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Last active August 20, 2018 19:58
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DataONE Metrics Service implementation

Setup and Operation of Elasticsearch Event Index

Architecture of the Metrics Service


Log events travel a long path to get into the elasticsearch index:

  1. MN or CN event
  2. Log aggregation process running on a CN collects event
  3. Log aggregation processes event, augmenting and pushing into solr
  4. Python script copies events from solr index to log files on disk
  5. Filebeat watches log files, sends entries to logstash
  6. Logstash adjusts the event for elasticsearch and inserts to elasticsearch index
  7. Python script computes sessions and adds to elasticsearch
  8. Events are aggregated to produce reports

Step 4. Form of log events

Log events are pulled from the solr event core and placed into a text log file. Each event is serialized as a json object, and occupies one line of the log file.

Pulling events from solr event core:

# test to see how many event will be pulled -f /var/log/dataone/logagg_mirror/d1logagg.log -l -l -t

# retrieve the events and place them in the log file. Log files are rotated at about 1GB -f /var/log/dataone/logagg_mirror/d1logagg.log -l -l

Example of a single event log line (rendered on multiple lines for readability):

  "_version_": 1594950652431171600,
  "versionCompliance": "v1",                                   // API version
  "id": "urn:node:mnTestNCEI.505187",                          // ID for this event
  "entryId": "505187",                                         // ID for event provided by MN
  "nodeId": "urn:node:mnTestNCEI",                             // Node identifier for event origin
  "pid": "urn:uuid:6a5d440f-9fb5-4dae-9b3e-fd36b76f0b4f",      // Object for which event is associated
  "formatType": "METADATA",                                    // The format type of the object
  "formatId": "eml://",            // The formatId of the object
  "dateLogged": "2018-03-13T19:49:38.416Z",                    // When the event was logged
  "dateAggregated": "2018-03-14T21:37:52.547Z",                // When the even was harvested
  "dateUpdated": "1900-01-01T00:00:00Z",                       // ?
  "event": "read",                                             // The type of event
  "ipAddress": "",                                // Client that triggered the event
  "isRepeatVisit": false,                                      //
  "inPartialRobotList": true,                                  //
  "inFullRobotList": true,                                     //
  "isPublic": false,                                           // Unused, always false
  "size": 5483,                                                // size of the object in bytes
  "rightsHolder": "CN=arctic-data-admins,DC=dataone,DC=org",   // Rights holder of the object
  "subject": "CN=urn:node:cnStageUCSB1,DC=dataone,DC=org",     // Identity of client that triggered event
  "readPermission": [                                          // Who can directly read the event == object changePermission
  "userAgent": "Apache-HttpClient/4.3.6 (java 1.5)",           // User Agent of client that triggered event
  "location": "34.4329, -119.8371",                            // Location of event, from IP address
  "country": "United States",                                  // Location details
  "region": "California",
  "city": "Santa Barbara",
  "geohash_1": "9",                                            // Geohashes of location, at different resolutions
  "geohash_2": "9q",
  "geohash_3": "9q4",
  "geohash_4": "9q4g",
  "geohash_5": "9q4gc",
  "geohash_6": "9q4gch",
  "geohash_7": "9q4gch3",
  "geohash_8": "9q4gch36",
  "geohash_9": "9q4gch361"

Note that the geolocation information is discarded later during ingest to elastic search by logstash.

Step 5. Filebeat

File beat watches log files on the CNs and ships changes to logstash. Filebeat is fairly smart and will balance the rate of sending with the receiver's backlog. We use the non-standard port of 5705 since it is open between the firewalls at the UNM, UTK, and UCSB locations.

- input_type: log
  paths: /var/log/dataone/logagg_mirror/d1logagg.log

name: "eventlog"                                         # This is name of each event sent to logstash

  env: "production"                                      # Statically set the value of the "env" field

  hosts: [""]
  bulk_max_size: 2048


To reset the filebeat starting point, stop filebeat, then delete /var/lib/filebeat/registry and meta.json before restarting.

Step 6. Logstash Processing

Logstash documentation:

Logstash configuration files: /etc/logstash/conf.d

Eventlog logstash pipeline:

input {
  beats {
    port => 5705
filter {
  if [beat][name] == "eventlog" {
    json {
      # remove the message property since this is duplicate information
      source => "message"
      remove_field => ["message"]
    date {
      #set the timestamp of the event to be the dateLogged
      match => ["dateLogged","ISO8601"]
      target => "@timestamp"
    mutate {
      id => "clean_record"
      remove_field => ["location","country","region","city","geohash_1","geohash_2","geohash_3","geohash_4","geohash_5","geohash_6","geohash_7","geohash_8","geohash_9","inFullRobotList","inPartialRobotList","isPublic"]
    geoip {
      # Georeference the IP address
      source => "ipAddress"
      tag_on_failure => ["_geoip_lookup_failure"]
    cidr {
      # Tag if IP is from a DataONE address
      id => "D1IP"
      address => [ "%{ipAddress}" ]
      network_path => "/etc/dataone/metrics/dataone_ips.txt"
      refresh_interval => 600
      add_tag => [ "dataone_ip", "ignore_ip" ]
    cidr {
      # Tag if IP is in the known Robot IP list
      id => "ROBOTIP"
      address => [ "%{ipAddress}" ]
      network_path => "/etc/dataone/metrics/robot_ips.txt"
      refresh_interval => 600
      add_tag => [ "robot_ip", "ignore_ip" ]
    grok {
      id => "grok_machine"
      match => { "userAgent" => "^ruby$|AddThis|aria2\/\d|CakePHP|ColdFusion|curl\/|^\%?default\%?$|Dispatch\/\d|EBSCO\sEJS\sContent\sServer|Fetch(\s|\+)API(\s|\+)Request|geturl|gvfs\/|HttpComponents\/1.1|http.?client|Indy Library|^java\/\d{1,2}.\d|libcurl|libhttp|libwww|lwp|Microsoft(\s|\+)URL(\s|\+)Control|Microsoft Office Existence Discovery|ng\/2\.|no_user_agent||PHP\/|PycURL|python|rss|^undefined$|^unknown$|URL2File|urllib|Wget|wordpress" }
      add_tag => [ "machine_ua" ]
      tag_on_failure => [ "_notmachineua" ]
    grok {
      # Huge regexp for matching User Agents with known robots list
      id => "grok_robot"
      match => { "userAgent" => "bot|spider|crawl|[^a]fish|^voyager\/|ADmantX|alexa|Alexandria(\s|\+)prototype(\s|\+)project|AllenTrack|almaden|appie|API[\+\s]scraper|Arachmo|architext|ArchiveTeam|arks|asterias|atomz|BDFetch|baidu|biglotron|BingPreview|binlar|Blackboard[\+\s]Safeassign|blaiz\-bee|bloglines|blogpulse|boitho\.com\-dc|bookmark\-manager|Brutus\/AET|BUbiNG|bwh3_user_agent|celestial|cfnetwork|checklink|checkprivacy|China\sLocal\sBrowse\s2\.6|cloakDetect|coccoc\/1\.0||com\.plumanalytics|combine|contentmatch|ContentSmartz|convera|core|CoverScout|cursor|custo|DataCha0s\/2\.0|daumoa|DeuSu\/|Docoloc|docomo|DSurf|DTS Agent|easydl|EmailSiphon|EmailWolf|Embedly|EThOS\+\(British\+Library\)|facebookexternalhit\/|feedburner|FeedFetcher|feedreader|ferret|findlinks|Fulltext|Funnelback|G-i-g-a-b-o-t|Goldfire(\s|\+)Server|google|Grammarly|grub|gulliver|harvest|heritrix|holmes|htdig|htmlparser|HTTPFetcher|httrack|ia_archiver|ichiro|iktomi|ilse|^integrity\/\d|internetseer|intute|iSiloX|iskanie|jeeves|jobo|kyluka|larbin|lilina|link.?check|LinkLint-checkonly|^LinkParser\/|^LinkSaver\/|linkscan|LinkTiger|linkwalker|lipperhey|livejournal\.com|LOCKSS|ltx71|lycos[\_\+]||mediapartners\-google|megite|MetaURI[\+\s]API\/\d\.\d|mimas|mnogosearch|moget|motor|MuscatFerre|myweb|nagios|^NetAnts\/\d|netcraft|netluchs|Ning|nomad|nutch|^oaDOI$|ocelli|Offline(\s|\+)Navigator|onetszukaj|OurBrowser|panscient|parsijoo|EasyBib[\+\s]AutoCite[\+\s]|perman|pioneer|playmusic\.com|playstarmusic\.com|^Postgenomic(\s|\+)v2|powermarks|proximic|Qwantify|Readpaper|redalert|Riddler|robozilla|scan4mail|scientificcommons|scirus|scooter|Scrapy\/\d|^scrutiny\/\d|SearchBloxIntra|shoutcast|SkypeUriPreview|slurp|sogou|speedy|Strider|summify|sunrise|Sysomos|T\-H\-U\-N\-D\-E\-R\-S\-T\-O\-N\-E|tailrank|Teleport(\s|\+)Pro|Teoma|titan|^Traackr\.com$|Trove|twiceler|ucsd|ultraseek|urlaliasbuilder|validator|virus.detector|voila|^voltron$|voyager\/||Wanadoo|Web(\s|\+)Downloader|WebCloner|webcollage|WebCopier|Webinator|weblayers|Webmetrics|webmirror|webmon|webreaper|WebStripper|WebZIP|worm||WWW\-Mechanize|xenu|y!j|yacy|yahoo|yandex|zeus|zyborg" }
      add_tag => [ "robot_ua" ]
      tag_on_failure => [ "_notrobotua" ]
    mutate {
      id => "post_grok"
      remove_tag => ["_notrobotua", "_notmachineua"]
output {
  #output to the local elasticsearch instance
  if [beat][name] == "eventlog" {
      elasticsearch {
        hosts => [""]
        index => "eventlog-0"

The configuration references two external files listing the DataONE and known robot IPs, and includes grok pattern that are generated from:


by OR'ing the elements together into a single regular expression.

After importing by logstash, records will be georeferenced where possible, with the results appearing in the geoip field.

If the requesting IP is a DataONE CN or MN, then the tags dataone_ip and ignore_ip are set.

if the requesting IP is a known robot IP address, then the tags robot_ip and ignore_ip are set.

If the UserAgent of the requesting client matches an entry from the "Machines" list, then the record is tagged with machine_ua.

If the UserAgent of the requesting client matches an entry from the "Robots" list, then the record is tagged with robot_ua.

Templates for the index.

Index templates are described at:

Template for eventlog* documents:

PUT _template/template_eventlog
  "index_patterns": ["eventlog*"],
  "settings": {
    "number_of_shards": "1"
  "mappings": {
    "doc": {
      "properties": {
        "event_type": {"type":"keyword"},
        "versionCompliance": {"type":"keyword"},
        "entryId":  {"type":"text"},
        "id": {"type":"text"},
        "nodeId": {"type":"keyword"},
        "pid":{"type":"text", "fields":{"key":{"type":"keyword"}}}
        "formatType": {"type":"keyword"},
        "formatId": {"type":"text", "fields":{"key":{"type":"keyword"}}},
        "size": {"type":"long"},
        "event": {"type":"text", "fields":{"key":{"type":"keyword"}}},
        "ipAddress": {"type":"ip"},
        "dateLogged": {"type":"date"},
        "dateUpdated": {"type":"date"},
        "dateAggregated": {"type":"date"},
        "userAgent": {"type":"text"},
        "rightsHolder": {"type":"text", "fields":{"key":{"type":"keyword"}}},
        "subject": {"type":"text", "fields":{"key":{"type":"keyword"}}},
        "readPermission":  {"type":"keyword"},
        "sessionId": {"type":"long"}

Note that the sessionId property is not present in eventlog entries until after Step 7 where sessions are calculated.

Step 7. Computing Sessions


Example Operations

The following provides example queries that may be exectued using the kibana interface (or using curl from the commandline).

Show everything query

Query everything in the eventlog index:

GET /eventlog-*/_search

Any event records

Event records are identified with the property

GET /eventlog-*/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "term": {"": "eventlog"}

Production environment read event records

Filebeat adds the env field static value when reading the log files on the server:

GET /eventlog-*/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "term": {"": "eventlog"}
          "term": {"fields.env": "production"}
          "term": {"event.key": "read"}

Production metadata read event records with sessionId

After sessions are computed, each record will have a sessionId associated with it. Metadata read events are considered to be views of the record:

GET /eventlog-*/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "term": {"": "eventlog"}
          "term": {"fields.env": "production"}
          "term": {"event.key": "read"}
          "term": {"formatType": "METADATA"}
          "exists": {"field": "sessionId"}

Get events from month

Get events from the month of May 2018 using date range query <daterangequery>_:

GET /eventlog-*/_search
  "query": {
    "range": {
      "dateLogged": {
        "gte": "2018-05-01||/M",
        "lt": "2018-06-01||/M"

Get total read events for each PID for the month of May 2018. This requires paging of the results. To do so, start with:

GET /eventlog-*/_search
  "query": {
        "range": {
        "dateLogged": {
          "gte": "2018-05-01||/M",
          "lt": "2018-06-01||/M"
  "track_total_hits": false,
    "pid_list": {
      "composite": {
        "size": 10000,
        "sources": [
          { "pid": { "terms": {"field":"pid.key"}}}

then for the next page of 10,000, use the pid of the last item retrieved for the after parameter:

GET /eventlog-*/_search
  "query": {
        "range": {
        "dateLogged": {
          "gte": "2018-05-01||/M",
          "lt": "2018-06-01||/M"
  "track_total_hits": false,
    "pid_list": {
      "composite": {
        "size": 10000,
        "sources": [
          { "pid": { "terms": {"field":"pid.key"}}}

where 88ba351b2833f4fd12514ac1fdf8d4c1 is the pid value of the last entry in the previous page.

Get metrics for a PID grouped by metric type, month, and year:

GET /eventlog-0/_search
  "query": {
          "term": {
            "pid.key": "cbfs.127.22"
  "size": 0,
  "aggs": {
    "group_by_metric" :{
      "terms": {
        "field": "metric_type.key"
      "aggs": {
        "group_by_month": {
          "date_histogram": {
            "field": "dateLogged",
            "interval": "month"
          "aggs": {
            "group_by_day": {
              "date_histogram": {
                "field": "dateLogged",


Not that the above does not work yet because there's no metric_type in the index (will be after re-processing) and the current events are only for a month of activity. Instead the below shows similar structure, except aggregating at month and day levels:

GET /eventlog-*/_search
  "query": {
          "term": {
            "pid.key": "cbfs.127.22"
  "size": 0,
  "aggs": {
    "group_by_month": {
      "date_histogram": {
        "field": "dateLogged",
        "interval": "month"
      "aggs": {
        "group_by_day": {
          "date_histogram": {
            "field": "dateLogged",
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