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Created January 16, 2012 22:34
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PDL::Transform::Color - Convert between color systems
=head1 NAME
PDL::Transform::Color - Convert between color systems
# load an image (in this case the cartographic demo)
use PDL::Transform::Cartography; $rgb = earth_image();
# convert the image to CMYK
$cmyk = $rgb->apply(t_cmyk());
PDL::Transform::Color bundles several important color system
transformations. Unlike most transforms, PDL::Transform::Color
transforms are optimized to work with color images. Color images
typically have many pixels in the spatial direction and 3 or 4 pixels
in the color-index direction, but are sometimes stored with the
color index in either the 0 or 2 dim. The PDL::Transform::Color
transformations should examine the first few dims of their input
and, if only one suitably sized dim is found, they should transform
that dim rather than the 0 dim.
Conversions are relative to the RGB system, so (e.g.) C<t_cmyk>
converts RGB to CMYK and C<!t_cmyk> converts CMYK to RGB.
All values are promoted to floating point before conversion, to
avoid quantization problems associated with fixed-point/integer
arithmetic in the general case.
At present, the color representations all utilize simple linear
theory -- no provision is made (other than gamma-encoding) for
nonlinearities in visual perception, nor for the various issues that
arise with the particular spectral response from individual pigments.
Several options are standard. They are:
=over 3
=item * 'gamma' (or 'g') - gamma of the RGB space (default 1.0)
This is the gamma correction factor used to get physical values from
the RGB values in the RGB space. Conversion is performed in a gamma=1
space -- i.e. if you specify a gamma to the forward transform, the
input RGB values are assumed to be gamma encoded, and are decoded to
linear physical values before processing.
=item * 'max' - max in-gamut value of the RGB space (default 1.0 or 255)
Some of the conversions (notably CMYK) require a range of the RGB
space to define their gamut. The minimum is always taken to be 0.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2012, Craig DeForest (
This module may be modified and distributed under the same
terms as PDL itself. The module comes with NO WARRANTY.
This module defines and exports transform constructors ('t_<foo>') only.
use PDL::Transform;
package PDL::Transform::Color;
use PDL::Core ':Internal'; # Load 'topdl'
@ISA = ('Exporter','PDL::Transform');
$VERSION = "0.2";
use Exporter();
@EXPORT_OK = qw(t_cmyk t_hsv);
use PDL;
use PDL::Transform;
use PDL::NiceSlice;
use Carp;
# Steal _opt from PDL::Transform.
*PDL::Transform::Color::_opt = \&PDL::Transform::_opt;
# Enable our own stringifier
use overload '""' => \&_strval;
sub _strval {
my($me) = shift;
use strict;
use PDL::Constants;
sub _new { new('PDL::Transform::Color',@_); } # not exported
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $opt = shift;
my $me = PDL::Transform::new($class);
$me->{name} = "generic color transform";
$me->{idim} = 0;
$me->{odim} = 0;
$me->{itype} = ['red','green','blue'];
$me->{iunit} = ['brightness','brightness','brightness'];
$me->{func} = \*PDL::Transform::_identity;
$me->{inv} = \*PDL::Transform::_identity;
$me->{params} = {};
# Parse standard options
$me->{options}->{gamma} = _opt($opt,["gamma","g"]);
$me->{options}->{max} = _opt($opt,["max","m"]);
bless $me,$class;
# Find the correct active and put it in front; return the dim number where it goes
# Also, promote integer types to float for internal work...
sub _rectify {
my $input = shift;
if($input->type !~ m/(double|float)/) {
$input = float $input;
my $pos = shift;
if(defined($pos)) {
if($pos) {
return ($input->mv($pos,0),$pos);
} else {
return ($input,undef);
my $dims = pdl($input->dims);
my $okdims = which($dims <= 5);
if($okdims->nelem == 0) {
die "PDL::Transform::Color: couldn't find an appropriate dim (size <= 5) for color\n vectors. Specify position explicitly in the transform constructor.";
$pos = $okdims->at(0);
return ($input->mv($pos,0),$pos);
=head2 t_gamma - expand/decode encoded data to physical (gamma=1, max=1).
=for usage
$im_phys = $im->apply(t_gamma(gamma=>2.2));
=for ref
t_gamma is mostly used internally to handle gamma conversion of RGB
values before other transforms are applied. It is automatically used
by the other transforms if you include a C<gamma> option to the
sub t_gamma {
my $opt = shift;
my $me = _new($opt);
$me->{name} = "Gamma decoding and scaling";
$me->{func} = sub {
my($d,$o) = @_;
my $out;
if($d->type !~ m/(double|float)/) {
$out = float $d;
} else {
$out = $d->copy;
my $max = $o->{max};
if(!defined($max)) {
# guess max based on type of input
if($d->type =~ m/(byte|short|ushort|long)/) {
$max = 255;
} else {
$max = 1.0;
$out /= $max;
$out **= $o->{gamma} // 1;
return $out;
$me->{inv} = sub {
my($d,$o) = @_;
my $out = double $d;
die "t_gamma inverse: gamma encoding - can't encode with gamma=0!" unless($o->{gamma}//1);
$out **= (1.0/( $o->{gamma} // 1) );
$out *= $o->{max} // 1;
return $out;
return $me;
=head2 t_cmyk - convert RGB to CMYK (or vice versa)
=for usage
$cmyk = $im->apply(t_cmyk);
=for ref
C<t_cmyk> converts to four-color separation subtractive process
values, maximizing black ink at the expense of the cyan, magenta, and
yellow channels. Standard options (notably C<max> and C<gamma>) are
accepted, but the CMYK representation is always scaled 0-1, with a
gamma of unity.
Linear subtractive conversion is used -- thus the CMYK values
represent corrected halftone fraction with idealized subtractive
pigments that are exactly conjugate to the RGB colors.
Like most of the color conversions, C<t_cmyk> doesn't necessarily work
in the 0 dim of the input -- it attempts to find the color dim in one
of the first three dims of the input PDL. That is because some image
manipulation code puts the colors in the 0 dim and some in the 2 dim.
sub t_cmyk {
my $opt = shift;
my $me = _new($opt);
$me->{name} = "CMYK conversion";
# Function and inverse work in 0-1 linear physical space (t_gamma composition fixes scaling)
$me->{func} = sub {
my($d,$o) = @_;
my ($d2,$where) = _rectify($d,$o->{pos});
# Expand the color dim by one in the output (to make room for K in CMYK)
my @dims = $d->dims;
# Generate the output to match the expanded input dims, and make a working
# link into it with the active dim at 0
my $out = PDL->new_from_specification($d2->type, @dims);
my $oo = ($where) ? $out->mv($where,0) : $out;
# Convert RGB->CMY and copy any extra information over
$oo->(0:2) .= 1 - $d2->(0:2);
if($oo->dim(0) > 4) {
$oo->(4:-1) .= $d2->(2:-1);
# Find the K channel
$oo->((3)) .= $oo->(0:2)->minimum;
$oo->(0:2) -= $oo->(3);
# The $oo stuff flowed to $out; return that to preserve shape
return $out;
$me->{inv} = sub {
my($d,$o) = @_;
my($d2, $where) = _rectify($d,$o->{pos});
my @dims = $d->dims;
if($dims[$where] < 4) {
die "t_cmyk inverse: color dim has size ".$dims[0].", too small for cmyk (4 needed)\n";
my $out = PDL->new_from_specification($d2->type, @dims);
my $oo = ($where) ? $out->mv($where,0) : $out;
# Convert CMY to RGB
$oo->(0:2) .= 1 - $d2->(0:2);
# Correct RGB downward for the K portion.
$oo->(0:2) -= $d2->(3);
return $out;
$me->{otype} = ['cyan','magenta','yellow','black'];
$me->{ounit} = ['ink fraction','ink fraction','ink fraction','ink fraction'];
return t_compose(t_gamma($me->{options}), $me);
# _t_hs_ivl - handle hsi, hsv, or hsl -- which differ only in their treatment
# of brightness. Hue is normalized 0..1
# Definitions from
sub _hue_from_rgb {
my $rgb = shift;
my $m = shift;
my $C = shift() - $m;
# Find index of max...
my $maxdex = $rgb->qsorti->(-1); # index (R,G,B) of maximum component
my $dexes = ($maxdex + pdl(0,1,2)) % 3;
my $wonky = $rgb->(:,*3)->index($dexes); # R,G,B permuted
my $offset = $maxdex->((0)) * 2;
my $H = ( ($wonky->(1:2) * pdl(1,-1))->sumover ) / ($C + ($C==0)) + $offset ;
$H += 6 * ($H<0);
$H /= 6;
return $H;
=head2 t_hsv - convert RGB to HSV (or vice versa)
=for usage
$hsv = $im->apply(t_hsv);
=for ref
HSV is Hue/Saturation/Value.
sub t_hsv {
my $opt = shift;
my $me = _new($opt);
$me->{name} = "HSV conversion";
$me->{func} = sub {
my ($d,$o) = @_;
my ($d2, $where) = _rectify($d, $o->{pos});
# Generate output to match the input dims, and make a working link
# to it with the active dim at 0
my $out = PDL->new_from_specification( $d2->type, $d->dims );
my $oo = ($where) ? $out->mv($where,0) : $out;
my $m = $d2->minimum;
my $M = $d2->maximum;
$oo->((0)) .= _hue_from_rgb($d2, $m, $M); # H
# Find min/max and chroma
$oo->((2)) .= $M; # V
$oo->((1)) .= ($M-$m) / ($M + ($M==0)); # S
# Copy ancillary info...
if($d2->dim(0) > 3) {
$oo->(3:-1) .= $d2->(3:-1);
return $out;
$me->{inv} = sub {
my ($d,$o) = @_;
my ($d2, $where) = _rectify($d, $o->{pos});
# Generate output to match the input dims, and make a working link
# to it with the active dim at 0
my $out = PDL->new_from_specification( $d2->type, $d->dims );
my $oo = ($where) ? $out->mv($where,0) : $out;
my $Hp = $d2->((0)) * 6;
$Hp -= 6 * ($Hp/6)->floor;
my $wonky = PDL->new_from_specification($d2->type, $d2->dims );
$wonky->((2)) .= 0;
$wonky->((0)) .= $d2->((1)) * $d2->((2)); # C = S * V
$wonky->((1)) .= $wonky->((0)) * (1 - ($Hp - 2 * (($Hp/2)->floor) - 1)->abs ); # X
my $lookup = pdl([0,1,2],[1,0,2],[2,0,1],[2,1,0],[1,2,0],[0,2,1]);
my $dex = ($Hp->floor);
my $l2 = $lookup->mv(0,-1)->slice(":". (",*1"x$dex->ndims))->index($dex)->mv(-1,0);
$oo->(0:2) .= $wonky->(:,*1)->index( $l2 ); # R'G'B'
$oo += $d2->(2) - $wonky->(0); # Add in unsaturated part
# Copy ancillary info...
if($d2->dim(0) > 3) {
$oo->(3:-1) .= $d2->(3:-1);
return $out;
$me->{otype} = ['Hue','Saturation','Value'];
$me->{ounit} = ['degrees','scaled','brightness'];
return t_compose(t_gamma($me->{options}),$me);
=head2 t_hsv - convert RGB to HSV (or vice versa)
=head2 t_hsl - convert RGB to HSL (or vice versa)
=head2 t_yuv - convert RGB to YUV (or vice versa)
=head2 t_cielab - convert RGB to CIELAB 1976 (or vice versa)
=head2 t_ciexyz - convert RGB to CIE 1931 XYZ (or vice versa)
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