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Last active November 16, 2017 06:12
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  • Save runsun/10d5a3d264ab73c75ca0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save runsun/10d5a3d264ab73c75ca0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Find lines where a word is located in all files under a folder.
__description__ = "Find lines where a word is defined in a folder."
__version__= "171115-1"
__author__= "Runsun Pan"
>>> py -h
usage: [-h] [--version] [-f folder] [-p prefix] [-a activeModule]
[-i includePrefix] [-x fileExt]
Find lines where a word is defined in a folder. Runsun Pan
positional arguments:
word Target word or regex pattern string
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version Shows version and exits.
-f folder Target folder
-p prefix prefix. Could be a str in regexp form.
-a activeModule Search for modules that are set to run at this moment by
matching 'xxx(...);'. Useful for complex lib.
-i includePrefix Int. 1 = Include prefix defined in -p
-x fileExt Specifiy file extension like doc, py ... etc. Default:scad
Note: previous version was wrongfully dated as 2017.10.5
(should have been 2017.10.4)
Current ver 2017.10.4-2:
-- more structural and clearer display
-- output is grouped by file
ver 2017.10.4:
This new version (2017.10.4) added couple options: prefix, file
extension inclusion/exclusion, error handling. The target word to
be search could be a string representation of python regexp pattern.
>>> py getPlane -f scadx -i 0
| Matches:
| scadx_geometry.scad:
| #4769: function getPlaneByNormalLine(pq)=
| #4780: module getPlaneByNormalLine_demo()
| #4783: pl = getPlaneByNormalLine( pq );
| #5362: ? let( int= projPt( pt, getPlaneByNormalLine(pl)) )
| #5365: ? let( int= projPt( pt, getPlaneByNormalLine( [ORIGIN, pl])) )
| #5400: pl = expandPts( getPlaneByNormalLine(pq), 1);
| #5427: pl = expandPts( getPlaneByNormalLine( [ORIGIN, pt2]), 1);
| Untitled.scad:
| #13: //getPlaneByNormalLine_demo();
::: Matching re.compile('getPlane') in folder 'scadx':
::: Arguments Namespace(f='scadx', i=0, p='function|module', word='getPlane', x='scad')
Match 8 times in 2 files (see above for details):
scadx/scadx_geometry.scad: 7
scadx/Untitled.scad: 1
With 1 file errors:
(0)'scad_string.scad': UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x8d in position 327: character maps to <undefined>
import os, sys, re, argparse, traceback
# files with the following extentions are excluded
EXCLUDEFILES=["png","gif", "bmp", "lnk"]
# argument setup and parse
argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(
prog= __file__
,description= __description__+ "\n" + __author__ )
argp.add_argument('--version', action='version'
, version='%(prog)s '+__version__
, help='Shows version and exits.')
argp.add_argument("word", metavar="word", type=str, help="Target word or regex pattern string" )
argp.add_argument("-f", metavar="folder", type=str, default=".", help="Target folder")
argp.add_argument("-p", metavar="prefix", type=str, default="function|module"
, help="prefix. Could be a str in regexp form. Default='function|module'")
argp.add_argument("-a", metavar="activeModule", type=bool
, default=0
, help="Search for modules that are set to run at this moment by matching 'xxx(...);'. Useful for complex lib."
argp.add_argument("-i", metavar="includePrefix", type=int
, default=1
, help="Int. 1 = Include prefix defined in -p"
argp.add_argument('-x', metavar="fileExt", type=str, default="scad"
, help="Specifiy file extension like doc, py ... etc. Default:scad"
args= argp.parse_args()
foldername = args.f
word = args.word
if args.a==True:
ptn_str= "^\w*\([\w=\.\-,\[\] ]*\);"
elif args.i:
ptn_str = "^("+args.p+") "+ "{0}".format(word)
ptn_str = "{0}".format(word)
pattern = re.compile(ptn_str)
#print("ptn_str: '%s'"%ptn_str)
print( '+'+"===="*20)
print('| Matches:')
errors = []
files = {}
def isValidFile( fn ):
''' Decide if a file is valid based on its extension '''
if args.x:
return fn.endswith("."+args.x)
return not sum( [ fn.endswith("."+x) and 1 or 0 for x in EXCLUDEFILES ]) > 0
for f in os.listdir( foldername ):
if ( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(foldername, f)) and
fullpath = os.path.join(foldername, f)
thisFileHasMatches = False
lines = open(fullpath, "r").read().split("\n")
for i,ln in enumerate(lines):
if args.i==0:
#match = word in ln or"{0}".format(ln))
match ="{0}".format(ln))
if match:
if not thisFileHasMatches:
print("| "+f+":")
thisFileHasMatches = True
mcount = mcount+1
files[fullpath] += 1
print( "| #%s: %s "%(i, ln)) #.strip()) )
#match = pattern.match(ln) or"{0}".format(ln))
match ="{0}".format(ln))
if match:
if not thisFileHasMatches:
print("| "+f+":")
thisFileHasMatches = True
mcount = mcount+1
files[fullpath] += 1
print( "| #%s: %s "%(i, ln.strip()) )
"'%s': %s"%(f,traceback.format_exc().split("\n")[-2])
print( "::: Matching '%s' in folder '%s':"%('{0}'.format(ptn_str), foldername) )
print( "::: Arguments %s"%args )
print('\nMatch %s times in %s files (see above for details):\n'%( mcount
, len(files.keys()) ))
print( '\n'.join( [ '%s: %s'%(x,y) for x,y in files.items() ] ) )
print('\nWith %s file errors:'%( len(errors)) )
print( '\n'.join( [ "(%i)%s"%(i,x) for i,x in enumerate(errors)] ) )
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