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Created November 12, 2017 13:38
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Solve some cube puzzle via backtracking
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State as St
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import GHC.Word (Word8)
import Prelude hiding (Left, Right, last)
data Segment = Edge | Plain deriving (Show, Eq)
cube :: [Segment]
-- cube = [p,p,e,e,e,p,e,e,p,e,e,e,p,e,p,e,e,e,e,p,e,p,e,p,e,p]
cube = [p,e,p,p,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,p,e,e,p,p,e,e,e,e,p,p,e,p,e,e,e,e,e,e,p,e,p,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,p,e,e,p,e,e,p,e,e,p,p,e,e,e,p,e,e,p]
e = Edge
p = Plain
data Direction = Left | Right | Up | Down | Back | Front
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
type Position = (Word8, Word8, Word8)
walk :: Direction -> Segment -> [Direction]
walk d Plain = return d
walk Left Edge = [Up, Down, Back, Front]
walk Right Edge = [Up, Down, Back, Front]
walk Up Edge = [Left, Right, Back, Front]
walk Down Edge = [Left, Right, Back, Front]
walk Back Edge = [Left, Right, Up, Down]
walk Front Edge = [Left, Right, Up, Down]
applyD :: Position -> Direction -> Position
applyD (x,y,z) Left = (x - 1,y,z)
applyD (x,y,z) Right = (x + 1,y,z)
applyD (x,y,z) Up = (x,y + 1,z)
applyD (x,y,z) Down = (x,y - 1,z)
applyD (x,y,z) Back = (x,y,z + 1)
applyD (x,y,z) Front = (x,y,z - 1)
cubeSize :: Word8
cubeSize = 3
valid :: Position -> Bool
valid (x,y,z)
| x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0 = False
| x > cubeSize || y > cubeSize || z > cubeSize = False
| otherwise = True
data Cube = Cube {
last :: (Direction, Position)
, field :: Set Position
, history :: [(Direction,Position)]
} deriving (Show)
type CState = State Cube
cstep :: Segment -> CState [Cube]
cstep s = do
h@(d, p) <- gets last
f <- gets field
hs <- gets history
ds = walk d s
ps = map (applyD p) ds
ns' = filter (valid . snd) $ zip ds ps
ns = filter (flip S.notMember f . snd) ns'
return $ map (\dp -> Cube dp (S.insert (snd dp) f) $ h:hs) ns
csolve :: [Segment] -> CState [Cube]
csolve [] = liftM return get
csolve (s:ss) = liftM (concatMap $ evalState $ csolve ss) $ cstep s
starts :: [Cube]
starts = [
mkCube Right (0,0,0)
, mkCube Left (1,0,0)
, mkCube Up (1,0,0)
, mkCube Back (1,0,0)
, mkCube Left (1,1,0)
, mkCube Up (1,1,0)
, mkCube Back (1,1,0)
, mkCube Left (1,1,1)
mkCube :: Direction -> Position -> Cube
mkCube d p = Cube (d, p) (S.fromList [p]) []
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ (print . history) $ concatMap (evalState $ csolve cube) starts
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