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Last active June 13, 2024 08:12
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Generate Lodash docs into a JSON file
// Taken from
// See:
'use strict';
const fs = require("fs");
const chalk = require("chalk")
const write = (line) => {
return process.stdout.write(line)
var _ = require('lodash'),
Entry = require('./entry.js'),
getEntries = Entry.getEntries,
util = require('./util.js');
var push = Array.prototype.push,
specialCategories = ['Methods', 'Properties'],
token = '@@token@@';
var reCode = /`.*?`/g,
reToken = /@@token@@/g,
reSpecialCategory = RegExp('^(?:' + specialCategories.join('|') + ')$');
var htmlEscapes = {
'*': '*',
'[': '[',
']': ']'
* Escape special Markdown characters in a string.
* @private
* @param {string} string The string to escape.
* @returns {string} Returns the escaped string.
function escape(string) {
var snippets = [];
// Replace all code snippets with a token.
string = string.replace(reCode, function (match) {
return token;
_.forOwn(htmlEscapes, function (replacement, chr) {
string = string.replace(RegExp('(\\\\?)\\' + chr, 'g'), function (match, backslash) {
return backslash ? match : replacement;
// Replace all tokens with code snippets.
return string.replace(reToken, function (match) {
return snippets.shift();
* Get the seperator (`.` or `.prototype.`)
* @private
* @param {Entry} Entry object to get selector for.
* @returns {string} Returns the member seperator.
function getSeparator(entry) {
return entry.isPlugin() ? '.prototype.' : '.';
* Modify a string by replacing named tokens with matching associated object values.
* @private
* @param {string} string The string to modify.
* @param {Object} data The template data object.
* @returns {string} Returns the modified string.
function interpolate(string, data) {
return util.format(_.template(string)(data));
* Make an anchor link.
* @private
* @param {string} href The anchor href.
* @param {string} text The anchor text.
* @returns {string} Returns the anchor HTML.
function makeAnchor(href, text) {
return '<a href="' + href + '">' + _.toString(text) + '</a>';
* Generates the documentation from JS source.
* @param {string} The source code to generate the documentation for.
* @param {object} The options object.
* @returns {string} Returns the documentation markdown.
function generateDoc(source, options) {
var api = [],
byCategories = options.toc == 'categories',
entries = getEntries(source),
organized = {},
sortEntries = options.sort,
style =,
url = options.url;
let final = [];
// Add entries and aliases to the API list.
_.each(entries, function (entry) {
entry = new Entry(entry, source);
var aliases = entry.getAliases();
if (!_.isEmpty(aliases)) {
push.apply(api, aliases);
// Build the list of categories for the TOC and generate content for each entry.
_.each(api, function (entry) {
// Exit early if the entry is private or has no name.
let _entry = { name: entry.getName(), params: [], examples: [], description: "N/A" };
var name = entry.getName();
if (!name || entry.isPrivate()) {
var tocGroup,
member = entry.getMembers(0) || '',
separator = member ? getSeparator(entry) : '';
// Add the entry to the TOC.
if (byCategories) {
var category = entry.getCategory();
_entry.category = category;
tocGroup = organized[category] || (organized[category] = []);
write(` (${category})`)
else {
var memberGroup;
if (!member ||
entry.isCtor() ||
(entry.getType() == 'Object' &&
) {
memberGroup = (member ? member + getSeparator(entry) : '') + name;
} else if (entry.isStatic()) {
memberGroup = member;
} else if (!entry.isCtor()) {
memberGroup = member + getSeparator(entry).slice(0, -1);
tocGroup = organized[memberGroup] || (organized[memberGroup] = []);
// Skip aliases.
if (entry.isAlias()) {
// Start markdown for the entry.
var entryMarkdown = ['\n<!-- div -->\n'];
var entryData = {
'call': entry.getCall(),
'category': entry.getCategory(),
'entryHref': '#${hash}',
'entryLink': _.get(options, 'entryLink', style == 'github' ? '' : '<a href="${entryHref}">#</a>&nbsp;'),
'hash': entry.getHash(style),
'member': member,
'name': name,
'separator': separator,
'sourceHref': url + '#L' + entry.getLineNumber(),
'sourceLink': _.get(options, 'sourceLink', '[&#x24C8;](${sourceHref} "View in source")'),
'tocHref': '1',
'tocLink': _.get(options, 'tocLink', '[&#x24C9;][${tocHref}]')
'entryHref', 'sourceHref', 'tocHref',
'entryLink', 'sourceLink', 'tocLink'
], function (option) {
entryData[option] = interpolate(entryData[option], entryData);
// Add the heading.
'<h3 id="${hash}">${entryLink}<code>${member}${separator}${call}</code></h3>\n' +
_.get(options, 'sublinks', []),
.join(' '),
.replace(/ {2,}/g, ' '),
_entry.description = entry.getDesc().replaceAll("_.", "");
// Add the description.
entryMarkdown.push('\n' + entry.getDesc() + '\n');
// Add optional since version.
var since = entry.getSince();
if (!_.isEmpty(since)) {
'#### Since',
_entry.since = since;
write(` Since: ${since}`)
// Add optional aliases.
var aliases = entry.getAliases();
if (!_.isEmpty(aliases)) {
_entry.aliases = [];
write(" Aliases:");
'#### Aliases',
'*' +, function (alias) {
write(` ${alias.getName()}`);
return interpolate('${member}${separator}${name}', {
'member': member,
'name': alias.getName(),
'separator': separator
}).join(', ') +
// Add optional function parameters.
var params = entry.getParams();
_entry.params = [];
if (!_.isEmpty(params)) {
entryMarkdown.push('#### Arguments');
_.each(params, function (param, index) {
var paramType = param[0];
if (_.startsWith(paramType, '(')) {
paramType = _.trim(paramType, '()');
const paramName = param[1].replaceAll(/^\[|\]$/gmi, "");
const _param = {
'name': paramName,
'type': paramType,
'description': param[2],
'optional': param[1].startsWith("[")
const defaultValueMatches = paramName.match(/=(.*)/gmi);
if (defaultValueMatches) {
_param.defaultValue = defaultValueMatches[0].replaceAll("=", "");
write(`\n Param: ${chalk.dim(JSON.stringify(_param))}`);
interpolate('${num}. `${name}` (${type}): ${desc}', {
'desc': escape(param[2]),
'name': param[1],
'num': index + 1,
'type': escape(paramType)
// Add optional functions returns.
var returns = entry.getReturns();
if (!_.isEmpty(returns)) {
var returnType = returns[0];
if (_.startsWith(returnType, '(')) {
returnType = _.trim(returnType, '()');
_entry.returns = { type: returnType, description: returns[1] };
write("\n Returns: " + chalk.dim(JSON.stringify(_entry.returns)));
'#### Returns',
interpolate('(${type}): ${desc}', {
'desc': escape(returns[1]),
'type': escape(returnType)
// Add optional function example.
var example = entry.getExample();
if (example) {
entryMarkdown.push('#### Example', example);
_entry.examples = [example.replace("```" + entry.lang, "").replace(/```|_\./gmi, "").trim()];
write(`\n Example: ${chalk.gray.bold(example)}`);
// End markdown for the entry.
entryMarkdown.push('---\n\n<!-- /div -->');
entry.markdown = entryMarkdown.join('\n');
if (separator !== ".") { = separator.slice(1) +;
const finalEntry = {
category: _entry.category,
description: _entry.description,
since: _entry.since,
examples: _entry.examples,
params: _entry.params,
returns: _entry.returns,
final = final.sort((a, b) =>
let json = JSON.stringify(final.slice(2), null, 2);
fs.writeFile('lodash-docs.json', json, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Data has been written to lodash-docs.json');
// Add TOC headers.
var tocGroups = _.keys(organized);
if (byCategories) {
// Remove special categories before sorting.
var catogoriesUsed = _.intersection(tocGroups, specialCategories);
_.pullAll(tocGroups, catogoriesUsed);
// Sort categories and add special categories back.
if (sortEntries) {
push.apply(tocGroups, catogoriesUsed);
else {
// Start markdown for TOC categories.
var tocMarkdown = ['<!-- div class="toc-container" -->\n'];
_.each(tocGroups, function (group) {
'<!-- div -->\n',
'## `' + group + '`'
if (sortEntries && organized[group]) {
// Sort the TOC groups.
organized[group].sort(function (value, other) {
var valMember = value.getMembers(0),
othMember = other.getMembers(0);
return util.compareNatural(
(valMember ? (valMember + getSeparator(value)) : '') + value.getName(),
(othMember ? (othMember + getSeparator(other)) : '') + other.getName()
// Add TOC entries for each category.
_.each(organized[group], function (entry) {
var member = entry.getMembers(0) || '',
name = entry.getName(),
sep = getSeparator(entry),
title = escape((member ? (member + sep) : '') + name);
if (entry.isAlias()) {
// An alias has a more complex html structure.
var owner = entry.getOwner();
'* <a href="#' + owner.getHash(style) + '" class="alias">`' +
title + '` -> `' + owner.getName() + '`' +
} else {
// Add a simple TOC entry.
'* ' +
'#' + entry.getHash(style),
'`' + title + '`'
tocMarkdown.push('\n<!-- /div -->\n');
// End markdown for the TOC.
tocMarkdown.push('<!-- /div -->\n');
var docMarkdown = ['# ' + options.title + '\n'];
push.apply(docMarkdown, tocMarkdown);
docMarkdown.push('<!-- div class="doc-container" -->\n');
_.each(tocGroups, function (group) {
docMarkdown.push('<!-- div -->\n');
if (byCategories && !reSpecialCategory.test(group)) {
var groupName = '“' + group + '” Methods';
docMarkdown.push('## `' + (groupName || group) + '`');
_.each(organized[group], function (entry) {
if (entry.markdown) {
docMarkdown.push('\n<!-- /div -->\n');
docMarkdown.push('<!-- /div -->\n');
// Add link back to the top of the TOC.
var tocHref = _.get(options, 'tocHref', '#' + _.get(tocGroups, 0, '').toLowerCase());
if (tocHref) {
docMarkdown.push(' [1]: ' + tocHref + ' "Jump back to the TOC."\n');
return docMarkdown.join('\n');
module.exports = generateDoc;
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