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Redux パターンのなるべくタイプセーフな雰囲気実装
// ライブラリ使う側のコード
using ReduxDemo;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Reactive.Bindings;
var services = new ServiceCollection();
// アプリの初期ステータスの設定と必須サービスの登録
services.AddRedux<AppStore>(new AppStore());
// Action と Reducer の登録
var p = services.BuildServiceProvider();
// アプリケーションのストアをとってきて、とりあえず変更があったら標準出力に出す
var store = p.GetRequiredService<IReactiveProperty<AppStore>>();
store.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine(x));
// Dispatcher を取得して適当にディスパッチ
var dispatcher = p.GetRequiredService<IDispatcher>();
// これはただのアクション
dispatcher.Dispatch(new IncrementAction());
dispatcher.Dispatch(new IncrementAction());
dispatcher.Dispatch(new IncrementAction());
dispatcher.Dispatch(new DecrementAction());
dispatcher.Dispatch(new DecrementAction());
dispatcher.Dispatch(new DecrementAction());
// これは Reducer
dispatcher.Dispatch(new WaitAndIncrementAction());
// アプリケーションのステータス
record AppStore
public int Count { get; init; }
// Actions
record IncrementAction;
record DecrementAction;
record WaitAndIncrementAction;
class Actions :
IActionHandler<AppStore, IncrementAction>,
IActionHandler<AppStore, DecrementAction>
public AppStore Invoke(AppStore store, IncrementAction action)
return store with { Count = store.Count + 1 };
public AppStore Invoke(AppStore store, DecrementAction action)
return store with { Count = store.Count - 1 };
// Reducer
class Reducers :
public async ValueTask HandleAsync(WaitAndIncrementAction action, IDispatcher dispatcher)
await Task.Delay(1000);
dispatcher.Dispatch(new IncrementAction());
// ライブラリ側のコード
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Reactive.Bindings;
namespace ReduxDemo;
// Action 用のインターフェース
interface IActionHandler { }
interface IActionHandler<TStore, TAction> : IActionHandler
where TStore : class
TStore Invoke(TStore store, TAction action);
// Reducer 用のインターフェース
interface IReducer { }
interface IReducer<TAction> : IReducer
ValueTask HandleAsync(TAction action, IDispatcher dispatcher);
// Dispatcher 用のインターフェース
interface IDispatcher
void Dispatch<TAction>(TAction action);
// Dispatcher の実装
class Dispatcher<TStore> : IDispatcher
where TStore : class
private readonly IReactiveProperty<TStore> _root; // ReactiveProperty にする必要はないけど…
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
public Dispatcher(IReactiveProperty<TStore> root, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
_root = root;
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
public void Dispatch<TAction>(TAction action)
var reducer = _serviceProvider.GetService<IReducer<TAction>>();
if (reducer is not null)
// Reducer があればそっちを呼ぶ
_ = reducer.HandleAsync(action, this);
// 無ければ Action
var x = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IActionHandler<TStore, TAction>>();
_root.Value = x.Invoke(_root.Value, action);
static class IServiceCollectionExtensions
public static IServiceCollection AddRedux<TStore>(
this IServiceCollection self,
TStore initialState)
where TStore : class
self.AddSingleton<IReactiveProperty<TStore>>(_ =>
new ReactivePropertySlim<TStore>(initialState));
self.AddSingleton<IDispatcher, Dispatcher<TStore>>();
return self;
// アクションを登録してまわる
public static IServiceCollection AddActions<TActionHandler>(this IServiceCollection self)
where TActionHandler : class, IActionHandler
var serviceDescriptors = typeof(TActionHandler)
.Where(x => x.IsAssignableTo(typeof(IActionHandler)) && x.GenericTypeArguments.Length == 2)
.Select(x => ServiceDescriptor.Singleton(x, p => p.GetRequiredService<TActionHandler>()));
foreach (var serviceDescriptor in serviceDescriptors)
return self;
// Reducer を登録してまわる
public static IServiceCollection AddReducers<TReducer>(this IServiceCollection self)
where TReducer : class, IReducer
var serviceDescriptors = typeof(TReducer)
.Where(x => x.IsAssignableTo(typeof(IReducer)) && x.GenericTypeArguments.Length == 1)
.Select(x => ServiceDescriptor.Singleton(x, p => p.GetRequiredService<TReducer>()));
foreach (var serviceDescriptor in serviceDescriptors)
return self;
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