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Arbitrary-precision naturals in Unison
unique type Natural
= Natural (Nonempty Nat)
List.Nonempty.appendList : Nonempty a -> [a] -> Nonempty a
List.Nonempty.appendList = cases
Nonempty a as ->
use List ++
bs -> Nonempty a (as ++ bs)
List.dropRightWhile : (a ->{g} Boolean) -> [a] ->{g} [a]
List.dropRightWhile p as =
go vs =
match List.last vs with
Some a | p a -> List.join (Optional.toList (List.init vs))
a -> vs
go as
List.unsafeNonempty : [t] -> Nonempty t
List.unsafeNonempty = cases
[] -> bug "empty list!"
x +: xs -> x +| xs
(Natural.*) : Natural -> Natural -> Natural
u Natural.* v =
use List size
use Nat + ==
use Nonempty toList
b = radix
us = toList (digits u)
vs = toList (digits v)
m = size us
n = size vs
m6 j ws = if j < n then m2 j ws else dropRightWhile (x -> x == 0) ws
m2 j ws =
vj = if n > j then unsafeAt j vs else 0
if vj == 0 then m6 (j + 1) (ws :+ 0) else m4 0 j 0 vj ws
m4 i j k vj ws =
use List ++
use Nat drop
ui = if m > i then unsafeAt i us else 0
t =
use Nat *
ui * vj + (if size ws > (i + j) then unsafeAt (i + j) ws else 0) + k
ws' =
(i + j)
(Nat.mod t b)
(if size ws > (i + j) then ws
else ws ++ fill (drop (size ws) (i + j)) 0)
k' =
use Nat /
t / b
i' = i + 1
if i' < m then m4 i' j k' vj ws'
ws'' =
(m + j)
(if size ws' > (m + j) then ws'
else ws' ++ fill (drop (size ws') (m + j)) 0)
m6 (j + 1) ws''
Natural.internal.normalize (Natural (unsafeNonempty (m2 0 (fill m 0))))
(Natural.+) : Natural -> Natural -> Natural
u Natural.+ v =
use List size
use Nonempty toList
b = radix
us = toList (digits u)
vs = toList (digits v)
uz = size us
vz = size vs
n = Universal.max uz vz
"j runs through digit positions"
"k keeps track of carries at each step"
go j k ws =
if j >= n then if k > 0 then ws :+ k else ws
use Nat +
uj = if uz > j then unsafeAt j us else 0
vj = if vz > j then unsafeAt j vs else 0
"Add the digits at position j, plus carry"
a = uj + vj + k
"The new digit at j is the remainder of dividing by the radix"
wj = Nat.mod a b
"We carry if necessary"
k' = if a >= b then 1 else 0
"Go to the next digit"
go (j + 1) k' (ws :+ wj)
Natural (unsafeNonempty (go 0 0 []))
Natural.fromNat : Nat -> Natural
Natural.fromNat u =
b = radix
go n ws =
use Nat / ==
x = n / b
ws' = ws :+ Nat.mod n b
if x == 0 then ws' else go (n / b) ws'
Natural (unsafeNonempty (go u []))
Natural.fromNats : [Nat] -> Natural
Natural.fromNats nats = Natural.internal.normalize (mkNatural nats)
Natural.internal.digits : Natural -> Nonempty Nat
Natural.internal.digits = cases Natural ns -> ns
Natural.internal.mkNatural : [Nat] -> Natural
Natural.internal.mkNatural nats =
match List.nonempty nats with
None -> Natural (Nonempty.singleton 0)
Some ns -> Natural ns
Natural.internal.normalize : Natural -> Natural
Natural.internal.normalize =
lmask = 2251799813685247
hmask = Nat.complement lmask
Natural ns ->
go rem next done carry =
newNext =
use Nat +
next + carry
if newNext <= lmask then rec rem (done :+ newNext) 0
use Nat and
newNewNext = and lmask newNext
newCarry = Nat.shiftRight (and hmask newNext) 51
rec rem (done :+ newNewNext) newCarry
rec rem done carry =
match rem with
[] ->
use Nat ==
done' = dropRightWhile (x -> x === 0) done
if carry == 0 then mkNatural done' else mkNatural (carry +: done')
xs :+ x -> go xs x done carry
go (Nonempty.tail ns) (Nonempty.head ns) [] 0
Natural.internal.radix : Nat
Natural.internal.radix = 2251799813685248
Natural.tests.additionAssociative : [Result]
Natural.tests.additionAssociative =
use Natural +
runs 100 '(laws.associative tests.gen (+))
Natural.tests.additionCommutative : [Result]
Natural.tests.additionCommutative =
use Natural +
runs 100 '(laws.commutative tests.gen (+))
Natural.tests.additionZero : [Result]
Natural.tests.additionZero =
use Natural + fromNat
100 'let
a = !tests.gen
expect ((a + fromNat 0 === a) && (fromNat 0 + a === a))
Natural.tests.gen : '{Gen} Natural
Natural.tests.gen =
use Natural fromNat
naturals n r =
use Natural +
yield n
<|> weight
'(yield r <|> weight 1 '(naturals (n + fromNat 1) (r + fromNat 1)))
Gen.sample (naturals (fromNat 0) (fromNat (Nat.drop radix 1)))
Natural.tests.multiplicationCommutative : [Result]
Natural.tests.multiplicationCommutative =
use Natural *
runs 100 '(laws.commutative tests.gen (*))
Natural.tests.multiplicationZero : [Result]
Natural.tests.multiplicationZero =
use Natural * fromNat
100 'let
n = !tests.gen
expect (n * fromNat 0 === fromNat 0)
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