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Last active October 6, 2021 15:06
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FreeSWITCH v1.10.5 build Dockerfile
# Build FreeSWITCH with mod_dialogflow and GRPC libraries
WORKDIR /usr/src/
USER root
ENV CFG_DIR /etc/freeswitch
RUN mkdir -p freeswitch-files
ADD patches/* freeswitch-files/
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y --quiet --allow-remove-essential upgrade \
&& apt-get install -y --quiet --no-install-recommends gnupg2 wget curl git cmake automake autoconf libtool libtool-bin build-essential pkg-config ca-certificates \
libavformat-dev liblua5.1-0 liblua5.1-0-dev libssl-dev libz-dev libjpeg-dev sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libpcre3-dev libswscale-dev \
libspeex-dev libspeexdsp-dev libedit-dev libtiff-dev yasm haveged libldns-dev unixodbc \
libopus-dev libopusfile-dev libsndfile-dev libshout3 libshout3-dev libmpg123-dev libmp3lame-dev libedit2 libfreetype6 libsndfile1 libsofia-sip-ua-dev libspandsp-dev \
&& apt-get update \
&& cd /usr/src \
&& git config --global pull.rebase true \
&& git clone -b v1.10.5 \
&& git clone -b v0.4.0 \
&& git clone -b master \
&& cd grpc && git checkout c66d2cc \
# move drachtio relevant modules into FreeSWITCH src dir
&& cp -r /usr/local/src/drachtio-freeswitch-modules/modules/mod_audio_fork /usr/local/src/freeswitch/src/mod/applications/ \
&& cp -r /usr/local/src/drachtio-freeswitch-modules/modules/mod_google_tts /usr/local/src/freeswitch/src/mod/applications/ \
&& cp -r /usr/local/src/drachtio-freeswitch-modules/modules/mod_google_transcribe /usr/local/src/freeswitch/src/mod/applications/ \
&& cp -r /usr/local/src/drachtio-freeswitch-modules/modules/mod_dialogflow /usr/local/src/freeswitch/src/mod/applications/ \
# copy build scripts (different from standard FreeSWITCH)
&& cd /usr/src/freeswitch/ \
&& cp ../freeswitch-files/ . \
&& cp ../freeswitch-files/ . \
&& cp ../freeswitch-files/ ./build \
&& cp ../freeswitch-files/modules.conf.vanilla.xml ./conf/vanilla/autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml \
&& cd /usr/src/freeswitch/libs \
# build libwebsockets
&& cd /usr/src/freeswitch/libs/ \
&& git clone -b v3.2.3 \
&& cd libwebsockets && mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j 4 && make install \
# build libfvad
&& cd /usr/src/freeswitch/libs/ \
&& git clone \
&& cd libfvad && autoreconf -i && ./configure && make -j 4 && make install \
# build spandsp (no longer built-in into FreeSWITCH since 1.10.4)
&& cd /usr/src/freeswitch/libs/ \
&& git clone \
&& cd spandsp && ./ && ./configure && make install \
# build sofia (no longer built-in into FS since 1.10.4))
&& cd /usr/src/freeswitch/libs/ \
&& git clone \
&& cd sofia-sip && ./ && ./configure && make install \
# build grpc
&& export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH \
&& cd /usr/src/grpc \
&& git submodule update --init --recursive \
&& export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH \
&& mkdir -p cmake/build && cd cmake/build \
&& make -j 4 \
&& make install \
# build googleapis
&& cd /usr/src/freeswitch/libs \
&& git clone -b master \
&& cd googleapis && git checkout e9da6f8b469c52b83f900e820be30762e9e05c57 \
&& sed -i 's/\$fields/fields/' google/maps/routes/v1/route_service.proto \
&& sed -i 's/\$fields/fields/' google/maps/routes/v1alpha/route_service.proto \
# make changes to fix libs not found errors
&& cp /usr/src/grpc/cmake/build/grpc_cpp_plugin /usr/local/bin/grpc_cpp_plugin \
&& cp -r /usr/src/grpc/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl /usr/local/include/ \
&& cd /usr/src/freeswitch/libs/googleapis && LANGUAGE=cpp make -j 4
RUN cd /usr/src/freeswitch \
&& ./ -j && ./configure --with-lws=yes --with-extra=yes \
&& make -j 4 && make install
RUN mkdir -p $CFG_DIR \
&& cp -r /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/* $CFG_DIR/ \
&& cd $CFG_DIR \
&& rm -Rf diaplan/* sip_profiles/* htdocs fonts images
WORKDIR /usr/local/freeswitch/bin/
CMD ./freeswitch -conf $CFG_DIR -log /var/log/freeswitch -db /usr/local/freeswitch/db
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