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Last active January 16, 2018 11:48
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Experimenting with typed channels in Elm
module Channels exposing (..)
import Html exposing (Html)
import Time exposing (Time, every, second)
-- Example
type alias Model =
{ message : String
prog1 : ProgramWithChannel {} String Never
prog1 =
{ commands = \_ -> Cmd.none
, model = {}
, subscriptions = \_ -> every second (\time -> ( {}, (toString time) ))
, view = \model -> Html.text ""
, receive = \message -> \model -> model
prog2 : ProgramWithChannel Model Never String
prog2 =
{ commands = \model -> Cmd.none
, model = { message = "" }
, subscriptions = \model -> Sub.none
, view = \model -> Html.text <| "message: " ++ model.message
, receive = \message -> \model -> { model | message = message }
main =
tuple2 prog1 prog2 |> program
-- Program convolution
type alias ProgramWithChannel model send recv =
{ commands : model -> Cmd model
, model : model
, subscriptions : model -> Sub ( model, send )
, view : model -> Html model
, receive : recv -> model -> model
type alias Program model =
{ commands : model -> Cmd model
, model : model
, subscriptions : model -> Sub model
, view : model -> Html model
program : Program model -> Platform.Program Never model model
program { commands, model, subscriptions, view } =
{ init = ( model, commands model )
, subscriptions = subscriptions
, update = \model _ -> ( model, commands model )
, view = view
tuple2 : ProgramWithChannel a sendA recvA -> ProgramWithChannel b recvA sendA -> Program ( a, b )
tuple2 a b =
{ commands =
\( newA, newB ) ->
[ (\a -> ( a, newB )) (a.commands newA)
, (\b -> ( newA, b )) (b.commands newB)
, model = ( a.model, b.model )
, subscriptions =
\( newA, newB ) ->
[ (\( a, msg ) -> ( a, b.receive msg newB )) (a.subscriptions newA)
, (\( b, msg ) -> ( a.receive msg newA, b )) (b.subscriptions newB)
, view =
\( newA, newB ) ->
[ (\a -> ( a, newB )) (a.view newA)
, (\b -> ( newA, b )) (b.view newB)
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