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How to detect browser and redirect to a warning page with Ruby On Rails

How to detect browser and redirect to a warning page with Ruby On Rails

There are many ways to detect browser agent, it could be front-end side with Javascript or backend. In this short tutorial, I'll walk you through on how to detect browser version with Ruby On Rails

This applies for Rails > 2.x

How does thing work?

When you surf the site, your browser name and versions are stored in HTTP_USER_AGENT in the request. We need to process this string to work out the browser version and name to decide to greet viewers with warning text or not.


We will use ActionDispatch's request.user_agent to grab the HTTP_USER_AGENT string. An example of user agent string:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98)

With a bit of text processing, we could work out the browser version, OS platform. Sound simple, isn't it? A bit of regex magic and you could write your own detect method. However, we will not do reinvent the wheel in this tutorial, instead we will use the useragent gem for the sake of convenience.

Install useragent gem by appending to Gemfile:

gem 'useragent'

then bundle install

Now we will inject a filter in ApplicationController to detect user agent. Below is the source code:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  before_filter :check_browser


    Browser =, :version)

    SupportedBrowsers = ['Safari', '6.0.2'),'Firefox', '19.0.2'),'Internet Explorer', '9.0'),'Chrome', '25.0.1364.160')

    def check_browser
      user_agent = UserAgent.parse(request.user_agent)
      unless SupportedBrowsers.detect { |browser| user_agent >= browser }      
        render text: 'Your browser is not supported!'

Let's digest what's happening the code above.

Browsers is a Struct object with two attributes :browser and :version. This models after the way UserAgent create browser object. Pay attention to SupportedBrowsers closely, this array defines a stack of supported browsers.

check_browser will get called before any action, this method compare your current user agent with SupportedBrowsers. If the condition is not met, we render a simple text to warn the user. You could extend it to use HTML template if you like.

Please be noted that I assume all your controllers are subclass of ApplicationController. Please adapt the source code accordingly should your controllers extends different parent controller class.

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