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Created October 16, 2019 15:33
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Code shared from
import std.traits;
import std.getopt;
// Specify The Parameter Structure
struct Options
@Option("threads", "t")
@Help("Number of threads to use.")
size_t threads;
@Help("Input files")
string[] files;
void main(string[] args) {
   Options props;
// D's mixin requires a complete
// statement to be built
string GenerateGetopt(alias Options)() pure {
import std.meta;
import std.typecons;
import std.format;
       import std.conv;
       auto ans = `auto helpInfo = getopt(args, `;
       static foreach(opt; FieldNameTuple!(typeof(Options))) {
// getUDAs will obtain the User Defined Attribute
// of the specified type
           ans ~= text("getUDAs!(", Options.stringof, ".", opt, ", Option)[0].cononical(),",
             " getUDAs!(", Options.stringof, ".", opt, ", Help)[0].msg, &", Options.stringof, ".", opt, ",");
return ans ~ ");";
   // Pass in the struct to generate UDA for
       defaultGetoptPrinter("Options: ",
// Output to console:
//-t --threads Number of threads to use.
// --file Input files
//-h --help This help information./
// -- These define the data type for the UDA
struct Help {
string msg;
struct Option {
string[] names;
this(string[] names...) {
this.names = names;
string cononical() {
import std.algorithm;
import std.conv;
return names.joiner("|").to!string;
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