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Created April 28, 2016 17:05
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Haskell implementation of the dice puzzle presented at
module DicePuzzle where
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
Projecting the result of three dice onto two dice.
After the design of Katie and Paul [1,2,3].
type Dice = Int
possibleRolls :: [[Dice]]
possibleRolls = [[x, y, z]| x <- values, y <- values, z <- values]
values = [1..6]
projectToOne :: [Dice] -> Dice
projectToOne = f . (`mod` 6) . sum
f 0 = 6
f x = x
flipIfEven :: Dice -> [Dice] -> [Dice]
flipIfEven d ds
| even d = map (7 -) ds
| otherwise = ds
twoDifferentEvens :: [Dice] -> Bool
twoDifferentEvens = (== 2) . length . nub . filter even
singular :: [Dice] -> [Dice]
singular ds = [d | d <- ds, length (filter (== d) ds) == 1]
differentsTwice :: [Dice] -> [Dice]
differentsTwice = return . (2*) . length . nub
projectToTwo :: [Dice] -> [Dice]
projectToTwo d3 =
let d1 = projectToOne d3
d3' = flipIfEven d1 d3
in (d1:) $ flipIfEven d1 $ if twoDifferentEvens d3'
then filter odd d3'
else if d1 `notElem` [3,6]
then map (+1) $ singular d3'
else if [2,2,5] == sort d3'
then [2]
else differentsTwice d3'
report :: (Show d, Ord d) => [d] -> IO ()
report ds = do
let ds' = map (head &&& length) . group $ sort ds
forM_ ds' $ \(r, c) ->
putStrLn $ "The result " ++ show r ++ " was rolled " ++ show c ++ " times."
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Projection of 3 dice to a single one:"
report $ map projectToOne possibleRolls
putStrLn "Projection of 3 dice to two dice:"
report $ map projectToTwo possibleRolls
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