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Created April 5, 2018 13:38
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Code shared from
import std.concurrency : receiveOnly, send,
spawn, Tid, thisTid;
import core.atomic : atomicOp, atomicLoad;
import core.sync.mutex;
shared Mutex mtx;
Queue that can be used safely among
different threads. All access to an
instance is automatically locked thanks to
synchronized keyword.
synchronized class SafeQueue(T)
// Note: must be private in synchronized
// classes otherwise D complains.
private T[] elements;
void push(T value) {
elements ~= value;
/// Return T.init if queue empty
T pop() {
import std.array : empty;
T value;
if (elements.empty)
return value;
value = elements[0];
elements = elements[1 .. $];
return value;
auto length() { return elements.length; }
Safely print messages independent of
number of concurrent threads.
Note that variadic parameters are used
for args! That is args might be 0 .. N
void safePrint(T...)(T args)
// Just executed by one concurrently
synchronized {
import std.stdio : writeln;
void threadProducer(shared(SafeQueue!int) queue,
shared(int)* queueCounter)
import std.range : iota;
// Push values 1 to 11
foreach (i; iota(1,11)) {
atomicOp!"+="(*queueCounter, 1);
safePrint("Pushed ", i);
void threadConsumer(Tid owner,
shared(SafeQueue!int) queue,
shared(int)* queueCounter)
int popped = 0;
while (popped != 10) {
if( queue.length == 0 )
auto i = queue.pop();
safePrint("Popped ", i,
" (Producer pushed ",
// safely fetch current value of
// queueCounter using atomicLoad
atomicLoad(*queueCounter), ")");
// I'm done!
void main()
auto queue = new shared(SafeQueue!int);
shared int counter = 0;
mtx = new shared(Mutex)();
spawn(&threadProducer, queue, &counter);
spawn(&threadConsumer, thisTid, queue,
auto stopped = receiveOnly!bool;
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