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Created September 26, 2017 02:52
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A simple implementation of a Prefix Tree with the ability to Add words and Search for them.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Trees
// Prefix Tree built for World of Zero:
public class PrefixTree
private PrefixTreeNode root;
public PrefixTree()
root = new PrefixTreeNode(String.Empty);
public void Add(string word)
AddRecursive(root, word, String.Empty);
private void AddRecursive(PrefixTreeNode node, string remainingString, string currentString)
if (remainingString.Length <= 0)
char prefix = remainingString[0];
string substring = remainingString.Substring(1);
if (!node.SubNodes.ContainsKey(prefix))
node.SubNodes.Add(prefix, new PrefixTreeNode(currentString + prefix));
if (substring.Length == 0)
node.SubNodes[prefix].IsWord = true;
AddRecursive(node.SubNodes[prefix], substring, currentString + prefix);
public IEnumerable<string> Search(string searchString)
PrefixTreeNode node = root;
foreach (var search in searchString)
if (!node.SubNodes.ContainsKey(search))
return new string[0];
node = node.SubNodes[search];
return FindAllWordsRecursive(node);
private IEnumerable<string> FindAllWordsRecursive(PrefixTreeNode node)
if (node.IsWord)
yield return node.Word;
foreach (var subnode in node.SubNodes)
foreach (var result in FindAllWordsRecursive(subnode.Value))
yield return result;
protected class PrefixTreeNode
private readonly Dictionary<char, PrefixTreeNode> subNodes;
private bool isWord;
private readonly string word;
public PrefixTreeNode(string word)
subNodes = new Dictionary<char, PrefixTreeNode>();
isWord = false;
this.word = word;
public Dictionary<char, PrefixTreeNode> SubNodes { get { return subNodes; } }
public bool IsWord { get { return isWord; } set { isWord = value; } }
public string Word { get { return word; } }
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