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Last active February 13, 2018 14:55
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import scalaz._
// A right Kan extension of `F` along itself, constrained by `C`.
trait RCodensity[C[_], F[_], A] {
def apply[R:C](k: A => F[R]): F[R]
object RCodensity {
implicit def codensityMonad[C[_], F[_]]: Monad[({type f[x] = RCodensity[C,F,x]})#f] =
new Monad[({type f[x] = RCodensity[C,F,x]})#f] {
def point[A](a: => A) = new RCodensity[C,F,A] {
def apply[R:C](k: A => F[R]) = k(a)
def bind[A,B](ma: RCodensity[C,F,A])(f: A => RCodensity[C,F,B]) =
new RCodensity[C,F,B] {
def apply[R:C](k: B => F[R]) = ma(a => f(a)(k))
object SetMonad {
// This is a monad for sets that require ordering
type SetM[A] = RCodensity[Order, ISet, A]
import scalaz.syntax.monad._
def liftSet[A](s: ISet[A]): SetM[A] = new SetM[A] {
def apply[R:Order](k: A => ISet[R]) =
def runSet[A:Order](s: SetM[A]): ISet[A] = s(ISet.singleton)
def optimize[A:Order](s: SetM[A]): SetM[A] =
import scalaz.syntax.traverse._
import scalaz.std.list._
import scalaz.std.option._
import scalaz.std.anyVal._
def flatMap[A,B:Order](s: ISet[A])(f: A => ISet[B]): ISet[B] =
s.foldLeft(ISet.empty[B])((bs, a) => bs union f(a))
// Just to prove that this works
Some(ISet.fromList(List(1, 2, 3)), ISet.fromList(List(4, 5, 6))).traverse(liftSet)
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