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Created September 9, 2014 11:24
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%% -*- mode: erlang;erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
%% ===============================================================
%% Global configurations
%% ===============================================================
%% This section contains the configuration variables that will be
%% applied to all tests.
{default, [
%% GiddyUp settings: If your tester needs to report results or
%% fetch a test suite from GiddyUp, set these configs. The
%% canonical GiddyUp host is currently
%% Authentication is required to post results, so ask someone on
%% Testing/Tools for the credentials if you need them.
%% {giddyup_host, "localhost:5000"},
%% {giddyup_user, "user"},
%% {giddyup_password, "password"},
%% The symbolic platform name used for reporting and fetching the
%% suite. You won't likely need this unless you are actually
%% submitting results to the scorecard, like on an automated
%% builder. Typically this is in the format
%% "NAME-VERSION-ARCHITECTURE". See GiddyUp for valid platform
%% names.
%% {platform, "amd64"},
%% riak_test includes various wait_for_X functions that will
%% repeatedly test for specific conditions until they are
%% satisfied. `rt_max_wait_time' specifies the maximum length, in
%% milliseconds, that any condition can wait. `rt_retry_delay'
%% specifies the time, in milliseconds, that will be between each
%% test of the wait condition. On slower machines, these values
%% should be increased.
{rt_max_wait_time, 600000},
{rt_retry_delay, 1000},
%% How long to let any test run before killing it, undefined means no limit.
%% Valid timeouts are in milliseconds.
{test_timeout, undefined},
%% The harness specifies how Riak nodes under test will be
%% manipulated. There is currently only `rtdev', which uses local
%% `devrel's inside a git repository. In the future, we may have
%% harnesses that use SSH to connect to remote virtual machines.
%% To set up the `rtdev' harness for the first time, use the shell
%% scripts in the bin/ directory.
{rt_harness, rtperf},
%% The scratch directory specifies where riak_test will put
%% temporary testing artifacts like client packages, git
%% checkouts, etc.
{rt_scratch_dir, "/tmp/riak_test_scratch"},
%% The path to a prebuilt copy of basho_bench that tests can
%% invoke. This was previously used in the `loaded_upgrade' test.
{basho_bench, "/home/rsl/apps/riak/basho_bench"},
%% The path to a corpus of spam emails to be used when testing
%% Riak Search. This is typically expanded from the tarball
%% included in riak_test.
{spam_dir, "/home/rsl/projects/riak_test/search-corpus/spam.0"},
%% The number of workers-per-node to spawn when executing the
%% `loaded_upgrade' test. If unspecified, this will default to
%% `10'. For older/slower machines, use a lower number to avoid
%% unexpected node crashes.
%% {load_workers, 10},
%% lager_level defaults to info, which is should mean
%% "relevant test output". debug level output is for helping
%% test writers.
{lager_level, info},
{rt_project, "rtperf"},
{rt_deps, ["/home/rsl/projects/riak_ee/deps"]},
{rtdev_path, [""]}
%% should be really long to allow full bitcasks to
%% come up
{rt_max_wait_time, 600000000000000},
{basho_bench, "/home/rsl/apps/riak/basho_bench/"},
{basho_bench_statedir, "/tmp/bb_seqstate/"},
{rt_retry_delay, 500},
{rt_harness, rtperf},
{load_intercepts, false},
{perf_builds, "/home/rsl/projects/riak_ee"},
{perf_loadgens, ["localhost"]}
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