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Forked from tlint/controllers.application.js
Last active February 6, 2018 20:19
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Individually Loaded extra columns for a collection
import Ember from 'ember';
const MOCK_ITEMS = [
id: '1',
type: 'primary-collection-item',
attributes: {
urn: 'urn:item:1',
name: 'Taylor',
count: 25
id: '2',
type: 'primary-collection-item',
attributes: {
urn: 'urn:item:2',
name: 'Brian',
count: 24
id: '3',
type: 'primary-collection-item',
attributes: {
urn: 'urn:item:3',
name: 'Michelle',
count: 23
id: '4',
type: 'primary-collection-item',
attributes: {
urn: 'urn:item:4',
name: 'Evan',
count: 26
id: '5',
type: 'primary-collection-item',
attributes: {
urn: 'urn:item:5',
name: 'Teddy',
count: 28
id: '6',
type: 'primary-collection-item',
attributes: {
urn: 'urn:item:6',
name: 'Will',
count: 27
id: '1',
type: 'person-preferences',
attributes: {
memberUrn: 'urn:item:1',
favoriteColor: 'Pink'
id: '2',
type: 'person-preferences',
attributes: {
memberUrn: 'urn:item:2',
favoriteColor: 'Green'
id: '3',
type: 'person-preferences',
attributes: {
memberUrn: 'urn:item:3',
favoriteColor: 'Purple'
id: '4',
type: 'person-preferences',
attributes: {
memberUrn: 'urn:item:4',
favoriteColor: 'Blue'
id: '5',
type: 'person-preferences',
attributes: {
memberUrn: 'urn:item:5',
favoriteColor: 'Orange'
id: '6',
type: 'person-preferences',
attributes: {
memberUrn: 'urn:item:6',
favoriteColor: 'Yellow'
function ref(resources) {
return => ({ id:, type: r.type }));
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
appName: 'Tays Twiddle',
init() {
data: {
id: '1',
type: 'primary-collection',
attributes: {
extraInfo: 'This is a list of team members names'
relationships: {
teamMembers: {
data: ref(MOCK_ITEMS)
included: [].concat(MOCK_ITEMS, MOCK_PREFERENCES)
import Ember from 'ember';
const {
} = Ember;
export default Controller.extend({
itemsShowing: computed(
function() {
const index = get(this, 'index');
const store = this.get('store');
const primaryCollection = get(this, 'model.teamMembers');
const itemsShowing = [];
// For the index and index+1 of primaryCollection,
// create the new object to show with the data from
// the secondary collection
for (let i = index; i <= index + 1; i++) {
const record = primaryCollection.objectAt(i);
const id = record.get('id');
const matchingEntity = store.findRecord('person-preferences', id);
const item = {
name: record.get('name'),
count: record.get('count'),
extra: matchingEntity,
return itemsShowing;
index: 0,
import Model from "ember-data/model";
import attr from "ember-data/attr";
import { belongsTo, hasMany } from "ember-data/relationships";
export default Model.extend({
memberUrn: attr('string'),
favoriteColor: attr('string')
import Model from "ember-data/model";
import attr from "ember-data/attr";
import { belongsTo, hasMany } from "ember-data/relationships";
export default Model.extend({
urn: attr('string'),
name: attr('string'),
count: attr('number')
import Model from "ember-data/model";
import attr from "ember-data/attr";
import { belongsTo, hasMany } from "ember-data/relationships";
export default Model.extend({
extraInfo: attr('string'),
teamMembers: hasMany('primary-collection-item')
import Ember from 'ember';
import config from './config/environment';
const Router = Ember.Router.extend({
location: 'none',
rootURL: config.rootURL
}); {
this.route('my-route', { path: '/' });
export default Router;
import Ember from 'ember';
const {
} = Ember;
// The twiddle is displaying a list of team members from the
// primary-collection model with their count of marbles and
// their favorite color. Their favorite color does not live
// on the individual model with the member's name and marble
// count, it is loaded (eventually lazily) based off the
// member's id (to simplify, the models in this example all
// have ids that match the id in their urn)
// This twiddle is meant to illustrate two problems that are
// trying to be solved:
// 1. Displaying data from two collections together
// (this is naively attempted in a computed on the `my-route`
// controller)
// 2. When/how to lazy load the secondary data that only needs
// to be loaded when actually displayed in the template (This
// part is not addressed in the twiddle yet, the only place
// that seems appropriate is potentially the actions, but those
// don't contain the logic for which items are actually about
// to be displayed)
export default Route.extend({
model() {
const secondaryCollection = []
return'primary-collection', 1);
actions: {
// Example actions for changing the list displayed on the screen,
// meant to mimic the sorting and paginiation that a list could
// have, in our use case we may need to also load the secondary
// data for the points that are about to be shown here?
next() {
const currentIndex = get(this, 'controller.index');
set(this, 'controller.index', currentIndex < 4 ? currentIndex + 2 : 0);
random() {
const randomFirst = Math.floor((Math.random() * 5));
set(this, 'controller.index', randomFirst);
<h1>Welcome to {{appName}}</h1>
{{#each itemsShowing as |item|}}
<li> {{}} has {{item.count}} marbles and their favorite color is: {{item.extra.favoriteColor}} </li>
<button {{action "next"}}>
<button {{action "random"}}>
"version": "0.13.0",
"EmberENV": {
"options": {
"use_pods": false,
"enable-testing": false
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "2.16.2",
"ember-template-compiler": "2.16.2",
"ember-testing": "2.16.2"
"addons": {
"ember-data": "2.16.3"
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