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Last active May 1, 2019 06:10
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Save rungta/fa39058f1d15d6d4ea95 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Load CSS `@font-face` fonts by listening for font loading events. A workaround while we wait for browsers to support the `font-rendering: swap` property.
* fontloader.js
Helps you avoid FOIT and progressively load in multiple
sets of webfonts as asynchronous non-blocking resources.
Apply them on the page when the fonts are ready, like so:
.title-type { font-family: serif; }
.prose-type { font-family: sans-serif; }
.webfonts-active .title-type { font-family: Noto Serif, serif; }
.webfonts-active .prose-type { font-family: Noto Sans, sans-serif; }
Why bother?
* Created by Prateek Rungta
Copyright (c) 2015 Miranj Design LLP
* Font activation on load based on code from
Copyright (c) 2015 Filament Group
* Dependencies:
- FontFaceObserver
(function (w) {
'use strict';
var fontsets = [{
fonts: {
'Noto Serif': [
{ 'weight': 400 },
{ 'weight': 400, 'style': 'italic' },
{ 'weight': 700 }
'Noto Sans': [
{ 'weight': 700 }
activeClass: 'webfonts-active',
cacheKey: 'webfonts-cached',
timeout = 5*60*1000; // give it 5 mins before timing out
// hasClass polyfill
// from
function hasClass(el, className) {
if (el.classList) {
return el.classList.contains(className);
return new RegExp('(^| )' + className + '( |$)', 'gi').test(el.className);
function isSessionStorageSupported() {
try {
var mod = 'test';
sessionStorage.setItem(mod, mod);
return true;
} catch(e) {
return false;
function loadFonts(fontsets) {
// get the first fontset
if (fontsets.length === 0) return;
var config = fontsets.shift();
function activate() {
// add a class to the document indicating the fonts have loaded
w.document.documentElement.className += ' ' + config.activeClass;
// set a flag to optimise future visits
if (isSessionStorageSupported()) sessionStorage.setItem(config.cacheKey, true);
// recurse over remaining fontsets
// fire resize event to trigger dimension recalculations
if (window.jQuery) { jQuery(window).resize(); }
// if we do not have FontFaceObserver, Promise, or ECMAScript 5, activate & fail
if (!('FontFaceObserver' in w) || !('Promise' in w) || !('keys' in Object)) return activate();
// if the class is already set, we're good.
if (hasClass(w.document.documentElement, config.activeClass)) return activate();
// if the fonts are already cached by the browser, activate them
if (isSessionStorageSupported() && sessionStorage.getItem(config.cacheKey)) return activate();
// loop over font list and create an observer for each weight
var observers = [];
Object.keys(config.fonts).forEach(function (fontFamily) {
config.fonts[fontFamily].forEach(function (fontProperties) {
var new_observer = new w.FontFaceObserver(fontFamily, fontProperties);
observers.push(new_observer.load(config.testString || null, timeout));
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