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Created November 9, 2022 10:05
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Elm 2d Camera
module Camera2d exposing
( Camera2d
, zoomedAt
, origin
, moveTo, translateBy, translateByScreen
, adjustZoom, adjustZoomScreen
, pToScene, pToScreen, svgViewBox
{-| A Camera2d maps a 2d scene to a screen.
The camera is defined by an origin point within the scene which is at the
center of the camera, and a zoom ratio mapping scene units onto screen units.
The screen is defined by a rectangle defined in screen space.
The camera and screen together form a mapping from scene units and coordinates
onto screen units and coordinates. Functions are provided to map points in both
directions of this transformation. For example, going from screen to scene lets
you map pointer events into the scene.
Functions are provided for moving the cameras origin point in scene or screen
space, as well as for adjusting the zoom ratio.
A Camera2d is similar to an `ianmackenzie/elm-geometry` `Frame2d` but with the
addition of the zoom ratio.
@docs Camera2d
# Constructors
@docs zoomedAt
# Properties
@docs origin, screenOrigin
# Transformations
@docs moveTo, translateBy, translateByScreen
@docs adjustZoom, adjustZoomScreen
import Frame2d exposing (Frame2d)
import Point2d exposing (Point2d)
import Quantity exposing (Quantity, Rate)
import Rectangle2d exposing (Rectangle2d)
import TypedSvg.Attributes
import TypedSvg.Core
import Vector2d exposing (Vector2d)
{-| A Camera onto a 2d scene, centered on a particular origin point in the scene
and with a zoom ratio.
type Camera2d units screenUnits coordinates
= Camera2d
{ zoom : Quantity Float (Rate screenUnits units)
, sceneFrame : Frame2d units coordinates { defines : coordinates }
{-| Creates a camera centered at the origin point with the given zoom ratio.
zoomedAt :
Point2d units coordinates
-> Quantity Float (Rate screenUnits units)
-> Camera2d units screenUnits coordinates
zoomedAt originPoint zoom =
{ zoom = zoom
, sceneFrame = Frame2d.atPoint originPoint
|> Camera2d
{-| Gets the camera origin point in scene coordinates.
origin : Camera2d units screenUnits coordinates -> Point2d units coordinates
origin (Camera2d { sceneFrame, zoom }) =
Frame2d.originPoint sceneFrame
{-| Shifts the camera origin point to a new location in scene coordinates.
moveTo :
Point2d units coordinates
-> Camera2d units screenUnits coordinates
-> Camera2d units screenUnits coordinates
moveTo originPoint (Camera2d camera) =
{ camera | sceneFrame = Frame2d.atPoint originPoint }
|> Camera2d
{-| Shifts the camera by a vector in screne coordinates.
translateBy :
Vector2d units coordinates
-> Camera2d units screenUnits coordinates
-> Camera2d units screenUnits coordinates
translateBy vec (Camera2d camera) =
( x, y ) =
Vector2d.components vec
sceneVec =
Vector2d.xyIn camera.sceneFrame
sceneFrame =
Frame2d.translateBy sceneVec camera.sceneFrame
{ camera | sceneFrame = sceneFrame }
|> Camera2d
{-| Shifts the camera origin point by a vector in screen coordinates.
This can be convenient when working with pointers on the screen.
translateByScreen :
Vector2d screenUnits screenCoordinates
-> Camera2d units screenUnits coordinates
-> Camera2d units screenUnits coordinates
translateByScreen vec (Camera2d camera) =
( x, y ) =
Vector2d.components vec
sceneVec =
Vector2d.xyIn camera.sceneFrame
(Quantity.at_ camera.zoom x)
(Quantity.at_ camera.zoom y)
sceneFrame =
Frame2d.translateBy sceneVec camera.sceneFrame
{ camera | sceneFrame = sceneFrame }
|> Camera2d
{-| Adjusts the camera zoom level.
The origin point will not be shifted by this operation. The effect of this on
the screen mapping will be that the zoom is centered on the middle of the
screen, and the origin point remains at the center of the screen.
adjustZoom :
Quantity Float (Rate screenUnits units)
-> Camera2d units screenUnits coordinates
-> Camera2d units screenUnits coordinates
adjustZoom zoom (Camera2d camera) =
{ camera | zoom = zoom }
|> Camera2d
{-| Adjusts the camera zoom around a point on the screen. The point within the
scene corresponding to the screen point, will be at the same screen point after
the zoom adjustment.
This is convenient when adjusting the zoom around a pointer position, allowing
a user to zoom in on a particular area under the pointer.
Note that if the screen point does not align with the origin point, then the
origin point will be shifted by this operation.
adjustZoomScreen :
Quantity Float (Rate screenUnits units)
-> Point2d screenUnits screenCoordinates
-> Rectangle2d screenUnits screenCoordinates
-> Camera2d units screenUnits coordinates
-> Camera2d units screenUnits coordinates
adjustZoomScreen zoom screenPoint screen (Camera2d camera) =
zoomedCamera =
{ camera | zoom = zoom }
|> Camera2d
beforeZoomPoint =
pToScene (Camera2d camera) screen screenPoint
afterZoomPoint =
pToScene zoomedCamera screen screenPoint
vector =
-- A vector that shifts the screen point back to its original location
Vector2d.from afterZoomPoint beforeZoomPoint
|> translateBy vector
pToScreen :
Camera2d sceneUnits screenUnits sceneCoordinates
-> Rectangle2d screenUnits screenCoordinates
-> Point2d sceneUnits sceneCoordinates
-> Point2d screenUnits screenCoordinates
pToScreen (Camera2d { sceneFrame, zoom }) screen point =
screenFrame : Frame2d screenUnits screenCoordinates defines
screenFrame =
Rectangle2d.axes screen
( transX, transY ) =
Point2d.coordinatesIn sceneFrame point
Point2d.xyIn screenFrame
( zoom transX)
( zoom transY)
pToScene :
Camera2d sceneUnits screenUnits sceneCoordinates
-> Rectangle2d screenUnits screenCoordinates
-> Point2d screenUnits screenCoordinates
-> Point2d sceneUnits sceneCoordinates
pToScene (Camera2d { sceneFrame, zoom }) screen point =
screenFrame : Frame2d screenUnits screenCoordinates defines
screenFrame =
Rectangle2d.axes screen
( transX, transY ) =
Point2d.coordinatesIn screenFrame point
Point2d.xyIn sceneFrame
(Quantity.at_ zoom transX)
(Quantity.at_ zoom transY)
svgViewBox :
Camera2d sceneUnits screenUnits sceneCoordinates
-> Rectangle2d screenUnits screenCoordinates
-> TypedSvg.Core.Attribute a
svgViewBox ((Camera2d { sceneFrame, zoom }) as camera) screen =
( w, h ) =
Rectangle2d.dimensions screen
|> Tuple.mapBoth Quantity.unwrap Quantity.unwrap
{ x, y } =
Rectangle2d.interpolate screen 0 0
|> pToScene camera screen
|> Point2d.unwrap
scaleFactor =
zoom |> Quantity.unwrap
TypedSvg.Attributes.viewBox (round x |> toFloat)
(round y |> toFloat)
(round (w / scaleFactor) |> toFloat)
(round (h / scaleFactor) |> toFloat)
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