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Created March 27, 2018 19:17
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VolgaCTF Quals 2018 forbidden crypto task
VolgaCTF Quals 2018 forbidden crypto task
This implements the forbidden attack on Galois/Counter Mode AES
useage: sage -python
from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify
from sage.all import *
def slice_and_pad(b_str, bsize=16):
b_str += "\x00" * (len(b_str) % bsize)
return [bytearray(b_str[k:k+bsize]) for k in range(0, len(b_str), bsize)]
def unhex_blocks(h_str, bsize=16):
h_str = unhexlify(h_str)
return slice_and_pad(h_str, bsize)
def xor(a, b):
assert(len(a) == len(b))
return bytearray([a[i] ^ b[i] for i in range((len(a)))])
def byte_to_bin(byte):
b = bin(byte)[2:]
return "0" * (8 - len(b)) + b
def block_to_bin(block):
assert(len(block) == 16)
b = ""
for byte in block:
b += byte_to_bin(byte)
return b
def bytes_to_poly(block, a):
f = 0
for e, bit in enumerate(block_to_bin(block)):
f += int(bit) * a**e
return f
def poly_to_int(poly):
a = 0
for i, bit in enumerate(poly._vector_()):
a |= int(bit) << (127 - i)
return a
def poly_to_hex(poly):
return (hex(poly_to_int(poly))[2:-1]).upper()
C1 = unhex_blocks("1761e540522379aab5ef05eabc98516fa47ae0c586026e9955fd551fe5b6ec37e636d9fd389285f3")
T1 = unhex_blocks("0674d6e42069a10f18375fc8876aa04d")
A1 = slice_and_pad("John Doe")
C2 = unhex_blocks("1761e540522365aab1e644ed87bb516fa47ae0d9860667d852c6761fe5b6ec37e637c7fc389285f3")
T2 = unhex_blocks("cf61b77c044a8fb1566352bd5dd2f69f")
A2 = slice_and_pad("VolgaCTF")
C3 = unhex_blocks("1761e540522379aab5ef05eabc98516fa47ae0d9860667d852c6761fe5b6ec37e646a581389285f3")
A3 = slice_and_pad("John Doe")
# Same length for all messages
bit_len_plain = len(C1) / 2 * 8
bit_len_auth = len("John Doe") * 8
L = unhex_blocks(hex((bit_len_auth << 64) | bit_len_plain)[2:-1])
T = xor(T1[0], T2[0])
C = [
xor(C1[0], C2[0]),
xor(C1[1], C2[1]),
xor(C1[2], C2[2])
A = xor(A1[0], A2[0])
# Sage magic
F, a = GF(2**128, name="a").objgen()
R, X = PolynomialRing(F, name="X").objgen()
A1_p = bytes_to_poly(A1[0], a)
C1_p = [
bytes_to_poly(C1[0], a),
bytes_to_poly(C1[1], a),
bytes_to_poly(C1[2], a)
T1_p = bytes_to_poly(T1[0], a)
A3_p = bytes_to_poly(A3[0], a)
C3_p = [
bytes_to_poly(C3[0], a),
bytes_to_poly(C3[1], a),
bytes_to_poly(C3[2], a)
A_p = bytes_to_poly(A, a)
C_p = [
bytes_to_poly(C[0], a),
bytes_to_poly(C[1], a),
bytes_to_poly(C[2], a)
T_p = bytes_to_poly(T, a)
L_p = bytes_to_poly(L[0], a)
f1 = A1_p * X**5 + C1_p[0] * X**4 + C1_p[1] * X**3 + C1_p[2] * X**2 + L_p * X + T1_p
f3 = A3_p * X**5 + C3_p[0] * X**4 + C3_p[1] * X**3 + C3_p[2] * X**2 + L_p * X
p = A_p * X**5 + C_p[0] * X**4 + C_p[1] * X**3 + C_p[2] * X**2 + T_p
for root, _ in p.roots():
EJ = f1(root)
flag = f3(root) + EJ
print("VolgaCTF{" + poly_to_hex(flag) + "}")
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