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Kazuki Ota runceel

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using CsvHelper;
using CsvHelper.Configuration;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Dynamic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApp8
using Reactive.Bindings;
using Reactive.Bindings.Extensions;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reactive;
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
namespace ConsoleApp5
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<igDP:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding Mode=OneWay}">
using Reactive.Bindings;
using Reactive.Bindings.Binding;
using Reactive.Bindings.Extensions;
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
runceel / async.ts
Last active December 14, 2020 15:47
/* 出力
now loading
now loading
now loading
done { index: 1, result: filter2: src image }
done { index: 0, result: filter1: src image }
done { index: 2, result: filter3: src image }
filter1: src image
filter2: src image
filter3: src image
runceel / Explain.cs
Last active November 30, 2020 09:08
class BindableBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected bool SetProperty<T>(ref T field, T value, [CallerMemberName]string propertyName = null)
Debug.WriteLine("PropertyChangedが {GetType().Name} で呼ばれました。");
field = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
"Index": "0",
"Label": "tench, Tinca tinca"
"Index": "1",
"Label": "goldfish, Carassius auratus"
// Model
public interface IData
IReadOnlyList<IDatum> DatumList { get; }
public interface IDatum
IReadOnlyList<int> Numbers { get; }
public class PageNavigationManager
public static PageNavigationManager Instance { get; } = new PageNavigationManager();
private INavigation Navigation { get; set; }
private Dictionary<string, Type> PageMap { get; } = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
public void Init(INavigation navigation)
namespace TechSummit2018.ServerlessSmartSpeaker
public class SmartSpeakerEndpoints
private IAssistant Assistant { get; }
private IPlatformService PlatformService { get; }
public SmartSpeakerEndpoints(IAssistant assistant, IPlatformService platformService)
Assistant = assistant;