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doi:10.17602/C2QP4Z: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite, not in Handle System
< _created: 2020-06-25T05:29:30
< _updated: 2020-06-25T05:29:30
doi:10.17610/T6W899: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2020-07-27T10:16:35
< _updated: 2020-07-27T10:16:52
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doi:10.17916/P6159W: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-05-21T16:02:49
< _updated: 2020-06-26T18:52:24
< _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.17916/P6159W</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Turchin, Peter</creatorName>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">University of Connecticut</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>Fitting Dynamic Regression Models to Seshat Data - Supplemental Material</title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>UC Press</publisher>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">dataset</resourceType>%0A <publicationYear>2018</publicationYear>%0A <dates>%0A <date dateType="Available">2018-06-01T07:00:00Z</date>%0A </dates>%0A <language>en</language>%0A <sizes>%0A <size>1675802 bytes</size>%0A </sizes>%0A <version>2</version>%0A <rightsList>%0A <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</rights>%0A </rightsList>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description descriptionType="Abstract">%0A This article presents a general statistical approach suitable for the%0A analysis of time-resolved (time-series) cross-cultural data. The goal is%0A to test theories about the evolutionary processes that generate cultural%0A change. This approach allows us to investigate the effects of predictor%0A variables (proxying for theory-suggested mechanisms), while controlling%0A for spatial diffusion and autocorrelations due to shared cultural history%0A (known as Galton%E2%80%99s Problem). It also fits autoregressive terms to account%0A for serial correlations in the data and tests for nonlinear effects. I%0A illustrate these ideas and methods with an analysis of processes that may%0A influence the evolution of one component of social complexity, information%0A systems, using the Seshat: Global History Databank.%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A</resource>
> _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.17916/P6159W</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Turchin, Peter</creatorName>%0A <affiliation>University of Connecticutt</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>Fitting Dynamic Regression Models to Seshat Data - Supplemental Material</title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>UC Press</publisher>%0A <publicationYear>2018</publicationYear>%0A <dates>%0A <date dateType="Available">2018-06-01T07:00:00Z</date>%0A </dates>%0A <language>en</language>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">dataset</resourceType>%0A <sizes>%0A <size>1675802 bytes</size>%0A </sizes>%0A <version>2</version>%0A <rightsList>%0A <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</rights>%0A </rightsList>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description descriptionType="Abstract">%0A This article presents a general statistical approach suitable for the%0A analysis of time-resolved (time-series) cross-cultural data. The goal is%0A to test theories about the evolutionary processes that generate cultural%0A change. This approach allows us to investigate the effects of predictor%0A variables (proxying for theory-suggested mechanisms), while controlling%0A for spatial diffusion and autocorrelations due to shared cultural history%0A (known as Galton%E2%80%99s Problem). It also fits autoregressive terms to account%0A for serial correlations in the data and tests for nonlinear effects. I%0A illustrate these ideas and methods with an analysis of processes that may%0A influence the evolution of one component of social complexity, information%0A systems, using the Seshat: Global History Databank.%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A</resource>
< _target:
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doi:10.17916/P64S3R: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-07-26T14:18:46
< _updated: 2020-06-26T18:52:28
< _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.17916/P64S3R</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Ershov, Bogdan</creatorName>%0A <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID" schemeURI="">0000-0002-0544-0350</nameIdentifier>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">Voronezh State Technical University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Fursov, Vladimir</creatorName>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">Voronezh State Pedagogical University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>MEDICAL ASSISTANCE AND ORTHODOX TRADITIONS IN RUSSIA</title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>UC Press</publisher>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">dataset</resourceType>%0A <publicationYear>2019</publicationYear>%0A <subjects>%0A <subject>charity</subject>%0A <subject>church</subject>%0A <subject>medicine</subject>%0A <subject>priest.</subject>%0A <subject>state</subject>%0A </subjects>%0A <dates>%0A <date dateType="Available">2019-03-23T07:00:00Z</date>%0A </dates>%0A <language>en</language>%0A <relatedIdentifiers>%0A <relatedIdentifier relationType="Cites" relatedIdentifierType="DOI"></relatedIdentifier>%0A </relatedIdentifiers>%0A <sizes>%0A <size>222582 bytes</size>%0A </sizes>%0A <version>11</version>%0A <rightsList>%0A <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</rights>%0A </rightsList>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description descriptionType="Abstract">%0A The article examines the participation and assistance of the Orthodox%0A Church in solving problems that allowed to give a scientific justification%0A for the cooperation of health care and Orthodox religious institutions, to%0A determine their role in the historical context and structure of modern%0A healthcare in Russia. The article presents an algorithm for organizing%0A sisters of mercy, their system of upbringing. Particular attention is%0A given to the possibility of teaching the course "Foundations of%0A Orthodox Culture" in secular educational institutions. Research%0A materials can serve as a basis for the formation of morally sound%0A positions of medical workers and the population on the main problems of%0A medical activity. Based on the study, the authors published a series of%0A articles in which the experience of the work of the Orthodox Church in the%0A charitable sphere has been summarized. This experience can be used to%0A create new charitable institutions, including those who provided medical%0A assistance. In preparing the article, the authors used concrete%0A historical, civilizational, formational and social methods of research%0A that allowed us to uncover facts, phenomena and processes in the%0A interconnection and unity of the past, present and future. %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Methods">%0A The study was conducted in the methodological field of the sociology of%0A medicine. The research program was of a multistage nature and provided for%0A the use of a methodology based on traditional methods of socio-hygienic,%0A medical-organizational and historical-analytical nature, adapted to the%0A specifics of the purposes followed by statistical processing and data%0A analysis. In the work to achieve the goal and implement research tasks, a%0A number of methods of concrete sociology are offered: a survey, in-depth%0A interviews, expert interviews, content analysis, a biographical method3.%0A The organizational chart of the interaction of Orthodox organizations and%0A bodies of practical health, developed in this article, is based on%0A historical traditions of the charitable activities of the Russian Orthodox%0A Church. This scheme takes into account modern socio-economic realities.%0A This scheme proved to be effective in the organization of medical care and%0A can serve as a basic model for the development of cooperation between the%0A Church and medical institutions. Given the deep historical evidence of the%0A important role of Orthodox Christianity in preserving health and creating%0A a healthy lifestyle for the population, it should be recognized that the%0A development of special programs for cooperation between medical%0A organizations and the Church is justified in modern conditions.%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Other">%0A %C2%A0 I. INTRODUCTION %C2%A0 State-church relations as a combination of%0A historically emerging and changing forms of relations between state%0A institutions and religious organizations are one of the main parts of the%0A domestic and foreign policies of any state. Russia has always been a%0A multi-confessional country, here all major religious confessions coexist:%0A Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism. At the same time, in the modern%0A Russian consciousness there is a close connection between Orthodoxy and%0A national identity. %C2%A0 80-82%25 of the population of Russia consider%0A themselves Orthodox. The role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the%0A economic and social life of the country was significant throughout the%0A history of the country until October 1917. Even in the Old Russian period,%0A the spiritual foundations of charity were formed under the influence of%0A selfconsciousness. Since the late 1980's. in our country, the gradual%0A return of the Church to the sphere of charity and medical and social%0A services began, the process of uniting the interests of the Church and the%0A state in the field of protecting human health was intensified. %C2%A0 The main%0A legal documents in this area were the "Fundamentals of Legislation on%0A the Protection of Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation" of%0A 1993 and the "Agreement on Cooperation between the Ministry of Health%0A of the Russian Federation and the Russian Orthodox Church." The%0A importance of the church mission in the health sector was expressed in the%0A creation of hospital temples, church hospitals and an almshouse. The%0A number of monasteries engaged in social activities is increasing,%0A fraternities are being organized. At the same time, the catastrophic%0A situation in the field of public health in Russia is growing. The state%0A public health system is developing mainly around the world, the volume of%0A medical care often increases without regard for quality. %C2%A0 Many%0A researchers believe that the public health system can not function%0A effectively under the current conditions. In this connection, studies that%0A reflect the relationship between the Church and medical institutions in%0A modern Russia are of great importance. %C2%A0 II. RESULTS %C2%A0 The article shows%0A the results, which testify that medical and social assistance to the%0A population of Russia is mainly under the aegis of monasteries. The nature%0A and scope of this assistance in different periods were not the same and%0A depended on the policy of state power towards the Church. If at the%0A initial stages of the country's development there were no other%0A shelters for the sick and disabled, with the exception of monasteries. By%0A the beginning of the 20th century, shelters occupied a leading position in%0A state, public and charitable organizations. They created a unique system%0A of medical and social assistance to the population. The church has been%0A active in this area since the late 1980s, and both traditional and new%0A forms and methods of medico-social and charitable work were realized. The%0A cooperation of the Church and the state in the field of health and social%0A services, the legal basis of which is in the process of formation,%0A testifies to the recognition of the Church in the life of Russian society,%0A contributes to the expansion of social health and the participation of a%0A wide range of people to solve health problems and revive the spiritual%0A traditions of medicine. The Orthodox Church provides medical and social%0A assistance to the following groups of people: terminal, somatic, mental,%0A HIVinfected, drug addicts, patients with toxic and alcoholic diseases. The%0A expediency of creating hospitals for religious confessions as a whole was%0A recognized by 41.7%25 of doctors and 46.1%25 of patients. In addition, it can%0A be noted that the main types of institutions that are actively engaged in%0A medical and social activities are: a) medical institutions of a stationary%0A type, incl. hospitals operating under the Moscow Patriarchate, diocesan%0A hospitals, monastery hospitals, hospitals in theological schools; (b)%0A outpatient medical facilities, including first aid centers for religious%0A schools, monastic medical posts; (c) Medical and social institutions. For%0A example, the diocesan hospital of Saint Blessed Xenia helps orphans and%0A elderly people. The average length of stay in the hospital is 31 days.%0A Among the patients, pensioners were 95.4%25, disabled people - 71.3%25, lonely%0A - 30.4%25. The hospital staff was selected from among Orthodox believers.%0A The satisfaction of patients with treatment is high (98.4%25) and the ratio%0A of medical personnel (100.0%25). A special form of medical and social%0A activities of the Church are care centers (in 2016 in the Russian%0A Federation, 14), designed for outpatient rehabilitation of mentally ill,%0A alcoholics and drug addicts affected by totalitarian sects, psychics. The%0A task of Orthodox priests and doctors is to closely cooperate in these%0A centers. The course of rehabilitation takes an average of 1-2 years. In%0A addition to institutions, the Church creates medical organizations that%0A carry out their ministry in public medical and social institutions: for%0A example, the society of Orthodox doctors; sisterhood of mercy, brotherhood%0A of mercy, parish communities of hospital temples. The Society of Orthodox%0A Physicians is a new form of association of medical workers for Russia on%0A the basis of a religious community. Their goal is to provide medical and%0A spiritual assistance to sick poor people, coordinate the activities of%0A charitable brotherhoods and sisterhoods, organize a system of qualified%0A diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive care for churchmen, discuss current%0A medical problems in accordance with the canons of the Orthodox Church. For%0A example, the society in Moscow consists of medical , scientific and%0A educational and training departments. For the years 2000-2016. The number%0A of people seeking help was about 25,000 people. Training courses for%0A Orthodox doctors and psychologists have been organized. Today, the centers%0A of the sisters of mercy, organized in Russia in the XIX century,%0A demonstrated their effectiveness. Based on the analysis of the development%0A of nursing, five main stages (periods) of the movement of nurses in Russia%0A were identified. The distinctive features of this movement were medical%0A and social assistance, strict morality, love and charity toward one's%0A neighbor, diligence and dedication, discipline. In 2016, there are about%0A 40 communities and groups of sisters of mercy in Russia. An algorithm for%0A creating a community of sisters of mercy is developed and conceptual%0A principles of its organization are formulated. %C2%A0 The main thing is to find%0A a job for a sister, where she can perform church obedience in addition to%0A medical, within the framework of jointly developed contract documents%0A regulating the status and order of service in the conditions of a%0A particular institution. Clearly organized sisterhoods, consisting of%0A religious, morally educated and at the same time professionally trained%0A sisters, can undoubtedly provide more effective assistance to public%0A health institutions and social workers, since there is a shortage of%0A medical specialists of junior and middle level. The activities of nurses,%0A based on Christian charity, combine medical care with spiritual care for%0A the patient. The main goal of the sisterhood was to strengthen the moral%0A and spiritual foundations of society. As a result, today the revival of%0A the brotherly and sister movement is an objective process of returning to%0A traditional forms of religious life in Russia. At the same time, the%0A current socio-economic situation in the country does not allow many%0A Orthodox movements and organizations to revive the church and social life%0A and fully understand the tasks of social services. Despite the positive%0A results in the social and philanthropic activities of individual%0A brotherhoods and sisterhoods, the author believes that the revival of the%0A sister movement is associated with the same problems that led to the%0A suspension of the work of Orthodox brotherhoods. Today, 150 brotherhoods%0A and sisterhoods registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian%0A Federation operate independently and in isolation, without information and%0A coordination. However, despite the artificial suppression of the fraternal%0A movement, the Unions of Orthodox brotherhoods should be attributed to%0A institutions that seek to mobilize community and church organizations to%0A jointly solve social, spiritual and ethical problems. In these unions, new%0A technologies are being developed in various fields of medicine. Thus,%0A history shows that such forms of Orthodox life as brotherhood and%0A sisterhood, unlike secular and some church institutions, can not be%0A created or canceled only "from above". They are based on%0A believers and want to fulfill one or another church ministry together. %C2%A0%0A III.%C2%A0 DISCUSSION %C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0 %C2%A0 Some aspects of the participation of the Russian%0A Orthodox Church in protecting public health were examined in the works of%0A Mirsky MB, Pospelovsky D., Siluyanova IV, Filimonova SV, Cherkasova AE.%0A and other domestic scientists. However, few works are devoted to a%0A comprehensive study of the interaction of the Russian Orthodox Church with%0A medical personnel. Almost in the scientific literature, there was no%0A analysis of the participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in protecting%0A the health of the population of the Voronezh Region.%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0 %C2%A0 The author of%0A this article proposes to classify various aspects of the historiography of%0A this problem by periods. The first historiographical period - from the%0A beginning of the XIX century to the 70-ies. At that time, a complex%0A historical work was carried out to collect and publish materials that had%0A the character of historical data, reference data, the Charter of various%0A institutions of public charity and education. Studies were often onesided%0A and subjective, devoid of profound scientific medical analysis.%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0 %C2%A0 The%0A second historiographical period from the 70s. XIX century until 1917.%0A During this period, a great leap was made in historical science for the%0A collection, processing and publication of official documents and extensive%0A factual materials, as well as bibliographic indexes. In the works of EE%0A Golubinsky, AP Dobrolonsky, SG Runkevich, Runovsky, Znamensky,%0A Klyuchevsky, Barsov, FV Blagovidov, B. Titlipov, B.II. Kudryavtseva,%0A Papkova, Prugavina, Makariya (Bulgakova), Berdyaeva, various aspects of%0A the development of medical charity were systematized. Scientists also%0A considered the medical and social role of church parishes in the%0A development of assistance to the needy.%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0 %C2%A0 There was a significant%0A amount of biographical work, about the most vivid representatives of the%0A parish clergy and their ministry. Statistical information on the total%0A number of medical societies and fraternities in the Russian Empire is also%0A found in the encyclopedia "Russia", published in 1898. A%0A valuable group are modern published reports and surveys that contain data%0A on the history of the church and statistical work. Therefore, the%0A relevance of studying the problems associated with the embodiment of%0A Christian ideals in medical practice, both public and secular authors, is%0A topical. Thus, in this article, all of the above indicates the necessity%0A and importance of scientific research, conducted in terms of a systematic%0A approach, in-depth analysis, justification and implementation of results%0A in educational and medical institutions. %C2%A0 IV.%C2%A0 CONCLUSION %C2%A0 Currently,%0A the medical and social charitable activities of the Russian Orthodox%0A Church are actively developing. The cooperation of Orthodox organizations%0A with medical institutions can give such positive results as: the revival%0A of the spiritual traditions of medicine; awareness of the interdependence%0A of man's spiritual and physical health; attraction of additional%0A financial, organizational and especially human resources for medical care;%0A formation of morally grounded positions of medical workers and the%0A population on the main problems of medical ethics (bioethics); formation%0A of a healthy lifestyle of the population and combating the spread of bad%0A habits; expansion of the base of social health and involvement of the%0A general public in solving health problems. The views of doctors and%0A patients on the problems of clinical ethics (the relationship between a%0A doctor and a patient, including the ethics of informing, obtaining%0A informed consent for treatment, confidence indicators, medical secrets,%0A etc.) are not very dependent on their attitude to the Orthodox faith. In%0A the performance of their duties, most doctors prefer professional views on%0A medicine. The opinions of many doctors and patients about modern medical%0A technologies are not yet formed, they have no solid moral justification.%0A There are significant differences in the assessment of modern%0A biotechnology of doctors and patients, depending on their religious%0A affiliations, and the views of church members are more in line with the%0A norms of religious morality and medical ethics. The organizational chart%0A of the interaction of Orthodox organizations and bodies of practical%0A health, developed in this article, is based on historical traditions of%0A the charitable activities of the Russian Orthodox Church19. This scheme%0A takes into account modern socio-economic realities, has proved effective%0A in the organization of medical services and can become a basic model for%0A the development of cooperation between the Church and medical%0A institutions. %C2%A0 REFERENCE LIST %C2%A0 American Medical Association, Council on%0A Ethical and Judicial Affairs, Ethical considerations in the allocation of%0A organs and other scarce medical resources for patients. Archives of%0A Internal Medicine. (1995)%C2%A0 %E2%84%96 155.%C2%A0 Pp. 29-40. Benrubi, G. I., (1992)%0A Euthanasia - the Need for Procedural Safeguards.%C2%A0 New England Journal of%0A Medicine. %E2%84%96 326/3. 198 p. Cyril, Metropolitan. (2000) On the %C2%ABFundamentals%0A of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church%C2%BB The Anniversary%0A Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. Collection of%0A reports and documents. Pp. 133-149. Dmitrieva, (1998) T.B. On urgent%0A measures to implement the Concept of the Development of Health Care and%0A Medical Science in the Russian Federation.%C2%A0 Problems of Social Hygiene and%0A the History of Medicine.%C2%A0 %E2%84%96 1. Pp. 25-28 Glushkova, V.A. (1985) Medical%0A error and accident in medical practice.%C2%A0 Clinical surgery. %E2%84%96 1.%C2%A0 Pp. 63%0A 64. Gromov, A.P. (1988) Medical duty, medical responsibility, medical%0A secret Deontology in medicine. Pp. 73-122. International Commission on%0A Occupational Health (ICOH). International Code of Ethics for Occupational%0A Health Professionals (1992)%C2%A0 Bull. Med. %E2%84%96 82. Pp. 9-11. Ivanov, A.E.%0A (1993) Mental Health of the Population: Demographic Aspect.%C2%A0 Health%0A Protection of the Russian Federation. %E2%84%96 12. Pp. 7-11. Karpov, A.S. (2002)%0A On the interaction of state bodies, health services and the Moscow%0A Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church.%C2%A0 Health. %E2%84%96 12. Pp. 12-16.%0A Kondratiev,%C2%A0 F.V. (2001)%C2%A0 Orthodox-ethical aspects of euthanasia.%C2%A0%0A Orthodoxy and problems of bioethics. 98 p. Largey G., (1978) Reproductive%0A technologies: sex selection%C2%A0 Reich W. T. (ed.). Encyclopedia of%0A bioethics.-The Free Press, New York. Pp. 1439-1443. Matveev, G.N. (2001)%0A The modern hospital and the rights of the believer.%C2%A0 Sisterhood. %E2%84%96 2. Pp.%0A 38-39. Miller, F. G., (1994) Regulating Physician Assisted Death, New%0A England. Journal of Medicine. %E2%84%96 14. 120 p. Health Reforms: Problems and%0A Prospects (2001)%C2%A0 Orthodoxy and Bioethics. Pp. 91-95. Shchepin, %D0%9E.P.%0A (2001) Problems of health of the population of the Russian Federation and%0A its forecast for the period up to 2005.%C2%A0 Problems of social medicine,%0A public health services and history of medicine.%C2%A0 %E2%84%96 3. Pp.%C2%A0 3-10.%0A Shevchenko, Y.L. (2000) Priority tasks of the Russian public health%0A services for 2000. Bulletin of compulsory medical insurance. %E2%84%96 1. Pp.%C2%A0%0A 4-6. Siluyanova, I.V. (1998) Modern Medicine and Orthodoxy. Moscow:%0A Publishing House of Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. 296 p. Sorokina, %D0%A2.S.%0A (1994) Russian Sisters of Mercy in the Crimean campaign of 1854-1856.%0A Problems of social hygiene and history of medicine. %E2%84%96 6.%C2%A0 Pp. 51-53.%0A Vasileva, O.Y. (1993)%C2%A0 Russian Orthodox Church and Soviet Power in%0A 1917-1927. Voprosy istorii. %E2%84%96 8. Pp. 40-54. Vlasov,%C2%A0 P.V. (1987) History%0A of the formation of nurses in Russia. Med. sister. %E2%84%96 3. Pp. 248-249.%C2%A0 %C2%A0 %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A</resource>
> _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.17916/P64S3R</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Ershov, Bogdan</creatorName>%0A <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID" schemeURI="">0000-0002-0544-0350</nameIdentifier>%0A <affiliation>Voronezh State Technical University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Fursov, Vladimir</creatorName>%0A <affiliation>Voronezh State Pedagogical University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>MEDICAL ASSISTANCE AND ORTHODOX TRADITIONS IN RUSSIA</title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>UC Press</publisher>%0A <publicationYear>2018</publicationYear>%0A <subjects>%0A <subject>Medicine</subject>%0A <subject>church</subject>%0A <subject>charity</subject>%0A <subject>state</subject>%0A <subject>priest.</subject>%0A </subjects>%0A <dates>%0A <date dateType="Available">2019-03-23T07:00:00Z</date>%0A </dates>%0A <language>en</language>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">dataset</resourceType>%0A <relatedIdentifiers>%0A <relatedIdentifier relationType="Cites" relatedIdentifierType="DOI"></relatedIdentifier>%0A </relatedIdentifiers>%0A <sizes>%0A <size>222582 bytes</size>%0A </sizes>%0A <version>11</version>%0A <rightsList>%0A <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</rights>%0A </rightsList>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description descriptionType="Abstract">%0A The article examines the participation and assistance of the Orthodox%0A Church in solving problems that allowed to give a scientific justification%0A for the cooperation of health care and Orthodox religious institutions, to%0A determine their role in the historical context and structure of modern%0A healthcare in Russia. The article presents an algorithm for organizing%0A sisters of mercy, their system of upbringing. Particular attention is%0A given to the possibility of teaching the course "Foundations of%0A Orthodox Culture" in secular educational institutions. Research%0A materials can serve as a basis for the formation of morally sound%0A positions of medical workers and the population on the main problems of%0A medical activity. Based on the study, the authors published a series of%0A articles in which the experience of the work of the Orthodox Church in the%0A charitable sphere has been summarized. This experience can be used to%0A create new charitable institutions, including those who provided medical%0A assistance. In preparing the article, the authors used concrete%0A historical, civilizational, formational and social methods of research%0A that allowed us to uncover facts, phenomena and processes in the%0A interconnection and unity of the past, present and future. %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Methods">%0A The study was conducted in the methodological field of the sociology of%0A medicine. The research program was of a multistage nature and provided for%0A the use of a methodology based on traditional methods of socio-hygienic,%0A medical-organizational and historical-analytical nature, adapted to the%0A specifics of the purposes followed by statistical processing and data%0A analysis. In the work to achieve the goal and implement research tasks, a%0A number of methods of concrete sociology are offered: a survey, in-depth%0A interviews, expert interviews, content analysis, a biographical method3.%0A The organizational chart of the interaction of Orthodox organizations and%0A bodies of practical health, developed in this article, is based on%0A historical traditions of the charitable activities of the Russian Orthodox%0A Church. This scheme takes into account modern socio-economic realities.%0A This scheme proved to be effective in the organization of medical care and%0A can serve as a basic model for the development of cooperation between the%0A Church and medical institutions. Given the deep historical evidence of the%0A important role of Orthodox Christianity in preserving health and creating%0A a healthy lifestyle for the population, it should be recognized that the%0A development of special programs for cooperation between medical%0A organizations and the Church is justified in modern conditions.%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Other">%0A %C2%A0 I. INTRODUCTION %C2%A0 State-church relations as a combination of%0A historically emerging and changing forms of relations between state%0A institutions and religious organizations are one of the main parts of the%0A domestic and foreign policies of any state. Russia has always been a%0A multi-confessional country, here all major religious confessions coexist:%0A Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism. At the same time, in the modern%0A Russian consciousness there is a close connection between Orthodoxy and%0A national identity. %C2%A0 80-82%25 of the population of Russia consider%0A themselves Orthodox. The role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the%0A economic and social life of the country was significant throughout the%0A history of the country until October 1917. Even in the Old Russian period,%0A the spiritual foundations of charity were formed under the influence of%0A selfconsciousness. Since the late 1980's. in our country, the gradual%0A return of the Church to the sphere of charity and medical and social%0A services began, the process of uniting the interests of the Church and the%0A state in the field of protecting human health was intensified. %C2%A0 The main%0A legal documents in this area were the "Fundamentals of Legislation on%0A the Protection of Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation" of%0A 1993 and the "Agreement on Cooperation between the Ministry of Health%0A of the Russian Federation and the Russian Orthodox Church." The%0A importance of the church mission in the health sector was expressed in the%0A creation of hospital temples, church hospitals and an almshouse. The%0A number of monasteries engaged in social activities is increasing,%0A fraternities are being organized. At the same time, the catastrophic%0A situation in the field of public health in Russia is growing. The state%0A public health system is developing mainly around the world, the volume of%0A medical care often increases without regard for quality. %C2%A0 Many%0A researchers believe that the public health system can not function%0A effectively under the current conditions. In this connection, studies that%0A reflect the relationship between the Church and medical institutions in%0A modern Russia are of great importance. %C2%A0 II. RESULTS %C2%A0 The article shows%0A the results, which testify that medical and social assistance to the%0A population of Russia is mainly under the aegis of monasteries. The nature%0A and scope of this assistance in different periods were not the same and%0A depended on the policy of state power towards the Church. If at the%0A initial stages of the country's development there were no other%0A shelters for the sick and disabled, with the exception of monasteries. By%0A the beginning of the 20th century, shelters occupied a leading position in%0A state, public and charitable organizations. They created a unique system%0A of medical and social assistance to the population. The church has been%0A active in this area since the late 1980s, and both traditional and new%0A forms and methods of medico-social and charitable work were realized. The%0A cooperation of the Church and the state in the field of health and social%0A services, the legal basis of which is in the process of formation,%0A testifies to the recognition of the Church in the life of Russian society,%0A contributes to the expansion of social health and the participation of a%0A wide range of people to solve health problems and revive the spiritual%0A traditions of medicine. The Orthodox Church provides medical and social%0A assistance to the following groups of people: terminal, somatic, mental,%0A HIVinfected, drug addicts, patients with toxic and alcoholic diseases. The%0A expediency of creating hospitals for religious confessions as a whole was%0A recognized by 41.7%25 of doctors and 46.1%25 of patients. In addition, it can%0A be noted that the main types of institutions that are actively engaged in%0A medical and social activities are: a) medical institutions of a stationary%0A type, incl. hospitals operating under the Moscow Patriarchate, diocesan%0A hospitals, monastery hospitals, hospitals in theological schools; (b)%0A outpatient medical facilities, including first aid centers for religious%0A schools, monastic medical posts; (c) Medical and social institutions. For%0A example, the diocesan hospital of Saint Blessed Xenia helps orphans and%0A elderly people. The average length of stay in the hospital is 31 days.%0A Among the patients, pensioners were 95.4%25, disabled people - 71.3%25, lonely%0A - 30.4%25. The hospital staff was selected from among Orthodox believers.%0A The satisfaction of patients with treatment is high (98.4%25) and the ratio%0A of medical personnel (100.0%25). A special form of medical and social%0A activities of the Church are care centers (in 2016 in the Russian%0A Federation, 14), designed for outpatient rehabilitation of mentally ill,%0A alcoholics and drug addicts affected by totalitarian sects, psychics. The%0A task of Orthodox priests and doctors is to closely cooperate in these%0A centers. The course of rehabilitation takes an average of 1-2 years. In%0A addition to institutions, the Church creates medical organizations that%0A carry out their ministry in public medical and social institutions: for%0A example, the society of Orthodox doctors; sisterhood of mercy, brotherhood%0A of mercy, parish communities of hospital temples. The Society of Orthodox%0A Physicians is a new form of association of medical workers for Russia on%0A the basis of a religious community. Their goal is to provide medical and%0A spiritual assistance to sick poor people, coordinate the activities of%0A charitable brotherhoods and sisterhoods, organize a system of qualified%0A diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive care for churchmen, discuss current%0A medical problems in accordance with the canons of the Orthodox Church. For%0A example, the society in Moscow consists of medical , scientific and%0A educational and training departments. For the years 2000-2016. The number%0A of people seeking help was about 25,000 people. Training courses for%0A Orthodox doctors and psychologists have been organized. Today, the centers%0A of the sisters of mercy, organized in Russia in the XIX century,%0A demonstrated their effectiveness. Based on the analysis of the development%0A of nursing, five main stages (periods) of the movement of nurses in Russia%0A were identified. The distinctive features of this movement were medical%0A and social assistance, strict morality, love and charity toward one's%0A neighbor, diligence and dedication, discipline. In 2016, there are about%0A 40 communities and groups of sisters of mercy in Russia. An algorithm for%0A creating a community of sisters of mercy is developed and conceptual%0A principles of its organization are formulated. %C2%A0 The main thing is to find%0A a job for a sister, where she can perform church obedience in addition to%0A medical, within the framework of jointly developed contract documents%0A regulating the status and order of service in the conditions of a%0A particular institution. Clearly organized sisterhoods, consisting of%0A religious, morally educated and at the same time professionally trained%0A sisters, can undoubtedly provide more effective assistance to public%0A health institutions and social workers, since there is a shortage of%0A medical specialists of junior and middle level. The activities of nurses,%0A based on Christian charity, combine medical care with spiritual care for%0A the patient. The main goal of the sisterhood was to strengthen the moral%0A and spiritual foundations of society. As a result, today the revival of%0A the brotherly and sister movement is an objective process of returning to%0A traditional forms of religious life in Russia. At the same time, the%0A current socio-economic situation in the country does not allow many%0A Orthodox movements and organizations to revive the church and social life%0A and fully understand the tasks of social services. Despite the positive%0A results in the social and philanthropic activities of individual%0A brotherhoods and sisterhoods, the author believes that the revival of the%0A sister movement is associated with the same problems that led to the%0A suspension of the work of Orthodox brotherhoods. Today, 150 brotherhoods%0A and sisterhoods registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian%0A Federation operate independently and in isolation, without information and%0A coordination. However, despite the artificial suppression of the fraternal%0A movement, the Unions of Orthodox brotherhoods should be attributed to%0A institutions that seek to mobilize community and church organizations to%0A jointly solve social, spiritual and ethical problems. In these unions, new%0A technologies are being developed in various fields of medicine. Thus,%0A history shows that such forms of Orthodox life as brotherhood and%0A sisterhood, unlike secular and some church institutions, can not be%0A created or canceled only "from above". They are based on%0A believers and want to fulfill one or another church ministry together. %C2%A0%0A III.%C2%A0 DISCUSSION %C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0 %C2%A0 Some aspects of the participation of the Russian%0A Orthodox Church in protecting public health were examined in the works of%0A Mirsky MB, Pospelovsky D., Siluyanova IV, Filimonova SV, Cherkasova AE.%0A and other domestic scientists. However, few works are devoted to a%0A comprehensive study of the interaction of the Russian Orthodox Church with%0A medical personnel. Almost in the scientific literature, there was no%0A analysis of the participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in protecting%0A the health of the population of the Voronezh Region.%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0 %C2%A0 The author of%0A this article proposes to classify various aspects of the historiography of%0A this problem by periods. The first historiographical period - from the%0A beginning of the XIX century to the 70-ies. At that time, a complex%0A historical work was carried out to collect and publish materials that had%0A the character of historical data, reference data, the Charter of various%0A institutions of public charity and education. Studies were often onesided%0A and subjective, devoid of profound scientific medical analysis.%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0 %C2%A0 The%0A second historiographical period from the 70s. XIX century until 1917.%0A During this period, a great leap was made in historical science for the%0A collection, processing and publication of official documents and extensive%0A factual materials, as well as bibliographic indexes. In the works of EE%0A Golubinsky, AP Dobrolonsky, SG Runkevich, Runovsky, Znamensky,%0A Klyuchevsky, Barsov, FV Blagovidov, B. Titlipov, B.II. Kudryavtseva,%0A Papkova, Prugavina, Makariya (Bulgakova), Berdyaeva, various aspects of%0A the development of medical charity were systematized. Scientists also%0A considered the medical and social role of church parishes in the%0A development of assistance to the needy.%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0 %C2%A0 There was a significant%0A amount of biographical work, about the most vivid representatives of the%0A parish clergy and their ministry. Statistical information on the total%0A number of medical societies and fraternities in the Russian Empire is also%0A found in the encyclopedia "Russia", published in 1898. A%0A valuable group are modern published reports and surveys that contain data%0A on the history of the church and statistical work. Therefore, the%0A relevance of studying the problems associated with the embodiment of%0A Christian ideals in medical practice, both public and secular authors, is%0A topical. Thus, in this article, all of the above indicates the necessity%0A and importance of scientific research, conducted in terms of a systematic%0A approach, in-depth analysis, justification and implementation of results%0A in educational and medical institutions. %C2%A0 IV.%C2%A0 CONCLUSION %C2%A0 Currently,%0A the medical and social charitable activities of the Russian Orthodox%0A Church are actively developing. The cooperation of Orthodox organizations%0A with medical institutions can give such positive results as: the revival%0A of the spiritual traditions of medicine; awareness of the interdependence%0A of man's spiritual and physical health; attraction of additional%0A financial, organizational and especially human resources for medical care;%0A formation of morally grounded positions of medical workers and the%0A population on the main problems of medical ethics (bioethics); formation%0A of a healthy lifestyle of the population and combating the spread of bad%0A habits; expansion of the base of social health and involvement of the%0A general public in solving health problems. The views of doctors and%0A patients on the problems of clinical ethics (the relationship between a%0A doctor and a patient, including the ethics of informing, obtaining%0A informed consent for treatment, confidence indicators, medical secrets,%0A etc.) are not very dependent on their attitude to the Orthodox faith. In%0A the performance of their duties, most doctors prefer professional views on%0A medicine. The opinions of many doctors and patients about modern medical%0A technologies are not yet formed, they have no solid moral justification.%0A There are significant differences in the assessment of modern%0A biotechnology of doctors and patients, depending on their religious%0A affiliations, and the views of church members are more in line with the%0A norms of religious morality and medical ethics. The organizational chart%0A of the interaction of Orthodox organizations and bodies of practical%0A health, developed in this article, is based on historical traditions of%0A the charitable activities of the Russian Orthodox Church19. This scheme%0A takes into account modern socio-economic realities, has proved effective%0A in the organization of medical services and can become a basic model for%0A the development of cooperation between the Church and medical%0A institutions. %C2%A0 REFERENCE LIST %C2%A0 American Medical Association, Council on%0A Ethical and Judicial Affairs, Ethical considerations in the allocation of%0A organs and other scarce medical resources for patients. Archives of%0A Internal Medicine. (1995)%C2%A0 %E2%84%96 155.%C2%A0 Pp. 29-40. Benrubi, G. I., (1992)%0A Euthanasia - the Need for Procedural Safeguards.%C2%A0 New England Journal of%0A Medicine. %E2%84%96 326/3. 198 p. Cyril, Metropolitan. (2000) On the %C2%ABFundamentals%0A of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church%C2%BB The Anniversary%0A Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. Collection of%0A reports and documents. Pp. 133-149. Dmitrieva, (1998) T.B. On urgent%0A measures to implement the Concept of the Development of Health Care and%0A Medical Science in the Russian Federation.%C2%A0 Problems of Social Hygiene and%0A the History of Medicine.%C2%A0 %E2%84%96 1. Pp. 25-28 Glushkova, V.A. (1985) Medical%0A error and accident in medical practice.%C2%A0 Clinical surgery. %E2%84%96 1.%C2%A0 Pp. 63%0A 64. Gromov, A.P. (1988) Medical duty, medical responsibility, medical%0A secret Deontology in medicine. Pp. 73-122. International Commission on%0A Occupational Health (ICOH). International Code of Ethics for Occupational%0A Health Professionals (1992)%C2%A0 Bull. Med. %E2%84%96 82. Pp. 9-11. Ivanov, A.E.%0A (1993) Mental Health of the Population: Demographic Aspect.%C2%A0 Health%0A Protection of the Russian Federation. %E2%84%96 12. Pp. 7-11. Karpov, A.S. (2002)%0A On the interaction of state bodies, health services and the Moscow%0A Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church.%C2%A0 Health. %E2%84%96 12. Pp. 12-16.%0A Kondratiev,%C2%A0 F.V. (2001)%C2%A0 Orthodox-ethical aspects of euthanasia.%C2%A0%0A Orthodoxy and problems of bioethics. 98 p. Largey G., (1978) Reproductive%0A technologies: sex selection%C2%A0 Reich W. T. (ed.). Encyclopedia of%0A bioethics.-The Free Press, New York. Pp. 1439-1443. Matveev, G.N. (2001)%0A The modern hospital and the rights of the believer.%C2%A0 Sisterhood. %E2%84%96 2. Pp.%0A 38-39. Miller, F. G., (1994) Regulating Physician Assisted Death, New%0A England. Journal of Medicine. %E2%84%96 14. 120 p. Health Reforms: Problems and%0A Prospects (2001)%C2%A0 Orthodoxy and Bioethics. Pp. 91-95. Shchepin, %D0%9E.P.%0A (2001) Problems of health of the population of the Russian Federation and%0A its forecast for the period up to 2005.%C2%A0 Problems of social medicine,%0A public health services and history of medicine.%C2%A0 %E2%84%96 3. Pp.%C2%A0 3-10.%0A Shevchenko, Y.L. (2000) Priority tasks of the Russian public health%0A services for 2000. Bulletin of compulsory medical insurance. %E2%84%96 1. Pp.%C2%A0%0A 4-6. Siluyanova, I.V. (1998) Modern Medicine and Orthodoxy. Moscow:%0A Publishing House of Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. 296 p. Sorokina, %D0%A2.S.%0A (1994) Russian Sisters of Mercy in the Crimean campaign of 1854-1856.%0A Problems of social hygiene and history of medicine. %E2%84%96 6.%C2%A0 Pp. 51-53.%0A Vasileva, O.Y. (1993)%C2%A0 Russian Orthodox Church and Soviet Power in%0A 1917-1927. Voprosy istorii. %E2%84%96 8. Pp. 40-54. Vlasov,%C2%A0 P.V. (1987) History%0A of the formation of nurses in Russia. Med. sister. %E2%84%96 3. Pp. 248-249.%C2%A0 %C2%A0 %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A</resource>
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doi:10.17916/P68C7C: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
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< _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.17916/P68C7C</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Ershov, Bogdan</creatorName>%0A <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID" schemeURI="">0000-0002-0544-0350</nameIdentifier>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">Voronezh State Technical University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Lubkin, Yanis</creatorName>%0A <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID" schemeURI="">0000-0002-0544-0350</nameIdentifier>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">Voronezh State Technical University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>MISSIONARY ACTIVITY OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH IN RUSSIA</title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>UC Press</publisher>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">dataset</resourceType>%0A <publicationYear>2019</publicationYear>%0A <subjects>%0A <subject>missionary</subject>%0A <subject>orthodoxy</subject>%0A <subject>priest</subject>%0A <subject>state.</subject>%0A </subjects>%0A <dates>%0A <date dateType="Available">2019-03-19T07:00:00Z</date>%0A </dates>%0A <language>en</language>%0A <relatedIdentifiers>%0A <relatedIdentifier relationType="Cites" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">%0A </relatedIdentifier>%0A </relatedIdentifiers>%0A <sizes>%0A <size>228993 bytes</size>%0A </sizes>%0A <version>13</version>%0A <rightsList>%0A <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</rights>%0A </rightsList>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description descriptionType="Abstract">%0A The article discusses the missionary activities of the Orthodox Church in%0A Russia. It has been revealed that the Christianization of the non-Russian%0A peoples of Russia was a complex and controversial problem, since%0A missionary activity affected the most important, defining aspects of the%0A ethnos life, such as ideology, traditions, customs and way of life.%0A Special attention is paid to the enlightenment of the Orthodox faith of%0A many peoples of Siberia, who were representatives of various religious%0A beliefs: paganism, Islam, Buddhism. To work with them, the Church%0A developed a set of measures that contributed to the conversion of these%0A peoples to Orthodoxy. %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Methods">%0A When writing an article, the authors were guided by the principles of%0A historicism, science and objectivity. In solving research problems, both%0A general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, deduction and%0A induction, abstraction, concretization, idealization, generalization) and%0A traditional methods of historical analysis (historical-genetic,%0A historical-typological, comparative-historical, historical-functional).%0A When collecting materials, the main role was played by the method of%0A archival research.%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Other">%0A I. INTRODUCTION Religious education and missionary activities have become%0A an important activity of the modern Orthodox Church. The goal of the%0A Church, according to numerous statements by Orthodox hierarchs, is the%0A moral education of believers, their acquaintance with a rich religious and%0A cultural heritage. In addition, new religious (or pseudo-religious)%0A antisocial or extremist movements are prohibited. At the same time,%0A however, the active implementation of Orthodox programs in the system of%0A education, health, social security, in the army sometimes causes rejection%0A by representatives of other faiths or non-believers. It is obvious that%0A the activities of the religious, educational and missionary work of the%0A Russian Orthodox Church in modern conditions should go without violating%0A the rights of non-Orthodox citizens of the Russian Federation. II.%0A DISCUSSION In the last quarter of the 20th century, with a revival of%0A interest in the Orthodox Church, as an important component of the history%0A of the Russian state, scholarly works began to appear on its missionary%0A activity. In the works of N. Yu. Khrapov %E2%80%9CThe place and role of the Altai%0A spiritual mission in the process of colonization and economic development%0A of Gorny Altai, 1828-1905%E2%80%9D by W. Vanin on the topic: %E2%80%9CThe missionary%0A activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in Northeast Asia from the Middle%0A XVIII - the middle of the XIX century Razdolsky "Missionary activity%0A of the Orthodox Church in the North Caucasus in the XIX - early XX%0A centuries.". Ipatiev in his book "Missionary activity of the%0A Russian Orthodox Church in the south of the Far East in the 19th - early%0A 20th centuries" emphasizes the positive role of elements of the%0A missionary activity of the Church in the development of the social and%0A political life of the peoples of these regions. In the last years of the%0A 20th century The Orthodox Church in such a multi-ethnic and%0A multi-religious region as the Urals. In 1996, the international%0A scientific-practical conference "Christian Missionary as a Phenomenon%0A of History and Culture" was held in the central city of the Western%0A Urals, dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the memory of the famous%0A missionary and enlightener of Komi Stefan Velikopermsky. In the reports of%0A scientists from Perm, Yekaterinburg and Moscow: N.A. Minenko, Chagina K.B.%0A Kuzmina A.B. Chernykh, E.G. Glavatskoy, A. Marchenko, Semenov and%0A discussed in detail the history of the Christianization of the Urals in%0A the XV - XX centuries. Missionary activities of the church in the period%0A 1905-1916. analyzed in the work of the church historian MG Nechaev. This%0A author comprehensively investigated the missionary system not only in the%0A %E2%80%9Cexternal%E2%80%9D mission, aimed at attracting %E2%80%9Cforeigners%E2%80%9D to Orthodoxy, but%0A also in the %E2%80%9Cinternal%E2%80%9D mission, the object of which was Old Believers,%0A sectarians, representatives of non-Orthodox: Catholics and Protestants.%0A Nevertheless, the strengthening of missionary activity at the stage of%0A 1908-1914 is noted. through the involvement of ecclesiastical%0A organizations: sober societies, fraternities, and circles of pious%0A devotees. The overall outcome of the conference was the identification of%0A the positive contribution of Orthodox missionaries to education and%0A familiarizing Russian civilization with non-Russian peoples living in this%0A territory: Udmurts, Mari, Komi, Perm, Khanty and Mansi, an active position%0A of the Church in the public life of Russia. A review of the historiography%0A on this issue reveals the existence of a relatively small number of%0A special studies of secular historians on the missionary activities of the%0A Russian Orthodox Church. Only in the last quarter of the 20th century,%0A studies of Orthodox missionary work began to appear in different regions%0A of Russia. However, to date, not a single special work on the history of%0A the church has been published, devoted to Orthodox missionary work in the%0A first third of the 20th century, in the period that is the boundary%0A between the new and modern history of Russia. %C2%A0 III. RESULTS The idea of%0A missionary work was one of the main ones in Christianity; the local clergy%0A continued their diligent educational work among the pagans. Thanks to%0A parish priests, there were frequent cases of the baptism of pagans. The%0A principle of tolerance was proclaimed in Russia, and at the same time%0A there was a process of strengthening administrative and religious measures%0A to involve "foreigners" in the Orthodox faith. This was%0A expressed in the creation of instructions, rules that established the%0A procedure for preparing pagans for the adoption of the Orthodox faith. The%0A main activities of the missions were conversion to Orthodoxy, the approval%0A of new converts in the faith and their education. The brotherhood that%0A existed in the missions expanded their fields of activity, such as health%0A care, charity and research. Each mission had its own characteristics. The%0A missionaries used various methods in their activities, such as%0A conversation, preaching, and worship. For meetings with the indigenous%0A population, they traveled to places of nomadism, in the summer by boat, in%0A the winter by deer. The missionaries tried to take into account the%0A psychology of the indigenous population, for example, used pictures from%0A the New Testament during conversations. The teaching method is widespread.%0A Several schools were created for Aboriginal children, and after%0A graduation, some graduates continued their studies in secondary schools.%0A Pursuing enlightenment, the missionaries hoped that the children would%0A become agents of the ideas of Christianity, but in general this was not%0A achieved. Missionaries translated books into Aboriginal languages, which%0A largely contributed to the emergence of national writing. In addition to%0A liturgical literature, they created the alphabet, dictionaries. The first%0A museum and libraries were created, the children of the Russian population%0A studied in schools with the children of the aborigines. Cultural and%0A educational activities of missionaries contributed to raising the%0A educational level of the entire population of Russia. Activity in%0A missions, the appearance of positive results in the circulation and%0A approval of new nations depended to a large extent on the personality of%0A the missionary. There are several names of missionaries who worked in the%0A XIX - early XX centuries. in Northwestern Siberia and who made the%0A greatest contribution to the development of missionary work. This is%0A Archimandrite Arseny, rector of the Kondinsky Monastery; Archpriest Peter%0A Popov, who served in the Obdorsk mission; Igumen Averky, head of the%0A Obdorsk mission, previously served in the Kondinsky monastery; member of%0A Obdorsk mission, teacher, translator I. Egorov. Hegumen Irinarkh, rector%0A of the Obdorsk mission, who was called the educator of the North, is%0A especially worth noting. He earned the respect and gratitude of not only%0A his contemporaries, but of all subsequent generations of the inhabitants%0A of Obdorsk North. As a result of the missionary activities of the Russian%0A Orthodox Church in North-Western Siberia in the XIX - early XX centuries.%0A It was possible to convert the Ugrians, Selkup, part of Obdorsk Khanty and%0A Nenets to Christianity. In our opinion, the number of converts to%0A Orthodoxy is a formal result that cannot serve as an indicator of the%0A success or failure of missionaries. The real result was as follows: at the%0A beginning of the 20th century, most of the baptized Khanty, Mansi, Nenets,%0A Selkup were Christians %E2%80%9Cby name only%E2%80%9D. Christianity influenced the%0A religious beliefs and traditional rituals of Aboriginal people in%0A North-Western Siberia. In the process of the penetration of Orthodoxy,%0A religious syncretism or dual faith developed. Elements of Christianity%0A manifested themselves in the external attributes of the cult, in the%0A inner, spiritual world of the indigenous population. In many Aboriginal%0A groups, baptismal, wedding, and funeral rites appeared. In general, the%0A Aboriginal family ritual has retained its traditional features.%0A Missionaries sought reasons for the failure to spread Orthodoxy among%0A Aboriginal people due to lack of financial support from the state, the%0A lack of a permanent policy of spiritual authority on the ground, the lack%0A of missionary personnel, a lack of knowledge of indigenous languages, a%0A weak missionary initiative, etc. We believe that the reasons for the low%0A efficiency of the missionary activities of the Russian Orthodox Church%0A among the Khanty, Mansi, Nenets and Selkup groups were that their%0A traditional beliefs corresponded optimally to their way of life. %C2%A0 IV.%0A CONCLUSION Thus, the various historical periods of the missionary work of%0A the Russian Church were characterized by the strengthening of the%0A integration function of the missionary activity of the Church, the high%0A degree of activity of the Orthodox population in religious, educational,%0A social, charitable activities of all faiths in Russia. All these factors%0A indicate an increase in the real status of the Russian Orthodox Church in%0A Russian society. REFERENCE LIST Ashmarov I.A., Ershov B.A. (2018) Church%0A as a social and economic institution of society in the XIX - early XX%0A centuries. II International Scientific and Practical Conference%0A "Orthodoxy and Society: the Edge of Interaction." Chita:%0A Transbaikal State University. Pp. 33-41. (in Russian). Ashmarov, I.A.,%0A Ershov, B.A., Bulavin, R.V., Shkarubo, S.N., Danilchenko, S. (2018) The%0A Material And Financial Situation Of The Russian Orthodox Church In The XIX%0A - early XX centuries.%C2%A0 International Multidisciplinary Conference on%0A Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies %E2%80%9CFar East Con%E2%80%9D - 2018.%0A (in English). Ershov%0A B. A., Ashmarov A. I., Drobyshev V. A., Zhdanova TA, Buravlev A. I. (2017)%0A Property and Land Relations of Russian Orthodox Church and State in Russia%0A The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences Pp. 324-331.%0A (in Russian). Ershov B.A. (2012) State legal regulation of the activities%0A of the Russian Orthodox Church in the provinces of the Central Chernozem%0A region in the XIX -early XX centuries Historical, philosophical, political%0A and legal sciences, culturology and arthistory. Questions of theory and%0A practice %E2%84%96. 4. Pp. 75-78. (in Russian). Ershov B.A. Ashmarov I.A., (2018)%0A Interaction of the Orthodox Church and the state in Russia at the present%0A stage.. Journal "Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian%0A Research". %E2%84%96 2. Pp. 19-24. URL:%0A (in English). Ershov%0A B.A., Ashmarov I.A. (2018) Interaction of the Orthodox Church and the%0A State in Russia at the Present Stage Bulletin Social-Economic and%0A Humanitarian Research. %E2%84%96 2. Pp. 19-24. (in Russian). Ershov, B.A. (2013)%0A Russian Orthodox Church in the structure of public administration in the%0A XIX -early XX centuries: Monograph Voronezh State Technical University.%0A 245 p. (in Russian). Ershov, B.A., Ashmarov, I.A., Danilchenko, S. (2018)%0A The development of Russian church architecture in the 1990s-2017: the%0A state and prospects. Publisher: DataONE. (in English). Fedorov V.A. (2003) Russian Orthodox Church and State.%0A Synodal period. 1700-1917. M. 280 p. (in Russian). Freeze G.L. (1983) The%0A Parish Clergy in Nineteenth-Century Russia. Crisis, Refrm, Counter-Reform.%0A Princeton. 412 p. (in English). Gromov M.N., Kozlov KS. (1990) Russian%0A philosophical thought X-XVII centuries. Publishing House Mosk. state%0A un-that. 286 p. (in Russian). Krasnikov N.P. (1968) In pursuit of a%0A century. M. 160 p. (in Russian). Leontyeva T.G. (2002) Faith and progress:%0A the Orthodox rural clergy of Russia in the second half of the nineteenth%0A and early twentieth centuries. M. 258 p. (in Russian). Missionary activity%0A of the Kondinsky women's community (1897). Tobolsk diocesan%0A statements. %E2%84%96 11. Pp. 179-180. (in Russian). Nikolsky N.M. (1988) History%0A of the Russian Church. M. 320 p. (in Russian). Ostrovsky A.B. (2002) Forms%0A of public recognition of the Old Believers after the adoption of the%0A decrees of 1905-1906, which legitimized toleration. Old Believers:%0A history, culture, modernity. Pp. 163-173. (in Russian). Runkevich S.G.%0A (1900) History of the Russian Church under the administration of the Holy%0A Government Synod. SPb. 424 p. (in Russian). Oswalt U. (1993) The clergy%0A and parish life reform. 1861-1865. Voprosy istorii. %E2%84%96. 11-12. (in%0A Russian). Preobrazhensky I.K. (1903) On the question of the causes of%0A "discouragement" in our clergy. Missionary Review. %E2%84%96 8. Pp.%0A 1171-1181. (in Russian). Report of the Diocesan Observer on the state of%0A the church schools of the Kursk diocese for 1914-1915 (1916). 62 p. (in%0A Russian). Rimskii C.B. (1999) Russian Church in the era of great reforms.%0A M. 612 p. (in Russian). Vasily Biryukov (1907) The state of Orthodox%0A missionary work in Western Siberia after Metropolitan Philotheos%0A (Leshchinsky) until the beginning of the 19th century. Orthodox%0A evangelist. %E2%84%96 3. Pp. 107-115. (in Russian). Voronetz%C2%A0 E. K. (1891) On the%0A question of the state statement of Orthodox missions in Orthodox Russia%0A (Open letter to the former Mentor). Wanderer. %E2%84%96. 6-7. Pp. 260-302. (in%0A Russian). Zubarev, E. (1910) Cheating and Heresy as the Beginning of%0A Belokrinitsky Old Belief. Missionary Review. %E2%84%96 11. Pp. 1399-1401. (in%0A Russian). %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A</resource>
> _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.17916/P68C7C</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Ershov, Bogdan</creatorName>%0A <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID" schemeURI="">0000-0002-0544-0350</nameIdentifier>%0A <affiliation>Voronezh State Technical University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Lubkin, Yanis</creatorName>%0A <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID" schemeURI="">0000-0002-0544-0350</nameIdentifier>%0A <affiliation>Voronezh State Technical University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>MISSIONARY ACTIVITY OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH IN RUSSIA</title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>UC Press</publisher>%0A <publicationYear>2019</publicationYear>%0A <subjects>%0A <subject>missionary</subject>%0A <subject>orthodoxy</subject>%0A <subject>priest</subject>%0A <subject>state.</subject>%0A </subjects>%0A <dates>%0A <date dateType="Available">2019-03-19T07:00:00Z</date>%0A </dates>%0A <language>en</language>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">dataset</resourceType>%0A <relatedIdentifiers>%0A <relatedIdentifier relationType="Cites" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">%0A </relatedIdentifier>%0A </relatedIdentifiers>%0A <sizes>%0A <size>228993 bytes</size>%0A </sizes>%0A <version>13</version>%0A <rightsList>%0A <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</rights>%0A </rightsList>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description descriptionType="Abstract">%0A The article discusses the missionary activities of the Orthodox Church in%0A Russia. It has been revealed that the Christianization of the non-Russian%0A peoples of Russia was a complex and controversial problem, since%0A missionary activity affected the most important, defining aspects of the%0A ethnos life, such as ideology, traditions, customs and way of life.%0A Special attention is paid to the enlightenment of the Orthodox faith of%0A many peoples of Siberia, who were representatives of various religious%0A beliefs: paganism, Islam, Buddhism. To work with them, the Church%0A developed a set of measures that contributed to the conversion of these%0A peoples to Orthodoxy. %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Methods">%0A When writing an article, the authors were guided by the principles of%0A historicism, science and objectivity. In solving research problems, both%0A general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, deduction and%0A induction, abstraction, concretization, idealization, generalization) and%0A traditional methods of historical analysis (historical-genetic,%0A historical-typological, comparative-historical, historical-functional).%0A When collecting materials, the main role was played by the method of%0A archival research.%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Other">%0A I. INTRODUCTION Religious education and missionary activities have become%0A an important activity of the modern Orthodox Church. The goal of the%0A Church, according to numerous statements by Orthodox hierarchs, is the%0A moral education of believers, their acquaintance with a rich religious and%0A cultural heritage. In addition, new religious (or pseudo-religious)%0A antisocial or extremist movements are prohibited. At the same time,%0A however, the active implementation of Orthodox programs in the system of%0A education, health, social security, in the army sometimes causes rejection%0A by representatives of other faiths or non-believers. It is obvious that%0A the activities of the religious, educational and missionary work of the%0A Russian Orthodox Church in modern conditions should go without violating%0A the rights of non-Orthodox citizens of the Russian Federation. II.%0A DISCUSSION In the last quarter of the 20th century, with a revival of%0A interest in the Orthodox Church, as an important component of the history%0A of the Russian state, scholarly works began to appear on its missionary%0A activity. In the works of N. Yu. Khrapov %E2%80%9CThe place and role of the Altai%0A spiritual mission in the process of colonization and economic development%0A of Gorny Altai, 1828-1905%E2%80%9D by W. Vanin on the topic: %E2%80%9CThe missionary%0A activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in Northeast Asia from the Middle%0A XVIII - the middle of the XIX century Razdolsky "Missionary activity%0A of the Orthodox Church in the North Caucasus in the XIX - early XX%0A centuries.". Ipatiev in his book "Missionary activity of the%0A Russian Orthodox Church in the south of the Far East in the 19th - early%0A 20th centuries" emphasizes the positive role of elements of the%0A missionary activity of the Church in the development of the social and%0A political life of the peoples of these regions. In the last years of the%0A 20th century The Orthodox Church in such a multi-ethnic and%0A multi-religious region as the Urals. In 1996, the international%0A scientific-practical conference "Christian Missionary as a Phenomenon%0A of History and Culture" was held in the central city of the Western%0A Urals, dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the memory of the famous%0A missionary and enlightener of Komi Stefan Velikopermsky. In the reports of%0A scientists from Perm, Yekaterinburg and Moscow: N.A. Minenko, Chagina K.B.%0A Kuzmina A.B. Chernykh, E.G. Glavatskoy, A. Marchenko, Semenov and%0A discussed in detail the history of the Christianization of the Urals in%0A the XV - XX centuries. Missionary activities of the church in the period%0A 1905-1916. analyzed in the work of the church historian MG Nechaev. This%0A author comprehensively investigated the missionary system not only in the%0A %E2%80%9Cexternal%E2%80%9D mission, aimed at attracting %E2%80%9Cforeigners%E2%80%9D to Orthodoxy, but%0A also in the %E2%80%9Cinternal%E2%80%9D mission, the object of which was Old Believers,%0A sectarians, representatives of non-Orthodox: Catholics and Protestants.%0A Nevertheless, the strengthening of missionary activity at the stage of%0A 1908-1914 is noted. through the involvement of ecclesiastical%0A organizations: sober societies, fraternities, and circles of pious%0A devotees. The overall outcome of the conference was the identification of%0A the positive contribution of Orthodox missionaries to education and%0A familiarizing Russian civilization with non-Russian peoples living in this%0A territory: Udmurts, Mari, Komi, Perm, Khanty and Mansi, an active position%0A of the Church in the public life of Russia. A review of the historiography%0A on this issue reveals the existence of a relatively small number of%0A special studies of secular historians on the missionary activities of the%0A Russian Orthodox Church. Only in the last quarter of the 20th century,%0A studies of Orthodox missionary work began to appear in different regions%0A of Russia. However, to date, not a single special work on the history of%0A the church has been published, devoted to Orthodox missionary work in the%0A first third of the 20th century, in the period that is the boundary%0A between the new and modern history of Russia. %C2%A0 III. RESULTS The idea of%0A missionary work was one of the main ones in Christianity; the local clergy%0A continued their diligent educational work among the pagans. Thanks to%0A parish priests, there were frequent cases of the baptism of pagans. The%0A principle of tolerance was proclaimed in Russia, and at the same time%0A there was a process of strengthening administrative and religious measures%0A to involve "foreigners" in the Orthodox faith. This was%0A expressed in the creation of instructions, rules that established the%0A procedure for preparing pagans for the adoption of the Orthodox faith. The%0A main activities of the missions were conversion to Orthodoxy, the approval%0A of new converts in the faith and their education. The brotherhood that%0A existed in the missions expanded their fields of activity, such as health%0A care, charity and research. Each mission had its own characteristics. The%0A missionaries used various methods in their activities, such as%0A conversation, preaching, and worship. For meetings with the indigenous%0A population, they traveled to places of nomadism, in the summer by boat, in%0A the winter by deer. The missionaries tried to take into account the%0A psychology of the indigenous population, for example, used pictures from%0A the New Testament during conversations. The teaching method is widespread.%0A Several schools were created for Aboriginal children, and after%0A graduation, some graduates continued their studies in secondary schools.%0A Pursuing enlightenment, the missionaries hoped that the children would%0A become agents of the ideas of Christianity, but in general this was not%0A achieved. Missionaries translated books into Aboriginal languages, which%0A largely contributed to the emergence of national writing. In addition to%0A liturgical literature, they created the alphabet, dictionaries. The first%0A museum and libraries were created, the children of the Russian population%0A studied in schools with the children of the aborigines. Cultural and%0A educational activities of missionaries contributed to raising the%0A educational level of the entire population of Russia. Activity in%0A missions, the appearance of positive results in the circulation and%0A approval of new nations depended to a large extent on the personality of%0A the missionary. There are several names of missionaries who worked in the%0A XIX - early XX centuries. in Northwestern Siberia and who made the%0A greatest contribution to the development of missionary work. This is%0A Archimandrite Arseny, rector of the Kondinsky Monastery; Archpriest Peter%0A Popov, who served in the Obdorsk mission; Igumen Averky, head of the%0A Obdorsk mission, previously served in the Kondinsky monastery; member of%0A Obdorsk mission, teacher, translator I. Egorov. Hegumen Irinarkh, rector%0A of the Obdorsk mission, who was called the educator of the North, is%0A especially worth noting. He earned the respect and gratitude of not only%0A his contemporaries, but of all subsequent generations of the inhabitants%0A of Obdorsk North. As a result of the missionary activities of the Russian%0A Orthodox Church in North-Western Siberia in the XIX - early XX centuries.%0A It was possible to convert the Ugrians, Selkup, part of Obdorsk Khanty and%0A Nenets to Christianity. In our opinion, the number of converts to%0A Orthodoxy is a formal result that cannot serve as an indicator of the%0A success or failure of missionaries. The real result was as follows: at the%0A beginning of the 20th century, most of the baptized Khanty, Mansi, Nenets,%0A Selkup were Christians %E2%80%9Cby name only%E2%80%9D. Christianity influenced the%0A religious beliefs and traditional rituals of Aboriginal people in%0A North-Western Siberia. In the process of the penetration of Orthodoxy,%0A religious syncretism or dual faith developed. Elements of Christianity%0A manifested themselves in the external attributes of the cult, in the%0A inner, spiritual world of the indigenous population. In many Aboriginal%0A groups, baptismal, wedding, and funeral rites appeared. In general, the%0A Aboriginal family ritual has retained its traditional features.%0A Missionaries sought reasons for the failure to spread Orthodoxy among%0A Aboriginal people due to lack of financial support from the state, the%0A lack of a permanent policy of spiritual authority on the ground, the lack%0A of missionary personnel, a lack of knowledge of indigenous languages, a%0A weak missionary initiative, etc. We believe that the reasons for the low%0A efficiency of the missionary activities of the Russian Orthodox Church%0A among the Khanty, Mansi, Nenets and Selkup groups were that their%0A traditional beliefs corresponded optimally to their way of life. %C2%A0 IV.%0A CONCLUSION Thus, the various historical periods of the missionary work of%0A the Russian Church were characterized by the strengthening of the%0A integration function of the missionary activity of the Church, the high%0A degree of activity of the Orthodox population in religious, educational,%0A social, charitable activities of all faiths in Russia. All these factors%0A indicate an increase in the real status of the Russian Orthodox Church in%0A Russian society. REFERENCE LIST Ashmarov I.A., Ershov B.A. (2018) Church%0A as a social and economic institution of society in the XIX - early XX%0A centuries. II International Scientific and Practical Conference%0A "Orthodoxy and Society: the Edge of Interaction." Chita:%0A Transbaikal State University. Pp. 33-41. (in Russian). Ashmarov, I.A.,%0A Ershov, B.A., Bulavin, R.V., Shkarubo, S.N., Danilchenko, S. (2018) The%0A Material And Financial Situation Of The Russian Orthodox Church In The XIX%0A - early XX centuries.%C2%A0 International Multidisciplinary Conference on%0A Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies %E2%80%9CFar East Con%E2%80%9D - 2018.%0A (in English). Ershov%0A B. A., Ashmarov A. I., Drobyshev V. A., Zhdanova TA, Buravlev A. I. (2017)%0A Property and Land Relations of Russian Orthodox Church and State in Russia%0A The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences Pp. 324-331.%0A (in Russian). Ershov B.A. (2012) State legal regulation of the activities%0A of the Russian Orthodox Church in the provinces of the Central Chernozem%0A region in the XIX -early XX centuries Historical, philosophical, political%0A and legal sciences, culturology and arthistory. Questions of theory and%0A practice %E2%84%96. 4. Pp. 75-78. (in Russian). Ershov B.A. Ashmarov I.A., (2018)%0A Interaction of the Orthodox Church and the state in Russia at the present%0A stage.. Journal "Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian%0A Research". %E2%84%96 2. Pp. 19-24. URL:%0A (in English). Ershov%0A B.A., Ashmarov I.A. (2018) Interaction of the Orthodox Church and the%0A State in Russia at the Present Stage Bulletin Social-Economic and%0A Humanitarian Research. %E2%84%96 2. Pp. 19-24. (in Russian). Ershov, B.A. (2013)%0A Russian Orthodox Church in the structure of public administration in the%0A XIX -early XX centuries: Monograph Voronezh State Technical University.%0A 245 p. (in Russian). Ershov, B.A., Ashmarov, I.A., Danilchenko, S. (2018)%0A The development of Russian church architecture in the 1990s-2017: the%0A state and prospects. Publisher: DataONE. (in English). Fedorov V.A. (2003) Russian Orthodox Church and State.%0A Synodal period. 1700-1917. M. 280 p. (in Russian). Freeze G.L. (1983) The%0A Parish Clergy in Nineteenth-Century Russia. Crisis, Refrm, Counter-Reform.%0A Princeton. 412 p. (in English). Gromov M.N., Kozlov KS. (1990) Russian%0A philosophical thought X-XVII centuries. Publishing House Mosk. state%0A un-that. 286 p. (in Russian). Krasnikov N.P. (1968) In pursuit of a%0A century. M. 160 p. (in Russian). Leontyeva T.G. (2002) Faith and progress:%0A the Orthodox rural clergy of Russia in the second half of the nineteenth%0A and early twentieth centuries. M. 258 p. (in Russian). Missionary activity%0A of the Kondinsky women's community (1897). Tobolsk diocesan%0A statements. %E2%84%96 11. Pp. 179-180. (in Russian). Nikolsky N.M. (1988) History%0A of the Russian Church. M. 320 p. (in Russian). Ostrovsky A.B. (2002) Forms%0A of public recognition of the Old Believers after the adoption of the%0A decrees of 1905-1906, which legitimized toleration. Old Believers:%0A history, culture, modernity. Pp. 163-173. (in Russian). Runkevich S.G.%0A (1900) History of the Russian Church under the administration of the Holy%0A Government Synod. SPb. 424 p. (in Russian). Oswalt U. (1993) The clergy%0A and parish life reform. 1861-1865. Voprosy istorii. %E2%84%96. 11-12. (in%0A Russian). Preobrazhensky I.K. (1903) On the question of the causes of%0A "discouragement" in our clergy. Missionary Review. %E2%84%96 8. Pp.%0A 1171-1181. (in Russian). Report of the Diocesan Observer on the state of%0A the church schools of the Kursk diocese for 1914-1915 (1916). 62 p. (in%0A Russian). Rimskii C.B. (1999) Russian Church in the era of great reforms.%0A M. 612 p. (in Russian). Vasily Biryukov (1907) The state of Orthodox%0A missionary work in Western Siberia after Metropolitan Philotheos%0A (Leshchinsky) until the beginning of the 19th century. Orthodox%0A evangelist. %E2%84%96 3. Pp. 107-115. (in Russian). Voronetz%C2%A0 E. K. (1891) On the%0A question of the state statement of Orthodox missions in Orthodox Russia%0A (Open letter to the former Mentor). Wanderer. %E2%84%96. 6-7. Pp. 260-302. (in%0A Russian). Zubarev, E. (1910) Cheating and Heresy as the Beginning of%0A Belokrinitsky Old Belief. Missionary Review. %E2%84%96 11. Pp. 1399-1401. (in%0A Russian). %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A</resource>
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doi:10.17916/P6F59M: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
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< _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.17916/P6F59M</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Ershov, Bogdan</creatorName>%0A <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID" schemeURI="">0000-0002-0544-0350</nameIdentifier>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">Voronezh State Technical University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Ashmarov, Igor</creatorName>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">Voronezh State Academy of Arts</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>METHODOLOGY OF HISTORICAL AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH: A RETROSPECTIVE VIEW</title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>UC Press</publisher>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">dataset</resourceType>%0A <publicationYear>2019</publicationYear>%0A <dates>%0A <date dateType="Available">2019-03-27T07:00:00Z</date>%0A </dates>%0A <language>en</language>%0A <relatedIdentifiers>%0A <relatedIdentifier relationType="Cites" relatedIdentifierType="DOI"></relatedIdentifier>%0A </relatedIdentifiers>%0A <sizes>%0A <size>416239 bytes</size>%0A </sizes>%0A <version>4</version>%0A <rightsList>%0A <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</rights>%0A </rightsList>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description descriptionType="Abstract">%0A %C2%A0 This data set represents an analysis of historical and economic methods%0A of production management in modern Russia. The need to generalize the%0A accumulated theoretical and empirical material, to find new approaches to%0A the evaluation of modern production, to study both general and specific%0A laws of the process of transforming the structure of social production is%0A shown. The features of this process in countries with different levels of%0A economic development are studied. Particular attention is paid to the%0A dynamics of social production in the postindustrial era, where the%0A development of information and communication technologies comes to the%0A fore. %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Methods">%0A The methodological basis of the study was the methods of logical and%0A statistical analysis, mapping of graphic data, a method of comparing%0A scales and comparing the analyzed phenomena and processes in the economic%0A reality. Using a set of these methods of scientific knowledge made it%0A possible to ensure the reliability of analysis and synthesis results%0A obtained in the process of data analysis and to formulate a number of%0A author's conclusions applicable in theory and practice. The study was%0A conducted using tools and methods of institutional and systemic%0A approaches.%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Other">%0A Theme 1. THE SUBJECT OF THE COURSE. PREFEUDAL ECONOMY Course subject and%0A its meaning. Elements of the history of the economy as a science.%0A Periodization of the history of the economy. Functions of the history of%0A the economy. Methods of the history of the economy. Early branches of%0A human economic activity and division of labour. The main features of the%0A primitive communal system. Origin of craft. The appearance of metal tools.%0A Decomposition of the primitive communal system. Prerequisites for the%0A emergence of socio-economic inequalities in primitive society. General%0A characteristics of the slave-owning mode of production. The economy of the%0A countries of the Ancient East. Development of agriculture, crafts and%0A trade. Characteristic features of ancient slavery. The economy of ancient%0A Greek city-states. Features of the economic development of ancient Rome. %C2%A0%0A Theme 2. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE PERIOD OF FEUDALISM General%0A characteristics of the feudal mode of production. Basic principles of%0A feudalism. Stages of development of feudalism. Natural economy under%0A feudalism. Economy of the Frankish state. Agriculture of Western Europe%0A and its features in France, Germany and England. Feudal cities as centers%0A of craft and trading activities. Shop organization of production. The role%0A of trade in the birth of early capitalist relations. Changes in the%0A agricultural economy of Kievan Rus. Development of crafts. The origin of%0A commodity-money relations. Foreign trade relations of Kievan Rus. The%0A economy of independent large principalities. Influence of the Mongol-Tatar%0A invasion on the economic development of the Russian lands. The development%0A of the north-eastern lands and the growth of cities. Restoration and%0A development of Russian craft. The basic forms of feudal landownership. The%0A economy of the feudal fiefdom. Socio-economic reasons for the unification%0A of Russian lands. Formation of a local land tenure system. The main%0A features of the feudal landlord economy. Turning cities into crafts and%0A trade centres. The transformation of craft into small-scale production.%0A The appearance of manufactories, their types. The role of the state in the%0A creation of manufactories. Structure of foreign trade relations of the%0A state. The policy of mercantilism. Essence of economic reforms of %C2%A0 Theme%0A 3. GENESIS OF CAPITALISTIC ECONOMY Industrial development of England.%0A Features of capitalist accumulation. Freedom of entrepreneurship.%0A Leadership of England in world industry and trade. The transition from%0A manufactory to factory production. Creation of the first machines. Railway%0A construction. Structure of the English industry. Socio-economic%0A consequences of the industrial revolution. Growth in the proportion of%0A urban population. The formation of farm capitalist farms in the%0A countryside. The policy of free trade in international trade. London as a%0A world financial center. Features of the industrial revolution in France%0A and its lag behind England. The industrial and agrarian nature of the%0A economy. Small-scale peasant production. Slow development of capitalism in%0A agriculture. Types of colonial farming in North America. The agrarian%0A nature of the economy. Organization of centralized manufactories.%0A Contradictions between the North American colonies and England. The%0A creation of the United States and the establishment of capitalist economic%0A relations. American way of development of capitalism in agriculture. The%0A rapid completion of the industrial revolution. Economic causes and%0A consequences of the Civil War in the United States. A significant rise in%0A the American economy. Theme 4. FEATURES OF CAPITALISM IN RUSSIA, GERMANY%0A AND JAPAN The beginning of the transition to large-scale machine%0A production. Industrial revolution in Russia and its features. Trade,%0A finance and credit. The crisis of serfdom. Increasing the agricultural%0A marketability. The origin of capitalist relations in agriculture. Basic%0A provisions and significance of the reform of 1861. Dissemination of share%0A capital. The main industrial regions of the country. Railway construction.%0A Inflow of foreign capital. The predominant role of agriculture.%0A Stratification of the peasantry and the formation of a market for hired%0A labor. The development of stationary trade and commodity exchanges. Growth%0A in foreign trade turnover. Broad development of commercial banks. Reforms.%0A Features of imperialism in. The emergence of monopolistic associations in%0A industry. The influence of the city revolution on the Russian economy.%0A Agrarian reform and its importance. The growth of banking monopolies and%0A their association with industrial monopolies. Financial capital.%0A Development of trade. The impact of World War I on the Russian economy.%0A Change management industry. Military-industrial policy. System of special%0A meetings. The food crisis. Violation of the functioning of the monetary%0A system. The overthrow of tsarism and the economic policy of the%0A provisional government. Crisis state of the economy. The economic%0A backwardness of Germany. The germ of German industry in the villages.%0A Prussian way of development of capitalism in agriculture. Industrial%0A revolution in Germany. Accelerated creation of a military-industrial base.%0A Features of the structure of foreign trade in Germany. Features of the%0A origin of capitalism in Japan. Inclusion of Japan in the world economic%0A system. The growth of industry and trade. Zaibatsu. Paternalism. State%0A support of economic development. Theme 5. DEVELOPMENT OF THE WORLD ECONOMY%0A ON THE ABROAD OF THE XIX AND XX CENTURIES Technological progress of the%0A last third of the XIX century. The emergence of new industries and the%0A enlargement of industrial production. Establishment of joint-stock%0A companies. Export of capital. Change in the industrial structure of%0A industry. The emergence of new industries. Monopolization of the economies%0A of the leading capitalist countries. Creation of industrial and banking%0A monopolies. Education of financial capital. Cartels and syndicates as the%0A main form of monopolization of the economy. Formation of the world market.%0A Types of colonial farming. Features of immigrant colonies. Change in the%0A system of exploitation of colonies. Monocultural nature of the economy.%0A The birth of the national commercial bourgeoisie in the colonies and%0A dependent countries. Theme 6. FORMATION OF REGULATED CAPITALISM Impact of%0A the First World War on the economy of leading foreign states. Economic%0A growth in the US after the First World War. Formation of the%0A "consumer society". Causes of the economic crisis. The period of%0A the Great Depression in the United States. Falling production volumes. The%0A ruin of banks, industrial companies and farms. "New Deal" by F.%0A Roosevelt and his results. Keynesianism. Banking and financial reform.%0A Public Works. Measures to combat overproduction of agricultural products.%0A Change in the role of the state in the economy. Economic chaos in Germany%0A after the First World War. Hyperinflation. The Dawes Plan. Stabilization%0A of the German economy. Economic development of Germany in the years of the%0A Weimar Republic. The impact of the global economic crisis on the German%0A economy. Establishment of the fascist dictatorship. Militarization of the%0A economy. Development of the military industry. Intervention of the state%0A in the economy. Forced syndication. Expansion of the public sector of the%0A economy. Preparing for war. Theme 7. STATE SOCIALISM IN THE USSR%0A Socio-economic transformation of the Bolsheviks. Work control.%0A Nationalization of industry and banks. Establishment of a monopoly of%0A foreign trade. The agrarian policy of the Soviet government. The economy%0A of the country during the civil war. Politics of War Communism. The GOELRO%0A plan. Economics of the USSR during the NEP. Replacement of the%0A surplus-deposit for the tax. Concessions. Monetary reform. Concentration%0A of NEP. Forcing the pace of industrialization. Collectivization. Soviet%0A economy during the first five-year plans. The economy of the country%0A during the Great Patriotic War and in the period of post-war%0A reconstruction. Economic development in the 60's and 80's.%0A Economic reforms of the years. Results of the post-October development of%0A the economy. Crisis of the administrative-command system. Slowdown in the%0A growth rates of key economic indicators. Theme 8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF%0A FOREIGN COUNTRIES IN THE XX-TH CENTURY Economic results of the Second%0A World War. US leadership in the global economy. Marshall Plan.%0A Strengthening state regulation of the economy. Scientific and%0A technological revolution (STR) and structural changes in the economy of%0A foreign countries. The economic policy of Charles de Gaulle in France.%0A Social market economy and economic reforms of L. Erhard in Germany.%0A Postwar industrial development of Japan. General regularities of the%0A modern economy of foreign countries. Structural changes. A new quality of%0A education and qualification of the workforce. The concept of "human%0A relations". Reasons for changing the model of state regulation.%0A Strengthening market principles in the economy. "Reaganomics"%0A and its results. Economic reforms of the government of M. Thatcher.%0A Features of economic development of Japan. New industrial countries.%0A Growth of interdependence of national economies. Formation of a single%0A world market. International economic integration. Theme 9. MAIN DIRECTIONS%0A OF RUSSIAN ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT The collapse of the USSR. Necessity of%0A fundamental social and economic transformations. Economic reform in the%0A conditions of the formation of an independent state - the Russian%0A Federation. Liberalization of prices. Inflation. Privatization. Formation%0A of diverse forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms of%0A management. Formation of market infrastructure. Reforming of agriculture.%0A Creation of financial and industrial groups. State budget deficit. The%0A crisis of August 17, 1998. Default. The modern stage of economic reforms.%0A Results of social and economic transformations: achievements and%0A difficulties. Prospects for Russia's economic development. REFERENCE%0A LIST Ashmarov I.A.%C2%A0 (2008) Economic institutions of the labour market.%0A Voronezh: The scientific book. 240 p. Ashmarov I.A. (2009) History of%0A Economics: Textbook for high schools. Dushanbe: Irfon. 336 p. Ashmarov%0A I.A. (2009) On the methodology of historical and economic research / I.A.%0A Ashmarov. // Historical and economic research. %E2%84%96 1%C2%A0 Pp. 149-158. Ashmarov%0A I.A. (2018) On the Periodization of the Postwar Economic History of Japan.%0A Historical and Economic Studies.%C2%A0 T. 19. %E2%84%96 1. Pp. - 121-132. Voshchanova%0A G.P., Godzina G.S. (2001) History of the economy. Tutorial. Moscow.%0A INFRA-M. 232 p. Guseynov R.M.%C2%A0 (1999) History of the Russian economy.%0A Tutorial. Moscow. Publishing house YUKEA. 352 p. Guseynov R.M.%C2%A0 (2014)%0A Economic History: A Textbook for Bachelors. Yurayt Publishing House, 686%0A p. URL: (reference date: June 16,%0A 2018) Ershov B.A. (2012) State legal regulation of the activities of the%0A Russian Orthodox Church in the provinces of the Central Chernozem region%0A in the XIX - early XX centuries. Historical, philosophical, political and%0A legal sciences, culturology and art history. Questions of theory and%0A practice. Part 2. %E2%84%96. 4.%C2%A0 Pp. 75-78. Ershov B.A. (2012) Historiographical%0A aspects of the relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and state%0A structures in the provinces of the Central Chernozem region in the XIX -%0A early XX centuries. Bulletin of the Voronezh State Technical University.%0A Series "Humanities".%C2%A0 T. 8. %E2%84%96. 11. Pp. 188-192. Ershov B.A.%0A (2013) Russian Orthodox Church in the structure of public administration%0A in the XIX - early XX centuries: Monograph. Voronezh: "Voronezh State%0A Technical University". 245 p. Ershov B.A., Ashmarov I.A. (2018)%0A Historical dictionary of economics (data set) Figshare. 14 p. Konotopov%0A M.V., Smetanin S.I. (2007) History of the economy. Textbook for high%0A schools. 2-nd ed. Academic Project. 368 p. Loyberg M.Y. (128) History of%0A the economy. Tutorial.%C2%A0 INFRA-M. 128 p. Mertsalova L.A.%C2%A0 (1990) German%0A fascism in the newest historiography of the FRG. Voronezh State%0A University. 208 p. Kotov A.A. (2004) Dictionary-reference book on the%0A history of the economy. Voronezh State Pedagogical University.%C2%A0 36 p.%0A Terne A.M. (1991) In the realm of Lenin: essays.%C2%A0 Publishing house%0A "Scythians". 352 p. Khokhlov E.V. (2005) Military economy of the%0A USSR on the eve and during the Second World War. Publishing House of the%0A St. Petersburg University. 282 p. Dates on the history of Russia:%0A chronology // URL: (reference%0A date: June 16, 2018)%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A</resource>
> _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.17916/P6F59M</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Ershov, Bogdan</creatorName>%0A <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID" schemeURI="">0000-0002-0544-0350</nameIdentifier>%0A <affiliation>Voronezh State Technical University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Ashmarov, Igor</creatorName>%0A <affiliation>Voronezh State Institute of Arts</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>METHODOLOGY OF HISTORICAL AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH: A RETROSPECTIVE VIEW</title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>UC Press</publisher>%0A <publicationYear>2018</publicationYear>%0A <dates>%0A <date dateType="Available">2019-03-27T07:00:00Z</date>%0A </dates>%0A <language>en</language>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">dataset</resourceType>%0A <relatedIdentifiers>%0A <relatedIdentifier relationType="Cites" relatedIdentifierType="DOI"></relatedIdentifier>%0A </relatedIdentifiers>%0A <sizes>%0A <size>416239 bytes</size>%0A </sizes>%0A <version>4</version>%0A <rightsList>%0A <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</rights>%0A </rightsList>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description descriptionType="Abstract">%0A %C2%A0 This data set represents an analysis of historical and economic methods%0A of production management in modern Russia. The need to generalize the%0A accumulated theoretical and empirical material, to find new approaches to%0A the evaluation of modern production, to study both general and specific%0A laws of the process of transforming the structure of social production is%0A shown. The features of this process in countries with different levels of%0A economic development are studied. Particular attention is paid to the%0A dynamics of social production in the postindustrial era, where the%0A development of information and communication technologies comes to the%0A fore. %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Methods">%0A The methodological basis of the study was the methods of logical and%0A statistical analysis, mapping of graphic data, a method of comparing%0A scales and comparing the analyzed phenomena and processes in the economic%0A reality. Using a set of these methods of scientific knowledge made it%0A possible to ensure the reliability of analysis and synthesis results%0A obtained in the process of data analysis and to formulate a number of%0A author's conclusions applicable in theory and practice. The study was%0A conducted using tools and methods of institutional and systemic%0A approaches.%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Other">%0A Theme 1. THE SUBJECT OF THE COURSE. PREFEUDAL ECONOMY Course subject and%0A its meaning. Elements of the history of the economy as a science.%0A Periodization of the history of the economy. Functions of the history of%0A the economy. Methods of the history of the economy. Early branches of%0A human economic activity and division of labour. The main features of the%0A primitive communal system. Origin of craft. The appearance of metal tools.%0A Decomposition of the primitive communal system. Prerequisites for the%0A emergence of socio-economic inequalities in primitive society. General%0A characteristics of the slave-owning mode of production. The economy of the%0A countries of the Ancient East. Development of agriculture, crafts and%0A trade. Characteristic features of ancient slavery. The economy of ancient%0A Greek city-states. Features of the economic development of ancient Rome. %C2%A0%0A Theme 2. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE PERIOD OF FEUDALISM General%0A characteristics of the feudal mode of production. Basic principles of%0A feudalism. Stages of development of feudalism. Natural economy under%0A feudalism. Economy of the Frankish state. Agriculture of Western Europe%0A and its features in France, Germany and England. Feudal cities as centers%0A of craft and trading activities. Shop organization of production. The role%0A of trade in the birth of early capitalist relations. Changes in the%0A agricultural economy of Kievan Rus. Development of crafts. The origin of%0A commodity-money relations. Foreign trade relations of Kievan Rus. The%0A economy of independent large principalities. Influence of the Mongol-Tatar%0A invasion on the economic development of the Russian lands. The development%0A of the north-eastern lands and the growth of cities. Restoration and%0A development of Russian craft. The basic forms of feudal landownership. The%0A economy of the feudal fiefdom. Socio-economic reasons for the unification%0A of Russian lands. Formation of a local land tenure system. The main%0A features of the feudal landlord economy. Turning cities into crafts and%0A trade centres. The transformation of craft into small-scale production.%0A The appearance of manufactories, their types. The role of the state in the%0A creation of manufactories. Structure of foreign trade relations of the%0A state. The policy of mercantilism. Essence of economic reforms of %C2%A0 Theme%0A 3. GENESIS OF CAPITALISTIC ECONOMY Industrial development of England.%0A Features of capitalist accumulation. Freedom of entrepreneurship.%0A Leadership of England in world industry and trade. The transition from%0A manufactory to factory production. Creation of the first machines. Railway%0A construction. Structure of the English industry. Socio-economic%0A consequences of the industrial revolution. Growth in the proportion of%0A urban population. The formation of farm capitalist farms in the%0A countryside. The policy of free trade in international trade. London as a%0A world financial center. Features of the industrial revolution in France%0A and its lag behind England. The industrial and agrarian nature of the%0A economy. Small-scale peasant production. Slow development of capitalism in%0A agriculture. Types of colonial farming in North America. The agrarian%0A nature of the economy. Organization of centralized manufactories.%0A Contradictions between the North American colonies and England. The%0A creation of the United States and the establishment of capitalist economic%0A relations. American way of development of capitalism in agriculture. The%0A rapid completion of the industrial revolution. Economic causes and%0A consequences of the Civil War in the United States. A significant rise in%0A the American economy. Theme 4. FEATURES OF CAPITALISM IN RUSSIA, GERMANY%0A AND JAPAN The beginning of the transition to large-scale machine%0A production. Industrial revolution in Russia and its features. Trade,%0A finance and credit. The crisis of serfdom. Increasing the agricultural%0A marketability. The origin of capitalist relations in agriculture. Basic%0A provisions and significance of the reform of 1861. Dissemination of share%0A capital. The main industrial regions of the country. Railway construction.%0A Inflow of foreign capital. The predominant role of agriculture.%0A Stratification of the peasantry and the formation of a market for hired%0A labor. The development of stationary trade and commodity exchanges. Growth%0A in foreign trade turnover. Broad development of commercial banks. Reforms.%0A Features of imperialism in. The emergence of monopolistic associations in%0A industry. The influence of the city revolution on the Russian economy.%0A Agrarian reform and its importance. The growth of banking monopolies and%0A their association with industrial monopolies. Financial capital.%0A Development of trade. The impact of World War I on the Russian economy.%0A Change management industry. Military-industrial policy. System of special%0A meetings. The food crisis. Violation of the functioning of the monetary%0A system. The overthrow of tsarism and the economic policy of the%0A provisional government. Crisis state of the economy. The economic%0A backwardness of Germany. The germ of German industry in the villages.%0A Prussian way of development of capitalism in agriculture. Industrial%0A revolution in Germany. Accelerated creation of a military-industrial base.%0A Features of the structure of foreign trade in Germany. Features of the%0A origin of capitalism in Japan. Inclusion of Japan in the world economic%0A system. The growth of industry and trade. Zaibatsu. Paternalism. State%0A support of economic development. Theme 5. DEVELOPMENT OF THE WORLD ECONOMY%0A ON THE ABROAD OF THE XIX AND XX CENTURIES Technological progress of the%0A last third of the XIX century. The emergence of new industries and the%0A enlargement of industrial production. Establishment of joint-stock%0A companies. Export of capital. Change in the industrial structure of%0A industry. The emergence of new industries. Monopolization of the economies%0A of the leading capitalist countries. Creation of industrial and banking%0A monopolies. Education of financial capital. Cartels and syndicates as the%0A main form of monopolization of the economy. Formation of the world market.%0A Types of colonial farming. Features of immigrant colonies. Change in the%0A system of exploitation of colonies. Monocultural nature of the economy.%0A The birth of the national commercial bourgeoisie in the colonies and%0A dependent countries. Theme 6. FORMATION OF REGULATED CAPITALISM Impact of%0A the First World War on the economy of leading foreign states. Economic%0A growth in the US after the First World War. Formation of the%0A "consumer society". Causes of the economic crisis. The period of%0A the Great Depression in the United States. Falling production volumes. The%0A ruin of banks, industrial companies and farms. "New Deal" by F.%0A Roosevelt and his results. Keynesianism. Banking and financial reform.%0A Public Works. Measures to combat overproduction of agricultural products.%0A Change in the role of the state in the economy. Economic chaos in Germany%0A after the First World War. Hyperinflation. The Dawes Plan. Stabilization%0A of the German economy. Economic development of Germany in the years of the%0A Weimar Republic. The impact of the global economic crisis on the German%0A economy. Establishment of the fascist dictatorship. Militarization of the%0A economy. Development of the military industry. Intervention of the state%0A in the economy. Forced syndication. Expansion of the public sector of the%0A economy. Preparing for war. Theme 7. STATE SOCIALISM IN THE USSR%0A Socio-economic transformation of the Bolsheviks. Work control.%0A Nationalization of industry and banks. Establishment of a monopoly of%0A foreign trade. The agrarian policy of the Soviet government. The economy%0A of the country during the civil war. Politics of War Communism. The GOELRO%0A plan. Economics of the USSR during the NEP. Replacement of the%0A surplus-deposit for the tax. Concessions. Monetary reform. Concentration%0A of NEP. Forcing the pace of industrialization. Collectivization. Soviet%0A economy during the first five-year plans. The economy of the country%0A during the Great Patriotic War and in the period of post-war%0A reconstruction. Economic development in the 60's and 80's.%0A Economic reforms of the years. Results of the post-October development of%0A the economy. Crisis of the administrative-command system. Slowdown in the%0A growth rates of key economic indicators. Theme 8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF%0A FOREIGN COUNTRIES IN THE XX-TH CENTURY Economic results of the Second%0A World War. US leadership in the global economy. Marshall Plan.%0A Strengthening state regulation of the economy. Scientific and%0A technological revolution (STR) and structural changes in the economy of%0A foreign countries. The economic policy of Charles de Gaulle in France.%0A Social market economy and economic reforms of L. Erhard in Germany.%0A Postwar industrial development of Japan. General regularities of the%0A modern economy of foreign countries. Structural changes. A new quality of%0A education and qualification of the workforce. The concept of "human%0A relations". Reasons for changing the model of state regulation.%0A Strengthening market principles in the economy. "Reaganomics"%0A and its results. Economic reforms of the government of M. Thatcher.%0A Features of economic development of Japan. New industrial countries.%0A Growth of interdependence of national economies. Formation of a single%0A world market. International economic integration. Theme 9. MAIN DIRECTIONS%0A OF RUSSIAN ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT The collapse of the USSR. Necessity of%0A fundamental social and economic transformations. Economic reform in the%0A conditions of the formation of an independent state - the Russian%0A Federation. Liberalization of prices. Inflation. Privatization. Formation%0A of diverse forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms of%0A management. Formation of market infrastructure. Reforming of agriculture.%0A Creation of financial and industrial groups. State budget deficit. The%0A crisis of August 17, 1998. Default. The modern stage of economic reforms.%0A Results of social and economic transformations: achievements and%0A difficulties. Prospects for Russia's economic development. REFERENCE%0A LIST Ashmarov I.A.%C2%A0 (2008) Economic institutions of the labour market.%0A Voronezh: The scientific book. 240 p. Ashmarov I.A. (2009) History of%0A Economics: Textbook for high schools. Dushanbe: Irfon. 336 p. Ashmarov%0A I.A. (2009) On the methodology of historical and economic research / I.A.%0A Ashmarov. // Historical and economic research. %E2%84%96 1%C2%A0 Pp. 149-158. Ashmarov%0A I.A. (2018) On the Periodization of the Postwar Economic History of Japan.%0A Historical and Economic Studies.%C2%A0 T. 19. %E2%84%96 1. Pp. - 121-132. Voshchanova%0A G.P., Godzina G.S. (2001) History of the economy. Tutorial. Moscow.%0A INFRA-M. 232 p. Guseynov R.M.%C2%A0 (1999) History of the Russian economy.%0A Tutorial. Moscow. Publishing house YUKEA. 352 p. Guseynov R.M.%C2%A0 (2014)%0A Economic History: A Textbook for Bachelors. Yurayt Publishing House, 686%0A p. URL: (reference date: June 16,%0A 2018) Ershov B.A. (2012) State legal regulation of the activities of the%0A Russian Orthodox Church in the provinces of the Central Chernozem region%0A in the XIX - early XX centuries. Historical, philosophical, political and%0A legal sciences, culturology and art history. Questions of theory and%0A practice. Part 2. %E2%84%96. 4.%C2%A0 Pp. 75-78. Ershov B.A. (2012) Historiographical%0A aspects of the relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and state%0A structures in the provinces of the Central Chernozem region in the XIX -%0A early XX centuries. Bulletin of the Voronezh State Technical University.%0A Series "Humanities".%C2%A0 T. 8. %E2%84%96. 11. Pp. 188-192. Ershov B.A.%0A (2013) Russian Orthodox Church in the structure of public administration%0A in the XIX - early XX centuries: Monograph. Voronezh: "Voronezh State%0A Technical University". 245 p. Ershov B.A., Ashmarov I.A. (2018)%0A Historical dictionary of economics (data set) Figshare. 14 p. Konotopov%0A M.V., Smetanin S.I. (2007) History of the economy. Textbook for high%0A schools. 2-nd ed. Academic Project. 368 p. Loyberg M.Y. (128) History of%0A the economy. Tutorial.%C2%A0 INFRA-M. 128 p. Mertsalova L.A.%C2%A0 (1990) German%0A fascism in the newest historiography of the FRG. Voronezh State%0A University. 208 p. Kotov A.A. (2004) Dictionary-reference book on the%0A history of the economy. Voronezh State Pedagogical University.%C2%A0 36 p.%0A Terne A.M. (1991) In the realm of Lenin: essays.%C2%A0 Publishing house%0A "Scythians". 352 p. Khokhlov E.V. (2005) Military economy of the%0A USSR on the eve and during the Second World War. Publishing House of the%0A St. Petersburg University. 282 p. Dates on the history of Russia:%0A chronology // URL: (reference%0A date: June 16, 2018)%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A</resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.17916/P6JS3G: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-12-13T12:27:14
< _updated: 2020-06-26T18:52:30
< _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.17916/P6JS3G</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Su%C3%A1rez Rozo, Luisa F.</creatorName>%0A <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID" schemeURI="">0000-0003-0281-895X</nameIdentifier>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">Lund Science (Sweden)</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Nicholas, Kimberly</creatorName>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">Lund University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>Metadata for a survey investigating motivations for meat-free diets in Sweden</title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>UC Press</publisher>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">dataset</resourceType>%0A <publicationYear>2019</publicationYear>%0A <subjects>%0A <subject>Sustainable food choices</subject>%0A </subjects>%0A <fundingReferences>%0A <fundingReference>%0A <funderName>Publication fees were supported by the Swedish Research Council</funderName>%0A <awardNumber>Grant number 2014-5899/E0589901</awardNumber>%0A </fundingReference>%0A <fundingReference>%0A <funderName>%0A The Swedish Institute SI Study Scholarship covered study costs for Luisa%0A F. Su%C3%A1rez Rozo for the International MSc Programme in Environmental%0A Studies and Sustainability Science (Lund University)%0A </funderName>%0A <awardNumber>Reference number 04678/2012</awardNumber>%0A </fundingReference>%0A </fundingReferences>%0A <dates>%0A <date dateType="Available">2019-06-10T07:00:00Z</date>%0A </dates>%0A <language>en</language>%0A <sizes>%0A <size>52255 bytes</size>%0A </sizes>%0A <version>1</version>%0A <rightsList>%0A <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</rights>%0A </rightsList>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description descriptionType="Abstract">%0A The health and environmental impacts of meat-based diets are increasingly%0A recognized as sustainability issues, but the motivations behind behaviour%0A change driving vegetarian diets have generally been studied via a limited%0A set of motivations and are therefore poorly understood. To examine such%0A motivations, we designed a survey measuring 20 different possible%0A motivations, using 77 statements drawn from the existing Food Choice%0A Questionnaire as well as diverse literature on environmental protection,%0A animal welfare, social norms, and pro-environmental behaviour. We%0A administered the survey to 121 vegetarians in Sk%C3%A5ne, Sweden. %C2%A0 We found%0A that animal welfare was by far the most important overall motivation for%0A vegetarian diets (mean rating 4.29 on a 5-point scale), followed by%0A intrinsic motivation (3.0), reduced consumption (2.69), environmental%0A concern (2.65) and health (2.59). The least important motivations (ratings%0A under 2.0) were sociability, social image, weight control, mood, and%0A convenience. The most highly rated individual statements (ratings above%0A 4.0) were protecting animal rights and avoiding causing animals pain, and%0A a sense of integrity in living up to one%E2%80%99s values. We conclude that%0A vegetarians are primarily motivated by valuing animals as well as personal%0A integrity and enjoyment derived from vegetarian food, and that promoting%0A vegetarian diets might therefore be more successful if focused on aligning%0A consumer%E2%80%99s internal values and satisfaction with their behaviour, rather%0A than emphasizing concerns for the environment or health. Understanding%0A values of non-vegetarians would also be important to designing effective%0A dietary strategies to promote more sustainable diets.%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Methods">%0A To assess the range of food choice motivations among vegetarians and%0A vegans in Sk%C3%A5ne (Sweden), we used an online questionnaire through%0A, collecting data between April 4 and 18, 2014. %C2%A0 The%0A dataset was processed using SPSS, conducting descriptive statistical%0A analysis to determine the%C2%A0mean%C2%A0of each individual statemente on a scale of%0A 1 (Not at all important)%C2%A0to 5%C2%A0(Extremely important). By averaging%0A the%C2%A0%C2%A0mean scores of every statement within each motivation scale, we then%0A determined the importance of each motivation scale in explaining%0A respondent%C2%B4s adoption of meat- free diets. We also used t-tests to assess%0A the effect of various demographic charactersitics on each motivation%0A scale, and whether the different effects%C2%A0where statistically significant.%C2%A0%0A We then interpreted the findings derived from this information, in the%0A light of Self-Determination Theory, a useful qualitative framework to%0A understand if the studied motivations are autonomous or controlled.%C2%A0 %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A <geoLocations>%0A <geoLocation>%0A <geoLocationPoint>%0A <pointLatitude>55.990257</pointLatitude>%0A <pointLongitude>13.595769</pointLongitude>%0A </geoLocationPoint>%0A <geoLocationBox>%0A <westBoundLongitude>12.441755</westBoundLongitude>%0A <eastBoundLongitude>14.584478</eastBoundLongitude>%0A <southBoundLatitude>55.335377</southBoundLatitude>%0A <northBoundLatitude>56.542606</northBoundLatitude>%0A </geoLocationBox>%0A <geoLocationPlace>Provincia de Escania, Suecia</geoLocationPlace>%0A </geoLocation>%0A </geoLocations>%0A</resource>
> _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.17916/P6JS3G</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Su%C3%A1rez Rozo, Luisa F.</creatorName>%0A <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID" schemeURI="">0000-0003-0281-895X</nameIdentifier>%0A <affiliation>%0A Lund University International Master%E2%80%99s Programme in Environmental%0A Studies and Sustainability Science (LUMES), Lund, Sweden%0A </affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Nicholas, Kimberly</creatorName>%0A <affiliation>Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), Lund, Sweden</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>Metadata for a survey investigating motivations for meat-free diets in Sweden</title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>UC Press</publisher>%0A <publicationYear>2018</publicationYear>%0A <subjects>%0A <subject>Sustainable food choices</subject>%0A </subjects>%0A <fundingReferences>%0A <fundingReference>%0A <funderName>Publication fees were supported by the Swedish Research Council</funderName>%0A <awardNumber>Grant number 2014-5899/E0589901</awardNumber>%0A </fundingReference>%0A <fundingReference>%0A <funderName>%0A The Swedish Institute SI Study Scholarship covered study costs for Luisa%0A F. Su%C3%A1rez Rozo for the International MSc Programme in Environmental%0A Studies and Sustainability Science (Lund University)%0A </funderName>%0A <awardNumber>Reference number 04678/2012</awardNumber>%0A </fundingReference>%0A </fundingReferences>%0A <dates>%0A <date dateType="Available">2019-06-10T07:00:00Z</date>%0A </dates>%0A <language>en</language>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">dataset</resourceType>%0A <sizes>%0A <size>52255 bytes</size>%0A </sizes>%0A <version>1</version>%0A <rightsList>%0A <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</rights>%0A </rightsList>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description descriptionType="Abstract">%0A The health and environmental impacts of meat-based diets are increasingly%0A recognized as sustainability issues, but the motivations behind behaviour%0A change driving vegetarian diets have generally been studied via a limited%0A set of motivations and are therefore poorly understood. To examine such%0A motivations, we designed a survey measuring 20 different possible%0A motivations, using 77 statements drawn from the existing Food Choice%0A Questionnaire as well as diverse literature on environmental protection,%0A animal welfare, social norms, and pro-environmental behaviour. We%0A administered the survey to 121 vegetarians in Sk%C3%A5ne, Sweden. %C2%A0 We found%0A that animal welfare was by far the most important overall motivation for%0A vegetarian diets (mean rating 4.29 on a 5-point scale), followed by%0A intrinsic motivation (3.0), reduced consumption (2.69), environmental%0A concern (2.65) and health (2.59). The least important motivations (ratings%0A under 2.0) were sociability, social image, weight control, mood, and%0A convenience. The most highly rated individual statements (ratings above%0A 4.0) were protecting animal rights and avoiding causing animals pain, and%0A a sense of integrity in living up to one%E2%80%99s values. We conclude that%0A vegetarians are primarily motivated by valuing animals as well as personal%0A integrity and enjoyment derived from vegetarian food, and that promoting%0A vegetarian diets might therefore be more successful if focused on aligning%0A consumer%E2%80%99s internal values and satisfaction with their behaviour, rather%0A than emphasizing concerns for the environment or health. Understanding%0A values of non-vegetarians would also be important to designing effective%0A dietary strategies to promote more sustainable diets.%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Methods">%0A To assess the range of food choice motivations among vegetarians and%0A vegans in Sk%C3%A5ne (Sweden), we used an online questionnaire through%0A, collecting data between April 4 and 18, 2014. %C2%A0 The%0A dataset was processed using SPSS, conducting descriptive statistical%0A analysis to determine the%C2%A0mean%C2%A0of each individual statemente on a scale of%0A 1 (Not at all important)%C2%A0to 5%C2%A0(Extremely important). By averaging%0A the%C2%A0%C2%A0mean scores of every statement within each motivation scale, we then%0A determined the importance of each motivation scale in explaining%0A respondent%C2%B4s adoption of meat- free diets. We also used t-tests to assess%0A the effect of various demographic charactersitics on each motivation%0A scale, and whether the different effects%C2%A0where statistically significant.%C2%A0%0A We then interpreted the findings derived from this information, in the%0A light of Self-Determination Theory, a useful qualitative framework to%0A understand if the studied motivations are autonomous or controlled.%C2%A0 %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A <geoLocations>%0A <geoLocation>%0A <geoLocationPoint>%0A <pointLatitude>55.990257</pointLatitude>%0A <pointLongitude>13.595769</pointLongitude>%0A </geoLocationPoint>%0A <geoLocationBox>%0A <westBoundLongitude>12.441755</westBoundLongitude>%0A <eastBoundLongitude>14.584478</eastBoundLongitude>%0A <southBoundLatitude>55.335377</southBoundLatitude>%0A <northBoundLatitude>56.542606</northBoundLatitude>%0A </geoLocationBox>%0A <geoLocationPlace>Provincia de Escania, Suecia</geoLocationPlace>%0A </geoLocation>%0A </geoLocations>%0A</resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.17916/P6QP4C: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-05-29T12:16:40
< _updated: 2020-06-26T18:52:25
< _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.17916/P6QP4C</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>O'Connell, Elizabeth</creatorName>%0A <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID" schemeURI="">0000-0002-8492-0183</nameIdentifier>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">St. Francis Xavier University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Risk, David</creatorName>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">St. Francis Xavier University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Atherton, Emmaline</creatorName>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">St. Francis Xavier University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Bourlon, Evelise</creatorName>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">St. Francis Xavier University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Foug%C3%A8re, Chelsea</creatorName>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">St. Francis Xavier University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Baillie, Jennifer</creatorName>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">St. Francis Xavier University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Lowry, David</creatorName>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">Royal Holloway University of London</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>%0A Methane emissions from contrasting production regions within Alberta,%0A Canada: Implications under new federal methane regulations%0A </title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>UC Press</publisher>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">dataset</resourceType>%0A <publicationYear>2018</publicationYear>%0A <fundingReferences>%0A <fundingReference>%0A <funderName>%0A Petroleum Technology Alliance of Canada (Alberta Upstream Petroleum%0A Research Fund)%0A </funderName>%0A </fundingReference>%0A <fundingReference>%0A <funderName>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (Atlantic Innovation Fund)</funderName>%0A </fundingReference>%0A </fundingReferences>%0A <dates>%0A <date dateType="Available">2018-11-01T07:00:00Z</date>%0A </dates>%0A <language>en</language>%0A <sizes>%0A <size>14477 bytes</size>%0A </sizes>%0A <version>1</version>%0A <rightsList>%0A <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</rights>%0A </rightsList>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description descriptionType="Abstract">%0A Aggressive reductions of oil and gas sector methane, a potent greenhouse%0A gas, have been proposed in Canada. Few large-scale measurement studies%0A have been conducted to confirm a baseline. This study used a vehicle-based%0A gas monitoring system to measure fugitive and vented gas emissions across%0A Lloydminster (heavy oil), Peace River (heavy oil/bitumen), and Medicine%0A Hat (conventional gas) developments in Alberta, Canada. Four gases (CO2,%0A CH4, H2S, C2H6), and isotopic %CE%B413CCH4%C2%A0were recorded in real-time at 1 Hz%0A over a six-week field campaign. A point-source gaussian plume dispersion%0A model was used to quantify emissions rates. We sampled 1,299 well pads,%0A containing 2,670 unique wells and facilities, in triplicate. Geochemical%0A emission signatures of fossil fuel-sourced plumes were identified and%0A attributed to nearby, upwind oil and gas well pads. Emission occurrences%0A and rates were highest in Lloydminster, where 40.8%25 of sampled well pads%0A were estimated to be emitting methane-rich gas above our minimum detection%0A limits (%C2%B5%C2%A0= 9.73 m3d-1). Of the well pads we found to be emitting in%0A Lloydminster, an estimated 40.2%25 emitted above the threshold in which%0A emissions mitigation under federal regulations would be required,%0A suggesting government estimates of infrastructure affected by incoming%0A regulations may be low. Comparing emission intensities with available%0A Canadian-based research suggests good general agreement between studies,%0A regardless of the measurement methodology used for detection and%0A quantification. This study also demonstrates the effectiveness in applying%0A a gaussian dispersion model to continuous mobile-sourced emissions data as%0A a first-order leak detection and repair screening methodology for meeting%0A regulatory compliance. %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Methods">%0A 'Dataset S1. Infrastructure Heights' contains emission source%0A heights used in the Gaussian Dispersion Model to calculate well pad%0A emission rate%C2%A0averages.%C2%A0%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A</resource>
> _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.17916/P6QP4C</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>O'Connell, Elizabeth</creatorName>%0A <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID" schemeURI="">0000-0002-8492-0183</nameIdentifier>%0A <affiliation>St. Francis Xavier University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Risk, David</creatorName>%0A <affiliation>St. Francis Xavier University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Atherton, Emmaline</creatorName>%0A <affiliation>St. Francis Xavier University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Bourlon, Evelise</creatorName>%0A <affiliation>St. Francis Xavier University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Foug%C3%A8re, Chelsea</creatorName>%0A <affiliation>St. Francis Xavier University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Baillie, Jennifer</creatorName>%0A <affiliation>St. Francis Xavier University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Lowry, David</creatorName>%0A <affiliation>Royal Holloway University of London</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>%0A Methane emissions from contrasting production regions within Alberta,%0A Canada: Implications under new federal methane regulations%0A </title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>UC Press</publisher>%0A <publicationYear>2018</publicationYear>%0A <fundingReferences>%0A <fundingReference>%0A <funderName>%0A Petroleum Technology Alliance of Canada (Alberta Upstream Petroleum%0A Research Fund)%0A </funderName>%0A </fundingReference>%0A <fundingReference>%0A <funderName>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (Atlantic Innovation Fund)</funderName>%0A </fundingReference>%0A </fundingReferences>%0A <dates>%0A <date dateType="Available">2018-11-01T07:00:00Z</date>%0A </dates>%0A <language>en</language>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">dataset</resourceType>%0A <sizes>%0A <size>14477 bytes</size>%0A </sizes>%0A <version>1</version>%0A <rightsList>%0A <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</rights>%0A </rightsList>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description descriptionType="Abstract">%0A Aggressive reductions of oil and gas sector methane, a potent greenhouse%0A gas, have been proposed in Canada. Few large-scale measurement studies%0A have been conducted to confirm a baseline. This study used a vehicle-based%0A gas monitoring system to measure fugitive and vented gas emissions across%0A Lloydminster (heavy oil), Peace River (heavy oil/bitumen), and Medicine%0A Hat (conventional gas) developments in Alberta, Canada. Four gases (CO2,%0A CH4, H2S, C2H6), and isotopic %CE%B413CCH4%C2%A0were recorded in real-time at 1 Hz%0A over a six-week field campaign. A point-source gaussian plume dispersion%0A model was used to quantify emissions rates. We sampled 1,299 well pads,%0A containing 2,670 unique wells and facilities, in triplicate. Geochemical%0A emission signatures of fossil fuel-sourced plumes were identified and%0A attributed to nearby, upwind oil and gas well pads. Emission occurrences%0A and rates were highest in Lloydminster, where 40.8%25 of sampled well pads%0A were estimated to be emitting methane-rich gas above our minimum detection%0A limits (%C2%B5%C2%A0= 9.73 m3d-1). Of the well pads we found to be emitting in%0A Lloydminster, an estimated 40.2%25 emitted above the threshold in which%0A emissions mitigation under federal regulations would be required,%0A suggesting government estimates of infrastructure affected by incoming%0A regulations may be low. Comparing emission intensities with available%0A Canadian-based research suggests good general agreement between studies,%0A regardless of the measurement methodology used for detection and%0A quantification. This study also demonstrates the effectiveness in applying%0A a gaussian dispersion model to continuous mobile-sourced emissions data as%0A a first-order leak detection and repair screening methodology for meeting%0A regulatory compliance. %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Methods">%0A 'Dataset S1. Infrastructure Heights' contains emission source%0A heights used in the Gaussian Dispersion Model to calculate well pad%0A emission rate%C2%A0averages.%C2%A0%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A</resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.17916/P6V880: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-11-17T14:41:28
< _updated: 2020-06-26T18:52:29
< _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.17916/P6V880</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Drobyshev, Aleksey</creatorName>%0A <affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR">Voronezh State Pedagogical University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>CHARITY OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH DURING THE RUSSO-TURKISH WAR (1877-1878)</title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>UC Press</publisher>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">dataset</resourceType>%0A <publicationYear>2018</publicationYear>%0A <subjects>%0A <subject>army.</subject>%0A <subject>charity</subject>%0A <subject>clergy</subject>%0A <subject>Russian Orthodox Church</subject>%0A <subject>Russo-Turkish War</subject>%0A </subjects>%0A <dates>%0A <date dateType="Available">2018-11-19T08:00:00Z</date>%0A </dates>%0A <language>en</language>%0A <relatedIdentifiers>%0A <relatedIdentifier relationType="Cites" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">%0A </relatedIdentifier>%0A </relatedIdentifiers>%0A <sizes>%0A <size>212616 bytes</size>%0A </sizes>%0A <version>10</version>%0A <rightsList>%0A <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</rights>%0A </rightsList>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description descriptionType="Abstract">%0A %C2%A0 The article is devoted to the study of the charitable activities of the%0A Russian Orthodox Church during the Russian-Turkish war (1877-1878). During%0A the war years, the Church always took an active part in protecting the%0A state from enemies. Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878 is one of the most%0A significant examples of such interaction. It should be noted that this%0A military campaign was of particular importance for the Russian Orthodox%0A Church, since its goal was to liberate the Orthodox peoples of the Balkan%0A Peninsula from the power of the Ottoman Empire. For many years, Russian%0A clergymen maintained contact with the Balkan clergy, providing them all%0A possible assistance. During the Russo-Turkish war the Church%E2%80%99s charitable%0A activities have reached unprecedented proportions. Such activities began%0A before the outbreak of war. The church hierarchs contributed to the%0A creation of sisters of mercy organizations capable of working in military%0A conditions. During the military campaign period, the Russian clergy%0A launched active efforts to organize assistance to the active army and%0A wounded soldiers. During the sermons, the priests urged the congregation%0A to actively donate money and things. Representatives of the Church%0A themselves also made a significant contribution for this purpose. A%0A special role was played by the provincial, primarily the rural clergy,%0A since the bulk of the population of the empire at that time were peasants.%0A In our opinion, the Russian Orthodox Church made a very significant%0A contribution to the organization and implementation of charitable%0A activities during the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878. This greatly helped%0A the soldiers, and also assisted the families of those killed in the war. %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Methods">%0A The article is based on a systematic approach. Its usage in considering%0A the problem allowed the author to research the interrelation of general%0A trends in the relations between the Church and the army in the sphere of%0A charity. Also the principles of historicism and complexity have been used.%0A Based on the principle of historicism, the author comprehensively%0A evaluated the facts and documents of the past taking into account the%0A specific features of the studied period. Following the principle of%0A complexity, it was possible to obtain scientific knowledge about the%0A general trends in the development of the Church charitable activity on the%0A basis of a variety of identified sources and scientific works.%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Other">%0A %C2%A0 %C2%A0I. INTRODUCTION The XIX century is one of the most important periods in%0A the history of the development of relations between the Church, state, and%0A military force in the Russian Empire. The alliance of the Russian army and%0A the Church was severely tested during major military campaigns. Such%0A interaction was carried out not only at the national, but also at the%0A regional level. The article studies the Russian Orthodox Church charitable%0A activity during one of the most significant military campaigns in the XIX%0A century Russian history. In wartime, the Church has always been actively%0A involved in helping those in need. Charity during the Russo-Turkish war%0A (1877-1878) reached extraordinary proportions. Donations were received%0A from ordinary people, monasteries and the highest Church hierarchy. %C2%A0 %C2%A0%0A II. DISCUSSION Such an important aspect of the activity of the Orthodox%0A Church, especially significant during the period of hostilities, as%0A charity, began to be studied in the XIX century. This issue was%0A researched, in particular, by Russian religious philosophers. N.A.%0A Berdyaev believed that the basis of true Orthodox spirituality should be%0A based not only on the desire for personal salvation, but also on%0A participation in social transformations, since, according to the%0A philosopher, social life depends entirely on the spiritual qualities of%0A people. Among the representatives of the secular pre-revolutionary%0A historiography, was V.O. Klyuchevsky. In his opinion, charity in Russia%0A was not so much a means of improving public beautification as a necessary%0A condition for improving moral health. Modern researchers also pay%0A attention to some issues related to the charitable activities of clergy.%0A The article of V.M. Moskvina is devoted to the study of the role of the%0A clergy in cultural and educational work among military personnel. In the%0A paper of B.A. Ershov, %E2%80%9CSisters of Charity Communities and the Orthodox%0A Church of the Russian Province of the XIXth Century,%E2%80%9D the role of the%0A Church in creating and organizing the activities of provincial sisters of%0A charity communities that participated in military campaigns is studied.%0A The article written by S.V. Arkhipov examines the charitable activities of%0A the Church during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, regarding the%0A organization of assistance to the Slavic peoples of the Balkan Peninsula%0A and the wounded Russian soldiers. However, issues related to the charity%0A of the Russian Orthodox Church during the Russian-Turkish war have not%0A been studied in sufficient detail. %C2%A0 III. RESULTS The charitable%0A activities of the Church started on the eve of the military campaign. The%0A Synod (the highest governing body of the Russian Orthodox Church between%0A 1721 and 1918)%C2%A0 issued a decree of November 24, 1876, required all female%0A monasteries and communities to form "compassionate sisters"%0A groups consisting of nuns and novices for working in military hospitals.%0A The same monasteries were ordered to engage in the manufacture of lint,%0A bandages, dressings, and all that was required for the wounds treatment.%0A According to the decree of March 3, 1877, men's monasteries were also%0A involved in the formation of "compassionate brothers" groups of%0A monks and novices who were able to do the same work. And immediately after%0A the declaration of war, the Holy Synod published the required number of%0A copies of the war declaring manifest and sent them to the dioceses with%0A the instruction to read the manifest in cathedrals, churches and%0A monasteries. The members of the Holy Synod, the clergy and the laity%0A called for donations for the army needs. Since the autumn of 1877, taking%0A into account the upcoming cold weather conditions, the ongoing military%0A operations and a substantial increase in the costs of war, the Synod urged%0A monasteries and hermitages along the railways to provide all available and%0A reserve room for arranging hospitals for convalescent or sick soldiers,%0A having made all the necessary materials for them. Collecting donations for%0A military purposes was a sphere of activity of two organizations: The%0A Slavic Benevolent Society, also known as the Slavic Committee, and the%0A Society for the care of sick and wounded soldiers, which was renamed the%0A Red Cross Society soon after the war. Slavic Benevolent Society was%0A founded in Moscow in 1858, then opened two branches - in St. Petersburg%0A and Kiev. The Society for care the sick and wounded soldiers, founded in%0A 1867, had its own warehouses to store humanitarian aid in the large cities%0A of the Russian Empire. Like during the Crimean War, women's%0A organizations played a large role in charitable activities. All%0A communities of this type can be divided into 3 groups: 1) communities%0A realizing a wide charity activities, including the poor and orphans%0A support; 2) communities, whose main activity was to help sick and wounded%0A soldiers (these communities closely co-operated with the Ladies'%0A Committee caring wounded and sick soldiers); 3) communities that existed%0A at the convents and under the jurisdiction of the Holy Synod (these%0A communities were often involved in extensive charity work and worked on%0A monastic principles). Along with the belonging to a particular community%0A sisters of charity, for whom the care of the sick and wounded was a%0A professional affair, there were Red Cross sisters who were trained for the%0A case of hostilities. In fact, the Red Cross nurses were the women ready to%0A abandon their everyday life during the war in order to serve the sick and%0A wounded. There were lots of such not only in the capital, but in%0A provincial cities too. Legal and administrative provisions of the Sisters%0A of Charity during the war were regulated by published in 1875 "Rules%0A for the Sisters of the Red Cross," and the rules drawn up for those%0A wishing to join the Red Cross sisters only during the war. Accordingly,%0A the status of permanently working in communities sisters and those who%0A would like to perform the duties temporarily (popularly called%0A "volunteers" or "civilians") had been delineated.%0A Participation in the Orthodox religion for the sisters of the Red Cross,%0A according to the specified rules, was optional. Women of other faiths%0A could join their ranks. Age limits ranged from 20 to 45 years. In contrast%0A to the period of the Crimean War, when many of the Holy Cross community%0A sisters, after the expiration of the one-year period for which they made a%0A vow, were returning home, these women now had to serve indefinitely until%0A the end of the war. Freelance sisters recruited in excess of the state,%0A initially in the communities, were placed on full allowance of the Red%0A Cross. As for administrative functions, they were only allowed to exercise%0A control over hospital workers, and their professional activities were%0A limited to the preparation of the simplest drugs and materials. The start%0A of training for women who volunteered to join nursing communities was laid%0A out by the so-called Medical Community, which consisted of professional%0A physicians who conducted theoretical and practical classes for all comers.%0A They sent the corresponding proposal to the Headquarters of the Red Cross%0A Society. The first course took place from February to May 1877. The number%0A of students was about 500 people, but only 171 of them received%0A certificates according to the results of final tests. The majority of the%0A attendees of the courses were Orthodox, but there were also Catholic,%0A Lutheran and Jewish women among the students. Later, at the initiative of%0A local women's committees, similar courses, most often six months,%0A began to operate in other cities: Tambov, Kursk, Poltava, Chernigov,%0A Saratov, Kostroma, etc. Theoretical studies in these short-term%0A "schools" included elementary material on pharmacology,%0A compounding, anatomy, physiology, hygiene and surgery; women were taught%0A to bandage, assist with operations, read and understand recipes, they were%0A told about hospital procedures. Naturally, those who had undergone such%0A short-term training did not have a high level of qualification. Long%0A before the main stream of civilian sisters, the troops of the %E2%80%9Coldest%E2%80%9D%0A communities that had already been tested and proved to be effective went%0A to Bulgaria. In June-July 1877, seven groups left for Romania and the%0A Caucasus, less than 20 people each. 32 cross sisters led by Shchekhovskaya%0A and Nadezhdina operated at the main crossing of the Russian units across%0A the Danube near Zimnitsa, where they were later replaced by sisters of the%0A community of St. George. 27 sisters of the St. George community headed by%0A E.P. Kartseva before the crossing of the Russian troops served at stages%0A in Romania, and then were sent to Bulgaria: Tarnovo, Gorni Studen, Gabrovo%0A and Bogota. They were among the few who were allowed to take advanced%0A positions near besieged Pleven, where the famous surgeon N.V.%0A Sklifosovsky, whose attitude towards the presence of women on the front%0A line was negative. Moreover, such permission could only be obtained from%0A the main representatives of the Red Cross Society. Sklifosovsky believed%0A that individuals and detachments of private societies should not appear at%0A all near the battlefield, since this entailed a violation of subordination%0A and military discipline. The sisters headed by Kartseva, who followed the%0A rapidly advancing Russian detachments, overcame the Shipka Pass and,%0A passing through almost the entire territory of Bulgaria, worked in%0A Adrianople and Philippopolis, in close proximity to Turkey. 120 sisters of%0A the community called %E2%80%9CQuench my sorrows%E2%80%9D under the leadership of Princess%0A N. B. Shakhovskaya served on the territory of Romania, through which%0A Russian troops passed, heading to Bulgaria, where the main battles of the%0A new war unfolded. In particular, they worked near Galats and Brailov,%0A where the crossing of part of the Russian divisions across the Danube took%0A place, as well as in Bulgareni, already in Bulgaria, near Pleven. 90%0A representatives of the %E2%80%9CBlagoveshchenskaya%E2%80%9D community headed by Sabinina%0A were transferred from Crimea to the stages of patients%E2%80%99 transportation in%0A Romania: from Yassy to Fratesti, between which the railway were laid.%0A These sisters worked mainly on the Red Cross sanitary trains. In July 1877%0A the group of sisters headed by E.M. Bakunina directed to the Caucasian%0A theater of military operations, to the Armenian city of Dilijan. Since%0A June 1877, sisters of the Holy Trinity Community (20 people) had been%0A working in Yassy under the leadership of E.A. Kublitskaya. Baroness Y.P.%0A Vrevskaya, a friend and correspondent of the writer I.S. Turgenev, was in%0A this group. By the end of 1877, the authorities considered the number of%0A sisters in military hospitals sufficient and the flow of small groups of%0A community sisters and female volunteers was suspended. However, at the%0A beginning of 1878, a massive outbreak of typhus began in the army, which%0A also affected a large part of the medical staff. In this regard, in%0A February, the second stream of newly trained sisters was organized at the%0A site of the battles. Moreover, about 50 women, who returned to Russia%0A because of their poor health, again went to Bulgaria and the Caucasus,%0A trying to go there with enviable persistence. According to rough%0A estimates, about 1,300 women participated in this war as medical and%0A sanitary personnel. Of these, more than forty died, and almost all%0A suffered one or another form of typhoid fever. As has already been noted,%0A in all sections of Russian society, ideas connected with sympathy for the%0A Slavic peoples of the Balkans and for rendering all possible assistance to%0A them were very popular. Even before the outbreak of hostilities, various%0A charitable organizations, including church organizations, collected and%0A sent humanitarian supplies there. Since the beginning of the declaration%0A of war, the help of the Russians had increased tenfold. Diocesan priests%0A actively promoted such undertakings and set their own example. Donations%0A of some of them were very significant. For example, the Archangelsk%0A Archbishop Makarii donated 2.0 thousand rubles; Archbishop of Lithuania%0A Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow Innokenty and Bishop of the Caucasus%0A Herman contributed 1.0 thousand rubles each, the Right Reverend Pavel of%0A Kishinev - 875 rubles; Archbishop of Astrakhan Chrysanth, Archbishop of%0A Kharkov Savva and Archbishop of Vyatka Apollos - 500 rub. The total sumo%0A which dioceses themselves donated to the army was about 600 thousand%0A rubles, including: Moscow (104.784 thousand rubles), St. Petersburg (up to%0A 56.0 thousand rubles), Kiev (30.907 thousand rubles), Vyatka (21.602%0A thousand rubles), Vologda (19.586 thousand rubles), Vladimir (19,127%0A thousand rubles), Ekaterinoslav (17.818 thousand rubles), Poltava (17.735%0A thousand rubles), Caucasus ( 16,701 thousand rubles.), Yaroslavl (15,398%0A thousand rubles.). In addition to cash things were donated in large%0A quantities everywhere. The total value exceeded 300.0 thousand rubles%0A throughout Russia. For example, residents of the Vyatka province%0A transferred clothes, shoes, household utensils. Bishop Apollos, Bishop of%0A Vyatka and Sloboda, donated a gold pocket watch to the General Directorate%0A of the Society for the Care of Wounded and Sick Soldiers, asking to use%0A them for their intended purpose. On the initiative of the Local Government%0A in 1877, 58,467 sets of top and bottom clothes, shoes, bed linen, etc.%0A were manufactured and sent to Moscow and Chisinau. The donations were so%0A significant that from 6 to 12 women worked daily in the Vyatka warehouse%0A engaged in sorting things. Under the supervision of the managers of the%0A warehouse AM. Mender and A.F. Subina cut canvases, of which were sewn%0A shirts, aprons, sheets, pillowcases etc. Sewing itself was issued to the%0A peasant families for a fixed fee, which supported poor women, mostly%0A soldiers%E2%80%99 wives. There were a lot of things needed in hospital life.%0A Vyatka warehouse sent to the front 900 sets of hospital linen. In the%0A first place among the donors were Vyatka priests. Priest Andrei Zagarsky,%0A senior priest of the Lebyazhsky church in Urzhumsky district, gave two%0A canvases, one tablecloth, two women's shirts, nine skeins of thread,%0A and so on. Other priests also made their own contribution: Archpriest%0A Farmakovsky, priest Nikolai Olyunin, priest Aristarkh Avvakumov. Residents%0A of the village of Bogorodsky in Vyatka County sent 41 yards of canvas. The%0A clergy and laity of the Voronezh province also took an active part in%0A helping the Slavic peoples of the Balkans on the eve of the war and in%0A supporting the army during the war. Voronezh poet Ivan Savich Nikitin in%0A the period of the Crimean War in his publications expressed hope for the%0A liberation of the enslaved Slavs. A native of the village of Korshevo,%0A Bobrovsky district, Alexei Suvorin made a great contribution to the timely%0A familiarization of the people of Russia with the events on the fronts of%0A the Russo-Turkish war, being the editor of the newspaper "Novoe%0A Vremya". In its views, Voronezh publicist and historian Mikhail%0A Fyodorovich De-Pule was close to the Slavophiles. And the governor himself%0A - Prince Mikhail Obolensky - was a relative of the active member of the%0A Slavic committees Yury Samarin. However, on the pages of the provincial%0A newspapers, their names stand next to the names of priests, officers and%0A peasants undeservedly forgotten in our day, animated by patriotic%0A feelings. Voronezh province was not among the most well-to-do and%0A well-maintained, but all of its inhabitants, even the poorest peasantry,%0A united to gather for the needs of the Slavs and the Russian army, which%0A were heroically fighting in the Balkans. Many citizens of Voronezh%0A sacrificed their lives for the sake of the freedom of fraternal peoples.%0A In 1875, an uprising of the Serbian population began in Bosnia and%0A Herzegovina (the Nevesin gun), to suppress which the Turkish government%0A used the most brutal methods. In the Serbian principality and border areas%0A of Austria-Hungary and Montenegro, a stream of refugees rushed. The Serbs%0A who were driven out of their homes often had neither food nor warm%0A clothes. Slavic Committees in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev and Odessa%0A immediately began to raise funds to assist them. Already in 1875, a%0A representative of the Voronezh Noble Assembly sent a letter with a money%0A transfer to the chairman of the Moscow Slavic Committee, Ivan Sergeyevich%0A Aksakov: "I have the honor to send you 39 rubles collected by%0A subscription in the Voronezh Noble Assembly in favor of the affected%0A families of Herzegovina and Bosnia." In total, according to Boris%0A Firsov, in 1876%E2%80%931877 members of the Voronezh Noble Assembly donated 1,000%0A rubles to the Slavs of the Balkan Peninsula and for the construction and%0A maintenance of a hospital for wounded and sick soldiers in Voronezh. In%0A 1876, Russian society was shocked by the cruelties shown during the%0A suppression of the uprising in Bulgaria. Voronezh province did not stand%0A aside. In the seventeenth issue of the newspaper "Voronezh Diocesan%0A Gazette", published on September 1, 1876, a letter of July 24 was%0A published, which was forwarded from the Voronezh Spiritual Consistory. The%0A letter recommended everyone to acquire the newly published collection%0A %E2%80%9CSlavic thoughts and voices%E2%80%9D, with poems by Pushkin, Lermontov, Zhukovsky,%0A Pleshcheyev, Khomyakov, as well as Bulgarian, Serbian and Montenegrin,%0A Galician, Polish, Slovenian, Croatian poets. The authors of the letter, in%0A particular, wrote: %E2%80%9COur sympathies for the Slavs are understandable,%0A because we are Slavs ourselves. The point is that we are strong and free.%0A They are politically fragmented and dependent on other nations. In order%0A to strengthen these sympathies even more, so that the instinctive love of%0A a Russian person for his Slavic brothers can be converted into conscious,%0A rational love %E2%80%94 for this you need knowledge; it is necessary that the%0A Russian people - all in general, and not only the highest educated layers%0A of it - become familiar with the rest of the Slavic world, with their%0A thoughts and feelings, sorrows and dreams, and in general with the whole%0A structure of its diverse life.%E2%80%9D In the same issue of the newspaper, a%0A document characteristic of that period was published. This is a letter%0A from Novy Kalitva, by a priest of the settlement of Vasily Apollosov,%0A dated November 26, 1876. It states: "In our diocese, every priest%0A directly from himself sent and sends ... donations either to Charity%0A Committees existing in the capitals, or through various newspaper%0A editorial offices ...". According to the estimate attached to the%0A letter, from the settlement of Novaya Kalitva on June 12, 1876, 30 rubles%0A were sent to the St. Petersburg Slavic Committee, on September 18 to the%0A Moscow Committee 25 rubles, on October 21 to the Moscow Committee 10%0A rubles, to November 12 to the Moscow Committee 50 rubles. These sums %E2%80%9Cmake%0A up for the most part labor pennies donated by peasants of commoners%E2%80%9D%0A Priest Vasily reports that 14 people have pledged to continue to make%0A money for the needs of the Slavs: this is, in particular, assistant parish%0A clerk Andrei Dmitrichenko, state peasant Efimiy Yakovenko, village elder%0A Nikolai Krasnoyaruzhsky. These donations were not the only ones: on%0A September 20, 1876, peasants of the Voronezh province donated money and 50%0A yards of canvas to families affected in Bosnia, Herzegovina and Bulgaria.%0A April 15, 1877 in Voronezh Troitsko-Smolensk Cathedral in the presence of%0A the governor MA. Obolensky a manifest on declaring war on Turkey was read.%0A By the end of April, the city council decided to allocate 20 thousand%0A rubles for the needs of the army and to take over the maintenance of 50%0A beds in a local military hospital. In response to the Governor%E2%80%99s report on%0A this donation, he received a telegram of thanks from Empress Maria%0A Alexandrovna. The amount of donations to the needs of the army by January%0A 1, 1878 reached 145,224 rubles. The following %E2%80%9CStatement to the Editor%E2%80%9D%0A appeared on the pages of the Diocesan newspaper: "In 1877, May 5, we,%0A the undersigned, Bogucharsky district of the settlement of the New%0A Assumption Church, sacredly and clergymen, after reading in the church of%0A the Imperial Manifesto about the entry of Russian troops into the Turkish%0A possessions and after serving the Lord God the prayer for giving our%0A Orthodox Christian victory to the Orthodox over the enemies, expressed%0A their zealous desire during the whole continuation of the war to sacrifice%0A to the sick %E2%80%94 wounded soldiers of 2%25 from the ruble of all our monetary%0A incomes coming into the general circle, and in what we subscribe. Sloboda%0A Novobelo Assumption Church priest Yevgeny Prokopiev, assistant abbot%0A priest Gregory Manuilov. Deacon Mokiy Chuev. Deacon Vasily Rajewski.%0A Psalms: Peter Krasnobashtov, Dimitri Stefanov, Ivan Popov. On May 29, 1877%0A a hospital of the Red Cross Society was opened in Voronezh, designed for%0A 350 wounded, which operated for almost a year. On July 27, 1877, the vicar%0A Bishop of Ostrogozhsk, Benjamin, consecrated in the provincial city the%0A temporary church of the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon at the%0A hospital for wounded soldiers. In the summer of 1877, Metropolitan Michael%0A of Serbia was staying on the territory of the Voronezh diocese. On July 7,%0A he arrived at the Zadonsky Bogoroditsky Monastery, where on July 8 he%0A served the Divine Liturgy, and in the evening of the same day he left for%0A Moscow. He was presented with the icon of St. Tikhon. On June 6, the%0A provincial leader of the nobility P.F. Panyutin informed the acting%0A Governor I.A. Zvegintsov that on June 5 an extraordinary provincial%0A nobility meeting took place, at which it was decided to donate 20 thousand%0A rubles for families of officers and lower ranks participating in the%0A military campaign. Then a printed sheet was published %E2%80%9Cfor general%0A information%E2%80%9D - an announcement to the residents of the province. It was%0A reported: "Mr. Voronezh provincial leader of the Nobility has the%0A honor to make it universally known that the Voronezh extraordinary%0A provincial nobility meeting, according to his decision, on June 5, 1877,%0A approved by Mr. Minister of Internal Affairs, donated twenty thousand%0A rubles for the issuance of cash benefits, in 1st, for families of%0A gentlemen officers and lower ranks of the natives of the Voronezh%0A province, who are in a helpless position, due to the lack of the sole%0A breadwinners called up for service, be able to work their representatives,%0A and at 2nd, families of the officers and lower ranks of Voronezh province%0A natives who have undergone extremes of wounds due to injuries or death in%0A war members of those families. The basis for the families of such%0A gentlemen officers and lower ranks of monthly and one-time allowances%0A should be the certificates of the Voronezh provincial leader or county%0A leaders of the nobility of those districts of the Voronezh province where%0A the families needing allowance both the marital status and the inadequate%0A status requesting allowance. On the basis of these certificates, the%0A issuance of benefits is made in the Voronezh provincial district council,%0A or through the district councils, who apply for allowance at the place of%0A residence.%E2%80%9D The diocesan newspaper published lists of the died and missing%0A residents of the Voronezh province in the Russo-Turkish war. The Kostroma%0A Diocese, whose borders coincided with the borders of the Kostroma%0A province, also provided significant support during the Russian-Turkish war%0A of 1877-1878. Russian army and southern Slavs. In Kostroma diocese groups%0A of compassionate brothers and sisters were formed. The main work in this%0A area was carried out in the Kostroma Epiphany Anastasiinsky monastery,%0A where a detachment of 66 compassionate sisters was created and material%0A was collected for hospitals from most diocesan monasteries. As a result,%0A the Makariyev-Unzhensky monastery transferred to the Red Cross Society 320%0A arshins of canvas and 15 skeins of thread for 30 rubles, the%0A Avraamievo-Gorodetsky 775 arshins of canvas for 70 rubles, the Forerunner%0A Zheleznoborovsky donated 6 pounds of canvas, more than 10,000 arshins, for%0A 100 R. The Kostroma Ladies Committee of the Society for the Care of%0A Wounded and Wounded Soldiers acted in the Epiphany Monastery itself. By%0A January 1, 1878, 800 poods of linen, clothes and other accessories were%0A manufactured and sent to operating army units through central warehouses.%0A Galichsky Trinity Belbazhsky maidens, Nikolaevsky Starotorzhsky maidens,%0A the Virgin-Fedorovsky monasteries, as well as the Virgin-Fedorovskaya and%0A Kineshma-Voznesenskaya women's communities also took an active part.%0A By the lace collection was collected 833 p. 66 kopecks in the monastery,%0A and 5489.44 rubles. in parish and cathedral churches. %C2%A0A hospital for sick%0A and wounded soldiers was also created in the Epiphany Monastery: in the%0A subordinate Holy Cross Monastery under its jurisdiction, 2 rooms with 60%0A beds were allocated for these needs, 1 building with 15 beds, the house%0A adjacent to the monastery - under the Ladies workshop Committee,%0A outbuilding of the building - under the warehouse of donations things. The%0A monastery, at its own expense, repaired buildings: renovation of exterior%0A wall cladding and painting, provision of water from the city reservoir,%0A upholstery of the warehouse%E2%80%99s internal walls and installation of stoves in%0A it, at a cost of about 2,000 rubles. The Ipatiev Monastery provided a%0A reserve building located outside the monastery, with the possibility of%0A accommodating up to 10 beds, with the availability of a kitchen, and also%0A provided an unlimited and completely free supply of all the necessary food%0A for cooking. Makariyevo-Unzhensky, Bogoroditsa-Igritsky, Gorodetsky%0A Avraamiev, Nikolo-Babaevsky and Predtechensky Zheleznoborovsky%0A monasteries, as well as the Krivoezerskaya desert, expressed their%0A willingness to rebuild adjacent monasteries, monastic hotels and some%0A outbuildings that could be converted for a short time and sick. During the%0A years of the Russo-Turkish war 1877-1878 in the cities and villages of the%0A Tambov province guardships were established to assist families called up%0A for war. A significant role in their activities was played by the parish%0A clergy. According to the testimony of the report on the state of the%0A Tambov diocese for 1877, the Bishop of Tambov and Shatsk Palladium%0A %E2%80%9CDespite the unequal security, all monasteries, both male and female,%0A responded readily to the appeals of various people of charitable societies%0A to donate to the Slavs of the Balkan Peninsula and in favor of our Russian%0A Orthodox soldiers who have shed their blood for the holy work of freeing%0A their brothers by faith and blood from the Muslim yoke. They were donated%0A by ... female monasteries: Sukhota%E2%80%99s 124 rubles in money and 6 pounds of%0A things.%E2%80%9D The donation of the monastery was significant at that time and%0A was not inferior in size to the aid of the larger monasteries. Further in%0A the report it was noted that %E2%80%9Cthe last war caused the desire of many%0A brothers and sisters to work hard to help the wounded and sick of our%0A soldiers. During the past year, they expressed a desire to enter the%0A orderlies and sisters of mercy: 2 hieromonks, 2 monks, 1 deacon, 2%0A novices, 2 nuns and 23 novices. According to the actual need of the Red%0A Cross, 12 novices of the Tambov Sukhota monastery were sent to the sisters%0A of mercy.%E2%80%9D IV. CONCLUSION Thus, the Russian Orthodox Church rendered%0A significant assistance in the provision of materials for the army and in%0A helping the wounded during the years of the Russian-Turkish war of%0A 1877-1878. Church organizations not only organized charitable activities%0A on their own, but also called on all representatives of Russian society to%0A do the same. It can be argued that the clergy were among the main%0A instigators and organizers of various actions aimed at supporting the%0A Russian army and the liberated Slavic peoples. Significant was the role of%0A the Church in the activities of the new for Russia charitable organization%0A - the Red Cross Society. It began in the years of the Crimean War, when,%0A with the blessing of the Church, the sisters of mercy for the first time%0A in large numbers began to serve the wounded and sick during military%0A operations. On the eve and in the years of the Russo-Turkish war in%0A 1877-1878. This organization received its legal and administrative%0A clearance. The Russian Red Cross Society was not exclusively Orthodox,%0A nevertheless the overwhelming majority of professional sisters of mercy%0A who served in it and volunteers professed Orthodoxy. The Russian%0A provincial clergy made a major contribution to the organization of%0A charitable assistance to the military and civilian population during this%0A war. The sufferings of the Slavic peoples of the Balkans and the difficult%0A conditions in which the Russian army found itself during the foreign%0A campaign were constantly in the center of attention of the clergy of the%0A Russian provinces. These problems were widely reported on the pages of the%0A local church press. Provincial clergymen actively participated in the%0A propaganda of the war of liberation, made significant donations themselves%0A and called for their parishioners to do the same. %C2%A0 REFERENCE LIST%0A Aitkaliev V.A., (2014) The Russian Orthodox Church. 159 p. 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Shashin S.I., (2008) Vyatka People during the%0A Russo-Turkish war (1877-1878). Vyatka Scientific Notes. Pp. 85-98. Ulunyan%0A A.A., (2006) The Russo-Turkish war and the Russian Public. Russia and%0A Bulgaria. Pp. 52-64. Zakharov I.S., (1997) Nikolai Pirogov. 250 p. %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A</resource>
> _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.17916/P6V880</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Drobyshev, Aleksey</creatorName>%0A <affiliation>Voronezh State Pedagogical University</affiliation>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>CHARITY OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH DURING THE RUSSO-TURKISH WAR (1877-1878)</title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>UC Press</publisher>%0A <publicationYear>2018</publicationYear>%0A <subjects>%0A <subject>Russian Orthodox Church</subject>%0A <subject>clergy</subject>%0A <subject>Russo-Turkish War</subject>%0A <subject>charity</subject>%0A <subject>army.</subject>%0A </subjects>%0A <dates>%0A <date dateType="Available">2018-11-19T08:00:00Z</date>%0A </dates>%0A <language>en</language>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">dataset</resourceType>%0A <relatedIdentifiers>%0A <relatedIdentifier relationType="Cites" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">%0A </relatedIdentifier>%0A </relatedIdentifiers>%0A <sizes>%0A <size>212616 bytes</size>%0A </sizes>%0A <version>10</version>%0A <rightsList>%0A <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</rights>%0A </rightsList>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description descriptionType="Abstract">%0A %C2%A0 The article is devoted to the study of the charitable activities of the%0A Russian Orthodox Church during the Russian-Turkish war (1877-1878). During%0A the war years, the Church always took an active part in protecting the%0A state from enemies. Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878 is one of the most%0A significant examples of such interaction. It should be noted that this%0A military campaign was of particular importance for the Russian Orthodox%0A Church, since its goal was to liberate the Orthodox peoples of the Balkan%0A Peninsula from the power of the Ottoman Empire. For many years, Russian%0A clergymen maintained contact with the Balkan clergy, providing them all%0A possible assistance. During the Russo-Turkish war the Church%E2%80%99s charitable%0A activities have reached unprecedented proportions. Such activities began%0A before the outbreak of war. The church hierarchs contributed to the%0A creation of sisters of mercy organizations capable of working in military%0A conditions. During the military campaign period, the Russian clergy%0A launched active efforts to organize assistance to the active army and%0A wounded soldiers. During the sermons, the priests urged the congregation%0A to actively donate money and things. Representatives of the Church%0A themselves also made a significant contribution for this purpose. A%0A special role was played by the provincial, primarily the rural clergy,%0A since the bulk of the population of the empire at that time were peasants.%0A In our opinion, the Russian Orthodox Church made a very significant%0A contribution to the organization and implementation of charitable%0A activities during the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878. This greatly helped%0A the soldiers, and also assisted the families of those killed in the war. %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Methods">%0A The article is based on a systematic approach. Its usage in considering%0A the problem allowed the author to research the interrelation of general%0A trends in the relations between the Church and the army in the sphere of%0A charity. Also the principles of historicism and complexity have been used.%0A Based on the principle of historicism, the author comprehensively%0A evaluated the facts and documents of the past taking into account the%0A specific features of the studied period. Following the principle of%0A complexity, it was possible to obtain scientific knowledge about the%0A general trends in the development of the Church charitable activity on the%0A basis of a variety of identified sources and scientific works.%0A </description>%0A <description descriptionType="Other">%0A %C2%A0 %C2%A0I. INTRODUCTION The XIX century is one of the most important periods in%0A the history of the development of relations between the Church, state, and%0A military force in the Russian Empire. The alliance of the Russian army and%0A the Church was severely tested during major military campaigns. Such%0A interaction was carried out not only at the national, but also at the%0A regional level. The article studies the Russian Orthodox Church charitable%0A activity during one of the most significant military campaigns in the XIX%0A century Russian history. In wartime, the Church has always been actively%0A involved in helping those in need. Charity during the Russo-Turkish war%0A (1877-1878) reached extraordinary proportions. Donations were received%0A from ordinary people, monasteries and the highest Church hierarchy. %C2%A0 %C2%A0%0A II. DISCUSSION Such an important aspect of the activity of the Orthodox%0A Church, especially significant during the period of hostilities, as%0A charity, began to be studied in the XIX century. This issue was%0A researched, in particular, by Russian religious philosophers. N.A.%0A Berdyaev believed that the basis of true Orthodox spirituality should be%0A based not only on the desire for personal salvation, but also on%0A participation in social transformations, since, according to the%0A philosopher, social life depends entirely on the spiritual qualities of%0A people. Among the representatives of the secular pre-revolutionary%0A historiography, was V.O. Klyuchevsky. In his opinion, charity in Russia%0A was not so much a means of improving public beautification as a necessary%0A condition for improving moral health. Modern researchers also pay%0A attention to some issues related to the charitable activities of clergy.%0A The article of V.M. Moskvina is devoted to the study of the role of the%0A clergy in cultural and educational work among military personnel. In the%0A paper of B.A. Ershov, %E2%80%9CSisters of Charity Communities and the Orthodox%0A Church of the Russian Province of the XIXth Century,%E2%80%9D the role of the%0A Church in creating and organizing the activities of provincial sisters of%0A charity communities that participated in military campaigns is studied.%0A The article written by S.V. Arkhipov examines the charitable activities of%0A the Church during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, regarding the%0A organization of assistance to the Slavic peoples of the Balkan Peninsula%0A and the wounded Russian soldiers. However, issues related to the charity%0A of the Russian Orthodox Church during the Russian-Turkish war have not%0A been studied in sufficient detail. %C2%A0 III. RESULTS The charitable%0A activities of the Church started on the eve of the military campaign. The%0A Synod (the highest governing body of the Russian Orthodox Church between%0A 1721 and 1918)%C2%A0 issued a decree of November 24, 1876, required all female%0A monasteries and communities to form "compassionate sisters"%0A groups consisting of nuns and novices for working in military hospitals.%0A The same monasteries were ordered to engage in the manufacture of lint,%0A bandages, dressings, and all that was required for the wounds treatment.%0A According to the decree of March 3, 1877, men's monasteries were also%0A involved in the formation of "compassionate brothers" groups of%0A monks and novices who were able to do the same work. And immediately after%0A the declaration of war, the Holy Synod published the required number of%0A copies of the war declaring manifest and sent them to the dioceses with%0A the instruction to read the manifest in cathedrals, churches and%0A monasteries. The members of the Holy Synod, the clergy and the laity%0A called for donations for the army needs. Since the autumn of 1877, taking%0A into account the upcoming cold weather conditions, the ongoing military%0A operations and a substantial increase in the costs of war, the Synod urged%0A monasteries and hermitages along the railways to provide all available and%0A reserve room for arranging hospitals for convalescent or sick soldiers,%0A having made all the necessary materials for them. Collecting donations for%0A military purposes was a sphere of activity of two organizations: The%0A Slavic Benevolent Society, also known as the Slavic Committee, and the%0A Society for the care of sick and wounded soldiers, which was renamed the%0A Red Cross Society soon after the war. Slavic Benevolent Society was%0A founded in Moscow in 1858, then opened two branches - in St. Petersburg%0A and Kiev. The Society for care the sick and wounded soldiers, founded in%0A 1867, had its own warehouses to store humanitarian aid in the large cities%0A of the Russian Empire. Like during the Crimean War, women's%0A organizations played a large role in charitable activities. All%0A communities of this type can be divided into 3 groups: 1) communities%0A realizing a wide charity activities, including the poor and orphans%0A support; 2) communities, whose main activity was to help sick and wounded%0A soldiers (these communities closely co-operated with the Ladies'%0A Committee caring wounded and sick soldiers); 3) communities that existed%0A at the convents and under the jurisdiction of the Holy Synod (these%0A communities were often involved in extensive charity work and worked on%0A monastic principles). Along with the belonging to a particular community%0A sisters of charity, for whom the care of the sick and wounded was a%0A professional affair, there were Red Cross sisters who were trained for the%0A case of hostilities. In fact, the Red Cross nurses were the women ready to%0A abandon their everyday life during the war in order to serve the sick and%0A wounded. There were lots of such not only in the capital, but in%0A provincial cities too. Legal and administrative provisions of the Sisters%0A of Charity during the war were regulated by published in 1875 "Rules%0A for the Sisters of the Red Cross," and the rules drawn up for those%0A wishing to join the Red Cross sisters only during the war. Accordingly,%0A the status of permanently working in communities sisters and those who%0A would like to perform the duties temporarily (popularly called%0A "volunteers" or "civilians") had been delineated.%0A Participation in the Orthodox religion for the sisters of the Red Cross,%0A according to the specified rules, was optional. Women of other faiths%0A could join their ranks. Age limits ranged from 20 to 45 years. In contrast%0A to the period of the Crimean War, when many of the Holy Cross community%0A sisters, after the expiration of the one-year period for which they made a%0A vow, were returning home, these women now had to serve indefinitely until%0A the end of the war. Freelance sisters recruited in excess of the state,%0A initially in the communities, were placed on full allowance of the Red%0A Cross. As for administrative functions, they were only allowed to exercise%0A control over hospital workers, and their professional activities were%0A limited to the preparation of the simplest drugs and materials. The start%0A of training for women who volunteered to join nursing communities was laid%0A out by the so-called Medical Community, which consisted of professional%0A physicians who conducted theoretical and practical classes for all comers.%0A They sent the corresponding proposal to the Headquarters of the Red Cross%0A Society. The first course took place from February to May 1877. The number%0A of students was about 500 people, but only 171 of them received%0A certificates according to the results of final tests. The majority of the%0A attendees of the courses were Orthodox, but there were also Catholic,%0A Lutheran and Jewish women among the students. Later, at the initiative of%0A local women's committees, similar courses, most often six months,%0A began to operate in other cities: Tambov, Kursk, Poltava, Chernigov,%0A Saratov, Kostroma, etc. Theoretical studies in these short-term%0A "schools" included elementary material on pharmacology,%0A compounding, anatomy, physiology, hygiene and surgery; women were taught%0A to bandage, assist with operations, read and understand recipes, they were%0A told about hospital procedures. Naturally, those who had undergone such%0A short-term training did not have a high level of qualification. Long%0A before the main stream of civilian sisters, the troops of the %E2%80%9Coldest%E2%80%9D%0A communities that had already been tested and proved to be effective went%0A to Bulgaria. In June-July 1877, seven groups left for Romania and the%0A Caucasus, less than 20 people each. 32 cross sisters led by Shchekhovskaya%0A and Nadezhdina operated at the main crossing of the Russian units across%0A the Danube near Zimnitsa, where they were later replaced by sisters of the%0A community of St. George. 27 sisters of the St. George community headed by%0A E.P. Kartseva before the crossing of the Russian troops served at stages%0A in Romania, and then were sent to Bulgaria: Tarnovo, Gorni Studen, Gabrovo%0A and Bogota. They were among the few who were allowed to take advanced%0A positions near besieged Pleven, where the famous surgeon N.V.%0A Sklifosovsky, whose attitude towards the presence of women on the front%0A line was negative. Moreover, such permission could only be obtained from%0A the main representatives of the Red Cross Society. Sklifosovsky believed%0A that individuals and detachments of private societies should not appear at%0A all near the battlefield, since this entailed a violation of subordination%0A and military discipline. The sisters headed by Kartseva, who followed the%0A rapidly advancing Russian detachments, overcame the Shipka Pass and,%0A passing through almost the entire territory of Bulgaria, worked in%0A Adrianople and Philippopolis, in close proximity to Turkey. 120 sisters of%0A the community called %E2%80%9CQuench my sorrows%E2%80%9D under the leadership of Princess%0A N. B. Shakhovskaya served on the territory of Romania, through which%0A Russian troops passed, heading to Bulgaria, where the main battles of the%0A new war unfolded. In particular, they worked near Galats and Brailov,%0A where the crossing of part of the Russian divisions across the Danube took%0A place, as well as in Bulgareni, already in Bulgaria, near Pleven. 90%0A representatives of the %E2%80%9CBlagoveshchenskaya%E2%80%9D community headed by Sabinina%0A were transferred from Crimea to the stages of patients%E2%80%99 transportation in%0A Romania: from Yassy to Fratesti, between which the railway were laid.%0A These sisters worked mainly on the Red Cross sanitary trains. In July 1877%0A the group of sisters headed by E.M. Bakunina directed to the Caucasian%0A theater of military operations, to the Armenian city of Dilijan. Since%0A June 1877, sisters of the Holy Trinity Community (20 people) had been%0A working in Yassy under the leadership of E.A. Kublitskaya. Baroness Y.P.%0A Vrevskaya, a friend and correspondent of the writer I.S. Turgenev, was in%0A this group. By the end of 1877, the authorities considered the number of%0A sisters in military hospitals sufficient and the flow of small groups of%0A community sisters and female volunteers was suspended. However, at the%0A beginning of 1878, a massive outbreak of typhus began in the army, which%0A also affected a large part of the medical staff. In this regard, in%0A February, the second stream of newly trained sisters was organized at the%0A site of the battles. Moreover, about 50 women, who returned to Russia%0A because of their poor health, again went to Bulgaria and the Caucasus,%0A trying to go there with enviable persistence. According to rough%0A estimates, about 1,300 women participated in this war as medical and%0A sanitary personnel. Of these, more than forty died, and almost all%0A suffered one or another form of typhoid fever. As has already been noted,%0A in all sections of Russian society, ideas connected with sympathy for the%0A Slavic peoples of the Balkans and for rendering all possible assistance to%0A them were very popular. Even before the outbreak of hostilities, various%0A charitable organizations, including church organizations, collected and%0A sent humanitarian supplies there. Since the beginning of the declaration%0A of war, the help of the Russians had increased tenfold. Diocesan priests%0A actively promoted such undertakings and set their own example. Donations%0A of some of them were very significant. For example, the Archangelsk%0A Archbishop Makarii donated 2.0 thousand rubles; Archbishop of Lithuania%0A Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow Innokenty and Bishop of the Caucasus%0A Herman contributed 1.0 thousand rubles each, the Right Reverend Pavel of%0A Kishinev - 875 rubles; Archbishop of Astrakhan Chrysanth, Archbishop of%0A Kharkov Savva and Archbishop of Vyatka Apollos - 500 rub. The total sumo%0A which dioceses themselves donated to the army was about 600 thousand%0A rubles, including: Moscow (104.784 thousand rubles), St. Petersburg (up to%0A 56.0 thousand rubles), Kiev (30.907 thousand rubles), Vyatka (21.602%0A thousand rubles), Vologda (19.586 thousand rubles), Vladimir (19,127%0A thousand rubles), Ekaterinoslav (17.818 thousand rubles), Poltava (17.735%0A thousand rubles), Caucasus ( 16,701 thousand rubles.), Yaroslavl (15,398%0A thousand rubles.). In addition to cash things were donated in large%0A quantities everywhere. The total value exceeded 300.0 thousand rubles%0A throughout Russia. For example, residents of the Vyatka province%0A transferred clothes, shoes, household utensils. Bishop Apollos, Bishop of%0A Vyatka and Sloboda, donated a gold pocket watch to the General Directorate%0A of the Society for the Care of Wounded and Sick Soldiers, asking to use%0A them for their intended purpose. On the initiative of the Local Government%0A in 1877, 58,467 sets of top and bottom clothes, shoes, bed linen, etc.%0A were manufactured and sent to Moscow and Chisinau. The donations were so%0A significant that from 6 to 12 women worked daily in the Vyatka warehouse%0A engaged in sorting things. Under the supervision of the managers of the%0A warehouse AM. Mender and A.F. Subina cut canvases, of which were sewn%0A shirts, aprons, sheets, pillowcases etc. Sewing itself was issued to the%0A peasant families for a fixed fee, which supported poor women, mostly%0A soldiers%E2%80%99 wives. There were a lot of things needed in hospital life.%0A Vyatka warehouse sent to the front 900 sets of hospital linen. In the%0A first place among the donors were Vyatka priests. Priest Andrei Zagarsky,%0A senior priest of the Lebyazhsky church in Urzhumsky district, gave two%0A canvases, one tablecloth, two women's shirts, nine skeins of thread,%0A and so on. Other priests also made their own contribution: Archpriest%0A Farmakovsky, priest Nikolai Olyunin, priest Aristarkh Avvakumov. Residents%0A of the village of Bogorodsky in Vyatka County sent 41 yards of canvas. The%0A clergy and laity of the Voronezh province also took an active part in%0A helping the Slavic peoples of the Balkans on the eve of the war and in%0A supporting the army during the war. Voronezh poet Ivan Savich Nikitin in%0A the period of the Crimean War in his publications expressed hope for the%0A liberation of the enslaved Slavs. A native of the village of Korshevo,%0A Bobrovsky district, Alexei Suvorin made a great contribution to the timely%0A familiarization of the people of Russia with the events on the fronts of%0A the Russo-Turkish war, being the editor of the newspaper "Novoe%0A Vremya". In its views, Voronezh publicist and historian Mikhail%0A Fyodorovich De-Pule was close to the Slavophiles. And the governor himself%0A - Prince Mikhail Obolensky - was a relative of the active member of the%0A Slavic committees Yury Samarin. However, on the pages of the provincial%0A newspapers, their names stand next to the names of priests, officers and%0A peasants undeservedly forgotten in our day, animated by patriotic%0A feelings. Voronezh province was not among the most well-to-do and%0A well-maintained, but all of its inhabitants, even the poorest peasantry,%0A united to gather for the needs of the Slavs and the Russian army, which%0A were heroically fighting in the Balkans. Many citizens of Voronezh%0A sacrificed their lives for the sake of the freedom of fraternal peoples.%0A In 1875, an uprising of the Serbian population began in Bosnia and%0A Herzegovina (the Nevesin gun), to suppress which the Turkish government%0A used the most brutal methods. In the Serbian principality and border areas%0A of Austria-Hungary and Montenegro, a stream of refugees rushed. The Serbs%0A who were driven out of their homes often had neither food nor warm%0A clothes. Slavic Committees in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev and Odessa%0A immediately began to raise funds to assist them. Already in 1875, a%0A representative of the Voronezh Noble Assembly sent a letter with a money%0A transfer to the chairman of the Moscow Slavic Committee, Ivan Sergeyevich%0A Aksakov: "I have the honor to send you 39 rubles collected by%0A subscription in the Voronezh Noble Assembly in favor of the affected%0A families of Herzegovina and Bosnia." In total, according to Boris%0A Firsov, in 1876%E2%80%931877 members of the Voronezh Noble Assembly donated 1,000%0A rubles to the Slavs of the Balkan Peninsula and for the construction and%0A maintenance of a hospital for wounded and sick soldiers in Voronezh. In%0A 1876, Russian society was shocked by the cruelties shown during the%0A suppression of the uprising in Bulgaria. Voronezh province did not stand%0A aside. In the seventeenth issue of the newspaper "Voronezh Diocesan%0A Gazette", published on September 1, 1876, a letter of July 24 was%0A published, which was forwarded from the Voronezh Spiritual Consistory. The%0A letter recommended everyone to acquire the newly published collection%0A %E2%80%9CSlavic thoughts and voices%E2%80%9D, with poems by Pushkin, Lermontov, Zhukovsky,%0A Pleshcheyev, Khomyakov, as well as Bulgarian, Serbian and Montenegrin,%0A Galician, Polish, Slovenian, Croatian poets. The authors of the letter, in%0A particular, wrote: %E2%80%9COur sympathies for the Slavs are understandable,%0A because we are Slavs ourselves. The point is that we are strong and free.%0A They are politically fragmented and dependent on other nations. In order%0A to strengthen these sympathies even more, so that the instinctive love of%0A a Russian person for his Slavic brothers can be converted into conscious,%0A rational love %E2%80%94 for this you need knowledge; it is necessary that the%0A Russian people - all in general, and not only the highest educated layers%0A of it - become familiar with the rest of the Slavic world, with their%0A thoughts and feelings, sorrows and dreams, and in general with the whole%0A structure of its diverse life.%E2%80%9D In the same issue of the newspaper, a%0A document characteristic of that period was published. This is a letter%0A from Novy Kalitva, by a priest of the settlement of Vasily Apollosov,%0A dated November 26, 1876. It states: "In our diocese, every priest%0A directly from himself sent and sends ... donations either to Charity%0A Committees existing in the capitals, or through various newspaper%0A editorial offices ...". According to the estimate attached to the%0A letter, from the settlement of Novaya Kalitva on June 12, 1876, 30 rubles%0A were sent to the St. Petersburg Slavic Committee, on September 18 to the%0A Moscow Committee 25 rubles, on October 21 to the Moscow Committee 10%0A rubles, to November 12 to the Moscow Committee 50 rubles. These sums %E2%80%9Cmake%0A up for the most part labor pennies donated by peasants of commoners%E2%80%9D%0A Priest Vasily reports that 14 people have pledged to continue to make%0A money for the needs of the Slavs: this is, in particular, assistant parish%0A clerk Andrei Dmitrichenko, state peasant Efimiy Yakovenko, village elder%0A Nikolai Krasnoyaruzhsky. These donations were not the only ones: on%0A September 20, 1876, peasants of the Voronezh province donated money and 50%0A yards of canvas to families affected in Bosnia, Herzegovina and Bulgaria.%0A April 15, 1877 in Voronezh Troitsko-Smolensk Cathedral in the presence of%0A the governor MA. Obolensky a manifest on declaring war on Turkey was read.%0A By the end of April, the city council decided to allocate 20 thousand%0A rubles for the needs of the army and to take over the maintenance of 50%0A beds in a local military hospital. In response to the Governor%E2%80%99s report on%0A this donation, he received a telegram of thanks from Empress Maria%0A Alexandrovna. The amount of donations to the needs of the army by January%0A 1, 1878 reached 145,224 rubles. The following %E2%80%9CStatement to the Editor%E2%80%9D%0A appeared on the pages of the Diocesan newspaper: "In 1877, May 5, we,%0A the undersigned, Bogucharsky district of the settlement of the New%0A Assumption Church, sacredly and clergymen, after reading in the church of%0A the Imperial Manifesto about the entry of Russian troops into the Turkish%0A possessions and after serving the Lord God the prayer for giving our%0A Orthodox Christian victory to the Orthodox over the enemies, expressed%0A their zealous desire during the whole continuation of the war to sacrifice%0A to the sick %E2%80%94 wounded soldiers of 2%25 from the ruble of all our monetary%0A incomes coming into the general circle, and in what we subscribe. Sloboda%0A Novobelo Assumption Church priest Yevgeny Prokopiev, assistant abbot%0A priest Gregory Manuilov. Deacon Mokiy Chuev. Deacon Vasily Rajewski.%0A Psalms: Peter Krasnobashtov, Dimitri Stefanov, Ivan Popov. On May 29, 1877%0A a hospital of the Red Cross Society was opened in Voronezh, designed for%0A 350 wounded, which operated for almost a year. On July 27, 1877, the vicar%0A Bishop of Ostrogozhsk, Benjamin, consecrated in the provincial city the%0A temporary church of the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon at the%0A hospital for wounded soldiers. In the summer of 1877, Metropolitan Michael%0A of Serbia was staying on the territory of the Voronezh diocese. On July 7,%0A he arrived at the Zadonsky Bogoroditsky Monastery, where on July 8 he%0A served the Divine Liturgy, and in the evening of the same day he left for%0A Moscow. He was presented with the icon of St. Tikhon. On June 6, the%0A provincial leader of the nobility P.F. Panyutin informed the acting%0A Governor I.A. Zvegintsov that on June 5 an extraordinary provincial%0A nobility meeting took place, at which it was decided to donate 20 thousand%0A rubles for families of officers and lower ranks participating in the%0A military campaign. Then a printed sheet was published %E2%80%9Cfor general%0A information%E2%80%9D - an announcement to the residents of the province. It was%0A reported: "Mr. Voronezh provincial leader of the Nobility has the%0A honor to make it universally known that the Voronezh extraordinary%0A provincial nobility meeting, according to his decision, on June 5, 1877,%0A approved by Mr. Minister of Internal Affairs, donated twenty thousand%0A rubles for the issuance of cash benefits, in 1st, for families of%0A gentlemen officers and lower ranks of the natives of the Voronezh%0A province, who are in a helpless position, due to the lack of the sole%0A breadwinners called up for service, be able to work their representatives,%0A and at 2nd, families of the officers and lower ranks of Voronezh province%0A natives who have undergone extremes of wounds due to injuries or death in%0A war members of those families. The basis for the families of such%0A gentlemen officers and lower ranks of monthly and one-time allowances%0A should be the certificates of the Voronezh provincial leader or county%0A leaders of the nobility of those districts of the Voronezh province where%0A the families needing allowance both the marital status and the inadequate%0A status requesting allowance. On the basis of these certificates, the%0A issuance of benefits is made in the Voronezh provincial district council,%0A or through the district councils, who apply for allowance at the place of%0A residence.%E2%80%9D The diocesan newspaper published lists of the died and missing%0A residents of the Voronezh province in the Russo-Turkish war. The Kostroma%0A Diocese, whose borders coincided with the borders of the Kostroma%0A province, also provided significant support during the Russian-Turkish war%0A of 1877-1878. Russian army and southern Slavs. In Kostroma diocese groups%0A of compassionate brothers and sisters were formed. The main work in this%0A area was carried out in the Kostroma Epiphany Anastasiinsky monastery,%0A where a detachment of 66 compassionate sisters was created and material%0A was collected for hospitals from most diocesan monasteries. As a result,%0A the Makariyev-Unzhensky monastery transferred to the Red Cross Society 320%0A arshins of canvas and 15 skeins of thread for 30 rubles, the%0A Avraamievo-Gorodetsky 775 arshins of canvas for 70 rubles, the Forerunner%0A Zheleznoborovsky donated 6 pounds of canvas, more than 10,000 arshins, for%0A 100 R. The Kostroma Ladies Committee of the Society for the Care of%0A Wounded and Wounded Soldiers acted in the Epiphany Monastery itself. By%0A January 1, 1878, 800 poods of linen, clothes and other accessories were%0A manufactured and sent to operating army units through central warehouses.%0A Galichsky Trinity Belbazhsky maidens, Nikolaevsky Starotorzhsky maidens,%0A the Virgin-Fedorovsky monasteries, as well as the Virgin-Fedorovskaya and%0A Kineshma-Voznesenskaya women's communities also took an active part.%0A By the lace collection was collected 833 p. 66 kopecks in the monastery,%0A and 5489.44 rubles. in parish and cathedral churches. %C2%A0A hospital for sick%0A and wounded soldiers was also created in the Epiphany Monastery: in the%0A subordinate Holy Cross Monastery under its jurisdiction, 2 rooms with 60%0A beds were allocated for these needs, 1 building with 15 beds, the house%0A adjacent to the monastery - under the Ladies workshop Committee,%0A outbuilding of the building - under the warehouse of donations things. The%0A monastery, at its own expense, repaired buildings: renovation of exterior%0A wall cladding and painting, provision of water from the city reservoir,%0A upholstery of the warehouse%E2%80%99s internal walls and installation of stoves in%0A it, at a cost of about 2,000 rubles. The Ipatiev Monastery provided a%0A reserve building located outside the monastery, with the possibility of%0A accommodating up to 10 beds, with the availability of a kitchen, and also%0A provided an unlimited and completely free supply of all the necessary food%0A for cooking. Makariyevo-Unzhensky, Bogoroditsa-Igritsky, Gorodetsky%0A Avraamiev, Nikolo-Babaevsky and Predtechensky Zheleznoborovsky%0A monasteries, as well as the Krivoezerskaya desert, expressed their%0A willingness to rebuild adjacent monasteries, monastic hotels and some%0A outbuildings that could be converted for a short time and sick. During the%0A years of the Russo-Turkish war 1877-1878 in the cities and villages of the%0A Tambov province guardships were established to assist families called up%0A for war. A significant role in their activities was played by the parish%0A clergy. According to the testimony of the report on the state of the%0A Tambov diocese for 1877, the Bishop of Tambov and Shatsk Palladium%0A %E2%80%9CDespite the unequal security, all monasteries, both male and female,%0A responded readily to the appeals of various people of charitable societies%0A to donate to the Slavs of the Balkan Peninsula and in favor of our Russian%0A Orthodox soldiers who have shed their blood for the holy work of freeing%0A their brothers by faith and blood from the Muslim yoke. They were donated%0A by ... female monasteries: Sukhota%E2%80%99s 124 rubles in money and 6 pounds of%0A things.%E2%80%9D The donation of the monastery was significant at that time and%0A was not inferior in size to the aid of the larger monasteries. Further in%0A the report it was noted that %E2%80%9Cthe last war caused the desire of many%0A brothers and sisters to work hard to help the wounded and sick of our%0A soldiers. During the past year, they expressed a desire to enter the%0A orderlies and sisters of mercy: 2 hieromonks, 2 monks, 1 deacon, 2%0A novices, 2 nuns and 23 novices. According to the actual need of the Red%0A Cross, 12 novices of the Tambov Sukhota monastery were sent to the sisters%0A of mercy.%E2%80%9D IV. CONCLUSION Thus, the Russian Orthodox Church rendered%0A significant assistance in the provision of materials for the army and in%0A helping the wounded during the years of the Russian-Turkish war of%0A 1877-1878. Church organizations not only organized charitable activities%0A on their own, but also called on all representatives of Russian society to%0A do the same. It can be argued that the clergy were among the main%0A instigators and organizers of various actions aimed at supporting the%0A Russian army and the liberated Slavic peoples. Significant was the role of%0A the Church in the activities of the new for Russia charitable organization%0A - the Red Cross Society. It began in the years of the Crimean War, when,%0A with the blessing of the Church, the sisters of mercy for the first time%0A in large numbers began to serve the wounded and sick during military%0A operations. On the eve and in the years of the Russo-Turkish war in%0A 1877-1878. This organization received its legal and administrative%0A clearance. The Russian Red Cross Society was not exclusively Orthodox,%0A nevertheless the overwhelming majority of professional sisters of mercy%0A who served in it and volunteers professed Orthodoxy. The Russian%0A provincial clergy made a major contribution to the organization of%0A charitable assistance to the military and civilian population during this%0A war. The sufferings of the Slavic peoples of the Balkans and the difficult%0A conditions in which the Russian army found itself during the foreign%0A campaign were constantly in the center of attention of the clergy of the%0A Russian provinces. These problems were widely reported on the pages of the%0A local church press. Provincial clergymen actively participated in the%0A propaganda of the war of liberation, made significant donations themselves%0A and called for their parishioners to do the same. %C2%A0 REFERENCE LIST%0A Aitkaliev V.A., (2014) The Russian Orthodox Church. 159 p. Akinshin A.N.,%0A (2000) Governor Mikhail Obolensky in 1874-1878. Voronezh Governors and%0A Vice-Governors. Pp. 265-274. Arkhipov S.V., (2015) Charity of the Russian%0A Orthodox Church during the Russian-Turkish war (1877-1878). History and%0A political science. Pp. 126-127. Ashmarov I.A., (2009) Historical%0A experience of the state solution of labor problems in Russia%C2%A0 Economic%0A history in discussions: Interun. Sat scientific papers Issue 3. Voronezh%0A State Technical University. Pp.17-29. Ashmarov I.A., Ershov B.A, (2018)%0A Church as a social and economic institution of society%C2%A0 II International%0A Scientific and Practical Conference Orthodoxy and Society: the Edge of%0A Interaction. Chita: Pp. 11-19. Ashmarov I.A., Latysheva L.P., (2009)%0A Possibilities of humanistic values in times of crisis Risk and danger%0A society of the 21st century: forecasts, scenarios for overcoming the%0A crisis: the works of All-Russia. scientific conf. Voronezh State Technical%0A University. Pp.120-123. Belova E.E., (2010) The Sisters of Mercy during%0A the Russo-Turkish War (1877%E2%80%931878). 110 p. Berdyaev N.A., (1994) The%0A Philosophy of the Free Spirit. 480 p. Ershov B.A., (2010) Church tenure of%0A the Russian province in the XIX century Society. Wednesday. Development.%0A %E2%84%96%C2%A0 4 (17). Pp. 38-42. Ershov B.A., (2010) Sisters of Mercy and the%0A Orthodox Church of the Russian Province of the XIX Century. Bulletin of%0A the Voronezh State Technical University. Pp. 204-209. Ershov B.A., (2011)%0A Family foundations of clergy in the provinces of the Central Chernozem%0A region in the XIX century. Historical, philosophical, political and legal%0A sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and%0A practice. %E2%84%96%C2%A0 2-2 (8). Pp. 68-71. 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Shashin S.I., (2008) Vyatka People during the%0A Russo-Turkish war (1877-1878). Vyatka Scientific Notes. Pp. 85-98. Ulunyan%0A A.A., (2006) The Russo-Turkish war and the Russian Public. Russia and%0A Bulgaria. Pp. 52-64. Zakharov I.S., (1997) Nikolai Pirogov. 250 p. %C2%A0%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A</resource>
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doi:10.18737/D7K01R: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, not in Handle System
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doi:10.18737/D7PP4Q: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, not in Handle System
< _created: 2019-09-17T10:32:58
< _updated: 2020-06-25T05:26:00
< _datacite: <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.18737/D7PP4Q</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName nameType="Personal">Rizk-Jackson, Angela</creatorName>%0A <givenName>Angela</givenName>%0A <familyName>Rizk-Jackson</familyName>%0A <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID" schemeURI="">0000-0002-1732-8550</nameIdentifier>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title xml:lang="en">Analysis of ADNI data: Normal to MCI conversion</title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher xml:lang="en">University of California, San Francisco</publisher>%0A <publicationYear>2013</publicationYear>%0A <subjects>%0A <subject xml:lang="en">Aging</subject>%0A <subject xml:lang="en">Cognition</subject>%0A <subject xml:lang="en">Risk-factor</subject>%0A <subject xml:lang="en">Mild Cognitive Impairment</subject>%0A <subject xml:lang="en">Prediction</subject>%0A <subject xml:lang="en">Modeling</subject>%0A </subjects>%0A <contributors>%0A <contributor contributorType="ResearchGroup">%0A <contributorName xml:lang="en" nameType="Organizational">Center for Imaging of Neurodegenerative Disease</contributorName>%0A </contributor>%0A </contributors>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset"/>%0A <relatedIdentifiers>%0A <relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="DOI" relationType="IsReferencedBy">10.5072/j.jalz.2012.05.911</relatedIdentifier>%0A </relatedIdentifiers>%0A <descriptions>%0A <description xml:lang="en" descriptionType="Abstract">%0A This study replication data resource includes information referencing specific items in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database that were used with the included analysis scripts (R statistical software) to reach conclusions%0A presented in the referenced publication (DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2012.05.911).%0A </description>%0A <description xml:lang="en" descriptionType="Methods">%0A Utilizing the ADNI database, we identified 41 individuals who remained stable for 48-months (NC) and 16 who converted to MCI (CNV). Of these 57 subjects, all had available baseline clinical and MRI data, but only 16 NC and 11 CNV had available%0A FDG-PET data. Wilcoxon Rank Sum tests assessed baseline demographic and clinical imbalances between CNV and NC. The effect of conversion status on neuroimaging measures at baseline was tested using linear regression modeling. Finally, linear%0A discriminant analysis (LDA) models were created using features from an a-priori subset of clinical metrics, MRI measures, and FDG-PET measures obtained at baseline to predict which individuals would later convert to MCI and which would remain stable.%0A We used a leave-one-out cross validation strategy and permutation analysis to confirm significance.%0A </description>%0A </descriptions>%0A</resource>
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doi:10.18739/A2028PD8D: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A20V89J16: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A22V2CB25: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A23N20F64: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A23T9D71C: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-23T09:33:43
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doi:10.18739/A24M91B5B: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A24T6F423: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A25T3G11V: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A26M33469: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A27D2Q80H: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A27M04152: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A28C9R493: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A28K74X5B: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-22T16:33:23
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doi:10.18739/A29K45S35: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
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doi:10.18739/A2C53F235: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A2D50FZ30: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A2DB7VQ93: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A2F76677W: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A2FB4WK6F: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-06-25T12:35:48
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doi:10.18739/A2G44HR5W: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A2GX44V7K: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-28T13:37:06
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doi:10.18739/A2HX15R7T: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-24T13:24:36
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doi:10.18739/A2J09W52H: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-22T16:15:33
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doi:10.18739/A2K06X20S: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A2KW57J9Q: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-23T10:16:09
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doi:10.18739/A2MP4VP1Z: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-28T12:54:07
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doi:10.18739/A2NP1WK2P: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A2NS0KZ50: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A2QJ77Z9N: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
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doi:10.18739/A2RF5KG6K: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-28T09:21:05
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doi:10.18739/A2RJ48V9W: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-22T23:04:36
< _updated: 2020-07-22T23:04:42
doi:10.18739/A2SJ19R94: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-22T15:59:13
< _updated: 2020-07-22T15:59:18
doi:10.18739/A2V97ZS31: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-23T09:40:55
< _updated: 2020-07-23T09:41:06
doi:10.18739/A2W66990B: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-27T09:14:00
< _updated: 2020-07-27T09:14:07
doi:10.18739/A2W950P3N: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-22T22:56:45
< _updated: 2020-07-22T22:56:48
doi:10.18739/A2X921K3W: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-22T15:41:20
< _updated: 2020-07-22T15:41:31
doi:10.18739/A2Z31NP7G: in EZID (public, exported), not in DataCite
< _created: 2020-07-24T10:59:52
< _updated: 2020-07-24T10:59:58
doi:10.21239/V9001J: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T06:31:30
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:13
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9001J</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Ardila, N%C3%A9stor. Navas, Gabriel. Reyes, Javier.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Libro Rojo de Invertebrados Marinos de Colombia</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2002</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>invertebrados marinos, Colombia, libros rojos, especies amenazadas</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2002</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">96972-5-9</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este libro se encuentra dividido en cap%C3%ADtulos; del cap%C3%ADtulo uno al tres se tratan aspectos generales respecto a la serie de libros del que %C3%A9ste hace parte, tales como introducci%C3%B3n, lista de abreviaturas y metodolog%C3%ADa. La informaci%C3%B3n de las especies contenidas en los cap%C3%ADtulos cuatro y cinco se presenta a manera de ficha, bajo los siguientes t%C3%ADtulos: nombre com%C3%BAn; categor%C3%ADa nacional de amenaza; diagnosis, en la que se consignan algunos caracteres morfol%C3%B3gicos %C3%BAtiles para distinguir la especie; distribuci%C3%B3n geogr%C3%A1fica; ecolog%C3%ADa; amenazas; medidas de conservaci%C3%B3n tomadas y de conservaci%C3%B3n propuestas; algunas de las fichas tienen una secci%C3%B3n de comentarios o notas adicionales.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Oc%C3%A9anos de Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9001J</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Ardila, N%C3%A9stor. Navas, Gabriel. Reyes, Javier.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Libro Rojo de Invertebrados Marinos de Colombia</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2002</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>invertebrados marinos, Colombia, libros rojos, especies amenazadas</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2002</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">96972-5-9</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este libro se encuentra dividido en cap%C3%ADtulos; del cap%C3%ADtulo uno al tres se tratan aspectos generales respecto a la serie de libros del que %C3%A9ste hace parte, tales como introducci%C3%B3n, lista de abreviaturas y metodolog%C3%ADa. La informaci%C3%B3n de las especies contenidas en los cap%C3%ADtulos cuatro y cinco se presenta a manera de ficha, bajo los siguientes t%C3%ADtulos: nombre com%C3%BAn; categor%C3%ADa nacional de amenaza; diagnosis, en la que se consignan algunos caracteres morfol%C3%B3gicos %C3%BAtiles para distinguir la especie; distribuci%C3%B3n geogr%C3%A1fica; ecolog%C3%ADa; amenazas; medidas de conservaci%C3%B3n tomadas y de conservaci%C3%B3n propuestas; algunas de las fichas tienen una secci%C3%B3n de comentarios o notas adicionales.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Oc%C3%A9anos de Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V90039: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-04-28T09:17:35
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:32
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V90306: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-11T09:12:29
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:58
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V90306</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>G%C3%A1mez- Ram%C3%ADrez, Dalmiro.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Caracterizaci%C3%B3n geomorfol%C3%B3gica y de procesos erosivos del cord%C3%B3n de dunas entre los Km 26 y 28 del Via parque isla de Salamanca -VIPIS- Departamento del Magdalena</title></titles><publisher>Universidad Industrial de Santander</publisher><publicationYear>2011</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>oceanograf%C3%ADa geol%C3%B3gica, geomorfolog%C3%ADa.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="DataManager"><contributorName>INVEMAR, Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS).</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2011</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Para entender el proceso de erosi%C3%B3n de las dunas y su interacci%C3%B3n con el sistema costero se realiz%C3%B3 el presente estudio, en un sector de la carretera Barranquilla-Ci%C3%A9naga en la V%C3%ADa Parque Isla Salamanca - VIPIS, sector Kangar%C3%BA, donde se analizaron las caracter%C3%ADsticas sedimentol%C3%B3gicas, morfol%C3%B3gicas, procesos y causas de la erosi%C3%B3n de las geoformas e%C3%B3licas. Se midieron perfiles topogr%C3%A1ficos longitudinales y transversales a las dunas y se tomaron y analizaron muestras de sedimentos; se elabor%C3%B3 un modelo 3D del %C3%A1rea de estudio donde se ubic%C3%B3 el campo de dunas y se estableci%C3%B3 su relaci%C3%B3n con los zonas deprimidas. Finalmente se hizo un an%C3%A1lisis hist%C3%B3rico de la posici%C3%B3n de la l%C3%ADnea de costa en el sector. Actualmente, el campo de dunas que sirve como barrera de separaci%C3%B3n entre el continente y el mar, presenta una marcada erosi%C3%B3n donde la costa ha retrocedido entre 179 y 143 m en los %C3%BAltimos 44 a%C3%B1os, lo que ha significado una p%C3%A9rdida importante de sedimentos del sistema. El campo de dunas presenta dunas con amplitudes entre 30 y 140 m, alturas entre los 0,3 y 8 m y longitudes entre 0,4 y 140 m aproximadamente. Geomorfol%C3%B3logicamente las dunas estudiadas son parab%C3%B3licas paralelas al viento y tienden a formar un cord%C3%B3n de dunas, resguardadas por peque%C3%B1os pantanos de manglar y ubicadas a lo largo del litoral de la barra de Salamanca; se identificaron dunas activas, parcialmente cubiertas por vegetaci%C3%B3n hal%C3%B3fita, ubicadas en el centro de %C3%A1rea y dunas inactivas, estabilizadas con vegetaci%C3%B3n que se ubican en las zonas extremas del %C3%A1rea de estudio.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamento de Magdalena, isla de Salamanca, Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V90306</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>G%C3%A1mez- Ram%C3%ADrez, Dalmiro.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Caracterizaci%C3%B3n geomorfol%C3%B3gica y de procesos erosivos del cord%C3%B3n de dunas entre los Km 26 y 28 del Via parque isla de Salamanca -VIPIS- Departamento del Magdalena</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>Universidad Industrial de Santander</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2011</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>oceanograf%C3%ADa geol%C3%B3gica, geomorfolog%C3%ADa.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="DataManager">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS).</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2011</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Para entender el proceso de erosi%C3%B3n de las dunas y su interacci%C3%B3n con el sistema costero se realiz%C3%B3 el presente estudio, en un sector de la carretera Barranquilla-Ci%C3%A9naga en la V%C3%ADa Parque Isla Salamanca - VIPIS, sector Kangar%C3%BA, donde se analizaron las caracter%C3%ADsticas sedimentol%C3%B3gicas, morfol%C3%B3gicas, procesos y causas de la erosi%C3%B3n de las geoformas e%C3%B3licas. Se midieron perfiles topogr%C3%A1ficos longitudinales y transversales a las dunas y se tomaron y analizaron muestras de sedimentos; se elabor%C3%B3 un modelo 3D del %C3%A1rea de estudio donde se ubic%C3%B3 el campo de dunas y se estableci%C3%B3 su relaci%C3%B3n con los zonas deprimidas. Finalmente se hizo un an%C3%A1lisis hist%C3%B3rico de la posici%C3%B3n de la l%C3%ADnea de costa en el sector. Actualmente, el campo de dunas que sirve como barrera de separaci%C3%B3n entre el continente y el mar, presenta una marcada erosi%C3%B3n donde la costa ha retrocedido entre 179 y 143 m en los %C3%BAltimos 44 a%C3%B1os, lo que ha significado una p%C3%A9rdida importante de sedimentos del sistema. El campo de dunas presenta dunas con amplitudes entre 30 y 140 m, alturas entre los 0,3 y 8 m y longitudes entre 0,4 y 140 m aproximadamente. Geomorfol%C3%B3logicamente las dunas estudiadas son parab%C3%B3licas paralelas al viento y tienden a formar un cord%C3%B3n de dunas, resguardadas por peque%C3%B1os pantanos de manglar y ubicadas a lo largo del litoral de la barra de Salamanca; se identificaron dunas activas, parcialmente cubiertas por vegetaci%C3%B3n hal%C3%B3fita, ubicadas en el centro de %C3%A1rea y dunas inactivas, estabilizadas con vegetaci%C3%B3n que se ubican en las zonas extremas del %C3%A1rea de estudio.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Departamento de Magdalena, isla de Salamanca, Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9043P: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-05T05:41:13
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:22
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V90599: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-19T18:09:13
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:33
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9070K: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-07-14T07:53:18
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:26
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9071Z: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T12:50:13
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:06
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9088Z: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-06T09:53:45
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:43
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9088Z</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>G%C3%B3mez-Cubillos, Catalina. Licero, Lucia. Rodr%C3%ADguez, Alexandra. Romero, Diana. Ballesteros, Diana. G%C3%B3mez, Diana. Melo, Andr%C3%A9s. Garc%C3%ADa, Juli%C3%A1n. Chasqui, Lu%C3%ADs. Bastidas, Martha. Ricaute, Constanza. Perdomo, Laura.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Elementos t%C3%A9cnicos que permitan establecer medidas de manejo, control, uso sostenible y restauraci%C3%B3n de los ecosistemas costeros y marinos del pa%C3%ADs</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Biodiversidad, conservaci%C3%B3n, manejo de zonas costeras</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ARK" relationType="IsPartOf">ark:/81239/m9k59r</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPartOf" relatedIdentifierType="ARK">ark:/81239/m9fg6g</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ARK" relationType="IsPartOf">ark:/81239/m99p4j</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPartOf" relatedIdentifierType="ARK">ark:/81239/m9601k</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">La presente publicaci%C3%B3n es un portafolio con las %C3%A1reas prioritarias de ecosistemas marino costeros para restaurar en el pa%C3%ADs. Como ecosistemas estrat%C3%A9gicos se tuvieron en cuenta: arrecifes de coral, praderas de pastos marinos, playas de arena y manglares.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Ecosistemas costeros de Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9088Z</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>G%C3%B3mez-Cubillos, Catalina. Licero, Lucia. Rodr%C3%ADguez, Alexandra. Romero, Diana. Ballesteros, Diana. G%C3%B3mez, Diana. Melo, Andr%C3%A9s. Garc%C3%ADa, Juli%C3%A1n. Chasqui, Lu%C3%ADs. Bastidas, Martha. Ricaute, Constanza. Perdomo, Laura.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Elementos t%C3%A9cnicos que permitan establecer medidas de manejo, control, uso sostenible y restauraci%C3%B3n de los ecosistemas costeros y marinos del pa%C3%ADs</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Biodiversidad, conservaci%C3%B3n, manejo de zonas costeras</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPartOf" relatedIdentifierType="ARK">ark:/81239/m9k59r</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPartOf" relatedIdentifierType="ARK">ark:/81239/m9fg6g</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPartOf" relatedIdentifierType="ARK">ark:/81239/m99p4j</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPartOf" relatedIdentifierType="ARK">ark:/81239/m9601k</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">La presente publicaci%C3%B3n es un portafolio con las %C3%A1reas prioritarias de ecosistemas marino costeros para restaurar en el pa%C3%ADs. Como ecosistemas estrat%C3%A9gicos se tuvieron en cuenta: arrecifes de coral, praderas de pastos marinos, playas de arena y manglares.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Ecosistemas costeros de Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V90C7M: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-04T05:09:07
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:44
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V90C7M</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Gil-Agudelo, Diego. Nieto-Bernal, Ram%C3%B3n. Chasqui-Velasco,Luis. Rodr%C3%ADguez-Rinc%C3%B3n, Ang%C3%A9lica. Castro, Erick. Rueda, Mario.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Distribuci%C3%B3n y valoraci%C3%B3n del estado de la poblaci%C3%B3n silvestre de Caracol Pala Eustrombus Gigas (Gastropoda: Strombidae) en la Guajira (caribe colombiano) como gu%C3%ADa para su manejo pesquero y conservaci%C3%B3n</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2011</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Caracol Pala, Strombus gigas, distribuci%C3%B3n, conservaci%C3%B3n, manejo pesquero, gastropodos</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2011</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR Y BEM</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Se evaluaron las poblaciones de gaster%C3%B3podos de importancia econ%C3%B3mica en la plataforma continental de la Guajira, m%C3%A1s exactamente desde la poblaci%C3%B3n de Camarones hasta el Cabo de la Vela, entre los 3 y 20 metros de profundidad, con especial %C3%A9nfasis en Eustrombus gigas. Adicionalmente se llevaron a cabo observaciones en 13 concheros (dep%C3%B3sitos de conchas vac%C3%ADas en las playas) distribuidos en el %C3%A1rea de estudio. La poblaci%C3%B3n de caracol pala E. gigas en La Guajira ha sido hasta ahora la m%C3%A1s baja registrada en el Caribe colombiano, con solo tres individuos vivos. El caracol Strombus pugilis fue la especies m%C3%A1s abundante. Otras especies de gran importancia comercial en la regi%C3%B3n fueron Turbinella angulata, siendo una especie con una amplia distribuci%C3%B3n espacial dado que se encontr%C3%B3 en casi todos los ambientes adem%C3%A1s de ser la de mayor frecuencia de ocurrencia, Cassis madagascariensis y Cassis tuberosa. La abundancia de conchas botadas en las playas sugiere una explotaci%C3%B3n de E. gigas en el pasado reciente, mientras que T. angulata es la especie de caracol m%C3%A1s explotada en La Guajira. La poblaci%C3%B3n de caracol pala de La Guajira no est%C3%A1 en condiciones de ser explotada y mucho menos comercializada seg%C3%BAn los criterios dados por la CITES. Se denota la urgencia de seguir evaluando las poblaciones de gaster%C3%B3podos de importancia comercial en toda la plataforma continental de La Guajira, adem%C3%A1s de realizar planes de manejo que contribuyan al adecuado uso de este recurso.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V90C7M</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Gil-Agudelo, Diego. Nieto-Bernal, Ram%C3%B3n. Chasqui-Velasco,Luis. Rodr%C3%ADguez-Rinc%C3%B3n, Ang%C3%A9lica. Castro, Erick. Rueda, Mario.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Distribuci%C3%B3n y valoraci%C3%B3n del estado de la poblaci%C3%B3n silvestre de Caracol Pala Eustrombus Gigas (Gastropoda: Strombidae) en la Guajira (caribe colombiano) como gu%C3%ADa para su manejo pesquero y conservaci%C3%B3n</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2011</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Caracol Pala, Strombus gigas, distribuci%C3%B3n, conservaci%C3%B3n, manejo pesquero, gastropodos</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2011</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>INVEMAR Y BEM</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Se evaluaron las poblaciones de gaster%C3%B3podos de importancia econ%C3%B3mica en la plataforma continental de la Guajira, m%C3%A1s exactamente desde la poblaci%C3%B3n de Camarones hasta el Cabo de la Vela, entre los 3 y 20 metros de profundidad, con especial %C3%A9nfasis en Eustrombus gigas. Adicionalmente se llevaron a cabo observaciones en 13 concheros (dep%C3%B3sitos de conchas vac%C3%ADas en las playas) distribuidos en el %C3%A1rea de estudio. La poblaci%C3%B3n de caracol pala E. gigas en La Guajira ha sido hasta ahora la m%C3%A1s baja registrada en el Caribe colombiano, con solo tres individuos vivos. El caracol Strombus pugilis fue la especies m%C3%A1s abundante. Otras especies de gran importancia comercial en la regi%C3%B3n fueron Turbinella angulata, siendo una especie con una amplia distribuci%C3%B3n espacial dado que se encontr%C3%B3 en casi todos los ambientes adem%C3%A1s de ser la de mayor frecuencia de ocurrencia, Cassis madagascariensis y Cassis tuberosa. La abundancia de conchas botadas en las playas sugiere una explotaci%C3%B3n de E. gigas en el pasado reciente, mientras que T. angulata es la especie de caracol m%C3%A1s explotada en La Guajira. La poblaci%C3%B3n de caracol pala de La Guajira no est%C3%A1 en condiciones de ser explotada y mucho menos comercializada seg%C3%BAn los criterios dados por la CITES. Se denota la urgencia de seguir evaluando las poblaciones de gaster%C3%B3podos de importancia comercial en toda la plataforma continental de La Guajira, adem%C3%A1s de realizar planes de manejo que contribuyan al adecuado uso de este recurso.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V90F0N: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T11:01:28
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:08
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V90F0N</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Zamora Bornachera Anny Paola - Hern%C3%A1ndez Narv%C3%A1ez Desire%C3%A9- Calle Bonilla Isabel-Romero D%E2%80%99Achiardi Diana</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Vulnerabilidad Al Cambio Clim%C3%A1tico Y Lineamientos De Adaptaci%C3%B3n Para El Distrito De Buenaventura</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2017</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Text</resourceType></resource>
> _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V90F0N</identifier>%0A <creators>%0A <creator>%0A <creatorName>Zamora Bornachera Anny Paola - Hern%C3%A1ndez Narv%C3%A1ez Desire%C3%A9- Calle Bonilla Isabel-Romero D%E2%80%99Achiardi Diana</creatorName>%0A </creator>%0A </creators>%0A <titles>%0A <title>Vulnerabilidad Al Cambio Clim%C3%A1tico Y Lineamientos De Adaptaci%C3%B3n Para El Distrito De Buenaventura</title>%0A </titles>%0A <publisher>INVEMAR</publisher>%0A <publicationYear>2017</publicationYear>%0A <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text"/>%0A</resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V90H70: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T05:09:03
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:37
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V90K5X: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-26T12:49:29
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:56
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V90K5X</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>D%C3%ADaz-Merlano, Juan Manuel. Barrios-Su%C3%A1rez,Lina Mar%C3%ADa.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Cartograf%C3%ADa y caracterizaci%C3%B3n de las comunidades marinas en el Parque Nacional Natural Isla Gorgona, pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2002</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>cartograf%C3%ADa, comunidades marinas, hidrol%C3%B3gicas, impacto, buzos</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2002</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este proyecto se realiz%C3%B3 con el fin de generar informaci%C3%B3n b%C3%A1sica de la composici%C3%B3n y distribuci%C3%B3n de los ecosistemas marinos menos estudiados que se encuentran dentro del Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona (PNN Gorgona), para as%C3%AD suministrar otras herramientas %C3%BAtiles para la toma de decisiones acerca del manejo de esta %C3%A1rea protegida.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona, Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V90K5X</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>D%C3%ADaz-Merlano, Juan Manuel. Barrios-Su%C3%A1rez,Lina Mar%C3%ADa.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Cartograf%C3%ADa y caracterizaci%C3%B3n de las comunidades marinas en el Parque Nacional Natural Isla Gorgona, pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2002</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>cartograf%C3%ADa, comunidades marinas, hidrol%C3%B3gicas, impacto, buzos</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2002</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este proyecto se realiz%C3%B3 con el fin de generar informaci%C3%B3n b%C3%A1sica de la composici%C3%B3n y distribuci%C3%B3n de los ecosistemas marinos menos estudiados que se encuentran dentro del Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona (PNN Gorgona), para as%C3%AD suministrar otras herramientas %C3%BAtiles para la toma de decisiones acerca del manejo de esta %C3%A1rea protegida.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona, Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V90P4K: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T06:51:21
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:12
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V90P4K</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Casta%C3%B1o, F. Moreno,J. Ospino, L. L%C3%B3pez, A. Ulloque, M.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Lineamientos de adaptaci%C3%B3n al cambio clim%C3%A1tico del %C3%A1rea insular del distrito de Cartagena de Indias</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Cambio clim%C3%A1tico, vulnerabilidad, lineamientos de adaptaci%C3%B3n, %C3%A1reas insulares, Cartagena de Indias.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-63-3</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR, Alcald%C3%ADa de Cartagena de Indias, MADS, CDKN y C%C3%A1mara de Comercio de Cartagena.</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Gracias al trabajo conjunto entre la Alcald%C3%ADa de Cartagena de Indias, el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, el Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras %E2%80%9CJos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is%E2%80%9D (Invemar), la Alianza Clima y Desarrollo (CDKN, por sus siglas en ingl%C3%A9s) de Inglaterra y el apoyo sectorial de la C%C3%A1mara de Comercio de Cartagena, se est%C3%A1n proponiendo acciones hasta el a%C3%B1o 2040 que promuevan el desarrollo compatible con el clima en las %C3%A1reas insulares y el distrito de Cartagena de Indias. En este sentido, se han definido cinco l%C3%ADneas estrat%C3%A9gicas y acciones concretas para impulsar la econom%C3%ADa de las islas, el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de sus habitantes, la sostenibilidad ecol%C3%B3gica, el fortalecimiento institucional y el ordenamiento territorial, apoyado en la investigaci%C3%B3n Cient%C3%ADfica como base para la toma de decisiones y monitoreo de los fen%C3%B3menos naturales desde una metodolog%C3%ADa participativa.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V90P4K</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Casta%C3%B1o, F. Moreno,J. Ospino, L. L%C3%B3pez, A. Ulloque, M.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Lineamientos de adaptaci%C3%B3n al cambio clim%C3%A1tico del %C3%A1rea insular del distrito de Cartagena de Indias</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Cambio clim%C3%A1tico, vulnerabilidad, lineamientos de adaptaci%C3%B3n, %C3%A1reas insulares, Cartagena de Indias.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-63-3</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>INVEMAR, Alcald%C3%ADa de Cartagena de Indias, MADS, CDKN y C%C3%A1mara de Comercio de Cartagena.</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Gracias al trabajo conjunto entre la Alcald%C3%ADa de Cartagena de Indias, el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, el Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras %E2%80%9CJos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is%E2%80%9D (Invemar), la Alianza Clima y Desarrollo (CDKN, por sus siglas en ingl%C3%A9s) de Inglaterra y el apoyo sectorial de la C%C3%A1mara de Comercio de Cartagena, se est%C3%A1n proponiendo acciones hasta el a%C3%B1o 2040 que promuevan el desarrollo compatible con el clima en las %C3%A1reas insulares y el distrito de Cartagena de Indias. En este sentido, se han definido cinco l%C3%ADneas estrat%C3%A9gicas y acciones concretas para impulsar la econom%C3%ADa de las islas, el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de sus habitantes, la sostenibilidad ecol%C3%B3gica, el fortalecimiento institucional y el ordenamiento territorial, apoyado en la investigaci%C3%B3n Cient%C3%ADfica como base para la toma de decisiones y monitoreo de los fen%C3%B3menos naturales desde una metodolog%C3%ADa participativa.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V90T6Q: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-04-19T13:41:22
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:03
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V90W2W: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T12:03:34
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:05
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V90W38: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-01-26T12:13:10
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:07
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9101V: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-23T13:08:54
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:50
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9101V</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Mancera-Pineda, Jos%C3%A9. Baena-Parra, Olga. Diez-Grisales, Juan.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Referencias bibliogr%C3%A1ficas publicadas e in%C3%A9ditas de la Ci%C3%A9naga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe Colombiano Volumen 1</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>1996</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Book</resourceType><subjects><subject>Cat%C3%A1logo</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">1996</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">958-95950-1-4</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El libro es un cat%C3%A1logo de referencia de las investigaciones y trabajos realizados acerca de la Ci%C3%A9naga Grande de Santa Marta. Las investigaciones se enmarcaron en aspectos de tipo econ%C3%B3mico, social, hidr%C3%A1ulicos y pesqueros desde 1964 hasta 1995. En el cat%C3%A1logo se presentan por orden alfab%C3%A9tico de autores las referencias bibliogr%C3%A1ficas acompa%C3%B1adas por el n%C3%BAmero del archivo maestro (MFN) de la base de datos BINVE, elaborada por el INVEMAR. La descripci%C3%B3n de la informaci%C3%B3n bibliogr%C3%A1fica incluida en cada registro se hizo siguiendo las reglas de catalogaci%C3%B3n angloamericanas de la American Library Associaton y para el montaje de la base de datos BINVE se utiliz%C3%B3 la versi%C3%B3n 3.07 del paquete CDS/ISIS desarrollado por la UNESCO y distribuido en Colombia por el Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnolog%C3%ADa COLCIENCIAS . Cada registro incluye adem%C3%A1s de la cita bibliogr%C3%A1fica, un resumen del trabajo y unas palabras clave o descriptores, como ayuda para su b%C3%BAsqueda. Adem%C3%A1s, los interesados podr%C3%A1n adquirir copias de la base de datos en archivo magn%C3%A9tico, mediante solicitud al Centro de Documentaci%C3%B3n del INVEMAR.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Ci%C3%A9naga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe Colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9101V</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Mancera-Pineda, Jos%C3%A9. Baena-Parra, Olga. Diez-Grisales, Juan.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Referencias bibliogr%C3%A1ficas publicadas e in%C3%A9ditas de la Ci%C3%A9naga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe Colombiano Volumen 1</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>1996</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Cat%C3%A1logo</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">1996</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Book</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">958-95950-1-4</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El libro es un cat%C3%A1logo de referencia de las investigaciones y trabajos realizados acerca de la Ci%C3%A9naga Grande de Santa Marta. Las investigaciones se enmarcaron en aspectos de tipo econ%C3%B3mico, social, hidr%C3%A1ulicos y pesqueros desde 1964 hasta 1995. En el cat%C3%A1logo se presentan por orden alfab%C3%A9tico de autores las referencias bibliogr%C3%A1ficas acompa%C3%B1adas por el n%C3%BAmero del archivo maestro (MFN) de la base de datos BINVE, elaborada por el INVEMAR. La descripci%C3%B3n de la informaci%C3%B3n bibliogr%C3%A1fica incluida en cada registro se hizo siguiendo las reglas de catalogaci%C3%B3n angloamericanas de la American Library Associaton y para el montaje de la base de datos BINVE se utiliz%C3%B3 la versi%C3%B3n 3.07 del paquete CDS/ISIS desarrollado por la UNESCO y distribuido en Colombia por el Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnolog%C3%ADa COLCIENCIAS . Cada registro incluye adem%C3%A1s de la cita bibliogr%C3%A1fica, un resumen del trabajo y unas palabras clave o descriptores, como ayuda para su b%C3%BAsqueda. Adem%C3%A1s, los interesados podr%C3%A1n adquirir copias de la base de datos en archivo magn%C3%A9tico, mediante solicitud al Centro de Documentaci%C3%B3n del INVEMAR.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Ci%C3%A9naga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe Colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9130H: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-09T13:11:01
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:51
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9130H</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Hernadez, Milena. Moreno, Jamwar. Gamboa, Liane. Bejarano, Mauricio. Romero, Diana. Zawady, Julio. Garcia, Carolina. Sierra, Paula.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Proyecto Evaluaci%C3%B3n de la vulnerabilidad por ascenso en el nivel del mar (ANM) y propuesta de lineamientos de adaptaci%C3%B3n en las Islas de San Andr%C3%A9s, Providencia y Santa Catalina.</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Cambio clim%C3%A1tico, ascenso del nivel del mar.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, CORALINA.</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">La informaci%C3%B3n documentada en este informe se encuentra relacionada con la formulaci%C3%B3n de una propuesta de lineamientos de adaptaci%C3%B3n al cambio para mitigar la vulnerabilidad de las Islas de San Andr%C3%A9s, Providencia y Santa Catalina por ascensos del nivel del mar.&#13;%0AA su vez se hizo entrega de la cartograf%C3%ADa producida en el estudio en formato ArcGis v 10.0 que incluye geodatabase, salidas gr%C3%A1ficas en formato jpg, png, mxd, pdf y metadato. Por %C3%BAltimo se realizaron dos talleres de socializaci%C3%B3n de resultados del estudio, ante los comit%C3%A9 departamental de gesti%C3%B3n del Riesgo, uno (1) en San Andr%C3%A9s y (1) en providencia. Entrega de listas de asistencia y actas de realizaci%C3%B3n de talleres con registros fotogr%C3%A1ficos.&#13;%0APara concluir se pretende con dicha investigaci%C3%B3n evaluar la vulnerabilidad actual, a partir de la condici%C3%B3n de los sistemas biof%C3%ADsico, socioecon%C3%B3mico e institucional teniendo en cuenta las amenazas que se determinan en el %C3%A1rea de riesgo actual definida, con el fin de dise%C3%B1ar un escenario futuro de inundaci%C3%B3n de referencia para poder proponer un conjunto de lineamientos de adaptaci%C3%B3n. &#13;%0A%EF%82%B7</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Islas de San Andr%C3%A9s, Providencia y Santa Catalina, Colombia.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9130H</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Hernadez, Milena. Moreno, Jamwar. Gamboa, Liane. Bejarano, Mauricio. Romero, Diana. Zawady, Julio. Garcia, Carolina. Sierra, Paula.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Proyecto Evaluaci%C3%B3n de la vulnerabilidad por ascenso en el nivel del mar (ANM) y propuesta de lineamientos de adaptaci%C3%B3n en las Islas de San Andr%C3%A9s, Providencia y Santa Catalina.</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Cambio clim%C3%A1tico, ascenso del nivel del mar.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, CORALINA.</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">La informaci%C3%B3n documentada en este informe se encuentra relacionada con la formulaci%C3%B3n de una propuesta de lineamientos de adaptaci%C3%B3n al cambio para mitigar la vulnerabilidad de las Islas de San Andr%C3%A9s, Providencia y Santa Catalina por ascensos del nivel del mar.&#13;%0AA su vez se hizo entrega de la cartograf%C3%ADa producida en el estudio en formato ArcGis v 10.0 que incluye geodatabase, salidas gr%C3%A1ficas en formato jpg, png, mxd, pdf y metadato. Por %C3%BAltimo se realizaron dos talleres de socializaci%C3%B3n de resultados del estudio, ante los comit%C3%A9 departamental de gesti%C3%B3n del Riesgo, uno (1) en San Andr%C3%A9s y (1) en providencia. Entrega de listas de asistencia y actas de realizaci%C3%B3n de talleres con registros fotogr%C3%A1ficos.&#13;%0APara concluir se pretende con dicha investigaci%C3%B3n evaluar la vulnerabilidad actual, a partir de la condici%C3%B3n de los sistemas biof%C3%ADsico, socioecon%C3%B3mico e institucional teniendo en cuenta las amenazas que se determinan en el %C3%A1rea de riesgo actual definida, con el fin de dise%C3%B1ar un escenario futuro de inundaci%C3%B3n de referencia para poder proponer un conjunto de lineamientos de adaptaci%C3%B3n. &#13;%0A%EF%82%B7</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Islas de San Andr%C3%A9s, Providencia y Santa Catalina, Colombia.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9142M: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-07-13T13:21:00
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:28
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V91430: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-05T04:59:09
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:00
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9159M: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-18T13:27:53
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:29
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9159M</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Alonso, D. Ram%C3%ADrez, L. Segura-Quintero, C. Castillo-Torres, P. Walschburger, T. Arango, N.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Hacia la construcci%C3%B3n de un subsistema nacional de %C3%A1reas marinas protegidas en Colombia</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2008</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>%C3%A1reas marinas protegidas, Colombia, AP, SPNN, estrategia; conservaci%C3%B3n; in situ, SINAP;</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2008</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras %E2%80%93 INVEMAR, Unidad Administrativa Especial del Sistema de Parques nacionales Naturales %E2%80%93UAESPNN, The Nature Conservancy %E2%80%93TNC</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Las primeras %C3%81reas Protegidas (AP) creadas en Colombia datan de la d%C3%A9cada del 70 y conforman lo que hoy es el Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales (SPNN). El n%C3%BAmero de AP en Colombia ha estado en aumento desde entonces, incluyendo no solo nuevas %C3%A1reas del SPNN sino %C3%A1reas establecidas por instancias regionales, locales, privadas y de la sociedad civil. Las %C3%A1reas protegidas representan la principal estrategia de conservaci%C3%B3n in situ de la biodiversidad, no obstante, en Colombia as%C3%AD como en otras regiones del mundo, muchas de estas %C3%A1reas fueron creadas inicialmente por costo de oportunidad y/o decisiones o coyunturas pol%C3%ADticas y sociales. La falta de articulaci%C3%B3n entre las acciones emprendidas para la selecci%C3%B3n y declaraci%C3%B3n y la falta de claridad en cuanto a las estrategias para su establecimiento y administraci%C3%B3n bajo diferentes categor%C3%ADas de manejo, han hecho evidente la necesidad de organizar y fortalecer el Sistema Nacional de %C3%81reas Protegidas (SINAP). Con este fin se firma un Memorando de Entendimiento (MdE) que act%C3%BAa como mecanismo de facilitaci%C3%B3n, permitiendo elaborar una agenda efectiva para la consolidaci%C3%B3n del SINAP, el cual est%C3%A1 constituido no solo por las %C3%A1reas protegidas de diferentes niveles, si no por los aportes o acciones de diferentes organizaciones que son protagonistas en la consolidaci%C3%B3n del sistema.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>%C3%81reas Marinas protegidas de Colombia.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9159M</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Alonso, D. Ram%C3%ADrez, L. Segura-Quintero, C. Castillo-Torres, P. Walschburger, T. Arango, N.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Hacia la construcci%C3%B3n de un subsistema nacional de %C3%A1reas marinas protegidas en Colombia</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2008</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>%C3%A1reas marinas protegidas, Colombia, AP, SPNN, estrategia; conservaci%C3%B3n; in situ, SINAP;</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2008</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras %E2%80%93 INVEMAR, Unidad Administrativa Especial del Sistema de Parques nacionales Naturales %E2%80%93UAESPNN, The Nature Conservancy %E2%80%93TNC</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Las primeras %C3%81reas Protegidas (AP) creadas en Colombia datan de la d%C3%A9cada del 70 y conforman lo que hoy es el Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales (SPNN). El n%C3%BAmero de AP en Colombia ha estado en aumento desde entonces, incluyendo no solo nuevas %C3%A1reas del SPNN sino %C3%A1reas establecidas por instancias regionales, locales, privadas y de la sociedad civil. Las %C3%A1reas protegidas representan la principal estrategia de conservaci%C3%B3n in situ de la biodiversidad, no obstante, en Colombia as%C3%AD como en otras regiones del mundo, muchas de estas %C3%A1reas fueron creadas inicialmente por costo de oportunidad y/o decisiones o coyunturas pol%C3%ADticas y sociales. La falta de articulaci%C3%B3n entre las acciones emprendidas para la selecci%C3%B3n y declaraci%C3%B3n y la falta de claridad en cuanto a las estrategias para su establecimiento y administraci%C3%B3n bajo diferentes categor%C3%ADas de manejo, han hecho evidente la necesidad de organizar y fortalecer el Sistema Nacional de %C3%81reas Protegidas (SINAP). Con este fin se firma un Memorando de Entendimiento (MdE) que act%C3%BAa como mecanismo de facilitaci%C3%B3n, permitiendo elaborar una agenda efectiva para la consolidaci%C3%B3n del SINAP, el cual est%C3%A1 constituido no solo por las %C3%A1reas protegidas de diferentes niveles, si no por los aportes o acciones de diferentes organizaciones que son protagonistas en la consolidaci%C3%B3n del sistema.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>%C3%81reas Marinas protegidas de Colombia.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9160J: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-06T08:16:05
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:47
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9160J</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Ramirez, Gustavo. Cadavid, Betty. Troncoso, Walberto. S%C3%A1nchez, Jose. Acosta, Jorge. Parra, Juan. Narv%C3%A1ez, Silvia. Arag%C3%B3n, Osman. Arias-Alem%C3%A1n, Leonardo. Serrano, Halbin. Fl%C3%B3rez, Deivis.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2007</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2007</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2007</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V95013</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsNewVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9WG6B</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente informe contiene la descripci%C3%B3n estacional y temporal de las variables fisicoqu%C3%ADmicas, microbiol%C3%B3gicas y de contaminantes (Hidrocarburos del petr%C3%B3leo y Plaguicidas organoclorados) tanto en el Caribe, como en el Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. En este documento se presentan los resultados del segundo muestreo de 2006 y del primer muestreo de 2007. Tambi%C3%A9n se muestra el Indicador de Calidad de aguas, seg%C3%BAn el uso que tenga el recurso. El desarrollo de este indicador es de gran utilidad para la evaluaci%C3%B3n del recurso h%C3%ADdrico ya que es un elemento integrador de los datos de calidad de las aguas marino-costeras del pa%C3%ADs.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V91718: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T12:19:43
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:53
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V91D91: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T08:25:31
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:50
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V91G6K: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T12:14:26
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:38
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V91G6K</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Rodr%C3%ADguez, A. Rueda, M. Escobar, F.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Evaluaci%C3%B3n Directa de las Poblaciones de Peces Grandes Pel%C3%A1gicos del Pac%C3%ADfico y Caribe Continental de Colombia</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2015</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>prospecci%C3%B3n pesquera, procesos poblacionales, evaluaci%C3%B3n y manejo.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, AUNAP</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2015</date></dates><alternateIdentifiers><alternateIdentifier alternateIdentifierType="ISBN">978-958-8935-12-6</alternateIdentifier></alternateIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este libro re%C3%BAne y consolida los principales aportes de la investigaci%C3%B3n, presentando as%C3%AD un modelo conceptual de manejo, indicadores pesqueros y estrategias de manejo y conservaci%C3%B3n que abordan aspectos biol%C3%B3gico-pesqueros, ecol%C3%B3gicos y tecnol%C3%B3gicos, brindando as%C3%AD al sector pesquero y ambiental herramientas de uso para la toma de decisiones y el aprovechamiento sustentable de los recursos grandes pel%C3%A1gicos en Colombia.&#13;%0A&#13;%0A Los resultados de la investigaci%C3%B3n est%C3%A1n basados en informaci%C3%B3n independiente de la pesquer%C3%ADa, es decir, cruceros de prospecci%C3%B3n directa en el Caribe continental y Pac%C3%ADfico haciendo uso de embarcaciones pesqueras como plataforma de investigaci%C3%B3n.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Mar caribe y pac%C3%ADfico colombianos</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V91G6K</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Rodr%C3%ADguez, A. Rueda, M. Escobar, F.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Evaluaci%C3%B3n Directa de las Poblaciones de Peces Grandes Pel%C3%A1gicos del Pac%C3%ADfico y Caribe Continental de Colombia</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2015</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>prospecci%C3%B3n pesquera, procesos poblacionales, evaluaci%C3%B3n y manejo.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, AUNAP</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2015</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:alternateIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:alternateIdentifier alternateIdentifierType="ISBN">978-958-8935-12-6</ns0:alternateIdentifier>%0A </ns0:alternateIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este libro re%C3%BAne y consolida los principales aportes de la investigaci%C3%B3n, presentando as%C3%AD un modelo conceptual de manejo, indicadores pesqueros y estrategias de manejo y conservaci%C3%B3n que abordan aspectos biol%C3%B3gico-pesqueros, ecol%C3%B3gicos y tecnol%C3%B3gicos, brindando as%C3%AD al sector pesquero y ambiental herramientas de uso para la toma de decisiones y el aprovechamiento sustentable de los recursos grandes pel%C3%A1gicos en Colombia.&#13;%0A&#13;%0A Los resultados de la investigaci%C3%B3n est%C3%A1n basados en informaci%C3%B3n independiente de la pesquer%C3%ADa, es decir, cruceros de prospecci%C3%B3n directa en el Caribe continental y Pac%C3%ADfico haciendo uso de embarcaciones pesqueras como plataforma de investigaci%C3%B3n.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Mar caribe y pac%C3%ADfico colombianos</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V91G7Z: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-03-10T12:27:01
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:12
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V91P4W: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T05:28:14
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:12
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V91P4W</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Rojas, G. Blanco, J. Navarrete, F.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Lineamientos de adaptaci%C3%B3n al cambio clim%C3%A1tico para Cartagena de Indias</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2012</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>vulnerabilidad, adaptaci%C3%B3n al cambio clim%C3%A1tico, inundaci%C3%B3n, poblaci%C3%B3n, lineamientos</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2012</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-49-7</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR-MADS-Alcald%C3%ADa Mayor de Cartagena de Indias-CDKN</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este trabajo constituye un aporte desde la investigaci%C3%B3n cient%C3%ADfica-t%C3%A9cnica que ha contado con el respaldo y compromiso de la administraci%C3%B3n local y la C%C3%A1mara de Comercio como dinamizador del di%C3%A1logo sectores y sociedad, cuyo prop%C3%B3sito fue sentar las bases para la formulaci%C3%B3n del Plan Territorial de Adaptaci%C3%B3n al Cambio Clim%C3%A1tico de Cartagena de Indias en dos ejes espec%C3%ADficos: I) Desarrollo de los lineamientos de adaptaci%C3%B3n al cambio clim%C3%A1tico y su socializaci%C3%B3n con los sectores econ%C3%B3micos y actores sociales de la ciudad; II) Integraci%C3%B3n de dichos lineamientos en la planificaci%C3%B3n territorial.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V91P4W</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Rojas, G. Blanco, J. Navarrete, F.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Lineamientos de adaptaci%C3%B3n al cambio clim%C3%A1tico para Cartagena de Indias</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2012</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>vulnerabilidad, adaptaci%C3%B3n al cambio clim%C3%A1tico, inundaci%C3%B3n, poblaci%C3%B3n, lineamientos</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2012</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-49-7</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>INVEMAR-MADS-Alcald%C3%ADa Mayor de Cartagena de Indias-CDKN</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este trabajo constituye un aporte desde la investigaci%C3%B3n cient%C3%ADfica-t%C3%A9cnica que ha contado con el respaldo y compromiso de la administraci%C3%B3n local y la C%C3%A1mara de Comercio como dinamizador del di%C3%A1logo sectores y sociedad, cuyo prop%C3%B3sito fue sentar las bases para la formulaci%C3%B3n del Plan Territorial de Adaptaci%C3%B3n al Cambio Clim%C3%A1tico de Cartagena de Indias en dos ejes espec%C3%ADficos: I) Desarrollo de los lineamientos de adaptaci%C3%B3n al cambio clim%C3%A1tico y su socializaci%C3%B3n con los sectores econ%C3%B3micos y actores sociales de la ciudad; II) Integraci%C3%B3n de dichos lineamientos en la planificaci%C3%B3n territorial.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V91S3J: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T10:32:38
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:10
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V91S3J</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Zamora-Bornachera, Anny. L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez, Angela. Sierra-Correa, Paula.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Lineamientos y estrategias de manejo de la Unidad Ambiental Costera (UAC) del Dari%C3%A9n</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2008</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR %E2%80%93 GOBERNACI%C3%93N DE ANTIOQUIA %E2%80%93 CORPOURABA - CODECHOCO</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2008</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-98104-7-7</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este documento aborda los lineamientos y estrategias para el manejo integrado de la unidad ambiental costera del DARIEN. Para lo cual aborda la tem%C3%A1tica en 9 cap%C3%ADtulos, los cuales son:&#13;%0A1. Introducci%C3%B3n, 2. Unificaci%C3%B3n de conceptos, 3. Marco geogr%C3%A1fico de la unidad ambiental costera del DARIEN, 4. Marco metodol%C3%B3gico general para el manejo integrado de las zonas costeras, 5. Diagn%C3%B3stico integrado, 6. Zonificaci%C3%B3n ambiental, 7. Lineamientos de manejo, 8. Propuesta del modelo administrativo para el fortalecimiento de la gobernabilidad en el %C3%A1rea, y 9. Bibliograf%C3%ADa. Adem%C3%A1s se anexa la cartograf%C3%ADa de unidades y rasgos geomorfol%C3%B3gicos.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>El Darien, Caribe Colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V91S3J</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Zamora-Bornachera, Anny. L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez, Angela. Sierra-Correa, Paula.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Lineamientos y estrategias de manejo de la Unidad Ambiental Costera (UAC) del Dari%C3%A9n</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2008</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR %E2%80%93 GOBERNACI%C3%93N DE ANTIOQUIA %E2%80%93 CORPOURABA - CODECHOCO</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2008</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-98104-7-7</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este documento aborda los lineamientos y estrategias para el manejo integrado de la unidad ambiental costera del DARIEN. Para lo cual aborda la tem%C3%A1tica en 9 cap%C3%ADtulos, los cuales son:&#13;%0A1. Introducci%C3%B3n, 2. Unificaci%C3%B3n de conceptos, 3. Marco geogr%C3%A1fico de la unidad ambiental costera del DARIEN, 4. Marco metodol%C3%B3gico general para el manejo integrado de las zonas costeras, 5. Diagn%C3%B3stico integrado, 6. Zonificaci%C3%B3n ambiental, 7. Lineamientos de manejo, 8. Propuesta del modelo administrativo para el fortalecimiento de la gobernabilidad en el %C3%A1rea, y 9. Bibliograf%C3%ADa. Adem%C3%A1s se anexa la cartograf%C3%ADa de unidades y rasgos geomorfol%C3%B3gicos.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>El Darien, Caribe Colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V91S4X: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-02-10T11:41:14
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:59
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V91W26: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-01-26T08:35:10
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:02
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V92015: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-23T11:13:56
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:32
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V92015</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Gracia, A. Medell%C3%ADn-Mora, J. Gil-Agudelo, D. Puentes, V.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Gu%C3%ADa de las Especies Introducidas Marinas y Costeras de Colombia</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2011</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>zonas costeras, al%C3%B3ctotonas, xenobi%C3%B3ticas, ex%C3%B3ticas</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2011</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8491-52-3</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este libro tiene como objetivo presentar una lista ilustrada preliminar de las especies identificadas y registradas como ex%C3%B3ticas sobre los ambientes marino-costeros de Colombia hasta el momento, o de las cuales se tiene alguna evidencia de su presencia, con el fin de aportar informaci%C3%B3n sobre el estado de la biodiversidad marina colombiana, contribuyendo con informaci%C3%B3n de l%C3%ADnea base que servir%C3%A1 para la elaboraci%C3%B3n de planes de contingencia ante posibles amenazas</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Zona Marino Costera Colombiana</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V92015</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Gracia, A. Medell%C3%ADn-Mora, J. Gil-Agudelo, D. Puentes, V.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Gu%C3%ADa de las Especies Introducidas Marinas y Costeras de Colombia</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2011</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>zonas costeras, al%C3%B3ctotonas, xenobi%C3%B3ticas, ex%C3%B3ticas</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2011</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8491-52-3</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este libro tiene como objetivo presentar una lista ilustrada preliminar de las especies identificadas y registradas como ex%C3%B3ticas sobre los ambientes marino-costeros de Colombia hasta el momento, o de las cuales se tiene alguna evidencia de su presencia, con el fin de aportar informaci%C3%B3n sobre el estado de la biodiversidad marina colombiana, contribuyendo con informaci%C3%B3n de l%C3%ADnea base que servir%C3%A1 para la elaboraci%C3%B3n de planes de contingencia ante posibles amenazas</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Zona Marino Costera Colombiana</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V92138: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-05T04:23:25
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:10
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9230T: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-08T13:12:21
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:44
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9230T</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Guti%C3%A9rrez-Moreno, Diana Carolina.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Dise%C3%B1o de un %C3%A1rea marina protegida para Bah%C3%ADa Portete %E2%80%93 la Guajira, norte del caribe colombiano</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2007</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="DataManager"><contributorName>INVEMAR, JORGE TADEO LOZANO.</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2007</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta investigaci%C3%B3n propone el dise%C3%B1o de un %C3%A1rea marina protegida para bah%C3%ADa Portete, departamento de La Guajira, inicialmente se defini%C3%B3 el enfoque primordial del %C3%A1rea lo cual fu%C3%A9 "la protecci%C3%B3n ecosist%C3%A9mica". se tuvieron en cuenta ocho objetos de conservaci%C3%B3n los cuales fueron: Formaciones&#13;%0Acoralinas, praderas de faner%C3%B3gamas, bosques de manglar, playas arenosas, litoral rocoso, %C3%A1reas de alimentaci%C3%B3n de tortugas marinas, %C3%A1reas de congregaci%C3%B3n de aves y %C3%A1reas con presencia de Crocodylus acutus (caim%C3%A1n aguja). Posteriormente se concluy%C3%B3 que el %C3%A1rea contaba con una biodiversidad en buen estado a partir del estudio de atributos de tama%C3%B1o, condici%C3%B3n y contexto paisaj%C3%ADstico, por lo tanto se realiz%C3%B3 la delimitaci%C3%B3n del %C3%A1rea teniendo en cuenta un %C3%A1rea focal que cumpl%C3%ADa los siguientes supuestos: (1) contener la cobertura de los ocho objetos de conservaci%C3%B3n, (2) extender una franja de 200 m como zona buffer (3) excluir las %C3%A1reas con actividades portuarias y asentamientos humanos. Para finalizar la zonificaci%C3%B3n se realiz%C3%B3 con la ayuda de la herramienta tipo Sistema Soporte de Decisiones llamado MARXAN.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9230T</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Guti%C3%A9rrez-Moreno, Diana Carolina.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Dise%C3%B1o de un %C3%A1rea marina protegida para Bah%C3%ADa Portete %E2%80%93 la Guajira, norte del caribe colombiano</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2007</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="DataManager">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, JORGE TADEO LOZANO.</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2007</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta investigaci%C3%B3n propone el dise%C3%B1o de un %C3%A1rea marina protegida para bah%C3%ADa Portete, departamento de La Guajira, inicialmente se defini%C3%B3 el enfoque primordial del %C3%A1rea lo cual fu%C3%A9 "la protecci%C3%B3n ecosist%C3%A9mica". se tuvieron en cuenta ocho objetos de conservaci%C3%B3n los cuales fueron: Formaciones&#13;%0Acoralinas, praderas de faner%C3%B3gamas, bosques de manglar, playas arenosas, litoral rocoso, %C3%A1reas de alimentaci%C3%B3n de tortugas marinas, %C3%A1reas de congregaci%C3%B3n de aves y %C3%A1reas con presencia de Crocodylus acutus (caim%C3%A1n aguja). Posteriormente se concluy%C3%B3 que el %C3%A1rea contaba con una biodiversidad en buen estado a partir del estudio de atributos de tama%C3%B1o, condici%C3%B3n y contexto paisaj%C3%ADstico, por lo tanto se realiz%C3%B3 la delimitaci%C3%B3n del %C3%A1rea teniendo en cuenta un %C3%A1rea focal que cumpl%C3%ADa los siguientes supuestos: (1) contener la cobertura de los ocho objetos de conservaci%C3%B3n, (2) extender una franja de 200 m como zona buffer (3) excluir las %C3%A1reas con actividades portuarias y asentamientos humanos. Para finalizar la zonificaci%C3%B3n se realiz%C3%B3 con la ayuda de la herramienta tipo Sistema Soporte de Decisiones llamado MARXAN.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9242X: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-07-13T07:50:52
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:25
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9259X: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-05T18:59:40
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:03
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9259X</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>G%C3%B3mez-Cubillos, M. Rodriguez, L. Licero, K. Vasquez, J. Bola%C3%B1os, F. Valencia, l. Espinosa</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Piloto de Restauraci%C3%B3n de Ecosistemas de Manglar en La Guajira Casos de estudio: Distrito de Manejo Integrado Musichi y Santuario de Fauna y Flora los Flamencos</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2015</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Convenio, restauraci%C3%B3n, ecosistemas, manglar, fauna, flora, aves</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2015</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">En desarrollo de este proyecto se logr%C3%B3 identificar a nivel local unidades de paisaje prioritarias para restauraci%C3%B3n de ecosistemas de manglar, a partir de la evaluaci%C3%B3n del estado ecol%C3%B3gico actual; las causas de transformaci%C3%B3n, deterioro o p%C3%A9rdida de los sistemas naturales y la percepci%C3%B3n de la demanda de servicios ecosist%C3%A9micos.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>La Guajira, Riohacha, Manaure, Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9259X</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>G%C3%B3mez-Cubillos, M. Rodriguez, L. Licero, K. Vasquez, J. Bola%C3%B1os, F. Valencia, l. Espinosa</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Piloto de Restauraci%C3%B3n de Ecosistemas de Manglar en La Guajira Casos de estudio: Distrito de Manejo Integrado Musichi y Santuario de Fauna y Flora los Flamencos</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2015</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Convenio, restauraci%C3%B3n, ecosistemas, manglar, fauna, flora, aves</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2015</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">En desarrollo de este proyecto se logr%C3%B3 identificar a nivel local unidades de paisaje prioritarias para restauraci%C3%B3n de ecosistemas de manglar, a partir de la evaluaci%C3%B3n del estado ecol%C3%B3gico actual; las causas de transformaci%C3%B3n, deterioro o p%C3%A9rdida de los sistemas naturales y la percepci%C3%B3n de la demanda de servicios ecosist%C3%A9micos.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>La Guajira, Riohacha, Manaure, Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9271K: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T11:55:09
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:50
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V92999: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T07:20:54
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:47
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V92C77: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-26T15:50:59
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:43
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V92C77</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Vargas-Morales, Myriam. S%C3%A1nchez, David. Amaya, Erika. Contreras, Andrea. S%C3%A1nchez-Maldonado, Jorge. Acosta, Alvaro. P%C3%A9rez, Daniel. Pupo, Luis. Viloria, Efra%C3%ADn.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Elementos t%C3%A9cnicos y generaci%C3%B3n de capacidad para el ordenamiento y manejo de los espacios y recursos marinos, costeros e insulares de Colombia. C%C3%B3digo: ACT-VAR-001-013. Informe t%C3%A9cnico final. Componente 8: Valoraci%C3%B3n integral de los principales bienes y servicios ecosist%C3%A9micos provistos por los ecosistemas de manglar</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2013</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>valoraci%C3%B3n, bienes, servicios, ecosist%C3%A9micos, manglar, ecosistemas, integral, pol%C3%ADtica, metodol%C3%B3gicos</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2013</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="DOI" relationType="IsPartOf">10.21239/V9XK59</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">En este sentido, la valoraci%C3%B3n integral genera informaci%C3%B3n sobre las din%C3%A1micas presentes en el territorio entorno al manglar y algunos indicadores que invitan a reflexionar sobre el valor que el ecosistema tiene para los actores locales y que es generado por las relaciones hist%C3%B3ricas y presentes que se han forjado. Los resultados, m%C3%A1s que instrumentos para el manejo y la toma de decisiones, se convierten en la oportunidad de propiciar escenarios para la promoci%C3%B3n de este tipo de estudios que permitir%C3%A1n formular y aplicar esquemas de gesti%C3%B3n adaptativa para el sistema socio-ecol%C3%B3gico. Esto es, asociar los valores a las medidas de desarrollo e incorporaci%C3%B3n sistem%C3%A1tica de oportunidades y riesgos relativos a los servicios ecosist%C3%A9micos en la planificaci%C3%B3n, ordenamiento y gesti%C3%B3n del territorio, para hacer el sistema socio-ecol%C3%B3gico sostenible.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Espacios y recursos marinos, costeros e insulares de Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V92C77</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Vargas-Morales, Myriam. S%C3%A1nchez, David. Amaya, Erika. Contreras, Andrea. S%C3%A1nchez-Maldonado, Jorge. Acosta, Alvaro. P%C3%A9rez, Daniel. Pupo, Luis. Viloria, Efra%C3%ADn.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Elementos t%C3%A9cnicos y generaci%C3%B3n de capacidad para el ordenamiento y manejo de los espacios y recursos marinos, costeros e insulares de Colombia. C%C3%B3digo: ACT-VAR-001-013. Informe t%C3%A9cnico final. Componente 8: Valoraci%C3%B3n integral de los principales bienes y servicios ecosist%C3%A9micos provistos por los ecosistemas de manglar</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2013</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>valoraci%C3%B3n, bienes, servicios, ecosist%C3%A9micos, manglar, ecosistemas, integral, pol%C3%ADtica, metodol%C3%B3gicos</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2013</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="DOI" relationType="IsPartOf">10.21239/V9XK59</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">En este sentido, la valoraci%C3%B3n integral genera informaci%C3%B3n sobre las din%C3%A1micas presentes en el territorio entorno al manglar y algunos indicadores que invitan a reflexionar sobre el valor que el ecosistema tiene para los actores locales y que es generado por las relaciones hist%C3%B3ricas y presentes que se han forjado. Los resultados, m%C3%A1s que instrumentos para el manejo y la toma de decisiones, se convierten en la oportunidad de propiciar escenarios para la promoci%C3%B3n de este tipo de estudios que permitir%C3%A1n formular y aplicar esquemas de gesti%C3%B3n adaptativa para el sistema socio-ecol%C3%B3gico. Esto es, asociar los valores a las medidas de desarrollo e incorporaci%C3%B3n sistem%C3%A1tica de oportunidades y riesgos relativos a los servicios ecosist%C3%A9micos en la planificaci%C3%B3n, ordenamiento y gesti%C3%B3n del territorio, para hacer el sistema socio-ecol%C3%B3gico sostenible.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Espacios y recursos marinos, costeros e insulares de Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V92G6W: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T08:36:29
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:56
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V92G6W</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>G%C3%B3mez-Cubillos, C. Licero, L. Perdomo, L. Rodr%C3%ADguez, A. Romero, D. Ballesteros- Contreras, D. G%C3%B3mez-L%C3%B3pez, D. Melo, A. Chasqui, L. Ocampo, A. Alonso, D. Garc%C3%ADa, J. Pe%C3%B1a, C. Bastidas, M. Ricaurte,C.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Portafolio: %E2%80%9C%C3%81reas de arrecifes de coral, pastos marinos, playas de arena y manglares con potencial de restauraci%C3%B3n en Colombia%E2%80%9D</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2015</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>arrecifes, coral, pastos marinos, playas de arena, manglares</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2015</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-96-1</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este portafolio se construy%C3%B3 con el prop%C3%B3sito de promover el logro de los objetivos propuestos en la Pol%C3%ADtica Nacional Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sostenible de los Espacios Oce%C3%A1nicos y las Zonas Costeras e Insulares de Colombia - PNAOCI y el Plan Nacional de Restauraci%C3%B3n %E2%80%93 PNR, instrumentos formulados para direccionar el manejo integrado y el desarrollo sostenible de las zonas marino costeras, a trav%C3%A9s de la formulaci%C3%B3n e implementaci%C3%B3n de instrumentos orientados a articular y armonizar las necesidades de desarrollo sectorial, con la conservaci%C3%B3n y preservaci%C3%B3n de los bienes y servicios que proveen los ecosistemas.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V92G6W</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>G%C3%B3mez-Cubillos, C. Licero, L. Perdomo, L. Rodr%C3%ADguez, A. Romero, D. Ballesteros- Contreras, D. G%C3%B3mez-L%C3%B3pez, D. Melo, A. Chasqui, L. Ocampo, A. Alonso, D. Garc%C3%ADa, J. Pe%C3%B1a, C. Bastidas, M. Ricaurte,C.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Portafolio: %E2%80%9C%C3%81reas de arrecifes de coral, pastos marinos, playas de arena y manglares con potencial de restauraci%C3%B3n en Colombia%E2%80%9D</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2015</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>arrecifes, coral, pastos marinos, playas de arena, manglares</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2015</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-96-1</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este portafolio se construy%C3%B3 con el prop%C3%B3sito de promover el logro de los objetivos propuestos en la Pol%C3%ADtica Nacional Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sostenible de los Espacios Oce%C3%A1nicos y las Zonas Costeras e Insulares de Colombia - PNAOCI y el Plan Nacional de Restauraci%C3%B3n %E2%80%93 PNR, instrumentos formulados para direccionar el manejo integrado y el desarrollo sostenible de las zonas marino costeras, a trav%C3%A9s de la formulaci%C3%B3n e implementaci%C3%B3n de instrumentos orientados a articular y armonizar las necesidades de desarrollo sectorial, con la conservaci%C3%B3n y preservaci%C3%B3n de los bienes y servicios que proveen los ecosistemas.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V92K5J: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-02-24T11:56:43
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:17
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V92P46: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T15:10:28
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:52
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V92P46</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Santos-Acevedo, Marisol. Ospina-Salazar, Gloria. L%C3%B3pez-Navarro, Johann. Sep%C3%BAlveda-C%C3%A1rdenas, Sof%C3%ADa. G%C3%B3mez-Le%C3%B3n, Javier.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Contribuci%C3%B3n a la biolog%C3%ADa y mantenimiento de peces marinos ornamentales</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2011</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>peces ornamentales, hippocampus reidi, gramma loreto, reproducci%C3%B3n, mantenimiento, alimento vivo, microalgas, artemia, rot%C3%ADferos, dise%C3%B1o de sistemas de cultivo, enfermedades</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2011</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-38-1</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta publicaci%C3%B3n es producto de los proyectos: Iniciaci%C3%B3n al proceso de reproducci%C3%B3n de dos especies de peces marinos ornamentales de inter%C3%A9s comercial, Gramma loreto e Hippocampus reidi, en condiciones de laboratorio (c%C3%B3digo 037-2007U1182-421-07) y %E2%80%9CEvaluaci%C3%B3n del uso de dietas alimenticias y nutricionales de dos especies de peces marinos ornamentales de inter%C3%A9s comercial en diferentes estados de desarrollo%E2%80%9D (c%C3%B3digo 197-2008T6949- 384-01), y fue preparada por el grupo INVEMAR-Bioprospecci%C3%B3n Marina y publicada por el INVEMAR con el apoyo financiero del Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, Langostinos del Llano, INCODER, Fundaci%C3%B3n Museo del Mar y el Ministerio de Ambiente Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial, a trav%C3%A9s del Banco de Proyectos de Inversi%C3%B3n Nacional (BPIN). Peces ornamentales, Hippocampus reidi, Gramma loreto, Reproducci%C3%B3n, Mantenimiento, Alimento vivo, Microalgas, Artemia, Rot%C3%ADferos, Dise%C3%B1o de sistemas de cultivo, Enfermedades.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V92P46</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Santos-Acevedo, Marisol. Ospina-Salazar, Gloria. L%C3%B3pez-Navarro, Johann. Sep%C3%BAlveda-C%C3%A1rdenas, Sof%C3%ADa. G%C3%B3mez-Le%C3%B3n, Javier.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Contribuci%C3%B3n a la biolog%C3%ADa y mantenimiento de peces marinos ornamentales</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2011</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>peces ornamentales, hippocampus reidi, gramma loreto, reproducci%C3%B3n, mantenimiento, alimento vivo, microalgas, artemia, rot%C3%ADferos, dise%C3%B1o de sistemas de cultivo, enfermedades</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2011</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-38-1</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta publicaci%C3%B3n es producto de los proyectos: Iniciaci%C3%B3n al proceso de reproducci%C3%B3n de dos especies de peces marinos ornamentales de inter%C3%A9s comercial, Gramma loreto e Hippocampus reidi, en condiciones de laboratorio (c%C3%B3digo 037-2007U1182-421-07) y %E2%80%9CEvaluaci%C3%B3n del uso de dietas alimenticias y nutricionales de dos especies de peces marinos ornamentales de inter%C3%A9s comercial en diferentes estados de desarrollo%E2%80%9D (c%C3%B3digo 197-2008T6949- 384-01), y fue preparada por el grupo INVEMAR-Bioprospecci%C3%B3n Marina y publicada por el INVEMAR con el apoyo financiero del Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, Langostinos del Llano, INCODER, Fundaci%C3%B3n Museo del Mar y el Ministerio de Ambiente Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial, a trav%C3%A9s del Banco de Proyectos de Inversi%C3%B3n Nacional (BPIN). Peces ornamentales, Hippocampus reidi, Gramma loreto, Reproducci%C3%B3n, Mantenimiento, Alimento vivo, Microalgas, Artemia, Rot%C3%ADferos, Dise%C3%B1o de sistemas de cultivo, Enfermedades.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V92S3V: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T07:47:09
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:09
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V92S3V</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Garay-Tinoco, Jes%C3%BAs. Ram%C3%ADrez, Gustavo. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Manual de T%C3%A9cnicas Anal%C3%ADticas Para la Determinaci%C3%B3n de Par%C3%A1metros Fisicoqu%C3%ADmicos y Contaminantes Marinos Aguas Sedimentos y Organismos</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2003</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>muestreo, salinidad, ph, s%C3%B3lidos, nutrientes, ox%C3%ADgeno, clorofilas, materia org%C3%A1nica, t%C3%B3xicos qu%C3%ADmicos</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2003</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este manual pretende apoyar a las instituciones nacionales e internacionales que trabajan en asuntos marinos, suministrando una herramienta, que les permita estandarizar sus procedimientos y protocolos para garantizar resultados y datos confiables y seguros, y a la vez, realizar ejercicios de intercomparaci%C3%B3n con los dem%C3%A1s laboratorios a nivel nacional e internacional.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V92S3V</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Garay-Tinoco, Jes%C3%BAs. Ram%C3%ADrez, Gustavo. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Manual de T%C3%A9cnicas Anal%C3%ADticas Para la Determinaci%C3%B3n de Par%C3%A1metros Fisicoqu%C3%ADmicos y Contaminantes Marinos Aguas Sedimentos y Organismos</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2003</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>muestreo, salinidad, ph, s%C3%B3lidos, nutrientes, ox%C3%ADgeno, clorofilas, materia org%C3%A1nica, t%C3%B3xicos qu%C3%ADmicos</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2003</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este manual pretende apoyar a las instituciones nacionales e internacionales que trabajan en asuntos marinos, suministrando una herramienta, que les permita estandarizar sus procedimientos y protocolos para garantizar resultados y datos confiables y seguros, y a la vez, realizar ejercicios de intercomparaci%C3%B3n con los dem%C3%A1s laboratorios a nivel nacional e internacional.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V92T6B: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-05-31T13:49:43
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:11
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V92W2H: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-16T14:30:04
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:51
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9301G: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-23T08:49:14
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:55
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9301G</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Reyes, Javier. Santodomingo, Nadiezhda. Fl%C3%B3rez, Paola</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Cat%C3%A1logo de corales escleract%C3%ADnios de Colombia</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2010</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">book</resourceType><subjects><subject>Ibiodiversidad, taxonom%C3%ADa, corales duros, escleractinia, Colombia, catalogo, especies</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2010</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-21-3</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El libro esta dividido en tres secciones. La primera aporta el conocimiento morfologico y funcional sobre el que se basa la taxonom%C3%ADa de los corales escleractinos. La segunda se centra en la descripci%C3%B3n de cada una de las especies reportadas para el Caribe y Pacifico colombianos. La parte final incluye listas y un glosario.</description><description descriptionType="Other">Acroporidae Verrill, 1902 Acropora cervicornis (Lamarck, 1816) * Acropora palmata (Lamarck, 1816) * Acropora valida (Dana, 1846) * Agariciidae Gray, 1847 Agaricia fragilis Dana, 1846 * Agaricia grahamae Wells, 1973 * Agaricia lamarcki Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1851 * Agaricia undata (Ellis y Solander, 1786) * Gardineroseris planulata (Dana, 1846) * Helioseris cucullata (Ellis y Solander, 1786) * Leptoseris cailleti (Duchassaing y Michelotti, 1864) * Leptoseris papyracea (Dana, 1846) * Pavona chiriquiensis Glynn, Mat%C3%A9 y Stemann, 2001 * Pavona clavus (Dana, 1846) * Pavona frondifera Lamarck, 1816 * Pavona gigantea Verrill, 1869 * Pavona maldivensis (Gardiner, 1905) * Pavona varians Verrill, 1864 * Undaria agaricites (Linnaeus, 1758) * Undaria crassa (Verrill, 1901) * Undaria tenuifolia Dana, 1846 * Astrocoeniidae Koby, 1890 Stephanocoenia intersepta (Lamarck, 1816) * Caryophylliidae Dana, 1846 Anomocora fecunda (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871) * Anomocora marchadi (Chevalier, 1966) Caryophylliidae Dana, 1846 Anomocora prolifera (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871) * Caryophyllia ambrosia caribbeana Cairns, 1979 * Caryophyllia barbadensis Cairns, 1979 * Caryophyllia berteriana Duchassaing, 1850 * Caryophyllia crypta Cairns, 2000 * Cladocora arbuscula (Lesueur, 1821) * Cladocora debilis Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1849 * Coenocyathus parvulus (Cairns, 1979) * Coenosmilia arbuscula Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1874 * Colangia immersa Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871 * Deltocyathus calcar Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1874 * Deltocyathus eccentricus Cairns, 1979 * Deltocyathus cf. italicus (Michelotti, 1838) * Eusmilia fastigiata (Pallas, 1766) * Heterocyathus antoniae Reyes, Santodomingo y Cairns, 2009 * Lophelia pertusa (Linnaeus, 1758) * Oxysmilia rotundifolia (Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1848) * Paracyathus pulchellus (Philippi, 1842) * Phacelocyathus flos (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1878) * Phyllangia americana americana Milne Edwards y Haime, 1849 * Phyllangia dispersa Verill, 1864 * Polycyathus hondaensis (Durham y Barnard, 1952) * Polycyathus isabela Wells, 1982 * Polycyathus mayae Cairns, 2000 * Polycyathus senegalensis Chevalier, 1966 * Rhizosmilia maculata (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1874) * Stephanocyathus (Odontocyathus) coronatus (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1867) * Stephanocyathus (Stephanocyathus ) diadema (Moseley, 1876) * Stephanocyathus (Stephanocyathus ) isabellae Reyes, Santodomingo y Cairns, 2009 * Stephanocyathus (Stephanocyathus ) laevifundus Cairns, 1977 * Stephanocyathus (Stephanocyathus ) paliferus Cairns, 1977 * Tethocyathus prahli Lattig y Cairns, 2000 %E2%88%86 %E2%88%86 Tethocyathus variabilis Cairns, 1979 * Thalamophyllia riisei (Duchassaing y Michelotti, 1864) * 231 Corales Escleractinios de Colombia Familia Especies Caribe Pac%C3%ADfico Zoox. Azoox. Zoox. Azoox. Caryophylliidae Dana, 1846 Trochocyathus cf. fasciatus Cairns, 1979 * Trochocyathus rawsonii Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1874 * Dendrophylliidae Gray, 1847 Balanophyllia bayeri Cairns, 1979 * Balanophyllia caribbeana Cairns, 1977 * Balanophyllia cyathoides (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871) * Balanophyllia dineta Cairns, 1977 * Balanophyllia galapagensis Vaughan, 1907 * Balanophyllia hadros Cairns, 1979 * Balanophyllia palifera Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1878 * Balanophyllia pittieri Vaughan, 1919 * Balanophyllia wellsi Cairns, 1977 * Cladopsammia eguchii (Wells, 1982) * Dendrophyllia oldroydae Odlroyd, 1924 * Eguchipsammia cornucopia (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871) * Rhizopsammia goesi (Lindstr%C3%B6m, 1877) * Rhizopsammia verrilli van der Horst, 1922 * Tubastraea coccinea Lesson, 1829 %E2%88%86 %E2%88%86 Tubastraea faulkneri Wells, 1982 * Tubastraea floreana Wells, 1982 * Tubastraea tagusensis Wells, 1982 * Faviidae Gregory, 1900 Colpophyllia amaranthus (O. F. M%C3%BCller, 1775) * Colpophyllia breviserialis Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1849 * Colpophyllia natans (Houttuyn, 1772) * Diploria clivosa (Ellis y Solander, 1786) * Diploria labyrinthiformis (Linnaeus, 1758) * Diploria strigosa (Dana, 1846) * Favia fragum (Esper, 1795) * Manicina areolata (Linnaeus, 1758) * Montastraea annularis (Ellis y Solander, 1786) * Montastraea cavernosa Linnaeus, 1767 * Montastraea faveolata (Ellis y Solander, 1786) * Montastraea franksi (Gregory, 1895) * Solenastrea bournoni Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1850 * Solenastrea hyades (Dana, 1846) * Flabellidae Bourne, 1905 Flabellum macandrewi Gray, 1849 * Flabellum moseleyi Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1880 * Javania cailleti (Duchassaing y Michelotti, 1864) * Polymyces fragilis (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1868) * Polymyces wellsi Cairns, 1991 * Fungiacyathidae Chevalier, 1987 Fungiacyathus crispus (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871) * Fungiacyathus symmetricus (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871) * Fungiidae Dana, 1846 Fungia curvata Hoeksema, 1989 * Fungia distorta Michelin, 1842 * Gardineriidae Stolarski, 1996 Gardineria minor Wells, 1973 * Guyniidae Hickson, 1910 Guynia annulata Duncan, 1872 * Schizocyathus fissilis Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1874 * Meandrinidae Gray, 1847 Dendrogyra cilindricus Ehrenberg, 1834 * Dichocoenia stellaris Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1848 * Dichocoenia stokesi Milne Edwards y Haime, 1848 * Meandrina meandrites (Linnaeus, 1758) * Mussidae Ortmann, 1890 Isophyllastrea rigida (Dana, 1846) * Isophyllia sinuosa (Ellis y Solander, 1786) * Mussa angulosa (Pallas, 1766) * Mycetophyllia aliciae Wells, 1973 * Mycetophyllia daniana Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1849 * Mycetophyllia ferox Wells, 1973 * Mycetophyllia lamarckiana Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1848 * Mycetophyllia reesi Wells, 1973 * Scolymia cubensis Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1849 * Scolymia lacera (Pallas, 1766) * Oculinidae Gray, 1847 Madrepora carolina (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871) * Madrepora oculata Linnaeus, 1758 * Oculina diffusa Lamarck, 1816 %C2%B0 %C2%B0 Oculina tenella Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871 %C2%B0 %C2%B0 Pocilloporidae Gray, 1842 Madracis asperula Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1849 %C2%B0 %C2%B0 Madracis auretenra Locke, Weil y Coates, 2007 * Madracis brueggemanni (Ridley, 1881) * 233 Corales Escleractinios de Colombia Familia Especies Caribe Pac%C3%ADfico Zoox. Azoox. Zoox. Azoox. Pocilloporidae Gray, 1842 Madracis decactis (Lyman, 1859) * Madracis formosa Wells, 1973 * Madracis myriaster (Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1849) * Madracis pharensis (Heller, 1868) %C2%B0 %C2%B0 Madracis senaria Wells, 1974 * Pocillopora capitata Verrill, 1864 * Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) * Pocillopora elegans Dana, 1846 * Pocillopora eydouxi Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1860 * Poritidae Gray, 1842 Porites astreoides Lamarck, 1816 * Porites branneri Rathbun, 1888 * Porites colonensis Zlatarski, 1990 * Porites furcata Lamarck, 1816 * Porites lobata Dana, 1846 * Porites panamensis Verrill, 1866 * Porites porites (Pallas, 1766) * Rhizangiidae d%E2%80%99Orbigny, 1851 Astrangia californica Durham y Barnard, 1952 * Astrangia conferta Verrill, 1870 * Astrangia equatorialis Durham y Barnard, 1952 * Astrangia solitaria (Lesueur, 1817) * Culicia rubeola (Quoy y Gaimard, 1833) * Oulangia bradleyi Verrill, 1866 * Siderastreidae Vaughan y Wells, 1943 Psammocora obtusangula (Lamarck, 1816) * Psammocora stellata Verrill, 1866 * Psammocora profundacella Gardiner, 1898 * Siderastrea radians (Pallas, 1766) * Siderastrea siderea (Ellis y Solander, 1786) * Turbinoliidae Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1848 Sphenotrochus auritus Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1874 * Sphenotrochus lindstroemi Cairns, 2000</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>pacifico colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9301G</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Reyes, Javier. Santodomingo, Nadiezhda. Fl%C3%B3rez, Paola</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Cat%C3%A1logo de corales escleract%C3%ADnios de Colombia</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2010</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Ibiodiversidad, taxonom%C3%ADa, corales duros, escleractinia, Colombia, catalogo, especies</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2010</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">book</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsReferencedBy" relatedIdentifierType="ISBN">978-958-8448-21-3</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El libro esta dividido en tres secciones. La primera aporta el conocimiento morfologico y funcional sobre el que se basa la taxonom%C3%ADa de los corales escleractinos. La segunda se centra en la descripci%C3%B3n de cada una de las especies reportadas para el Caribe y Pacifico colombianos. La parte final incluye listas y un glosario.</ns0:description>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Other">Acroporidae Verrill, 1902 Acropora cervicornis (Lamarck, 1816) * Acropora palmata (Lamarck, 1816) * Acropora valida (Dana, 1846) * Agariciidae Gray, 1847 Agaricia fragilis Dana, 1846 * Agaricia grahamae Wells, 1973 * Agaricia lamarcki Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1851 * Agaricia undata (Ellis y Solander, 1786) * Gardineroseris planulata (Dana, 1846) * Helioseris cucullata (Ellis y Solander, 1786) * Leptoseris cailleti (Duchassaing y Michelotti, 1864) * Leptoseris papyracea (Dana, 1846) * Pavona chiriquiensis Glynn, Mat%C3%A9 y Stemann, 2001 * Pavona clavus (Dana, 1846) * Pavona frondifera Lamarck, 1816 * Pavona gigantea Verrill, 1869 * Pavona maldivensis (Gardiner, 1905) * Pavona varians Verrill, 1864 * Undaria agaricites (Linnaeus, 1758) * Undaria crassa (Verrill, 1901) * Undaria tenuifolia Dana, 1846 * Astrocoeniidae Koby, 1890 Stephanocoenia intersepta (Lamarck, 1816) * Caryophylliidae Dana, 1846 Anomocora fecunda (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871) * Anomocora marchadi (Chevalier, 1966) Caryophylliidae Dana, 1846 Anomocora prolifera (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871) * Caryophyllia ambrosia caribbeana Cairns, 1979 * Caryophyllia barbadensis Cairns, 1979 * Caryophyllia berteriana Duchassaing, 1850 * Caryophyllia crypta Cairns, 2000 * Cladocora arbuscula (Lesueur, 1821) * Cladocora debilis Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1849 * Coenocyathus parvulus (Cairns, 1979) * Coenosmilia arbuscula Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1874 * Colangia immersa Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871 * Deltocyathus calcar Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1874 * Deltocyathus eccentricus Cairns, 1979 * Deltocyathus cf. italicus (Michelotti, 1838) * Eusmilia fastigiata (Pallas, 1766) * Heterocyathus antoniae Reyes, Santodomingo y Cairns, 2009 * Lophelia pertusa (Linnaeus, 1758) * Oxysmilia rotundifolia (Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1848) * Paracyathus pulchellus (Philippi, 1842) * Phacelocyathus flos (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1878) * Phyllangia americana americana Milne Edwards y Haime, 1849 * Phyllangia dispersa Verill, 1864 * Polycyathus hondaensis (Durham y Barnard, 1952) * Polycyathus isabela Wells, 1982 * Polycyathus mayae Cairns, 2000 * Polycyathus senegalensis Chevalier, 1966 * Rhizosmilia maculata (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1874) * Stephanocyathus (Odontocyathus) coronatus (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1867) * Stephanocyathus (Stephanocyathus ) diadema (Moseley, 1876) * Stephanocyathus (Stephanocyathus ) isabellae Reyes, Santodomingo y Cairns, 2009 * Stephanocyathus (Stephanocyathus ) laevifundus Cairns, 1977 * Stephanocyathus (Stephanocyathus ) paliferus Cairns, 1977 * Tethocyathus prahli Lattig y Cairns, 2000 %E2%88%86 %E2%88%86 Tethocyathus variabilis Cairns, 1979 * Thalamophyllia riisei (Duchassaing y Michelotti, 1864) * 231 Corales Escleractinios de Colombia Familia Especies Caribe Pac%C3%ADfico Zoox. Azoox. Zoox. Azoox. Caryophylliidae Dana, 1846 Trochocyathus cf. fasciatus Cairns, 1979 * Trochocyathus rawsonii Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1874 * Dendrophylliidae Gray, 1847 Balanophyllia bayeri Cairns, 1979 * Balanophyllia caribbeana Cairns, 1977 * Balanophyllia cyathoides (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871) * Balanophyllia dineta Cairns, 1977 * Balanophyllia galapagensis Vaughan, 1907 * Balanophyllia hadros Cairns, 1979 * Balanophyllia palifera Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1878 * Balanophyllia pittieri Vaughan, 1919 * Balanophyllia wellsi Cairns, 1977 * Cladopsammia eguchii (Wells, 1982) * Dendrophyllia oldroydae Odlroyd, 1924 * Eguchipsammia cornucopia (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871) * Rhizopsammia goesi (Lindstr%C3%B6m, 1877) * Rhizopsammia verrilli van der Horst, 1922 * Tubastraea coccinea Lesson, 1829 %E2%88%86 %E2%88%86 Tubastraea faulkneri Wells, 1982 * Tubastraea floreana Wells, 1982 * Tubastraea tagusensis Wells, 1982 * Faviidae Gregory, 1900 Colpophyllia amaranthus (O. F. M%C3%BCller, 1775) * Colpophyllia breviserialis Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1849 * Colpophyllia natans (Houttuyn, 1772) * Diploria clivosa (Ellis y Solander, 1786) * Diploria labyrinthiformis (Linnaeus, 1758) * Diploria strigosa (Dana, 1846) * Favia fragum (Esper, 1795) * Manicina areolata (Linnaeus, 1758) * Montastraea annularis (Ellis y Solander, 1786) * Montastraea cavernosa Linnaeus, 1767 * Montastraea faveolata (Ellis y Solander, 1786) * Montastraea franksi (Gregory, 1895) * Solenastrea bournoni Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1850 * Solenastrea hyades (Dana, 1846) * Flabellidae Bourne, 1905 Flabellum macandrewi Gray, 1849 * Flabellum moseleyi Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1880 * Javania cailleti (Duchassaing y Michelotti, 1864) * Polymyces fragilis (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1868) * Polymyces wellsi Cairns, 1991 * Fungiacyathidae Chevalier, 1987 Fungiacyathus crispus (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871) * Fungiacyathus symmetricus (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871) * Fungiidae Dana, 1846 Fungia curvata Hoeksema, 1989 * Fungia distorta Michelin, 1842 * Gardineriidae Stolarski, 1996 Gardineria minor Wells, 1973 * Guyniidae Hickson, 1910 Guynia annulata Duncan, 1872 * Schizocyathus fissilis Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1874 * Meandrinidae Gray, 1847 Dendrogyra cilindricus Ehrenberg, 1834 * Dichocoenia stellaris Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1848 * Dichocoenia stokesi Milne Edwards y Haime, 1848 * Meandrina meandrites (Linnaeus, 1758) * Mussidae Ortmann, 1890 Isophyllastrea rigida (Dana, 1846) * Isophyllia sinuosa (Ellis y Solander, 1786) * Mussa angulosa (Pallas, 1766) * Mycetophyllia aliciae Wells, 1973 * Mycetophyllia daniana Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1849 * Mycetophyllia ferox Wells, 1973 * Mycetophyllia lamarckiana Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1848 * Mycetophyllia reesi Wells, 1973 * Scolymia cubensis Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1849 * Scolymia lacera (Pallas, 1766) * Oculinidae Gray, 1847 Madrepora carolina (Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871) * Madrepora oculata Linnaeus, 1758 * Oculina diffusa Lamarck, 1816 %C2%B0 %C2%B0 Oculina tenella Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1871 %C2%B0 %C2%B0 Pocilloporidae Gray, 1842 Madracis asperula Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1849 %C2%B0 %C2%B0 Madracis auretenra Locke, Weil y Coates, 2007 * Madracis brueggemanni (Ridley, 1881) * 233 Corales Escleractinios de Colombia Familia Especies Caribe Pac%C3%ADfico Zoox. Azoox. Zoox. Azoox. Pocilloporidae Gray, 1842 Madracis decactis (Lyman, 1859) * Madracis formosa Wells, 1973 * Madracis myriaster (Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1849) * Madracis pharensis (Heller, 1868) %C2%B0 %C2%B0 Madracis senaria Wells, 1974 * Pocillopora capitata Verrill, 1864 * Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) * Pocillopora elegans Dana, 1846 * Pocillopora eydouxi Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1860 * Poritidae Gray, 1842 Porites astreoides Lamarck, 1816 * Porites branneri Rathbun, 1888 * Porites colonensis Zlatarski, 1990 * Porites furcata Lamarck, 1816 * Porites lobata Dana, 1846 * Porites panamensis Verrill, 1866 * Porites porites (Pallas, 1766) * Rhizangiidae d%E2%80%99Orbigny, 1851 Astrangia californica Durham y Barnard, 1952 * Astrangia conferta Verrill, 1870 * Astrangia equatorialis Durham y Barnard, 1952 * Astrangia solitaria (Lesueur, 1817) * Culicia rubeola (Quoy y Gaimard, 1833) * Oulangia bradleyi Verrill, 1866 * Siderastreidae Vaughan y Wells, 1943 Psammocora obtusangula (Lamarck, 1816) * Psammocora stellata Verrill, 1866 * Psammocora profundacella Gardiner, 1898 * Siderastrea radians (Pallas, 1766) * Siderastrea siderea (Ellis y Solander, 1786) * Turbinoliidae Milne-Edwards y Haime, 1848 Sphenotrochus auritus Pourtal%C3%A8s, 1874 * Sphenotrochus lindstroemi Cairns, 2000</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>pacifico colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
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doi:10.21239/V9313K: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
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doi:10.21239/V93597: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
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< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:01
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V93597</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Hern%C3%A1ndez-Ortiz, Milena. L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez, %C3%81ngela.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Plan de manejo para la zona costera del Departamento de la Guajira. UAC-alta Guajira</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2012</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>ordenamiento territorial, zona costera.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, CORPOGUAJIRA</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2012</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsContinuedBy" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9ZC79</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPartOf" relatedIdentifierType="ARK">ark:/81239/m9m88q</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPartOf" relatedIdentifierType="ARK">ark:/81239/m9bs3h</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente proyecto pretende avanzar en el desarrollo del diagn%C3%B3stico y zonificaci%C3%B3n, base para el plan de manejo y estrategias de Manejo Integrado de la Zona Costera (MIZC) del departamento de La Guajira. El %C3%A1rea de estudio contempla dos UACs: UAC-Alta Guajira en su totalidad, y UAC-Vertiente Norte de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (UAC-VNSNSM) que la comparte con el departamento del Magdalena desde el r%C3%ADo Palomino, en el marco de lo establecido en la Pol%C3%ADtica Nacional Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sostenible de los Espacios Oce%C3%A1nicos y las Zonas Costeras e Insulares de Colombia%E2%80%9D (en adelante PNAOCI), donde el MIZC se constituye en una prioridad y en un instrumento clave para orientar en el corto, mediano y largo plazo, de manera coordinada y arm%C3%B3nica, todos los esfuerzos tanto p%C3%BAblicos como privados, dirigidos hacia el aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos naturales, as%C3%AD como del ordenamiento de las acciones para el desarrollo socioecon%C3%B3mico de la regi%C3%B3n (MMA, 2001).</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9371W: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T11:30:08
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:33
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9388W: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-26T13:54:32
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:07
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9388W</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Blanco, Angela. Parra, Juan Pablo. Rozo, Daniel.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>An%C3%A1lisis de la calidad de aguas y sedimentos en el parque regional Old Point</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2008</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Seaflower, Old Point-Haines, zonificaci%C3%B3n, flora, fauna, recuperaci%C3%B3n, investigaci%C3%B3n, educaci%C3%B3n, participaci%C3%B3n, San Andr%C3%A9s, sedimentos, muestreo, nutrientes</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2008</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Por su importancia como uno de los ecosistemas estrat%C3%A9gicos m%C3%A1s importantes de la isla de San Andr%C3%A9s, el %C3%A1rea de manglares de Old Point-Haines Bight se incluyo como zona n%C3%BAcleo dentro de la zonificaci%C3%B3n de la Reserva de Biosfera %E2%80%9CSeaflower%E2%80%9D. Igualmente los cuerpos de agua de Hooker y Haines Bight son sectores contemplados en la propuesta para la implementaci%C3%B3n de un sistema regional de %C3%A1reas marinas protegidas para el archipi%C3%A9lago, particularmente en lo que tiene que ver con %C3%A1reas nodriza de especies de importancia comercial y est%C3%A9tico para las islas (Coralina, 2007). Con el fin de actualizar la base ambiental de flora y fauna del Parque Regional Old Point, se presenta la siguiente evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental que puedan constituirse en herramientas que permitan coordinar las acciones de recuperaci%C3%B3n, investigaci%C3%B3n, educaci%C3%B3n y participaci%C3%B3n comunitaria en la zona.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>El Archipi%C3%A9lago de San Andr%C3%A9s, Parque Regional Old Point</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9388W</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Blanco, Angela. Parra, Juan Pablo. Rozo, Daniel.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>An%C3%A1lisis de la calidad de aguas y sedimentos en el parque regional Old Point</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2008</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Seaflower, Old Point-Haines, zonificaci%C3%B3n, flora, fauna, recuperaci%C3%B3n, investigaci%C3%B3n, educaci%C3%B3n, participaci%C3%B3n, San Andr%C3%A9s, sedimentos, muestreo, nutrientes</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2008</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Por su importancia como uno de los ecosistemas estrat%C3%A9gicos m%C3%A1s importantes de la isla de San Andr%C3%A9s, el %C3%A1rea de manglares de Old Point-Haines Bight se incluyo como zona n%C3%BAcleo dentro de la zonificaci%C3%B3n de la Reserva de Biosfera %E2%80%9CSeaflower%E2%80%9D. Igualmente los cuerpos de agua de Hooker y Haines Bight son sectores contemplados en la propuesta para la implementaci%C3%B3n de un sistema regional de %C3%A1reas marinas protegidas para el archipi%C3%A9lago, particularmente en lo que tiene que ver con %C3%A1reas nodriza de especies de importancia comercial y est%C3%A9tico para las islas (Coralina, 2007). Con el fin de actualizar la base ambiental de flora y fauna del Parque Regional Old Point, se presenta la siguiente evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental que puedan constituirse en herramientas que permitan coordinar las acciones de recuperaci%C3%B3n, investigaci%C3%B3n, educaci%C3%B3n y participaci%C3%B3n comunitaria en la zona.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>El Archipi%C3%A9lago de San Andr%C3%A9s, Parque Regional Old Point</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V93B0J: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T05:58:18
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:19
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V93G66: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T07:38:36
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:52
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V93G66</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Navarrete-Ram%C3%ADrez, S. M.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Protocolo Indicador Riqueza de aves acu%C3%A1ticas</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>: Riqueza, Aves Marinas, Aves Playeras, Monitoreo, Indicadores, Subsistema %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP).</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-78-7</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR, (SAMP). GEF y PNUD</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El monitoreo de las aves requiere determinar los factores que aumentan la eficiencia y confiabilidad de los resultados de los muestreos y la calidad de los datos. Estos factores incluyen el momento del d%C3%ADa, ubicaci%C3%B3n del sol, velocidad y direcci%C3%B3n del viento, precipitaci%C3%B3n, entre otros.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V93G66</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Navarrete-Ram%C3%ADrez, S. M.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Protocolo Indicador Riqueza de aves acu%C3%A1ticas</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>: Riqueza, Aves Marinas, Aves Playeras, Monitoreo, Indicadores, Subsistema %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP).</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-78-7</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>INVEMAR, (SAMP). GEF y PNUD</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El monitoreo de las aves requiere determinar los factores que aumentan la eficiencia y confiabilidad de los resultados de los muestreos y la calidad de los datos. Estos factores incluyen el momento del d%C3%ADa, ubicaci%C3%B3n del sol, velocidad y direcci%C3%B3n del viento, precipitaci%C3%B3n, entre otros.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V93K5V: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T13:10:39
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:05
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V93S35: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T06:24:33
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:13
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V93S35</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Mej%C3%ADa, Luz. Acero, Arturo.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Libro Rojo de Peces Marinos de Colombia</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2002</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>peces marinos, Colombia, libros rojos, especies amenazadas</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2002</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">96972-4-0</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">En este tomo se re%C3%BAne la informaci%C3%B3n m%C3%A1s relevante de las especies de peces presentes en nuestros mares, que consideramos que enfrentan alg%C3%BAn tipo de amenaza, ya sea de origen antropog%C3%A9nico o que por su misma biolog%C3%ADa o poca abundancia son m%C3%A1s vulnerables ante los cambios naturales.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Oc%C3%A9anos de Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V93S35</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Mej%C3%ADa, Luz. Acero, Arturo.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Libro Rojo de Peces Marinos de Colombia</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2002</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>peces marinos, Colombia, libros rojos, especies amenazadas</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2002</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">96972-4-0</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">En este tomo se re%C3%BAne la informaci%C3%B3n m%C3%A1s relevante de las especies de peces presentes en nuestros mares, que consideramos que enfrentan alg%C3%BAn tipo de amenaza, ya sea de origen antropog%C3%A9nico o que por su misma biolog%C3%ADa o poca abundancia son m%C3%A1s vulnerables ante los cambios naturales.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Oc%C3%A9anos de Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V93S4J: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-04-28T08:59:41
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:33
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V93T58: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-05T05:35:50
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:55
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V93W2T: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-19T17:49:52
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:06
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V93W2T</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Arias-Isaza, Francisco A. Sierra-Correa, Paula Cristina. Alonso-Carvajal, David A.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Documento Base para la Elaboraci%C3%B3n de la Pol%C3%ADtica Nacional de Ordenamiento Integrado de las Zonas Costeras Colombianas</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>1997</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Text</resourceType><subjects><subject>zonas costeras, mizc, ordenamiento territorial, estuarios, playones, aluvi%C3%B3n, manglar, impactos, tsunamis, ministerio</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">1997</date></dates><language>spa</language><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Diagnostico y caracterizaci%C3%B3n del estado normativo, ambiental y economico de las zonas costeras de Colombia, con lineamientos para establecer una politica de manejo integrado de las mismas.&#13;%0A&#13;%0AEste documento es producto de una consultor%C3%ADa contratada por el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente (MMA), contrato 0345/96 y contrato 0408/96, cuyo objeto fue prestar asesor%C3%ADa t%C3%A9cnica al MMA para la formulaci%C3%B3n de la pol%C3%ADtica y estrategias de ordenamiento ambiental de las zonas costeras colombianas. Acuerdo celebrado entre la Rep%C3%BAblica de Colombia a trav%C3%A9s de MMA y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) 774/OC-CO, en desarrollo del Programa Ambiental para Colombia</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Zonas costeras Colombianas</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V93W36: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-11T07:56:38
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:20
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V93W36</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Espinosa, Luisa. S%C3%A1nchez, Jos%C3%A9. Vivas, Lizbeth. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Narv%C3%A1ez, Silvia. Ramos, Amparo. Parra, Juan. Perdomo, Laura. Posada, Blanca, Orjuela, Alianis. Severiche, Carlos. L%C3%B3pez, Angela. Malagon, Andr%C3%A9s. Ricardo, Ricardo.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Informe nacional sobre el estado del ambiente marino en los pa%C3%ADses del pac%C3%ADfico sudoeste, caso Colombia</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2010</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Convenio de Lima, Calidad ambiental marina, Programa Nacional de Investigaci%C3%B3n, Evaluaci%C3%B3n, Prevenci%C3%B3n, Reducci%C3%B3n y Control de las Fuentes Marinas y Terrestres de Contaminaci%C3%B3n al Mar %E2%80%93 PNICM.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>Comisi%C3%B3n Permanente del Pac%C3%ADfico Sur %E2%80%93 CPPS, Secretaria Ejecutiva del Plan de Acci%C3%B3n para la Protecci%C3%B3n del Medio Marino y %C3%81reas Costeras del Pac%C3%ADfico Sudeste, Programa Coordinado de Investigaci%C3%B3n, Vigilancia y Control de la Contaminaci%C3%B3n Marina en el Pac%C3%ADfico Sudeste %E2%80%93 CONPACSE III, Comisi%C3%B3n Colombiana del Oc%C3%A9ano %E2%80%93 CCO</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2010</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">La presente publicaci%C3%B3n tuvo como finalidad describir el estado actual de la Calidad Ambiental Marina en el litoral Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano, haciendo %C3%A9nfasis en el estado de contaminaci%C3%B3n y su impacto sobre los ecosistemas naturales y la biodiversidad. As%C3%AD mismo, las pol%C3%ADticas adaptadas por el pa%C3%ADs para preservar el ambiente, contribuir al desarrollo sostenible y mejorar la calidad de vida de los pobladores de la Cuenca del Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano.&#13;%0APrograma Nacional de Investigaci%C3%B3n, Evaluaci%C3%B3n, Prevenci%C3%B3n, Reducci%C3%B3n y Control de las Fuentes Marinas y Terrestres de Contaminaci%C3%B3n al Mar %E2%80%93 PNICM.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Litoral Pac%C3%ADfico, Colombia.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V93W36</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Espinosa, Luisa. S%C3%A1nchez, Jos%C3%A9. Vivas, Lizbeth. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Narv%C3%A1ez, Silvia. Ramos, Amparo. Parra, Juan. Perdomo, Laura. Posada, Blanca, Orjuela, Alianis. Severiche, Carlos. L%C3%B3pez, Angela. Malagon, Andr%C3%A9s. Ricardo, Ricardo.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Informe nacional sobre el estado del ambiente marino en los pa%C3%ADses del pac%C3%ADfico sudoeste, caso Colombia</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2010</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Convenio de Lima, Calidad ambiental marina, Programa Nacional de Investigaci%C3%B3n, Evaluaci%C3%B3n, Prevenci%C3%B3n, Reducci%C3%B3n y Control de las Fuentes Marinas y Terrestres de Contaminaci%C3%B3n al Mar %E2%80%93 PNICM.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>Comisi%C3%B3n Permanente del Pac%C3%ADfico Sur %E2%80%93 CPPS, Secretaria Ejecutiva del Plan de Acci%C3%B3n para la Protecci%C3%B3n del Medio Marino y %C3%81reas Costeras del Pac%C3%ADfico Sudeste, Programa Coordinado de Investigaci%C3%B3n, Vigilancia y Control de la Contaminaci%C3%B3n Marina en el Pac%C3%ADfico Sudeste %E2%80%93 CONPACSE III, Comisi%C3%B3n Colombiana del Oc%C3%A9ano %E2%80%93 CCO</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2010</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">La presente publicaci%C3%B3n tuvo como finalidad describir el estado actual de la Calidad Ambiental Marina en el litoral Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano, haciendo %C3%A9nfasis en el estado de contaminaci%C3%B3n y su impacto sobre los ecosistemas naturales y la biodiversidad. As%C3%AD mismo, las pol%C3%ADticas adaptadas por el pa%C3%ADs para preservar el ambiente, contribuir al desarrollo sostenible y mejorar la calidad de vida de los pobladores de la Cuenca del Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano.&#13;%0APrograma Nacional de Investigaci%C3%B3n, Evaluaci%C3%B3n, Prevenci%C3%B3n, Reducci%C3%B3n y Control de las Fuentes Marinas y Terrestres de Contaminaci%C3%B3n al Mar %E2%80%93 PNICM.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Litoral Pac%C3%ADfico, Colombia.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V93X59: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-07-14T07:53:15
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:26
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9401S: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-06T09:17:22
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:49
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9401S</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. Arias-Alem%C3%A1n, Leonardo. Serrano, Halbin. Navarro, Ennel. Cuadrado, Iv%C3%A1n. Moreno, Yadi. Gonz%C3%A1lez, Daniel. Rocha, Venus. Ru%C3%ADz, Yully. Obando, Paola. S%C3%A1nchez, Diana. Mart%C3%ADnez, Max. Nieto, Yoselin. Garces, Ostin. Villarraga, Marcela. Guti%C3%A9rrez, Alberto. Barranco, Josimar. Contrera, Alex. Mu%C3%B1oz, Johan. Lara, Gustavo. Sierra, Omar.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2014</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V97S3D</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relationType="References" relatedIdentifierType="ISSN">ISSN:2389-8615</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente informe diagn%C3%B3stico 2014, contiene la evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras del Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombianos del per%C3%ADodo lluvioso de 2013 y seco de 2014, contrastado con el an%C3%A1lisis hist%C3%B3rico de los cambios observados en las diferentes estaciones y departamentos costeros. En el diagn%C3%B3stico se describe de forma espacial y temporal el comportamiento de las variables fisicoqu%C3%ADmicas y microbiol%C3%B3gicas, y de los contaminantes (hidrocarburos del petr%C3%B3leo, plaguicidas y metales pesados) en un contexto nacional, regional y departamental destacando zonas de importancia ambiental. Adem%C3%A1s, se muestran los resultados de contaminantes en sedimentos como complemento al monitoreo.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9401S</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. Arias-Alem%C3%A1n, Leonardo. Serrano, Halbin. Navarro, Ennel. Cuadrado, Iv%C3%A1n. Moreno, Yadi. Gonz%C3%A1lez, Daniel. Rocha, Venus. Ru%C3%ADz, Yully. Obando, Paola. S%C3%A1nchez, Diana. Mart%C3%ADnez, Max. Nieto, Yoselin. Garces, Ostin. Villarraga, Marcela. Guti%C3%A9rrez, Alberto. Barranco, Josimar. Contrera, Alex. Mu%C3%B1oz, Johan. Lara, Gustavo. Sierra, Omar.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2014</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V97S3D</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="References" relatedIdentifierType="ISSN">ISSN:2389-8615</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente informe diagn%C3%B3stico 2014, contiene la evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras del Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombianos del per%C3%ADodo lluvioso de 2013 y seco de 2014, contrastado con el an%C3%A1lisis hist%C3%B3rico de los cambios observados en las diferentes estaciones y departamentos costeros. En el diagn%C3%B3stico se describe de forma espacial y temporal el comportamiento de las variables fisicoqu%C3%ADmicas y microbiol%C3%B3gicas, y de los contaminantes (hidrocarburos del petr%C3%B3leo, plaguicidas y metales pesados) en un contexto nacional, regional y departamental destacando zonas de importancia ambiental. Adem%C3%A1s, se muestran los resultados de contaminantes en sedimentos como complemento al monitoreo.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9413W: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T12:48:09
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:34
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V94415: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T10:58:11
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:59
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9459J: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-03T11:47:21
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:00
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9459J</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Alonso, D. Ramirez, L. Segura- Quintero, C. Castillo-Torres, P.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Planificaci%C3%B3n Ecorregional para la conservaci%C3%B3n de la biodiversidad in situ marino costera del Caribe continental colombiano</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2007</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Conservaci%C3%B3n, amenazas a la biodiversidad, biodiversidad marina, costeros</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2007</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ARK" relationType="IsContinuedBy">ark:/81239/m9q590, ark:/81239/m9kg6q</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR, The Nature Conservancy TNC</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente trabajo representa el inicio de una serie de esfuerzos dirigidos a cumplir con los compromisos adquiridos en la COP-7 del Convenio de Diversidad Biol%C3%B3gica del 2004, donde se espera que para el 2012, en Colombia se tenga un sistema representativo, efectivo y completo de %C3%A1reas marinas protegidas a nivel regional y nacional, eficazmente gestionados y ecol%C3%B3gicamente representativos, las cuales buscan reducir significativamente la tasa actual de p%C3%A9rdida de la diversidad biol%C3%B3gica en los planos mundial, regional, nacional y subnacional y a la reducci%C3%B3n de la pobreza.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe continental colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9459J</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Alonso, D. Ramirez, L. Segura- Quintero, C. Castillo-Torres, P.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Planificaci%C3%B3n Ecorregional para la conservaci%C3%B3n de la biodiversidad in situ marino costera del Caribe continental colombiano</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2007</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Conservaci%C3%B3n, amenazas a la biodiversidad, biodiversidad marina, costeros</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2007</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ARK" relationType="IsContinuedBy">ark:/81239/m9q590, ark:/81239/m9kg6q</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR, The Nature Conservancy TNC</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente trabajo representa el inicio de una serie de esfuerzos dirigidos a cumplir con los compromisos adquiridos en la COP-7 del Convenio de Diversidad Biol%C3%B3gica del 2004, donde se espera que para el 2012, en Colombia se tenga un sistema representativo, efectivo y completo de %C3%A1reas marinas protegidas a nivel regional y nacional, eficazmente gestionados y ecol%C3%B3gicamente representativos, las cuales buscan reducir significativamente la tasa actual de p%C3%A9rdida de la diversidad biol%C3%B3gica en los planos mundial, regional, nacional y subnacional y a la reducci%C3%B3n de la pobreza.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe continental colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V94886: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-26T08:50:03
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:09
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V94886</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>L%C3%B3pez A. Sierra-Correa, P.C.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Actualizaci%C3%B3n y ajuste del diagn%C3%B3stico y zonificaci%C3%B3n de los manglares de la zona costera del departamento del Atl%C3%A1ntico, caribe colombiano</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2005</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>manglar, bi%C3%B3tico, fauna, dofa, cartogr%C3%A1fico, socioecon%C3%B3mico, diagnostico, zonificaci%C3%B3n</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2005</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente documento, es el resultado de las actividades desarrolladas durante el proyecto y contiene de forma general los siguientes elementos: a) Definici%C3%B3n del %C3%A1rea de estudio; b) Aspectos metodol%C3%B3gicos generales y los espec%C3%ADficos de cada componente; c) la caracterizaci%C3%B3n y diagn%C3%B3stico de los componentes bi%C3%B3tico y socioecon%C3%B3mico, con base en la revisi%C3%B3n de informaci%C3%B3n secundaria y las visitas de campo; d) La s%C3%ADntesis diagn%C3%B3stica de la problem%C3%A1tica ambiental relacionada con las %C3%A1reas de manglar construida a partir de la informaci%C3%B3n t%C3%A9cnica y los resultados del taller con los actores locales; e) La zonificaci%C3%B3n y los lineamientos para el manejo de %C3%A9stas %C3%A1reas.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamento Del Atl%C3%A1ntico, Caribe Colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V94B0V: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T05:01:10
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:40
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V94G6H: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T06:42:46
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:03
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V94G6H</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Zamora-Bornachera, Anny. L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADgez, Angela. Trujillo-Gede%C3%B3n, Ver%C3%B3nica. Mart%C3%ADnez-Zuleta, Claudia. Llin%C3%A1s, Guillermo. Lacoste, Mathieu.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Plan 4C Cartagena de Indias competitiva y compatible con el clima</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>cambio clim%C3%A1tico, vulnerabilidad, desarrollo compatible con el clima, Cartagena de Indias, estrategias, adaptaci%C3%B3n, mitigaci%C3%B3n.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-61-9</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR, Alcald%C3%ADa de Cartagena de Indias, MADS, CDKN y C%C3%A1mara de Comercio de Cartagena</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El Plan de cambio clim%C3%A1tico %E2%80%9CCartagena de Indias Competitiva y Compatible con el Clima%E2%80%9D - Plan 4C, la ciudad se convierte en la primera del pa%C3%ADs en haber creado una visi%C3%B3n de largo plazo donde el clima del futuro ser%C3%A1 una oportunidad para su desarrollo. El plan posicionar%C3%A1 a Cartagena como un modelo y un l%C3%ADder en Am%C3%A9rica Latina, mostrando el camino para lograr un desarrollo compatible con el clima. Aportar%C3%A1 tambi%C3%A9n respuestas contundentes para los cartageneros con el dise%C3%B1o y la creaci%C3%B3n, por ejemplo, de un barrio adaptado en una zona donde hay comunidades socioecon%C3%B3micamente vulnerables y afectadas por el cambio clim%C3%A1tico. Gracias al Plan 4C y al liderazgo asumido por nuestra Alcald%C3%ADa y la Secretaria de Planeaci%C3%B3n del Distrito, estamos convirtiendo el desarrollo compatible con el clima en una pol%C3%ADtica de ciudad que trascender%C3%A1 las administraciones y que proyecta desde ya la Cartagena del futuro. En este sentido, hemos definido con los actores de la ciudad, cinco l%C3%ADneas estrat%C3%A9gicas y acciones concretas para impulsar el desarrollo y la competitividad de los sectores econ%C3%B3micos en el largo plazo, reducir la pobreza en la ciudad y nuestras islas y generar nuevas fuentes de empleo</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V94G6H</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Zamora-Bornachera, Anny. L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADgez, Angela. Trujillo-Gede%C3%B3n, Ver%C3%B3nica. Mart%C3%ADnez-Zuleta, Claudia. Llin%C3%A1s, Guillermo. Lacoste, Mathieu.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Plan 4C Cartagena de Indias competitiva y compatible con el clima</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>cambio clim%C3%A1tico, vulnerabilidad, desarrollo compatible con el clima, Cartagena de Indias, estrategias, adaptaci%C3%B3n, mitigaci%C3%B3n.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-61-9</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>INVEMAR, Alcald%C3%ADa de Cartagena de Indias, MADS, CDKN y C%C3%A1mara de Comercio de Cartagena</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El Plan de cambio clim%C3%A1tico %E2%80%9CCartagena de Indias Competitiva y Compatible con el Clima%E2%80%9D - Plan 4C, la ciudad se convierte en la primera del pa%C3%ADs en haber creado una visi%C3%B3n de largo plazo donde el clima del futuro ser%C3%A1 una oportunidad para su desarrollo. El plan posicionar%C3%A1 a Cartagena como un modelo y un l%C3%ADder en Am%C3%A9rica Latina, mostrando el camino para lograr un desarrollo compatible con el clima. Aportar%C3%A1 tambi%C3%A9n respuestas contundentes para los cartageneros con el dise%C3%B1o y la creaci%C3%B3n, por ejemplo, de un barrio adaptado en una zona donde hay comunidades socioecon%C3%B3micamente vulnerables y afectadas por el cambio clim%C3%A1tico. Gracias al Plan 4C y al liderazgo asumido por nuestra Alcald%C3%ADa y la Secretaria de Planeaci%C3%B3n del Distrito, estamos convirtiendo el desarrollo compatible con el clima en una pol%C3%ADtica de ciudad que trascender%C3%A1 las administraciones y que proyecta desde ya la Cartagena del futuro. En este sentido, hemos definido con los actores de la ciudad, cinco l%C3%ADneas estrat%C3%A9gicas y acciones concretas para impulsar el desarrollo y la competitividad de los sectores econ%C3%B3micos en el largo plazo, reducir la pobreza en la ciudad y nuestras islas y generar nuevas fuentes de empleo</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V94G7W: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-02-23T06:37:18
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:18
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V94K55: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T11:50:30
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:46
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V94K55</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Ram%C3%ADrez, L.F., Alonso, D., Segura-Quintero, C., Moreno, R., Mendoza, S., Maldonado, J., Castro, A.P., Calero, L.A., Zamora, A., Boh%C3%B3rquez, E. y Franke, R.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Viabilidad de una red de %C3%A1reas marinas protegidas en el Caribe colombiano.</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2009</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Medio ambiente, recursos naturales, %C3%A1reas marinas protegidas (AMP). Caribe colombiano.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, Sistema Regional de %C3%81reas Protegidas del Caribe-SIRAP Caribe, Corporaci%C3%B3n Aut%C3%B3noma Regional de Sucre-CARSUCRE, Corporaci%C3%B3n Aut%C3%B3noma Regional de la Guajira-CORPOGUAJIRA, Unidad Administrativa Especial del Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales-UAESPNN</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2009</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-26-8</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY 4.0 NC</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">En el marco de este proyecto se seleccionaron tres sectores en el Caribe colombiano (Baja Guajira, Sucre y Urab%C3%A1 Chocoano) como casos de estudio, debido a sus caracter%C3%ADsticas particulares, tales como: La alta concentraci%C3%B3n de sitios prioritarios de conservaci%C3%B3n; la baja representatividad de ecosistemas y h%C3%A1bitats en el Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales y otras categor%C3%ADas de manejo; la disponibilidad de informaci%C3%B3n de actores y la presencia institucional, facilitaban la integraci%C3%B3n de la informaci%C3%B3n socioecon%C3%B3mica.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Baja Guajira, Sucre y Urab%C3%A1 Chocoano, Caribe Colombiano.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V94K55</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Ram%C3%ADrez, L.F., Alonso, D., Segura-Quintero, C., Moreno, R., Mendoza, S., Maldonado, J., Castro, A.P., Calero, L.A., Zamora, A., Boh%C3%B3rquez, E. y Franke, R.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Viabilidad de una red de %C3%A1reas marinas protegidas en el Caribe colombiano.</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2009</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Medio ambiente, recursos naturales, %C3%A1reas marinas protegidas (AMP). Caribe colombiano.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, Sistema Regional de %C3%81reas Protegidas del Caribe-SIRAP Caribe, Corporaci%C3%B3n Aut%C3%B3noma Regional de Sucre-CARSUCRE, Corporaci%C3%B3n Aut%C3%B3noma Regional de la Guajira-CORPOGUAJIRA, Unidad Administrativa Especial del Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales-UAESPNN</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2009</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-26-8</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY 4.0 NC</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">En el marco de este proyecto se seleccionaron tres sectores en el Caribe colombiano (Baja Guajira, Sucre y Urab%C3%A1 Chocoano) como casos de estudio, debido a sus caracter%C3%ADsticas particulares, tales como: La alta concentraci%C3%B3n de sitios prioritarios de conservaci%C3%B3n; la baja representatividad de ecosistemas y h%C3%A1bitats en el Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales y otras categor%C3%ADas de manejo; la disponibilidad de informaci%C3%B3n de actores y la presencia institucional, facilitaban la integraci%C3%B3n de la informaci%C3%B3n socioecon%C3%B3mica.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Baja Guajira, Sucre y Urab%C3%A1 Chocoano, Caribe Colombiano.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V94P4T: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-01-26T12:06:14
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:54
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V94S3G: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-23T13:00:05
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:54
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V94S4V: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-09T12:39:50
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:07
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V94S4V</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Romero, Diana. Barreto, Nancy Liliana.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Metodolog%C3%ADa SIG para el an%C3%A1lisis de amenaza y vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n en la Isla de Cascajal</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Metodolog%C3%ADa creada para el proyecto an%C3%A1lisis de amenaza y vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n en la Isla de Cascajal; a su vez se cre%C3%B3 una Geodatabase y se obtuvieron 29 mapas para el informe, que representan las diferentes tem%C3%A1ticas analizadas para el proyecto y los resultados de grado de amenaza y de vulnerabilidad para los diferentes ecosistemas y la poblaci%C3%B3n.&#13;%0A&#13;%0A&#13;%0AMapa 1: Mapa de Cobertura de la Tierra &#13;%0AMapa 2: Mapa de Ecosistemas&#13;%0AMapa 3: Mapa de Asentamientos Humanos &#13;%0AMapa 4: Mapa de Usos&#13;%0AMapa 5: Mapa de Geomorfolog%C3%ADa&#13;%0AMapa 6: Mapa de las Estaciones de Muestreo. &#13;%0AMapa 7: Mapa de las fuentes de contaminaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0AMapa 8: Mapa de las condiciones socioecon%C3%B3micas&#13;%0AMapa 9: Mapa de amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en la poblaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0AMapa 10: Mapa de amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n microbiol%C3%B3gica en la poblaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0AMapa 11: Mapa de amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n microbiol%C3%B3gica en los ecosistemas&#13;%0AMapa 12: Mapa de amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en los ecosistemas&#13;%0AMapa 13: Mapa de vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n microbiol%C3%B3gica en la poblaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0AMapa 14: Mapa de vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en la poblaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0AMapa 15: Mapa de vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n microbiol%C3%B3gica en los ecosistemas&#13;%0AMapa 16: Mapa de vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en los ecosistemas&#13;%0AMapa 17: An%C3%A1lisis de contaminaci%C3%B3n (ICAM), escenario de marea alta, %C3%A9poca de altas precipitaciones&#13;%0AMapa 18: An%C3%A1lisis de contaminaci%C3%B3n (ICAM), escenario de marea alta, %C3%A9poca de bajas precipitaciones&#13;%0AMapa 19: An%C3%A1lisis de contaminaci%C3%B3n (ICAM), escenario de marea baja, %C3%A9poca de altas precipitaciones&#13;%0AMapa 20: An%C3%A1lisis de contaminaci%C3%B3n (ICAM), escenario de marea baja, %C3%A9poca de bajas precipitaciones&#13;%0AMapa 21: Amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n microbiol%C3%B3gica en Los ecosistemas (Cartilla)&#13;%0AMapa 22: Amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en los ecosistemas (Cartilla)&#13;%0AMapa 23: Amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n microbiol%C3%B3gica en la poblaci%C3%B3n (Cartilla)&#13;%0AMapa 24: Amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en la poblaci%C3%B3n (Cartilla) &#13;%0AMapa 25: Localizaci%C3%B3n general (Cartilla) &#13;%0AMapa 26: Vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n microbiol%C3%B3gica en los ecosistemas&#13;%0AMapa 27: Vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en los ecosistemas&#13;%0AMapa 28: Vulnerabilidad por microbiol%C3%B3gica en la poblaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0AMapa 29: Vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en la poblaci%C3%B3n.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Isla de Cascajal %E2%80%93 Buenaventura, en el pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V94S4V</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Romero, Diana. Barreto, Nancy Liliana.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Metodolog%C3%ADa SIG para el an%C3%A1lisis de amenaza y vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n en la Isla de Cascajal</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Metodolog%C3%ADa creada para el proyecto an%C3%A1lisis de amenaza y vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n en la Isla de Cascajal; a su vez se cre%C3%B3 una Geodatabase y se obtuvieron 29 mapas para el informe, que representan las diferentes tem%C3%A1ticas analizadas para el proyecto y los resultados de grado de amenaza y de vulnerabilidad para los diferentes ecosistemas y la poblaci%C3%B3n.&#13;%0A&#13;%0A&#13;%0AMapa 1: Mapa de Cobertura de la Tierra &#13;%0AMapa 2: Mapa de Ecosistemas&#13;%0AMapa 3: Mapa de Asentamientos Humanos &#13;%0AMapa 4: Mapa de Usos&#13;%0AMapa 5: Mapa de Geomorfolog%C3%ADa&#13;%0AMapa 6: Mapa de las Estaciones de Muestreo. &#13;%0AMapa 7: Mapa de las fuentes de contaminaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0AMapa 8: Mapa de las condiciones socioecon%C3%B3micas&#13;%0AMapa 9: Mapa de amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en la poblaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0AMapa 10: Mapa de amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n microbiol%C3%B3gica en la poblaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0AMapa 11: Mapa de amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n microbiol%C3%B3gica en los ecosistemas&#13;%0AMapa 12: Mapa de amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en los ecosistemas&#13;%0AMapa 13: Mapa de vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n microbiol%C3%B3gica en la poblaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0AMapa 14: Mapa de vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en la poblaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0AMapa 15: Mapa de vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n microbiol%C3%B3gica en los ecosistemas&#13;%0AMapa 16: Mapa de vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en los ecosistemas&#13;%0AMapa 17: An%C3%A1lisis de contaminaci%C3%B3n (ICAM), escenario de marea alta, %C3%A9poca de altas precipitaciones&#13;%0AMapa 18: An%C3%A1lisis de contaminaci%C3%B3n (ICAM), escenario de marea alta, %C3%A9poca de bajas precipitaciones&#13;%0AMapa 19: An%C3%A1lisis de contaminaci%C3%B3n (ICAM), escenario de marea baja, %C3%A9poca de altas precipitaciones&#13;%0AMapa 20: An%C3%A1lisis de contaminaci%C3%B3n (ICAM), escenario de marea baja, %C3%A9poca de bajas precipitaciones&#13;%0AMapa 21: Amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n microbiol%C3%B3gica en Los ecosistemas (Cartilla)&#13;%0AMapa 22: Amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en los ecosistemas (Cartilla)&#13;%0AMapa 23: Amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n microbiol%C3%B3gica en la poblaci%C3%B3n (Cartilla)&#13;%0AMapa 24: Amenaza por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en la poblaci%C3%B3n (Cartilla) &#13;%0AMapa 25: Localizaci%C3%B3n general (Cartilla) &#13;%0AMapa 26: Vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n microbiol%C3%B3gica en los ecosistemas&#13;%0AMapa 27: Vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en los ecosistemas&#13;%0AMapa 28: Vulnerabilidad por microbiol%C3%B3gica en la poblaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0AMapa 29: Vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica en la poblaci%C3%B3n.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Isla de Cascajal %E2%80%93 Buenaventura, en el pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V94T5K: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-05T04:56:09
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:54
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V94X5M: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-07-13T13:09:01
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:24
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V95013: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-06T08:08:45
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:47
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V95013</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Mar%C3%ADn, Bienvenido. Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Ramirez, Gustavo. Cadavid, Betty. G%C3%B3mez, Martha Liliana. Troncoso, Walberto. S%C3%A1nchez, Jose. Acosta, Jorge. Parra, Juan. Narv%C3%A1ez, Silvia. Arag%C3%B3n, Osman. Fern%C3%A1ndez, Jader. Arias-Alem%C3%A1n, Leonardo.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2006</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2006</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2006</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9XG6N</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsNewVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9160J</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este informe contiene una descripci%C3%B3n del comportamiento estacional y temporal de las variables Fisicoqu%C3%ADmicas, Microbiol%C3%B3gicas y de contaminantes (Hidrocarburos del petr%C3%B3leo, Plaguicidas organoclorados y Metales pesados) desde el a%C3%B1o 2001 al primer semestre de 2006, en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Este documento contribuye a cumplir con la misi%C3%B3n del Programa Calidad Ambiental Marina, sirviendo de herramienta para trasmitir el conocimiento y asesorar a las entidades del SINA (MAVDT, CARs costeras y DAMAS) en todo lo relacionado con la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras. Tambi%C3%A9n en mantener un diagn%C3%B3stico actualizado de la calidad de las aguas y ecosistemas marinos y costeros a nivel nacional.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V95013</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Mar%C3%ADn, Bienvenido. Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Ramirez, Gustavo. Cadavid, Betty. G%C3%B3mez, Martha Liliana. Troncoso, Walberto. S%C3%A1nchez, Jose. Acosta, Jorge. Parra, Juan. Narv%C3%A1ez, Silvia. Arag%C3%B3n, Osman. Fern%C3%A1ndez, Jader. Arias-Alem%C3%A1n, Leonardo.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2006</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2006</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2006</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9XG6N</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsNewVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9160J</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este informe contiene una descripci%C3%B3n del comportamiento estacional y temporal de las variables Fisicoqu%C3%ADmicas, Microbiol%C3%B3gicas y de contaminantes (Hidrocarburos del petr%C3%B3leo, Plaguicidas organoclorados y Metales pesados) desde el a%C3%B1o 2001 al primer semestre de 2006, en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Este documento contribuye a cumplir con la misi%C3%B3n del Programa Calidad Ambiental Marina, sirviendo de herramienta para trasmitir el conocimiento y asesorar a las entidades del SINA (MAVDT, CARs costeras y DAMAS) en todo lo relacionado con la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras. Tambi%C3%A9n en mantener un diagn%C3%B3stico actualizado de la calidad de las aguas y ecosistemas marinos y costeros a nivel nacional.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V95136: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T12:17:30
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:45
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9542V: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T08:16:04
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:23
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9588H: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T12:07:06
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:41
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9588H</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Moreno-S%C3%A1nchez, R. Vargas-Morales, M. Maldonado, J.H. Viloria, E.A. Rodr%C3%ADguez, C. Rueda, M.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Entendiendo las Decisiones de Producci%C3%B3n y Consumo de los Hogares de Pescadores: Una aproximaci%C3%B3n a trav%C3%A9s de los modelos de producci%C3%B3n de hogares</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2015</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>producci%C3%B3n; hogares; pescadores; caracterizaci%C3%B3n; socio-econ%C3%B3mica; bar%C3%BA-cartagena; participaci%C3%B3n; comunidad; construcci%C3%B3n; modelo; din%C3%A1mica; pesquera; inclusi%C3%B3n; pesca; consumo</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2015</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8935-07-2</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este fasc%C3%ADculo presenta una propuesta metodol%C3%B3gica para el desarrollo emp%C3%ADrico de la primera fase del modelo te%C3%B3rico de producci%C3%B3n de hogares de pescadores, formulada a partir de la experiencia que hasta la fecha se ha obtenido de la investigaci%C3%B3n %E2%80%9CCaracterizaci%C3%B3n socio-econ%C3%B3mica de los hogares de pescadores en el corregimiento de Bar%C3%BA-Cartagena%E2%80%9D. El MPH que se desarrolla a continuaci%C3%B3n, considera dos puntos novedosos a resaltar: I) se propone la participaci%C3%B3n de la comunidad local en diferentes etapas del m%C3%A9todo cient%C3%ADfico, identificando claramente las etapas en las que la comunidad puede contribuir al proceso de construcci%C3%B3n del modelo y toma de los datos; y II) contempla la uni%C3%B3n del entendimiento de la din%C3%A1mica pesquera con el de la din%C3%A1mica de los hogares, a trav%C3%A9s de la inclusi%C3%B3n de la funci%C3%B3n de producci%C3%B3n de pesca como una de las restricciones en el problema de maximizaci%C3%B3n de la utilidad de los hogares de pescadores, capturando mejor la complejidad de las decisiones de consumo y producci%C3%B3n de estos hogares</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamento de Cartagena</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
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doi:10.21239/V95C75: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T04:59:56
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:12
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V95K5G: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T08:45:25
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:08
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V95K5G</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Restrepo-Martinez, Jorge. Vivas-Aguas, Lizbeth.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Manual metodol%C3%B3gico sobre el monitoreo de los manglares del Valle del Cauca y fauna asociada, con %C3%A9nfasis en aves y especies de importancia econ%C3%B3mica (piangua y cangrejo azul)</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2007</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>monitoreo de manglares, piangua, cangrejo azul, aves</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2007</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-98104-6-0</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este Manual incluye informaci%C3%B3n acerca de que es el monitoreo, cu%C3%A1les son sus objetivos, los criterios para la selecci%C3%B3n de las estaciones, la metodolog%C3%ADa aplicada para el estudio de cada uno de los componentes (manglares, piangua, cangrejo azul, aves, cartograf%C3%ADa), y los lineamientos para su aplicaci%C3%B3n. Bajo estos criterios, esta publicaci%C3%B3n se constituye en una herramienta para el fortalecimiento de los procesos de uso, manejo y conservaci%C3%B3n de los manglares y sus recursos asociados, en aras de contribuir a su utilizaci%C3%B3n sostenible como ecosistema.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Valle del Cauca, Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V95K5G</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Restrepo-Martinez, Jorge. Vivas-Aguas, Lizbeth.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Manual metodol%C3%B3gico sobre el monitoreo de los manglares del Valle del Cauca y fauna asociada, con %C3%A9nfasis en aves y especies de importancia econ%C3%B3mica (piangua y cangrejo azul)</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2007</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>monitoreo de manglares, piangua, cangrejo azul, aves</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2007</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-98104-6-0</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este Manual incluye informaci%C3%B3n acerca de que es el monitoreo, cu%C3%A1les son sus objetivos, los criterios para la selecci%C3%B3n de las estaciones, la metodolog%C3%ADa aplicada para el estudio de cada uno de los componentes (manglares, piangua, cangrejo azul, aves, cartograf%C3%ADa), y los lineamientos para su aplicaci%C3%B3n. Bajo estos criterios, esta publicaci%C3%B3n se constituye en una herramienta para el fortalecimiento de los procesos de uso, manejo y conservaci%C3%B3n de los manglares y sus recursos asociados, en aras de contribuir a su utilizaci%C3%B3n sostenible como ecosistema.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Valle del Cauca, Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V95M7K: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-12T05:12:20
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:14
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V95P44: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-23T10:55:43
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:41
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V95P44</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Benavides-Serrato, Milena. Borrero-P%C3%A9rez, Giomar. D%C3%ADaz-Sanchez, Christian.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Equinodermos del Caribe Colombiano I: Crinoidea, Asteroidea y Ophiuroidea</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2011</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>equinodermos, caribe colombia, taxonom%C3%ADa, biodiversidad, crinoidea, asteroidea, ophiuroidea, catalogo, especies.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2011</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-36-7</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Con este trabajo, se pretende recopilar el conocimiento taxon%C3%B3mico existente hasta el momento de los equinodermos del Caribe colombiano, espec%C3%ADficamente en esta primera parte, de las clases Crinoidea, Asteroidea y Ophiuroidea, el cual servir%C3%A1 como base para el avance en el inventario de estos invertebrados y como una herramienta para el trabajo de identificaci%C3%B3n y para el estudio de su taxonom%C3%ADa, filogenia, biogeograf%C3%ADa y ecolog%C3%ADa</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe Colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V95P44</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Benavides-Serrato, Milena. Borrero-P%C3%A9rez, Giomar. D%C3%ADaz-Sanchez, Christian.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Equinodermos del Caribe Colombiano I: Crinoidea, Asteroidea y Ophiuroidea</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2011</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>equinodermos, caribe colombia, taxonom%C3%ADa, biodiversidad, crinoidea, asteroidea, ophiuroidea, catalogo, especies.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2011</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-36-7</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Con este trabajo, se pretende recopilar el conocimiento taxon%C3%B3mico existente hasta el momento de los equinodermos del Caribe colombiano, espec%C3%ADficamente en esta primera parte, de las clases Crinoidea, Asteroidea y Ophiuroidea, el cual servir%C3%A1 como base para el avance en el inventario de estos invertebrados y como una herramienta para el trabajo de identificaci%C3%B3n y para el estudio de su taxonom%C3%ADa, filogenia, biogeograf%C3%ADa y ecolog%C3%ADa</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe Colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V95S3S: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-08T12:21:55
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:05
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V95S3S</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Laguado, William. Bolivar, Jhoanata. Cardona, Diana.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Aproximaci%C3%B3n a una metodolog%C3%ADa para el establecimiento de la l%C3%ADnea base en cuanto a deforestaci%C3%B3n y degradaci%C3%B3n en %C3%A1reas de manglar con vista a evidenciar la factibilidad en la creaci%C3%B3n de proyectos subnacionales REDD+ en este tipo de ecosistema</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2012</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Planes de Ordenaci%C3%B3n Forestal Sostenibles, carbono azul, Climate, Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Community and Biodiversity Standard, CarbonFix Standard, Plan Vivo Systems and Standard.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2012</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente proyecto es una aproximaci%C3%B3n metodol%C3%B3gica para el establecimiento de la l%C3%ADnea base en cuanto a deforestaci%C3%B3n y degradaci%C3%B3n en %C3%A1reas de&#13;%0Amanglar con vista a evidenciar si es factible o no la creaci%C3%B3n de proyectos subnacionales REDD+ en este tipo de ecosistemas, tomando como proyecto piloto los bosques de manglar incluidos dentro del DMI Cispat%C3%A1 %E2%80%93 La Balsa %E2%80%93 Tinajones y sectores aleda%C3%B1os.&#13;%0A&#13;%0AInicialmente se realizaron las caracterizaciones de los aspectos biof%C3%ADsicos (Dinamismo, Condiciones clim%C3%A1ticas y atm%C3%B3sfericas, Geoformas y usos asociados) y socioecon%C3%B3micos de la zona. Posteriormente se establece una metodolog%C3%ADa para determinar las variables explicativas de la deforestaci%C3%B3n los cuales determinan la aplicabilidad o no de alguna de las metodolog%C3%ADas REDD propuestas por el Verified Carbon Standard - VCS; cuyo an%C3%A1lisis se desarrolla a trav%C3%A9s de los siguientes pasos:&#13;%0A1. Identificaci%C3%B3n de agentes de deforestaci%C3%B3n/degradaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0A2. Identificaci%C3%B3n de drivers de deforestaci%C3%B3n/degradaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0A3. Identificaci%C3%B3n de causas subyacentes&#13;%0A4. An%C3%A1lisis de la cadena de eventos que conducen a la deforestaci%C3%B3n/degradaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0A5. Conclusiones&#13;%0A&#13;%0AUna vez terminado dicho an%C3%A1lisis y corrobar que se hace necesario una intervenci%C3%B3n para mitigar los impactos de deforestaci%C3%B3n/degradaci%C3%B3n, se evalu%C3%B3 como proyectos de REDD+ generan impacto positivo en la biodiversidad y la sociedad. &#13;%0A&#13;%0APor %C3%BAltimo se realiza una propuesta de proyecto piloto para el DMI Cispat%C3%A1 enmarcada bajo la estructura internacional del Mercado Voluntario del Carbono para lo cual se debe considerar el VCS, por lo tanto se hace una amplia descripci%C3%B3n de las diferentes opciones metodol%C3%B3gicas disponibles para la formulaci%C3%B3n de Proyectos REDD para ecosistemas boscosos. &#13;%0A&#13;%0ALas metodolog%C3%ADas que se aplican para evitar la deforestaci%C3%B3n y la degradaci%C3%B3n no planificadas del %C3%A1rea (AUMDD) consideradas en este an%C3%A1lisis son:&#13;%0A1. VM0006 %E2%80%93 Methodology for Carbon Accounting in Project Activities that Reduce Emissions from Mosaic Deforestation and Degradation &#13;%0A2. VM0007 %E2%80%93 REDD Methodology Module - REDD Methodology Framework (REDDMF)&#13;%0A3. VM0009 %E2%80%93 Methodology for Avoided Mosaic Deforestation of Tropical Forests &#13;%0A4. VM0015 %E2%80%93 Methodology for Avoided Unplanned Deforestation &#13;%0A&#13;%0ASin embargo a la fecha no exist%C3%ADa ninguna metodolog%C3%ADa espec%C3%ADfica para humedales y manglares en el Verified Carbon Standard-VCS, por tal motivo se establecieron los elementos que debe considerar una Metodolog%C3%ADa ante el VCS para ecosistemas de Manglar y se realiza una propuesta de plan de monitoreo de carbono en ecosistemas de manglar aplicando est%C3%A1ndares enfocados en los posibles Co-Beneficios.&#13;%0A&#13;%0AEste tipo de estandares dan la posibilidad de alcanzar altos niveles de calidad en temas sociales y ambientales, generando un valor agregado al momento de buscar la comercializaci%C3%B3n de los bonos de carbono forestal generados por el Proyecto. A continuaci%C3%B3n se listan los principales Est%C3%A1ndares conocidos internacionalmente.&#13;%0A* The Climate, Community &amp; Biodiversity Alliance (CCBS)&#13;%0A* Plan Vivo&#13;%0A* Social Carb%C3%B3n</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Regi%C3%B3n Caribe colombiana</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V95S3S</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Laguado, William. Bolivar, Jhoanata. Cardona, Diana.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Aproximaci%C3%B3n a una metodolog%C3%ADa para el establecimiento de la l%C3%ADnea base en cuanto a deforestaci%C3%B3n y degradaci%C3%B3n en %C3%A1reas de manglar con vista a evidenciar la factibilidad en la creaci%C3%B3n de proyectos subnacionales REDD+ en este tipo de ecosistema</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2012</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Planes de Ordenaci%C3%B3n Forestal Sostenibles, carbono azul, Climate, Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Community and Biodiversity Standard, CarbonFix Standard, Plan Vivo Systems and Standard.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2012</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente proyecto es una aproximaci%C3%B3n metodol%C3%B3gica para el establecimiento de la l%C3%ADnea base en cuanto a deforestaci%C3%B3n y degradaci%C3%B3n en %C3%A1reas de&#13;%0Amanglar con vista a evidenciar si es factible o no la creaci%C3%B3n de proyectos subnacionales REDD+ en este tipo de ecosistemas, tomando como proyecto piloto los bosques de manglar incluidos dentro del DMI Cispat%C3%A1 %E2%80%93 La Balsa %E2%80%93 Tinajones y sectores aleda%C3%B1os.&#13;%0A&#13;%0AInicialmente se realizaron las caracterizaciones de los aspectos biof%C3%ADsicos (Dinamismo, Condiciones clim%C3%A1ticas y atm%C3%B3sfericas, Geoformas y usos asociados) y socioecon%C3%B3micos de la zona. Posteriormente se establece una metodolog%C3%ADa para determinar las variables explicativas de la deforestaci%C3%B3n los cuales determinan la aplicabilidad o no de alguna de las metodolog%C3%ADas REDD propuestas por el Verified Carbon Standard - VCS; cuyo an%C3%A1lisis se desarrolla a trav%C3%A9s de los siguientes pasos:&#13;%0A1. Identificaci%C3%B3n de agentes de deforestaci%C3%B3n/degradaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0A2. Identificaci%C3%B3n de drivers de deforestaci%C3%B3n/degradaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0A3. Identificaci%C3%B3n de causas subyacentes&#13;%0A4. An%C3%A1lisis de la cadena de eventos que conducen a la deforestaci%C3%B3n/degradaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0A5. Conclusiones&#13;%0A&#13;%0AUna vez terminado dicho an%C3%A1lisis y corrobar que se hace necesario una intervenci%C3%B3n para mitigar los impactos de deforestaci%C3%B3n/degradaci%C3%B3n, se evalu%C3%B3 como proyectos de REDD+ generan impacto positivo en la biodiversidad y la sociedad. &#13;%0A&#13;%0APor %C3%BAltimo se realiza una propuesta de proyecto piloto para el DMI Cispat%C3%A1 enmarcada bajo la estructura internacional del Mercado Voluntario del Carbono para lo cual se debe considerar el VCS, por lo tanto se hace una amplia descripci%C3%B3n de las diferentes opciones metodol%C3%B3gicas disponibles para la formulaci%C3%B3n de Proyectos REDD para ecosistemas boscosos. &#13;%0A&#13;%0ALas metodolog%C3%ADas que se aplican para evitar la deforestaci%C3%B3n y la degradaci%C3%B3n no planificadas del %C3%A1rea (AUMDD) consideradas en este an%C3%A1lisis son:&#13;%0A1. VM0006 %E2%80%93 Methodology for Carbon Accounting in Project Activities that Reduce Emissions from Mosaic Deforestation and Degradation &#13;%0A2. VM0007 %E2%80%93 REDD Methodology Module - REDD Methodology Framework (REDDMF)&#13;%0A3. VM0009 %E2%80%93 Methodology for Avoided Mosaic Deforestation of Tropical Forests &#13;%0A4. VM0015 %E2%80%93 Methodology for Avoided Unplanned Deforestation &#13;%0A&#13;%0ASin embargo a la fecha no exist%C3%ADa ninguna metodolog%C3%ADa espec%C3%ADfica para humedales y manglares en el Verified Carbon Standard-VCS, por tal motivo se establecieron los elementos que debe considerar una Metodolog%C3%ADa ante el VCS para ecosistemas de Manglar y se realiza una propuesta de plan de monitoreo de carbono en ecosistemas de manglar aplicando est%C3%A1ndares enfocados en los posibles Co-Beneficios.&#13;%0A&#13;%0AEste tipo de estandares dan la posibilidad de alcanzar altos niveles de calidad en temas sociales y ambientales, generando un valor agregado al momento de buscar la comercializaci%C3%B3n de los bonos de carbono forestal generados por el Proyecto. A continuaci%C3%B3n se listan los principales Est%C3%A1ndares conocidos internacionalmente.&#13;%0A* The Climate, Community &amp; Biodiversity Alliance (CCBS)&#13;%0A* Plan Vivo&#13;%0A* Social Carb%C3%B3n</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Regi%C3%B3n Caribe colombiana</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
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doi:10.21239/V95X35: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-07-13T07:12:57
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:24
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V95X4J: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T11:52:54
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:56
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9601D: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-05T17:32:18
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:22
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9601D</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Vivas-Aguas, L. R%C3%ADos-M%C3%A1rmol, M. S%C3%A1nchez, D. Obando, P. Sierra, O. Espinosa, L. Bastidas, M. Murcia, M. Pe%C3%B1a, C. Giraldo, C. Herrera, S. Ricaurte, C. Ayala, C</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Informe diagn%C3%B3stico de la situaci%C3%B3n ambiental marina de la Bah%C3%ADa de Buenaventura-isla cascajal y las playas de Juanchaco, Ladrilleros y la Bocana</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Diagn%C3%B3stico, ambiental, marina, caracterizaci%C3%B3n, recursos h%C3%ADdricos, usos, estandares</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR, CVS</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente documento incluye el diagn%C3%B3stico de la situaci%C3%B3n ambiental marina de la bah%C3%ADa de Buenaventura y las playas de Juanchaco, Ladrilleros y La Bocana organizado por los cap%C3%ADtulos de caracterizaci%C3%B3n ambiental con los componentes bi%C3%B3tico, f%C3%ADsico, socioecon%C3%B3mico, fuentes terrestres de contaminaci%C3%B3n y la identificaci%C3%B3n usos actuales y potenciales; revisi%C3%B3n de est%C3%A1ndares de calidad, el perfil del estado de la calidad del agua con el an%C3%A1lisis del %C3%ADndice de calidad de aguas (ICAMPFF) y finalmente el cap%C3%ADtulo de diagn%C3%B3stico donde se sintetiza toda la informaci%C3%B3n para definir la situaci%C3%B3n actual de la zona de estudio con base en una an%C3%A1lisis multicriterio.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Bah%C3%ADa de Buenaventura-Isla Cascajal y las playas de Juanchaco, Ladrilleros y la Bocana</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9601D</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Vivas-Aguas, L. R%C3%ADos-M%C3%A1rmol, M. S%C3%A1nchez, D. Obando, P. Sierra, O. Espinosa, L. Bastidas, M. Murcia, M. Pe%C3%B1a, C. Giraldo, C. Herrera, S. Ricaurte, C. Ayala, C</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Informe diagn%C3%B3stico de la situaci%C3%B3n ambiental marina de la Bah%C3%ADa de Buenaventura-isla cascajal y las playas de Juanchaco, Ladrilleros y la Bocana</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Diagn%C3%B3stico, ambiental, marina, caracterizaci%C3%B3n, recursos h%C3%ADdricos, usos, estandares</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>INVEMAR, CVS</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente documento incluye el diagn%C3%B3stico de la situaci%C3%B3n ambiental marina de la bah%C3%ADa de Buenaventura y las playas de Juanchaco, Ladrilleros y La Bocana organizado por los cap%C3%ADtulos de caracterizaci%C3%B3n ambiental con los componentes bi%C3%B3tico, f%C3%ADsico, socioecon%C3%B3mico, fuentes terrestres de contaminaci%C3%B3n y la identificaci%C3%B3n usos actuales y potenciales; revisi%C3%B3n de est%C3%A1ndares de calidad, el perfil del estado de la calidad del agua con el an%C3%A1lisis del %C3%ADndice de calidad de aguas (ICAMPFF) y finalmente el cap%C3%ADtulo de diagn%C3%B3stico donde se sintetiza toda la informaci%C3%B3n para definir la situaci%C3%B3n actual de la zona de estudio con base en una an%C3%A1lisis multicriterio.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Bah%C3%ADa de Buenaventura-Isla Cascajal y las playas de Juanchaco, Ladrilleros y la Bocana</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9613H: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-05-08T06:50:16
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:13
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V96302: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-26T15:46:08
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:42
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V96302</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Acevedo, Rub%C3%A9n. Alonso, David. Chasqui, Luis.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Elementos t%C3%A9cnicos y generaci%C3%B3n de capacidad para el ordenamiento y manejo de los espacios y recursos marinos, costeros e insulares de Colombia. C%C3%B3digo: ACT-VAR-001-013. Informe t%C3%A9cnico final. Componente 7: Investigaciones de especies ex%C3%B3ticas invasoras</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2013</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>especies, ex%C3%B3ticas, invasoras, distribuci%C3%B3n, abundancia, penaeus, monodon, golfo de morrosquillo, camarones, tallas, proporci%C3%B3n sexual, longitud, cephalot%C3%B3rax, control, manejo</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2013</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="DOI" relationType="IsContinuedBy">10.21239/V92C77</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">En cumplimiento de las actividades enmarcadas en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, donde se establece que se debe: %E2%80%9Cimplementar el plan nacional para el control de especies ex%C3%B3ticas invasoras y trasplantadas%E2%80%9D, el MADS a trav%C3%A9s de la Direcci%C3%B3n de Asuntos Marinos, Costeros y Recursos Acu%C3%A1ticos (DAMCRA) busca desarrollar programas de prevenci%C3%B3n, erradicaci%C3%B3n y control de especies ex%C3%B3ticas invasoras marinas, mediante la realizaci%C3%B3n de estudios sobre esas especies para la formulaci%C3%B3n de directrices de manejo. De esta manera se busca garantizar un manejo y control efectivo de esos factores de riesgo a la biodiversidad marina (i.e. las invasiones biol%C3%B3gicas), costera e insular a nivel nacional. Un primer paso fue la revisi%C3%B3n del conocimiento sobre las principales especies marinas y estuarinas introducidas en Colombia, entregada en el libro Gu%C3%ADa de las especies introducidas marinas y costeras de Colombia (Gracia et al., 2011); que evidencia la necesidad de conocer el ciclo de vida, los h%C3%A1bitos alimenticios y el estado poblacional (distribuci%C3%B3n y abundancia) de las especies ex%C3%B3ticas invasoras.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Espacios y recursos marinos, costeros e insulares de Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V96425: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T06:55:02
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:29
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9688T: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T08:26:59
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:44
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9688T</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Batista-Morales, A. G%C3%B3mez, D. Navarrete, S. Alonso, D.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Documento de conceptualizaci%C3%B3n del sistema de monitoreo del Subsistema de %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas en Colombia.</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Documento de conceptualizaci%C3%B3n del sistema de monitoreo, Subsistema %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP).</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-90-9</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR- CORALINA</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Como parte de los compromisos adquiridos por Colombia en el marco del proyectos %E2%80%9CDise%C3%B1o e implementaci%C3%B3n del Subsistema de %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas en Colombia%E2%80%9D cofinanciado con recursos del GEF, y ejecutados por el Invemar, se aunaron esfuerzos con el fin de dise%C3%B1ar y consolidar una bater%C3%ADa de indicadores que lograra reflejar los avances en la implementaci%C3%B3n del SAMP teniendo en cuenta su reciente conceptualizaci%C3%B3n y dise%C3%B1o y lograr entender con el paso del tiempo los avances para retroalimentarse a s%C3%AD mismo.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9688T</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Batista-Morales, A. G%C3%B3mez, D. Navarrete, S. Alonso, D.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Documento de conceptualizaci%C3%B3n del sistema de monitoreo del Subsistema de %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas en Colombia.</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Documento de conceptualizaci%C3%B3n del sistema de monitoreo, Subsistema %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP).</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-90-9</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>INVEMAR- CORALINA</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Como parte de los compromisos adquiridos por Colombia en el marco del proyectos %E2%80%9CDise%C3%B1o e implementaci%C3%B3n del Subsistema de %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas en Colombia%E2%80%9D cofinanciado con recursos del GEF, y ejecutados por el Invemar, se aunaron esfuerzos con el fin de dise%C3%B1ar y consolidar una bater%C3%ADa de indicadores que lograra reflejar los avances en la implementaci%C3%B3n del SAMP teniendo en cuenta su reciente conceptualizaci%C3%B3n y dise%C3%B1o y lograr entender con el paso del tiempo los avances para retroalimentarse a s%C3%AD mismo.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V96896: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-02-24T11:37:59
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:17
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V96C7G: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T14:57:50
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:03
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V96C7G</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Delgado, M.F., Gualteros, W., Espinosa, S., Lucero, C., Roldan, A.M., Zapata, L.A., Cantera, J.R., Candelo, C., Palacio, C., Mu%C3%B1oz, O., Mayor, G., Gil-Agudelo, D.L.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Pianguando: Estrategias para el manejo de la piangua (cartilla)</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2010</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>fecundaci%C3%B3n, larva, piangua</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2010</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-33-6</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMARInstituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR, ASCONAR, WWF Colombia, Universidad del Valle, UAESPNN %E2%80%93 PNN Sanquianga; Co-financiado por el Ministerio de Agricultura</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta cartilla se presenta como un instrumento para la socializaci%C3%B3n de las principales estrategias de conservaci%C3%B3n de la piangua en Colombia, y se deriva del trabajo de investigaci%C3%B3n conjunto entre el Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - INVEMAR, la Asociaci%C3%B3n de Concheras de Nari%C3%B1o - ASCONAR, WWF Colombia, Unidad Administrativa Especial del Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales UAESPNN - PNN Sanquianga y Universidad del Valle, con el apoyo del Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V96H9M: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-05-31T13:45:42
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:35
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V96K5S: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T07:41:50
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:53
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V96K65: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-16T12:23:20
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:09
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V96K65</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Narvaez, JC. Rueda, M. Viloria, E. Romero,J.A. Newmark, F.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Manual del Sistema de Informaci%C3%B3n Pesquera del Invemar: una herramienta para el dise%C3%B1o de sistemas de manejo pesquero</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2005</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Sistema de informaci%C3%B3n, sistema de informaci%C3%B3n pequero, sistema de informaci%C3%B3n pesquero del invemar SIPEIN</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, Colciencias, Incoder</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2005</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">ISBN: 958-97349-5-2</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este documento describe las instrucciones para el manejo del SIPEIN Ver. 3.0., presentando desde los requerimientos para su instalaci%C3%B3n y uso, hasta la descripci%C3%B3n para el ingreso, verificaci%C3%B3n y procesamiento de datos, como tambi%C3%A9n las consultas mismas para la producci%C3%B3n de informes.&#13;%0AA su vez este manual es una herramienta para el Dise%C3%B1o de Sistemas de Manejo Pesquero, el cual m%C3%A1s que un programa de c%C3%B3mputo, es un sistema de informaci%C3%B3n basado en la teor%C3%ADa de muestreo que permite su f%C3%A1cil adaptaci%C3%B3n a cualquier pesquer%C3%ADa espec%C3%ADfica de pa%C3%ADs con especies, artes de pesca, puertos de desembarco y zonas de pesca de cada regi%C3%B3n, bas%C3%A1ndose en estad%C3%ADsticas de la pesca comercial y contribuyendo a la evaluaci%C3%B3n de pesquer%C3%ADa y al proceso de toma de decisiones.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Costa Colombiana.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V96K65</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Narvaez, JC. Rueda, M. Viloria, E. Romero,J.A. Newmark, F.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Manual del Sistema de Informaci%C3%B3n Pesquera del Invemar: una herramienta para el dise%C3%B1o de sistemas de manejo pesquero</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2005</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Sistema de informaci%C3%B3n, sistema de informaci%C3%B3n pequero, sistema de informaci%C3%B3n pesquero del invemar SIPEIN</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, Colciencias, Incoder</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2005</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">ISBN: 958-97349-5-2</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este documento describe las instrucciones para el manejo del SIPEIN Ver. 3.0., presentando desde los requerimientos para su instalaci%C3%B3n y uso, hasta la descripci%C3%B3n para el ingreso, verificaci%C3%B3n y procesamiento de datos, como tambi%C3%A9n las consultas mismas para la producci%C3%B3n de informes.&#13;%0AA su vez este manual es una herramienta para el Dise%C3%B1o de Sistemas de Manejo Pesquero, el cual m%C3%A1s que un programa de c%C3%B3mputo, es un sistema de informaci%C3%B3n basado en la teor%C3%ADa de muestreo que permite su f%C3%A1cil adaptaci%C3%B3n a cualquier pesquer%C3%ADa espec%C3%ADfica de pa%C3%ADs con especies, artes de pesca, puertos de desembarco y zonas de pesca de cada regi%C3%B3n, bas%C3%A1ndose en estad%C3%ADsticas de la pesca comercial y contribuyendo a la evaluaci%C3%B3n de pesquer%C3%ADa y al proceso de toma de decisiones.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Costa Colombiana.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V96P4F: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-23T07:18:59
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:50
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V96P4F</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Posada-Posada, Blanca Oliva. Henao-Pineda, William.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Diagn%C3%B3stico De La Erosi%C3%B3n en la Zona Costera de Caribe Colombiano</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2008</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Geomorfolog%C3%ADa.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2008</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">La presente obra expone el diagn%C3%B3stico, modificado y complementado con un cap%C3%ADtulo relativo al manejo de la erosi%C3%B3n costera del Caribe Colombiano, el cual aspira a ser una gu%C3%ADa para los administradores locales, regionales y los planificadores del desarrollo, para orientar las decisiones.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V96P4F</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Posada-Posada, Blanca Oliva. Henao-Pineda, William.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Diagn%C3%B3stico De La Erosi%C3%B3n en la Zona Costera de Caribe Colombiano</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2008</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Geomorfolog%C3%ADa.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2008</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">La presente obra expone el diagn%C3%B3stico, modificado y complementado con un cap%C3%ADtulo relativo al manejo de la erosi%C3%B3n costera del Caribe Colombiano, el cual aspira a ser una gu%C3%ADa para los administradores locales, regionales y los planificadores del desarrollo, para orientar las decisiones.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V96S33: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-07T16:13:18
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:49
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V96S33</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Vides, Martha.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Sea level rise coastal adaptation. Technical Report NCAP Colombia Project. 2008</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2008</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Pa%C3%ADses Bajos; Cambio Clim%C3%A1tico; NCCSAP; Colombia; vulnerabilidad; zonas costeras.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2008</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Se presenta un estudio de adaptaci%C3%B3n al ascenso acelerado del nivel del mar para dos zonas espec%C3%ADficas del Caribe Colombiano. Es una continuaci%C3%B3n de una iniciativa a principios de la primera fase de los Pa%C3%ADses Bajos el Cambio Clim%C3%A1tico Programa de Estudios Adjunto NCCSAP: Colombia (INVEMAR 2003) tuvo como objetivo evaluar la vulnerabilidad de las zonas costeras a potencial de aumento del nivel del mar. Algunas de las observaciones m%C3%A1s importantes de este proyecto se describen en el presente documento. It is a continuation of an early initiative from the first phase of the Netherlands Climate Change Studies Assistant Programme NCCSAP:Colombia (INVEMAR 2003) aimed to assess the vulnerability of coastal zones to potential sea-level rise. Some of the most important remarks from this project are described herein.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Colombia, Cartagena, Tumaco, caribe, pacifico</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V96S33</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Vides, Martha.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Sea level rise coastal adaptation. Technical Report NCAP Colombia Project. 2008</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2008</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Pa%C3%ADses Bajos; Cambio Clim%C3%A1tico; NCCSAP; Colombia; vulnerabilidad; zonas costeras.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2008</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Se presenta un estudio de adaptaci%C3%B3n al ascenso acelerado del nivel del mar para dos zonas espec%C3%ADficas del Caribe Colombiano. Es una continuaci%C3%B3n de una iniciativa a principios de la primera fase de los Pa%C3%ADses Bajos el Cambio Clim%C3%A1tico Programa de Estudios Adjunto NCCSAP: Colombia (INVEMAR 2003) tuvo como objetivo evaluar la vulnerabilidad de las zonas costeras a potencial de aumento del nivel del mar. Algunas de las observaciones m%C3%A1s importantes de este proyecto se describen en el presente documento. It is a continuation of an early initiative from the first phase of the Netherlands Climate Change Studies Assistant Programme NCCSAP:Colombia (INVEMAR 2003) aimed to assess the vulnerability of coastal zones to potential sea-level rise. Some of the most important remarks from this project are described herein.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Colombia, Cartagena, Tumaco, caribe, pacifico</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V96T56: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T13:05:29
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:36
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V96W2R: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-04T13:52:27
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:56
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V96W2R</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Sierra, Paula. S%C3%A1nchez, Ana. Mu%C3%B1oz, Carlos. Moreno, Anne. Satizabal, Carlos. Bedoya, Franklin.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Caracterizaci%C3%B3n y zonificaci%C3%B3n de los manglares del Municipio de Timbiqu%C3%AD, Departamento del Cauca</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2007</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Ecosistemas, Manglares, zonificaci%C3%B3n, caracterizaci%C3%B3n, Timbiqu%C3%AD</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2007</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ARK" relationType="IsPartOf">ark:/81239/m9r306</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">En respuesta a los requerimientos ambientales, de manejo y legales que rigen los ecosistemas de manglar, se realiz%C3%B3 el estudio de caracterizaci%C3%B3n y zonificaci%C3%B3n de los manglares ubicados en el municipio de Timbiqu%C3%AD, departamento del Cauca. Este estudio fue realizado con base en una serie de estudios que de una u otra manera han tenido relaci%C3%B3n con los manglares de Timbiqu%C3%AD y los cuales a pesar de los diferentes enfoques y cobertura, tienen en com%C3%BAn los temas del ordenamiento territorial y en especial el uso sostenible de los recursos de los cuales dependen las comunidades que por tradici%C3%B3n han vivido del aprovechamiento de los ecosistemas costeros.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Municipio de Timbiqu%C3%AD, Departamento del Cauca</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V96W2R</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Sierra, Paula. S%C3%A1nchez, Ana. Mu%C3%B1oz, Carlos. Moreno, Anne. Satizabal, Carlos. Bedoya, Franklin.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Caracterizaci%C3%B3n y zonificaci%C3%B3n de los manglares del Municipio de Timbiqu%C3%AD, Departamento del Cauca</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2007</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Ecosistemas, Manglares, zonificaci%C3%B3n, caracterizaci%C3%B3n, Timbiqu%C3%AD</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2007</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ARK" relationType="IsPartOf">ark:/81239/m9r306</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">En respuesta a los requerimientos ambientales, de manejo y legales que rigen los ecosistemas de manglar, se realiz%C3%B3 el estudio de caracterizaci%C3%B3n y zonificaci%C3%B3n de los manglares ubicados en el municipio de Timbiqu%C3%AD, departamento del Cauca. Este estudio fue realizado con base en una serie de estudios que de una u otra manera han tenido relaci%C3%B3n con los manglares de Timbiqu%C3%AD y los cuales a pesar de los diferentes enfoques y cobertura, tienen en com%C3%BAn los temas del ordenamiento territorial y en especial el uso sostenible de los recursos de los cuales dependen las comunidades que por tradici%C3%B3n han vivido del aprovechamiento de los ecosistemas costeros.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Municipio de Timbiqu%C3%AD, Departamento del Cauca</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V96X4V: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T11:22:59
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:37
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9701Q: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-03-14T07:05:52
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:48
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9730C: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-26T13:48:40
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:23
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9730C</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Machac%C3%B3n-Guzm%C3%A1n, Irina. Bent, Jairo. Down, Thomas.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Informe del Monitoreo del ecosistema de Manglar en la isla de San Andres, 2010- Proyecto protecci%C3%B3n y conservaci%C3%B3n de los recursos de la biodiversidad y de los ecosistemas estrat%C3%A9gicos dentro de la reserva de biosfera Sea Flower</title></titles><publisher>CORALINA</publisher><publicationYear>2010</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Monitoreo, bosques de manglar, Velodia Road, Old Point, CARICOMP</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2010</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR, CORALINA</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este documenta presenta los resultado de la red de monitoreo de manglares para el 2010, iniciando con los resultados de la calidad de las aguas intersticiales en los siete grandes bosque de manglar; en cuanto al componente vegetal se obtuvieron resultados de la composici%C3%B3n comunitaria, estructura y din%C3%A1mica de crecimiento, regeneraci%C3%B3n natural y condiciones fitosanitaria en las parcelas CARICOMP de Old Point y las PPC de Cocoplum Bay, Salt Creek, Sound Bay y Smith Channel; tambi%C3%A9n se realiz%C3%B3 la actualizaci%C3%B3n de la cobertura del manglar de Velodia Road; y por ultimo un diagnostico ambiental y estado de conservaci%C3%B3n que se realiz%C3%B3 con la actualizaci%C3%B3n de la cartograf%C3%ADa y el proceso de zonificaci%C3%B3n que se viene realizando la corporaci%C3%B3n.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Archipi%C3%A9lago de San Andr%C3%A9s, Providencia y Santa Catalina</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9730C</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Machac%C3%B3n-Guzm%C3%A1n, Irina. Bent, Jairo. Down, Thomas.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Informe del Monitoreo del ecosistema de Manglar en la isla de San Andres, 2010- Proyecto protecci%C3%B3n y conservaci%C3%B3n de los recursos de la biodiversidad y de los ecosistemas estrat%C3%A9gicos dentro de la reserva de biosfera Sea Flower</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>CORALINA</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2010</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Monitoreo, bosques de manglar, Velodia Road, Old Point, CARICOMP</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2010</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>INVEMAR, CORALINA</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este documenta presenta los resultado de la red de monitoreo de manglares para el 2010, iniciando con los resultados de la calidad de las aguas intersticiales en los siete grandes bosque de manglar; en cuanto al componente vegetal se obtuvieron resultados de la composici%C3%B3n comunitaria, estructura y din%C3%A1mica de crecimiento, regeneraci%C3%B3n natural y condiciones fitosanitaria en las parcelas CARICOMP de Old Point y las PPC de Cocoplum Bay, Salt Creek, Sound Bay y Smith Channel; tambi%C3%A9n se realiz%C3%B3 la actualizaci%C3%B3n de la cobertura del manglar de Velodia Road; y por ultimo un diagnostico ambiental y estado de conservaci%C3%B3n que se realiz%C3%B3 con la actualizaci%C3%B3n de la cartograf%C3%ADa y el proceso de zonificaci%C3%B3n que se viene realizando la corporaci%C3%B3n.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Archipi%C3%A9lago de San Andr%C3%A9s, Providencia y Santa Catalina</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V97413: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T05:47:26
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:07
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9759G: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T07:33:16
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:52
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9759G</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Navarrete-Ram%C3%ADrez, S. M.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Protocolo Indicador Densidad poblacional de pez le%C3%B3n (Pterois volitans)</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Especie invasora, Pterois volitans, Densidad poblacional, Gran Caribe, Monitoreo, Indicadores, Subsistema %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP)</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-76-3</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR, (SAMP). GEF y PNUD.</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El pez le%C3%B3n como especie invasora, altera la estructura y composici%C3%B3n de las comunidades biol%C3%B3gicas de los ecosistemas arrecifales, al competir con las especies nativas por alimento y espacio, modificando la red tr%C3%B3fica, desplazando las especies nativas de sus h%C3%A1bitats naturales e incluso extingui%C3%A9ndolas, causando as%C3%AD disminuci%C3%B3n de la biodiversidad y alteraciones ecosist%C3%A9micas irreversibles (MADS, 2012).</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
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doi:10.21239/V9760D: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-03-10T10:56:18
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:12
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V97C7S: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T13:04:06
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:38
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V97G6F: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T06:17:15
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:05
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V97J0V: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-05-25T06:10:08
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:22
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V97K53: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-11T07:38:55
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:23
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V97K53</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Solano-Plazas, Oscar David.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Informe del Estado del Ambiente Marinos y Costeros en Colombia, a%C3%B1o 2003</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2003</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>estado de conservaci%C3%B3n y detrimento de la biodiversidad marina.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2003</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente Informe del Estado de los Recursos, correspondiente al a%C3%B1o 2003, integra la informaci%C3%B3n sobre los ecosistemas y especies de las regiones Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico de Colombia, haciendo %C3%A9nfasis en su caracterizaci%C3%B3n, descripci%C3%B3n del estado de conservaci%C3%B3n y principales amenazas; para lo cual se abordaron temas relacionados con: El estado del medio abi%C3%B3tico, tratando todo el componente de oceanograf%C3%ADa f%C3%ADsica(mareas, olas, corrientes); la calidad ambiental marina y costera, identificando las fuentes de contaminaci%C3%B3n, dentro de las que se destacan vertimientos dom%C3%A9sticos, industriales, agroindustriales y residuos de tipo s%C3%B3lidos, oleosos, mineros.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Regiones costeras de Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V97M76: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-05T05:31:27
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:57
< _target:
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doi:10.21239/V97P4R: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-19T17:36:37
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:04
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V97P4R</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>D%C3%ADaz, Juan M. Barrios, Lina M. Cendales, Mar%C3%ADa H. Garz%C3%B3n-Ferreira, Jaime. Geister, J%C3%B6rn. L%C3%B3pez-Victoria, Mateo. Ospina, Gloria H. Pinz%C3%B3n, Fernando. Pinz%C3%B3n, Jorge. Vargas-Angel, Bernardo. Zapata, Fernando Alberto. Zea, Sven.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>%C3%81reas Coralinas De Colombia</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2000</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>coralinas, arrecifal, biodiversidad, arrecifes coralinos, ecolog%C3%ADa marina Seleccionar</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2000</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISSN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">958-95950-8-1</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta obra es un compendio de la informaci%C3%B3n adquirida por los autores en los %C3%BAltimos a%C3%B1os, aunando esfuerzos y haciendo frente a dificultades log%C3%ADsticas y financieras, pero siempre con entusiasmo y esp%C3%ADritu de colaboraci%C3%B3n. Se desarroll%C3%B3 un plan sistem%C3%A1tico de investigaci%C3%B3n acorde con las necesidades de informaci%C3%B3n para adelantar planes y estrategias de manejo del ecosistema, dentro de los lineamientos del Programa Nacional de las Ciencias y Tecnolog%C3%ADas del Mar.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>%C3%81reas coralinas del pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V97P4R</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>D%C3%ADaz, Juan M. Barrios, Lina M. Cendales, Mar%C3%ADa H. Garz%C3%B3n-Ferreira, Jaime. Geister, J%C3%B6rn. L%C3%B3pez-Victoria, Mateo. Ospina, Gloria H. Pinz%C3%B3n, Fernando. Pinz%C3%B3n, Jorge. Vargas-Angel, Bernardo. Zapata, Fernando Alberto. Zea, Sven.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>%C3%81reas Coralinas De Colombia</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2000</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>coralinas, arrecifal, biodiversidad, arrecifes coralinos, ecolog%C3%ADa marina Seleccionar</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2000</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISSN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">958-95950-8-1</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta obra es un compendio de la informaci%C3%B3n adquirida por los autores en los %C3%BAltimos a%C3%B1os, aunando esfuerzos y haciendo frente a dificultades log%C3%ADsticas y financieras, pero siempre con entusiasmo y esp%C3%ADritu de colaboraci%C3%B3n. Se desarroll%C3%B3 un plan sistem%C3%A1tico de investigaci%C3%B3n acorde con las necesidades de informaci%C3%B3n para adelantar planes y estrategias de manejo del ecosistema, dentro de los lineamientos del Programa Nacional de las Ciencias y Tecnolog%C3%ADas del Mar.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>%C3%81reas coralinas del pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V97Q6V: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-07-14T07:50:30
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:25
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V97Q77: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T12:45:12
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:45
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V97S3D: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-06T09:02:18
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:49
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V97S3D</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Cadavid, Betty. S%C3%A1nchez, Jose. Arag%C3%B3n, Osman. Arias-Alem%C3%A1n, Leonardo. Serrano, Halbin. Fl%C3%B3rez, Deivis. Espinosa, Luisa. Navarro, Ennel. Ibarra, Karen. Quintero, Maryn%C3%A9s. Cuadrado, Iv%C3%A1n. Moreno, Yadi. Gonz%C3%A1lez, Daniel. Rocha, Venus. Santana, Carlos. Ru%C3%ADz, Yully. Salas, Yarseylis. Valencia, Felipe. Gallego, Juan. R%C3%ADos, Mary. Obando, Paola. S%C3%A1nchez, Diana.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2013</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2013</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Medio marino, costero, recursos, ecosistema, diagnostico, calidad, caribe, pac%C3%ADfico, Colombia, vigilancia, REDCAM, costeras</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2013</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9CG6P</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsNewVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9401S</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relationType="References" relatedIdentifierType="ISSN">ISSN:2389-8615</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Contiene la evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras del Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano, del per%C3%ADodo lluvioso del 2012 y el per%C3%ADodo seco de 2013, as%C3%AD como el an%C3%A1lisis hist%C3%B3rico de los cambios observados entre el 2001 y el 2013. En este diagn%C3%B3stico se presenta la descripci%C3%B3n espacial y temporal del comportamiento de las variables fisicoqu%C3%ADmicas y microbiol%C3%B3gicas indicadoras de calidad y de los contaminantes (hidrocarburos del petr%C3%B3leo, plaguicidas y metales pesados), en un contexto nacional, regional y departamental destacando zonas de importancia ambiental.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V97S3D</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Cadavid, Betty. S%C3%A1nchez, Jose. Arag%C3%B3n, Osman. Arias-Alem%C3%A1n, Leonardo. Serrano, Halbin. Fl%C3%B3rez, Deivis. Espinosa, Luisa. Navarro, Ennel. Ibarra, Karen. Quintero, Maryn%C3%A9s. Cuadrado, Iv%C3%A1n. Moreno, Yadi. Gonz%C3%A1lez, Daniel. Rocha, Venus. Santana, Carlos. Ru%C3%ADz, Yully. Salas, Yarseylis. Valencia, Felipe. Gallego, Juan. R%C3%ADos, Mary. Obando, Paola. S%C3%A1nchez, Diana.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2013</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2013</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Medio marino, costero, recursos, ecosistema, diagnostico, calidad, caribe, pac%C3%ADfico, Colombia, vigilancia, REDCAM, costeras</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2013</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9CG6P</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsNewVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9401S</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="References" relatedIdentifierType="ISSN">ISSN:2389-8615</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Contiene la evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras del Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano, del per%C3%ADodo lluvioso del 2012 y el per%C3%ADodo seco de 2013, as%C3%AD como el an%C3%A1lisis hist%C3%B3rico de los cambios observados entre el 2001 y el 2013. En este diagn%C3%B3stico se presenta la descripci%C3%B3n espacial y temporal del comportamiento de las variables fisicoqu%C3%ADmicas y microbiol%C3%B3gicas indicadoras de calidad y de los contaminantes (hidrocarburos del petr%C3%B3leo, plaguicidas y metales pesados), en un contexto nacional, regional y departamental destacando zonas de importancia ambiental.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V97S4S: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-03-28T06:45:52
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:18
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V97W22: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-03T08:28:24
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:08
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V97W22</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Gil Agudelo, Diego. Chasqui, Luis. Rozo, Daniel. Rifaterra, Stephane. Franke, Rebeca.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Medici%C3%B3n de integridad ecol%C3%B3gica para tres %C3%A1reas protegidas del SPNN en el caribe colombiano.</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2009</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Conservaci%C3%B3n del territorio.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, TNC, UAESPNN</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2009</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Para la elaboraci%C3%B3n de este documento se unificaron esfuerzos por parte de The Nature Conservancy - TNC, INVEMAR y la Unidad Ambiental Especial de Parques Nacionales Natural para realizar una prueba de integridad ecol%C3%B3gica en tres %C3%A1reas protegidas de la Territorial Caribe (Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona, Santuarios de Flora y Fauna Flamencos, Ci%C3%A9naga Grande de Santa Marta) estableciendo una metodolog%C3%ADa de 7 pasos. &#13;%0APaso 1.%09Conformaci%C3%B3n de equipos de trabajos con expertos en %C3%A1reas protegidas&#13;%0APaso 2.%09Identificaci%C3%B3n de un n%C3%BAmero limitado de Objeto de Conservaci%C3%B3n relevantes para la evaluaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0APaso 3.%09Definici%C3%B3n de Atributos Ecol%C3%B3gicos Clave&#13;%0APaso 4.%09Utilizar el %C3%A1rbol de decisiones para calificar cada atributo&#13;%0APaso 5.%09Evaluaci%C3%B3n del estado actual de cada valor objeto de conservaci%C3%B3n&#13;%0APaso 6.%09Valor de Integridad del %C3%A1rea protegida&#13;%0APaso 7.%09Ajuste de los planteamientos de manejo de las %C3%A1reas evaluadas&#13;%0A&#13;%0A&#13;%0AComo parte del proceso, la informaci%C3%B3n existente (incluyendo mapas e informaci%C3%B3n primaria) est%C3%A1 siendo recopilada y revisada y se ha convocado a una serie de talleres y mesas de trabajo con grupos de expertos en cada %C3%A1rea protegida, incluyendo funcionarios de la Unidad, investigadores biol%C3%B3gicos y expertos en teledetecci%C3%B3n y cartograf%C3%ADa para establecer y poblar los indicadores a ser utilizados en la evaluaci%C3%B3n.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona, Santuarios de Flora y Fauna Flamencos, Ci%C3%A9naga Grande de Santa Marta. Caribe Colombiano.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V97X45: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T10:51:43
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:43
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9830P: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-26T08:42:58
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:58
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9830P</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Garz%C3%B3n-Urbina, Paola Andrea.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Caracterizaci%C3%B3n estructural de las praderas monoespec%C3%ADficas de Thalassia Testudinum (Banks Ex Konig, 1805) en el departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano</title></titles><publisher>Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Facultad de Biolog%C3%ADa Marina</publisher><publicationYear>2006</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>geomorfolog%C3%ADa, climatolog%C3%ADa, oceanograf%C3%ADa, praderas, pastos, marinos, estaciones, muestreo, densidad, cobertura, fauna, flora, biomasa, foliar, rizoidal, laboratorio, ep%C3%ADfitos, org%C3%A1nica, grano, v%C3%A1stagos, pastoreo</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="DataManager"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2006</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR. Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Facultad de Biolog%C3%ADa Marina</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">En este estudio se ofrece un mayor conocimiento del comportamiento de los pastos marinos caracterizando las praderas monoespec%C3%ADficas de Thalassia testudinum, el funcionamiento de su producci%C3%B3n primaria en %C3%A9poca de transici%C3%B3n (seca menor) y de lluvias, y su distribuci%C3%B3n a lo largo del litoral evaluando aspectos estructurales, condiciones ambientales y flora asociada.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamento de La Guajira</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9830P</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Garz%C3%B3n-Urbina, Paola Andrea.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Caracterizaci%C3%B3n estructural de las praderas monoespec%C3%ADficas de Thalassia Testudinum (Banks Ex Konig, 1805) en el departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Facultad de Biolog%C3%ADa Marina</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2006</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>geomorfolog%C3%ADa, climatolog%C3%ADa, oceanograf%C3%ADa, praderas, pastos, marinos, estaciones, muestreo, densidad, cobertura, fauna, flora, biomasa, foliar, rizoidal, laboratorio, ep%C3%ADfitos, org%C3%A1nica, grano, v%C3%A1stagos, pastoreo</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="DataManager">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2006</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR. Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Facultad de Biolog%C3%ADa Marina</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">En este estudio se ofrece un mayor conocimiento del comportamiento de los pastos marinos caracterizando las praderas monoespec%C3%ADficas de Thalassia testudinum, el funcionamiento de su producci%C3%B3n primaria en %C3%A9poca de transici%C3%B3n (seca menor) y de lluvias, y su distribuci%C3%B3n a lo largo del litoral evaluando aspectos estructurales, condiciones ambientales y flora asociada.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Departamento de La Guajira</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9859S: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T06:34:10
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:19
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9872T: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-01-25T06:10:13
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:29
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V98C73: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T11:42:04
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:52
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V98C73</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>G%C3%B3mez-Leon, Javier. Castellanos-Romero, Claudia. Acosta-Ortiz, Ernesto. Carreno-Hernandez, Katerine. Arias-Avila, Edgard. Virguez-Serrato, Maria. Santos-Acevedo, Marisol.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Criadero de postlarvas de pect%C3%ADnidos de inter%C3%A9s comercial en el Caribe colombiano</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2009</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>pectinidos, microalgas, maduraci%C3%B3n, desove, metamorfosis, desarrollo larval, larvas, postlarvas, asentamiento larval, enfermedades</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2009</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-08-4</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">En este manual se describen las caracter%C3%ADsticas b%C3%A1sicas para la instalaci%C3%B3n y funcionamiento de un criadero o laboratorio dedicado a la producci%C3%B3n de postlarvas de dos pectinidos nativos del Caribe colombiano, como herramientas de apoyo a los grupos del sector productivo interesados en aplicarla.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V98C73</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>G%C3%B3mez-Leon, Javier. Castellanos-Romero, Claudia. Acosta-Ortiz, Ernesto. Carreno-Hernandez, Katerine. Arias-Avila, Edgard. Virguez-Serrato, Maria. Santos-Acevedo, Marisol.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Criadero de postlarvas de pect%C3%ADnidos de inter%C3%A9s comercial en el Caribe colombiano</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2009</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>pectinidos, microalgas, maduraci%C3%B3n, desove, metamorfosis, desarrollo larval, larvas, postlarvas, asentamiento larval, enfermedades</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2009</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-08-4</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">En este manual se describen las caracter%C3%ADsticas b%C3%A1sicas para la instalaci%C3%B3n y funcionamiento de un criadero o laboratorio dedicado a la producci%C3%B3n de postlarvas de dos pectinidos nativos del Caribe colombiano, como herramientas de apoyo a los grupos del sector productivo interesados en aplicarla.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V98C8G: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-01-26T11:57:02
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:54
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V98F04: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-12T06:20:02
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:13
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V98G6R: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-23T12:47:00
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:40
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V98G6R</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Borrero-P%C3%A9rez,Giomar. Benavides-Serrato, Milena. D%C3%ADaz-S%C3%A1nchez, Christian.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Equinodermos del Caribe Colombiano II: Echinoidea y Holothuroidea</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2012</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>equinodermos, caribe, colombia, taxonom%C3%ADa, biodiversidad, claves taxon%C3%B3micas, echinoidea, holothuroidea, catalogo, especies.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2012</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-52-7</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">En este trabajo se presenta la segunda parte del Cat%C3%A1logo de los Equinodermos del Caribe colombiano que incluye la informaci%C3%B3n existente hasta el momento de las clases Echinoidea y Holothuroidea. Con este libro se contin%C3%BAa avanzando en el inventario taxon%C3%B3mico de este grupo de invertebrados, y se presenta una herramienta no solo para el trabajo de identificaci%C3%B3n de estas dos clases, sino tambi%C3%A9n para su estudio desde otras disciplinas como la filogenia, la biogeograf%C3%ADa y la ecolog%C3%ADa</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe Colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V98G6R</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Borrero-P%C3%A9rez,Giomar. Benavides-Serrato, Milena. D%C3%ADaz-S%C3%A1nchez, Christian.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Equinodermos del Caribe Colombiano II: Echinoidea y Holothuroidea</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2012</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>equinodermos, caribe, colombia, taxonom%C3%ADa, biodiversidad, claves taxon%C3%B3micas, echinoidea, holothuroidea, catalogo, especies.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2012</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-52-7</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">En este trabajo se presenta la segunda parte del Cat%C3%A1logo de los Equinodermos del Caribe colombiano que incluye la informaci%C3%B3n existente hasta el momento de las clases Echinoidea y Holothuroidea. Con este libro se contin%C3%BAa avanzando en el inventario taxon%C3%B3mico de este grupo de invertebrados, y se presenta una herramienta no solo para el trabajo de identificaci%C3%B3n de estas dos clases, sino tambi%C3%A9n para su estudio desde otras disciplinas como la filogenia, la biogeograf%C3%ADa y la ecolog%C3%ADa</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe Colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V98K5D: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-09T12:35:18
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:08
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V98K5D</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Vivas, Lizbeth. Villarraga, Marcela. S%C3%A1nchez, Diana. Garce, Ostin. Obando, Paola.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>An%C3%A1lisis de amenazas y vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica y microbiol%C3%B3gica de la poblaci%C3%B3n y los ecosistemas en la Bah%C3%ADa de Buenaventura</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Se desarroll%C3%B3 una aproximaci%C3%B3n metodol%C3%B3gica para entender las amenazas, el grado de vulnerabilidad y las alternativas que eviten o mitiguen el deterioro de los ecosistemas de la bah%C3%ADa cascajal, de tal manera que se disponga de una herramienta capaz de resumir gran cantidad de datos, medir tendencias, integrar componentes ambientales, que permita comunicar la informaci%C3%B3n de forma sencilla y de f%C3%A1cil comprensi%C3%B3n para tomar las mejores decisiones.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Bah%C3%ADa de Buenaventura, Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V98K5D</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Vivas, Lizbeth. Villarraga, Marcela. S%C3%A1nchez, Diana. Garce, Ostin. Obando, Paola.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>An%C3%A1lisis de amenazas y vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica y microbiol%C3%B3gica de la poblaci%C3%B3n y los ecosistemas en la Bah%C3%ADa de Buenaventura</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Se desarroll%C3%B3 una aproximaci%C3%B3n metodol%C3%B3gica para entender las amenazas, el grado de vulnerabilidad y las alternativas que eviten o mitiguen el deterioro de los ecosistemas de la bah%C3%ADa cascajal, de tal manera que se disponga de una herramienta capaz de resumir gran cantidad de datos, medir tendencias, integrar componentes ambientales, que permita comunicar la informaci%C3%B3n de forma sencilla y de f%C3%A1cil comprensi%C3%B3n para tomar las mejores decisiones.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Bah%C3%ADa de Buenaventura, Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V98M5R: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-07-13T12:48:05
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:27
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V98M64: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-05T04:52:10
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:49
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V98P42: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-06T07:58:49
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:47
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V98P42</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Mar%C3%ADn, Bienvenido. Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Ramirez, Gustavo. Cadavid, Betty. G%C3%B3mez, Martha Liliana. Troncoso, Walberto. S%C3%A1nchez, Jose. Acosta, Jorge. Parra, Juan. Restrepo, Jorge.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2005</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2005</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2005</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9XG6N</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsNewVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V95013</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente informe contiene una descripci%C3%B3n del comportamiento estacional y temporal de las variables Fisicoqu%C3%ADmicas, Microbiol%C3%B3gicas y de contaminantes (Hidrocarburos del petr%C3%B3leo, Plaguicidas organoclorados y Metales pesados) desde el a%C3%B1o 2001 al primer semestre de 2005, en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Este documento contribuye a cumplir con la misi%C3%B3n del Programa Calidad Ambiental Marina, sirviendo de herramienta para trasmitir el conocimiento y asesorar a las entidades del SINA (MAVDT, CARs costeras y DAMAS) en todo lo relacionado con la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras. Tambi%C3%A9n en mantener un diagn%C3%B3stico actualizado de la calidad de las aguas y ecosistemas marinos y costeros a nivel nacional.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V98P42</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Mar%C3%ADn, Bienvenido. Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Ramirez, Gustavo. Cadavid, Betty. G%C3%B3mez, Martha Liliana. Troncoso, Walberto. S%C3%A1nchez, Jose. Acosta, Jorge. Parra, Juan. Restrepo, Jorge.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2005</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2005</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2005</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9XG6N</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsNewVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V95013</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente informe contiene una descripci%C3%B3n del comportamiento estacional y temporal de las variables Fisicoqu%C3%ADmicas, Microbiol%C3%B3gicas y de contaminantes (Hidrocarburos del petr%C3%B3leo, Plaguicidas organoclorados y Metales pesados) desde el a%C3%B1o 2001 al primer semestre de 2005, en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Este documento contribuye a cumplir con la misi%C3%B3n del Programa Calidad Ambiental Marina, sirviendo de herramienta para trasmitir el conocimiento y asesorar a las entidades del SINA (MAVDT, CARs costeras y DAMAS) en todo lo relacionado con la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras. Tambi%C3%A9n en mantener un diagn%C3%B3stico actualizado de la calidad de las aguas y ecosistemas marinos y costeros a nivel nacional.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V98Q65: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T12:15:00
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:46
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V98X33: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T08:06:00
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:43
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9901B: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T11:56:26
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:32
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9901B</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Rojas, M. Zamora-Bornachera, A.P. Sierra-Correa, P.C.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Gu%C3%ADa Metodol%C3%B3gica para el Desarrollo de Proyectos Tipo REDD+ en Ecosistema de Manglar: Elaborada con base en la experiencia del proyecto piloto tipo REDD+ del DMI Cispata, La Balsa, Tinajones y sectores aleda%C3%B1os del Delta Estuarino r%C3%ADo Sin%C3%BA.</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2015</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>%C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas, Reducci%C3%B3n de Emisiones por la Desforestaci%C3%B3n y Degradaci%C3%B3n Evitada - REDD+, Ecosistemas de manglar</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2015</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8935-09-6</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta gu%C3%ADa metodol%C3%B3gica es una herramienta que puede ser aplicada por las comunidades, entidades o pa%C3%ADses interesados en desarrollar proyectos de Reducci%C3%B3n de Emisiones de Gases Efecto Invernadero por la Deforestaci%C3%B3n y Degradaci%C3%B3n Evitada (REDD+) en manglares. Los proyectos de REDD+ permiten el aprovechamiento sostenible de los bosques, contribuyendo al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las comunidades asociadas mediante la generaci%C3%B3n de capacidades locales y la promoci%C3%B3n de alternativas productivas que reducen la presi%C3%B3n sobre los bosques. Los proyectos tipo REDD+ son estrategias para la mitigaci%C3%B3n y adaptaci%C3%B3n al cambio clim%C3%A1tico global, al mismo tiempo que contribuyen en la reducci%C3%B3n de los %C3%ADndices de pobreza en las comunidades donde se desarrollan. La Gu%C3%ADa tambi%C3%A9n indica el paso a paso para desarrollar estos proyectos, resaltando las ventajas de realizarlos en ecosistemas de manglar. El paso a paso incluye la descripci%C3%B3n de las etapas de dise%C3%B1o, implementaci%C3%B3n y distribuci%C3%B3n de beneficios. Cada una de estas etapas es desglosada en detalle con el prop%C3%B3sito de orientar al lector sobre las acciones a realizar.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Cispata, La Balsa y Tinajones, departamento de C%C3%B3rdoba, Colombia.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9901B</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Rojas, M. Zamora-Bornachera, A.P. Sierra-Correa, P.C.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Gu%C3%ADa Metodol%C3%B3gica para el Desarrollo de Proyectos Tipo REDD+ en Ecosistema de Manglar: Elaborada con base en la experiencia del proyecto piloto tipo REDD+ del DMI Cispata, La Balsa, Tinajones y sectores aleda%C3%B1os del Delta Estuarino r%C3%ADo Sin%C3%BA.</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2015</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>%C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas, Reducci%C3%B3n de Emisiones por la Desforestaci%C3%B3n y Degradaci%C3%B3n Evitada - REDD+, Ecosistemas de manglar</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2015</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8935-09-6</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta gu%C3%ADa metodol%C3%B3gica es una herramienta que puede ser aplicada por las comunidades, entidades o pa%C3%ADses interesados en desarrollar proyectos de Reducci%C3%B3n de Emisiones de Gases Efecto Invernadero por la Deforestaci%C3%B3n y Degradaci%C3%B3n Evitada (REDD+) en manglares. Los proyectos de REDD+ permiten el aprovechamiento sostenible de los bosques, contribuyendo al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las comunidades asociadas mediante la generaci%C3%B3n de capacidades locales y la promoci%C3%B3n de alternativas productivas que reducen la presi%C3%B3n sobre los bosques. Los proyectos tipo REDD+ son estrategias para la mitigaci%C3%B3n y adaptaci%C3%B3n al cambio clim%C3%A1tico global, al mismo tiempo que contribuyen en la reducci%C3%B3n de los %C3%ADndices de pobreza en las comunidades donde se desarrollan. La Gu%C3%ADa tambi%C3%A9n indica el paso a paso para desarrollar estos proyectos, resaltando las ventajas de realizarlos en ecosistemas de manglar. El paso a paso incluye la descripci%C3%B3n de las etapas de dise%C3%B1o, implementaci%C3%B3n y distribuci%C3%B3n de beneficios. Cada una de estas etapas es desglosada en detalle con el prop%C3%B3sito de orientar al lector sobre las acciones a realizar.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Cispata, La Balsa y Tinajones, departamento de C%C3%B3rdoba, Colombia.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V99593: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T04:52:29
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:51
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V99593</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>S%C3%A1nchez, Jos%C3%A9. Vivas-Aguas, Lizbeth. Caviedes, Marcela. Espinosa-D%C3%ADaz, Luisa Fernanda. Tosic, Marko.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Cuidando la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras en el departamento de Nari%C3%B1o</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2011</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>recursos h%C3%ADdricos, colombia, nari%C3%B1o, agua, zona costera</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2011</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-43-5</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR, CORPONARI%C3%91O</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta cartilla tiene como objetivo socializar de manera sencilla los resultados del programa de monitores REDCAM en el Departamento de Nari%C3%B1o, para que en conjunto, comunidades, empresas y entidades p%C3%BAblicas avancemos en el prop%C3%B3sito de conservar nuestros valores naturales y aprender a detectar y evitar los problemas derivados de pr%C3%A1cticas que puedan deteriorar los ecosistemas; protegiendo la calidad de las playas, aguas y los servicios ambientales que nos ofrecen, garantizando as%C3%AD el bienestar de las poblaciones que de ellos dependen.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamento de Nari%C3%B1o</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V99593</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>S%C3%A1nchez, Jos%C3%A9. Vivas-Aguas, Lizbeth. Caviedes, Marcela. Espinosa-D%C3%ADaz, Luisa Fernanda. Tosic, Marko.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Cuidando la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras en el departamento de Nari%C3%B1o</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2011</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>recursos h%C3%ADdricos, colombia, nari%C3%B1o, agua, zona costera</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2011</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-43-5</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>INVEMAR, CORPONARI%C3%91O</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta cartilla tiene como objetivo socializar de manera sencilla los resultados del programa de monitores REDCAM en el Departamento de Nari%C3%B1o, para que en conjunto, comunidades, empresas y entidades p%C3%BAblicas avancemos en el prop%C3%B3sito de conservar nuestros valores naturales y aprender a detectar y evitar los problemas derivados de pr%C3%A1cticas que puedan deteriorar los ecosistemas; protegiendo la calidad de las playas, aguas y los servicios ambientales que nos ofrecen, garantizando as%C3%AD el bienestar de las poblaciones que de ellos dependen.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Departamento de Nari%C3%B1o</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V99724: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-04-13T11:22:30
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:20
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9988R: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T08:36:17
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:01
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9988R</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>G%C3%B3mez, Martha. Vivas, Lizbeth. Ruiz, Rub%C3%A9n. Reyes, Viviana. Hurtado, Claudia.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Bacterias marinas nativas: Degradadoras de compuestos org%C3%A1nicos persistentes en Colombia.</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2006</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>biodegradaci%C3%B3n, biorremediaci%C3%B3n, bacterias marinas, compuestos org%C3%A1nicos persistentes</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2006</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">958-97349-6-0</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este documento expone de manera concisa algunas de las t%C3%A9cnicas de biorremediaci%C3%B3n con las que se puede lograr la biodegradaci%C3%B3n de un contaminante, describiendo brevemente las caracter%C3%ADsticas de las bacterias, su morfolog%C3%ADa y t%C3%A9cnicas de aislamiento e identificaci%C3%B3n, explicando el impacto de los hidrocarburos y plaguicidas sobre el mar y presentando un panorama de la biorremediaci%C3%B3n en Colombia y que puedan ser usados para descontaminar y recuperar ecosistemas afectados</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Oc%C3%A9anos de Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9988R</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>G%C3%B3mez, Martha. Vivas, Lizbeth. Ruiz, Rub%C3%A9n. Reyes, Viviana. Hurtado, Claudia.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Bacterias marinas nativas: Degradadoras de compuestos org%C3%A1nicos persistentes en Colombia.</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2006</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>biodegradaci%C3%B3n, biorremediaci%C3%B3n, bacterias marinas, compuestos org%C3%A1nicos persistentes</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2006</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">958-97349-6-0</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este documento expone de manera concisa algunas de las t%C3%A9cnicas de biorremediaci%C3%B3n con las que se puede lograr la biodegradaci%C3%B3n de un contaminante, describiendo brevemente las caracter%C3%ADsticas de las bacterias, su morfolog%C3%ADa y t%C3%A9cnicas de aislamiento e identificaci%C3%B3n, explicando el impacto de los hidrocarburos y plaguicidas sobre el mar y presentando un panorama de la biorremediaci%C3%B3n en Colombia y que puedan ser usados para descontaminar y recuperar ecosistemas afectados</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Oc%C3%A9anos de Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V99G62: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-23T10:18:46
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:14
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V99G62</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Solano, David. Gil, Diego. Polanco, Andrea. Garay-Tinoco, Jes%C3%BAs. Espinosa-D%C3%ADaz, Luisa. Sierra-Correa, Paula. G%C3%B3mez-Le%C3%B3n, Javier. Rueda, Mario.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Libro de res%C3%BAmenes extendidos XIV Seminario Nacional de Ciencias y tecnolog%C3%ADas del mar %E2%80%93SELMALMAR-.</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2010</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>oceanolog%C3%ADa, climatolog%C3%ADa, biodiversidad, ecosistemas marinos, cultura y educaci%C3%B3n marina, valoraci%C3%B3n y aprovechamiento de recursos marinos, gesti%C3%B3n costera, pol%C3%ADtica y legislaci%C3%B3n, calidad ambiental, ingenier%C3%ADas y tecnolog%C3%ADas, colombia</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2010</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-30-5</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">La presente publicaci%C3%B3n hace un compendio de una cantidad importante de art%C3%ADculos cient%C3%ADficos presentados en el Seminario Nacional de Ciencias y Tecnolog%C3%ADas del mar, en forma extendida, agrupados en las siete %C3%A1reas tem%C3%A1ticas en que se present%C3%B3 el evento.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico Colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V99G62</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Solano, David. Gil, Diego. Polanco, Andrea. Garay-Tinoco, Jes%C3%BAs. Espinosa-D%C3%ADaz, Luisa. Sierra-Correa, Paula. G%C3%B3mez-Le%C3%B3n, Javier. Rueda, Mario.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Libro de res%C3%BAmenes extendidos XIV Seminario Nacional de Ciencias y tecnolog%C3%ADas del mar %E2%80%93SELMALMAR-.</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2010</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>oceanolog%C3%ADa, climatolog%C3%ADa, biodiversidad, ecosistemas marinos, cultura y educaci%C3%B3n marina, valoraci%C3%B3n y aprovechamiento de recursos marinos, gesti%C3%B3n costera, pol%C3%ADtica y legislaci%C3%B3n, calidad ambiental, ingenier%C3%ADas y tecnolog%C3%ADas, colombia</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2010</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-30-5</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">La presente publicaci%C3%B3n hace un compendio de una cantidad importante de art%C3%ADculos cient%C3%ADficos presentados en el Seminario Nacional de Ciencias y Tecnolog%C3%ADas del mar, en forma extendida, agrupados en las siete %C3%A1reas tem%C3%A1ticas en que se present%C3%B3 el evento.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico Colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V99G7F: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-03-31T14:24:45
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:20
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V99K5Q: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-08T07:32:47
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:48
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V99K5Q</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez, %C3%81ngela Cecilia</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Unidad ambiental costera de la llanura aluvial del sur (UAC-LLAS) %E2%80%93 pac%C3%ADfico colombiano: Caracterizaci%C3%B3n, Diagn%C3%B3stico Integrado y Zonificaci%C3%B3n Ambiental</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2006</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>ordenamiento territorial marino costero</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2006</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">ISBN: 978-958-98104-4-6</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">La propuesta para el desarrollo de la UAC-LLAS se desarrolla en cuatro fases de trabajo:&#13;%0A&#13;%0A*Fase I. Caracterizaci%C3%B3n y Diagn%C3%B3stico.&#13;%0A* Fase II. Elaboraci%C3%B3n de Lineamientos y Plan de Manejo.&#13;%0A*Fase III. Implementaci%C3%B3n de los Lineamientos.&#13;%0A* Fase IV. Evaluaci%C3%B3n del proceso.&#13;%0A&#13;%0AEl presente documento incluye los resultados obtenidos en la Fase I involucrando los siguientes productos: 1) Caracterizaci%C3%B3n y diagn%C3%B3stico por componentes; 2) &#13;%0ADiagn%C3%B3stico integrado y 3) Zonificaci%C3%B3n ambiental. Los productos de este informe se constituir%C3%A1n en la l%C3%ADnea base que permita el desarrollo de las etapas posteriores de la UAC-LLAS, que involucran la formulaci%C3%B3n de los lineamientos y plan de manejo para la zona costera y su implementaci%C3%B3n. Se incluye como anexo, la cartograf%C3%ADa tem%C3%A1tica de geomorfolog%C3%ADa, cobertura, suelos (solo para Cauca), fauna asociada, usos y sistemas productivos y espacializaci%C3%B3n de la problem%C3%A1tica ambiental,&#13;%0Apara la totalidad de la zona costera del departamento del Cauca y para el sector sur de la zona costera de Nari%C3%B1o. No se incluye cartograf%C3%ADa del sector norte de Nari%C3%B1o, &#13;%0Aporque este no se trabaj%C3%B3 con informaci%C3%B3n de campo.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Llanura Aluvial del Sur, pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V99K5Q</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez, %C3%81ngela Cecilia</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Unidad ambiental costera de la llanura aluvial del sur (UAC-LLAS) %E2%80%93 pac%C3%ADfico colombiano: Caracterizaci%C3%B3n, Diagn%C3%B3stico Integrado y Zonificaci%C3%B3n Ambiental</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2006</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>ordenamiento territorial marino costero</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2006</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">ISBN: 978-958-98104-4-6</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">La propuesta para el desarrollo de la UAC-LLAS se desarrolla en cuatro fases de trabajo:&#13;%0A&#13;%0A*Fase I. Caracterizaci%C3%B3n y Diagn%C3%B3stico.&#13;%0A* Fase II. Elaboraci%C3%B3n de Lineamientos y Plan de Manejo.&#13;%0A*Fase III. Implementaci%C3%B3n de los Lineamientos.&#13;%0A* Fase IV. Evaluaci%C3%B3n del proceso.&#13;%0A&#13;%0AEl presente documento incluye los resultados obtenidos en la Fase I involucrando los siguientes productos: 1) Caracterizaci%C3%B3n y diagn%C3%B3stico por componentes; 2) &#13;%0ADiagn%C3%B3stico integrado y 3) Zonificaci%C3%B3n ambiental. Los productos de este informe se constituir%C3%A1n en la l%C3%ADnea base que permita el desarrollo de las etapas posteriores de la UAC-LLAS, que involucran la formulaci%C3%B3n de los lineamientos y plan de manejo para la zona costera y su implementaci%C3%B3n. Se incluye como anexo, la cartograf%C3%ADa tem%C3%A1tica de geomorfolog%C3%ADa, cobertura, suelos (solo para Cauca), fauna asociada, usos y sistemas productivos y espacializaci%C3%B3n de la problem%C3%A1tica ambiental,&#13;%0Apara la totalidad de la zona costera del departamento del Cauca y para el sector sur de la zona costera de Nari%C3%B1o. No se incluye cartograf%C3%ADa del sector norte de Nari%C3%B1o, &#13;%0Aporque este no se trabaj%C3%B3 con informaci%C3%B3n de campo.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Llanura Aluvial del Sur, pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V99P4C: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-05T17:18:11
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:06
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V99P4C</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Mart%C3%ADnez-Barrag%C3%A1n, Mar%C3%ADa. Trujillo, Fernando. Caicedo, Dalila. Sierra, Fernando. Becerra, Carolina. Duque, Lylie. Ortiz, Erika. Rosso, Mar%C3%ADa.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Observaci%C3%B3n de fauna marina y pesquera durante la perforaci%C3%B3n exploratoria del Pozo Orca-1</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR - OMACHA</publisher><publicationYear>2015</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Biodiversidad, conservaci%C3%B3n, observaci%C3%B3n.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, FUNDACI%C3%93N OMACHA</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2015</date></dates><language>spa</language><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="TableOfContents">Se recolect%C3%B3 informaci%C3%B3n sobre fauna marina con los siguientes prop%C3%B3sitos: &#13;%0A %E2%80%A2 Establecer con base en observaci%C3%B3n de fauna marina e informaci%C3%B3n secundaria, el registro y estado actual de las especies de peces, aves, mam%C3%ADferos y quelonios presentes en el %C3%A1rea de estudio durante las actividades de perforaci%C3%B3n exploratoria del Pozo Orca-1.&#13;%0A %E2%80%A2 Determinar la presencia de embarcaciones pesqueras en la zona de influencia del proceso de perforaci%C3%B3n exploratoria. &#13;%0A El informe incluye entre sus anexos ocho planillas de registro levantadas por los observadores de fauna marina y 32 fichas con informaci%C3%B3n general de las especies observadas.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Plataforma de la Guajira, Caribe colombiano.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V99P4C</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Mart%C3%ADnez-Barrag%C3%A1n, Mar%C3%ADa. Trujillo, Fernando. Caicedo, Dalila. Sierra, Fernando. Becerra, Carolina. Duque, Lylie. Ortiz, Erika. Rosso, Mar%C3%ADa.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Observaci%C3%B3n de fauna marina y pesquera durante la perforaci%C3%B3n exploratoria del Pozo Orca-1</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR - OMACHA</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2015</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Biodiversidad, conservaci%C3%B3n, observaci%C3%B3n.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, FUNDACI%C3%93N OMACHA</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2015</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:language>spa</ns0:language>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="TableOfContents">Se recolect%C3%B3 informaci%C3%B3n sobre fauna marina con los siguientes prop%C3%B3sitos: &#13;%0A %E2%80%A2 Establecer con base en observaci%C3%B3n de fauna marina e informaci%C3%B3n secundaria, el registro y estado actual de las especies de peces, aves, mam%C3%ADferos y quelonios presentes en el %C3%A1rea de estudio durante las actividades de perforaci%C3%B3n exploratoria del Pozo Orca-1.&#13;%0A %E2%80%A2 Determinar la presencia de embarcaciones pesqueras en la zona de influencia del proceso de perforaci%C3%B3n exploratoria. &#13;%0A El informe incluye entre sus anexos ocho planillas de registro levantadas por los observadores de fauna marina y 32 fichas con informaci%C3%B3n general de las especies observadas.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Plataforma de la Guajira, Caribe colombiano.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V99Q7V: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T11:49:35
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:09
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V99T4R: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T06:51:18
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:34
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V99W2P: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-26T15:42:32
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:42
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V99W2P</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Vivas-Aguas, Lizbeth Janet. S%C3%A1nchez-Rodr%C3%ADguez, Diana. S%C3%A1nchez, Jos%C3%A9. Espinosa, Luisa Fernanda.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Elementos t%C3%A9cnicos y generaci%C3%B3n de capacidad para el ordenamiento y manejo de los espacios y recursos marinos, costeros e insulares de Colombia. C%C3%B3digo: ACT-VAR-001-013. Informe t%C3%A9cnico final. Componente 6: Capacidad de las CAR costeras en la aplicaci%C3%B3n de protocolos y monitoreo REDCAM</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2013</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>CAR, REDCAM, protocolos, monitoreo, costeras, laboratorios, diagn%C3%B3stico</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2013</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="DOI" relationType="IsContinuedBy">10.21239/V96302</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente informe contiene los resultados del diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de las capacidades t%C3%A9cnicas y operativas que tienen las Corporaciones Aut%C3%B3nomas Regionales y de Desarrollo sostenible (CAR) costeras de Colombia, para asumir la aplicaci%C3%B3n de protocolos y metodolog%C3%ADas de monitoreo de la contaminaci%C3%B3n marino-costera a trav%C3%A9s de la REDCAM. En la primera parte se presenta un diagn%C3%B3stico general de las fortalezas y necesidades identificadas en cada una de las CAR, en cuanto a su capacidad t%C3%A9cnica y operativa en los laboratorios de ensayo, procesos de acreditaci%C3%B3n, formaci%C3%B3n del personal vinculado, t%C3%A9cnicas de monitoreo, capacidad administrativa y gesti%C3%B3n documental. En la segunda parte se presenta el resultado de las seis visitas de campo piloto, donde se verific%C3%B3 la capacidad instalada de los laboratorios; finalmente, la socializaci%C3%B3n a trav%C3%A9s del bolet%C3%ADn REDCAM en la p%C3%A1gina web del INVEMAR y finalmente se identifican unas l%C3%ADneas de acci%C3%B3n de acuerdo a las necesidades identificadas para orientar el fortalecimiento de las CAR en el monitoreo marino costero.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Espacios y recursos marinos, costeros e insulares de Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9B01N: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T08:19:50
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:02
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9B01N</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Zamora-Bornachera, Anny. L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez, %C3%81ngela. Mart%C3%ADnez, Claudia. Lacoste, Mathieu.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Plan 4C: Cartagena de Indias competitiva y compatible con el clima. Resumen ejecutivo</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Cambio clim%C3%A1tico, vulnerabilidad, desarrollo compatible con el clima, Cartagena de Indias, estrategias, adaptaci%C3%B3n, mitigaci%C3%B3n</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR, Alcald%C3%ADa de Cartagena de Indias, MADS, CDKN y C%C3%A1mara de Comercio de Cartagena</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El Plan 4C: Cartagena de Indias Competitiva y Compatible con el Clima, posiciona a Cartagena como la primera ciudad costera en Colombia que cuenta con una visi%C3%B3n de largo plazo y un marco de planificaci%C3%B3n y acci%C3%B3n para responder al desarrollo compatible con el clima al 2040. Aporta respuestas contundentes para hacerle frente al desaf%C3%ADo del cambio clim%C3%A1tico con estrategias y acciones concretas para impulsar la competitividad de los sectores en el largo plazo, reducir la pobreza en la ciudad y las islas y generar oportunidades para los ciudadanos.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9B01N</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Zamora-Bornachera, Anny. L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez, %C3%81ngela. Mart%C3%ADnez, Claudia. Lacoste, Mathieu.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Plan 4C: Cartagena de Indias competitiva y compatible con el clima. Resumen ejecutivo</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Cambio clim%C3%A1tico, vulnerabilidad, desarrollo compatible con el clima, Cartagena de Indias, estrategias, adaptaci%C3%B3n, mitigaci%C3%B3n</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>INVEMAR, Alcald%C3%ADa de Cartagena de Indias, MADS, CDKN y C%C3%A1mara de Comercio de Cartagena</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El Plan 4C: Cartagena de Indias Competitiva y Compatible con el Clima, posiciona a Cartagena como la primera ciudad costera en Colombia que cuenta con una visi%C3%B3n de largo plazo y un marco de planificaci%C3%B3n y acci%C3%B3n para responder al desarrollo compatible con el clima al 2040. Aporta respuestas contundentes para hacerle frente al desaf%C3%ADo del cambio clim%C3%A1tico con estrategias y acciones concretas para impulsar la competitividad de los sectores en el largo plazo, reducir la pobreza en la ciudad y las islas y generar oportunidades para los ciudadanos.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9B59D: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T14:50:25
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:31
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9B59D</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Rojas-Giraldo, X., Sierra-Correa P.C., Lozano-Rivera P., L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez A.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Gu%C3%ADa metodol%C3%B3gica para el manejo integrado de zonas costeras en Colombia.</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2010</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>planificaci%C3%B3n costera, manejo integrado de zonas costeras, gesti%C3%B3n costera, Colombia</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2010</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-32-9</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El objeto de esta publicaci%C3%B3n es detallar la metodolog%C3%ADa COLMIZC en su componente de planificaci%C3%B3n, profundizar en algunos aspectos que fueron presentados someramente en el Manual 1 y mediante ejemplos demostrativos, dar a conocer la aplicaci%C3%B3n de dicha metodolog%C3%ADa en las costas colombianas identificando sus particularidades y retroalimentando la misma a partir de experiencias directas, con el prop%C3%B3sito de tener un enfoque integrado del territorio, con un fuerte componente de tecnolog%C3%ADas de informaci%C3%B3n y participaci%C3%B3n que garantice, que la gesti%C3%B3n de las zonas costeras colombianas sea sostenible.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Zonas Costeras en Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9B59D</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Rojas-Giraldo, X., Sierra-Correa P.C., Lozano-Rivera P., L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez A.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Gu%C3%ADa metodol%C3%B3gica para el manejo integrado de zonas costeras en Colombia.</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2010</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>planificaci%C3%B3n costera, manejo integrado de zonas costeras, gesti%C3%B3n costera, Colombia</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2010</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-32-9</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El objeto de esta publicaci%C3%B3n es detallar la metodolog%C3%ADa COLMIZC en su componente de planificaci%C3%B3n, profundizar en algunos aspectos que fueron presentados someramente en el Manual 1 y mediante ejemplos demostrativos, dar a conocer la aplicaci%C3%B3n de dicha metodolog%C3%ADa en las costas colombianas identificando sus particularidades y retroalimentando la misma a partir de experiencias directas, con el prop%C3%B3sito de tener un enfoque integrado del territorio, con un fuerte componente de tecnolog%C3%ADas de informaci%C3%B3n y participaci%C3%B3n que garantice, que la gesti%C3%B3n de las zonas costeras colombianas sea sostenible.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Zonas Costeras en Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9B60B: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-02-03T08:23:57
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:13
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9B882: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T07:33:56
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:01
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9B882</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Marina-Melgarejo, Luz. S%C3%A1nchez, Jimena. Newmark, Federico. Santos-Acevedo, Marisol. Reyes, Carmen.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Plan Nacional en Bioprospecci%C3%B3n Continental y Marina( Propuesta t%C3%A9cnica)</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2002</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>bioprospecci%C3%B3n, plan de acci%C3%B3n, propuesta t%C3%A9cnica.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, Universidad Nacional de Colombia,</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2002</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">958-97264-0-2</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente documento es el consolidado del plan de acci%C3%B3n en bioprospecci%C3%B3n marina y continental. Inicialmente, se tratan los aspectos normativos asociados a la bioprospecci%C3%B3n al igual que la bioprospecci%C3%B3n dentro del %C3%A1mbito de la pol%C3%ADtica nacional de biodiversidad. Posteriormente la bioprospecci%C3%B3n y los mercados verdes, como a su vez un acercamiento al estado actual de la bioprospecci%C3%B3n en diferentes %C3%A1reas tem%C3%A1ticas en el pa%C3%ADs. Seguido, se hace referencia a los mecanismos de detecci%C3%B3n de mercados y comercializaci%C3%B3n de productos derivados de la bioprospecci%C3%B3n.&#13;%0AA partir de lo anterior se plantea el plan nacional en bioprospecci%C3%B3n marina y continental, en el cual se abordan temas espec%C3%ADficos tales como; Transformaci%C3%B3n En Producto Y Desarrollo Industrial, Desarrollo Comercial Y De Asistencia T%C3%A9cnica, Actores (P%C3%BAblicos y Privados), EJES (Conocer, Transformar en productos, Comercializar), Programas Especiales y Capacidad Tecnol%C3%B3gica.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9B882</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Marina-Melgarejo, Luz. S%C3%A1nchez, Jimena. Newmark, Federico. Santos-Acevedo, Marisol. Reyes, Carmen.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Plan Nacional en Bioprospecci%C3%B3n Continental y Marina( Propuesta t%C3%A9cnica)</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2002</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>bioprospecci%C3%B3n, plan de acci%C3%B3n, propuesta t%C3%A9cnica.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, Universidad Nacional de Colombia,</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2002</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">958-97264-0-2</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente documento es el consolidado del plan de acci%C3%B3n en bioprospecci%C3%B3n marina y continental. Inicialmente, se tratan los aspectos normativos asociados a la bioprospecci%C3%B3n al igual que la bioprospecci%C3%B3n dentro del %C3%A1mbito de la pol%C3%ADtica nacional de biodiversidad. Posteriormente la bioprospecci%C3%B3n y los mercados verdes, como a su vez un acercamiento al estado actual de la bioprospecci%C3%B3n en diferentes %C3%A1reas tem%C3%A1ticas en el pa%C3%ADs. Seguido, se hace referencia a los mecanismos de detecci%C3%B3n de mercados y comercializaci%C3%B3n de productos derivados de la bioprospecci%C3%B3n.&#13;%0AA partir de lo anterior se plantea el plan nacional en bioprospecci%C3%B3n marina y continental, en el cual se abordan temas espec%C3%ADficos tales como; Transformaci%C3%B3n En Producto Y Desarrollo Industrial, Desarrollo Comercial Y De Asistencia T%C3%A9cnica, Actores (P%C3%BAblicos y Privados), EJES (Conocer, Transformar en productos, Comercializar), Programas Especiales y Capacidad Tecnol%C3%B3gica.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9BB2G: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-05-31T13:43:17
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:57
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9BC7Q: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-23T07:04:28
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:02
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9BC83: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-16T08:21:30
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:03
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9BC83</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Thomas, Y. Ricaurte-Villota, C. Coca-Dom%C3%ADnguez, O.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Atlas climatol%C3%B3gico del oc%C3%A9ano Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano y %C3%A1reas adyacentes</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Book</resourceType><subjects><subject>climatolog%C3%ADa</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">ISBN: 978-958-8448-93-0</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este atlas nos muestra la distribuci%C3%B3n geogr%C3%A1fica de variables relacionadas con la climatolog%C3%ADa del oc%C3%A9ano Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano y se basa en un procesamiento estad%C3%ADstico de las bases de datos de par%C3%A1metros como presi%C3%B3n atmosf%C3%A9rica al nivel del mar, velocidad y direcci%C3%B3n del viento, altura significativa y direcci%C3%B3n de la ola y temperatura superficial del mar generadas por el European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts a trav%C3%A9s del re-an%C3%A1lisis de observaciones (actuales y pasadas).</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Oceano Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9BC83</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Thomas, Y. Ricaurte-Villota, C. Coca-Dom%C3%ADnguez, O.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Atlas climatol%C3%B3gico del oc%C3%A9ano Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano y %C3%A1reas adyacentes</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>climatolog%C3%ADa</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Book</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">ISBN: 978-958-8448-93-0</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este atlas nos muestra la distribuci%C3%B3n geogr%C3%A1fica de variables relacionadas con la climatolog%C3%ADa del oc%C3%A9ano Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano y se basa en un procesamiento estad%C3%ADstico de las bases de datos de par%C3%A1metros como presi%C3%B3n atmosf%C3%A9rica al nivel del mar, velocidad y direcci%C3%B3n del viento, altura significativa y direcci%C3%B3n de la ola y temperatura superficial del mar generadas por el European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts a trav%C3%A9s del re-an%C3%A1lisis de observaciones (actuales y pasadas).</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Oceano Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9BD9T: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-09T12:37:44
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:14
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9BG6C: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-07T15:49:20
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:08
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9BG6C</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Sierra, Paula Cristina. Vides, Martha Patricia. Arias-Isaza Francisco A.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Adaptacion costera al ascenso del nivel del mar (Tumaco)</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2008</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras, ascenso nivel del mar.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2008</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente bolet%C3%ADn tiene como objetivo dar una visi%C3%B3n sobre los efectos de cambio clim%C3%A1tico, particularmente el ascenso del nivel del mar y su impacto en la comunidad de San Andr%C3%A9s de Tumaco; por tal motivo se provee un marco estrat%C3%A9gico gu%C3%ADa que permita enfocar las futuras investigaciones sobre la problem%C3%A1tica. Para finalizar se espera que los administradores locales de San Andr%C3%A9s de Tumaco identifiquen, desarrollen, acertadas medidas de implementaci%C3%B3n sobre adaptaci%C3%B3n del cambio clim%C3%A1tico.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>San Andr%C3%A9s de Tumaco, Departamento de Nari%C3%B1o, Colombia.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9BG6C</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Sierra, Paula Cristina. Vides, Martha Patricia. Arias-Isaza Francisco A.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Adaptacion costera al ascenso del nivel del mar (Tumaco)</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2008</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras, ascenso nivel del mar.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2008</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente bolet%C3%ADn tiene como objetivo dar una visi%C3%B3n sobre los efectos de cambio clim%C3%A1tico, particularmente el ascenso del nivel del mar y su impacto en la comunidad de San Andr%C3%A9s de Tumaco; por tal motivo se provee un marco estrat%C3%A9gico gu%C3%ADa que permita enfocar las futuras investigaciones sobre la problem%C3%A1tica. Para finalizar se espera que los administradores locales de San Andr%C3%A9s de Tumaco identifiquen, desarrollen, acertadas medidas de implementaci%C3%B3n sobre adaptaci%C3%B3n del cambio clim%C3%A1tico.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>San Andr%C3%A9s de Tumaco, Departamento de Nari%C3%B1o, Colombia.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9BH9V: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T13:03:09
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:04
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9BP4P: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-04T12:56:45
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:34
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9BP4P</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Zamora, Anny. Sierra, Paula. Rojas, Ximena.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Formulaci%C3%B3n del plan integral de manejo para el distrito de Manejo Integrado (DMI) Bah%C3%ADa de Cispat%C3%A1 - La Balsa - Tinajones y sectores aleda%C3%B1os del Delta Estuarino del R%C3%ADo Sin%C3%BA, Departamento de C%C3%B3rdoba</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2009</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Din%C3%A1mica, econ%C3%B3mica, socioecon%C3%B3mico, gobernabilidad, dmi, diagnostico integrado, perturbaci%C3%B3n ambiental, prioridades de acci%C3%B3n, zonificaci%C3%B3n, recursos, aprovechamiento</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2009</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR, Corporaci%C3%B3n Aut%C3%B3noma Regional de Los Valles del Sin%C3%BA y del San Jorge %E2%80%93 CVS</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente PIM es una herramienta de apoyo para la gesti%C3%B3n de la zona estuarina-deltaica del r%C3%ADo Sin%C3%BA que realiza la CVS. Se integr%C3%B3 y contextualiz%C3%B3 en la normatividad e instrumentos de planeaci%C3%B3n vigentes a nivel nacional, regional y local, para su apropiada adopci%C3%B3n y articulaci%C3%B3n en los esquemas de gesti%C3%B3n territorial vigentes. Por su contenido, el documento sintetiza el proceso de formulaci%C3%B3n del PIM y constituye una gu%C3%ADa para su puesta en marcha. Est%C3%A1 compuesto por cinco cap%C3%ADtulos ordenados secuencialmente seg%C3%BAn los pasos de formulaci%C3%B3n del PIM: cap%C3%ADtulo I) contiene una descripci%C3%B3n general del marco metodol%C3%B3gico y la unificaci%C3%B3n de conceptos utilizados; capitulo II) corresponde a la delimitaci%C3%B3n del %C3%A1rea de estudio; capitulo III) contiene la caracterizaci%C3%B3n y diagn%C3%B3stico de los componentes f%C3%ADsicos, bi%C3%B3ticos, socioecon%C3%B3micos y de gobernabilidad; capitulo IV) se presentan la s%C3%ADntesis de la problem%C3%A1tica ambiental identificada; cap%C3%ADtulo V) corresponde a los resultados del proceso de ordenamiento y zonificaci%C3%B3n del DMI, se presenta adem%C3%A1s el dise%C3%B1o de escenarios prospectivos y la reglamentaci%C3%B3n de usos conforme al ordenamiento territorial propuesto; cap%C3%ADtulo VI) contiene el plan de acci%C3%B3n propiamente dicho, por lo cual parte de la definici%C3%B3n de los elementos b%C3%A1sicos (objetivos, visi%C3%B3n y principios) y la definici%C3%B3n de l%C3%ADneas, programas y proyectos, as%C3%AD como su respectivo plan de inversiones. Posteriormente, en el cap%C3%ADtulo VII) se presenta el esquema institucional propuesto de ejecuci%C3%B3n y coordinaci%C3%B3n para el DMI, incluyendo las estrategias para su gesti%C3%B3n y formalizaci%C3%B3n, as%C3%AD como la estructura organizacional.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamento de C%C3%B3rdoba</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9BP4P</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Zamora, Anny. Sierra, Paula. Rojas, Ximena.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Formulaci%C3%B3n del plan integral de manejo para el distrito de Manejo Integrado (DMI) Bah%C3%ADa de Cispat%C3%A1 - La Balsa - Tinajones y sectores aleda%C3%B1os del Delta Estuarino del R%C3%ADo Sin%C3%BA, Departamento de C%C3%B3rdoba</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2009</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Din%C3%A1mica, econ%C3%B3mica, socioecon%C3%B3mico, gobernabilidad, dmi, diagnostico integrado, perturbaci%C3%B3n ambiental, prioridades de acci%C3%B3n, zonificaci%C3%B3n, recursos, aprovechamiento</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2009</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR, Corporaci%C3%B3n Aut%C3%B3noma Regional de Los Valles del Sin%C3%BA y del San Jorge %E2%80%93 CVS</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente PIM es una herramienta de apoyo para la gesti%C3%B3n de la zona estuarina-deltaica del r%C3%ADo Sin%C3%BA que realiza la CVS. Se integr%C3%B3 y contextualiz%C3%B3 en la normatividad e instrumentos de planeaci%C3%B3n vigentes a nivel nacional, regional y local, para su apropiada adopci%C3%B3n y articulaci%C3%B3n en los esquemas de gesti%C3%B3n territorial vigentes. Por su contenido, el documento sintetiza el proceso de formulaci%C3%B3n del PIM y constituye una gu%C3%ADa para su puesta en marcha. Est%C3%A1 compuesto por cinco cap%C3%ADtulos ordenados secuencialmente seg%C3%BAn los pasos de formulaci%C3%B3n del PIM: cap%C3%ADtulo I) contiene una descripci%C3%B3n general del marco metodol%C3%B3gico y la unificaci%C3%B3n de conceptos utilizados; capitulo II) corresponde a la delimitaci%C3%B3n del %C3%A1rea de estudio; capitulo III) contiene la caracterizaci%C3%B3n y diagn%C3%B3stico de los componentes f%C3%ADsicos, bi%C3%B3ticos, socioecon%C3%B3micos y de gobernabilidad; capitulo IV) se presentan la s%C3%ADntesis de la problem%C3%A1tica ambiental identificada; cap%C3%ADtulo V) corresponde a los resultados del proceso de ordenamiento y zonificaci%C3%B3n del DMI, se presenta adem%C3%A1s el dise%C3%B1o de escenarios prospectivos y la reglamentaci%C3%B3n de usos conforme al ordenamiento territorial propuesto; cap%C3%ADtulo VI) contiene el plan de acci%C3%B3n propiamente dicho, por lo cual parte de la definici%C3%B3n de los elementos b%C3%A1sicos (objetivos, visi%C3%B3n y principios) y la definici%C3%B3n de l%C3%ADneas, programas y proyectos, as%C3%AD como su respectivo plan de inversiones. Posteriormente, en el cap%C3%ADtulo VII) se presenta el esquema institucional propuesto de ejecuci%C3%B3n y coordinaci%C3%B3n para el DMI, incluyendo las estrategias para su gesti%C3%B3n y formalizaci%C3%B3n, as%C3%AD como la estructura organizacional.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Departamento de C%C3%B3rdoba</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9BQ5D: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T11:20:10
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:15
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9BS3B: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-26T13:39:09
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:55
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9BS3B</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>G%C3%B3mez,Diana Isabel. Rozo, Daniel. Villamil, Carlos.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Concepto sobre an%C3%A1lisis de la potencialidad de algunos predios privados para la conservaci%C3%B3n en el parque regional Old Point</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2008</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>bah%C3%ADas, lagunas costeras, estuarios, deltas, desembocaduras de r%C3%ADos, morfol%C3%B3gicas, fisiol%C3%B3gicas, reproductiva</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2008</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Los bosques de manglar son formados de plantas hal%C3%B3fitas facultativas, establecidas en la franja intermareal, que bordean bah%C3%ADas, lagunas costeras, estuarios, deltas y desembocaduras de R%C3%ADos. Estas formaciones re%C3%BAnen aproximadamente 12 familias y cerca de 70 especies, no necesariamente emparentadas pero que tienen en com%C3%BAn una gran variedad de adaptaci%C3%B3n morfol%C3%B3gicas, fisiol%C3%B3gicas y reproductiva es que les permite habitar en ambientes extremos inestables, con altas temperaturas, amplias fluctuaciones de la sanidad y con sustratos an%C3%B3xico en la regiones intertropicales del planeta. En Colombia los manglares ocupan un aria de 282,835 en el pac%C3%ADfico y 88,246, siete en el Caribe, Los bosques de manglar en general se han visto sometidos a una serie de amenazas generadas por la actividad del hombre, que van desde vertimientos de l%C3%ADquidos y s%C3%B3lidos, aumento de la sedimentaci%C3%B3n por deforestaci%C3%B3n en la Cuenca Alta, deforestaci%C3%B3n in situ, quema y extracci%C3%B3n para rellenos para mencionar s%C3%B3lo algunos.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>El Archipi%C3%A9lago de San Andr%C3%A9s, Parque Regional Old Point</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9BS3B</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>G%C3%B3mez,Diana Isabel. Rozo, Daniel. Villamil, Carlos.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Concepto sobre an%C3%A1lisis de la potencialidad de algunos predios privados para la conservaci%C3%B3n en el parque regional Old Point</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2008</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>bah%C3%ADas, lagunas costeras, estuarios, deltas, desembocaduras de r%C3%ADos, morfol%C3%B3gicas, fisiol%C3%B3gicas, reproductiva</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2008</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Los bosques de manglar son formados de plantas hal%C3%B3fitas facultativas, establecidas en la franja intermareal, que bordean bah%C3%ADas, lagunas costeras, estuarios, deltas y desembocaduras de R%C3%ADos. Estas formaciones re%C3%BAnen aproximadamente 12 familias y cerca de 70 especies, no necesariamente emparentadas pero que tienen en com%C3%BAn una gran variedad de adaptaci%C3%B3n morfol%C3%B3gicas, fisiol%C3%B3gicas y reproductiva es que les permite habitar en ambientes extremos inestables, con altas temperaturas, amplias fluctuaciones de la sanidad y con sustratos an%C3%B3xico en la regiones intertropicales del planeta. En Colombia los manglares ocupan un aria de 282,835 en el pac%C3%ADfico y 88,246, siete en el Caribe, Los bosques de manglar en general se han visto sometidos a una serie de amenazas generadas por la actividad del hombre, que van desde vertimientos de l%C3%ADquidos y s%C3%B3lidos, aumento de la sedimentaci%C3%B3n por deforestaci%C3%B3n en la Cuenca Alta, deforestaci%C3%B3n in situ, quema y extracci%C3%B3n para rellenos para mencionar s%C3%B3lo algunos.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>El Archipi%C3%A9lago de San Andr%C3%A9s, Parque Regional Old Point</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9BS4Q: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-03-14T07:03:38
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:50
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9BT6T: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T05:31:31
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:57
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9C01Z: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T07:28:09
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:53
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9C01Z</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Vivas-Aguas, L. J. Navarrete-Ram%C3%ADrez, S. M.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Protocolo Indicador Calidad Ambiental de Agua (ICAMPFF)</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Calidad de agua, Red de Monitoreo de Aguas Marinas (Redcam), condiciones f%C3%ADsicas, par%C3%A1metros qu%C3%ADmicos, componentes biol%C3%B3gicos, indicadores, monitoreo, Subsistema %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP).</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-74-9</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR, (SAMP). GEF y PNUD</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El objetivo de estos protocolos de monitoreo para las AMP no solo tuvo en cuenta la necesidad de adquirir informaci%C3%B3n robusta desde el punto de vista cient%C3%ADfico, con la selecci%C3%B3n de algunas m%C3%ADnimas variables, sino que fue importante revisar para su futura operatividad y mantenimiento en el tiempo, la capacidad instalada en cada una de las instituciones responsables de esta actividad, dado que la experiencia nos ha demostrado que cada vez se hace m%C3%A1s dif%C3%ADcil y costoso mantener sistemas de monitoreo que respondan a preguntas de manejo para las problem%C3%A1ticas locales y permitir de esta forma entender la din%C3%A1mica y evaluar con menor incertidumbre la efectividad del manejo de las %C3%A1reas.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9C01Z</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Vivas-Aguas, L. J. Navarrete-Ram%C3%ADrez, S. M.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Protocolo Indicador Calidad Ambiental de Agua (ICAMPFF)</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Calidad de agua, Red de Monitoreo de Aguas Marinas (Redcam), condiciones f%C3%ADsicas, par%C3%A1metros qu%C3%ADmicos, componentes biol%C3%B3gicos, indicadores, monitoreo, Subsistema %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP).</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-74-9</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>INVEMAR, (SAMP). GEF y PNUD</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El objetivo de estos protocolos de monitoreo para las AMP no solo tuvo en cuenta la necesidad de adquirir informaci%C3%B3n robusta desde el punto de vista cient%C3%ADfico, con la selecci%C3%B3n de algunas m%C3%ADnimas variables, sino que fue importante revisar para su futura operatividad y mantenimiento en el tiempo, la capacidad instalada en cada una de las instituciones responsables de esta actividad, dado que la experiencia nos ha demostrado que cada vez se hace m%C3%A1s dif%C3%ADcil y costoso mantener sistemas de monitoreo que respondan a preguntas de manejo para las problem%C3%A1ticas locales y permitir de esta forma entender la din%C3%A1mica y evaluar con menor incertidumbre la efectividad del manejo de las %C3%A1reas.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9C30M: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T12:59:02
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:01
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9C30M</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>L%C3%B3pez Rodr%C3%ADguez, A., Rodr%C3%ADguez Pel%C3%A1ez J.C., Prieto Bayer L.M., Sierra-Correa, P.C., Mon%C3%A1-Sanabria, Y.; Prada- Alarc%C3%B3n N.; Caicedo-Herrera, del P</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Avances en el manejo integrado de zonas costeras en el departamento del Cauca</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2009</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>manejo integrado de zonas costeras, departamento del cauca, MIZC, comit%C3%A9 MIZC</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2009</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">958-97301-6-7</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El objetivo de dar a conocer los avances en cuanto a la UMI Guapi- Iscuand%C3%A9, el tema de los Comit%C3%A9 MIZC y del plan de manejo de la UAC-LLAS, surge el presente documento como una de las perspectivas para el a%C3%B1o 2009, donde se evidencian los esfuerzos y la participaci%C3%B3n de las comunidades, con el fin de conocer la situaci%C3%B3n actual del departamento del Cauca y fortalecer el Manejo Integrado de la Zona Costera Manejo Integrado de Zonas Costeras, departamento del Cauca, MIZC, Comit%C3%A9 MIZC.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Zonas costeras en el Departamento del Cauca</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9C30M</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>L%C3%B3pez Rodr%C3%ADguez, A., Rodr%C3%ADguez Pel%C3%A1ez J.C., Prieto Bayer L.M., Sierra-Correa, P.C., Mon%C3%A1-Sanabria, Y.; Prada- Alarc%C3%B3n N.; Caicedo-Herrera, del P</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Avances en el manejo integrado de zonas costeras en el departamento del Cauca</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2009</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>manejo integrado de zonas costeras, departamento del cauca, MIZC, comit%C3%A9 MIZC</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2009</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">958-97301-6-7</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El objetivo de dar a conocer los avances en cuanto a la UMI Guapi- Iscuand%C3%A9, el tema de los Comit%C3%A9 MIZC y del plan de manejo de la UAC-LLAS, surge el presente documento como una de las perspectivas para el a%C3%B1o 2009, donde se evidencian los esfuerzos y la participaci%C3%B3n de las comunidades, con el fin de conocer la situaci%C3%B3n actual del departamento del Cauca y fortalecer el Manejo Integrado de la Zona Costera Manejo Integrado de Zonas Costeras, departamento del Cauca, MIZC, Comit%C3%A9 MIZC.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Zonas costeras en el Departamento del Cauca</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9CC71: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-19T14:46:08
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:05
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9CC71</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>G%C3%B3nima, Leonor. Mancera-Pineda, Jos%C3%A9. Botero, Leonor.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Aplicaci%C3%B3n de im%C3%A1genes de sat%C3%A9lite al diagn%C3%B3stico ambiental de un complejo lagunar estuarino tropical: Ci%C3%A9naga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe colombiano</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>1998</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">1998</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">958-95950-5-7</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Se presenta una metodolog%C3%ADa para el procesamiento de im%C3%A1genes satelitales, aplicado al estudio e interpretaci%C3%B3n a gran escala de humedales tropicales, con %C3%A9nfasis en su vegetaci%C3%B3n(manglar), condiciones f%C3%ADsico-qu%C3%ADmicas y de productividad de sus aguas. Para lo cual se utilizaron dos im%C3%A1genes digitales multiespectrales del satelite SPOT-modo XS de periodos comprendidos entre (1993-1995), debido a que el objetivo era determinar la delimitaci%C3%B3n de las superficies de agua, suelo expuesto y vegetaci%C3%B3n, se plante%C3%B3 un algoritmo supervisado para determinar la correlaci%C3%B3n entre los datos del muestreo de campo del INVEMAR y los valores de reflactancia del agua calculado a partir de las im%C3%A1genes satelitales.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Ci%C3%A9naga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe colombiano.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9CC71</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>G%C3%B3nima, Leonor. Mancera-Pineda, Jos%C3%A9. Botero, Leonor.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Aplicaci%C3%B3n de im%C3%A1genes de sat%C3%A9lite al diagn%C3%B3stico ambiental de un complejo lagunar estuarino tropical: Ci%C3%A9naga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe colombiano</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>1998</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">1998</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">958-95950-5-7</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Se presenta una metodolog%C3%ADa para el procesamiento de im%C3%A1genes satelitales, aplicado al estudio e interpretaci%C3%B3n a gran escala de humedales tropicales, con %C3%A9nfasis en su vegetaci%C3%B3n(manglar), condiciones f%C3%ADsico-qu%C3%ADmicas y de productividad de sus aguas. Para lo cual se utilizaron dos im%C3%A1genes digitales multiespectrales del satelite SPOT-modo XS de periodos comprendidos entre (1993-1995), debido a que el objetivo era determinar la delimitaci%C3%B3n de las superficies de agua, suelo expuesto y vegetaci%C3%B3n, se plante%C3%B3 un algoritmo supervisado para determinar la correlaci%C3%B3n entre los datos del muestreo de campo del INVEMAR y los valores de reflactancia del agua calculado a partir de las im%C3%A1genes satelitales.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Ci%C3%A9naga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe colombiano.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9CC8D: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch
< _created: 2016-11-11T07:14:12
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:22
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9CC8D</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Colmenares, Fabio. Mesa, Ana. Roncancio, Jairo. Arciniegas, Edgar. Pedraza, Pablo. Cardona, Agust%C3%ADn. Romero, Astrid. Silva, Cesar. Alvarado, Sonia. Romero, Oscar. Vargas, Andr%C3%A9s.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Geolog%C3%ADa Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta An%C3%A1lisis planchas 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26,27, 33 y 34: proyecto %E2%80%9Cevoluci%C3%B3n geohist%C3%B3rica de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2007</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Geolog%C3%ADa, estratigraf%C3%ADa, geolog%C3%ADa estructural, tect%C3%B3nica, geocronolog%C3%ADa, petrograf%C3%ADa, paleontolog%C3%ADa, paleomagnetismo</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR,INGEOMINAS, ICP, GEOSEARCH.</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2007</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Estudio geol%C3%B3gico de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta correspondiente a las planchas 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 33 y 34 del IGAC (a escala 1:100.000) que cubren una extensi%C3%B3n de 24.000 Km2, para lo cual se realiz%C3%B3n la adquisici%C3%B3n de datos estructurales espec%C3%ADficos, muestreo de rocas con descripciones litol%C3%B3gicas detalladas y an%C3%A1lisis petrogr%C3%A1ficos, y toma de muestras para an%C3%A1lisis geoqu%C3%ADmicos de rocas, geocronol%C3%B3gicos, geoqu%C3%ADmica isot%C3%B3pica y paleomagnetismo.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamento del Magdalena, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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doi:10.21239/V9CD94: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-07-14T07:33:17
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:24
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9CG6P: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-06T08:53:23
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:49
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9CG6P</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Cadavid, Betty. S%C3%A1nchez, Jose. Parra, Juan. Arag%C3%B3n, Osman. Arias-Alem%C3%A1n, Leonardo. Serrano, Halbin. Fl%C3%B3rez, Deivis. Bautista, Paola. Espinosa, Luisa. Navarro, Ennel. Ibarra, Karen. Quintero, Maryn%C3%A9s. Cuadrado, Iv%C3%A1n. Parra, Luis. Moreno, Yadi. Gonz%C3%A1lez, Daniel. Rocha, Venus.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2012</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2012</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras, Monitoreos</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2012</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9H88M</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsNewVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V97S3D</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este diagn%C3%B3stico 2012 contiene el an%C3%A1lisis de los resultados del monitoreo de las cerca de 350 estaciones de muestreo ubicadas en las zonas marino-costeras de ambos litorales, haciendo una descripci%C3%B3n espacial y temporal del comportamiento de variables fisicoqu%C3%ADmicas, microbiol%C3%B3gicas y contaminantes (hidrocarburos del petr%C3%B3leo, plaguicidas y metales pesados), en un contexto nacional, regional y departamental. Se muestra la actualizaci%C3%B3n del inventario nacional de fuentes terrestres de contaminaci%C3%B3n con los aportes en t%C3%A9rminos de carga contaminante de las cuencas bajas de r%C3%ADos que drenan al mar Caribe y al oc%C3%A9ano Pac%C3%ADfico, y tambi%C3%A9n el an%C3%A1lisis integral del %C3%8Dndice de Calidad de Aguas Marinas y Costeras (ICAM) que permite cuantificar el estado de conservaci%C3%B3n o deterioro del agua marino-costera para la preservaci%C3%B3n de flora y fauna.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9CG6P</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Cadavid, Betty. S%C3%A1nchez, Jose. Parra, Juan. Arag%C3%B3n, Osman. Arias-Alem%C3%A1n, Leonardo. Serrano, Halbin. Fl%C3%B3rez, Deivis. Bautista, Paola. Espinosa, Luisa. Navarro, Ennel. Ibarra, Karen. Quintero, Maryn%C3%A9s. Cuadrado, Iv%C3%A1n. Parra, Luis. Moreno, Yadi. Gonz%C3%A1lez, Daniel. Rocha, Venus.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2012</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2012</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras, Monitoreos</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2012</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9H88M</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsNewVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V97S3D</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este diagn%C3%B3stico 2012 contiene el an%C3%A1lisis de los resultados del monitoreo de las cerca de 350 estaciones de muestreo ubicadas en las zonas marino-costeras de ambos litorales, haciendo una descripci%C3%B3n espacial y temporal del comportamiento de variables fisicoqu%C3%ADmicas, microbiol%C3%B3gicas y contaminantes (hidrocarburos del petr%C3%B3leo, plaguicidas y metales pesados), en un contexto nacional, regional y departamental. Se muestra la actualizaci%C3%B3n del inventario nacional de fuentes terrestres de contaminaci%C3%B3n con los aportes en t%C3%A9rminos de carga contaminante de las cuencas bajas de r%C3%ADos que drenan al mar Caribe y al oc%C3%A9ano Pac%C3%ADfico, y tambi%C3%A9n el an%C3%A1lisis integral del %C3%8Dndice de Calidad de Aguas Marinas y Costeras (ICAM) que permite cuantificar el estado de conservaci%C3%B3n o deterioro del agua marino-costera para la preservaci%C3%B3n de flora y fauna.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9CH95: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T12:34:02
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:47
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9CM5P: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-06-27T07:41:48
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:16
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9CM62: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T10:31:09
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:39
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9CP40: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-28T13:13:45
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:53
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9CP40</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Casta%C3%B1o-Gallego, Alejandro Alberto.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Propuesta de una metodolog%C3%ADa para el procesamiento de im%C3%A1genes satelitales EOS-ASTER para la identificaci%C3%B3n y delimitaci%C3%B3n de praderas de pastos marinos en la unidad ambiental costera de la Alta Guajira, Caribe colombiano</title></titles><publisher>Universidad Tecnol%C3%B3gica de Pereira Facultad de Cieencias Ambientales</publisher><publicationYear>2006</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>im%C3%A1genes satelitales, eos, aster, alta guajira, columna de agua</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="DataManager"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2006</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR y la Universidad Tecnol%C3%B3gica de Pereira Facultad de Cieencias Ambientales</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">%C3%89ste trabajo propone una metodolog%C3%ADa para la delimitaci%C3%B3n de praderas de pastos marinos en la Unidad Ambiental Costera de la Alta Guajira, usando para esto im%C3%A1genes satelitales EOS- ASTER y el software de procesamiento digital de im%C3%A1genes Spring. La propuesta consiste en usar t%C3%A9cnicas avanzadas para extraer la mayor cantidad de informaci%C3%B3n disponible de cada imagen satelital, aplicando una correcci%C3%B3n al efecto de la columna de agua y clasificando orientada a objetos mediante la t%C3%A9cnica de segmentaci%C3%B3n por regiones. Incluye adem%C3%A1s una validaci%C3%B3n estad%C3%ADstica y comprobaci%C3%B3n con informaci%C3%B3n base del a%C3%B1o 2002 y con informaci%C3%B3n de campo tomada en el a%C3%B1o 2005. Los resultados de aplicar esta metodolog%C3%ADa en el %C3%A1rea de Bah%C3%ADa Porte muestran resultados positivos de su implementaci%C3%B3n, estad%C3%ADsticamente ASTER muestra mejores resultados al realizar la correcci%C3%B3n de columna de agua.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9CP40</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Casta%C3%B1o-Gallego, Alejandro Alberto.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Propuesta de una metodolog%C3%ADa para el procesamiento de im%C3%A1genes satelitales EOS-ASTER para la identificaci%C3%B3n y delimitaci%C3%B3n de praderas de pastos marinos en la unidad ambiental costera de la Alta Guajira, Caribe colombiano</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>Universidad Tecnol%C3%B3gica de Pereira Facultad de Cieencias Ambientales</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2006</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>im%C3%A1genes satelitales, eos, aster, alta guajira, columna de agua</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="DataManager">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2006</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR y la Universidad Tecnol%C3%B3gica de Pereira Facultad de Cieencias Ambientales</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">%C3%89ste trabajo propone una metodolog%C3%ADa para la delimitaci%C3%B3n de praderas de pastos marinos en la Unidad Ambiental Costera de la Alta Guajira, usando para esto im%C3%A1genes satelitales EOS- ASTER y el software de procesamiento digital de im%C3%A1genes Spring. La propuesta consiste en usar t%C3%A9cnicas avanzadas para extraer la mayor cantidad de informaci%C3%B3n disponible de cada imagen satelital, aplicando una correcci%C3%B3n al efecto de la columna de agua y clasificando orientada a objetos mediante la t%C3%A9cnica de segmentaci%C3%B3n por regiones. Incluye adem%C3%A1s una validaci%C3%B3n estad%C3%ADstica y comprobaci%C3%B3n con informaci%C3%B3n base del a%C3%B1o 2002 y con informaci%C3%B3n de campo tomada en el a%C3%B1o 2005. Los resultados de aplicar esta metodolog%C3%ADa en el %C3%A1rea de Bah%C3%ADa Porte muestran resultados positivos de su implementaci%C3%B3n, estad%C3%ADsticamente ASTER muestra mejores resultados al realizar la correcci%C3%B3n de columna de agua.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9CP5C: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-03-10T13:07:55
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:11
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9CS3N: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-26T08:32:11
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:10
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9CS3N</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Ortiz-del Rio, Martha Alejandra.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Macrofauna epibent%C3%B3nica asociada a praderas de thalassia testudinum, durante el per%C3%ADodo seco mayor de 2006, en la guajira, caribe colombiano</title></titles><publisher>Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales</publisher><publicationYear>2007</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>macrofauna epibent%C3%B3nica, thalassia testudinum, per%C3%ADodo seco mayor, guajira, caribe colombiano</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="DataManager"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2007</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR. Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El prop%C3%B3sito del estudio reside en evaluar la estructura de la macrofauna epibent%C3%B3nica asociada a las praderas de T. testudinum de los sectores de Media y Alta Guajira, durante el mes de abril, correspondiente a la fase final del per%C3%ADodo seco mayor; adem%C3%A1s determinar posibles cambios espaciales de la estructura de la comunidad como respuesta a las variaciones de factores bi%C3%B3ticos y abi%C3%B3ticos reinantes en el %C3%A1rea. El departamento de La Guajira, ubicado al norte de Colombia, se caracteriza por tener una plataforma continental amplia y presentar uno de los principales focos de surgencia del Caribe sur, generada por los vientos Alisios estacionales del noreste y su orientaci%C3%B3n respecto la costa (Andrade y Barton, 2004), especialmente durante el per%C3%ADodo de estudio. Por otro lado, en Colombia los pastos marinos hacen parte de los ecosistemas estrat%C3%A9gicos en el contexto de la pol%C3%ADtica ambiental por los servicios ecol%C3%B3gicos que ofrece.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Ecosistemas de manglar en Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9CT64: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T04:38:55
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:06
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9D018: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T06:20:36
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:31
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9D018</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Sanclemente, G. Zamora-Bornachera, A. L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez, A. Hern%C3%A1ndez-Ortiz, M. Arias-Isaza,F.A. Sierra-Correa, P.C.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Gu%C3%ADa metodol%C3%B3gica para el manejo integrado de zonas costeras en Colombia. Manual 3: Gobernanza</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2013</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>zonas marinas y costeras, gobernanza, manejo integrado de zonas costeras</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2013</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-57-2</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este Tercer Manual, recoge los elementos de gobernanza definidos en cada uno de los manuales anteriores para integrarlos en una sola propuesta que brinda de manera adecuada, los insumos para vincular a los diferentes actores p%C3%BAblicos, privados, comunitarios en el proceso de formulaci%C3%B3n e implementaci%C3%B3n del plan de manejo integrado de las zonas costeras, asegurando la legitimidad de las decisiones y facilitando su implementaci%C3%B3n.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Zonas costeras Colombianas</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9D018</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Sanclemente, G. Zamora-Bornachera, A. L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez, A. Hern%C3%A1ndez-Ortiz, M. Arias-Isaza,F.A. Sierra-Correa, P.C.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Gu%C3%ADa metodol%C3%B3gica para el manejo integrado de zonas costeras en Colombia. Manual 3: Gobernanza</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2013</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>zonas marinas y costeras, gobernanza, manejo integrado de zonas costeras</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2013</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-57-2</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este Tercer Manual, recoge los elementos de gobernanza definidos en cada uno de los manuales anteriores para integrarlos en una sola propuesta que brinda de manera adecuada, los insumos para vincular a los diferentes actores p%C3%BAblicos, privados, comunitarios en el proceso de formulaci%C3%B3n e implementaci%C3%B3n del plan de manejo integrado de las zonas costeras, asegurando la legitimidad de las decisiones y facilitando su implementaci%C3%B3n.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Zonas costeras Colombianas</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9D30X: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T11:29:01
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:07
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9D30X</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Rojas, Cesar. G%C3%B3mez-Campo, Kelli. Segura-Quintero, Carolina.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Modelo de uso ecotur%C3%ADstico de la bah%C3%ADa de Neguanje Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2009</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Parque Tayrona, Servicios ecotur%C3%ADsticos, ecoturismo, Colombia</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2009</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-18-3</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta cartilla es el resultado del proyecto modelo de ocupaci%C3%B3n del Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona de las Bah%C3%ADas de Neguanje y Cinto para el desarrollo de actividades ecotur%C3%ADsticas. El Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona es uno de los principales escenarios naturales del pa%C3%ADs para la protecci%C3%B3n y conservaci%C3%B3n de la naturaleza, alberca diferentes bienes y servicios ambientales que proveen en un amplio rango de funciones ecol%C3%B3gicas, usos y beneficios econ%C3%B3micos con un importante valor paisaj%C3%ADstico por la diversidad ecosist%C3%A9mica que lo caracteriza. El modelo de uso ecotur%C3%ADstico busca de manera estrat%C3%A9gica la conservaci%C3%B3n del medio natural y el uso sostenible del patrimonio nacional; a trav%C3%A9s del fortalecimiento del desarrollo de actividades ecotur%C3%ADsticas de los prestadores del servicio del parque y usuarios de la bah%C3%ADa de Neguanje.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona- Bah%C3%ADas de Neguanje y Cinto</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9D30X</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Rojas, Cesar. G%C3%B3mez-Campo, Kelli. Segura-Quintero, Carolina.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Modelo de uso ecotur%C3%ADstico de la bah%C3%ADa de Neguanje Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2009</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Parque Tayrona, Servicios ecotur%C3%ADsticos, ecoturismo, Colombia</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2009</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-18-3</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta cartilla es el resultado del proyecto modelo de ocupaci%C3%B3n del Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona de las Bah%C3%ADas de Neguanje y Cinto para el desarrollo de actividades ecotur%C3%ADsticas. El Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona es uno de los principales escenarios naturales del pa%C3%ADs para la protecci%C3%B3n y conservaci%C3%B3n de la naturaleza, alberca diferentes bienes y servicios ambientales que proveen en un amplio rango de funciones ecol%C3%B3gicas, usos y beneficios econ%C3%B3micos con un importante valor paisaj%C3%ADstico por la diversidad ecosist%C3%A9mica que lo caracteriza. El modelo de uso ecotur%C3%ADstico busca de manera estrat%C3%A9gica la conservaci%C3%B3n del medio natural y el uso sostenible del patrimonio nacional; a trav%C3%A9s del fortalecimiento del desarrollo de actividades ecotur%C3%ADsticas de los prestadores del servicio del parque y usuarios de la bah%C3%ADa de Neguanje.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona- Bah%C3%ADas de Neguanje y Cinto</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9D60Z: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-01-26T11:45:30
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:54
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9D71P: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-12T06:11:50
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:15
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9D722: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-05-18T05:53:43
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:59
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9D88P: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-09T12:28:55
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:52
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9D88P</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Vivas, Lizbeth. Villarraga, Marcela. S%C3%A1nchez, Diana. Garce, Ostin</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Protocolo metodol%C3%B3gico: An%C3%A1lisis de amenazas y vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n en %C3%A1reas marino-costeras</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">En este documento se esboza una aproximaci%C3%B3n metodol%C3%B3gica para analizar las amenazas y evaluar la vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n en %C3%A1reas marino-costeras de Colombia, a partir de la construcci%C3%B3n de una herramienta aplicable en ambientes costeros; enfocada en la identificaci%C3%B3n de impactos generados por la fuentes terrestres de contaminaci%C3%B3n sobre la poblaci%C3%B3n y los ecosistemas marino-costeros considerando las caracter%C3%ADsticas propias de cada sitio y los contaminantes asociados.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>%C3%81reas marino-costeras de Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9D88P</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Vivas, Lizbeth. Villarraga, Marcela. S%C3%A1nchez, Diana. Garce, Ostin</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Protocolo metodol%C3%B3gico: An%C3%A1lisis de amenazas y vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n en %C3%A1reas marino-costeras</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">En este documento se esboza una aproximaci%C3%B3n metodol%C3%B3gica para analizar las amenazas y evaluar la vulnerabilidad por contaminaci%C3%B3n en %C3%A1reas marino-costeras de Colombia, a partir de la construcci%C3%B3n de una herramienta aplicable en ambientes costeros; enfocada en la identificaci%C3%B3n de impactos generados por la fuentes terrestres de contaminaci%C3%B3n sobre la poblaci%C3%B3n y los ecosistemas marino-costeros considerando las caracter%C3%ADsticas propias de cada sitio y los contaminantes asociados.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>%C3%81reas marino-costeras de Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9D892: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-04-25T06:03:38
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:04
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9DB1Q: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-05T04:48:41
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:59
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9DD82: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-07-13T12:35:37
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:27
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9DG60: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-06T07:44:43
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:48
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9DG60</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Mar%C3%ADn, Bienvenido. Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. V%C3%A9lez, Ana Mar%C3%ADa.Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Ramirez, Gustavo. Cadavid, Betty. G%C3%B3mez, Martha. Troncoso, Walberto. Rozo</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2003</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2003</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2003</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9P01R</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsNewVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9XG6N</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El documento que se presenta contiene el an%C3%A1lisis de los datos sobre la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras de Colombia, recopilados a partir de informaci%C3%B3n secundaria y a trav%C3%A9s de dos a%C3%B1os de muestreos realizados conjuntamente por las entidades que conforman la REDCAM. Desde sus inicios, REDCAM ha contribuido de manera eficiente a partir de informaci%C3%B3n secundaria y los datos obtenidos de los muestreos realizados conjuntamente con las entidades que conforman el sistema, al manejo y control de tan importante recurso como son las aguas de los litorales colombianos. Los primeros informes iban mostrando en la misma medida que se dispon%C3%ADa de mayor cantidad de datos, valores puntuales de los indicadores de la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras y progresivamente tendencias, que pon%C3%ADan de manifiesto el comportamiento estacional y temporal de esos indicadores.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9DG60</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Mar%C3%ADn, Bienvenido. Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. V%C3%A9lez, Ana Mar%C3%ADa.Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Ramirez, Gustavo. Cadavid, Betty. G%C3%B3mez, Martha. Troncoso, Walberto. Rozo</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2003</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2003</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2003</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9P01R</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsNewVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9XG6N</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El documento que se presenta contiene el an%C3%A1lisis de los datos sobre la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras de Colombia, recopilados a partir de informaci%C3%B3n secundaria y a trav%C3%A9s de dos a%C3%B1os de muestreos realizados conjuntamente por las entidades que conforman la REDCAM. Desde sus inicios, REDCAM ha contribuido de manera eficiente a partir de informaci%C3%B3n secundaria y los datos obtenidos de los muestreos realizados conjuntamente con las entidades que conforman el sistema, al manejo y control de tan importante recurso como son las aguas de los litorales colombianos. Los primeros informes iban mostrando en la misma medida que se dispon%C3%ADa de mayor cantidad de datos, valores puntuales de los indicadores de la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras y progresivamente tendencias, que pon%C3%ADan de manifiesto el comportamiento estacional y temporal de esos indicadores.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9DH7Q: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T12:11:48
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:45
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9DM84: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T07:52:25
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:38
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9DQ6D: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-05-07T14:28:06
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:10
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9DS3Z: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T11:47:33
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:28
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9DS3Z</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Garc%C3%ADa, Carolina. Arias, Leonardo. Hern%C3%A1ndez, Milena. L%C3%B3pez, %C3%81ngela. Sierra, Paula. Vivas, Janet. Pizarro, Juli%C3%A1n. R%C3%ADos, Juan David. Ram%C3%ADrez, Andrea. Arteaga, Martha. C%C3%A9sar, Julio. Freyre, Jos%C3%A9. Arteaga, Gerardo. Caviedes, Marcela. Barrero, Fernando. Rivas, Christian.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Indicadores en la Unidad de Manejo Integrado Guapi-Iscuand%C3%A9: caso piloto de implementaci%C3%B3n de indicadores de manejo integrado de la zona costera a escala local.</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2015</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>indicadores, manejo integrado de la zona costera, UMI Guapi-Iscuand%C3%A9</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2015</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8935-05-8</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">La UMI Guapi - Iscuand%C3%A9 corresponden a la m%C3%ADnima unidad de manejo para implementar estrategias tangibles de Manejo Integrado de la Zona Costera o MIZC a nivel local siguiendo la Pol%C3%ADtica Nacional Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sostenible de los Espacios Oce%C3%A1nicos y las Zonas costeras e Insulares de Colombia Nacional PNAOCI. La UMI es uno de los casos de estudios que desde el a%C3%B1o 2000 sirvieron como referente para la construcci%C3%B3n e implementaci%C3%B3n de estrategias regionales MIZC en Colombia y cuyos resultados sirvieron para retroalimentar en la pr%C3%A1ctica la PNAOCI. El territorio de la UMI corresponde a un %C3%A1rea de 2.485 km2 y se localiza hacia el suroccidente del pa%C3%ADs. Est%C3%A1 surcada por varios r%C3%ADos caudalosos como el Guapi y el Iscuand%C3%A9, con un paisaje eminentemente rural dominado por ecosistemas costeros de manglar y guandal.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Guapi, Iscuand%C3%A9. Colombia.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9DT6F: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-04-30T11:20:26
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:10
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9DW2M: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T04:45:30
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:08
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9DW2M</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Rico-Mej%C3%ADa, F. Rueda, M.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Manual para la pesca artesanal responsable de camar%C3%B3n en Colombia: adaptaci%C3%B3n de la red Suripera</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2011</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>pesca industrial, colombia, camar%C3%B3n</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2011</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-39-8</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR, COLCIENCIAS, INCODER.</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente manual resalta la problem%C3%A1tica de la pesca de camar%C3%B3n en Colombia y presenta un prototipo como alternativa de pesca artesanal limpia. Ilustra el dise%C3%B1o, construcci%C3%B3n y operaci%C3%B3n de esta innovaci%C3%B3n a lo largo del proyecto en el que participaron pescadores mexicanos y del Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Se muestran los principales resultados obtenidos en el proyecto de cara a la potencial introducci%C3%B3n legal del arte de pesca en nuestro pa%C3%ADs. As%C3%AD mismo, se resaltan los beneficios de una pesca ambientalmente amigable para el sector pesquero artesanal, contribuyendo al aprovechamiento sostenible del recurso y el mantenimiento de empleo, ingresos y seguridad alimentaria.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9DW2M</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Rico-Mej%C3%ADa, F. Rueda, M.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Manual para la pesca artesanal responsable de camar%C3%B3n en Colombia: adaptaci%C3%B3n de la red Suripera</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2011</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>pesca industrial, colombia, camar%C3%B3n</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2011</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-39-8</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>INVEMAR, COLCIENCIAS, INCODER.</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente manual resalta la problem%C3%A1tica de la pesca de camar%C3%B3n en Colombia y presenta un prototipo como alternativa de pesca artesanal limpia. Ilustra el dise%C3%B1o, construcci%C3%B3n y operaci%C3%B3n de esta innovaci%C3%B3n a lo largo del proyecto en el que participaron pescadores mexicanos y del Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Se muestran los principales resultados obtenidos en el proyecto de cara a la potencial introducci%C3%B3n legal del arte de pesca en nuestro pa%C3%ADs. As%C3%AD mismo, se resaltan los beneficios de una pesca ambientalmente amigable para el sector pesquero artesanal, contribuyendo al aprovechamiento sostenible del recurso y el mantenimiento de empleo, ingresos y seguridad alimentaria.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9F01K: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-02-09T04:24:36
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:06
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9F307: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T08:29:22
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:56
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9F307</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Reyna-Moreno, Juli%C3%A1n Augusto. Reyes-Garc%C3%ADa, Daiana. Monsalve-Renter%C3%ADa, Juan Camilo. Araque-Dur%C3%A1n, Juan Diego. Ome-Bar%C3%B3n, Tatiana. Gil-Rold%C3%A1n, Angela. Fajardo-Barreto, Germ%C3%A1n Dar%C3%ADo. Plata-Gonz%C3%A1lez, Javier.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Pol%C3%ADtica Nacional del Oc%C3%A9ano y los Espacios Costeros (PNOEC)</title></titles><publisher>Comisi%C3%B3n Colombiana del Oceano</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Pol%C3%ADtica Nacional del Oc%C3%A9ano y los Espacios Costeros (PNOEC)</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>Presidencia de la Rep%C3%BAblica Colombiana, Vicepresidencia Rep%C3%BAblica Colombiana, Comisi%C3%B3n Colombiana del Oceano - CCO</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-9689-9695-1-9</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este libro tiene como objetivo promover el desarrollo sostenible del oc%C3%A9ano y de los espacios costeros, as%C3%AD como de los intereses mar%C3%ADtimos de la Naci%C3%B3n, mediante la estructuraci%C3%B3n concertada y la puesta en marchade estrategias que permitan garantizar la cabal administraci%C3%B3n, aprovechamiento econ%C3%B3mico, beneficio p%C3%BAblico, conservaci%C3%B3n del ambiente, desarrollo sociocultural, vigilancia y control de dichos espacios jurisdiccionales.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9F59B: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-23T10:11:29
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:00
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9F59B</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Navas,Gabriel. Segura-Quintero, Carolina. Garrido-Linares, Manuel. Benavides-Serrato, Milena. Alonso-Carvajal, David.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Biodiversidad del Margen Continental del Caribe Colombiano</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2010</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>biodiversidad, taxonom%C3%ADa, caribe, ecolog%C3%ADa, colombia, sistemas de informaci%C3%B3n</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2010</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-29-9</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este libro tiene como objetivo el sintetizar la informaci%C3%B3n que sobre la plataforma y el talud del mar Caribe colombiano se ha recolectado, as%C3%AD como de los resultados obtenidos en las diferentes exploraciones, y proponer un portafolio de %C3%A1reas significativas para la biodiversidad marina</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe Colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9F59B</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Navas,Gabriel. Segura-Quintero, Carolina. Garrido-Linares, Manuel. Benavides-Serrato, Milena. Alonso-Carvajal, David.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Biodiversidad del Margen Continental del Caribe Colombiano</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2010</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>biodiversidad, taxonom%C3%ADa, caribe, ecolog%C3%ADa, colombia, sistemas de informaci%C3%B3n</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2010</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-29-9</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este libro tiene como objetivo el sintetizar la informaci%C3%B3n que sobre la plataforma y el talud del mar Caribe colombiano se ha recolectado, as%C3%AD como de los resultados obtenidos en las diferentes exploraciones, y proponer un portafolio de %C3%A1reas significativas para la biodiversidad marina</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe Colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9F61N: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-03-31T14:17:50
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:20
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9FG69: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-05T13:26:39
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:58
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9FG69</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Orjuela-Rojas, Alianis Mar%C3%ADa.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Caracterizaci%C3%B3n estructural del bosque de manglar entre los r%C3%ADos Palomino y Tapias en el Departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano</title></titles><publisher>Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Programa de Biolog%C3%ADa Marina</publisher><publicationYear>2008</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Baja Guajira, mangle, estructura, contrataci%C3%B3n.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="DataManager"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2008</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR y Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Programa de Biolog%C3%ADa Marina</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente trabajo tiene por objeto proporcionar informaci%C3%B3n relevante acerca del estado actual en t%C3%A9rminos de composici%C3%B3n, estructura y cobertura de los bosques de mangle presentes entre los r%C3%ADos Palomino y Tapias en el departamento de La Guajira, que servir%C3%A1 como aporte al proceso de zonificaci%C3%B3n del recurso con miras a construir propuestas de manejo, conservaci%C3%B3n y aprovechamiento de este ecosistema.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamento de la Guajira, Caribe Colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9FG69</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Orjuela-Rojas, Alianis Mar%C3%ADa.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Caracterizaci%C3%B3n estructural del bosque de manglar entre los r%C3%ADos Palomino y Tapias en el Departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Programa de Biolog%C3%ADa Marina</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2008</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Baja Guajira, mangle, estructura, contrataci%C3%B3n.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="DataManager">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2008</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR y Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Programa de Biolog%C3%ADa Marina</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente trabajo tiene por objeto proporcionar informaci%C3%B3n relevante acerca del estado actual en t%C3%A9rminos de composici%C3%B3n, estructura y cobertura de los bosques de mangle presentes entre los r%C3%ADos Palomino y Tapias en el departamento de La Guajira, que servir%C3%A1 como aporte al proceso de zonificaci%C3%B3n del recurso con miras a construir propuestas de manejo, conservaci%C3%B3n y aprovechamiento de este ecosistema.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Departamento de la Guajira, Caribe Colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9FG7P: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-03-15T13:07:06
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:16
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9FK5Z: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-26T15:36:06
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:42
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9FK5Z</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Ospina-Salazar,Gloria. G%C3%B3mez-Le%C3%B3n, Javier. Herrera, Jair. Vargas, Myriam. Santos-Acevedo, Marisol.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Elementos t%C3%A9cnicos y generaci%C3%B3n de capacidad para el ordenamiento y manejo de los espacios y recursos marinos, costeros e insulares de Colombia. C%C3%B3digo: ACT-VAR-001-013. Informe t%C3%A9cnico final. Componente 5: Comercio de organismos ornamentales marinos</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2013</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>organismos, ornamentales, marinos, comercio, colombia, especias, mercado</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2013</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="DOI" relationType="IsContinuedBy">10.21239/V99W2P</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">En el pa%C3%ADs, el comercio de ornamentales se centra exclusivamente en la exportaci%C3%B3n de peces de agua dulce; de acuerdo con la resoluci%C3%B3n 3532 de 2007 expedida por el Instituto Colombiano de Desarrollo Rural %E2%80%93 INCODER, el listado asciente actualmente a 444 especies provenientes en su mayor%C3%ADa de la orinoqu%C3%ADa y amazon%C3%ADa colombianas, siendo una actividad en su mayor%C3%ADa extractiva. Aunque se adelantan investigaciones para ampliar el conocimiento biol%C3%B3gico y ecol%C3%B3gico de estas especies, a%C3%BAn no existe suficiente informaci%C3%B3n que permita evaluar la sostenibilidad y aprovechamiento de estos productos y las cuotas establecidas por la Autoridad Nacional de Acuicultura y Pesca - AUNAP se basan en los registros generados en la cadena de comercializaci%C3%B3n. Colombia es reconocida por su abundancia de recursos h%C3%ADdricos y diversidad, elementos claves en la pol%C3%ADtica ambiental y de desarrollo econ%C3%B3mico del pa%C3%ADs; sin embargo, esta riqueza se encuentra amenazada por el deterioro ambiental, sobreexplotaci%C3%B3n y pr%C3%A1cticas productivas inapropiadas que hacen necesario elaborar estrategias y planes que contengan programas de conservaci%C3%B3n, manejo adecuado y sanitario de las especies y estudios de mercadeo para un uso racional de esta actividad (Santos-Acevedo et al., 2011)</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Espacios y recursos marinos, costeros e insulares de Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9FK5Z</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Ospina-Salazar,Gloria. G%C3%B3mez-Le%C3%B3n, Javier. Herrera, Jair. Vargas, Myriam. Santos-Acevedo, Marisol.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Elementos t%C3%A9cnicos y generaci%C3%B3n de capacidad para el ordenamiento y manejo de los espacios y recursos marinos, costeros e insulares de Colombia. C%C3%B3digo: ACT-VAR-001-013. Informe t%C3%A9cnico final. Componente 5: Comercio de organismos ornamentales marinos</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2013</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>organismos, ornamentales, marinos, comercio, colombia, especias, mercado</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2013</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="DOI" relationType="IsContinuedBy">10.21239/V99W2P</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">En el pa%C3%ADs, el comercio de ornamentales se centra exclusivamente en la exportaci%C3%B3n de peces de agua dulce; de acuerdo con la resoluci%C3%B3n 3532 de 2007 expedida por el Instituto Colombiano de Desarrollo Rural %E2%80%93 INCODER, el listado asciente actualmente a 444 especies provenientes en su mayor%C3%ADa de la orinoqu%C3%ADa y amazon%C3%ADa colombianas, siendo una actividad en su mayor%C3%ADa extractiva. Aunque se adelantan investigaciones para ampliar el conocimiento biol%C3%B3gico y ecol%C3%B3gico de estas especies, a%C3%BAn no existe suficiente informaci%C3%B3n que permita evaluar la sostenibilidad y aprovechamiento de estos productos y las cuotas establecidas por la Autoridad Nacional de Acuicultura y Pesca - AUNAP se basan en los registros generados en la cadena de comercializaci%C3%B3n. Colombia es reconocida por su abundancia de recursos h%C3%ADdricos y diversidad, elementos claves en la pol%C3%ADtica ambiental y de desarrollo econ%C3%B3mico del pa%C3%ADs; sin embargo, esta riqueza se encuentra amenazada por el deterioro ambiental, sobreexplotaci%C3%B3n y pr%C3%A1cticas productivas inapropiadas que hacen necesario elaborar estrategias y planes que contengan programas de conservaci%C3%B3n, manejo adecuado y sanitario de las especies y estudios de mercadeo para un uso racional de esta actividad (Santos-Acevedo et al., 2011)</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Espacios y recursos marinos, costeros e insulares de Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9FM8F: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T06:44:35
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:15
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9FS38: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T08:12:08
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:46
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9FS38</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Vivas-Aguas, J. . Vargas-Morales, M. Guillen-O%C3%B1ate, K. Villarraga, M. S%C3%A1nchez, D.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Vulnerabilidad de la poblaci%C3%B3n costera frente a la contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica y microbiol%C3%B3gica en la bah%C3%ADa de Buenaventura</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>contaminaci%C3%B3n, organica, buenaventura, ecosist%C3%A9micos</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-88-6</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Con el prop%C3%B3sito de valorar los efectos e impactos que ocasiona la contaminaci%C3%B3n, la susceptibilidad al deterioro de funciones ecol%C3%B3gicas, servicios ecosist%C3%A9micos, y la capacidad de adaptaci%C3%B3n, se llev%C3%B3 a cabo el an%C3%A1lisis integrado de amenazas y vulnerabilidad ante la contaminaci%C3%B3n org%C3%A1nica y microbiol%C3%B3gica en los ecosistemas y la poblaci%C3%B3n de la isla Cascajal del municipio de Buenaventura, donde se ubica el puerto multiprop%C3%B3sito m%C3%A1s importante del litoral Pac%C3%ADfico (Alcald%C3%ADa de Buenaventura, 2014). Esta informaci%C3%B3n permitir%C3%A1 plantear alternativas que eviten o mitiguen el deterioro de la franja marino- costera.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>La Bah%C3%ADa de Buenaventura, Colombia.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
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doi:10.21239/V9FW2X: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T14:40:57
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:46
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9FW2X</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Maldonado, J.H., Moreno-S%C3%A1nchez, R., Mendoza, S.L., L%C3%B3pez Rodr%C3%ADguez, A., Alonso, D., Sierra-Correa, P.C</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Viabilidad socioecon%C3%B3mica del establecimiento de un AMP: la capacidad adaptativa de la comunidad de Nuqu%C3%AD (Choc%C3%B3)</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2010</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>%C3%A1reas marinas protegidas, capacidad adaptativa, comunidades locales, nuqu%C3%AD, pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2010</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-31-2</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">La planificaci%C3%B3n de la conservaci%C3%B3n requiere incorporar no solo criterios ecol%C3%B3gicos sino tambi%C3%A9n criterios socioecon%C3%B3micos que permitan conocer las caracter%C3%ADsticas de las comunidades locales y su capacidad de adaptaci%C3%B3n a cambios institucionales que afecten o restrinjan el acceso y uso de los recursos, como es el caso del establecimiento de %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas %E2%80%93 AMP (Cinner et al., 2010; McClanahan et al., 2009). Conscientes de la necesidad de integrar los criterios ecol%C3%B3gicos con criterios sociales en el proceso de selecci%C3%B3n de sitios para el establecimiento de AMP, el INVEMAR, con el apoyo log%C3%ADstico de la fundaci%C3%B3n MARVIVA y el apoyo t%C3%A9cnico del Grupo de Estudios en Econom%C3%ADa de Medio Ambiente y de Recursos Naturales de la Facultad de Econom%C3%ADa de la Universidad de los Andes -GEMAR-, seleccion%C3%B3 entre los sitios propuestos como prioritarios por sus caracter%C3%ADsticas ecol%C3%B3gicas, la zona del golfo de Tribug%C3%A1, espec%C3%ADficamente, la comunidad del municipio de Nuqu%C3%AD, como un caso piloto en el Pac%C3%ADfico para aplicar una metodolog%C3%ADa participativa que permitiera una aproximaci%C3%B3n al entendimiento de la capacidad adaptativa de la comunidad.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Nuqu%C3%AD, Choco, Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9G01W: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T07:26:48
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:04
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9G028: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-02-03T08:19:07
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:06
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9G30J: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-16T06:21:31
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:39
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9G30J</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Mazenett-Gutierrez, Javier. Santos, Marisol. Puentes, Carlos. Gomez, Javier.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Evaluaci%C3%B3n de la capacidad antifouling de extractos crudos y fracciones de diez especies de invertebrados marinos utilizando geles inertes</title></titles><publisher>Universidad del Magdalena, Facultad de Ciencias B%C3%A1sicas, Programa de Biolog%C3%ADa</publisher><publicationYear>2012</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>bioprospecci%C3%B3n, esponjas, A. lacunosa, B. cribaria, C. kuekenthali, H. glaberrima y P. nigra,tubulata, M. gyroderma y S. coccinea</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2012</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este estudio se realiz%C3%B3 con el fin de valorar las potencialidades de los productos naturales marinos (PNM) de diez invertebrados marinos (8 esponjas, 1 tunicado y 1 equinodermo) evaluando la capacidad antifouling (caracter%C3%ADstica qu%C3%ADmica que tiene un recubrimiento (pintura o primer) para evitar la acumulaci%C3%B3n por adherencia de microorganismos marinos (algas, moluscos), en los cascos de las embarcaciones expuestas al agua de mar) de extractos crudos y fracciones org%C3%A1nicas y acuosas de estos organismos.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9G30J</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Mazenett-Gutierrez, Javier. Santos, Marisol. Puentes, Carlos. Gomez, Javier.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Evaluaci%C3%B3n de la capacidad antifouling de extractos crudos y fracciones de diez especies de invertebrados marinos utilizando geles inertes</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>Universidad del Magdalena, Facultad de Ciencias B%C3%A1sicas, Programa de Biolog%C3%ADa</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2012</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>bioprospecci%C3%B3n, esponjas, A. lacunosa, B. cribaria, C. kuekenthali, H. glaberrima y P. nigra,tubulata, M. gyroderma y S. coccinea</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2012</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este estudio se realiz%C3%B3 con el fin de valorar las potencialidades de los productos naturales marinos (PNM) de diez invertebrados marinos (8 esponjas, 1 tunicado y 1 equinodermo) evaluando la capacidad antifouling (caracter%C3%ADstica qu%C3%ADmica que tiene un recubrimiento (pintura o primer) para evitar la acumulaci%C3%B3n por adherencia de microorganismos marinos (algas, moluscos), en los cascos de las embarcaciones expuestas al agua de mar) de extractos crudos y fracciones org%C3%A1nicas y acuosas de estos organismos.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9G431: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-09T04:18:11
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:55
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9G59N: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-23T06:56:00
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:10
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9G889: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-07T15:32:22
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:08
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9G889</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Sierra, Paula Cristina. Vides, Martha Patricia. Arias-Isaza Francisco A.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Adaptaci%C3%B3n Costera al Ascenso del Nivel del Mar (Cartagena)</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2008</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Cambio climatico, vulnerabilidad al ascenso del nivel del mar</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2008</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente bolet%C3%ADn tiene como objetivo dar una visi%C3%B3n sobre los efectos de cambio clim%C3%A1tico, particularmente el ascenso del nivel del mar y su impacto sobre las costas del Distrito de C%C3%A1rtagena; por tal motivo se provee un marco estrat%C3%A9gico gu%C3%ADa que permita enfocar las futuras investigaciones sobre la problem%C3%A1tica. Para finalizar se espera que los administradores locales de San Andr%C3%A9s de Tumaco identifiquen, desarrollen, acertadas medidas de implementaci%C3%B3n sobre adaptaci%C3%B3n del cambio clim%C3%A1tico.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Cartagena de Indias, Departamento de Bolivar. Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9G889</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Sierra, Paula Cristina. Vides, Martha Patricia. Arias-Isaza Francisco A.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Adaptaci%C3%B3n Costera al Ascenso del Nivel del Mar (Cartagena)</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2008</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Cambio climatico, vulnerabilidad al ascenso del nivel del mar</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2008</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente bolet%C3%ADn tiene como objetivo dar una visi%C3%B3n sobre los efectos de cambio clim%C3%A1tico, particularmente el ascenso del nivel del mar y su impacto sobre las costas del Distrito de C%C3%A1rtagena; por tal motivo se provee un marco estrat%C3%A9gico gu%C3%ADa que permita enfocar las futuras investigaciones sobre la problem%C3%A1tica. Para finalizar se espera que los administradores locales de San Andr%C3%A9s de Tumaco identifiquen, desarrollen, acertadas medidas de implementaci%C3%B3n sobre adaptaci%C3%B3n del cambio clim%C3%A1tico.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Cartagena de Indias, Departamento de Bolivar. Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9G991: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-07-12T14:51:40
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:25
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9GB0Z: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T13:01:00
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:46
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9GC7Z: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-04T12:15:21
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:49
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9GC7Z</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Alonso, David. Sierra, Clara. Rojas, Ximena. Londo%C3%B1o, Marelvis. Barrios, Lina. Restrepo, Jorge. Bejarano, Sonia. L%C3%B3pez, %C3%81ngela. P%C3%A9rez, Ana. Osorio, Clara. Mart%C3%ADnez, Luis. Osorio, David. Rojas, Jaime. Perez, Liliana.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Resoluci%C3%B3n n%C3%BAmero 0456. Elaboraci%C3%B3n de un modelo de desarrollo sostenible para los Archipi%C3%A9lagos de Nuestra Se%C3%B1ora del Rosario y de San Bernardo</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2003</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Problem%C3%A1tica ambiental, estado del aire, AMP, zonificaci%C3%B3n, escenarios, %C3%A1rea, marina, protegida, f%C3%ADsico, climatolog%C3%ADa, oceanograf%C3%ADa, hidrograf%C3%ADa, geolog%C3%ADa, geomorfolog%C3%ADa, suelos, ecosistemas, terrestre, bi%C3%B3tico, socioecon%C3%B3mico, diagn%C3%B3stico, f%C3%ADsico, zonas, protecci%C3%B3n, recuperaci%C3%B3n, sostenible, especial, MIZC</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2003</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ARK" relationType="IsContinuedBy">ark:/81239/m9hg63</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR, El Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial-MAVDT, Corporaci%C3%B3n Aut%C3%B3noma Regional del Canal del Dique %E2%80%93CARDIQUE, Distrito Tur%C3%ADstico, Hist%C3%B3rico y Cultural de Cartagena de Indias, Establecimiento Publico Ambiental de Cartagena de Indias %E2%80%93EPAC.</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta actividad surge a ra%C3%ADz de la resoluci%C3%B3n 0456 que emiti%C3%B3 el Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y desarrollo territorial en abril de 2003 y que ordena la elaboraci%C3%B3n de un Modelo de Desarrollo Sostenible para los Archipi%C3%A9lagos, donde se adopten medidas que permitan la restauraci%C3%B3n, conservaci%C3%B3n, manejo y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas presentes en el %C3%A1rea como apoyo a las comunidades locales. Este trabajo ha sido orientado a trav%C3%A9s de un proceso participativo y flexible en el marco del Manejo Integrado de Zonas Costeras -MIZC, como herramienta metodol%C3%B3gica para la elaboraci%C3%B3n de un Modelo de Desarrollo Sostenible para el AMP. La formulaci%C3%B3n de este modelo parte de cinco objetivos espec%C3%ADficos que buscan a partir de la definici%C3%B3n de criterios (bi%C3%B3ticos, econ%C3%B3micos, pol%C3%ADticos administrativos, jur%C3%ADdicos, socioculturales) orientar la delimitaci%C3%B3n del AMP para realizar su zonificaci%C3%B3n y plan de manejo.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Archipi%C3%A9lagos de Nuestra Se%C3%B1ora del Rosario y de San Bernardo</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9GC7Z</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Alonso, David. Sierra, Clara. Rojas, Ximena. Londo%C3%B1o, Marelvis. Barrios, Lina. Restrepo, Jorge. Bejarano, Sonia. L%C3%B3pez, %C3%81ngela. P%C3%A9rez, Ana. Osorio, Clara. Mart%C3%ADnez, Luis. Osorio, David. Rojas, Jaime. Perez, Liliana.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Resoluci%C3%B3n n%C3%BAmero 0456. Elaboraci%C3%B3n de un modelo de desarrollo sostenible para los Archipi%C3%A9lagos de Nuestra Se%C3%B1ora del Rosario y de San Bernardo</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2003</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Problem%C3%A1tica ambiental, estado del aire, AMP, zonificaci%C3%B3n, escenarios, %C3%A1rea, marina, protegida, f%C3%ADsico, climatolog%C3%ADa, oceanograf%C3%ADa, hidrograf%C3%ADa, geolog%C3%ADa, geomorfolog%C3%ADa, suelos, ecosistemas, terrestre, bi%C3%B3tico, socioecon%C3%B3mico, diagn%C3%B3stico, f%C3%ADsico, zonas, protecci%C3%B3n, recuperaci%C3%B3n, sostenible, especial, MIZC</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2003</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ARK" relationType="IsContinuedBy">ark:/81239/m9hg63</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR, El Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial-MAVDT, Corporaci%C3%B3n Aut%C3%B3noma Regional del Canal del Dique %E2%80%93CARDIQUE, Distrito Tur%C3%ADstico, Hist%C3%B3rico y Cultural de Cartagena de Indias, Establecimiento Publico Ambiental de Cartagena de Indias %E2%80%93EPAC.</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta actividad surge a ra%C3%ADz de la resoluci%C3%B3n 0456 que emiti%C3%B3 el Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y desarrollo territorial en abril de 2003 y que ordena la elaboraci%C3%B3n de un Modelo de Desarrollo Sostenible para los Archipi%C3%A9lagos, donde se adopten medidas que permitan la restauraci%C3%B3n, conservaci%C3%B3n, manejo y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas presentes en el %C3%A1rea como apoyo a las comunidades locales. Este trabajo ha sido orientado a trav%C3%A9s de un proceso participativo y flexible en el marco del Manejo Integrado de Zonas Costeras -MIZC, como herramienta metodol%C3%B3gica para la elaboraci%C3%B3n de un Modelo de Desarrollo Sostenible para el AMP. La formulaci%C3%B3n de este modelo parte de cinco objetivos espec%C3%ADficos que buscan a partir de la definici%C3%B3n de criterios (bi%C3%B3ticos, econ%C3%B3micos, pol%C3%ADticos administrativos, jur%C3%ADdicos, socioculturales) orientar la delimitaci%C3%B3n del AMP para realizar su zonificaci%C3%B3n y plan de manejo.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Archipi%C3%A9lagos de Nuestra Se%C3%B1ora del Rosario y de San Bernardo</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9GD92: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T11:14:59
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:14
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9GG6M: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-03-14T07:00:20
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:35
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9GK58: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-26T13:22:46
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:09
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9GK58</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Villamil, Calos. Reyes,Paola. Rozo, Daniel. Blanco, Angela.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Actualizaci%C3%B3n de la l%C3%ADnea base de flora y fauna marina y costera del Parque Regional Old Point: componente manglares</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2008</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>An%C3%A1lisis, cartogr%C3%A1fico, manglares, geom%C3%A9trica, atmosf%C3%A9rica, NDVI, bi%C3%B3tica, Old Point, mangrove park</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2008</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El Parque Regional Old Point o mejor conocido como Old Point Regional Mangrove Park es el sistema de manglares de borde m%C3%A1s extenso de San Andr%C3%A9s. Est%C3%A1 ubicado entre las bah%C3%ADas Hooker y Haines, en el costado oriental de la isla. Predominan las cuatro especies de mangle (Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa, Conocarpus erectus). Con su declaraci%C3%B3n en el a%C3%B1o 2001 como parque regional se protege su fauna y flora y se regula el uso del suelo y de las actividades que all%C3%AD se desarrollen. Este espacio brinda nuevas oportunidades para que la sociedad civil se integre a las acciones que la Corporaci%C3%B3n tiene dispuesto para la recreaci%C3%B3n, conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de este ambiente.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>El Archipi%C3%A9lago de San Andr%C3%A9s, Parque Regional Old Point</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9GK58</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Villamil, Calos. Reyes,Paola. Rozo, Daniel. Blanco, Angela.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Actualizaci%C3%B3n de la l%C3%ADnea base de flora y fauna marina y costera del Parque Regional Old Point: componente manglares</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2008</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>An%C3%A1lisis, cartogr%C3%A1fico, manglares, geom%C3%A9trica, atmosf%C3%A9rica, NDVI, bi%C3%B3tica, Old Point, mangrove park</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2008</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El Parque Regional Old Point o mejor conocido como Old Point Regional Mangrove Park es el sistema de manglares de borde m%C3%A1s extenso de San Andr%C3%A9s. Est%C3%A1 ubicado entre las bah%C3%ADas Hooker y Haines, en el costado oriental de la isla. Predominan las cuatro especies de mangle (Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa, Conocarpus erectus). Con su declaraci%C3%B3n en el a%C3%B1o 2001 como parque regional se protege su fauna y flora y se regula el uso del suelo y de las actividades que all%C3%AD se desarrollen. Este espacio brinda nuevas oportunidades para que la sociedad civil se integre a las acciones que la Corporaci%C3%B3n tiene dispuesto para la recreaci%C3%B3n, conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de este ambiente.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>El Archipi%C3%A9lago de San Andr%C3%A9s, Parque Regional Old Point</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9GM7C: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T05:25:49
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:50
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9GP4X: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T07:23:01
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:53
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9GP4X</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>G%C3%B3mez-L%C3%B3pez, D. Navarrete- Ram%C3%ADrez, S. Navas-Camacho, R. D%C3%ADaz-S%C3%A1nchez, C. Mu%C3%B1oz-Escobar, L. Galeano, E.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Protocolo Indicador Condici%C3%B3n Tendencia Pradera de Pastos Marinos (ICTPM)</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Praderas de pastos marinos, condici%C3%B3n tendencia, integridad bi%C3%B3tica, SeagrassNet, monitoreo, indicadores, Subsistema de %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP).</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-72-5</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Establecer indicadores para proveer informaci%C3%B3n sobre la condici%C3%B3n y los cambios de los sistemas naturales, permite entender, por medio de medidas pr%C3%A1cticas y cuantitativas, los conceptos abstractos de salud, integridad y estado de conservaci%C3%B3n de los mismos. Adicionalmente, estos indicadores facilitan la obtenci%C3%B3n de reportes de la condici%C3%B3n ecosist%C3%A9mica, panor%C3%A1micos e instant%C3%A1neos, y la observaci%C3%B3n de cambios y desarrollo a trav%C3%A9s del tiempo. Lo anterior, con el fin de establecer diagn%C3%B3sticos tempranos, llevar un control eficiente, evaluar las medidas de manejo y conservaci%C3%B3n y, de ser necesario, tomar nuevas decisiones con efectividad y a tiempo.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe colombiano, continental e insular</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9GP4X</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>G%C3%B3mez-L%C3%B3pez, D. Navarrete- Ram%C3%ADrez, S. Navas-Camacho, R. D%C3%ADaz-S%C3%A1nchez, C. Mu%C3%B1oz-Escobar, L. Galeano, E.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Protocolo Indicador Condici%C3%B3n Tendencia Pradera de Pastos Marinos (ICTPM)</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Praderas de pastos marinos, condici%C3%B3n tendencia, integridad bi%C3%B3tica, SeagrassNet, monitoreo, indicadores, Subsistema de %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP).</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-72-5</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Establecer indicadores para proveer informaci%C3%B3n sobre la condici%C3%B3n y los cambios de los sistemas naturales, permite entender, por medio de medidas pr%C3%A1cticas y cuantitativas, los conceptos abstractos de salud, integridad y estado de conservaci%C3%B3n de los mismos. Adicionalmente, estos indicadores facilitan la obtenci%C3%B3n de reportes de la condici%C3%B3n ecosist%C3%A9mica, panor%C3%A1micos e instant%C3%A1neos, y la observaci%C3%B3n de cambios y desarrollo a trav%C3%A9s del tiempo. Lo anterior, con el fin de establecer diagn%C3%B3sticos tempranos, llevar un control eficiente, evaluar las medidas de manejo y conservaci%C3%B3n y, de ser necesario, tomar nuevas decisiones con efectividad y a tiempo.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe colombiano, continental e insular</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9GS3K: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-02-23T13:47:18
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:16
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9GW27: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T12:53:30
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:05
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9GW27</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez, A. Sierra-Correa, P. Rodr%C3%ADguez-Pel%C3%A1ez, J. Hern%C3%A1ndez-Ortiz, M.; Mu%C3%B1oz, C. Satizabal, C. Zamudio, J. Almario, G. Bola%C3%B1os, J. Prieto, L.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Ordenamiento ambiental de los manglares del municipio de L%C3%B3pez de Micay, departamento del Cauca (Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano).</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2009</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, MAVDT, CRC</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2009</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsReferencedBy" relatedIdentifierType="ISBN">978-958-8448-14-5</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="ARK">ark:/81239/m9488c</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente documento muestra los resultados en el proceso de ordenamiento de los manglares de L%C3%B3pez de Micay, con base en el an%C3%A1lisis de la informaci%C3%B3n obtenida en el trabajo de campo, los talleres con actores locales y los talleres t%C3%A9cnicos con la CRC.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Municipio de L%C3%B3pez de Mica, departamento del Cauca, Pac%C3%ADfico Colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
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doi:10.21239/V9H016: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T05:49:58
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:26
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9H016</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Solano-Plazas, Oscar David.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Informe del Estado de los Ambientes Marinos y Costeros en Colombia 2000</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2000</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>arrecifes coralinos, manglares, praderas, fondos sedimentarios, lagunas costeras, estuarios, playas y litorales rocosos</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2000</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este informe presenta un diagn%C3%B3stico realizado por especialistas del INVEMAR e incluye informaci%C3%B3n proveniente del intercambio cient%C3%ADfico y t%C3%A9cnico con otras organizaciones que hacen parte del Sistema Nacional Ambiental (SINA), como el Centro de Investigaciones Oceanogr%C3%A1ficas e Hidrogr%C3%A1ficas, el Instituto Geogr%C3%A1fico Agust%C3%ADn Codazzi, las Universidades del Norte y Nacional de Colombia, sede San Andr%C3%A9s, el Centro de Control de Contaminaci%C3%B3n del Pac%C3%ADfico y las Corporaciones Aut%C3%B3nomas Regionales del Valle del Cauca, del Magdalena y del Atl%C3%A1ntico.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Costa pac%C3%ADfico y costa Caribe Colombiana</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9H30V: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-11T04:23:05
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:01
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9H30V</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Castellanos, Gustavo. Espinosa, Silvana. Guevara, Carlos. Lazarus, Juan. L%C3%B3pez, Luz. Molina, Fernanda. Oviedo, %C3%81ngela. Parra, Germ%C3%A1n. Segura, Juan.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Bases cient%C3%ADficas y valoraci%C3%B3n de la biodiversidad marina y costera de Bah%C3%ADa M%C3%A1laga (Valle del Cauca), como uno de los instrumentos necesarios para que sea considerada %C3%A1rea protegida</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2006</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>valoraci%C3%B3n biol%C3%B3gica, biodiversidad, geolog%C3%ADa, biolog%C3%ADa marina, ecolog%C3%ADa.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, UNIVALLE - INCIVA.</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2006</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Se realiza un estudio para ampliar el conocimiento y lograr la valoraci%C3%B3n biol%C3%B3gica de la Bah%C3%ADa M%C3%A1laga basado en la presencia de especies, ecosistemas, h%C3%A1bitats y su correlaci%C3%B3n, a trav%C3%A9s de la actualizaci%C3%B3n sobre la informaci%C3%B3n biol%C3%B3gica existente a la fecha. Se elabor%C3%B3 un an%C3%A1lisis hist%C3%B3rico del conocimiento de la biodiversidad dentro de un contexto socio-cultural, econ%C3%B3mico y pol%C3%ADtico actual para que desde los otros sectores (gubernamental, no-gubernamental y comunidades) fuera %C3%BAtil para sus procesos en la zona y brindar datos para apoyar la educaci%C3%B3n, investigaci%C3%B3n, toma de decisiones relacionados con la diversidad biol%C3%B3gica de la bah%C3%ADa, su mar y su costa, ecosistemas marinos y costeros, composici%C3%B3n geol%C3%B3gica, biol%C3%B3gica y su din%C3%A1mica ecol%C3%B3gica.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Bah%C3%ADa M%C3%A1laga- Valle del Cauca</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9H43B: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-05T05:24:08
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:07
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9H59Z: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-19T14:20:06
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:36
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9H707: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-07-14T06:34:12
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:27
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9H88M: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-06T08:45:01
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:48
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9H88M</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Cadavid, Betty. S%C3%A1nchez, Jose. Parra, Juan. Narv%C3%A1ez, Silvia. Arag%C3%B3n, Osman. Arias-Alem%C3%A1n, Leonardo. Serrano, Halbin. Fl%C3%B3rez, Deivis. Bautista, Paola. Espinosa, Luisa. Tosic, Marko. Navarro, Ennel. Hoyos, Anderson. Vides, Jos%C3%A9. Ibarra, Karen. Quintero, Marin%C3%A9s. Rodr%C3%ADguez, Diana. Carvajalino, Marcos.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2011</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2011</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2011</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9N01F</relatedIdentifier><relatedIdentifier relationType="IsNewVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9CG6P</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El documento que se presenta contiene el an%C3%A1lisis de los datos sobre la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras de Colombia, recopilados a partir de informaci%C3%B3n secundaria y a trav%C3%A9s de dos a%C3%B1os de muestreos realizados conjuntamente por las entidades que conforman la REDCAM. Se utiliz%C3%B3 un %C3%ADndice de calidad de aguas marinas y costeras (ICAM), que mediante una f%C3%B3rmula matem%C3%A1tica integra los par%C3%A1metros monitoreados. La aplicaci%C3%B3n del %C3%ADndice muestra que las %C3%A1reas con mayores problemas de calidad de sus aguas se encuentran a lo largo de la costa caribe%C3%B1a sur-oeste, entre el Golfo de Urab%C3%A1 (Antioquia) y Golfo de Morrosquillo. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que en todas las %C3%A1reas marinas y costeras de Colombia hay problemas espec%C3%ADficos de la calidad de agua, destacando la necesidad de desarrollar estrategias de manejo de los recursos h%C3%ADdricos, fuentes de contaminaci%C3%B3n y las zonas costeras.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9H88M</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Garay, Jes%C3%BAs. Vivas, Lizbeth. Betancourt, Juli%C3%A1n. Cadavid, Betty. S%C3%A1nchez, Jose. Parra, Juan. Narv%C3%A1ez, Silvia. Arag%C3%B3n, Osman. Arias-Alem%C3%A1n, Leonardo. Serrano, Halbin. Fl%C3%B3rez, Deivis. Bautista, Paola. Espinosa, Luisa. Tosic, Marko. Navarro, Ennel. Hoyos, Anderson. Vides, Jos%C3%A9. Ibarra, Karen. Quintero, Marin%C3%A9s. Rodr%C3%ADguez, Diana. Carvajalino, Marcos.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Diagn%C3%B3stico y evaluaci%C3%B3n de la calidad ambiental marina en el Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano. Red de Vigilancia para la conservaci%C3%B3n y protecci%C3%B3n de las aguas marias y Costeras de Colombia. REDCAM 2011</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2011</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, CIOH, DAMARENA, CORALINA, CORPOGUAJIRA, CORPAMAG, CRA, CARDIQUE, CARSUCRE, CVS, CORPOURABA, CODECHOCO, CVS, CRC, CORPONARI%C3%91O</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2011</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsPreviousVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9N01F</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relationType="IsNewVersionOf" relatedIdentifierType="DOI">doi:10.21239/V9CG6P</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El documento que se presenta contiene el an%C3%A1lisis de los datos sobre la calidad de las aguas marinas y costeras de Colombia, recopilados a partir de informaci%C3%B3n secundaria y a trav%C3%A9s de dos a%C3%B1os de muestreos realizados conjuntamente por las entidades que conforman la REDCAM. Se utiliz%C3%B3 un %C3%ADndice de calidad de aguas marinas y costeras (ICAM), que mediante una f%C3%B3rmula matem%C3%A1tica integra los par%C3%A1metros monitoreados. La aplicaci%C3%B3n del %C3%ADndice muestra que las %C3%A1reas con mayores problemas de calidad de sus aguas se encuentran a lo largo de la costa caribe%C3%B1a sur-oeste, entre el Golfo de Urab%C3%A1 (Antioquia) y Golfo de Morrosquillo. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que en todas las %C3%A1reas marinas y costeras de Colombia hay problemas espec%C3%ADficos de la calidad de agua, destacando la necesidad de desarrollar estrategias de manejo de los recursos h%C3%ADdricos, fuentes de contaminaci%C3%B3n y las zonas costeras.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Caribe y Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9HC78: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-28T13:03:36
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:39
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9HC78</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Romero-Quete, Astrid Jhoamna.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Estudio sedimentol%C3%B3gico de la plataforma continental de la guajira entre los 10 y 50 m de profundidad</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2006</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>geogr%C3%A1ficas, fisiograf%C3%ADa, climatolog%C3%ADa, hidrograf%C3%ADa, vegetaci%C3%B3n, suelos, oceanograf%C3%ADa, geol%C3%B3gico, laboratorio, Guajira, sedimentolog%C3%ADa, carbonatada</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="DataManager"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2006</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este estudio pretende contribuir a un conocimiento cient%C3%ADfico m%C3%A1s amplio sobre los sedimentos que constituyen la cobertura de la plataforma Continental de la Guajira en el Caribe Colombiano, complementando as%C3%AD los resultados obtenidos en trabajos anteriores y sirviendo como fuente de informaci%C3%B3n en trabajos de sedimentolog%C3%ADa y paleoecolog%C3%ADa.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9HC78</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Romero-Quete, Astrid Jhoamna.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Estudio sedimentol%C3%B3gico de la plataforma continental de la guajira entre los 10 y 50 m de profundidad</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2006</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>geogr%C3%A1ficas, fisiograf%C3%ADa, climatolog%C3%ADa, hidrograf%C3%ADa, vegetaci%C3%B3n, suelos, oceanograf%C3%ADa, geol%C3%B3gico, laboratorio, Guajira, sedimentolog%C3%ADa, carbonatada</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="DataManager">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2006</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este estudio pretende contribuir a un conocimiento cient%C3%ADfico m%C3%A1s amplio sobre los sedimentos que constituyen la cobertura de la plataforma Continental de la Guajira en el Caribe Colombiano, complementando as%C3%AD los resultados obtenidos en trabajos anteriores y sirviendo como fuente de informaci%C3%B3n en trabajos de sedimentolog%C3%ADa y paleoecolog%C3%ADa.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9HF09: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T10:23:11
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:51
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9HG6X: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-26T07:41:20
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:19
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9HG6X</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>G%C3%B3mez-Lopez, D. D%C3%ADaz, C. Galeano, E. Mu%C3%B1oz, L. Navas, R. Mill%C3%A1n, S. Bola%C3%B1os, J. Garcia, C.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Informe t%C3%A9cnico Final Proyecto de Actualizacion atlas pastos marinos de Colombia</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2014</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>pastos, cartograf%C3%ADa, atlas, Guajira, San Bernardo, Choco, ecosistemas</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2014</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR, FONADE</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">En el documento a continuaci%C3%B3n se presentan espec%C3%ADficamente los resultados del trabajo de investigaci%C3%B3n y levantamiento en campo de informaci%C3%B3n del ecosistema de pastos marinos en t%C3%A9rminos de su presencia y extensi%C3%B3n en tres %C3%A1reas del Caribe (Guajira, Punta San Bernardo y Choc%C3%B3 caribe%C3%B1o) su caracterizaci%C3%B3n y estado actual y el link del geoservicio web Atlas de Pastos Marinos realizado para el 100%25 de la extensi%C3%B3n de los pastos marinos en el Caribe Colombiano.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Guajira, Punta San Bernardo y Choc%C3%B3. Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9HG6X</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>G%C3%B3mez-Lopez, D. D%C3%ADaz, C. Galeano, E. Mu%C3%B1oz, L. Navas, R. Mill%C3%A1n, S. Bola%C3%B1os, J. Garcia, C.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Informe t%C3%A9cnico Final Proyecto de Actualizacion atlas pastos marinos de Colombia</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2014</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>pastos, cartograf%C3%ADa, atlas, Guajira, San Bernardo, Choco, ecosistemas</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2014</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>INVEMAR, FONADE</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">En el documento a continuaci%C3%B3n se presentan espec%C3%ADficamente los resultados del trabajo de investigaci%C3%B3n y levantamiento en campo de informaci%C3%B3n del ecosistema de pastos marinos en t%C3%A9rminos de su presencia y extensi%C3%B3n en tres %C3%A1reas del Caribe (Guajira, Punta San Bernardo y Choc%C3%B3 caribe%C3%B1o) su caracterizaci%C3%B3n y estado actual y el link del geoservicio web Atlas de Pastos Marinos realizado para el 100%25 de la extensi%C3%B3n de los pastos marinos en el Caribe Colombiano.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Guajira, Punta San Bernardo y Choc%C3%B3. Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9HG79: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-03-10T13:04:45
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:11
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9HP47: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T06:10:35
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:04
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9HP47</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Ariza-Tello, Luis. L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez, %C3%81ngela. Fern%C3%A1ndez, Julio. V%C3%A1squez-Ruiz, Jaime. Barbosa-Camargo, Hern%C3%A1n. L%C3%B3pez, Tatiana. Sanclemente-Zea, Gloria.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Articulaci%C3%B3n del Subsistema de %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP) al plan de acci%C3%B3n del Sirap Pac%C3%ADfico</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2013</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>Conservaci%C3%B3n, SIRAP, SAMP, SINAP</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2013</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">84242349.xxxx</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">La presente publicaci%C3%B3n presenta los aspectos relevantes del proceso de dise%C3%B1o y establecimiento del Subsistema Nacional de %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP) desde la perspectiva del SIRAP del Pac%C3%ADfico Colombiano. En particular, destaca sus antecedentes, el conjunto de las propuestas y las acciones desarrolladas por el SIRAP Pac%C3%ADfico para su articulaci%C3%B3n con el SAMP, el desarrollo del Plan de Acci%C3%B3n del SIRAP Pac%C3%ADfico, y las perspectivas del SAMP en el SIRAP Pac%C3%ADfico.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9HP47</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Ariza-Tello, Luis. L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez, %C3%81ngela. Fern%C3%A1ndez, Julio. V%C3%A1squez-Ruiz, Jaime. Barbosa-Camargo, Hern%C3%A1n. L%C3%B3pez, Tatiana. Sanclemente-Zea, Gloria.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Articulaci%C3%B3n del Subsistema de %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP) al plan de acci%C3%B3n del Sirap Pac%C3%ADfico</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2013</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Conservaci%C3%B3n, SIRAP, SAMP, SINAP</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2013</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">84242349.xxxx</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">La presente publicaci%C3%B3n presenta los aspectos relevantes del proceso de dise%C3%B1o y establecimiento del Subsistema Nacional de %C3%81reas Marinas Protegidas (SAMP) desde la perspectiva del SIRAP del Pac%C3%ADfico Colombiano. En particular, destaca sus antecedentes, el conjunto de las propuestas y las acciones desarrolladas por el SIRAP Pac%C3%ADfico para su articulaci%C3%B3n con el SAMP, el desarrollo del Plan de Acci%C3%B3n del SIRAP Pac%C3%ADfico, y las perspectivas del SAMP en el SIRAP Pac%C3%ADfico.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Pac%C3%ADfico colombiano</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9HS3W: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T11:20:25
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:54
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9HS3W</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Guzm%C3%A1n, Wilmer. Posada, Blanca. Guzm%C3%A1n, Georgina.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Programa Nacional de Investigaci%C3%B3n para la prevenci%C3%B3n, mitigaci%C3%B3n y control de la erosi%C3%B3n costera en Colombia. PNIEC</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2009</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Plan de accion, erosi%C3%B3n costera, Litoral Colombiano.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2009</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-07-7</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente documento es un plan de acci%C3%B3n a 10 a%C3%B1os que a trav%C3%A9s de la investigaci%C3%B3n y el monitoreo, permita implementar las acciones de prevenci%C3%B3n, mitigaci%C3%B3n, control y recuperaci%C3%B3n, a corto y mediano plazo en aquellas %C3%A1reas afectadas por los procesos erosivos y al largo plazo que cubran todo el litoral colombiano. &#13;%0AEste Plan de Acci%C3%B3n Nacional pretende mejorar el conocimiento, reducir las vulnerabilidades y establecer medidas de adaptaci%C3%B3n ante los efectos de la erosi%C3%B3n costera considerado dentro de la PNAOCI y la estrategia para consolidar la ejecuci%C3%B3n del Plan Nacional para la prevenci%C3%B3n y atenci%C3%B3n de desastres PNPAD- en el corto y mediano plazo, requieren contar con la informaci%C3%B3n y los conocimientos adecuados sobre los riesgos por erosi%C3%B3n sobre las costas colombianas, junto con las propuestas para su prevenci%C3%B3n y manejo, que har%C3%A1n parte del Plan de acci%C3%B3n que aqu%C3%AD se propone.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Zona costera colombiana</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9HS3W</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Guzm%C3%A1n, Wilmer. Posada, Blanca. Guzm%C3%A1n, Georgina.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Programa Nacional de Investigaci%C3%B3n para la prevenci%C3%B3n, mitigaci%C3%B3n y control de la erosi%C3%B3n costera en Colombia. PNIEC</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2009</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Plan de accion, erosi%C3%B3n costera, Litoral Colombiano.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2009</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-07-7</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El presente documento es un plan de acci%C3%B3n a 10 a%C3%B1os que a trav%C3%A9s de la investigaci%C3%B3n y el monitoreo, permita implementar las acciones de prevenci%C3%B3n, mitigaci%C3%B3n, control y recuperaci%C3%B3n, a corto y mediano plazo en aquellas %C3%A1reas afectadas por los procesos erosivos y al largo plazo que cubran todo el litoral colombiano. &#13;%0AEste Plan de Acci%C3%B3n Nacional pretende mejorar el conocimiento, reducir las vulnerabilidades y establecer medidas de adaptaci%C3%B3n ante los efectos de la erosi%C3%B3n costera considerado dentro de la PNAOCI y la estrategia para consolidar la ejecuci%C3%B3n del Plan Nacional para la prevenci%C3%B3n y atenci%C3%B3n de desastres PNPAD- en el corto y mediano plazo, requieren contar con la informaci%C3%B3n y los conocimientos adecuados sobre los riesgos por erosi%C3%B3n sobre las costas colombianas, junto con las propuestas para su prevenci%C3%B3n y manejo, que har%C3%A1n parte del Plan de acci%C3%B3n que aqu%C3%AD se propone.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Zona costera colombiana</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9HS48: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-02-22T10:39:56
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:18
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9HW2J: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-01-26T11:32:29
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:54
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9J01H: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-23T12:25:33
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:02
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9J01H</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Arias-Isaza, Francisco. Garay-Tinoco, Jes%C3%BAs. Alonso-Carvajal, David. Espinosa-D%C3%ADaz, Luisa. Posada-Posada, Blanca. Sierra-Correa, Paula. Rueda-Hern%C3%A1ndez, Mario. Solano-Plazas, %C3%93scar. Romero-P%C3%A9rez, Arcesio. Roys-Z%C3%BA%C3%B1iga, Jos%C3%A9. Pinto-Berm%C3%BAdez, Jaime. Obando-D%C3%A1ez, Omar. Medina-Toro, Lu%C3%ADs. Brujes-Gonz%C3%A1lez, Mar%C3%ADa. Guevara-Fragoso, Jorge. Robles-Pinto Mailene. Fonseca-Lindao, Gregoria.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Atlas Marino Costero de la Guajira</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2012</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>zona marino costera, la guajira, atlas, MIZC</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2012</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-45-9</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El Atlas de la zona marino%C2%AD costera de la Guajira ha sido elaborado recopilando diferentes estudios e investigaciones cient%C3%ADficas que se han llevado a cabo entre finales del siglo XX y principios del XXI, y hace un intento por ilustrar en cartograf%C3%ADa aquellos aspectos marinos y costeros que no han sido presentados antes, en un %C3%A1rea denominada zona costera, comprendida entre la isobata de los 200 m mar afuera, hasta adentrarse dos kil%C3%B3metros en tierra detr%C3%A1s de los bosques de mangle, las playas y los centros urbanos costeros. Complementa la obra, que ha sido desarrollada para la parte continental de La Guajira, y brinda informaci%C3%B3n sobre los componentes: f%C3%ADsicos, de biodiversidad, socio%C2%ADcultural, econ%C3%B3micos y de manejo de las zonas costeras.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>La Guajira, Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9J01H</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Arias-Isaza, Francisco. Garay-Tinoco, Jes%C3%BAs. Alonso-Carvajal, David. Espinosa-D%C3%ADaz, Luisa. Posada-Posada, Blanca. Sierra-Correa, Paula. Rueda-Hern%C3%A1ndez, Mario. Solano-Plazas, %C3%93scar. Romero-P%C3%A9rez, Arcesio. Roys-Z%C3%BA%C3%B1iga, Jos%C3%A9. Pinto-Berm%C3%BAdez, Jaime. Obando-D%C3%A1ez, Omar. Medina-Toro, Lu%C3%ADs. Brujes-Gonz%C3%A1lez, Mar%C3%ADa. Guevara-Fragoso, Jorge. Robles-Pinto Mailene. Fonseca-Lindao, Gregoria.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Atlas Marino Costero de la Guajira</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2012</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>zona marino costera, la guajira, atlas, MIZC</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2012</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-45-9</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El Atlas de la zona marino%C2%AD costera de la Guajira ha sido elaborado recopilando diferentes estudios e investigaciones cient%C3%ADficas que se han llevado a cabo entre finales del siglo XX y principios del XXI, y hace un intento por ilustrar en cartograf%C3%ADa aquellos aspectos marinos y costeros que no han sido presentados antes, en un %C3%A1rea denominada zona costera, comprendida entre la isobata de los 200 m mar afuera, hasta adentrarse dos kil%C3%B3metros en tierra detr%C3%A1s de los bosques de mangle, las playas y los centros urbanos costeros. Complementa la obra, que ha sido desarrollada para la parte continental de La Guajira, y brinda informaci%C3%B3n sobre los componentes: f%C3%ADsicos, de biodiversidad, socio%C2%ADcultural, econ%C3%B3micos y de manejo de las zonas costeras.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>La Guajira, Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9J140: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-05-18T05:32:16
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:55
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9J305: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-09T06:15:25
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:47
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9J305</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Orobio-Riofr%C3%ADo, Bernardo.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Valoraci%C3%B3n de algunas pr%C3%A1cticas de conservaci%C3%B3n de la piangua (anadara tuberculosa) en la vereda baz%C3%A1n (el charco, nari%C3%B1o)mediante la articulaci%C3%B3n del saber tradicional y cient%C3%ADfico.</title></titles><publisher>Universidad del Valle- sede Pac%C3%ADfico- Facultad de Ciencias Programa Acad%C3%A9mico de Biolog%C3%ADa</publisher><publicationYear>2007</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras, biodiversidad, sostenibilidad, ecosistemas.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Issued">2007</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El objetivo de esta investigaci%C3%B3n fu%C3%A9 valorar algunas pr%C3%A1cticas locales del manejo del recurso hidrobiol%C3%B3gico %E2%80%9Cpiangua%E2%80%9D, llevadas a cabo por las comunidades piang%C3%BCeras en la vereda Baz%C3%A1n (El Charco, Nari%C3%B1o) a trav%C3%A9s de la complementariedad entre el saber tradicional y el conocimiento cient%C3%ADfico, buscando la conservaci%C3%B3n y sostenibilidad del recurso, debido su condici%C3%B3n de amenaza por la sobreexplotaci%C3%B3n a la que est%C3%A1 siendo sometido y la afectaci%C3%B3n econ%C3%B3mica de numerosas familias que derivan su sustento de esta labor. Los factores que permitieron esa valoraci%C3%B3n fueron la diferencia de abundancias relativas y la longitud media final. As%C3%AD mismo es importante resaltar que pese a que la investigaci%C3%B3n se concentraba en la poblaci%C3%B3n de A. tuberculosa, durante el proyecto se tomaron tambi%C3%A9n datos biol%C3%B3gicos y ecol%C3%B3gicos de A. similis, debido a que sus ejemplares eran frecuentes en las colectas.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Vereda Baz%C3%A1n, el Charco, departamento de Nari%C3%B1o.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9J305</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Orobio-Riofr%C3%ADo, Bernardo.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Valoraci%C3%B3n de algunas pr%C3%A1cticas de conservaci%C3%B3n de la piangua (anadara tuberculosa) en la vereda baz%C3%A1n (el charco, nari%C3%B1o)mediante la articulaci%C3%B3n del saber tradicional y cient%C3%ADfico.</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>Universidad del Valle- sede Pac%C3%ADfico- Facultad de Ciencias Programa Acad%C3%A9mico de Biolog%C3%ADa</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2007</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Manejo integrado de zonas costeras, biodiversidad, sostenibilidad, ecosistemas.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Issued">2007</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El objetivo de esta investigaci%C3%B3n fu%C3%A9 valorar algunas pr%C3%A1cticas locales del manejo del recurso hidrobiol%C3%B3gico %E2%80%9Cpiangua%E2%80%9D, llevadas a cabo por las comunidades piang%C3%BCeras en la vereda Baz%C3%A1n (El Charco, Nari%C3%B1o) a trav%C3%A9s de la complementariedad entre el saber tradicional y el conocimiento cient%C3%ADfico, buscando la conservaci%C3%B3n y sostenibilidad del recurso, debido su condici%C3%B3n de amenaza por la sobreexplotaci%C3%B3n a la que est%C3%A1 siendo sometido y la afectaci%C3%B3n econ%C3%B3mica de numerosas familias que derivan su sustento de esta labor. Los factores que permitieron esa valoraci%C3%B3n fueron la diferencia de abundancias relativas y la longitud media final. As%C3%AD mismo es importante resaltar que pese a que la investigaci%C3%B3n se concentraba en la poblaci%C3%B3n de A. tuberculosa, durante el proyecto se tomaron tambi%C3%A9n datos biol%C3%B3gicos y ecol%C3%B3gicos de A. similis, debido a que sus ejemplares eran frecuentes en las colectas.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Vereda Baz%C3%A1n, el Charco, departamento de Nari%C3%B1o.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9J41W: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2017-07-13T12:19:53
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:25
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9J428: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-05T04:45:53
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:02
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9J71X: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T12:07:19
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:45
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9JC7K: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-27T07:47:25
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:39
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9JC7K</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Albis-Salas, Margarita Rosa.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Estructura y producci%C3%B3n primaria de las praderas de Thalassia Testudinum (Banks ex Konig, 1805) en la Guajira, caribe colombiano</title></titles><publisher>Universidad Nacional, Facultad de Ciencias.</publisher><publicationYear>2006</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>thalassia testudinum, estructura, producci%C3%B3n primaria, guajira, caribe colombiano, condiciones ambientales</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="DataManager"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2006</date></dates><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR. Universidad Nacional, Facultad de Ciencias.</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Este estudio est%C3%A1 enmarcado dentro del proyecto general entre el Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras INVEMAR y la Corporaci%C3%B3n Aut%C3%B3noma Regional de La Guajira CORPOGUAJIRA, %E2%80%9CCaracterizaci%C3%B3n biof%C3%ADsica de la zona costera del departamento de La Guajira: una aproximaci%C3%B3n para su manejo integrado%E2%80%9D, en el cual se busca promover el manejo sostenible de los ecosistemas presentes en la zona costera de La Guajira en base a un conocimiento del componente f%C3%ADsico y la biodiversidad de los ecosistemas. En el componente de faner%C3%B3gamas marinas, se busca implementar una l%C3%ADnea base sobre la estructura, producci%C3%B3n primaria y fauna asociada de las praderas de faner%C3%B3gamas marinas abarcando las diferentes %C3%A9pocas clim%C3%A1ticas del a%C3%B1o. En el presente trabajo se estudia la estructura y la producci%C3%B3n primaria de las praderas de T. testudinum en %C3%A9poca seca mayor, analiz%C3%A1ndose el efecto que tienen sobre las variables biol%C3%B3gicas los factores ambientales m%C3%A1s importantes para el desarrollo de las praderas de pastos marinos tales como la salinidad, la temperatura, la profundidad, los sedimentos y la luz. As%C3%AD mismo, se eval%C3%BAan las relaciones entre las estaciones para analizar el comportamiento general de las praderas de faner%C3%B3gamas en la plataforma continental de la pen%C3%ADnsula de La Guajira.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9JC7K</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Albis-Salas, Margarita Rosa.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Estructura y producci%C3%B3n primaria de las praderas de Thalassia Testudinum (Banks ex Konig, 1805) en la Guajira, caribe colombiano</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>Universidad Nacional, Facultad de Ciencias.</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2006</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>thalassia testudinum, estructura, producci%C3%B3n primaria, guajira, caribe colombiano, condiciones ambientales</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="DataManager">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2006</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR. Universidad Nacional, Facultad de Ciencias.</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">Este estudio est%C3%A1 enmarcado dentro del proyecto general entre el Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras INVEMAR y la Corporaci%C3%B3n Aut%C3%B3noma Regional de La Guajira CORPOGUAJIRA, %E2%80%9CCaracterizaci%C3%B3n biof%C3%ADsica de la zona costera del departamento de La Guajira: una aproximaci%C3%B3n para su manejo integrado%E2%80%9D, en el cual se busca promover el manejo sostenible de los ecosistemas presentes en la zona costera de La Guajira en base a un conocimiento del componente f%C3%ADsico y la biodiversidad de los ecosistemas. En el componente de faner%C3%B3gamas marinas, se busca implementar una l%C3%ADnea base sobre la estructura, producci%C3%B3n primaria y fauna asociada de las praderas de faner%C3%B3gamas marinas abarcando las diferentes %C3%A9pocas clim%C3%A1ticas del a%C3%B1o. En el presente trabajo se estudia la estructura y la producci%C3%B3n primaria de las praderas de T. testudinum en %C3%A9poca seca mayor, analiz%C3%A1ndose el efecto que tienen sobre las variables biol%C3%B3gicas los factores ambientales m%C3%A1s importantes para el desarrollo de las praderas de pastos marinos tales como la salinidad, la temperatura, la profundidad, los sedimentos y la luz. As%C3%AD mismo, se eval%C3%BAan las relaciones entre las estaciones para analizar el comportamiento general de las praderas de faner%C3%B3gamas en la plataforma continental de la pen%C3%ADnsula de La Guajira.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Departamento de la Guajira, caribe colombiano.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9JD9P: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T07:40:57
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:53
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9JG67: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-25T11:39:26
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:36
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9JP4J: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T15:31:09
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:31
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9JP4J</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Zamora-Bornachera, Anny Paola. L%C3%B3pez-Rodr%C3%ADguez, %C3%81ngela Cecilia. Sierra-Correa, Paula Cristina.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Gu%C3%ADa municipal para la incorporaci%C3%B3n de determinantes ambientales de zona costera en los planes de ordenamiento territorial municipios de San Antero y San Bernardo del Viento</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2011</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>determinantes ambientales, planificaci%C3%B3n, ordenamiento territorial, municipio, zona costera</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2011</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsReferencedBy">978-958-8448-41-1</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>INVEMAR, CVS</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">Esta gu%C3%ADa se constituye en una herramienta esencial para apoyar la gesti%C3%B3n ambiental municipal, dado que contiene orientaciones espec%C3%ADficas sobre el uso y aprovechamiento de los ecosistemas y recursos costeros y establece lineamientos para la articulaci%C3%B3n de acciones sobre el territorio acorde con el modelo general de ordenamiento territorial del pa%C3%ADs. Asimismo, plantea lineamientos y recomendaciones para la gesti%C3%B3n integral del riesgo, manejo de la erosi%C3%B3n costera y adaptaci%C3%B3n a los efectos del cambio clim%C3%A1tico.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>San Antero y San Bernardo del Viento</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
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< _target:
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doi:10.21239/V9JS36: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-24T08:19:31
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:44:03
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9JS36</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Vivas-Aguas, J. Segura, C.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Atlas de la Calidad de las Aguas Marinas y Costeras de Colombia 2003.</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2003</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Book</resourceType><subjects><subject>Hidrolog%C3%ADa, Calidad ambiental marina.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2003</date></dates><formats><format>zip</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El atlas proporciona una representaci%C3%B3n de la distribuci%C3%B3n espacio temporal de las principales variables fisicoqu%C3%ADmicas, as%C3%AD como los diferentes tipos de contaminantes qu%C3%ADmicos org%C3%A1nicos e inorg%C3%A1nicos, tambi%C3%A9n microbiol%C3%B3gicos, en forma cualitativa y cuantitativa en las %C3%A1reas marinas y costeras de los diferentes departamentos costeros de Colombia. Noviembre 2003.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Departamentos costeros de Colombia</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9JS36</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Vivas-Aguas, J. Segura, C.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Atlas de la Calidad de las Aguas Marinas y Costeras de Colombia 2003.</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2003</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Hidrolog%C3%ADa, Calidad ambiental marina.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Distributor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2003</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Book</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>zip</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El atlas proporciona una representaci%C3%B3n de la distribuci%C3%B3n espacio temporal de las principales variables fisicoqu%C3%ADmicas, as%C3%AD como los diferentes tipos de contaminantes qu%C3%ADmicos org%C3%A1nicos e inorg%C3%A1nicos, tambi%C3%A9n microbiol%C3%B3gicos, en forma cualitativa y cuantitativa en las %C3%A1reas marinas y costeras de los diferentes departamentos costeros de Colombia. Noviembre 2003.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Departamentos costeros de Colombia</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9K01T: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-23T09:59:38
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:48
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9K30G: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-08T07:07:04
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:42:56
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9K59K: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-11-05T12:57:42
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:35
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9K59K</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Zamora, Anny. Sierra-Correa, Paula.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Formulaci%C3%B3n del Plan de Manejo Integrado de la Unidad Ambiental Costera de la Vertiente Norte de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Caribe colombiano: zonificaci%C3%B3n ambiental y lineamientos de manejo</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2008</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</resourceType><subjects><subject>Plan de manejo integrado.</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Sponsor"><contributorName>INVEMAR, MAVDT.</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2008</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ARK" relationType="IsPartOf">ark:/81239/m9wk55</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El documento nos presenta el proceso de elaboraci%C3%B3n de la zonificaci%C3%B3n ambiental y la formulaci%C3%B3n de los lineamientos de manejo para el %C3%A1rea Costera de la Vertiente Norte de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Con estos resultados se provee la informaci%C3%B3n t%C3%A9cnica necesaria para la formulaci%C3%B3n del plan de manejo integrado de la UAC-VNSNSM, tendiente a la conservaci%C3%B3n y uso sostenible de los recursos naturales, en la medida que se conoce el estado actual de los recursos y el potencial de uso del %C3%A1rea.&#13;%0AAdicionalmente, como anexos se presenta el mapa de zonificaci%C3%B3n ambiental y la memoria del taller realizado con actores locales para la obtenci%C3%B3n de insumos de zonificaci%C3%B3n ambiental y lineamientos de manejo.</description></descriptions><geoLocations><geoLocation><geoLocationPlace>Magdalena, Sierra Nevada De Santa Marta, Caribe Colombiano.</geoLocationPlace></geoLocation></geoLocations></resource>
> _datacite: <ns0:resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="" xsi:schemaLocation="">%0A <ns0:identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9K59K</ns0:identifier>%0A <ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:creator>%0A <ns0:creatorName>Zamora, Anny. Sierra-Correa, Paula.</ns0:creatorName>%0A </ns0:creator>%0A </ns0:creators>%0A <ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:title>Formulaci%C3%B3n del Plan de Manejo Integrado de la Unidad Ambiental Costera de la Vertiente Norte de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Caribe colombiano: zonificaci%C3%B3n ambiental y lineamientos de manejo</ns0:title>%0A </ns0:titles>%0A <ns0:publisher>INVEMAR</ns0:publisher>%0A <ns0:publicationYear>2008</ns0:publicationYear>%0A <ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:subject>Plan de manejo integrado.</ns0:subject>%0A </ns0:subjects>%0A <ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:contributor contributorType="Sponsor">%0A <ns0:contributorName>INVEMAR, MAVDT.</ns0:contributorName>%0A </ns0:contributor>%0A </ns0:contributors>%0A <ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:date dateType="Created">2008</ns0:date>%0A </ns0:dates>%0A <ns0:resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Report</ns0:resourceType>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ARK" relationType="IsPartOf">ark:/81239/m9wk55</ns0:relatedIdentifier>%0A </ns0:relatedIdentifiers>%0A <ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:format>PDF</ns0:format>%0A </ns0:formats>%0A <ns0:version>1.0</ns0:version>%0A <ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:rights>CC BY NC, 4.0</ns0:rights>%0A </ns0:rightsList>%0A <ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:description descriptionType="Abstract">El documento nos presenta el proceso de elaboraci%C3%B3n de la zonificaci%C3%B3n ambiental y la formulaci%C3%B3n de los lineamientos de manejo para el %C3%A1rea Costera de la Vertiente Norte de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Con estos resultados se provee la informaci%C3%B3n t%C3%A9cnica necesaria para la formulaci%C3%B3n del plan de manejo integrado de la UAC-VNSNSM, tendiente a la conservaci%C3%B3n y uso sostenible de los recursos naturales, en la medida que se conoce el estado actual de los recursos y el potencial de uso del %C3%A1rea.&#13;%0AAdicionalmente, como anexos se presenta el mapa de zonificaci%C3%B3n ambiental y la memoria del taller realizado con actores locales para la obtenci%C3%B3n de insumos de zonificaci%C3%B3n ambiental y lineamientos de manejo.</ns0:description>%0A </ns0:descriptions>%0A <ns0:geoLocations>%0A <ns0:geoLocation>%0A <ns0:geoLocationPlace>Magdalena, Sierra Nevada De Santa Marta, Caribe Colombiano.</ns0:geoLocationPlace>%0A </ns0:geoLocation>%0A </ns0:geoLocations>%0A</ns0:resource>
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9K72M: in EZID (public, exported), target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2018-03-02T11:43:14
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:37
< _target:
> _target:
doi:10.21239/V9K887: in EZID (public, exported), metadata mismatch, target URL mismatch in Handle System
< _created: 2016-10-26T15:26:48
< _updated: 2020-05-27T09:43:41
< _datacite: <resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21239/V9K887</identifier><creators><creator><creatorName>Rodr%C3%ADguez, Alfredo. Rueda, Mario. G%C3%B3mez-Le%C3%B3n, Javier. Ort%C3%ADz, Erika. Reyes, Francisco. Viloria, Efrain. Santos-Acevedo, Marisol. L%C3%B3pez, Johann. Borrero, Giomar.</creatorName></creator></creators><titles><title>Elementos t%C3%A9cnicos y generaci%C3%B3n de capacidad para el ordenamiento y manejo de los espacios y recursos marinos, costeros e insulares de Colombia. C%C3%B3digo: ACT-VAR-001-013. Informe t%C3%A9cnico final. Componente 4: Caracterizar poblaciones de pepino de mar</title></titles><publisher>INVEMAR</publisher><publicationYear>2013</publicationYear><resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Dataset">Dataset</resourceType><subjects><subject>oblaciones, pepino de mar, muestreo, an%C3%A1lisis</subject></subjects><contributors><contributor contributorType="Distributor"><contributorName>INVEMAR</contributorName></contributor></contributors><dates><date dateType="Created">2013</date></dates><relatedIdentifiers><relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="DOI" relationType="IsContinuedBy">10.21239/V9FK5Z</relatedIdentifier></relatedIdentifiers><formats><format>PDF</format></formats><version>1.0</version><rightsList><rights>Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras- Jos%C3%A9 Benito Vives de Andr%C3%A9is- INVEMAR</rights></rightsList><descriptions><description descriptionType="Abstract">El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el estado actual de las poblaciones de pepino de mar en t%C3%A9rminos de distribuci%C3%B3n y abundancia mediante una prospecci%C3%B3n directa, as%C3%AD como de caracterizar el aprovechamiento ejercido por la pesca artesanal a trav%C3%A9s de la toma de informaci%C3%B3n primaria (encuestas) sobre aspectos biol%C3%B3gico-pesqueros, tecnol%C3%B3gicos y socio-econ%C3%B3micos, como una estrategia para generar elementos t%C3%A9cnicos y cient%C3%ADficos para el manejo y conservaci%C3%B3n de este importante recurso en Colombia. Para el cumplimiento de los
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