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Kazoo Centos 7 Cluster on Digital Ocean

Kazoo Cluster on CentOS 7 ON DIGITALOCEAN

This file provided by "fink" in #2600hz on Freenode


Set Hostname

Ensure the hostname is set appropriately. Modify as required and reboot, if needed.

Environment Variables

Set the following environment variables in a Bash shell:

PUBLIC_IP=$(dig TXT +short -4 2> /dev/null | sed s/\"//g)
PRIVATE_IP=$(ip addr show eth0 | grep -m 1 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/')

Note: Replace eth0 with the appropriate interface name.

Upgrade / Install Packages

Install prerequisites:

yum -y upgrade
yum -y install yum-utils psmisc nano epel-release ${LATEST_RELEASE}

Update packages:

yum -y update
yum clean all

Configure DNS

Ensure DNS for the nodes is configured appropriately. Check that DNS records work before proceeding!

Configure Firewall


Generate or Set Erlang Cookie

The following will generate an Erlang cookie. Note: The cookie must be the same across all nodes! Do not generate a new cookie for each node!

COOKIE=`date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32`

If you're adding a node to an existing cluster, obtain the existing cookie from a node using the following:

echo COOKIE=`cat /opt/kazoo/.erlang.cookie`

Set the existing cookie on the node that you'll be installing software on.

Verify Hostname / IP / Cookie

Verify that the hostname and IP are correct for the installation.


Hosts File

echo "${PRIVATE_IP} ${HOSTNAME} `hostname -s`" >> /etc/hosts
echo " ${HOSTNAME} `hostname -s`" >> /etc/hosts


Set system timezone to UTC.

ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime


Install NTP

yum -y install ntp
systemctl enable ntpd
systemctl restart ntpd



CouchDB must be installed as a cluster before installing Kazoo.

Repo File

Add a repo file for CouchDB.

cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/bintray-apache-couchdb-rpm.repo << EOF

Install CouchDB

yum -y install couchdb

Configure CouchDB


Modify CouchDB to listen on all interfaces (

sed -i "s/127\.0\.0\.1/0\.0\.0\.0/g" /opt/couchdb/etc/default.ini

Erlang VM

sed -i "s/127\.0\.0\.1/$HOSTNAME/g" /opt/couchdb/etc/vm.args
sed -i "s/monster/$COOKIE/g" /opt/couchdb/etc/vm.args

Start CouchDB

systemctl enable couchdb
systemctl start couchdb

Check CouchDB Status

curl -sX GET http://localhost:5984

The following should be returned:

{"couchdb":"Welcome","version":"2.3.0","git_sha":"07ea0c7","uuid":"8c293bccf2265f7248fa1ed120326842","features":["pluggable-storage-engines","scheduler"],"vendor":{"name":"The Apache Software Foundation"}}

Create User Database

curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_users

The following should be returned:



Create Admin Users
echo "Create Fauxton Admin: http://$PUBLIC_IP:5984/_utils/#createAdmin"

Follow the above link to create a Fauxton (CouchDB's web-based administration tool) admin user. Create an admin user for yourself and one for Kazoo with a username of "kazoo". Generate a password for the "kazoo" user:

echo `date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32`
Verify Admin User

Verify the kazoo admin user created above works.

curl -sX GET http://localhost:5984 --user kazoo

The following should be returned:

Enter host password for user 'kazoo': {"couchdb":"Welcome","version":"2.3.0","git_sha":"07ea0c7","uuid":"8c293bccf2265f7248fa1ed120326842","features":["pluggable-storage-engines","scheduler"],"vendor":{"name":"The Apache Software Foundation"}}
Configure Clustering

Open the following link in a browser:

Enter the information required as appropriate and click on "Add Node" then "Configure Cluster".

Note: Clustering only needs to be configured on one node. Ensure you click "Add Node" when configuring clustering, otherwise clustering will be enabled without any nodes.

Verify Clustering
curl -X GET "http://localhost:5984/_membership" --user kazoo

The following should be returned:

Enter host password for user 'kazoo': 


Install Kazoo-wrapped HAProxy

yum -y install kazoo-haproxy

Configure HAProxy

Import Configuration

cat > /etc/kazoo/haproxy/haproxy.cfg << EOF
    log /dev/log local0 info
    maxconn 4096
    user haproxy
    group daemon
    stats socket /var/run/haproxy/haproxy.sock mode 777

    log global
    mode http
    option httplog
    option dontlognull
    option log-health-checks
    option redispatch
    option httpchk GET /
    option allbackups
    option http-server-close
    maxconn 2000
    retries 3
    timeout connect 6000ms
    timeout client 12000ms
    timeout server 12000ms

listen couchdb-data
    balance roundrobin
        server <hostname1> <ip address1>:5984 check
        server <hostname2> <ip address2>:5984 check

listen haproxy-stats
    mode http
    stats uri /

Note: Change the order of the roundrobin servers on the different nodes. The local node should always be listed first.

Remove Old Configuration File

rm -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
ln -s /etc/kazoo/haproxy/haproxy.cfg /etc/haproxy/

Start HAProxy

systemctl enable kazoo-haproxy
systemctl start kazoo-haproxy

Ensure HAProxy Started

kazoo-haproxy status

The following should be returned:

|Host                      |Backend         |Status |Active |Rate   |1xx    |2xx    |3xx    |4xx    |5xx    |Ping   |
| |couchdb-data   |UP     |0      |0      |0      |0      |0      |0      |0      |138ms  |
| |couchdb-data   |UP     |0      |0      |0      |0      |0      |0      |0      |1ms    |

Ensure HAProxy Works

curl localhost:15984

The following should be returned:

{"couchdb":"Welcome","version":"2.3.0","git_sha":"07ea0c7","uuid":"8c293bccf2265f7248fa1ed120326842","features":["pluggable-storage-engines","scheduler"],"vendor":{"name":"The Apache Software Foundation"}}

curl localhost:15986

The following should be returned:

{"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"8c293bccf2265f7248fa1ed120326842","version":"2.3.0","vendor":{"name":"The Apache Software Foundation"}}


Install Kazoo-wrapped RabbitMQ

yum install -y kazoo-rabbitmq

Start RabbitMQ

systemctl enable kazoo-rabbitmq
systemctl start kazoo-rabbitmq

Ensure RabbitMQ Started

ss -lpn | grep 5672

The following should be returned:

tcp    LISTEN     0      128       *:5672                  *:*                   users:(("beam.smp",pid=1534,fd=16))
tcp    LISTEN     0      128       *:25672                 *:*                   users:(("beam.smp",pid=1534,fd=8))
tcp    LISTEN     0      128       *:15672                 *:*                   users:(("beam.smp",pid=1534,fd=17))

Ensure RabbitMQ Works

curl -i -u guest:guest http://localhost:15672/api/aliveness-test/%2F

The following should be returned:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
cache-control: no-cache
content-length: 15
content-security-policy: default-src 'self'
content-type: application/json
date: Tue, 03 Dec 2019 01:17:39 GMT
server: Cowboy
vary: accept, accept-encoding, origin


Check RabbitMQ Broker Status

kazoo-rabbitmq status

The following should be returned:

Status of node 'kazoo-rabbitmq@sbc01' ...
     [{rabbitmq_management,"RabbitMQ Management Console","3.7.19"},
      {rabbitmq_web_dispatch,"RabbitMQ Web Dispatcher","3.7.19"},
      {rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange,"Consistent Hash Exchange Type",
      {rabbitmq_management_agent,"RabbitMQ Management Agent","3.7.19"},


Install Kazoo-wrapped Kamailio

yum install -y kazoo-kamailio

Configure Kamailio

Configure Syslog

cat > /etc/rsyslog.d/11-kamailio.conf << EOF
:syslogtag, isequal, "[KAMAILIO]" /var/log/kamailio/kamailio.log
& stop
systemctl restart rsyslog

Update Hostname

sed -i "s/# # #!substdef \"!MY_HOSTNAME/#!substdef \"!MY_HOSTNAME/g" /etc/kazoo/kamailio/local.cfg
sed -i "s/kamailio\.2600hz\.com/${HOSTNAME}/g" /etc/kazoo/kamailio/local.cfg

Set / Advertise IP Addresses

sed -i "s/# # #!substdef \"!MY_IP_ADDRESS!!g\"/#!substdef \"!MY_IP_ADDRESS!${PUBLIC_IP}!g\"/" /etc/kazoo/kamailio/local.cfg
sed -i "s/listen=UDP_SIP/listen=udp:${PRIVATE_IP}:5060 advertise ${PUBLIC_IP}:5060/g" /etc/kazoo/kamailio/local.cfg
sed -i "s/listen=TCP_SIP/listen=tcp:${PRIVATE_IP}:5060 advertise ${PUBLIC_IP}:5060/g" /etc/kazoo/kamailio/local.cfg
sed -i "s/listen=UDP_ALG_SIP/listen=udp:${PRIVATE_IP}:7000 advertise ${PUBLIC_IP}:5060/g" /etc/kazoo/kamailio/local.cfg
sed -i "s/listen=TCP_ALG_SIP/listen=tcp:${PRIVATE_IP}:7000 advertise ${PUBLIC_IP}:5060/g" /etc/kazoo/kamailio/local.cfg

Set Websocket Hostname

sed -i "s/##   #!substdef \"!MY_WEBSOCKET_DOMAIN!2600hz\.com!g\"/#!substdef \"!MY_WEBSOCKET_DOMAIN!kazoo\.tel!g\"/" /etc/kazoo/kamailio/local.cfg

Add Primary RabbitMQ Server

nano /etc/kazoo/kamailio/local.cfg

Uncomment out the following:

#!substdef "!MY_AMQP_URL!amqp://guest:guest@!g"

Note: Replace with the appropriate RabbitMQ IP address.

Add the following:

#!substdef "!MY_AMQP_ZONE!zone-name-here!g"


Add Secondary RabbitMQ Server

nano /etc/kazoo/kamailio/local.cfg

Add the following information for each zone with a RabbitMQ server (note the addition of the "zone=" part in the middle):

#!substdef "!MY_AMQP_SECONDARY_URL!zone=us-west-1;kazoo://guest:guest@!g"

Note: This must be configured for each zone! MY_AMQP_URL should always reflect the local RabbitMQ server and MY_AMQP_SECONDARY_URL should always reflect the remote RabbitMQ server.

Note: Replace with the appropriate RabbitMQ IP address.

Start Kamailio

systemctl enable kazoo-kamailio
systemctl start kazoo-kamailio

Ensure Kamailio Started

ss -ln | egrep "5060|7000"

The following should be returned:

udp    UNCONN     0      0         *:5060                  *:*                  
udp    UNCONN     0      0         *:7000                  *:*                  
tcp    LISTEN     0      128       *:5060                  *:*                  
tcp    LISTEN     0      128       *:7000                  *:*                  

Check Kamailio Status

kazoo-kamailio status

The following should be returned:

error: 500 - No Destination Sets

Note: This error is expected as FreeSWITCH servers haven't been configured.


Install Kazoo-wrapped FreeSWITCH

yum install -y kazoo-freeswitch

Configure FreeSWITCH

Set Cookie

sed -i "s/change_me/$COOKIE/g" /etc/kazoo/freeswitch/autoload_configs/kazoo.conf.xml

Change Local Network ACL

sed -i "s/" /etc/kazoo/freeswitch/sip_profiles/sipinterface_1.xml

Configure IPs

For DigitalOcean, FreeSWITCH must advertise the PUBLIC_UP for ext-sip-ip and ext-rtp-ip.

sed -i "s/<param name=\"ext-sip-ip\" value=\"auto\"\/>/<param name=\"ext-sip-ip\" value=\"${PUBLIC_IP}\"\/>/g" /etc/kazoo/freeswitch/sip_profiles/sipinterface_1.xml
sed -i "s/<param name=\"ext-rtp-ip\" value=\"auto\"\/>/<param name=\"ext-rtp-ip\" value=\"${PUBLIC_IP}\"\/>/g" /etc/kazoo/freeswitch/sip_profiles/sipinterface_1.xml

Start FreeSWITCH

systemctl enable kazoo-freeswitch
systemctl start kazoo-freeswitch

Check FreeSWITCH status

kazoo-freeswitch status

The following should be returned:

UP 0 years, 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, 243 milliseconds, 276 microseconds
FreeSWITCH (Version 1.6.20  64bit) is ready
0 session(s) since startup
0 session(s) - peak 0, last 5min 0 
0 session(s) per Sec out of max 200, peak 0, last 5min 0 
5000 session(s) max
min idle cpu 0.00/99.93
Current Stack Size/Max 244K/244K

Running mod_kazoo v1.4.0-1
Listening for new Erlang connections on with cookie XXXXXXXXXX
Registered as Erlang node, visible as freeswitch
No erlang nodes connected

Note: You will not see any connected Erlang modules.

Install Sipify Script

curl -o /usr/bin/
chmod 755 /usr/bin/

Note: This script is used for FreeSWITCH log parsing and is optional.

Kazoo Applications

Install Kazoo Applications

Note: This should be done on a dedicated application server or on an SBC. This should not be installed on a server running FreeSWITCH.

yum install -y kazoo-applications

Allow Kazoo Sudo Access

usermod -aG wheel kazoo

Configure Kazoo Applications

Core Configuration

Note: The Kazoo core configuration must be the same on all nodes.

cat > /etc/kazoo/core/config.ini << EOF 
name = "us-east-1"
amqp_uri = "amqp://guest:guest@<ip address>"

name = "us-west-1"
amqp_uri = "amqp://guest:guest@<ip address>"

compact_automatically = true
cookie = <cookie>
ip = "X.X.X.X"
port = 15984
username = "kazoo"
password = "<password>"
admin_port = 15986

cookie = <cookie>
zone = "us-east-1"
host = ""

cookie = <cookie>
zone = "us-west-1"
host = ""

cookie = <cookie>
zone = "us-east-1"
host = ""

cookie = <cookie>
zone = "us-west-1"
host = ""

syslog = info
console = notice
file = error

Configure Cookie

echo $COOKIE > /opt/kazoo/.erlang.cookie
chown kazoo:daemon /opt/kazoo/.erlang.cookie
chmod 400 /opt/kazoo/.erlang.cookie

Note: The Kazoo Erlang cookie must be the same on all nodes.

Start Kazoo Applications

systemctl enable kazoo-applications
systemctl start kazoo-applications

Check Databases

curl -s localhost:5984/_all_dbs

The following should be returned:


Note: You should have at least 26 databases. You can check the number of databases returned with the following command:

curl -s localhost:15984/_all_dbs | python -mjson.tool | wc -l

Import System Media Prompts

sup kazoo_media_maintenance import_prompts /opt/kazoo/sounds/en/us/

Note: Importing system media prompts only needs to be performed in one region.

Refresh Databases

sup kapps_maintenance refresh

Note: The database refresh only needs to be performed in one region.

Check the Kazoo Cluster

kazoo-applications status

The following should be returned:

Node          :
md5           : ufHyVeljJWt9aLE3-pNgaQ
Version       : 4.3.22 - 19
Memory Usage  : 84.41MB
Processes     : 1965
Ports         : 21
Zone          : us-east (local)
Broker        : amqp://
Globals       : local (4)
Node Info     : kz_amqp_pool: 150/0/0 (ready)
WhApps        : blackhole(13m2s)         callflow(12m26s)         cdr(12m25s)              conference(12m24s)       
                crossbar(12m23s)         fax(12m15s)              hangups(11m45s)          media_mgr(11m45s)        
                milliwatt(11m45s)        omnipresence(11m45s)     pivot(11m45s)            registrar(11m44s)        
                reorder(11m44s)          stepswitch(11m42s)       sysconf(13m6s)           tasks(11m40s)            
                teletype(11m35s)         trunkstore(9m47s)        webhooks(9m46s)          

Node          :
Version       : 5.1.5
Memory Usage  : 15.31MB
Zone          : us-east (local)
Broker        : amqp://
WhApps        : kamailio(16m32s)         
Roles         : Dispatcher Presence Proxy Registrar 
Subscribers   : 
Subscriptions : 
Presentities  : presence (0)  dialog (0)  message-summary (0)  
Listening on  : tcp (5060 7000) udp (5060 7000) 
Registrations : 0



Kazoo ecallmgr

Start ecallmgr

systemctl enable kazoo-ecallmgr
systemctl start kazoo-ecallmgr

Check ecallmgr Status

kazoo-ecallmgr status

The following should be returned:

Node          :
md5           : 1Crrwj3S0XDtlFSy2m29hA
Version       : 4.3.22 - 19
Memory Usage  : 56.69MB
Processes     : 1319
Ports         : 32
Zone          : us-east (local)
Broker        : amqp://
Globals       : total (0)
Node Info     : kz_amqp_pool: 150/0/0 (ready)
WhApps        : ecallmgr(20s)            
Channels      : 0
Conferences   : 0
Registrations : 0
Media Servers : (11s)

If you don't see the "Media Servers" line, you can explicitly add FreeSWITCH servers to ecallmgr using the following command:

sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance add_fs_node freeswitch@hostname

Note: Ensure public and/or private DNS is configured correctly for the hostname.

Check ACLs

sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance sbc_acls

The following should be returned:

| Name                           | CIDR               | List          | Type  | Authorizing Type | ID                               |
| | | authoritative | allow | system_config    |                                  |
| |    | authoritative | allow | system_config    |                                  |

Configure ACLs

If you don't see your kamailio servers listed:

sup -n ecallmgr ecallmgr_maintenance allow_sbc <hostname> <ip address>

The following should be returned:

updating authoritative ACLs to allow traffic
issued reload ACLs to

Note: Remember to add the hostname and IP for the local and remote nodes!

Check FreeSWITCH / ecallmgr Connection

kazoo-freeswitch status

The following should be returned:

Connected to: ( up 0 years, 0 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes, 36 seconds

Check Kamailio / FreeSWITCH Visibility

kazoo-kamailio status

The following should be returned:

		SET: {
			ID: 1
				DEST: {
					URI: sip:
					FLAGS: AP
					PRIORITY: 0
		SET: {
			ID: 2
				DEST: {
					URI: sip:
					FLAGS: AP
					PRIORITY: 0

Master Account

Create Admin Account

sup crossbar_maintenance create_account \
    {Company Name} \
    {} \
    {username} \

The following should be returned:

created new account 'f3a17c0c7b58f4fc0ffac54635624aa0' in db 'account%2Ff3%2Fa1%2F7c0ca5624aa07b58f4fc0c5463ff'
created new account admin user '8b2e1b5f39595eee8fec37342a26afed'


Install MonsterUI, Apps, and Apache

yum -y install monster-ui* httpd

Initialize Monster Apps

sup crossbar_maintenance init_apps \
    /var/www/html/monster-ui/apps \

Add Apache Virtual Host

echo "<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot \"/var/www/html/monster-ui\"
" > /etc/httpd/conf.d/

Start Apache

systemctl enable httpd
systemctl start httpd

Check Crossbar

curl -s http://localhost:8000/v2

The following should be returned:

{"data":{"message":"invalid credentials"},"error":"401","message":"invalid_credentials","status":"error","timestamp":"2019-03-12T00:16:29Z","version":"4.3.22","node":"ufHyVeljJWt9aLE3-pNgaQ","request_id":"fefaa85fbf27728bcb182c69101e5ab3","auth_token":"undefined"}

Chek WebHooks

curl -s http://localhost:8000/v2/webhooks

The following should be returned:

{"page_size":7,"data":[{"name":"Object","description":"Receive notifications when objects (like JSON document objects) in Kazoo are changed"...
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