers- green, Avocados, Yautia (cocoyam), Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Yams, Eggplants (aubergines)]
PS: [Tomatoes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Olives, Potatoes, Eggplants (aubergines), Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Grapes, Onions- dry, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Cabbages and other brassicas, Lemons and limes, Chillies and peppers- green, Watermelons, Beans- green, Oranges, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Almonds- with shell, Sweet potatoes, Figs, Dates]
PT: [Tomatoes, Grapes, Potatoes, Olives, Apples, Oranges, Pears, Cabbages and other brassicas, Rice- paddy, Carrots and turnips, Onions- dry, Lettuce and chicory, Peaches and nectarines, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Bananas, Plums and sloes, Watermelons, Oilseeds nes, Sweet potatoes]
PY: [Soybeans, Sugar cane, Cassava, Rice- paddy, Oranges, Oil- palm fruit, Watermelons, Sunflower seed, Maté, Bananas, Pineapples, Beans- dry, Tung nuts, Sweet potatoes, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Tomatoes, Sesame seed, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Onions- dry]
QA: [Dates, Tomatoes, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Eggplants (aubergines), Onions- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Cucumbers and gherkins, Chillies and peppers- green, Lettuce and chicory, Spinach, Okra, Beans- green, Watermelons, Carrots and turnips, Chicory roots, Figs, Grapes, Potatoes]
RE: [Sugar cane, Pineapples, Bananas, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Lettuce and chicory, Onions- shallots- green, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Beans- green, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Cabbages and other brassicas, Groundnuts- with shell, Beans- dry, Oranges, Sweet potatoes, Chillies and peppers- dry, Carrots and turnips, Tea, Avocados]
RO: [Potatoes, Sunflower seed, Sugar beet, Cabbages and other brassicas, Grapes, Tomatoes, Apples, Plums and sloes, Watermelons, Onions- dry, Carrots and turnips, Chillies and peppers- green, Soybeans, Cucumbers and gherkins, Eggplants (aubergines), Cherries, Garlic, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Pears, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes)]
RS: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Soybeans, Sunflower seed, Plums and sloes, Apples, Cabbages and other brassicas, Watermelons, Tomatoes, Grapes, Chillies and peppers- green, Cherries- sour, Peaches and nectarines, Pears, Raspberries, Cucumbers and gherkins, Carrots and turnips, Onions- dry, Beans- green, Apricots]
RU: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Sunflower seed, Cabbages and other brassicas, Tomatoes, Soybeans, Onions- dry, Cucumbers and gherkins, Carrots and turnips, Apples, Peas- dry, Watermelons, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Rice- paddy, Buckwheat, Grapes, Currants, Linseed, Garlic, Cherries- sour]
RW: [Cassava, Potatoes, Bananas, Sweet potatoes, Beans- dry, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Avocados, Tomatoes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Sugar cane, Eggplants (aubergines), Pineapples, Rice- paddy, Taro (cocoyam), Yams, Tea, Carrots and turnips, Peas- dry, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Soybeans]
SA: [Dates, Watermelons, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Onions- dry, Cucumbers and gherkins, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Grapes, Eggplants (aubergines), Okra, Carrots and turnips, Cabbages and other brassicas, Sesame seed, Groundnuts- with shell, Rice- paddy, Cottonseed, Coffee- green]
SB: [Coconuts, Oil- palm fruit, Sweet potatoes, Yams, Taro (cocoyam), Oil- palm, Palm kernels, Cocoa- beans, Cassava, Rice- paddy, Watermelons, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Bananas, Tobacco- unmanufactured]
SC: [Coconuts, Bananas, Tomatoes, Cassava, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Lemons and limes, Oranges, Pineapples, Tea, Avocados, Cinnamon (canella), Vanilla]
SE: [Sugar beet, Potatoes, Carrots and turnips, Onions- dry, Grain- mixed, Peas- dry, Peas- green, Cucumbers and gherkins, Lettuce and chicory, Apples, Strawberries, Cabbages and other brassicas, Tomatoes, Linseed, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Leeks- other alliaceous vegetables, Blueberries, Pears, Berries nes, Beans- dry]
SG: [Spinach, Cabbages and other brassicas, Lettuce and chicory, Coconuts, Mushrooms and truffles, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Cassava, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Sweet potatoes, Sugar cane, Rubber- natural, Papayas, Onions- shallots- green, Beans- green, Bananas]
SI: [Apples, Potatoes, Grapes, Lettuce and chicory, Cabbages and other brassicas, Pears, Onions- dry, Cucumbers and gherkins, Plums and sloes, Tomatoes, Peaches and nectarines, Cherries, Grain- mixed, Walnuts- with shell, Chillies and peppers- green, Carrots and turnips, Beans- green, Hops, Cauliflowers and broccoli, Strawberries]
SK: [Sugar beet, Sunflower seed, Potatoes, Soybeans, Apples, Grapes, Onions- dry, Tomatoes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Peas- dry, Carrots and turnips, Chillies and peppers- green, Cucumbers and gherkins, Watermelons, Peas- green, Plums and sloes, Spinach, Mushrooms and truffles, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Peaches and nectarines]
SL: [Cassava, Rice- paddy, Sweet potatoes, Oil- palm fruit, Groundnuts- with shell, Sugar cane, Oil- palm, Plantains and others, Coffee- green, Palm kernels, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Tomatoes, Cocoa- beans, Kola nuts, Coconuts, Chillies and peppers- dry, Sesame seed, Taro (cocoyam), Peas- dry, Broad beans- horse beans- dry]
SN: [Sugar cane, Groundnuts- with shell, Rice- paddy, Cassava, Onions- dry, Watermelons, Tomatoes, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Oil- palm fruit, Cow peas- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Oranges, Sweet potatoes, Bananas, Okra, Potatoes, Seed cotton, Cottonseed, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Oil- palm]
SO: [Sugar cane, Cassava, Sesame seed, Beans- dry, Bananas, Tomatoes, Dates, Coconuts, Oranges, Sweet potatoes, Groundnuts- with shell, Lemons and limes, Onions- dry, Seed cotton, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Watermelons, Cottonseed, Cotton lint, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Rice- paddy]
SR: [Rice- paddy, Sugar cane, Bananas, Plantains and others, Oranges, Coconuts, Cassava, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Beans- green, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Watermelons, Cucumbers and gherkins, Tomatoes, Oil- palm fruit, Cabbages and other brassicas, Pineapples, Papayas, Cherries, Sweet potatoes, Lemons and limes]
SS: [Sesame seed, Groundnuts- with shell, Cassava, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Oilseeds nes, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Yams, Sunflower seed, Melonseed, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Chillies and peppers- dry, Beans- dry, Pineapples, Jute & Jute-like Fibres, Jute, Beans- green, Onions- shallots- green, Peas- green, Watermelons, Tomatoes]
SS: [Sugar cane, Groundnuts- with shell, Onions- dry, Bananas, Sesame seed, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Tomatoes, Dates, Potatoes, Watermelons, Okra, Lemons and limes, Sweet potatoes, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Seed cotton, Sesame seed, Yams, Broad beans- horse beans- dry, Oranges, Groundnuts- with shell]
ST: [Coconuts, Bananas, Oil- palm fruit, Taro (cocoyam), Oil- palm, Cocoa- beans, Yams, Cassava, Palm kernels, Cinnamon (canella), Coffee- green]
SV: [Sugar cane, Beans- dry, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Coconuts, Oranges, Yautia (cocoyam), Apples, Coffee- green, Rice- paddy, Plantains and others, Cassava, Watermelons, Lemons and limes, Tomatoes, Olives, Avocados, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Papayas, Potatoes]
SY: [Oranges, Tomatoes, Seed cotton, Potatoes, Apples, Olives, Watermelons, Grapes, Lemons and limes, Eggplants (aubergines), Cucumbers and gherkins, Cottonseed, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Onions- dry, Lentils, Sugar beet, Cotton lint, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Cherries, Lettuce and chicory]
SZ: [Sugar cane, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Oranges, Pineapples, Potatoes, Bananas, Tomatoes, Groundnuts- with shell, Sweet potatoes, Seed cotton, Plums and sloes, Lemons and limes, Almonds- with shell, Beans- dry, Cottonseed, Avocados, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Cow peas- dry, Cotton lint, Dates]
TD: [Groundnuts- with shell, Sugar cane, Yams, Rice- paddy, Sesame seed, Cassava, Sweet potatoes, Beans- dry, Seed cotton, Cottonseed, Potatoes, Cotton lint, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Melonseed, Dates, Onions- dry, Taro (cocoyam), Tobacco- unmanufactured, Kola nuts]
TG: [Cassava, Yams, Beans- dry, Rice- paddy, Oil- palm fruit, Seed cotton, Cottonseed, Palm kernels, Groundnuts- with shell, Cotton lint, Cocoa- beans, Bananas, Coffee- green, Oranges, Coconuts, Karite nuts (sheanuts), Taro (cocoyam), Sweet potatoes, Oil- palm, Cashew nuts- with shell]
TH: [Sugar cane, Rice- paddy, Cassava, Oil- palm fruit, Rubber- natural, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Pineapples, Oil- palm, Bananas, Coconuts, Oranges, Palm kernels, Chillies and peppers- dry, Beans- green, Cabbages and other brassicas, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Cucumbers and gherkins, Ginger, Watermelons, Papayas]
TJ: [Potatoes, Watermelons, Onions- dry, Seed cotton, Tomatoes, Carrots and turnips, Apples, Cottonseed, Grapes, Cucumbers and gherkins, Cotton lint, Rice- paddy, Cabbages and other brassicas, Apricots, Peaches and nectarines, Sunflower seed, Beans- dry, Peas- dry, Groundnuts- with shell, Beans- green]
TK: [Coconuts, Bananas]
TL: [Rice- paddy, Cassava, Coffee- green, Beans- dry, Coconuts, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Sweet potatoes, Avocados, Groundnuts- with shell, Papayas, Beans- green, Cabbages and other brassicas, Oranges, Cucumbers and gherkins, Soybeans, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Bananas, Garlic, Pineapples]
TM: [Seed cotton, Tomatoes, Cottonseed, Potatoes, Grapes, Watermelons, Sugar beet, Cotton lint, Rice- paddy, Carrots and turnips, Apples, Cabbages and other brassicas, Onions- dry, Plums and sloes, Apricots, Peaches and nectarines, Cucumbers and gherkins, Peas- dry, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Garlic]
TN: [Tomatoes, Watermelons, Potatoes, Olives, Chillies and peppers- green, Onions- shallots- green, Carrots and turnips, Dates, Onions- dry, Peaches and nectarines, Grapes, Oranges, Apples, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Sugar beet, Lettuce and chicory, Cucumbers and gherkins, Almonds- with shell]
TO: [Coconuts, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Cassava, Sweet potatoes, Yams, Taro (cocoyam), Plantains and others, Lemons and limes, Groundnuts- with shell, Oranges, Tomatoes, Bananas, Watermelons, Vanilla, Coffee- green, Cocoa- beans]
TR: [Sugar beet, Tomatoes, Grapes, Potatoes, Watermelons, Apples, Seed cotton, Chillies and peppers- green, Onions- dry, Cucumbers and gherkins, Oranges, Olives, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Sunflower seed, Cottonseed, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Cotton lint, Rice- paddy, Eggplants (aubergines), Cabbages and other brassicas]
TT: [Coconuts, Plantains and others, Taro (cocoyam), Bananas, Cassava, Rice- paddy, Oranges, Lemons and limes, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Lettuce and chicory, Pigeon peas, Sweet potatoes, Yautia (cocoyam), Papayas, Tomatoes, Pineapples, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Cucumbers and gherkins, Eggplants (aubergines), Okra]
TV: [Coconuts, Bananas]
TW: [Rice- paddy, Cabbages and other brassicas, Sugar cane, Pineapples, Bananas, Sweet potatoes, Watermelons, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Oranges, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Tomatoes, Pears, Carrots and turnips, Areca nuts, Papayas, Onions- shallots- green, Grapes, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Cauliflowers and broccoli, Garlic]
TZ: [Cassava, Sweet potatoes, Bananas, Sugar cane, Rice- paddy, Potatoes, Sunflower seed, Groundnuts- with shell, Sesame seed, Beans- dry, Plantains and others, Coconuts, Tomatoes, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Oranges, Pineapples, Pigeon peas, Seed cotton, Onions- dry, Cow peas- dry]
UA: [Potatoes, Sugar beet, Sunflower seed, Soybeans, Tomatoes, Cabbages and other brassicas, Onions- dry, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Apples, Cucumbers and gherkins, Carrots and turnips, Watermelons, Grapes, Peas- dry, Garlic, Chillies and peppers- green, Cherries- sour, Buckwheat, Plums and sloes, Pears]
UG: [Plantains and others, Sugar cane, Cassava, Sweet potatoes, Beans- dry, Potatoes, Bananas, Onions- dry, Groundnuts- with shell, Sunflower seed, Rice- paddy, Coffee- green, Sesame seed, Seed cotton, Tea, Oilseeds nes, Cottonseed, Tomatoes, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Cotton lint]
US: [Soybeans, Sugar beet, Sugar cane, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Rice- paddy, Seed cotton, Grapes, Oranges, Apples, Cottonseed, Lettuce and chicory, Cotton lint, Onions- dry, Groundnuts- with shell, Almonds- with shell, Watermelons, Carrots and turnips, Strawberries, Sweet potatoes]
UY: [Soybeans, Rice- paddy, Sugar cane, Oranges, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Grapes, Potatoes, Sweet potatoes, Apples, Tomatoes, Lemons and limes, Onions- dry, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Peaches and nectarines, Carrots and turnips, Chillies and peppers- green, Pears, Watermelons, Olives, Linseed]
UZ: [Seed cotton, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Cottonseed, Carrots and turnips, Watermelons, Grapes, Cotton lint, Onions- dry, Cabbages and other brassicas, Apples, Cucumbers and gherkins, Apricots, Rice- paddy, Peaches and nectarines, Garlic, Plums and sloes, Quinces, Pears, Cherries]
VC: [Bananas, Sugar cane, Plantains and others, Sweet potatoes, Yams, Coconuts, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Oranges, Lemons and limes, Apples, Cassava, Carrots and turnips, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Pears, Chillies and peppers- green, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Groundnuts- with shell, Cocoa- beans, Pigeon peas, Nutmeg- mace and cardamoms]
VE: [Sugar cane, Rice- paddy, Plantains and others, Potatoes, Pineapples, Oil- palm fruit, Oranges, Bananas, Cassava, Watermelons, Carrots and turnips, Onions- dry, Tomatoes, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Papayas, Cabbages and other brassicas, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Coconuts, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Chillies and peppers- green]
VG: [Bananas, Coconuts]
VI: [Sugar cane, Bananas]
VN: [Rice- paddy, Sugar cane, Cassava, Bananas, Coffee- green, Sweet potatoes, Coconuts, Watermelons, Rubber- natural, Cabbages and other brassicas, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Pineapples, Oranges, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Groundnuts- with shell, Onions- dry, Potatoes, Cashew nuts- with shell, Tea, Beans- dry]
VU: [Coconuts, Bananas, Groundnuts- with shell, Cocoa- beans, Coffee- green]
WF: [Bananas, Coconuts, Cassava, Taro (cocoyam), Yams, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Sugar cane, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Pineapples]
YE: [Mangoes- mangosteens- guavas, Potatoes, Onions- dry, Watermelons, Tomatoes, Grapes, Oranges, Bananas, Chick peas, Dates, Apples, Melons- other (inc.cantaloupes), Lemons and limes, Papayas, Sesame seed, Okra, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Coffee- green, Chillies and peppers- green]
ZA: [Sugar cane, Potatoes, Grapes, Oranges, Soybeans, Sunflower seed, Apples, Onions- dry, Tomatoes, Bananas, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos), Pears, Lemons and limes, Carrots and turnips, Pumpkins- squash and gourds, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Peaches and nectarines, Cabbages and other brassicas, Avocados, Pineapples]
ZM: [Sugar cane, Cassava, Soybeans, Sweet potatoes, Groundnuts- with shell, Seed cotton, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Cottonseed, Rice- paddy, Cotton lint, Onions- dry, Sunflower seed, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Coffee- green, Oranges, Tea, Artichokes, Bananas, Chillies and peppers- dry]
ZW: [Sugar cane, Cassava, Cottonseed, Bananas, Oranges, Seed cotton, Groundnuts- with shell, Tobacco- unmanufactured, Cotton lint, Soybeans, Potatoes, Beans- dry, Tea, Tomatoes, Lemons and limes, Tangerines- mandarins- clementines- satsumas, Peas- green, Oilseeds nes, Chillies and peppers- dry, Grapefruit (inc. pomelos)]
# For these countries, there was data in the source, but due to filtering no crops remained. They were thus skipped.
# Ignored: Saint Helena- Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Western Sahara
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