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Last active December 20, 2019 22:55
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Advent of code 2019, day 2
Pos.doc = [: Represents a position in memory :]
unique type Pos = Pos Nat
-- Lets us refer to the Pos pattern unqualified
use Pos Pos
Error.doc = [: This ability lets us fail with an error anywhere. :]
ability Error where
error : Text -> a
outOfBounds x = error ("Memory address out of bounds: " ++ Nat.toText x)
overflow = '(error "Memory overflow.")
Memory.doc = [: The ability to read, write, and dump the computer's memory. :]
ability Memory where
read : Pos -> Nat
write : Pos -> Nat -> ()
dump : [Nat]
errors.doc = [: An error handler that returns the error as a value. :]
errors : Request {Error} v -> Either Text v
errors failure =
case failure of
{Error.error e -> _} -> Left e
{ a } -> Right a
access.doc = [: A handler for the @Memory effect that uses an immutable list. :]
use Memory read write dump
access : [Nat] -> Request {Memory} v ->{Error} v
access mem instruction =
case instruction of
{ read (Pos x) -> k} ->
v = x mem
case v of
None -> outOfBounds x
Some v -> handle access mem in k v
{write (Pos x) v -> k} ->
mem' = if List.size mem > x then replace x v mem else outOfBounds x
handle access mem' in !k
{dump -> k} -> handle access mem in k mem
{ a } -> a
compute : Nat ->{Memory, Error} [Nat]
compute pc =
case List.drop pc dump of
opcode +: rest ->
case opcode of
99 -> dump
op ->
case rest of
[x,y,dest] ++ _ ->
f = case op of
1 -> (Nat.+)
2 -> (Nat.*)
_ -> error ("Unknown opcode " ++ Nat.toText op)
write (Pos dest) (f (read (Pos x)) (read (Pos y)))
_ -> !overflow
compute (pc + 4)
computer.doc = [: The actual computer. :]
computer : [Nat] -> Either Text [Nat]
computer memory = handle errors in handle access memory in compute 0
test> =
check (computer [1,0,0,0,99] == Right [2,0,0,0,99]) ++
check (computer [2,3,0,3,99] == Right [2,3,0,6,99]) ++
check (computer [2,4,4,5,99,0] == Right [2,4,4,5,99,9801]) ++
check (computer [1,1,1,4,99,5,6,0,99] == Right [30,1,1,4,2,5,6,0,99])
runComputer noun verb =
handle errors in handle access puzzleInput in
write (Pos 1) noun
write (Pos 2) verb
compute 0
part1 = runComputer 12 2
puzzleInput =
-- In case you don't have this f e = case e of
Right x -> Right (f x)
Left e -> Left e
> part1.answer = ( 0) part1
> part2.answer =
go nounverb =
result = runComputer (nounverb / 100) (mod nounverb 100)
case result of
Right (19690720 +: _) -> Some nounverb
_ -> if nounverb == 0 then None else go (drop nounverb 1)
go 10000
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