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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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A simple rake task that replicates the `rails console` for Lotus Framework

Lotus Console

A simple rake task that replicates the rails console for Lotus Framework

How to?

I assume that your config/application.rb is the place where you initialize all Lotus boot config

below is my config/application.rb for your interest

# config/application.rb

require 'rubygems'

# Set up gems listed in the Gemfile.
ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../Gemfile', __FILE__)

require 'bundler/setup' if File.exists?(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'])

module Blog
  class Application < Lotus::Application
    configure do
      layout :application
      routes 'config/routes'

      load_paths << 'app'

      controller_pattern "%{controller}Controller::%{action}"
      view_pattern       "%{controller}::%{action}"

next, we add pry gem into our app by editing our Gemfile

# Gemfile

source ''

gem 'lotusrb',          github: 'lotus/lotus'
gem 'lotus-utils',      github: 'lotus/utils'
gem 'lotus-helpers',    github: 'lotus/helpers'
gem 'lotus-model',      github: 'lotus/model'
gem 'lotus-controller', github: 'lotus/controller'
gem 'lotus-view',       github: 'lotus/view'
gem 'lotus-router',     github: 'lotus/router'

gem 'pry'

and make sure you run bundle install after that.

Now we create a Rakefile with following task

# Rakefile

desc 'Application console'
task :console do
  exec 'bundle exec pry -r./config/application.rb'

and now you can run bundle exec rake console to get all the sweetness of Rails console in Lotus.

Let's hope the next version of Lotus will bundle similar tool.

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Great code! 👍
The question is, how to turn this on a Pull Request to

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@rogerleite: I'll wait till Lotus is officially released and then work out what to do

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This is really cool! 😺

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