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Last active January 19, 2019 22:20
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OSM "level" translation in fluent with alternative versions when travelling in foreign countries
### input data: ground floor = level 0
### for OSM "level" tag, see
### 1. I cannot remove the minus (-) sign from negative levels. See
### 2. I cannot properly calculate +1 for the US style. See
## SYNTAX: floor_<userlanguage>_<country-travelling-to>
## i.e. e.g. floor_DE_EUROP = German-speaking user travelling to Germany (or any other country with basement=level 0)
## Euopean user (e.g. German user)
# German/European country, German-speaking user
floor_DE_EUROP =
{ $level ->
[-2] im { $level }. Untergeschoss
[-1] im 1. Untergeschoss
[0] im Erdgeschoss
[one] im 1. Obergeschoss
*[other] im { $level }. Obergeschoss
# US style country, German-speaking user
# = German user travelling to US
floor_DE_USSTYLE =
{ $level ->
[-2] im Untergeschoss B{ $level }
[-1] Im Untergeschoss B(1)
[0] im Erdgeschoss
[one] im 1. Obergeschoss (2. Geschoss inklusive Erdgeschoss)
*[other] im { $level }. Geschoss ({ $level }+1. Geschoss inklusive Erdgeschoss)
## US user (i.e. US locale)
# US style, US user
floor_EN_USSTYLE =
{ $level ->
[-2] on basement floor B{ $level }
[-1] on basement floor B(1)
[0] on ground floor
[one] on floor 2
*[other] on floor { $level }+1
# German/European style, English-speaking user
# = US user travelling to Germany
floor_EN_EUROP =
{ $level ->
[-2] on basement floor { $level }
[-1] basement floor 1
[0] on ground floor
[one] on floor 2 (floor one without ground floor)
*[other] on floor { $level }+1 (floor { $level } without ground floor)
"locale": "en-US",
"dir": "ltr"
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