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Last active June 11, 2024 23:44
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.geometry import MultiLineString
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
import numpy as np
# from python geospatial analysis cookbook
class Centerline(object):
def __init__(self, inputGEOM, dist=0.5):
self.inputGEOM = inputGEOM
self.dist = abs(dist)
def create_centerline(self):
Calculates the centerline of a polygon.
Densifies the border of a polygon which is then represented
by a Numpy array of points necessary for creating the
Voronoi diagram. Once the diagram is created, the ridges
located within the polygon are joined and returned.
a MultiLinestring located within the polygon.
minx = int(min(self.inputGEOM.envelope.exterior.xy[0]))
miny = int(min(self.inputGEOM.envelope.exterior.xy[1]))
border = np.array(self.densify_border(self.inputGEOM, minx, miny))
vor = Voronoi(border)
vertex = vor.vertices
lst_lines = []
for j, ridge in enumerate(vor.ridge_vertices):
if -1 not in ridge:
line = LineString([
(vertex[ridge[0]][0] + minx, vertex[ridge[0]][1] + miny),
(vertex[ridge[1]][0] + minx, vertex[ridge[1]][1] + miny)])
if line.within(self.inputGEOM) and len(line.coords[0]) > 1:
return MultiLineString(lst_lines)
def densify_border(self, polygon, minx, miny):
Densifies the border of a polygon by a given factor
(by default: 0.5).
The function tests the complexity of the polygons
geometry, i.e. does the polygon have holes or not.
If the polygon doesn't have any holes, its exterior
is extracted and densified by a given factor. If the
polygon has holes, the boundary of each hole as
well as its exterior is extracted and densified
by a given factor.
a list of points where each point is represented
by a list of its
reduced coordinates.
[[X1, Y1], [X2, Y2], ..., [Xn, Yn]
if len(polygon.interiors) == 0:
exterior_line = LineString(polygon.exterior)
points = self.fixed_interpolation(exterior_line, minx, miny)
exterior_line = LineString(polygon.exterior)
points = self.fixed_interpolation(exterior_line, minx, miny)
for j in range(len(polygon.interiors)):
interior_line = LineString(polygon.interiors[j])
points += self.fixed_interpolation(interior_line, minx, miny)
return points
def fixed_interpolation(self, line, minx, miny):
A helping function which is used in densifying
the border of a polygon.
It places points on the border at the specified distance.
By default the distance is 0.5 (meters) which means
that the first point will be placed 0.5 m from the
starting point, the second point will be placed at the
distance of 1.0 m from the first point, etc. Naturally,
the loop breaks when the summarized distance exceeds
the length of the line.
a list of points where each point is represented by
a list of its reduced coordinates.
[[X1, Y1], [X2, Y2], ..., [Xn, Yn]
count = self.dist
newline = []
startpoint = [line.xy[0][0] - minx, line.xy[1][0] - miny]
endpoint = [line.xy[0][-1] - minx, line.xy[1][-1] - miny]
while count < line.length:
point = line.interpolate(count)
newline.append([point.x - minx, point.y - miny])
count += self.dist
return newline
from osgeo import ogr,osr
from shapely.geometry import shape
import centerline
import json
hidro = r"/home/c/Documents/data/massa_dagua.shp"
out_shp = r"/home/c/Documents/data/centerlinev1.shp"
centerline_distance = 1.0
EPSG_CODE = 4326
ds = ogr.Open(hidro)
layer = ds.GetLayer()
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('Esri Shapefile')
out_ds = driver.CreateDataSource(out_shp)
srs = osr.SpatialReference()
out_layer = out_ds.CreateLayer('', srs, ogr.wkbMultiLineString)
# Add one attribute
out_layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('id', ogr.OFTInteger))
## If there are multiple geometries, put the "for" loop here
defn = out_layer.GetLayerDefn()
n = 0
for feature in layer:
print('starting feature {}'.format(n))
feat_geom = feature.geometry()
simple = feat_geom.Simplify(SIMPLIFY_TOLERANCE)
geojson = simple.ExportToJson()
geojson = json.loads(geojson)
if len(geojson['coordinates']) == 0:
shp_geom = shape(geojson)
cent = centerline.Centerline(shp_geom, dist=centerline_distance)
line = cent.create_centerline()
# Create a new feature (attribute and geometry)
out_feat = ogr.Feature(defn)
out_feat.SetField('id', n)
# Make a geometry, from Shapely object
geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(line.wkb)
out_feat = None
except Exception as e:
out_ds = None
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