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Created December 28, 2019 23:16
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A stub for TCP/IP handling that I did with the perspective of doing something with Pixelflut for ~1h back in 2016
module Network(
defaultPort, Connection(..), send, recv, close,
Listening(..), stopListening, serve, connect,
serve', connect'
This module handles opening/accepting connections on/to an interface/ip,
to send/receive Data.Binary
import Control.Monad
import Data.Binary (Binary(..), Word8)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Network.Socket (HostName, PortNumber)
import System.IO (Handle)
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Network.Simple.TCP as TCP
import qualified Network.Socket as Socket
import qualified System.IO as IO
-- Largest prime below 65536
defaultPort = 65521 :: PortNumber
-- Connection relevant data:
data Connection = Connection {
socket :: Socket.Socket
, handle :: Handle
, addr :: Socket.SockAddr
mkConnection :: (Socket.Socket, Socket.SockAddr) -> IO Connection
mkConnection (s,a) = do
h <- Socket.socketToHandle s IO.ReadWriteMode
return $ Connection s h a
send :: Binary b => Connection -> b -> IO ()
send c b = do
let bytes = Binary.encode b
send' = Lazy.hPut (handle c)
send' . Binary.encode $ sizeOf bytes
send' bytes
recv :: Binary b => Connection -> IO b
recv c = do
let bCount = sizeOf $ Binary.encode (23 :: Int)
recv' = Lazy.hGet (handle c)
size <- Binary.decode <$> recv' bCount
Binary.decode <$> recv' size
-- Helper for {send,recv}
sizeOf :: ByteString -> Int
sizeOf = fromIntegral . Lazy.length
close :: Connection -> IO ()
close = IO.hClose . handle
-- Encapsulate ThreadIds that listen on different HostNames
newtype Listening = CListen {fromListen :: [Concurrent.ThreadId]}
stopListening :: Listening -> IO ()
stopListening = mapM_ Concurrent.killThread . fromListen
serve :: (Connection -> IO ()) -> [HostName] -> IO Listening
serve f hs = serve' f . zip hs $ repeat defaultPort
serve' :: (Connection -> IO ()) -> [(HostName, PortNumber)] -> IO Listening
serve' f = fmap CListen . go (f <=< mkConnection)
go :: ((Socket.Socket, Socket.SockAddr) -> IO ()) -> [(HostName, PortNumber)] -> IO [Concurrent.ThreadId]
go f = mapM $ \(hn, p) -> Concurrent.forkIO $ TCP.serve (TCP.Host hn) (show p) f
connect :: HostName -> (Connection -> IO a) -> IO a
connect = connect' `flip` defaultPort
connect' :: HostName -> PortNumber -> (Connection -> IO a) -> IO a
connect' hn p f = TCP.connect hn (show p) (f <=< mkConnection)
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