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Created September 21, 2015 10:36
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Yvonne Chua Problem
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Mobile Phones</title>
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<h1>Growth of Phones in the Philippines</h1>
<p>Subscriptions of mobile phones vs fixed telephones, per 100 people, by year. Source: <a href="">World Bank</a></p>
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//this wasn't suposed to be here//
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d3.csv("philippinesphones.csv", function(data) {
d3.min(data, function(d) {
return +d.Mobilecellularsubscriptionsper100people;
d3.max(data, function(d) {
return +d.Mobilecellularsubscriptionsper100people;
d3.max(data, function(d) {
return +d.Fixedtelephonesubscriptionsper100people;
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return "The mobile phone subscriptions per 100 people in " + d.YEAR + " is " + d.Mobilecellularsubscriptionsper100people + " and the fixed phone subscriptions per 100 people that year is " + d.Fixedtelephonesubscriptionsper100people;
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YEAR Mobilecellularsubscriptions Mobilecellularsubscriptionsper100people Fixedtelephonesubscriptions Fixedtelephonesubscriptionsper100people
1991 34600 0.054508405 647939 1.020754957
1992 56044 0.086226172 660587 1.016342309
1993 102400 0.153945411 859762 1.292543111
1994 171903 0.252609789 1109652 1.630622837
1995 493862 0.70950518 1409639 2.025153125
1996 959024 1.347232983 1787000 2.510370274
1997 1343620 1.84611551 2078000 2.855143589
1998 1733652 2.330392072 2491605 3.349239951
1999 2849980 3.749085447 2892435 3.804934057
2000 6454359 8.311919376 3061387 3.942452213
2001 12159163 15.33355244 3315091 4.180560923
2002 15383001 19.00223229 3310933 4.089911842
2003 22509560 27.24973903 3340000 4.043354395
2004 32935875 39.1016922 3437491 4.081012422
2005 34778995 40.52493944 3367252 3.923566031
2006 42868911 49.06786375 3633188 4.158556156
2007 57344815 64.52260075 3940082 4.433257615
2008 68117167 75.37478912 4076140 4.510437037
2009 75586646 82.26097224 4100000 4.462031378
2010 83150138 88.98361743 3335398 3.569396116
2011 94189795 99.09141423 3555951 3.741002022
2012 101978345 105.4510985 3493164 3.612119624
2013 102823569 104.5023215 3148835 3.200244561
2014 111326045 111.2187234 3093236 3.090254028
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