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Created January 22, 2018 13:21
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01-22 14:18:47:076 [ info nextcloud.gui.application ]: Sync state changed for folder "" : "SyncPrepare"
01-22 14:18:47:076 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder ]: *** Start syncing "" - client version 2.5.0git
01-22 14:18:47:079 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder ]: Forbidding local discovery to read from the database
01-22 14:18:47:079 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder.manager ]: >========== Sync started for folder [/tmp/cse/files] of account [user25@] with remote []
01-22 14:18:47:079 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: There are 8363491328 bytes available at "/tmp/cse/files/"
01-22 14:18:47:079 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: Sync with existing sync journal
01-22 14:18:47:079 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: "Using Qt 5.10.0 SSL library OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017 on Arch Linux"
01-22 14:18:47:079 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: NOT Using Selective Sync
01-22 14:18:47:079 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: #### Discovery start ####################################################
01-22 14:18:47:079 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: Server ""
01-22 14:18:47:079 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync ]: Memory: 923428K total size, 61112K resident, 46608K shared
01-22 14:18:47:081 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync ]: Memory: 923428K total size, 61112K resident, 46608K shared
01-22 14:18:47:086 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]: 6 "PROPFIND" "" has X-Request-ID "3d19528d-d573-4aeb-a086-5247416a56a3"
01-22 14:18:47:086 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]: OCC::LsColJob created for "" + "" "OCC::DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob"
01-22 14:18:47:086 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.jsonapi ]: JsonApiJob of QUrl("") FINISHED WITH STATUS QNetworkReply::NetworkError(NoError) ""
01-22 14:18:47:165 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.lscol ]: LSCOL of QUrl("") FINISHED WITH STATUS QNetworkReply::NetworkError(NoError) ""
01-22 14:18:47:165 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder ]: Root etag from during sync: "\"5a65e3f357087\""
01-22 14:18:47:166 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]: 6 "PROPFIND" "" has X-Request-ID "c6b79e88-c6f1-4b19-bee5-644cdddacb4d"
01-22 14:18:47:166 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]: OCC::PropfindJob created for "" + "/Enc" "OCC::DiscoveryMainThread"
01-22 14:18:47:235 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.propfind ]: PROPFIND of QUrl("") FINISHED WITH STATUS QNetworkReply::NetworkError(NoError) ""
01-22 14:18:47:235 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]: file: Enc, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NEW <<=
01-22 14:18:47:235 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]: 6 "PROPFIND" "" has X-Request-ID "725e7d06-3488-4240-aef7-b91a3df7a279"
01-22 14:18:47:236 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]: OCC::LsColJob created for "" + "/Enc" "OCC::DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob"
01-22 14:18:47:314 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.lscol ]: LSCOL of QUrl("") FINISHED WITH STATUS QNetworkReply::NetworkError(NoError) ""
01-22 14:18:47:314 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]: file: welcome.txt, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NEW <<=
01-22 14:18:47:314 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync ]: Memory: 924052K total size, 61112K resident, 46608K shared
01-22 14:18:47:314 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: #### Discovery end #################################################### 235 ms
01-22 14:18:47:315 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.reconciler ]: INSTRUCTION_NEW server file: welcome.txt
01-22 14:18:47:315 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.reconciler ]: INSTRUCTION_NEW server dir: Enc
01-22 14:18:47:315 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: #### Reconcile end #################################################### 235 ms
01-22 14:18:47:315 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: Permissions of the root folder: "DNVCKR"
01-22 14:18:47:315 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: #### Post-Reconcile end #################################################### 235 ms
01-22 14:18:47:315 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder ]: #### Propagation start ####################################################
01-22 14:18:47:315 [ info nextcloud.gui.application ]: Sync state changed for folder "" : "Sync Running"
01-22 14:18:47:315 [ info nextcloud.sync.propagator ]: Starting INSTRUCTION_NEW propagation of "Enc" by OCC::PropagateLocalMkdir(0x556e38a91f30)
01-22 14:18:47:315 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]: Updating file record for path: "Enc" inode: 172917 modtime: 1516626931 type: 2 etag: "_invalid_" fileId: "00009099ocw00fooidpq" remotePerm: "DNVCKR" fileSize: 0 checksum: ""
01-22 14:18:47:315 [ info nextcloud.sync.propagator ]: Completed propagation of "Enc" by OCC::PropagateLocalMkdir(0x556e38a91f30) with status 4
01-22 14:18:47:316 [ info nextcloud.gui.folderwatcher ]: Detected changes in paths: QSet("/tmp/cse/files/Enc")
01-22 14:18:47:316 [ info nextcloud.sync.propagator ]: Starting INSTRUCTION_NEW propagation of "welcome.txt" by OCC::PropagateDownloadFile(0x556e38fa06c0)
01-22 14:18:47:316 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]: 6 "PROPFIND" "" has X-Request-ID "90fb9a83-7671-409a-a4f9-ddf0499b7152"
01-22 14:18:47:316 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]: OCC::GetFolderEncryptStatusJob created for "" + "remote.php/webdav" ""
01-22 14:18:47:316 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]: Updating file record for path: "Enc" inode: 172917 modtime: 1516626931 type: 2 etag: "5a65e3f3543bd" fileId: "00009099ocw00fooidpq" remotePerm: "DNVCKR" fileSize: 0 checksum: ""
01-22 14:18:47:384 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.clientsideencrypt ]: GetFolderEncryptStatus of QUrl("") finished with status QNetworkReply::NetworkError(NoError) ""
01-22 14:18:47:384 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]: 2 "" "" has X-Request-ID "f9e3c6c7-d16f-4767-89f8-7a8220663a18"
01-22 14:18:47:384 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]: OCC::GETFileJob created for "" + "/welcome.txt" "OCC::PropagateDownloadFile"
01-22 14:18:47:500 [ info nextcloud.sync.checksums ]: Computing "SHA1" checksum of "/tmp/cse/files/.welcome.txt.~4169f6c3" in a thread
01-22 14:18:47:501 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]: Updating file record for path: "welcome.txt" inode: 173714 modtime: 1516626919 type: 0 etag: "46ae3a53716e1afbc441d400150cb694" fileId: "00009096ocw00fooidpq" remotePerm: "WDNVR" fileSize: 164 checksum: "SHA1:bc27843a37f5f197b68a9f66d35e35d587ce62e3"
01-22 14:18:47:501 [ info nextcloud.sync.propagator ]: Completed propagation of "welcome.txt" by OCC::PropagateDownloadFile(0x556e38fa06c0) with status 4
01-22 14:18:47:502 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]: Closing DB "/tmp/cse/files/._sync_9df45da9135e.db"
01-22 14:18:47:503 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: CSync run took 424 ms
01-22 14:18:47:503 [ info nextcloud.gui.folderwatcher ]: Detected changes in paths: QSet("/tmp/cse/files/welcome.txt")
01-22 14:18:47:504 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder ]: Client version 2.5.0git Qt 5.10.0 SSL OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017
01-22 14:18:47:504 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder ]: SyncEngine finished without problem.
01-22 14:18:47:511 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder ]: Folder sync result: 3
01-22 14:18:47:512 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]: sqlite3 version "3.21.0"
01-22 14:18:47:512 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]: sqlite3 journal_mode= "wal"
01-22 14:18:47:515 [ info nextcloud.gui.application ]: Sync state changed for folder "" : "Success"
01-22 14:18:47:716 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder.manager ]: <========== Sync finished for folder [/tmp/cse/files] of account [user25@] with remote []
01-22 14:18:47:716 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder ]: Trying to check "" for changes via ETag check. (time since last sync: 0 s)
01-22 14:18:47:717 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]: 6 "PROPFIND" "" has X-Request-ID "5c8ede67-71be-4d23-910d-e86b629108dd"
01-22 14:18:47:718 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]: OCC::RequestEtagJob created for "" + "/" "OCC::Folder"
01-22 14:18:47:820 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.etag ]: Request Etag of QUrl("") FINISHED WITH STATUS QNetworkReply::NetworkError(NoError) ""
01-22 14:19:04:612 [ info nextcloud.gui.folderwatcher ]: Detected changes in paths: QSet("/tmp/cse/files/Enc/avatar.jpg")
01-22 14:19:06:619 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder.manager ]: Schedule folder "1" to sync!
01-22 14:19:06:620 [ info nextcloud.gui.application ]: Sync state changed for folder "" : "Not yet Started"
01-22 14:19:06:620 [ info nextcloud.gui.activity ]: Start fetching activities for "user25@"
01-22 14:19:06:620 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]: 2 "" "" has X-Request-ID "814e503d-281c-4b4c-b880-510909abf043"
01-22 14:19:06:621 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]: OCC::JsonApiJob created for "" + "ocs/v1.php/cloud/activity" "OCC::ActivityListModel"
01-22 14:19:06:621 [ info nextcloud.gui.servernotification ]: Account "user25@" does not have notifications enabled.
01-22 14:19:06:622 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder.manager ]: Starting the next scheduled sync in 0 seconds
01-22 14:19:06:624 [ info nextcloud.gui.application ]: Sync state changed for folder "" : "SyncPrepare"
01-22 14:19:06:624 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder ]: *** Start syncing "" - client version 2.5.0git
01-22 14:19:06:631 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder ]: Allowing local discovery to read from the database
01-22 14:19:06:631 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder.manager ]: >========== Sync started for folder [/tmp/cse/files] of account [user25@] with remote []
01-22 14:19:06:631 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: There are 8363524096 bytes available at "/tmp/cse/files/"
01-22 14:19:06:631 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: Sync with existing sync journal
01-22 14:19:06:632 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: "Using Qt 5.10.0 SSL library OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017 on Arch Linux"
01-22 14:19:06:632 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: NOT Using Selective Sync
01-22 14:19:06:632 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: #### Discovery start ####################################################
01-22 14:19:06:632 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: Server ""
01-22 14:19:06:632 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync ]: Memory: 923924K total size, 61392K resident, 46924K shared
01-22 14:19:06:632 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]: Database entry found, compare: 1516626919 <-> 1516626919, etag: <-> 46ae3a53716e1afbc441d400150cb694, inode: 173714 <-> 173714, size: 164 <-> 164, perms: 0 <-> 9f, ignore: 0
01-22 14:19:06:632 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]: file: welcome.txt, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NONE <<=
01-22 14:19:06:632 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]: Database entry found, compare: 1516627144 <-> 1516626931, etag: <-> 5a65e3f3543bd, inode: 172917 <-> 172917, size: 60 <-> 0, perms: 0 <-> fd, ignore: 0
01-22 14:19:06:632 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]: file: Enc, instruction: INSTRUCTION_EVAL <<=
01-22 14:19:06:632 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]: file: Enc/avatar.jpg, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NEW <<=
01-22 14:19:06:633 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync ]: Memory: 923924K total size, 61392K resident, 46924K shared
01-22 14:19:06:633 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]: 6 "PROPFIND" "" has X-Request-ID "58eb0c69-319a-4ca5-956e-f769b2b8931e"
01-22 14:19:06:633 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]: OCC::LsColJob created for "" + "" "OCC::DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob"
01-22 14:19:06:745 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.jsonapi ]: JsonApiJob of QUrl("") FINISHED WITH STATUS QNetworkReply::NetworkError(NoError) ""
01-22 14:19:06:796 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.lscol ]: LSCOL of QUrl("") FINISHED WITH STATUS QNetworkReply::NetworkError(NoError) ""
01-22 14:19:06:796 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]: Database entry found, compare: 1516626931 <-> 1516626931, etag: 5a65e3f3543bd <-> 5a65e3f3543bd, inode: 0 <-> 172917, size: 0 <-> 0, perms: fd <-> fd, ignore: 0
01-22 14:19:06:796 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]: file: Enc, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NONE <<=
01-22 14:19:06:796 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]: Database entry found, compare: 1516626919 <-> 1516626919, etag: 46ae3a53716e1afbc441d400150cb694 <-> 46ae3a53716e1afbc441d400150cb694, inode: 0 <-> 173714, size: 164 <-> 164, perms: 9f <-> 9f, ignore: 0
01-22 14:19:06:797 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]: file: welcome.txt, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NONE <<=
01-22 14:19:06:797 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync ]: Memory: 923924K total size, 61392K resident, 46924K shared
01-22 14:19:06:797 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: #### Discovery end #################################################### 165 ms
01-22 14:19:06:797 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.reconciler ]: INSTRUCTION_NEW client file: Enc/avatar.jpg
01-22 14:19:06:797 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.reconciler ]: INSTRUCTION_UPDATE_METADATA client dir: Enc
01-22 14:19:06:797 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: #### Reconcile end #################################################### 165 ms
01-22 14:19:06:797 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: Permissions of the root folder: "DNVCKR"
01-22 14:19:06:797 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]: #### Post-Reconcile end #################################################### 165 ms
01-22 14:19:06:797 [ info nextcloud.gui.folder ]: #### Propagation start ####################################################
01-22 14:19:06:797 [ info nextcloud.gui.application ]: Sync state changed for folder "" : "Sync Running"
01-22 14:19:06:797 [ info nextcloud.sync.propagator ]: Starting INSTRUCTION_NEW propagation of "Enc/avatar.jpg" by OCC::PropagateUploadFileV1(0x556e39073d20)
01-22 14:19:06:797 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]: 6 "PROPFIND" "" has X-Request-ID "220961a3-cdb3-4f88-b44b-24bf4b2be0a3"
01-22 14:19:06:798 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]: OCC::GetFolderEncryptStatusJob created for "" + "remote.php/webdav" ""
01-22 14:19:06:864 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.clientsideencrypt ]: GetFolderEncryptStatus of QUrl("") finished with status QNetworkReply::NetworkError(NoError) ""
01-22 14:19:06:864 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]: 6 "PROPFIND" "" has X-Request-ID "420b9665-be74-4e39-aa02-71680bb0a3e7"
01-22 14:19:06:865 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]: OCC::LsColJob created for "" + "Enc" "OCC::PropagateUploadEncrypted"
01-22 14:19:06:936 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.lscol ]: LSCOL of QUrl("") FINISHED WITH STATUS QNetworkReply::NetworkError(NoError) ""
01-22 14:19:06:936 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.clientsideencrypt ]: locking the folder with id "9099" as encrypted
01-22 14:19:06:937 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]: 4 "" "" has X-Request-ID "8cb24732-679e-40b4-b432-f42d907bae6b"
01-22 14:19:06:937 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]: OCC::LockEncryptFolderApiJob created for "" + "ocs/v2.php/apps/end_to_end_encryption/api/v1/lock/9099" "OCC::PropagateUploadEncrypted"
01-22 14:19:06:937 [ warning default ]: content-type missing in HTTP POST, defaulting to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Use QNetworkRequest::setHeader() to fix this problem.
01-22 14:19:07:068 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.clientsideencrypt ]: got json: "DWEVu852djStwESBJhuUAgdvfafyQUtS6VTgQZPjTlgdW3XSnoGAaG9gW1ia0nzF"
01-22 14:19:07:068 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.clientsideencrypt ]: Requesting the metadata for the fileId "9099" as encrypted
01-22 14:19:07:068 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]: 2 "" "" has X-Request-ID "876dfa7f-ac0d-4c20-ac42-389a2c7fbf69"
01-22 14:19:07:069 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]: OCC::GetMetadataApiJob created for "" + "ocs/v2.php/apps/end_to_end_encryption/api/v1/meta-data/9099" ""
01-22 14:19:07:156 [ warning nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]: QNetworkReply::NetworkError(ContentNotFoundError) "Server replied \"404 Not Found\" to \"GET\"" QVariant(int, 404)
01-22 14:19:07:156 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.clientsideencrypt ]: error requesting the metadata "ocs/v2.php/apps/end_to_end_encryption/api/v1/meta-data/9099" "Server replied \"404 Not Found\" to \"GET\"" 404
01-22 14:19:07:156 [ info nextcloud.metadata ]: Setting up existing metadata
01-22 14:19:07:156 [ info nextcloud.metadata ]: "{\"ocs\":{\"data\":[],\"meta\":{\"message\":\"Could not find metadata for \\\"9099\\\"\",\"status\":\"failure\",\"statuscode\":404}}}"
01-22 14:19:07:157 [ info nextcloud.sync.clientsideencryption ]: Could not set iv length
01-22 14:19:07:157 [ fatal default ]: ASSERT: "!isEmpty()" in file /usr/include/qt/QtCore/qmap.h, line 402
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