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Last active October 2, 2018 20:53
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  • Save rummik/10572326 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rummik/10572326 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Backing up a script I wrote forever ago...
// ==UserScript==
// @name WTF? Comments!
// @description Show hidden comments in TDWTF articles (especially Remy Porter's)
// @author rummik
// @include*
// @version 0.009.35
// ==/UserScript==
!function() {
'use strict';
let $ = (q,e) => [].slice.apply((e||document).querySelectorAll(q));
$('.article-body, article .container').forEach(article => {
$('span[onclick]', article).forEach(span => = '#c44');
article.innerHTML = article.innerHTML.replace(/<!--[^>]+?-->/g, comment => {
comment = comment
.replace(/^<!--|-->$/g, '')
.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^ ]+)/g, '<a href="$1">$1</a>');
return `<em style="color: #080"> &lt;!--${comment}--&gt; </em>`;
// ==ChangeLog==
// 0.009.34: Minor tweaks.
// 0.009.33: Update for new site, sprinkle in some ES6.
// 0.009.32: Fix @include to work on all subpages on The Daily WTF.
// 0.009.31: Make cornify coloring happen again. (Thanks Don!)
// 0.009.30: Fix bug with comment matching, shorten $.
// 0.009.29: Misc.
// 0.009.28: Source cleanup.
// 0.009.27: Removed jQuery.
// 0.009.26: Fixed URLs breaking comments.
// 0.009.25: Updated description to be more accurate.
// 0.009.24: Added support for showing spans with OnClick events. (Cornify, anyone?)
// 0.009.23: Added changelog.
// 0.009.22: Changed version numbering.
// 0.00921: Added support for links in comments.
// 0.00918: Fixed bug that caused all articles on a page to show the same text.
// 0.00913: Changed require for jQuery to the latest version...
// 0.00912: Added require for jQuery.
// 0.0091: Initial release.
// ==/ChangeLog==
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