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Created July 1, 2014 23:45
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Type-level ordering verification
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.nat.LTEq.<=
import Nat._
sealed trait ToValue[T, V] { def value: V }
def toValue[T, V](implicit tv: ToValue[T, V]): V = tv.value
object Bool {
sealed trait Bool
sealed trait True extends Bool
sealed trait False extends Bool
implicit def trueValue = new ToValue[True, Boolean] { def value = true }
implicit def falseValue = new ToValue[False, Boolean] { def value = false }
object GT {
trait GT[A <: Nat, B <: Nat]
type >[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] = GT[A, B]
implicit def gt1[B <: Nat] = new >[Succ[B], _0] {}
implicit def gt2[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit gt : A > B) = new >[Succ[A], Succ[B]] {}
object IsSorted {
import Bool._
import GT._
sealed trait IsSorted[XS <: HList] { type Out <: Bool }
implicit def hnilIsSorted = new IsSorted[HNil] { type Out = True }
implicit def hcons1IsSorted[X <: Nat] = new IsSorted[X :: HNil] { type Out = True }
implicit def hconsIsSorted[X0 <: Nat, X1 <: Nat, XS <: HList](
implicit ev1: X0 <= X1, ev2: IsSorted[X1 :: XS]) =
new IsSorted[X0 :: X1 :: XS] { type Out = ev2.Out }
implicit def hconsIsNotSorted[X0 <: Nat, X1 <: Nat, XS <: HList](
implicit ev1: X0 > X1) =
new IsSorted[X0 :: X1 :: XS] { type Out = False }
import IsSorted._
type Input1 = _0 :: _4 :: _3 :: _1 :: _2 :: HNil
type Input2 = _0 :: _1 :: _2 :: _3 :: _4 :: HNil
toValue[IsSorted[Input1]#Out, Boolean] // false
toValue[IsSorted[Input2]#Out, Boolean] // true
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