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Last active March 9, 2018 22:55
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The current state of things

In ember-data today, lists of records are typically fetched from an API via either store.query or store.findAll. These methods both return a PromiseArray wrapping either a RecordArray in the case of store.findAll or an AdapterPopulatedRecordArray in the case of query.

Over Promising

A common pitfall is to not realize the consequences of the "magic" that the promise-aware hooks such as model provide. For instance, the following model-hooks are subtly different, yet appear nearly the same to templates. Users passing their model into components will encounter confusion. This example twiddle will allow you to experiment with what is shown below.

export default Route.extend({
  model() { 
    return RSVP.hash({
      jujus: this.get('store').query('juju', {})
    });  // the `model.jujus` will be an `AdapterPopulatedRecordArray`

export default Route.extend({
     model() { 
       return RSVP.hash({
         jujus: this.get('store').query('juju', {})
                  .then(recordArray => recordArray)
       });  // the `model.jujus` will still be an `AdapterPopulatedRecordArray`

export default Route.extend({
  model() { 
    return {
      jujus: this.get('store').query('juju', {})
    }; // the `model.jujus` will be a `PromiseArray`

export default Route.extend({
     model() { 
       return {
         jujus: this.get('store').query('juju', {})
                  .then(recordArray => recordArray)
       };  // the `model.jujus` will be a `Promise` and the template will not treat it as an array

While the promise-aware nature of the model-hook enables users to usually encounter a consistent experience, fetching data from controllers or components is more prone to encounter difficulty distinguishing between Promise, PromiseArray and RecordArray|AdapterPopulatedRecordArray.

Under Delivering

Because folks do not correctly grok the async nature of this proxy, but notice that it "seems to just work in templates", they improperly reach into PromiseArray.content to get access to the RecordArray. Most often this happens in computed properties.

Example Bad Pattern 1

export default Route.extend({
  model() {
    return { jujus: this.get('store').findAll('juju') };

export default Controller.extend({
  badJuju: computed('model.jujus.length', function() {
    return this.get('model.jujus.content')
      .filter(r => r.get('isBad'));

AdapterPopulatedRecordArray and RecordArray, which it extends, both extend Ember.ArrayProxy. Their content, instead of being an array of records, is an array of InternalModels: a private construct. Although in the near future this will be an array of ModelDatas, this will remain a point of confusion. Ember-data uses the objectAt method to switch InternalModel for a lazily-materialized record instance on access.

For example, the following pattern does not work as expected, because firstJuju will be undefined, as recordArray is not a true array.

Example of not "Just Javascript" 1

export default Route.extend({
  model() { 
    return this.get('store').query('juju', {})
      .then(recordArray => ({
        firstJuju: recordArray[0],
        allJuju: recordArray

Example of not "Just Javascript" 2

The following anti-pattern also does not work as expected. Here, the developer reaches in to access the content of the RecordArray seeking direct access to the records. However, firstJuju will be an InternalModel, not a Record.

export default Route.extend({
  model() { 
    return this.get('store').query('juju', {})
      .then(recordArray => ({
        firstJuju: recordArray.get('content')[0],
        allJuju: recordArray

Example of what "works" today

export default Route.extend({
  model() { 
    return this.get('store').query('juju', {})
      .then(recordArray => ({
        firstJuju: recordArray.objectAt(0),
        allJuju: recordArray

Lost in Translation

In the case of store.query, meta and links from the response are available on the AdapterPopulatedRecordArray, but only meta is available by proxy on the PromiseArray.

Adding to the confusion, these classes contain many public-looking-but-actually-private properties and methods in addition to meta, links. The "public" API documentation of RecordArray and AdapterPopulatedRecordArray doesn't even include meta, links or length: that these classes are extensions of ArrayProxy is a side-note. Most of the ArrayProxy methods are unsafe for app developers to utilize, as they expect InternalModel or require the use of ArrayProxy.replace() which is overwritten to throw an error. Incidentally, that error is what documents and alerts app developers to their one crutch: toArray. For the most part, even though ArrayProxy is a public class in Ember, it's public looking (and public documented if a developer realizes the ArrayProxy connection and foes and finds it) methods are private from the perspective of RecordArray.

toArray() creates a divergence in the API, as developers must now reason about whether they are interacting with a RecordArray or the result of calling toArray() and similarly must divine whether this means meta and links are available to them or not.

Unfortunately, the only clear and reliable way to avoid private API usage and manage an array of records is with toArray(). However, this introduces another problem as it forks the array at the call site leading developers to lose the ability to respond to or make updates appropriately. When relied upon, this negates any benefits of lazy-materialization (if there are any, it is unclear whether RecordArrays benefit from lazy materialization to the same degree as relationships).

Example unsafe toArray usage

export default Route.extend({
  model() { 
    return this.get('store').query('juju', {})
      .then(recordArray => recordArray.toArray());
export default Controller.extend({
  actions: {
    removeJuju(juju) {
    addJuju(juju) {
    updateJuju() {

Note how even after calling toArray() a user must use removeObject and pushObject to see updates propagate to their templates, using splice and push here do not "just work". However, this pattern is still susceptible to data flow problems. The updateJuju action will update the recordArray returned by the query; however, those updates won't be reflected into the array created by calling toArray. Developers that recognize this issue will fall back to the following pattern instead.

export default Route.extend({
  model() { 
    return this.get('store').query('juju', {})
      .then(r => r); // ensure model is the recordArray, not the promiseArray

export default Controller.extend({

  jujuArr: computed('model.length', function() {
    return this.get('model').toArray();

  actions: {
    removeJuju(juju) {
    addJuju(juju) {
    updateJuju() {

Corrupt Bargain

Even with this careful preparation, developers must still face several challenges. How do they resolve local changes post-update? How can they push local changes back onto the RecordArray itself? While these are not questions that this RFC answers, moving a step closer to "just Javascript" will help us to provide these answers in the future.

One of the more frustrating aspects of store.query is all calls to it bypass the cache, yet it is the only method by which to make a request for a specific collection today via a store that touts caching as its selling point. store.query is also the mandatory method to use if you want access to links and meta.

The alternative to store.query, store.findAll comes with its own set of caveats.

findAll returns the live-array result of store.peekAll, meaning that all known records of a type are included, in unreliable order, regardless of state. Effectively, this makes the result of a request via store.findAll useless without an array computed and using RecordArray.toArray().filter(() => {}). This negates the benefits of the live-array as well as of lazy-materialization when relied upon, as it often is.

store.findAll also cannot support meta and links and poorly supports pagination, because it is the agglomeration of all requests for records of a specific type via any find method or local creation.

The PromiseArray and RecordArray proxies also introduce a great amount of friction when attempting to manage the state of a list on the client side. PromiseArray, while proxying to an array, does not itself have any of the methods of Array or Ember's MutableArray or ArrayProxy (such as toArray). RecordArray meanwhile extends ArrayProxy thus exposing MutableArray methods. These methods differ from the methods available in Native JS arrays and contribute to the feeling that working with array data in Ember is not "just Javascript".

Currently, app developers must first determine if they are working with the PromiseArray, the RecordArray, or the result of calling toArray to know how to access and manipulate the array. In the case of working with the native Array result of calling toArray, changes will not reflect back into record state and become difficult to manage or save, but working with RecordArray directly does not have clear guides or patterns established for managing membership and manipulating item order and saving these changes.

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